src/hg/utils/automation/ 1.25

1.25 2009/06/08 18:37:16 hiram
hgofbeta is now hgsqlbeta, and generalize the ssh command
Index: src/hg/utils/automation/
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.24 -r1.25
--- src/hg/utils/automation/	8 May 2009 23:05:22 -0000	1.24
+++ src/hg/utils/automation/	8 Jun 2009 18:37:16 -0000	1.25
@@ -1,692 +1,692 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env perl
 # DO NOT EDIT the /cluster/bin/scripts copy of this file --
 # edit ~/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/ instead.
 # $Id$
 use Getopt::Long;
 use warnings;
 use strict;
 use FindBin qw($Bin);
 use lib "$Bin";
 use HgAutomate;
 use HgRemoteScript;
 # Option variable names:
 use vars @HgAutomate::commonOptionVars;
 use vars qw/
 # Option defaults:
 my $dbHost = 'hgwdev';
 my $workhorse = 'n/a';
 sub usage {
   # Usage / help / self-documentation:
   my ($status) = @_;
   my $base = $0;
   $base =~ s/^(.*\/)?//;
   # Basic help (for incorrect usage):
   print STDERR "
 usage: $base db
   print STDERR &HgAutomate::getCommonOptionHelp('dbHost' => $dbHost);
   print STDERR "    -noGenbank		  Add this if db does not have GenBank tables.\n";
   print STDERR "
 Prints (to stdout) SQL commands for creation of a new push queue for db
 and the addition of an Initial Release entry in the main push queue.
 These commands probably should be redirected to a file which is then reviewed
 and edited before executing the SQL on the push queue host.  Ask QA for
 push queue guidance when in doubt.
   exit $status;
 } # usage
 # Globals:
 my ($db);
 my ($sql, $prefixPattern, @wigTables, @netODbs);
 my %noPush = ( 'bacEndPairsBad' => 1,
 	       'bacEndPairsLong' => 1,
 	       'genscanSubopt' => 1,
 sub checkOptions {
   # Make sure command line options are valid/supported.
   my $ok = GetOptions(@HgAutomate::commonOptionSpec,
   &usage(1) if (!$ok);
   &usage(0, 1) if ($opt_help);
   $dbHost = $opt_dbHost if ($opt_dbHost);
 } # checkOptions
 # hash of hashes, chromInfoDb key is db, hash ref key is chrom name
 my %chromInfoDb = ();
 sub isChrom($$) {
   # Return true if $str is in chromInfo.chrom.
   my ($str, $localDb) = @_;
-  my $localSql = "ssh -x $dbHost hgsql -N $localDb";
+  my $localSql = "$HgAutomate::runSSH $dbHost hgsql -N $localDb";
   my %localHash = ();
   my $hashRef = \%localHash;
   if (exists($chromInfoDb{$localDb})) {
     $hashRef = $chromInfoDb{$localDb};
   } else {
     foreach my $chr (`echo select chrom from chromInfo | $localSql`) {
       chomp $chr;
       $hashRef->{$chr} = 1;
     $chromInfoDb{$localDb} = $hashRef;
   return (defined $hashRef->{$str});
 } # isChrom
 sub getAllTables($) {
   # Return a hash for testing the existence of all tables in given db argument.
   # Well, almost all -- ignore per-user trackDb.ra-derived tables, the
   # cron-generated tableDescriptions, and tables that we never push.
   # And collapse split tables.
   my ($localDb) = @_;
-  my $localSql = "ssh -x $dbHost hgsql -N $localDb";
+  my $localSql = "$HgAutomate::runSSH $dbHost hgsql -N $localDb";
   my %tables = ();
   foreach my $t (`echo show tables | $localSql`) {
     chomp $t;
     next if ($t =~ /^(trackDb|hgFindSpec)_\w+/);
     next if (defined $noPush{$t});
     if ($t =~ /^(\S+)_(\w+)$/) {
       my ($maybeChr, $track) = ($1, $2);
       if (&isChrom($maybeChr, $localDb)) {
 	my $prefix;
 	if ($maybeChr =~ /^chr/) {
 	  $prefix = 'chr*_';
 	  $prefixPattern = 'chr\*_';
 	} elsif ($maybeChr =~ /^2micron/) {
 	  $prefix = '2micron_';
 	  $prefixPattern = '2micron_';
 	} else {
 	  die "\nSorry, I don't know what prefix (usually chr*_) to use for " .
