src/hg/archaeStuff/data/Genome-info-meta 1.6

1.6 2009/06/01 23:41:47 pchan
add multiz genomes for monaGeys and cistSpri
Index: src/hg/archaeStuff/data/Genome-info-meta
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/archaeStuff/data/Genome-info-meta,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.5 -r1.6
--- src/hg/archaeStuff/data/Genome-info-meta	28 May 2009 05:09:07 -0000	1.5
+++ src/hg/archaeStuff/data/Genome-info-meta	1 Jun 2009 23:41:47 -0000	1.6
@@ -1,158 +1,158 @@
 ## Genome-info-meta - only add fields for metagenomes which you wish to over-ride in Genome-info-db (automatically 
 ##                    generated using "make-genome-info" perl script).
 # Description of Fields for each genome entry:
 # Org_abr: first four letters of genus & species, plus strain identifier (if any)
 #  NOTE: Org_abr *must* occur prior to any of the fields given below to be associated 
 #        with the right genome!
 # Org_name: Species name (no length restriction -- taken from NCBI directory name; 
 #            should NOT be changed)
 # Menu_name: Species name preferred in pull-down menu (usually a shortenned version
 #             of Org_name -- i.e. without strain; should still be unique)
 # Domain:  Domain (Bacteria, Archaea, or Eukarya)
 # DB_name: name used for species database in mysql
 # Cent_DB: Production central database which must be set to same value as variable
 #              "central.db" in hg.conf in cgi-bin directory; will use a default value if not set explicitly
 # DB_src: Source of information for genome DB which determines the format of information
 #          input into genome browser;  defalt value "NCBI"; alt vals: "JGI", etc.; 
 #          will use default if not set explicitly
 # Tax_name: Full name of species (including strain) (normally taken from NCBI Genbank files)
 # Tax_ID:  NCBI's unique species identifier used in its taxonomy classification
 # Dom_ct:  Domain count -- priority order in which you want it displayed in the browser;
 #          can put an integer, or assign same priority as another organism (allows floating to stay
            in correct place for unpublished genomes) using notation '&Org_abbr' i.e. (Dom_ct: &Heli_pylo_J99)
 # Gen_ID:  Genome unique ID number used to access organim's genome page at NCBI
 # Pub_id: Pubmed identifier for publication describing genome sequence
 # Seq_acc: List of accession numbers for all refseq (NC*) genome files
 # Name_chg: Name mapping for each genome sequence file in pairs (i.e. NC2001 chr1 NC2002 chr2 ..etc)
 # Seq_size: Size of sequences, in same order as names in Seq_acc:
 # Gene_ct: Gene count list, separated by spaces, in order of seqs in Seq_acc field
 # Multiz: track abbreviation, followed by list of organisms (db names) to be aligned in multiz or blastz track
 # Public_multiz: track abbreviation, followed by list of organisms (db names) to be aligned in multiz or blastz track (used in public brows
 # Phylo: phylogenetic tree string used to construct phylohmm track i.e. (org1,(org2,org3))
 # Rel_date: Release date for current sequence version of genome, read from NCBI's microbial genomes page
 # Sp_info: Optional sentences about species included in description.html front page (no length 
 #          restriction, but no newlines allowed)
 # Seq_src: Sequencing center that submitted the genome sequence (also from NCBI's microbial genomes page)
 # Web_seq: web/ftp address for fasta/genbank sequence files
 # Web_db:  NCBI web address for this organism's genome
 # Trna_opt: tRNAscan-SE options to use in auto-runs
 # Trna_abr: tRNAscan-SE output files prefix
 # Gen_seq: location of local FASTA genome sequence file
 # Prot_seq: location of local copy of protein sequences
 # Feat_seq: All features in genome file (including protein genes, ncRNA genes, intergenic 
 #           regions), separated into individual fasta seqs
 Org_abr:  Jose_coat_042308
 Org_name: Josephs Coat 042308 assemblies
 Menu_name: Josephs Coat (ystone1)
 Domain:   Archaea
 DB_name:  joseCoat_042308
 Tax_name: Josephs coat YNP Site 1
 BLAT_IDs: 61500 61501
 Tax_ID:   183924: Archaea; Crenarchaeota; Thermoprotei.
