src/hg/makeDb/hgTrackDb/hgTrackDb.c 1.52

1.52 2009/06/05 19:27:44 hiram
Fix error for -strict operation, and properly clean up subTracks that had parents disappear
Index: src/hg/makeDb/hgTrackDb/hgTrackDb.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/makeDb/hgTrackDb/hgTrackDb.c,v
retrieving revision 1.51
retrieving revision 1.52
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.51 -r1.52
--- src/hg/makeDb/hgTrackDb/hgTrackDb.c	4 Jun 2009 19:14:43 -0000	1.51
+++ src/hg/makeDb/hgTrackDb/hgTrackDb.c	5 Jun 2009 19:27:44 -0000	1.52
@@ -1,664 +1,692 @@
 /* hgTrackDb - Create trackDb table from text files. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "sqlList.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "trackDb.h"
 #include "hui.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hVarSubst.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "dystring.h"
 static char const rcsid[] = "$Id$";
 void usage()
 /* Explain usage and exit. */
   "hgTrackDb - Create trackDb table from text files.\n\n"
   "Note that the browser supports multiple trackDb tables, usually\n"
   "in the form: trackDb_YourUserName. Which particular trackDb\n"
   "table the browser uses is specified in the hg.conf file found\n"
   "either in your home directory as '.hg.conf' or in the web \n"
   "server's cgi-bin directory as 'hg.conf'.\n"
   "   hgTrackDb [options] org database trackDb_$(USER) trackDb.sql hgRoot\n"
   "  -visibility=vis.ra - A ra file used to override the initial visibility\n"
   "   settings in trackDb.ra.  This is used to configure the initial setting\n"
   "   for special-purpose browsers.  All visibility will be set to hide and\n"
   "   then specific track are modified using the track and visibility fields\n"
   "   in this file.\n"
   "  -priority=priority.ra - A ra file used to override the priority settings\n"
   "  -hideFirst - Before applying vis.ra, set all visibilities to hide.\n"
   "  -strict - only include tables that exist (and complain about missing html files).\n"
   "  -raName=trackDb.ra - Specify a file name to use other than trackDb.ra\n"
   "   for the ra files.\n"
   "  -release=alpha|beta - Include trackDb entries with this release only.\n"
 static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] = {
     {"visibility", OPTION_STRING},
     {"priority", OPTION_STRING},
     {"raName", OPTION_STRING},
     {"strict", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
     {"hideFirst", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
     {"release", OPTION_STRING},
     {NULL,      0}
 static char *raName = "trackDb.ra";
 static char *release = "alpha";
 static boolean hasNonAsciiChars(char *text)
 /* check if text has any non-printing or non-ascii characters */
 char *c;
 for (c = text; *c != '\0'; c++)
     if ((*c <= 7) || ((14 <= *c) && (*c <= 31)) || (*c >= 127))
         return TRUE;
 return FALSE;
 static struct trackDb *trackDbListFromHash(struct hash *tdHash)
 /* build a list of the tracks in hash.  List will be threaded through
  * the entries. */
 struct trackDb *tdList = NULL;
 struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(tdHash);
 struct hashEl *hel;
 while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
     slSafeAddHead(&tdList, (struct trackDb*)hel->val);
 return tdList;
 static void pruneStrict(struct trackDb **tdListPtr, char *database)
 /* purge unused trackDb entries */
 struct trackDb *td;
 struct trackDb *strictList = NULL;
 struct hash *compositeHash = hashNew(0);
 struct trackDb *compositeList = NULL;
 struct hash *superHash = hashNew(0);
 struct trackDb *superList = NULL;
 char *setting, *words[1];
 while ((td = slPopHead(tdListPtr)) != NULL)
     if (td->overrides != NULL)
         // override entry, just keep it in the list for now
         slAddHead(&strictList, td);
     else if (hTableOrSplitExists(database, td->tableName))
         verbose(2, "%s table exists\n", td->tableName);
         slAddHead(&strictList, td);
         if ((setting = trackDbSetting(td, "subTrack")) != NULL)
             /* note subtracks with tables so we can later add
              * the composite trackdb */
             chopLine(cloneString(setting), words);
             hashStore(compositeHash, words[0]);
         else if ((setting = trackDbSetting(td, "superTrack")) != NULL)
             /* note super track member tracks with tables so we can later add
              * the super track trackdb */
             chopLine(cloneString(setting), words);
             hashStore(superHash, words[0]);
