src/inc/cheapcgi.h 1.66
1.66 2009/06/03 00:34:10 markd
added option to generate stack dumps when browser errors occur
Index: src/inc/cheapcgi.h
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/inc/cheapcgi.h,v
retrieving revision 1.65
retrieving revision 1.66
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.65 -r1.66
--- src/inc/cheapcgi.h 29 Apr 2009 19:38:27 -0000 1.65
+++ src/inc/cheapcgi.h 3 Jun 2009 00:34:10 -0000 1.66
@@ -1,412 +1,413 @@
* Copyright (C) 2000 Jim Kent. This source code may be freely used *
* for personal, academic, and non-profit purposes. Commercial use *
* permitted only by explicit agreement with Jim Kent ( *
/* Cheapcgi.h - turns variables passed from the web form into
* something that C understands. */
#ifndef CHEAPCGI_H
#define CHEAPCGI_H
#ifndef DYSTRING_H
#include "dystring.h"
#ifndef HASH_H
#include "hash.h"
#define COLOR_BG_PALE "#F8F8F8"
#define COLOR_DARKGREEN "#008800"
#define COLOR_DARKBLUE "#000088"
-void initSigHandlers();
-/* set handler for various terminal signals for logging purposes */
+void initSigHandlers(boolean dumpStack);
+/* set handler for various terminal signals for logging purposes.
+ * if dumpStack is TRUE, attempt to dump the stack. */
struct cgiVar
/* Info on one cgi variable. */
struct cgiVar *next; /* Next in list. */
char *name; /* Name - allocated in hash. */
char *val; /* Value - also not allocated here. */
boolean saved; /* True if saved. */
struct cgiVar* cgiVarList();
/* return the list of cgiVar's */
char *findCookieData(char *varName);
/* Get the string associated with varName from the cookie string. */
void dumpCookieList();
/* Print out the cookie list. */
boolean cgiIsOnWeb();
/* Return TRUE if looks like we're being run as a CGI. */
char *cgiRequestMethod();
char *cgiRequestUri();
/* Return CGI REQUEST_URI */
char *cgiRequestContentLength();
/* Return HTTP REQUEST CONTENT_LENGTH if available*/
char *cgiScriptName();
/* Return name of script so libs can do context-sensitive stuff. */
char *cgiServerName();
/* Return name of server */
char *cgiRemoteAddr();
/* Return IP address of client (or "unknown"). */
/* These routines abort the html output if the input isn't
* there or is misformatted. */
char *cgiString(char *varName);
int cgiInt(char *varName);
double cgiDouble(char *varName);
boolean cgiBoolean(char *varName);
/* The cgiBoolean is a little problematic. If the variable
* is TRUE it exists, but if it is false it is simply not
* defined. cgiBoolean() thus returns FALSE if the CGI
* variable doesn't exist or if it is set to FALSE. To
* work around this when need be use cgiBooleanDefined(),
* which relies on the fact that when we define a boolean
* variable we also define a hidden variable. */
boolean cgiBooleanDefined(char *name);
/* Return TRUE if boolean variable is defined (by
* checking for shadow). */
char *cgiBooleanShadowPrefix();
/* Prefix for shadow variable set with boolean variables. */
void cgiMakeHiddenBoolean(char *name, boolean on);
/* Make hidden boolean variable. Also make a shadow hidden variable so we
* can distinguish between variable not present and
* variable set to false. */
char *cgiMultListShadowPrefix();
/* Prefix for shadow variable set with multi-select inputs. */
int cgiIntExp(char *varName);
/* Evaluate an integer expression in varName and
* return value. */
char *cgiOptionalString(char *varName);
/* Return value of string if it exists in cgi environment, else NULL */
char *cgiUsualString(char *varName, char *usual);
/* Return value of string if it exists in cgi environment.