 	$t = "$prefix$track";
     $tables{$t} = 1;
   return \%tables;
 } # getAllTables
 sub dbIsChromBased {
   # Good candidate for libification, though a little hacky.
   # Would be more proper to use the db.
   my $seqCount = `wc -l < /cluster/data/$db/chrom.sizes` + 0;
   return ($seqCount <= $HgAutomate::splitThreshold);
 } # dbIsChromBased
 sub getInfrastructureEntry {
   # Make an entry hash structure for tables that are not associated with a
   # particular track -- genome browser infrastructure.
   my ($allTables) = @_;
   my @leftovers = ();
   my %entry = ();
   $entry{'shortLabel'} = "supporting tables and files";
   $entry{'priority'} = 0;
   # Look for the usual set of files on $dbHost:
   my $SameSpecies = ucfirst($db);  $SameSpecies =~ s/\d+$//;
   my @gbdbFiles = map {"$HgAutomate::gbdb/$db/$_"}
     ("$db.2bit", 'html/description.html', "wib/gc5Base.wib",
   my @goldenPathFiles = map {"$HgAutomate::goldenPath/$db/$_"}
     (qw( bigZips/* database/* chromosomes/* ),
   my $sciUnderscore = &HgAutomate::getSpecies($dbHost, $db);
   $sciUnderscore =~ s/ /_/g;
   my $gatewayPhoto = "$HgAutomate::images/$sciUnderscore.jpg";
   my @files = ();
   foreach my $f (@gbdbFiles, @goldenPathFiles, $gatewayPhoto) {
     if (&HgAutomate::machineHasFile($dbHost, $f)) {
       push @files, $f;
     } else {
       &HgAutomate::verbose(1, "$dbHost does not have $f\n")
 	unless ($f =~ /${db}To$SameSpecies/ ||
 		($f =~ m@/chromosomes/@ && !&dbIsChromBased()));
   $entry{'files'} = join('\r\n', @files);
   # Look for infrastructure tables in allTables hash:
   foreach my $t qw( chromInfo grp seq extFile hgFindSpec trackDb history
 		    tableDescriptions ) {
     if (defined $allTables->{$t}) {
       $entry{'tables'} .= "$t ";
       delete $allTables->{$t};
       &HgAutomate::verbose(3, "Deleted $t\n");
     } else {
       &HgAutomate::verbose(1, "$db does not have $t\n");
   return (\%entry);
 } # getInfrastructureEntry
 sub getGenbankEntry {
   # Return an entry hash ref for genbank tables.
   my ($allTables) = @_;
   # Note: if any tables are added to or removed from the genbank process,
   # then these lists will have to be updated.  But hopefully warning messages
   # to the user will help diagnose.  Mark has been maintaining a list of
   # regexes in kent/src/hg/makeDb/genbank/etc/genbank.tbls .
   my @genbankTrackTables = qw(
     refGene xenoRefGene mgcGenes all_mrna chr*_mrna chr*_intronEst
     intronEst chr*_est all_est xenoMrna
     mgcFullMrna mgcFullStatus orfeomeGenes
     refFlat refLink refSeqAli refSeqStatus refSeqSummary
     xenoRefFlat xenoRefSeqAli
   my @genbankRequiredTables = qw(
     author cds cell description development estOrientInfo gbCdnaInfo
     gbExtFile gbLoaded gbSeq gbStatus geneName imageClone keyword
     library mrnaClone mrnaOrientInfo organism productName sex source tissue
   my @genbankHelpfulTables = qw(
     gbMiscDiff gbWarn
   my @genbankTablesInDb = ();
   foreach my $t (@genbankTrackTables) {
     if (defined $allTables->{$t}) {
       push @genbankTablesInDb, $t;
       delete $allTables->{$t};
       &HgAutomate::verbose(3, "Deleted $t\n");
   if (scalar(@genbankTablesInDb) > 0) {
     foreach my $t (@genbankRequiredTables) {
       if (defined $allTables->{$t}) {
 	push @genbankTablesInDb, $t;
 	delete $allTables->{$t};
       } else {
 	die "\n$db does not have required genbank table $t\n\n";
     foreach my $t (@genbankHelpfulTables) {
       if (defined $allTables->{$t}) {
 	push @genbankTablesInDb, $t;
 	delete $allTables->{$t};
       } else {
 	&HgAutomate::verbose(1, "$db does not have $t\n");
   my %entry = ();
   $entry{'shortLabel'} = 'Genbank-process tracks and supporting tables';
   $entry{'priority'} = 1;
   $entry{'tables'} = join(' ', @genbankTablesInDb);
   $entry{'files'} = '';
   return \%entry;
 } # getGenbankEntry
 sub getTrackDb {
   # Return reference of hash to just the trackDb info that we need:
   # tableName => [ type, shortLabel, priority, otherTables ]
   # where otherTables is distilled from settings such as type wigMaf's
   # wiggle setting.
   my %trackDb = ();
   my $pipe = "echo select tableName, type, shortLabel, priority " .