 TIGR_ID:  0
 Dom_ct: 3001
 Gen_ID:  0
 Seq_acc: ystone1_JCVI_assemblies_042308 assembly
 Name_chg: assembly
 Gb_acc:   None
 Seq_size:  6730602
 Seq_GC:  54.05
 Gene_ct:  0 
 Multiz:   PbacTtxCmaJcoTpe pyroIsla1 therNeut1 pyroCali1 pyrAer1 pyroArse1 caldMaqu1 therPend1
 Public_multiz:   PbacCmaTpe pyroIsla1 therNeut1 pyroCali1 pyrAer1 pyroArse1 caldMaqu1 therPend1
 Phylo:    (((((((pyroArse1,pyrAer1),(pyroIsla1,therNeut1)),pyroCali1),therTena1),caldMaqu1),joseCoat_042308),therPend1)
 Rel_date: 04/23/08
 Seq_src:  Montana State University
 Trna_opt: -o# -f# -m# -F# -HyA
 Trna_abr: Jose_coat_042308-tRNAs
 Org_abr:  Mona_geys_052609
 Org_name: Monarch Geyser 052609 Celera assembly
 Menu_name: Monarch Geyser 052609 (Site 3)
 Domain:   Archaea
 DB_name:  monaGeys_052609
 Tax_name: Monarch Geyser YNP Site 3
 BLAT_IDs: 61502 61503
 Tax_ID:   183924: Archaea; Crenarchaeota; Thermoprotei.
 TIGR_ID:  0
 Dom_ct: 3002
 Gen_ID:  0
 Seq_acc: ystone03.Celera.assemb.deg.singleton assembly
 Name_chg: assembly
 Gb_acc:   None
 Seq_size:  18014660
 Seq_GC:  51.42
 Gene_ct:  1 
-Multiz:   PbacTtxCmaYNPTpe pyroIsla1 therNeut1 pyroCali1 pyrAer1 pyroArse1 caldMaqu1 therPend1
-Public_multiz:   PbacCmaTpe pyroIsla1 therNeut1 pyroCali1 pyrAer1 pyroArse1 caldMaqu1 therPend1
-Phylo:    (((((((((pyroArse1,pyrAer1),(pyroIsla1,therNeut1)),pyroCali1),therTena1),caldMaqu1),monaGeys_052609),joseCoat_052609),cistSpri_052609),therPend1)
+Multiz:   CrenNanoYNP pyroIsla1 therNeut1 pyroCali1 pyrAer1 pyroArse1 caldMaqu1 therPend1 igniHosp1 aerPer1 hypeButy1 desuKamc1 stapMari1 sulfAcid1 sulfToko1 sulSol1
+Public_multiz:   CrenNanoYNP pyroIsla1 therNeut1 pyroCali1 pyrAer1 pyroArse1 caldMaqu1 therPend1 igniHosp1 aerPer1 hypeButy1 desuKamc1 stapMari1 sulfAcid1 sulfToko1 sulSol1
+Phylo:    (((((((((((((((pyroArse1,pyrAer1),(pyroIsla1,therNeut1)),pyroCali1),therTena1),caldMaqu1),therPend1),igniHosp1),aerPer1),hypeButy1),desuKamc1),stapMari1),sulfAcid1),sulfToko1),sulSol1),monaGeys_052609)
 Rel_date: 05/26/09
 Seq_src:  Montana State University
 Trna_opt: -o# -f# -m# -F# -HyA
 Trna_abr: Mona_geys_052609-tRNAs
 Org_abr:  Jose_coat_052609
 Org_name: Josephs Coat 052609 Celera assembly
 Menu_name: Josephs Coat 052609 (Site 4)
 Domain:   Archaea
 DB_name:  joseCoat_052609
 Tax_name: Josephs Coat YNP Site 4
 BLAT_IDs: 61504 61505
 Tax_ID:   183924: Archaea; Crenarchaeota; Thermoprotei.