         if (trackDbSetting(td, "compositeTrack"))
             slAddHead(&compositeList, td);
         else if (sameOk("on", trackDbSetting(td, "superTrack")))
             slAddHead(&superList, td);
             verbose(2, "%s missing\n", td->tableName);
 /* add all composite tracks that have a subtrack with a table */
 while ((td = slPopHead(&compositeList)) != NULL)
     if (hashLookup(compositeHash, td->tableName))
         slAddHead(&strictList, td);
         if ((setting = trackDbSetting(td, "superTrack")) != NULL)
             /* note that this is part of a super track so the
              * super track will be added to the strict list */
             chopLine(cloneString(setting), words);
             hashStore(superHash, words[0]);
 /* add all super tracks that have a member (simple or composite) with a table */
 while ((td = slPopHead(&superList)) != NULL)
     if (hashLookup(superHash, td->tableName))
         slAddHead(&strictList, td);
 /* No need to slReverse, it's sorted later. */
 *tdListPtr = strictList;
+/* keep track of prunedTracks so their subTracks can also be pruned */
+static struct hash *prunedTracks = NULL;
 static void pruneRelease(struct trackDb **tdListPtr, char *database)
 /* prune out alternate track entries for another release */
 struct trackDb *td;
 struct trackDb *relList = NULL;
 while ((td = slPopHead(tdListPtr)) != NULL)
     char *rel = trackDbSetting(td, "release");
     if (rel != NULL)
         if (sameString(rel, release))
             /* remove release setting from trackDb entry -- there
              * should only be a single entry for the track, so
              * the release setting is no longer relevant (and it
              * confuses Q/A */
             hashRemove(td->settingsHash, "release");
             slSafeAddHead(&relList, td);
+	else
+            {
+	    if (prunedTracks == NULL)
+		prunedTracks = newHash(8);
+	    hashAddInt(prunedTracks, td->tableName, 1);
+            }
         slSafeAddHead(&relList, td);
 *tdListPtr = relList;
 static void applyOverride(struct hash *uniqHash,
                           struct trackDb *overTd)
 /* apply a trackDb override to a track, if it exists */
 struct trackDb *td = hashFindVal(uniqHash, overTd->tableName);
 if (td != NULL)
     trackDbOverride(td, overTd);
 static void addVersionRa(boolean strict, char *database, char *dirName, char *raName,
                          struct hash *uniqHash)
 /* Read in tracks from raName and add them to table, pruning as required. Call
  * top-down so that track override will work. */
 struct trackDb *tdList = trackDbFromRa(raName), *td;
 if (strict)
     pruneStrict(&tdList, database);
 pruneRelease(&tdList, database);
 /* load tracks, replacing higher-level ones with lower-level and
  * applying overrides*/
 while ((td = slPopHead(&tdList)) != NULL)
     if (td->overrides != NULL)
         applyOverride(uniqHash, td);
         hashStore(uniqHash, td->tableName)->val = td;
 void updateBigTextField(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table,
      char *whereField, char *whereVal,
      char *textField, char *textVal)
 /* Generate sql code to update a big text field that may include
  * newlines and stuff. */
 struct dyString *dy = newDyString(4096);
 dyStringPrintf(dy, "update %s set %s=", table, textField);
 dyStringQuoteString(dy, '"', textVal);
 dyStringPrintf(dy, " where %s = '%s'", whereField, whereVal);
 sqlUpdate(conn, dy->string);
 char *subTrackName(char *create, char *tableName)
 /* Substitute tableName for whatever is between CREATE TABLE  and  first '('
    freez()'s create passed in. */
 char newCreate[strlen(create) + strlen(tableName) + 10];
 char *front = NULL;
 char *rear = NULL;
 int length = (strlen(create) + strlen(tableName) + 10);
 /* try to find "TABLE" or "table" in create */
 front = strstr(create, "TABLE");
 if(front == NULL)
     front = strstr(create, "table");
 if(front == NULL)
     errAbort("hgTrackDb::subTrackName() - Can't find 'TABLE' in %s", create);
 /* try to find first "(" in string */
 rear = strstr(create, "(");
 if(rear == NULL)
     errAbort("hgTrackDb::subTrackName() - Can't find '(' in %s", create);
 /* set to NULL character after "TABLE" */
 front += 5;
 *front = '\0';
 safef(newCreate, length , "%s %s %s", create, tableName, rear);
 return cloneString(newCreate);
 void layerOnRa(boolean strict, char *database, char *dir, struct hash *uniqHash,
                boolean raMustExist)
 /* Read trackDb.ra from directory and layer them on top of whatever is in tdList.