     "from trackDb | $sql |";
   open(P, $pipe)
     || die "Couldn't open pipe ($pipe): $!\n";
   while (<P>) {
     my ($tableName, $type, $shortLabel, $priority) = split("\t");
     my $otherTables = "";
     if ($type =~ /^wigMaf/) {
       my $settingsQuery = "select settings from trackDb " .
 			    "where tableName = \\'$tableName\\'";
       my $settings = `echo $settingsQuery | $sql`;
       if ($settings =~ /wiggle\s+(\w+)/) {
 	$otherTables .= " $1";
 	push @wigTables, $1;
       if ($settings =~ /frames\s+(\w+)/) {
 	$otherTables .= " $1";
       if ($settings =~ /summary\s+(\w+)/) {
 	$otherTables .= " $1";
     $trackDb{$tableName} = [ $type, $shortLabel, $priority, $otherTables ];
   return \%trackDb;
 } # getTrackDb
 sub substituteVars {
   my ($shortLabel, $track, $type) = @_;
   # Substitute variables in the labels if necessary.
   if ($shortLabel =~ /\$[Oo]rganism/) {
     my $Organism = &HgAutomate::getAssemblyInfo($dbHost, $db);
     my $organism = lc($Organism);
     $shortLabel =~ s/\$Organism/$Organism/g;
     $shortLabel =~ s/\$organism/$organism/g;
   if ($shortLabel =~ /\$o_/) {
     my $oDb;
     if ($type =~ /^chain\s+(\w+)/ || $type =~ /^netAlign\s+(\w+)/) {
       $oDb = $1;
     } else {
       die "\nPlease fix me so I can figure out what \$o_db is " .
 	"for $track (type $type)... ";
     my ($oO, $oDate) = &HgAutomate::getAssemblyInfo($dbHost, $oDb);
     my $oo = lc($oO);
     $shortLabel =~ s/\$o_Organism/$oO/g;
     $shortLabel =~ s/\$o_organism/$oo/g;
     $shortLabel =~ s/\$o_date/$oDate/g;
     # This is a little bit tweaky but I think it is worth the trouble.
     # hgwdev often has "release alpha" chain/net shortLabels that use $o_db
     # but on hgwbeta, "release beta" shortLabels that use $o_Organism.
     # That looks better and I expect that $o_Organism will generate fewer
     # questions from QA about pushQ entry titles... so
     # instead of   $shortLabel =~ s/\$o_db/$oDb/g; --
     $shortLabel =~ s/\$o_db/$oO/g;
   if ($shortLabel =~ /\$(\w+)/) {
     warn "Don't know how to substitute \$$1 in $track shortLabel " .
   return ($shortLabel);
 } # substituteVars
 sub getTrackEntries {
   # Use heuristics and all.joiner info to partition the set of tables
   # into a set of track entry hash structures.  Augment with info from
   # trackDb, extFile and wiggle tables to identify labels and files
   # for tracks.  Remove accounted-for tables from $allTables and return
   # a list of entry hash refs.
   my ($allTables) = @_;
   my $trackDb = &getTrackDb();
   my %trackEntries = ();
   # For each table, if it is a track table then make an entry for it and
   # remove it from $allTables.
   foreach my $table (sort keys %{$allTables}) {
     next if (! defined $allTables->{$table}); # catch prior deletions
     my $track = $table;
     $track =~ s/^$prefixPattern// if ($prefixPattern);
     my $tdb = $trackDb->{$track};
