src/utils/qa/copyExtSeqRows.csh 1.3

1.3 2009/03/21 00:29:25 rhead
Changed host hgwbeta to host hgofbeta.
Index: src/utils/qa/copyExtSeqRows.csh
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/utils/qa/copyExtSeqRows.csh,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.2 -r1.3
--- src/utils/qa/copyExtSeqRows.csh	23 Feb 2009 22:08:16 -0000	1.2
+++ src/utils/qa/copyExtSeqRows.csh	21 Mar 2009 00:29:25 -0000	1.3
@@ -1,522 +1,522 @@
 # Ann Zweig -- 2008 
 # This script copies rows from the extFile and seq tables
 # for a given database from hgwdev onto hgwbeta.
 # It attempts to handle all cases: a new track or a data update, and in 
 # the case of an update, the files can have the same or a new name. 
 set DEBUG=0 
 set db=''
 set dbs=''
 set filelist=''
 set files=''
 set type=''
 set run=''
 set numTables=''
 set case=0
 set fileEmpty=' '
 set seqRowsBeta=''
 set seqRowsDev=''
 set seqTable=''
 set fileAge=240
 set tableList=''
 set today=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`
 set listOfFiles='XXsetupFileListXX XXextFileDropFromBetaXX XXseqDropFromBetaXX XXextFileCopyFromDevXX XXseqCopyFromDevXX XXcaseXX XXseqTableXX'
 set extraFiles='XXextFileDropFromBetaRealXX'
 # usage statement
 if ( $#argv != 4 ) then
  echo " Automatically copies appropriate rows from the extFile and seq tables"
  echo " from hgwdev to hgwbeta.  (You may want to send an email to browser-qa"
  echo " telling them 'hands off' the extFile and seq tables for now.)"
  echo "    usage: db [file | fileList] [new | update] [setup | real]"
  echo " Accepts either one fileName or a file containing a list of fileNames."
  echo " Does not accept wildcards (* or %)."
  echo " Use entire path to file like so: /gbdb/db/.../fileName."
  echo " If this is a data update to a track, even if the file names are unique,"
  echo " run with 'update', else run with 'new'.\n"
  echo " This script must be run TWICE: first run with 'setup',"
  echo " then review the output, if it's OK, then run again with 'real'.\n"
  exit 1
  set db=$argv[1]
  set filelist=$argv[2]
  set type=$argv[3]
  set run=$argv[4]
 # run only from hgwdev
 if ( "hgwdev" != "$HOST" ) then
  echo "\n ERROR: you must run this script from hgwdev!\n"
  exit 1
 # check out all input parameters
 set dbs=`hgsql -e "SELECT name FROM dbDb" hgcentraltest | grep -w $db`
 if ( "$dbs" != $db ) then
  echo "\n ERROR: First argument must be a database that exists on dev & beta\n"
  exit 1
 if ( "new" != $type && "update" != $type ) then
  echo "\n ERROR: Third argument must specify if this is 'new' data or a data"
  echo " 'update'. If the track already exists, and these data will write"
  echo " over what's there (even if the old/new file names are different)"
  echo " choose 'update'.  Otherwise, choose 'new'.\n"
  exit 1
 if ( "setup" != $run && "real" != $run ) then
  echo "\n ERROR: Fourth argument must specify if this is a setup run or a real"
  echo " run. Run it for the first time as 'setup', then review the output."
  echo " If everything looks okay, run it again as 'real'.\n"
  exit 1
 # check to see if it is a single fileName or a fileList
 file $filelist | egrep "ASCII text" > /dev/null
 if (! $status) then
  set files=`cat $filelist`
  set files=$filelist
 # if this is a "real" run, we don't want to remove these files
 if ( 'setup' == $run ) then
  rm -f $listOfFiles
  # but we do want to remove this file in a "real" run
  rm -f XXsetupFileListXX
 # check to make sure the files they specified exist and the path contains 
 # the $db name.  In some cases, the file might exist in the hgFixed database.
 # NOTE: This is a potential problem in the rare case where 
 # the db name (or hgFixed) is *not* embedded in the file path.
 foreach oneFile ( $files )
  ls -l $oneFile | egrep "$db|hgFixed" > /dev/null
  if ( $status ) then
   echo "\n ERROR: one or more of the file name(s) you provided either doesn't"
   echo " exist or the file path doesn't contain the database name you"
   echo " provided. Are you sure you gave the correct file name and path?"
