src/utils/qa/makeUniProtFile.csh 1.7
1.7 2009/06/08 22:57:12 kuhn
grammar tweak
Index: src/utils/qa/makeUniProtFile.csh
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/utils/qa/makeUniProtFile.csh,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.6 -r1.7
--- src/utils/qa/makeUniProtFile.csh 2 Jun 2009 16:06:26 -0000 1.6
+++ src/utils/qa/makeUniProtFile.csh 8 Jun 2009 22:57:12 -0000 1.7
@@ -1,115 +1,114 @@
source `which qaConfig.csh`
-# Ann Zweig 5-2009
+# Ann Zweig 05-2009
# Use this script to create a file for the folks at UnitProt.
# They will use the file to create links from their web site back to our
# Gene details pages.
onintr cleanup
set db=''
set org=''
set hasKGs=''
set num=''
if ($#argv != 1 ) then
echo " Use this script to create a mapping of UniProt IDs to Gene IDs. \
UniProt will pick it up from our download server and use it to \
create links from their web site to our gene details pages."
echo " usage: db"
exit 1
set db=$argv[1]
# run only from hgwdev
if ( "$HOST" != "hgwdev" ) then
echo "\nERROR: you must run this script on hgwdev!\n"
exit 1
# check to see if this assembly has UCSC Genes
set hasKGs=`hgsql -Ne "SELECT genomeDb FROM gdbPdb" \
hgcentraltest | grep "$db"`
# based on whether or not this assembly has UCSC Genes, make the mapping file
if ( '' != $hasKGs ) then
# get the data from the two KG-related tables
hgsql -Ne "SELECT displayId, kgId FROM kgProtAlias" \
$db > $db.rawDataForUniProt
hgsql -Ne "SELECT spId, kgId FROM kgSpAlias WHERE spId != ''" \
$db >> $db.rawDataForUniProt
else #non-UCSC Gene assembly
# each of the non-KG assemblies are treated a little differently
if ( $db =~ "dm*" ) then
hgsql -Ne "SELECT alias, FROM flyBase2004Xref AS a, \
flyBaseToUniProt AS b WHERE AND alias != 'n/a'" \
$db > $db.rawDataForUniProt
if ( $db =~ "ce*" ) then
hgsql -Ne "SELECT acc, name FROM sangerGene AS a, uniProt.gene AS b \
WHERE a.proteinID=b.val and acc != 'n/a'" $db > $db.rawDataForUniProt
if ( $db =~ "danRer*" ) then
echo " \nERROR: Although a file could be generated for danRer, uniProt has"
echo " decided that they do not want to do that mapping...yet\n"
exit 1
if ( $db =~ "sacCer*" ) then
echo " \nERROR: Although a file could be generated for sacCer, uniProt has"
echo " decided that they do not want to do that mapping...yet\n"
exit 1
if ( -e $db.rawDataForUniProt ) then
# find out the name of the organism for this database
set org=`hgsql -Ne 'SELECT organism FROM dbDb where name = "'$db'" LIMIT 1' \
hgcentraltest | perl -wpe '$_ = lcfirst($_)'`
# now add the organism name to every row
sed -e 's/$/ '$org'/' $db.rawDataForUniProt > $
echo " \nERROR: It is not possible to make a mapping file for UniProt from"
echo " the database you entered: $db\n"
exit 1
# make sure there is only one Gene ID - UniProt ID pair
sort -k1,1 -u $ > $db.uniProtToUcscGenes.txt
# make the new directory and copy the file there
mkdir -p /usr/local/apache/htdocs/goldenPath/$db/UCSCGenes
cp $db.uniProtToUcscGenes.txt /usr/local/apache/htdocs/goldenPath/$db/UCSCGenes/uniProtToUcscGenes.txt
# how big is the file
set num=`wc -l $db.uniProtToUcscGenes.txt | awk '{print $1}'`
# explain the output to the user
echo "\nSUCCESS!\n"
-echo "Here's a sample of the $num line file you just created"
+echo "Here's a sample of the ${num}-line file you just created"
echo " (expect: UniProtId ucscGeneId orgName)"
head $db.uniProtToUcscGenes.txt
echo " \nAsk for a push of your new file to hgdownload:\n"
echo " /usr/local/apache/htdocs/goldenPath/$db/UCSCGenes/uniProtToUcscGenes.txt"
# clean up old files (except the real one)
rm -f $db.rawDataForUniProt*
exit 0