     if (defined $tdb) {
       # This table is a track table -- add an entry.
       my ($type, $shortLabel, $priority, $otherTables) = @{$tdb};
       $shortLabel = &substituteVars($shortLabel, $track, $type);
       my %entry = ();
       $entry{'shortLabel'} = $shortLabel;
       $entry{'priority'} = $priority;
       $entry{'tables'} = $table . $otherTables;
       $entry{'files'} = "";
       if ($type =~ /^chain ?/) {
 	$entry{'tables'} .= " ${table}Link";
 	my $net = $table;
 	if ($prefixPattern) {
 	  $net =~ s/^${prefixPattern}chain/net/;
 	} else {
 	  $net =~ s/^chain/net/;
 	# Lump in nets with chains, when we find them.
 	if (defined $allTables->{$net}) {
 	  &HgAutomate::verbose(2, "Lumping $net in with $table\n");
 	  $entry{'tables'} .= " $net";
 	  $entry{'shortLabel'} .= " and Net";
 	  if ($net =~ /^net(\w+)/) {
 	    my $ODb = $1;
 	    my $over = "${db}To$ODb.over.chain.gz";
 	    foreach my $downloads
 	       "$HgAutomate::gbdb/$db/liftOver/$over") {
 	      if (&HgAutomate::machineHasFile($dbHost, $downloads)) {
 		$entry{'files'} .= $downloads . '\r\n';
 	      } else {
 		&HgAutomate::verbose(0, "$dbHost does not have " .
 				     "chain/net download $downloads !\n");
 	    my $oDb = $ODb;  $oDb =~ s/^(\w)/\l$1/;
 	    push @netODbs, $oDb;
       } elsif ($type =~ /^wig\s/) {
 	push @wigTables, $table;
       } elsif ($type =~ /^wigMaf/) {
 	if ($table =~ /^multiz(\d+way)/) {
 	  my $gif = "$HgAutomate::images/phylo/${db}_$1.gif";
 	  if (&HgAutomate::machineHasFile($dbHost, $gif)) {
 	    $entry{'files'} .= $gif . '\r\n';
 	  } else {
 	    &HgAutomate::verbose(0, "$dbHost does not have phyloGif-" .
 				    "generated $gif for $table.\n");
       # We could get really fancy and look at wiggle and maf tables
       # (and extFile) to hunt down filenames.  But there may still be
       # other tracks (e.g. psl, linkedFeatures) with files in extFile...
       # it gets messy, so for now we'll settle for reminding the developer
       # to determine files associated with wiggle tables and to look in
       # extFile.
       elsif ($type =~ /^netAlign\s+(\w+)/) {
 	my $oDb = $1;
 	my $ODb = ucfirst($oDb);
 	my $chainTrack = "chain$ODb";
 	if ($prefixPattern) {
 	  my $unEscPrefix = $prefixPattern;
 	  $unEscPrefix =~ s/\\//g;
 	  $chainTrack = "${unEscPrefix}chain$ODb";
 	if (! defined $trackEntries{$chainTrack}) {
 	  my $downloads = "$HgAutomate::goldenPath/$db/vs$ODb/*";
 	  if (&HgAutomate::machineHasFile($dbHost, $downloads)) {
 	    $entry{'files'} = $downloads;
 	  } else {
 	    &HgAutomate::verbose(1, "$dbHost does not have $downloads\n");
 	  &HgAutomate::verbose(1, "Found net table $table that was not " .
 		       "already lumped in with chain entry $chainTrack...?\n");
 	} else {
 	  # This net has already been included in the corresponding Chain
 	  # track entry, and removed from the hash, so skip to the next table.
       # Remove accounted-for tables.
       foreach my $t (split(" ", $entry{'tables'})) {
 	delete $allTables->{$t};
       &HgAutomate::verbose(3, "Deleted $entry{tables}\n");
       $trackEntries{$track} = \%entry;