   echo "        Your database name: $db"
   echo "        Your bad file name: $oneFile\n"
   exit 1
   echo $oneFile >> XXsetupFileListXX
 if ( 'setup' == $run ) then
  # check that the fileName(s) end in either .maf, .fa or .fasta (very rare)
  foreach oneFile ( $files )
   ls $oneFile | egrep 'maf$|fa$|fasta$' > /dev/null
   if ( $status ) then
    echo "\n ERROR: one or more of the file(s) in your list are not of the"
    echo " expected type. Typical file types in the extFile table end in .maf"
    echo " or .fa (or somtimes .fasta)\n"
    echo "      Your bad file: $oneFile\n"
    exit 1
  # check hgwbeta to see if the extFile row(s) exist there
  # if this is a data UPDATE, make file containing lists of what will be
  # dropped from hgwbeta for users review.
  # if the file is empty, then that means this must be NEW data.
  foreach oneFile ( $files )
-  hgsql -h hgwbeta -Ne "SELECT * FROM extFile WHERE path = '$oneFile'" $db \
+  hgsql -h hgofbeta -Ne "SELECT * FROM extFile WHERE path = '$oneFile'" $db \
    >> XXextFileDropFromBetaXX 
  # check to make sure that they chose correctly between 'new' and 'update'
  if ( 'new' == $type ) then
   set numRows=`cat XXextFileDropFromBetaXX | wc -l`
   if ( 0 != $numRows ) then
    echo "\n ERROR: Although you set the third argument to 'new' (not 'update')"
    echo " this doesn't appear to be a new track. There are $numRows entries"
    echo " in the extFile table on hgwbeta for this track.  Please"
    echo " double-check. If the track already exists on hgwbeta, (even if"
    echo " the old/new file names are different) run the script again,"
    echo " but choose 'update' (instead of 'new')."
    exit 1
  # get of row(s) from extFile on hgwbeta
  set extFileId=`cat XXextFileDropFromBetaXX | awk '{print $1}'`
  # it is possible (even common) for there to be no seq table
- set seqTable=`hgsql -h hgwbeta -Ne "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'seq'" $db`
+ set seqTable=`hgsql -h hgofbeta -Ne "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'seq'" $db`
  if ( "" == $seqTable ) then
   set seqTable=0
   echo "0" > XXseqTableXX
   set seqTable=1
   echo "1" > XXseqTableXX
  # create file of row(s) from seq on hgwbeta (if there is a seq table)
  if ( 1 == $seqTable ) then
   foreach id ( "$extFileId" )
