src/hg/instinct/inc/featuresLib.h 1.15
1.15 2009/06/04 03:47:22 jsanborn
added copyright notices, removed cluster library
Index: src/hg/instinct/inc/featuresLib.h
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/instinct/inc/featuresLib.h,v
retrieving revision 1.14
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.14 -r1.15
--- src/hg/instinct/inc/featuresLib.h 12 Jan 2009 20:47:10 -0000 1.14
+++ src/hg/instinct/inc/featuresLib.h 4 Jun 2009 03:47:22 -0000 1.15
@@ -1,132 +1,136 @@
+/* Copyright 2007-2009 -- The Regents of the University of California */
/* ispyFeatures.h - interfaces to plug features into feature sorter. The must important
* thing here is the column structure. */
#include "cart.h"
#include "jksql.h"
#define colOrderVar "heat.colOrder" /* Order of columns. */
#define colConfigPrefix "heat.col." /* Prefix for stuff set in configuration pages for feature columns */
#define colInfoVarName ""/* Display column info. */
struct column
/* A column in the big table. The central data structure for
* hgNear. */
/* Data set during initialization that is guaranteed to be in each column. */
struct column *next;/* Next column. */
char *name;/* Column name, not allocated here. */
char *shortLabel;/* Column label. */
char *longLabel;/* Column description. */
boolean on;/* True if turned on. */
boolean defaultOn;/* On by default? */
float priority;/* Order displayed. */
char *type;/* Type - encodes which methods to used etc. */
char *itemUrl;/* printf formatted URL string for linking.
* May be NULL. Should contain one %s, which
* get's filled in with whatever cellVal
* returns. */
char *itemUrlQuery;/* SQL query. Does lookup from cellVal
* to the desired value to use in itemUrl in
* place of cellVal */
char *group; /* Name of section feature belongs to, for subjectView */
int cellSortDirection; /* Sort direction for column (1, 0, -1) */
struct hash *settings;/* Settings from ra file. */
/* -- Methods -- */
boolean (*exists)(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn);
/* Return TRUE if column exists in database. */
char *(*cellVal)(struct column *col, struct slName *id,
struct sqlConnection *conn);
/* Get value of one cell as string. FreeMem this when done. Note that
* gp->chrom may be NULL legitimately. */
boolean (*cellCoded)(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn);
char *(*cellCodedVal)(struct column *col, struct slName *id,
struct sqlConnection *conn);
/* Get value of one cell in coded form. If cell is not coded, return numeric form */
struct slName *(*cellCodedVals)(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn);
/* Get codes for current column, if available */
char *(*cellMinVal)(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn);
/* Get minimum value of lookup column */
char *(*cellMaxVal)(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn);
/* Get maximum value of lookup column */
char *(*cellAvgVal)(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn);
/* Get average value of lookup column */
char *(*cellMinCutVal)(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn);
/* Get minimum cutoff value of column in database, any value smaller than this will be displayed as null */
char *(*cellMaxCutVal)(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn);
/* Get maximum cutoff value of column in database, any value greater than this will be displayed as null */
char *(*cellOffsetVal)(struct column *col);
/* Get offset value of lookup column */
char *(*cellColorReverseVal)(struct column *col);
/* Get reverse of lookup column */
char *(*cellColorSchemeVal)(struct column *col);
/* Get color scheme of lookup column */
void (*cellPrint)(struct column *col, struct slName *id,
struct sqlConnection *conn);
/* Print one cell of this column in HTML. Note that gp->chrom may be
* NULL legitimately. */
void (*labelPrint)(struct column *col);
/* Print the label in the label row. */
int (*tableColumns)(struct column *col);
/* How many html columns this uses. */
void (*configControls)(struct column *col, char *patDb);
/* Print out configuration controls. */
/* ---------- filtering and subgrouping related ------------ */
struct slName *(*advFilter)(struct column *col, struct sqlConnection *conn,
struct slName *inputList, char *ghName, int subset);
/* Return list of samples that pass all advanced filter filters.*/
void (*filterControls)(struct column *col, char *ghName, int subset);
/* Print out controls for advanced filter. */
/* -- Data that may be column-specific. -- */
/* Most columns that need any extra data at all use the next few fields. */
char *table;/* Name of associated table. */
char *keyField;/* GeneId field in associated table. */
char *valField;/* Value field in associated table. */
char *filterType; /* type of filter to be applied to the column*/
char *configVarName(struct column *col, char *varName, char *patDb);
/* Return variable name for configuration. */
void setupColumnType(struct column *col, char *patDb);
/* Set up methods and column-specific variables based on
* track type. */
struct column *getColumns(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *raName, char *patDb);
/* Return list of columns for big table. */
int columnCmpPriority(const void *va, const void *vb);
/* Compare to sort columns based on priority. */
void refinePriorities(struct hash *colHash, char *patDb);
/* Consult colOrderVar if it exists to reorder priorities. */
void refineVisibility(struct column *colList);
/* Consult cart to set on/off visibility. */
#endif /* ISPYFEATURES_H */