* Otherwiser return 'usual' */
struct slName *cgiStringList(char *varName);
/* Find list of cgi variables with given name. This
* may be empty. Free result with slFreeList(). */
int cgiOptionalInt(char *varName, int defaultVal);
/* This returns value of varName if it exists in cgi environment,
* otherwise it returns defaultVal. */
double cgiOptionalDouble(char *varName, double defaultVal);
/* Returns double value. */
#define cgiUsualInt cgiOptionalInt
#define cgiUsualDouble cgiOptionalDouble
struct cgiChoice
/* Choice table */
char *name;
int value;
int cgiOneChoice(char *varName, struct cgiChoice *choices, int choiceSize);
/* Returns value associated with string variable in choice table. */
boolean cgiVarExists(char *varName);
/* Returns TRUE if the variable was passed in. */
void cgiBadVar(char *varName);
/* Complain about a variable that's not there. */
void cgiDecode(char *in, char *out, int inLength);
/* Decode from cgi pluses-for-spaces format to normal.
* Out will be a little shorter than in typically. */
char *cgiEncode(char *inString);
/* Return a cgi-encoded version of inString.
* Alphanumerics kept as is, space translated to plus,
* and all other characters translated to %hexVal.
* You can free return value with freeMem(). */
char *cgiEncodeFull(char *inString);
/* Return a cgi-encoded version of inString (no + for space!).
* Alphanumerics/./_ kept as is and all other characters translated to
* %hexVal. */
void cgiMakeButtonWithMsg(char *name, char *value, char *msg);
/* Make 'submit' type button. Display msg on mouseover, if present*/
void cgiMakeButtonWithOnClick(char *name, char *value, char *msg, char *onClick);
/* Make 'submit' type button, with onclick javascript */
void cgiMakeButton(char *name, char *value);
/* Make 'submit' type button. */
void cgiMakeOnClickButton(char *command, char *value);
/* Make 'push' type button with client side onClick (java)script. */
void cgiMakeOnClickSubmitButton(char *command, char *name, char *value);
/* Make submit button with both variable name and value with client side
* onClick (java)script. */
void cgiMakeOptionalButton(char *name, char *value, boolean disabled);
/* Make 'submit' type button that can be disabled. */
void cgiMakeRadioButton(char *name, char *value, boolean checked);
/* Make radio type button. A group of radio buttons should have the
* same name but different values. The default selection should be
* sent with checked on. */
void cgiMakeOnClickRadioButton(char *name, char *value, boolean checked,
char *command);
/* Make radio type button with onClick command.
* A group of radio buttons should have the
* same name but different values. The default selection should be
* sent with checked on. */
void cgiMakeCheckBoxUtil(char *name, boolean checked, char *msg, char *id);
/* Make check box - can be called directly, though it was originally meant
* as the common code for all lower level checkbox routines.
* However, it's util functionality has been taken over by
* cgiMakeCheckBoxWithIdAndOptionalHtml() */
void cgiMakeCheckBox(char *name, boolean checked);
/* Make check box. */
void cgiMakeCheckBoxWithMsg(char *name, boolean checked, char *msg);
/* Make check box, which includes a msg. */
void cgiMakeCheckBoxWithId(char *name, boolean checked, char *id);
/* Make check box, which includes an ID. */
void cgiMakeCheckBoxJS(char *name, boolean checked, char *javascript);
/* Make check box with javascript */
void cgiMakeCheckBoxIdAndJS(char *name, boolean checked, char *id, char *javascript);
/* Make check box with ID and javascript. */
void cgiMakeCheckBox2BoolWithIdAndJS(char *name, boolean checked, boolean enabled,char *id, char *javascript);
/* Make check box supporting 2 boolean state: checke/unchecked and enabled/disabled
Also support ID and javascript.*/
void cgiMakeTextArea(char *varName, char *initialVal, int rowCount, int columnCount);
/* Make a text area with area rowCount X columnCount and with text: intialVal. */
void cgiMakeTextAreaDisableable(char *varName, char *initialVal, int rowCount, int columnCount, boolean disabled);
/* Make a text area that can be disabled. The rea has rowCount X
* columnCount and with text: intialVal */
void cgiMakeTextVar(char *varName, char *initialVal, int charSize);
/* Make a text control filled with initial value. If charSize
* is zero it's calculated from initialVal size. */
void cgiMakeTextVarWithExtraHtml(char *varName, char *initialVal, int width, char *extra);
/* Make a text control filled with initial value. */
void cgiMakeOnKeypressTextVar(char *varName, char *initialVal, int charSize,
char *script);
/* Make a text control filled with initial value, with a (java)script
* to execute every time a key is pressed. If charSize is zero it's
* calculated from initialVal size. */
void cgiMakeIntVar(char *varName, int initialVal, int maxDigits);
/* Make a text control filled with initial integer value. */
#define NO_VALUE -96669
void cgiMakeIntVarInRange(char *varName, int initialVal, char *title, int width, char *min, char *max);
/* Make a integer control filled with initial value.