  * Must call top-down (root->org->assembly) */
 char raFile[512];
 if (raName[0] != '/')
     safef(raFile, sizeof(raFile), "%s/%s", dir, raName);
     safef(raFile, sizeof(raFile), "%s", raName);
 if (fileExists(raFile))
     addVersionRa(strict, database, dir, raFile, uniqHash);
     if (raMustExist)
         errAbort("%s doesn't exist!", raFile);
 static void layerOnHtml(char *dirName, struct trackDb *tdList)
 /* Read in track HTML call bottom-up. */
 char fileName[512];
 struct trackDb *td;
 for (td = tdList; td != NULL; td = td->next)
     if (isEmpty(td->html))
         char *htmlName = trackDbSettingClosestToHome(td, "html");
         if (htmlName == NULL)
             htmlName = td->tableName;
 	safef(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%s/%s.html", dirName, htmlName);
 	if (fileExists(fileName))
 	    readInGulp(fileName, &td->html, NULL);
             // Check for note ASCII characters at higher levels of verboseness.
             // Normally, these are acceptable ISO-8859-1 characters
             if  ((verboseLevel() >= 2) && hasNonAsciiChars(td->html))
                 verbose(2, "Note: non-printing or non-ASCII characters in %s\n", fileName);
 static char *settingsFromHash(struct hash *hash)
 /* Create settings string from settings hash. */
 if (hash == NULL)
     return cloneString("");
     struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(1024);
     char *ret;
     struct hashEl *el, *list = hashElListHash(hash);
     slSort(&list, hashElCmp);
     for (el = list; el != NULL; el = el->next)
 	dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s %s\n", el->name, (char *)el->val);
     ret = cloneString(dy->string);
     return ret;
 struct subGroupData
 /* composite group definitions */
 int numSubGroups;        /* count of subGroups */
 struct hash *nameHash;   /* hash of subGroup names */
 struct hash *values[10]; /* array of value hash pointers in order */
 struct trackDb *compositeTdb;  /* tdb of composite parent */
 static void checkSubGroups(struct trackDb *tdList)
 /* check integrity of subGroup clauses */
 struct hash *compositeHash = newHash(8);
 /* process all composite tracks */
 struct trackDb *td, *tdNext;
 for (td = tdList; td != NULL; td = tdNext)
     tdNext = td->next;
     if (trackDbSetting(td, "compositeTrack"))
 	int i = 0;
 	struct subGroupData *sgd;
         char subGroupName[256];
 	sgd->nameHash = newHash(3);
 	sgd->compositeTdb = td;
 	    safef(subGroupName, sizeof(subGroupName), "subGroup%d", i+1);
 	    char *sgSetting = trackDbSetting(td, subGroupName);
 	    if (!sgSetting)
             sgSetting = cloneString(sgSetting);
 	    char *sgWord = sgSetting;
 	    char *sgName = nextWord(&sgWord);
 	    nextWord(&sgWord);  /* skip word not used */
 	    hashAddInt(sgd->nameHash, sgName, i);
 	    sgd->values[i] = newHash(3);
 	    struct slPair *slPair, *slPairList = slPairFromString(sgWord);
             for (slPair = slPairList; slPair; slPair = slPair->next)
 		hashAdd(sgd->values[i], slPair->name, slPair->val);
 	    if (i > 10)
 		verbose(1,"composite parent %s has more than 10 subGroup clauses, unexpected error\n", td->tableName);
 	sgd->numSubGroups = i;
 	hashAdd(compositeHash, td->tableName, sgd);
+struct hash *removeSubTracks = newHash(8);
 /* now verify subtracks */
 for (td = tdList; td != NULL; td = tdNext)
     tdNext = td->next;
     if (!trackDbSetting(td, "compositeTrack")
      && !sameOk("on", trackDbSetting(td, "superTrack")))
 	char *trackName = trackDbSetting(td, "subTrack");
 	if (trackName)
 	    char *words[2];
 	    chopLine(cloneString(trackName), words);
 	    trackName = words[0];
 	    struct subGroupData *sgd = hashFindVal(compositeHash, trackName);
+	    if ( sgd )
+		{
 	    td->parent = sgd->compositeTdb;
-	    if (!sgd)
+		}
+	    else
+		{
+		if (hashFindVal(prunedTracks, trackName))