-   hgsql -h hgwbeta -Ne "SELECT * FROM seq WHERE extFile = '$id'" $db \
+   hgsql -h hgofbeta -Ne "SELECT * FROM seq WHERE extFile = '$id'" $db \
     >> XXseqDropFromBetaXX
   echo "empty" > XXseqDropFromBetaXX
  # see how many seq entries there are (it's possible that there are none)
  set seqRowsBeta=`cat XXseqDropFromBetaXX | grep -v 'empty' | wc -l`
  # there are two cases of UPDATE in which this track is replacing an 
  # existing track.:
  # Case I: the old and new file names are the same, or 
  # Case II: the old and new file names are different.
  # if the file is present but empty, then there were no rows in extFile on beta
  if ( 'update' == $type ) then
   set fileEmpty=`find XXextFileDropFromBetaXX -empty`
   if ( "" == "$fileEmpty" ) then
    set case=1
    echo "1" > XXcaseXX
    set case=2
    echo "2" > XXcaseXX
   echo "0" > XXcaseXX
  # create file of row(s) from extFile on hgwdev to copy to hgwbeta
  foreach oneFile ( $files )
   hgsql -Ne "SELECT * FROM extFile WHERE path = '$oneFile'" $db \
    >> XXextFileCopyFromDevXX
  # get of row(s) from extFile on hgwdev
  set extFileId=`cat XXextFileCopyFromDevXX | awk '{print $1}'`
  # create file of row(s) from seq on hgwdev to copy to hgwbeta
  # (if there is a seq table)
  if ( 1 == $seqTable ) then
   foreach id ( "$extFileId" )
    hgsql -Ne "SELECT * FROM seq WHERE extFile = '$id'" $db >> XXseqCopyFromDevXX
   echo "empty" > XXseqCopyFromDevXX
  # see how many seq entries there are (it's possible that there are none)
  set seqRowsDev=`cat XXseqCopyFromDevXX | grep -v 'empty' | wc -l`
  # display output for user's review
  echo "\nSUCCESS: The 'setup' run of this script has completed successfully!\n"
  echo " Now you must carefully review the output files.  If you determine that"
  echo " they are correct, run this script again, in the same directory, with"
  echo " the same parameters, substituting 'real' for 'setup'.\n"
  echo "1. Check these two files to see what the script proposes to copy"
  echo "  from the seq and extFile tables on hgwdev to those tables on hgwbeta"
  echo "  (these files are in the directory you ran this script in):\n"
  echo "     XXextFileCopyFromDevXX XXseqCopyFromDevXX\n"
  # if this is a data UPDATE, display list of what will be dropped:
  if ( "update" == $type ) then
   if ( 1 == "$case" ) then
    # Update Case I (file names the same)
    echo "2. Because the underlying data files have the same names on dev (new)"
    echo "  and beta (old) check the output files for a list of what the script"
    echo "  proposes to drop from hgwbeta (when you run it again with the 'real'"
    echo "  parameter). The files are in the directory you ran this script in:\n"
    echo "     XXextFileDropFromBetaXX XXseqDropFromBetaXX\n"
    # Update Case II (file names different)
    echo "2. Because the underlying data files have different names on dev (new)"
    echo "  than they do on beta (old), YOU MUST DROP the rows from the extFile"
    echo "  and seq tables on beta YOURSELF *before* you run this script again"
    echo "  with *real*. If you skip this step, you are going to have a BIG MESS!\n"
   echo "2. Given your input parameters, there is no step two!\n" 
  echo "3. It is possible (even common) for there to be no seq table at all."
  if ( 0 == $seqTable ) then
   echo "  For your database, there is no seq table on hgwbeta. Make sure"
   echo "  that makes sense to you before you run this script with 'real'."
   echo "  This script will work fine, even without a seq table.\n"
   echo "  For your database, there is a seq table on hgwbeta. Make sure that"
   echo "  makes sense to you before you run this script with 'real'.\n"
  echo "4. It is possible that although there are entries in the extFile table,"
  echo "  there are no corresponding entries in the seq table for this track"
  echo "  (or even, no seq table at all). In your run, the seq table on dev has"
  echo "  $seqRowsDev rows that correspond to this track, and the seq table on"
  echo "  beta has $seqRowsBeta rows corresponding to this track. Make sure"
  echo "  this makes sense to you.\n"
  echo "5. The file(s) that you used as an input parameter to this script"
  echo "  (whether it was a single file, or a fileList), should match the files"
  echo "  listed in this file: XXsetupFileListXX.\n"
  echo "6. As an additional sanity check, you could compare the number of"
  echo "  items in your input file(s) to the count from the seq table on dev"
  echo "  which is $seqRowsDev (this only works for .fasta and .fa files, not"
  echo "  .maf files). You should expect them to be the same. Do not simply"
  echo "  compare the row counts of your file(s) with the $seqRowsDev rows in"
  echo "  the seq table, you will have to grep your files for actual item"
  echo "  entires (quite often the items are preceeded by a '>')." 