If min and/or max are non-NULL will enforce range
Requires utils.js jQuery.js and inputBox class */
void cgiMakeIntVarWithLimits(char *varName, int initialVal, char *title, int width, int min, int max);
void cgiMakeIntVarWithMin(char *varName, int initialVal, char *title, int width, int min);
void cgiMakeIntVarWithMax(char *varName, int initialVal, char *title, int width, int max);
#define cgiMakeIntVarNoLimits(varName,initialVal,title,width) cgiMakeIntVarInRange(varName,initialVal,title,width,NULL,NULL)
/* All four of these call cgiMakeIntVarInRange() and therefore require utils.js */
void cgiMakeDoubleVar(char *varName, double initialVal, int maxDigits);
/* Make a text control filled with initial floating-point value. */
void cgiMakeDoubleVarInRange(char *varName, double initialVal, char *title, int width, char *min, char *max);
/* Make a floating point control filled with initial value.
If min and/or max are non-NULL will enforce range
Requires utils.js jQuery.js and inputBox class */
void cgiMakeDoubleVarWithLimits(char *varName, double initialVal, char *title, int width, double min, double max);
void cgiMakeDoubleVarWithMin(char *varName, double initialVal, char *title, int width, double min);
void cgiMakeDoubleVarWithMax(char *varName, double initialVal, char *title, int width, double max);
#define cgiMakeDoubleVarNoLimits(varName,initialVal,title,width) cgiMakeDoubleVarInRange(varName,initialVal,title,width,NULL,NULL)
/* All four of these call cgiMakeDoubleVarInRange() and therefore require utils.js */
void cgiMakeDropListClass(char *name, char *menu[], int menuSize, char *checked, char *class);
/* Make a drop-down list with names and style sheet class. */
void cgiMakeDropList(char *name, char *menu[], int menuSize, char *checked);
/* Make a drop-down list with names.
* uses style "normalText" */
void cgiMakeDropListClassWithStyleAndJavascript(char *name, char *menu[],
int menuSize, char *checked, char *class, char *style,char *javascript);
/* Make a drop-down list with names, text class, style and javascript. */
void cgiMakeDropListClassWithStyle(char *name, char *menu[],
int menuSize, char *checked, char *class, char *style);
/* Make a drop-down list with names, text class and style. */
void cgiMakeDropListWithVals(char *name, char *menu[], char *values[],
int menuSize, char *checked);
/* Make a drop-down list with names and values. In this case checked
* corresponds to a value, not a menu. */
void cgiMakeDropListFull(char *name, char *menu[], char *values[], int menuSize, char *checked, char *extraAttribs);
/* Make a drop-down list with names and values. */
void cgiMakeMultList(char *name, char *menu[], int menuSize, struct slName *checked, int length);
/* Make a list of names which can have multiple selections.