   # Now cycle through the leftovers still in $allTables and see if all.joiner
   # can help resolve where it belongs.  If there are multiple matches then
   # this will just take the first that is a track, which might not be always
   # correct but QA and the developer can sort it out.
   foreach my $table (keys %{$allTables}) {
     my $tbase = $table;
     $tbase =~ s/^$prefixPattern// if ($prefixPattern);
     my $allDotJoiner = "$ENV{HOME}/kent/src/hg/makeDb/schema/all.joiner";
     my $pipe = "joinableFields $allDotJoiner $db $tbase |";
     open(P, $pipe)
       || die "Couldn't open pipe ($pipe): $!\n";
     while (<P>) {
       my (undef, undef, undef, $otherDb, $otherTrack, undef) = split("\t");
       if ($otherDb && $otherDb eq $db && defined $trackEntries{$otherTrack}) {
 	$trackEntries{$otherTrack}->{'tables'} .= " $table";
 	delete $allTables->{$table};
 &HgAutomate::verbose(3, "Deleted $table\n");
   my @entries = sort { $a->{'priority'} <=> $b->{'priority'} }
 		  values %trackEntries;
   return \@entries;
 } # getTrackEntries
 sub getEntries {
   # Get the set of tables in $db.  Process that into a set of push
   # queue entry hash structures and remove tables that have been
   # accounted for from the set of all tables.  Return references to a
   # list of entry hash refs and to a hash of tables that could not be
   # accounted for.
   my @entries = ();
   my $allTables = &getAllTables($db);
   push @entries, &getInfrastructureEntry($allTables);
   push @entries, &getGenbankEntry($allTables) unless $opt_noGenbank;
   push @entries, @{&getTrackEntries($allTables)};
   return (\@entries, $allTables);
 } # getEntries
 sub printHeader {
   # Print out the push queue table creation statement.
   print <<_EOF_
 -- New push queue for $db
   qid varchar(6) NOT NULL default '',
   pqid varchar(6) NOT NULL default '',
   priority char(1) NOT NULL default '',
   rank int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   qadate varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
   newYN char(1) NOT NULL default '',
   track varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
   dbs varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
   tbls longblob NOT NULL,
   cgis varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
   files longblob NOT NULL,
   sizeMB int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   currLoc varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
   makeDocYN char(1) NOT NULL default '',
   onlineHelp varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   ndxYN char(1) NOT NULL default '',
   joinerYN char(1) NOT NULL default '',
   stat varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
   sponsor varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   reviewer varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
   extSource varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
   openIssues longblob NOT NULL,
   notes longblob NOT NULL,
   pushState char(1) NOT NULL default '',
   initdate varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
   lastdate varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
   bounces int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
   lockUser varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
   lockDateTime varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
   releaseLog longblob NOT NULL,
   featureBits longblob NOT NULL,
   releaseLogUrl longblob NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY  (`qid`)
 } # printHeader
 sub printEntry($$$$) {
   # Print out a single push queue entry (row of new table).
   my ($entry, $id, $localDb, $releaseLog) = @_;
   my $idStr = sprintf "%06d", $id;
   my $date = `date +%Y-%m-%d`;
   my $rank = $id;
   my $size = 0;  # User will have to use qaPushq to update for now.
   chomp $date;
   print <<_EOF_
 INSERT INTO $db VALUES ('$idStr','','A',$rank,'$date','Y','$entry->{shortLabel}','$localDb','$entry->{tables}','','$entry->{files}',$size,'$dbHost','N','','N','N','','$ENV{USER}','','','','','N','$date','',0,'','','$releaseLog','','');
 } # printEntry
 sub printSwaps($) {
 # print out entries in other DBs for chain/net swapped tracks
   my ($id) = @_;
   my $Db = ucfirst($db);
   my $checkChain = "chain$Db";
   my $checkNet = "net$Db";
   my ($oO) = &HgAutomate::getAssemblyInfo($dbHost, $db);
   foreach my $oDb (@netODbs) {
     my %entry = ();
     $entry{'shortLabel'} = "$oO Chain and Net";
     $entry{'priority'} = 1;
     my $tableList = "";
     my $dbTables = &getAllTables($oDb);
     foreach my $table (sort keys %{$dbTables}) {
 	if ($table =~ m/$checkChain/ || $table =~ m/$checkNet/) {
 	    $tableList .= "$table ";
     $tableList =~ s/ +$//;
     $entry{'tables'} = $tableList;
     $entry{'files'} = "";
     my $over = "${oDb}To$Db.over.chain.gz";
     foreach my $downloads
        "$HgAutomate::gbdb/$oDb/liftOver/$over") {
 	  if (&HgAutomate::machineHasFile($dbHost, $downloads)) {
 	    $entry{'files'} .= $downloads . '\r\n';
 	  } else {
 	    &HgAutomate::verbose(0, "$dbHost:$oDb does not have " .