  echo "    e.g. cat /gbdb/../../fileName | grep '>' | wc -l\n"
 if ( 'real' == $run ) then
  # make sure they actually ran the SETUP run (check for output)
  set filesInDir=`ls XX*`
  foreach file ( $listOfFiles )
   echo $filesInDir | grep -q $file
   if ( $status ) then
    echo "\n ERROR: can not find the files that should have been created by"
    echo " the *setup* run of this script.  Are you sure you already ran"
    echo " this script in 'setup' mode (from this directory)?\n"
    exit 1
  # make sure they ran the SETUP run *recently* (the past 4 hours) otherwise,
  # things could have changed and that would be a big mess.
  set recentFiles=`find . -type f -cmin -$fileAge`
  foreach file ( $listOfFiles )
   echo $recentFiles | grep -q $file
   if ( $status ) then
    echo "\n ERROR: the files needed to complete this 'real' run are too old."
    echo " Start over: run the script again in 'setup' mode and re-review"
    echo " the output then, run it again in 'real' mode.\n"   
    exit 1
  # if this is an 'update' run, find out if it's Case I or Case II
  # the XXcaseXX file is created during the 'setup' run and it
  # contains a value of 0 if this is not an update run (no Case).
  set case=`cat XXcaseXX`
  # Make sure the seq and extFile tables exist on beta (they 
  # shouldn't have come this far without them, but you never know).
  # The XXseqTableXX file contains a 0 if there is no seq table on beta
  set seqTable=`cat XXseqTableXX`
  if ( 0 == $seqTable ) then
   set tableList="extFile"
   set tableList="extFile seq"
  foreach table ( $tableList )
-  set numTables=`hgsql -h hgwbeta -Ne "SHOW TABLES LIKE '$table'" $db`
+  set numTables=`hgsql -h hgofbeta -Ne "SHOW TABLES LIKE '$table'" $db`
   if ( $numTables == '' ) then
    echo "\n ERROR: the $table table does not exist on hgwbeta."
    echo " You should create an empty $table table in the $db database"
    echo " on hgwbeta and start this script over from the beginning using"
    echo " the 'setup' parameter.\n"
    exit 1
  if ( 1 == $DEBUG ) then 
   echo "This is a DEBUG run, these things are not really going to happen:\n"
  # Make a backup of seq and extFile tables on hgwbeta.
  foreach table ( $tableList )
   if ( 0 == $DEBUG ) then
-   hgsql -h hgwbeta -e "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $table$today \
+   hgsql -h hgofbeta -e "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $table$today \
     SELECT * FROM $table" $db
    # DEBUG mode
-   echo "hgsql -h hgwbeta -e "'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '$table''$today' \
+   echo "hgsql -h hgofbeta -e "'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '$table''$today' \
     SELECT * FROM '$table''" $db\n"
  # drop this file if it exists (just in case they had difficulties, and
  # this is their second 'real' run)
  rm -f XXextFileDropFromBetaRealXX
  # Make sure the extFile table on beta hasn't changed since 'setup' was run.
  # If this is a Case II Update, we expect the table to have changed, so skip it.
  if ( 2 != $case ) then
   foreach oneFile ( $files )
-   hgsql -h hgwbeta -Ne 'SELECT * FROM extFile WHERE path = "'$oneFile'"' \
+   hgsql -h hgofbeta -Ne 'SELECT * FROM extFile WHERE path = "'$oneFile'"' \
     $db >> XXextFileDropFromBetaRealXX
   set numDiffs=`diff XXextFileDropFromBetaXX XXextFileDropFromBetaRealXX \
    | wc -l`
   if ( 0 != $numDiffs ) then
    echo "\nERROR: The extFile table in the $db database on hgwbeta has changed"
    echo "  since you ran this script in 'setup' mode. This is a problem. The"
    echo "  rest of this script will not work. You should spend some time"
    echo "  figuring out why/how this happened, fix it, then start this script"
    echo "  over using 'setup'.\n"