* Same as drop-down list except "multiple" is added to select tag */
void cgiMakeCheckboxGroup(char *name, char *menu[], int menuSize, struct slName *checked,
int tableColumns);
/* Make a table of checkboxes that have the same variable name but different
* values (same behavior as a multi-select input). */
void cgiMakeCheckboxGroupWithVals(char *name, char *menu[], char *values[], int menuSize,
struct slName *checked, int tableColumns);
/* Make a table of checkboxes that have the same variable name but different
* values (same behavior as a multi-select input), with nice labels in menu[]. */
void cgiMakeHiddenVar(char *varName, char *string);
/* Store string in hidden input for next time around. */
void cgiContinueHiddenVar(char *varName);
/* Write CGI var back to hidden input for next time around.
* (if it exists). */
void cgiContinueAllVars();
/* Write back all CGI vars as hidden input for next time around. */
void cgiVarExclude(char *varName);
/* If varName exists, remove it. */
void cgiVarExcludeExcept(char **varNames);
/* Exclude all variables except for those in NULL
* terminated array varNames. varNames may be NULL
* in which case nothing is excluded. */
void cgiVarSet(char *varName, char *val);
/* Set a cgi variable to a particular value. */
struct dyString *cgiUrlString();
/* Get URL-formatted that expresses current CGI variable state. */
boolean cgiSpoof(int *pArgc, char *argv[]);
/* Use the command line to set up things as if we were a CGI program.
* User types in command line (assuming your program called cgiScript)
* like:
* cgiScript nonCgiArg1 var1=value1 var2=value2 var3=value3 nonCgiArg2
* or like
* cgiScript nonCgiArg1 var1=value1&var2=value2&var3=value3 nonCgiArg2
* (The non-cgi arguments can occur anywhere. The cgi arguments (all containing
* the character '=') are erased from argc/argv. Normally you call this
* cgiSpoof(&argc, argv);
boolean cgiFromCommandLine(int *pArgc, char *argv[], boolean preferWeb);
/* Use the command line to set up things as if we were a CGI program.
* If preferWeb is TRUE will choose real CGI variables over command
* line ones. */
void useTempFile();
/* tell cheapcgi to use temp files */
boolean cgiFromFile(char *fileName);
/* Set up a cgi environment using parameters stored in a file.
* Takes file with arguments in the form:
* argument1=someVal
* # This is a comment
* argument2=someOtherVal
* ...
* and puts them into the cgi environment so that the usual
* cgiGetVar() commands can be used. Useful when a program
* has a lot of possible parameters.
boolean cgiParseInput(char *input, struct hash **retHash,
struct cgiVar **retList);
/* Parse cgi-style input into a hash table and list. This will alter
* the input data. The hash table will contain references back
* into input, so please don't free input until you're done with
* the hash. Prints message and returns FALSE if there's an error.*/
void cgiSimpleTableStart();
/* start HTML table -- no customization. Leaves room
* for a fancier implementation */
void cgiTableEnd();
/* end HTML table */
void cgiMakeSubmitButton();
/* Make 'submit' type button. */
void cgiMakeResetButton();
/* Make 'reset' type button. */
void cgiMakeClearButton(char *form, char *field);
/* Make button to clear a text field. */
void cgiMakeFileEntry(char *name);
/* Make file entry box/browser */
void cgiSimpleTableRowStart();
/* Start table row */
void cgiTableRowEnd();
/* End table row */
void cgiSimpleTableFieldStart();
/* Start table field */
void cgiTableFieldStartAlignRight();
/* Start table field */
void cgiTableFieldEnd();
/* End table field */
void cgiTableField(char *text);
/* Make table field entry */
void cgiTableFieldWithMsg(char *text, char *msg);
/* Make table field entry with mouseover */
void cgiParagraph(char *text);
/* Make text paragraph */
void logCgiToStderr();
/* Log useful CGI info to stderr */
void cgiResetState();
/* This is for reloading CGI settings multiple times in the same program
* execution. No effect if state has not yet been initialized. */
void commonCssStyles();
/* Defines a few common styles to use through CSS */
#endif /* CHEAPCGI_H */