src/product/ex.hg.conf 1.16

1.16 2009/06/03 00:34:11 markd
added option to generate stack dumps when browser errors occur
Index: src/product/ex.hg.conf
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/product/ex.hg.conf,v
retrieving revision 1.15
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.15 -r1.16
--- src/product/ex.hg.conf	27 Jan 2009 18:53:29 -0000	1.15
+++ src/product/ex.hg.conf	3 Jun 2009 00:34:11 -0000	1.16
@@ -1,127 +1,136 @@
 # Config file for the UCSC Human Genome server
 # the format is in the form of name/value pairs
 # written 'name=value' (note that there is no space between
 # the name and its value.
 #	This file last updated:
 #	$Id$
 # is the name of the MySQL host to connect to
 #  high-volume sites will want a separate database server from the web server
 # db.user is the username is use when connecting to the specified
 #	it needs read-only access.  The browser CGIs do not need
 #	read-write access to the database tables
 # db.password is the password to use with the specified db.user
 # trackDb table to use. A simple value of `trackDb' is normally sufficient.
 # In general, the value is a comma-separated list of trackDb format tables to
 # search.  This supports local tracks combined with a mirror of the trackDb
 # table from UCSC. The names should be in the form `trackDb_suffix'. This
 # implies a parallel hgFindSpec format search table exists in the form
 # hgFindSpec_suffix.  The specified trackDb tables are searched in the order
 # specified, with the first occurance of a track being used.  You may associate
 # trackDb/hgFindSpec tables with other instances of genome databases using a
 # specification of profile:trackDbTbl, where profile is the name of a
 # databases profile in hg.conf, and trackDbTbl is the name of the table in the
 # remote databases.
 # track group table definitions.  This is a comma-seperate list similar to
 # db.trackDb that defines the track group tables.  Database profiles 
 # may alow be included using the syntax profile:grpTbl.
 # Change this default documentRoot if different in your installation,
 #	to allow some of the browser cgi binaries to find help text files
 #  New browser function as of March 2007, allowing saved genome browser
 #	sessions into genomewiki
 #  New browser function as of April 2007, custom track data is kept
 #	in a database instead of in trash files.  This function requires
 #	several other factors to be in place before it will work.
 #  This was an optional feature for quite some time in 2007 and 2008,
 #	but it is now mandatory.  The older file-based trash system will
 #	appear to work, but it does not operate properly, and can not
 #	operate some of the newer types of custom tracks.
 #	See also:
 #  Use these settings to provide host, user, and password settings<your specific host name>
 customTracks.user=<your specific MySQL user for this function>
 customTracks.password=<MySQL password for specified user>
 #	tmpdir of /data/tmp is the default location if not specified here
 #	Set this to a directory as recommended in the genomewiki
 #	discussion mentioned above.
 # New browser function as of March 2007.  Future browser code will
 #	have this on by default, and can be turned off with =off
 #   Initial release of this function requires it to be turned on here.
 # is the name of the host of the central MySQL
 # database where stuff common to all versions of the genome
 # and the user database is stored.
 # Be sure this user has UPDATE AND INSERT privs for hgcentral
 #	The central.domain will allow the browser cookie-cart
 #	function to work.  Set it to your domain.  It can be
 #	central.domain=local
 #	when the same machine is used for MySQL and the Apache
 #	WEB server.  Depends upon how your DNS is configured.
 #	personalize the background of the browser with a specified jpg
 #	floret.jpg is the standard UCSC default
 #	personalize the background of CGIs that don't use images
 #  new option for track reording functions, August 2006
 #	in case of failure of the above machine,
 #	the following settings will be used to access a secondary
 #	mirror of the database
 #	archivecentral settings are used for archived assemblies
 #	that have been moved to a different machine.
 # An include directive can be used to read text from other files.  this is
 # especially useful when there are multiple browsers hidden behind virtual
 # hosts.  The path to the include file is either absolute or relative to
 # the including file (*not* relative to the current direct directory).
 #   include ../cgi-bin-default/hg.conf
 # Option to disable the "All Tables" query in the table browser.  Useful if
 # one wants to be restrictive about what tables can be seen.
 #   hgta.disableAllTables=yes
+# If this option is enabled, the browser CGIs will attempt to generate a an
+# stack traceback on error and dump it to stderr (which is normally captured
+# in the web server error log).  This requires the pstack package to be
+# install, which is available on for unix and linux systems.  If
+# signalsHandler is enabled, the stack will also be printed when a signal
+# indicating an error occurs.
+#   browser.dumpStack=on