    exit 1
  # if this is a data UPDATE, Case I, drop rows from $db.seq and $db.extFile on hgwbeta. 
  # If this is a data UPDATE, Case II, assume they dropped the rows themself (as instructed)!
  if ( "update" == $type && 1 == $case ) then
   # Make sure there's something to drop (it's OK for the seq file to be empty)
   set fileEmpty=`find XXextFileDropFromBetaXX -empty`
   if ( "" != "$fileEmpty" ) then
    echo "\nERROR: the file containing the list of rows to drop from the extFile"
    echo "  table on beta is empty.  This is quite suspicious.  If this is"
    echo "  truly a data update, and the file names on dev are the same as the"
    echo "  file names on beta, then there is a big problem.  You should stop"
    echo "  now and try to figure out exactly what's going on.\n"
    exit 1 
    # Drop rows from hgwbeta: $db.extFile based on: XXextFileDropFromBetaXX
    # Get the list of id(s) of the rows to drop from the extFile table on beta
    set extFileId=`cat XXextFileDropFromBetaXX | awk '{print $1}'`
    if ( 0 == $DEBUG ) then
     foreach id ( $extFileId )
-     hgsql -h hgwbeta -e "DELETE FROM extFile WHERE id = '$id'" $db
+     hgsql -h hgofbeta -e "DELETE FROM extFile WHERE id = '$id'" $db
     # DEBUG mode
-    echo "hgsql -h hgwbeta -e "'DELETE FROM extFile WHERE id = '$extFileId''" \
+    echo "hgsql -h hgofbeta -e "'DELETE FROM extFile WHERE id = '$extFileId''" \
    # Drop rows from hgwbeta: $db.seq based on: XXseqDropFromBetaXX
    # First make sure the file isn't empty (it's OK if it is)
    set fileEmpty=`cat XXseqDropFromBetaXX | grep -v 'empty' | wc -l`
    if ( 0 != "$fileEmpty" ) then
     # Drop rows from hgwbeta $db.seq based on XXseqDropFromBetaXX
     # get the unique extFile column numbers from the file:
     set seqExtFile=`cat XXseqDropFromBetaXX | awk '{print $5}' | sort -u`
     foreach val ( $seqExtFile )
      if ( 0 == $DEBUG ) then
-      hgsql -h hgwbeta -e "DELETE FROM seq WHERE extFile = '$val'" $db
+      hgsql -h hgofbeta -e "DELETE FROM seq WHERE extFile = '$val'" $db
       # DEBUG mode
-      echo "hgsql -h hgwbeta -e "'DELETE FROM seq WHERE extFile = '$val''" $db\n"
+      echo "hgsql -h hgofbeta -e "'DELETE FROM seq WHERE extFile = '$val''" $db\n"
     end #foreach
  # do this for all instances: new data, update Case I, update Case II
  # load data into hgwbeta: $db.extFile based on: XXextFileCopyFromDevXX
  if ( 0 == $DEBUG ) then
-  hgsql -h hgwbeta -e 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "'XXextFileCopyFromDevXX'" \
+  hgsql -h hgofbeta -e 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "'XXextFileCopyFromDevXX'" \
    INTO TABLE extFile' $db
   # DEBUG mode
-  echo "hgsql -h hgwbeta -e "'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'XXextFileCopyFromDevXX' \
+  echo "hgsql -h hgofbeta -e "'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'XXextFileCopyFromDevXX' \
    INTO TABLE extFile'" $db\n"
  # load data into hgwbeta: $db.seq based on: XXseqCopyFromDevXX
  if ( 0 == $DEBUG ) then
-  hgsql -h hgwbeta -e 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "'XXseqCopyFromDevXX'" \
+  hgsql -h hgofbeta -e 'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "'XXseqCopyFromDevXX'" \
    INTO TABLE seq' $db
   # DEBUG mode
-  echo "hgsql -h hgwbeta -e "'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'XXseqCopyFromDevXX' \
+  echo "hgsql -h hgofbeta -e "'LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'XXseqCopyFromDevXX' \
    INTO TABLE seq'" $db\n"
  # display final information for user:
  echo "\nSUCCESS: The 'real' run of this script has completed successfully!"