+		    {	/* parent was pruned, get rid of subTrack too */
+		    hashAdd(removeSubTracks, td->tableName, td);
+		    }
+		else
-		verbose(1,"parent %s missing for subtrack %s\n", trackName, td->tableName);
+		    verbose(1,"parent %s missing for subtrack %s\n",
+			trackName, td->tableName);
+		    }
 	    char *subGroups = trackDbSetting(td, "subGroups");
 	    if (subGroups && (sgd->numSubGroups == 0))
 		verbose(1,"parent %s missing subGroups for subtrack %s subGroups=[%s]\n",
 			trackName, td->tableName, subGroups);
 	    if (!subGroups && (sgd->numSubGroups > 0))
 		verbose(1,"parent %s : subtrack %s is missing subGroups\n", trackName, td->tableName);
 	    if (!subGroups && (sgd->numSubGroups == 0))
 		continue; /* nothing to do */
 	    int i = 0, lastI = -1, numSubGroups = 0;
 	    boolean inOrder = TRUE;
 	    struct slPair *slPair, *slPairList = slPairFromString(subGroups);
             for (slPair = slPairList; slPair; slPair = slPair->next)
 		i = hashIntValDefault(sgd->nameHash, slPair->name, -1);
 		if (i == -1)
 		    verbose(1,"%s: subGroup name not found: %s\n", td->tableName, (char *)slPair->name);
 		else if (sgd->values[i] && !hashLookup(sgd->values[i], slPair->val))
 		    verbose(1,"%s: value not found in parent composite : %s=%s\n", td->tableName, slPair->name, (char *)slPair->val);
 		if (i < lastI)
 		    inOrder = FALSE;
 		lastI = i;
 	    if (numSubGroups != sgd->numSubGroups)
 		verbose(2,"%s: found %d values but parent composite has %d\n", td->tableName, numSubGroups, sgd->numSubGroups);
 	    if (!inOrder)
 		verbose(2,"%s: found groups in a different order than the parent composite\n", td->tableName);
+/* clean up subTracks that had parents disappear */
+struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(removeSubTracks);
+struct hashEl *hel;
+while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
+    slRemoveEl(&tdList, (struct trackDb*)hel->val);
 static void prioritizeContainerItems(struct trackDb *tdbList)
 /* set priorities in containers if they have no priorities already set
    priorities are based upon 'sortOrder' setting or else shortLabel */
 int countOfSortedContainers = 0;
 // Walk through tdbs looking for containers
 struct trackDb *tdbContainer;
 for (tdbContainer = tdbList; tdbContainer != NULL; tdbContainer = tdbContainer->next)
     if (trackDbSetting(tdbContainer, "compositeTrack") == NULL) // TODO: Expand beyond composites
     sortOrder_t *sortOrder = sortOrderGet(NULL,tdbContainer);   // TODO: Expand beyond composites
     boolean needsSorting = TRUE; // default
     float firstPriority = -1.0;
     sortableTdbItem *item,*itemsToSort = NULL;
     // Walk through tdbs looking for items contained
     struct trackDb *tdbItem;
     for (tdbItem = tdbList; tdbItem != NULL; tdbItem = tdbItem->next)
         char *containerName = containerName = trackDbSetting(tdbItem, "subTrack");  // TODO: Expand beyond subtracks
         if (containerName == NULL)
         containerName = strSwapChar(cloneString(containerName),' ',0);  // subTrack "compositeName off"
             if( needsSorting && sortOrder == NULL )  // do we?
                 if( firstPriority == -1.0)    // all 0 or all the same value
                     firstPriority = tdbItem->priority;
                 if(firstPriority != tdbItem->priority && (int)(tdbItem->priority + 0.9) > 0)
                     needsSorting = FALSE;
             // create an Item
             item = sortableTdbItemCreate(tdbItem,sortOrder);
             if(item != NULL)
                 slAddHead(&itemsToSort, item);
                 verbose(1,"Error: '%s' missing shortLabels or sortOrder setting is inconsistent.\n",tdbContainer->tableName);
                 needsSorting = FALSE;
         freeMem(containerName); // good accounting
     // Does this container need to be sorted?