 			     "chain/net download $downloads !\n");
     &printEntry(\%entry, $id, $oDb, "$oO Chain and Net");
 } # printSwaps
 sub printAllEntries {
   # Print out SQL commands to add all entries.
   my ($entries) = @_;
   my $id = 1;
   foreach my $entry (@{$entries}) {
     &printEntry($entry, $id, $db, "");
 } # printAllEntries
 sub printMainPushQEntry {
   # Print out an Initial Release entry for the Main Push Queue that refers
   # to the new $db push queue created above.
   my $date = `date +%Y-%m-%d`;
   my $size = 0;
   chomp $date;
-  my $qapushqSql = 'ssh -x hgwbeta hgsql -h hgofbeta -N qapushq';
+  my $qapushqSql = "$HgAutomate::runSSH hgwbeta hgsql -h hgsqlbeta -N qapushq";
   my $rankQuery = 'select rank from pushQ order by rank desc limit 1';
   my $rank = `echo $rankQuery | $qapushqSql`;
   $rank += 1;
   my (undef, undef, $assemblyLabel) =
     &HgAutomate::getAssemblyInfo($dbHost, $db);
   print <<_EOF_
 -- New entry in Main Push Queue, to alert QA to existence of $db:
 INSERT INTO pushQ SELECT right(concat("00000",convert(max(qid)+1,CHAR)),6),'','A',$rank,'$date','Y','$db Initial Release','$db','','','',$size,'hgwdev','N','','N','N','','$ENV{USER}','','','','','N','$date','',0,'','','Initial $db release (using $assemblyLabel): see separate push queue $db.','','' from pushQ;
 } # printMainPushQEntry
 sub reportStragglers {
   my ($stragglers) = @_;
   my @names = sort (keys %{$stragglers});
   if (scalar(@names) > 0) {
     &HgAutomate::verbose(0, "
 Could not tell (from trackDb, all.joiner and hardcoded lists of supporting
 and genbank tables) which tracks to assign these tables to:\n");
     foreach my $t (@names) {
       &HgAutomate::verbose(0, "  $t\n");
     &HgAutomate::verbose(0, "\n");
 } # reportStragglers
 sub makePushQSql {
   my ($entries, $stragglers) = &getEntries();
 } # makePushQSql
 sub adviseDeveloper {
   # Suggest ways to ensure completeness and correctness of output.
   &HgAutomate::verbose(1, <<_EOF_
  *** All done!
  *** Please edit the output to ensure correctness before using.
  *** 1. Resolve any warnings output by this script.
  *** 2. Remove any entries which should not be pushed.
  *** 3. Add tables associated with the main track table (e.g. *Pep tables
         for gene prediction tracks).
  *** 4. Add files associated with tracks.  First, look at the results
         of this query:
           hgsql $db -e 'select distinct(path) from extFile'
         Then, look at file(s) named in each of the following wiggle tables:
   foreach my $t (@wigTables) {
     &HgAutomate::verbose(1, <<_EOF_
           hgsql $db -e 'select distinct(file) from $t'
   &HgAutomate::verbose(1, <<_EOF_
         Files go in the second field after tables (it's tables, cgis, files).
  *** 5. This script currently does not recognize composite tracks.  If $db
         has any composite tracks, you should manually merge the separate
         per-table entries into one entry.
  *** 6. Make sure that qapushq does not already have a table named $db:
-          ssh hgwbeta hgsql -h hgofbeta qapushq -NBe "'desc $db;'"
+          ssh hgwbeta hgsql -h hgsqlbeta qapushq -NBe "'desc $db;'"
         You *should* see this error:
           ERROR 1146 at line 1: Table 'qapushq.$db' doesn't exist
         If it already has that table, talk to QA and figure out whether
         it can be dropped or fixed up (by sql or the Push Queue web app).
- *** When everything is complete and correct, use hgsql -h hgofbeta to
+ *** When everything is complete and correct, use hgsql -h hgsqlbeta to
      execute the sql file.  Then use the Push Queue web app to check the
      contents of all entries.
  *** If you haven't already, please add $db to makeDb/schema/all.joiner !
      It should be in both \$gbd and \$chainDest.
   if (@netODbs) {
     &HgAutomate::verbose(1, <<_EOF_
  *** When $db is on the RR (congrats!), please doBlastz -swap if you haven't
      already, and add Push Queue entries for those other databases' chains
      and nets to $db.
   &HgAutomate::verbose(1, "\n");
 # main
 # Prevent "Suspended (tty input)" hanging:
 &usage(1) if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1);
 ($db) = @ARGV;
-$sql = "ssh -x $dbHost hgsql -N $db";
+$sql = "$HgAutomate::runSSH $dbHost hgsql -N $db";