src/hg/hgc/hgc.c 1.1548
1.1548 2009/06/04 20:15:07 angie
Added printSnp125CodingAnnotations, to display coding effects of SNPs from a table specified by a new trackDb setting (e.g. dbSNP's annotations).
Index: src/hg/hgc/hgc.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/hgc/hgc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1547
retrieving revision 1.1548
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.1547 -r1.1548
--- src/hg/hgc/hgc.c 28 May 2009 16:48:30 -0000 1.1547
+++ src/hg/hgc/hgc.c 4 Jun 2009 20:15:07 -0000 1.1548
@@ -75,8 +75,9 @@
#include "snp.h"
#include "snpMap.h"
#include "snpExceptions.h"
#include "snp125Exceptions.h"
+#include "snp125CodingCoordless.h"
#include "cnpIafrate.h"
#include "cnpIafrate2.h"
#include "cnpLocke.h"
#include "cnpSebat.h"
@@ -14841,8 +14842,30 @@
if (*pRefAA == '\0') *pRefAA = '*';
+static char *highlightCodonBase(char *codon, int offset)
+/* If codon is a triplet and offset is 0 to 2, highlight the base at the offset.
+ * Otherwise just return the given codon sequence unmodified.
+ * Don't free the return value! */
+static struct dyString *dy = NULL;
+if (dy == NULL)
+ dy = dyStringNew(0);
+if (strlen(codon) != 3)
+ dyStringAppend(dy, codon);
+else if (offset == 0)
+ dyStringPrintf(dy, "<B>%c</B>%c%c", codon[0], codon[1], codon[2]);
+else if (offset == 1)
+ dyStringPrintf(dy, "%c<B>%c</B>%c", codon[0], codon[1], codon[2]);
+else if (offset == 2)
+ dyStringPrintf(dy, "%c%c<B>%c</B>", codon[0], codon[1], codon[2]);
+ dyStringAppend(dy, codon);
+return dy->string;
void printSnp125FunctionInCDS(struct snp125 *snp, char *geneTable, char *geneTrack,
struct genePred *gene, int exonIx, char *geneName)
/* Show the effect of each observed allele of snp on the given exon of gene. */
@@ -14876,15 +14899,17 @@
if (alSize != refAlleleSize && alSize >= 0 && refAlleleSize >=0)
int diff = alSize - refAlleleSize;
if ((diff % 3) != 0)
- printf(firstTwoColumnsPctS "cds-reference, frameshift</TD></TR>\n",
+ printf(firstTwoColumnsPctS "frameshift</TD></TR>\n",
geneTrack, geneName);
else if (diff > 0)
- printf(firstTwoColumnsPctS "cds-reference, insertion of %d codon%s</TD></TR>\n",
+ printf(firstTwoColumnsPctS "%sinsertion of %d codon%s</TD></TR>\n",
+ (snpCodonPos == 0 ? "" : "frameshift and"),
geneTrack, geneName, (int)(diff/3), (diff > 3) ? "s" : "");
- printf(firstTwoColumnsPctS "cds-reference, deletion of %d codon%s</TD></TR>\n",
+ printf(firstTwoColumnsPctS "%sdeletion of %d codon%s</TD></TR>\n",
+ (snpCodonPos == 0 ? "" : "frameshift and"),
geneTrack, geneName, (int)(-diff/3), (diff < -3) ? "s" : "");
else if (alSize == 1 && refIsSingleBase)
@@ -14892,20 +14917,23 @@
safecpy(snpCodon, sizeof(snpCodon), refCodon);
snpCodon[snpCodonPos] = alBase;
char snpAA = lookupCodon(snpCodon);
if (snpAA == '\0') snpAA = '*';
+ char refCodonHtml[16], snpCodonHtml[16];
+ safecpy(refCodonHtml, sizeof(refCodonHtml), highlightCodonBase(refCodon, snpCodonPos));
+ safecpy(snpCodonHtml, sizeof(snpCodonHtml), highlightCodonBase(snpCodon, snpCodonPos));
if (refAA != snpAA)
- printf(firstTwoColumnsPctS "cds-reference, %ssense %c (%s) --> %c (%s)</TD></TR>\n",
+ printf(firstTwoColumnsPctS "%ssense %c (%s) --> %c (%s)</TD></TR>\n",
geneTrack, geneName,
((refAA == '*' || snpAA == '*') ? "non" : "mis"),
- refAA, refCodon, snpAA, snpCodon);
+ refAA, refCodonHtml, snpAA, snpCodonHtml);
- "cds-reference, coding-synon %c (%s) --> %c (%s)</TD></TR>\n",
- geneTrack, geneName, refAA, refCodon, snpAA, snpCodon);
+ "coding-synon %c (%s) --> %c (%s)</TD></TR>\n",
+ geneTrack, geneName, refAA, refCodonHtml, snpAA, snpCodonHtml);
- printf(firstTwoColumnsPctS "cds-reference, %s -> %s</TD></TR>\n",
+ printf(firstTwoColumnsPctS "%s --> %s</TD></TR>\n",
geneTrack, geneName, refAllele, al);
@@ -15059,8 +15087,95 @@
+char *dbSnpFuncFromInt(unsigned char funcCode)
+/* Translate an integer function code from NCBI into an abbreviated description.