 TIGR_ID:  0
 Dom_ct: 3003
 Gen_ID:  2
 Seq_acc: ystone04.Celera.assemb.deg.singleton assembly
 Name_chg: assembly
 Gb_acc:   None
 Seq_size:  14766232
 Seq_GC:  52.32
 Gene_ct:  1 
-Multiz:   PbacTtxCmaYNPTpe pyroIsla1 therNeut1 pyroCali1 pyrAer1 pyroArse1 caldMaqu1 therPend1
-Public_multiz:   PbacCmaTpe pyroIsla1 therNeut1 pyroCali1 pyrAer1 pyroArse1 caldMaqu1 therPend1
-Phylo:    ((((((((((pyroArse1,pyrAer1),(pyroIsla1,therNeut1)),pyroCali1),therTena1),caldMaqu1),monaGeys_052609),joseCoat_052609),joseCoat_042308),cistSpri_052609),therPend1)
+Multiz:   CrenNanoYNP pyroIsla1 therNeut1 pyroCali1 pyrAer1 pyroArse1 caldMaqu1 therPend1 igniHosp1 aerPer1 hypeButy1 desuKamc1 stapMari1 sulfAcid1 sulfToko1 sulSol1 joseCoat_042308
+Public_multiz:   CrenNanoYNP pyroIsla1 therNeut1 pyroCali1 pyrAer1 pyroArse1 caldMaqu1 therPend1 igniHosp1 aerPer1 hypeButy1 desuKamc1 stapMari1 sulfAcid1 sulfToko1 sulSol1 joseCoat_042308
+Phylo:    ((((((((((((((((pyroArse1,pyrAer1),(pyroIsla1,therNeut1)),pyroCali1),therTena1),caldMaqu1),therPend1),igniHosp1),aerPer1),hypeButy1),desuKamc1),stapMari1),sulfAcid1),sulfToko1),sulSol1),joseCoat_052609),joseCoat_042308)
 Rel_date: 05/26/09
 Seq_src:  Montana State University
 Trna_opt: -o# -f# -m# -F# -HyA
 Trna_abr: Jose_coat_052609-tRNAs
 Org_abr:  Cist_spri_052609
 Org_name: Cistern Spring 052609 Celera assembly
 Menu_name: Cistern Spring 052609 (Site 19)
 Domain:   Archaea
 DB_name:  cistSpri_052609
 Tax_name: Cistern Spring YNP Site 19
 BLAT_IDs: 61506 61507
 Tax_ID:   183924: Archaea; Crenarchaeota; Thermoprotei.
 TIGR_ID:  0
 Dom_ct: 3004
 Gen_ID:  3
 Seq_acc: ystone19.Celera.assemb.deg.singleton assembly
 Name_chg: assembly
 Gb_acc:   None
 Seq_size:  13987463
 Seq_GC:  50.27
 Gene_ct:  1 
-Multiz:   PbacTtxCmaYNPTpe pyroIsla1 therNeut1 pyroCali1 pyrAer1 pyroArse1 caldMaqu1 therPend1
-Public_multiz:   PbacCmaTpe pyroIsla1 therNeut1 pyroCali1 pyrAer1 pyroArse1 caldMaqu1 therPend1
-Phylo:    (((((((((pyroArse1,pyrAer1),(pyroIsla1,therNeut1)),pyroCali1),therTena1),caldMaqu1),monaGeys_052609),joseCoat_052609),cistSpri_052609),therPend1)
+Multiz:   CrenNanoYNP pyroIsla1 therNeut1 pyroCali1 pyrAer1 pyroArse1 caldMaqu1 therPend1 igniHosp1 aerPer1 hypeButy1 desuKamc1 stapMari1 sulfAcid1 sulfToko1 sulSol1
+Public_multiz:   CrenNanoYNP pyroIsla1 therNeut1 pyroCali1 pyrAer1 pyroArse1 caldMaqu1 therPend1 igniHosp1 aerPer1 hypeButy1 desuKamc1 stapMari1 sulfAcid1 sulfToko1 sulSol1
+Phylo:    (((((((((((((((pyroArse1,pyrAer1),(pyroIsla1,therNeut1)),pyroCali1),therTena1),caldMaqu1),therPend1),igniHosp1),aerPer1),hypeButy1),desuKamc1),stapMari1),sulfAcid1),sulfToko1),sulSol1),cistSpri_052609)
 Rel_date: 05/26/09
 Seq_src:  Montana State University
 Trna_opt: -o# -f# -m# -F# -HyA
 Trna_abr: Cist_spri_052609-tRNAs