src/hg/hgGene/hgGene.c 1.115
1.115 2009/06/15 23:47:29 angie
Prevent stack dump in case of stoopid invocation (googlebots).
Index: src/hg/hgGene/hgGene.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/hgGene/hgGene.c,v
retrieving revision 1.114
retrieving revision 1.115
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.114 -r1.115
--- src/hg/hgGene/hgGene.c 12 Mar 2009 21:51:26 -0000 1.114
+++ src/hg/hgGene/hgGene.c 15 Jun 2009 23:47:29 -0000 1.115
@@ -606,16 +606,23 @@
* set up the globals and make a web page. */
struct sqlConnection *conn = NULL;
cart = theCart;
+char *geneName = cartUsualString(cart, hggGene, NULL);
+if (isEmpty(geneName))
+ {
+ // Silly googlebots.
+ webDumpStackDisallow();
+ errAbort("Error: the hgg_gene parameter is missing from the cart and the CGI params.");
+ }
getDbAndGenome(cart, &database, &genome, oldVars);
/* if kgProtMap2 table exists, this means we are doing KG III */
if (hTableExists(database, "kgProtMap2")) kgVersion = KG_III;
conn = hAllocConn(database);
-curGeneId = findGeneId(conn, cartString(cart, hggGene));
+curGeneId = findGeneId(conn, geneName);
curGenePred = getCurGenePred(conn);
curGeneName = getGeneName(curGeneId, conn);
spConn = hAllocConn(UNIPROT_DB_NAME);