src/utils/qa/doGenbankTests 1.14

1.14 2009/06/04 19:14:44 kuhn
removed some slashes that were not doing anything and added some whitespace in usage output
Index: src/utils/qa/doGenbankTests
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/utils/qa/doGenbankTests,v
retrieving revision 1.13
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.13 -r1.14
--- src/utils/qa/doGenbankTests	27 May 2009 18:58:00 -0000	1.13
+++ src/utils/qa/doGenbankTests	4 Jun 2009 19:14:44 -0000	1.14
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@
 # check host, set path to genbank sanity location 
 if [ "$HOST" != hgwdev -a "$HOST" != hgwbeta ]
-  echo "This script must be run from hgwdev or hgwbeta." >&2
+  echo -e "\nThis script must be run from hgwdev or hgwbeta.\n" >&2
   exit 1
 elif [ "$HOST" = hgwdev ]
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@
 # get arguments / give usage statement
 if [ $# -lt 1 -o $# -gt 2 ]
-  echo "usage:  $(basename $0) db [outFile]
-where outFile is the name of a file in which to record results" >&2
+  echo -e "\n usage:  $(basename $0) db [outFile]
+ where outFile is the name of a file in which to record results\n" >&2
   exit 1
   if ! databaseExists $db
@@ -86,14 +86,14 @@
 # specify tables that should get each test
 # intronEst is a special case; it may exist only in split form
 intronEstTables=$(hgsql -Ne "show tables like '%intronEst'" $db)
-trackTables="refGene xenoRefGene mgcFullMrna orfeomeMrna all_mrna intronEst /
+trackTables="refGene xenoRefGene mgcFullMrna orfeomeMrna all_mrna intronEst  
            all_est xenoMrna xenoEst"
 genePredTables="refGene xenoRefGene mgcGenes orfeomeGenes"
-pslTables="mgcFullMrna orfeomeMrna all_mrna xenoMrna all_est refSeqAli /
+pslTables="mgcFullMrna orfeomeMrna all_mrna xenoMrna all_est refSeqAli 
            xenoRefSeqAli xenoEst $intronEstTables"
-featureTables="refGene xenoRefGene mgcGenes mgcFullMrna orfeomeGenes /
+featureTables="refGene xenoRefGene mgcGenes mgcFullMrna orfeomeGenes 
                orfeomeMrna all_mrna intronEst all_est xenoMrna xenoEst"
 # print information about the script at the top of the output
 echo "$(basename $0) output on $db"