+ * Do not free return value! */
+// Might be a good idea to flesh this out with all codes, libify, and share with
+// snpNcbiToUcsc instead of partially duplicating.
+switch (funcCode)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ return "coding-synon";
+ case 8:
+ return "cds-reference";
+ case 41:
+ return "nonsense";
+ case 42:
+ return "missense";
+ case 44:
+ return "frameshift";
+ default:
+ {
+ static char buf[16];
+ safef(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", funcCode);
+ return buf;
+ }
+ }
+void printSnp125CodingAnnotations(struct trackDb *tdb, struct snp125 *snp)
+/* If tdb specifies extra table(s) that contain protein-coding annotations,
+ * show the effects of SNP on transcript coding sequences. */
+char *tables = trackDbSetting(tdb, "codingAnnotations");
+if (isEmpty(tables))
+ return;
+struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
+struct slName *tbl, *tableList = slNameListFromString(tables, ',');
+struct dyString *query = dyStringNew(0);
+for (tbl = tableList; tbl != NULL; tbl = tbl->next)
+ {
+ char setting[512];
+ safef(setting, sizeof(setting), "codingAnnoLabel_%s", tbl->name);
+ char *label = trackDbSettingOrDefault(tdb, setting, tbl->name);
+ boolean hasBin = hIsBinned(database, tbl->name);
+ boolean hasCoords = (sqlFieldIndex(conn, tbl->name, "chrom") != -1);
+ int rowOffset = hasBin + (hasCoords ? 3 : 0);
+ dyStringClear(query);
+ dyStringPrintf(query, "select * from %s where name = '%s'", tbl->name, snp->name);
+ if (hasCoords)
+ dyStringPrintf(query, " and chrom = '%s' and chromStart = %d", seqName, snp->chromStart);
+ struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);
+ char **row;
+ boolean first = TRUE;
+ while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
+ {
+ if (first)
+ {
+ printf("<BR><B>Coding annotations by %s:</B><BR>\n", label);
+ first = FALSE;
+ }
+ struct snp125CodingCoordless *anno = snp125CodingCoordlessLoad(row+rowOffset);
+ int i;
+ boolean gotRef = (anno->funcCodes[0] == 8);
+ for (i = 0; i < anno->alleleCount; i++)
+ {
+ memSwapChar(anno->peptides[i], strlen(anno->peptides[i]), 'X', '*');
+ if (anno->funcCodes[i] == 8)
+ continue;
+ char *func = dbSnpFuncFromInt(anno->funcCodes[i]);
+ printf("%s: %s ", anno->transcript, func);
+ if (sameString(func, "frameshift"))
+ {
+ puts("<BR>");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (gotRef)
+ printf("%s (%s) --> ", anno->peptides[0],
+ highlightCodonBase(anno->codons[0], anno->frame));
+ printf("%s (%s)<BR>\n", anno->peptides[i],
+ highlightCodonBase(anno->codons[i], anno->frame));
+ }
+ }
+ sqlFreeResult(&sr);
+ }
void printSnp125Info(struct trackDb *tdb, struct snp125 snp, int version)
/* print info on a snp125 */
printSnpOrthoSummary(tdb,, snp.observed);
@@ -15078,8 +15193,9 @@
if (snp.avHet>0)
printf("<BR><B><A HREF=\"#AvHet\">Average Heterozygosity</A>: </B>%.3f +/- %.3f", snp.avHet, snp.avHetSE);
printf("<BR><B><A HREF=\"#Weight\">Weight</A>: </B>%d", snp.weight);
+printSnp125CodingAnnotations(tdb, &snp);
printSnp125Function(tdb, &snp);
void writeSnpExceptionWithVersion(char *table, char *itemName, int version)