src/hg/instinct/bioInt2/ 1.4
1.4 2009/03/29 01:40:42 jsanborn
added to UI code
Index: src/hg/instinct/bioInt2/
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/instinct/bioInt2/,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.3 -r1.4
--- src/hg/instinct/bioInt2/ 22 Mar 2009 01:07:28 -0000 1.3
+++ src/hg/instinct/bioInt2/ 29 Mar 2009 01:40:42 -0000 1.4
@@ -1,175 +1,190 @@
table pathways
"Pathway List"
uint id; "Unique id"
string name; "Pathway name"
string source; "Pathway Source, i.e. KEGG, BioCarta"
table pathwayGenes
"Pathway Genes"
uint id; "Unique id"
uint gene_id; "Gene id"
table pathwayInfo
"Pathway Information"
uint id; "Unique id"
lstring description; "Description of pathway"
table tissues
"All available issues"
uint id; "Unique id"
string name; "Tissue Type"
table dataTypes
"All available data types"
uint id; "Unique id"
string format; "Data Format"
string name; "Data type"
table datasets
"All available datasets"
uint id; "Unique Id"
uint tissue_id; "Numeric id denoting tissue type"
uint type_id; "Type of genomics data"
uint num_samples; "Number of samples in study"
string name; "Dataset name"
string data_table; "Array Data tablename"
string probe_table; "Probe tablename"
string probe_to_gene_table; "Probe to gene tablename"
table cohorts
"All cohorts"
uint id; "Cohort Id"
string name; "Cohort name"
table datasetCohort
"Dataset cohort lookup"
uint dataset_id; "Dataset Id"
uint cohort_id; "Cohort Id"
table geneLookup
"Lookup table linking knownGene"
uint id; "Unique Id"
string kgId; "Known Gene Id"
table probeInfo
"Probe Information"
uint id; "Unique Id"
string chrom; "Chromosome"
uint start; "Start Base"
uint stop; "Stop Base"
string name; "Probe Name"
table probeToGene
"Lookup table linking probe id and gene id"
uint probe_id; "Probe Id"
uint gene_id; "Gene Id"
table probeSampleVal
"Probe values for single sample"
uint probe_id; "Probe Id"
uint sample_id; "Sample Id"
float val; "Exp Value"
table probeVals
"Probe values for all samples"
uint probe_id; "Probe Id"
uint sample_count; "Sample Count"
float[sample_count] sample_data; "Sample Data"
table samples
"All sample info"
uint id; "Unique Id"
string name; "Sample Name"
uint patient_id; "Patient Id"
string patient_name; "Patient Name"
uint dataset_id; "Dataset Id"
uint exp_id; "Index in dataset -- for probeVals format"
uint tissue_id; "Tissue Type Id"
table features
"All Features"
uint id; "Unique Id"
string name; "Feature Name"
string shortLabel; "Short Label"
string longLabel; "Long Label"
table clinicalData
"All clinical data"
uint sample_id; "Sample Id"
uint feature_id; "Feature Id"
double val; "Value"
string code; "Coded Value"
table analyses
"All analyses run"
uint id; "Analysis id"
uint cohort_id; "Cohort Id"
uint module_id; "Module Id"
string result_table; "Table containing result"
lstring input_tables; "Comma-separated list of input tables"
table analysisModules
"All analysis modules"
uint id; "Module Id"
string name; "Module Name"
string type; "Module Type (gene, geneset, etc.)"
table analysisParams
"All analysis parameters"
uint analysis_id; "Analysis Id"
string name; "Parameter name"
string val; "Parameter val"
table analysisFeatures
"All analysis features"
uint id; "Feature Id"
string feature_name; "Feature Name"
table analysisVals
"All analysis vals"
uint sample_id; "Sample Id"
uint feature_id; "Analysis Feature Id"
float val; "Val"
float conf; "Confidence"
+table cohortCorr
+"Cohort Correlation tables"
+uint cohort_id; "Cohort Id"
+string result_table; "Result Table"
+table corrResults
+"Correlation results"
+uint feature_id1; "Feature Id1"
+uint feature_id2; "Feature Id2"
+float val; "Correlation Value"