  echo " Now there are some things you need to know and do.\n"
  if ( "update" == $type ) then
   if ( 1 == "$case" ) then
    # update Case I
    echo "1. Because this is a data update and the underlying data files on"
    echo "  hgwdev have the same name as they do on hgwbeta, the rows in the"
    echo "  extFile and seq tables on hgwbeta were dropped automatically by this"
    echo "  script. These two files contain a list of what was automatically"
    echo "  dropped from the extFile and seq tables on hgwbeta:\n"
    echo "     XXextFileDropFromBetaXX XXseqDropFromBetaXX\n"
    # update Case II
    echo "1. Because this is a data update and the underlying data files on"
    echo "  hgwdev have a different name than they do on hgwbeta, the script"
    echo "  assumed that you dropped the appropriate rows from extFile and seq"
    echo "  by hand.  If you did not do that before this real run of the"
    echo "  script, you probably have a BIG MESS to clean up!\n"
   # new data
   echo "1. Becuase this is new data, this script did not drop anything from"
   echo "  the extFile and seq tables on hgwbeta.\n"
  echo "2. This script loaded the appropriate set of rows into the extFile"
  echo "  and seq tables on hgwbeta.  You can check these two files if you are"
  echo "  interested in seeing exactly what rows were loaded:\n"
  echo "     rows loaded into $db.extFile on hgwbeta: XXextFileCopyFromDevXX"
  echo "     rows loaded into $db.seq on hgwbeta: XXseqCopyFromDevXX\n"
  echo "3. In case things seem terribly wrong, here is some pseudocode that"
  echo "  will help you delete the data that was automatically loaded into the"
  echo "  extFile and seq tables on hgwbeta. If all is well, do NOT do this!\n"
  echo '#drop rows from $db.extFile:'
  echo '# set extFileId to this: cat XXextFileCopyFromDevXX | awk {print $1}'
  echo '# foreach id in $extFileId'
- echo '#  hgsql -h hgwbeta -e DELETE FROM extFile WHERE id = $id $db'
+ echo '#  hgsql -h hgofbeta -e DELETE FROM extFile WHERE id = $id $db'
  echo '# end'
  echo '#drop rows from $db.seq:'
  echo '# set seqExtFile to this cat XXseqCopyFromDevXX | awk {print $5} | sort -u'
  echo '# foreach val in $seqExtFile'
- echo '#  hgsql -h hgwbeta -e DELETE FROM seq WHERE extFile = $val $db'
+ echo '#  hgsql -h hgofbeta -e DELETE FROM seq WHERE extFile = $val $db'
  echo '# end\n'
  if ( "update" == $type && 1 == "$case" ) then
    echo "4. This script only *copied* rows from the tables on dev to those on beta;"
    echo "  it did not remove them from the tables on dev.  If you determine that"
    echo "  the rows should be removed from the extFile and seq tables on dev,"
    echo "  you will need to do that yourself.  You will find a list of the rows"
    echo "  that can be removed in these two files:\n"
    echo "     XXextFileCopyFromDevXX    XXseqCopyFromDevXX\n"
    echo "4. Given your input parameters, there is no step four!\n"
  echo "5. Before any changes were made on hgwbeta, the extFile and seq tables"
  echo "  were backed up.  If you are sure that everything went fine, you"
  echo "  should delete them (from hgwbeta):\n"
  echo "     $db.seq$today;"
  echo "     $db.extFile$today;\n"
  echo "6. Many files were created during the running of this script."
  echo "  When you're ready to do a cleanup, here's a list of what can be"
  echo "  deleted (it is OK if not all of the files exist):\n"
  echo "     $listOfFiles $extraFiles\n"
 echo "\nthe end.\n"
 exit 0