     if(needsSorting && slCount(itemsToSort))
         verbose(2,"Sorting '%s' with %d items\n",tdbContainer->tableName,slCount(itemsToSort));
     // cleanup
 if(countOfSortedContainers > 0)
     verbose(1,"Sorted %d containers\n",countOfSortedContainers);
 static struct trackDb *buildTrackDb(char *org, char *database, char *hgRoot,
                                     char *visibilityRa, char *priorityRa,
                                     boolean strict)
 /* build trackDb objects from files. */
 struct hash *uniqHash = newHash(8);
 char rootDir[PATH_LEN], orgDir[PATH_LEN], asmDir[PATH_LEN];
 /* Create track list from hgRoot and hgRoot/org and hgRoot/org/assembly
  * ra format database. */
 safef(rootDir, sizeof(rootDir), "%s", hgRoot);
 safef(orgDir, sizeof(orgDir), "%s/%s", hgRoot, org);
 safef(asmDir, sizeof(asmDir), "%s/%s/%s", hgRoot, org, database);
 // must call these top-down
 layerOnRa(strict, database, rootDir, uniqHash, TRUE);
 layerOnRa(strict, database, orgDir, uniqHash, FALSE);
 layerOnRa(strict, database, asmDir, uniqHash, FALSE);
 struct trackDb *tdList = trackDbListFromHash(uniqHash);
 // must call these bottom-up
 layerOnHtml(asmDir, tdList);
 layerOnHtml(orgDir, tdList);
 layerOnHtml(rootDir, tdList);
 if (visibilityRa != NULL)
     trackDbOverrideVisbility(uniqHash, visibilityRa, optionExists("hideFirst"));
 if (priorityRa != NULL)
     trackDbOverridePriority(uniqHash, priorityRa);
 slSort(&tdList, trackDbCmp);
 return tdList;
 void hgTrackDb(char *org, char *database, char *trackDbName, char *sqlFile, char *hgRoot,
                char *visibilityRa, char *priorityRa, boolean strict)
 /* hgTrackDb - Create trackDb table from text files. */
 struct trackDb *td;
 char tab[PATH_LEN];
 safef(tab, sizeof(tab), "", trackDbName);
 struct trackDb *tdList = buildTrackDb(org, database, hgRoot,
                                       visibilityRa, priorityRa, strict);
 verbose(1, "Loaded %d track descriptions total\n", slCount(tdList));
 /* Write to tab-separated file; hold off on html, since it must be encoded */
     FILE *f = mustOpen(tab, "w");
     for (td = tdList; td != NULL; td = td->next)
         hVarSubstTrackDb(td, database);
         char *hold = td->html;
         td->html = "";
 	trackDbTabOut(td, f);
         td->html = hold;
 /* Update database */
     char *create, *end;
     char query[256];
     struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database);
     /* Load in table definition. */
     readInGulp(sqlFile, &create, NULL);
     create = trimSpaces(create);
     create = subTrackName(create, trackDbName);
     end = create + strlen(create)-1;
     if (*end == ';') *end = 0;
     sqlRemakeTable(conn, trackDbName, create);
     /* Load in regular fields. */
     safef(query, sizeof(query), "load data local infile '%s' into table %s", tab, trackDbName);
     sqlUpdate(conn, query);
     /* Load in html and settings fields. */
     for (td = tdList; td != NULL; td = td->next)
         if ( (! tdbIsCompositeChild(td)) && isEmpty(td->html))
 	    if (strict && !trackDbSetting(td, "subTrack") && !sameString(td->tableName,"cytoBandIdeo"))
 		fprintf(stderr, "Warning: html missing for %s %s %s '%s'\n",org, database, td->tableName, td->shortLabel);
 	    if (! tdbIsCompositeChild(td))
 		updateBigTextField(conn,  trackDbName, "tableName",
 		    td->tableName, "html", td->html);
 	if (td->settingsHash != NULL)
 	    char *settings = settingsFromHash(td->settingsHash);
 	    updateBigTextField(conn, trackDbName, "tableName", td->tableName,
 	    	"settings", settings);
     verbose(1, "Loaded database %s\n", database);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 /* Process command line. */
 optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
 if (argc != 6)
 raName = optionVal("raName", raName);
 if (strchr(raName, '/') != NULL)
     errAbort("-raName value should be a file name without directories");
 release = optionVal("release", release);
 hgTrackDb(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5],
           optionVal("visibility", NULL), optionVal("priority", NULL),
 return 0;