src/hg/lib/hui.c 1.212
1.212 2009/06/12 21:05:51 tdreszer
Huge Yale matrix requires right buttons and bottom buttons
Index: src/hg/lib/hui.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/lib/hui.c,v
retrieving revision 1.211
retrieving revision 1.212
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.211 -r1.212
--- src/hg/lib/hui.c 12 Jun 2009 15:52:22 -0000 1.211
+++ src/hg/lib/hui.c 12 Jun 2009 21:05:51 -0000 1.212
@@ -4628,9 +4628,9 @@
if((count = chopByWhite(cloneString(vocab), words,15)) <= 1)
return cloneString(label);
for(ix=1;ix<count && !found;ix++)
-#define VOCAB_LINK "<A HREF='hgEncodeVocab?ra=/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/%s&term=\"%s\"' title='%s details' TARGET=ucscVocab>%s</A>\n"
+#define VOCAB_LINK "<A HREF='hgEncodeVocab?ra=/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/%s&term=\"%s\"' title='%s details' TARGET=ucscVocab>%s</A>"
if(sameString(vocabType,words[ix])) // controlledVocabulary setting matches tag so all labels are linked
int sz=strlen(VOCAB_LINK)+strlen(words[0])+strlen(words[ix])+2*strlen(label) + 2;
char *link=needMem(sz);
@@ -4660,8 +4660,139 @@
return cloneString(label);
+#define PM_BUTTON_UC "<A NAME='%s'></A><A HREF='#%s'><IMG height=18 width=18 onclick=\"return (matSetMatrixCheckBoxes(%s%s%s%s%s%s) == false);\" id='btn_%s' src='../images/%s'></A>"
+static void buttonsForAll()
+printf(PM_BUTTON_UC, "plus_all", "plus_all", "true", "", "", "", "", "", "plus_all", "add_sm.gif");
+printf(PM_BUTTON_UC,"minus_all","minus_all","false", "", "", "", "", "", "minus_all", "remove_sm.gif");
+static void buttonsForOne(char *name,char *class)
+printf(PM_BUTTON_UC, name, name, "true", ",'", class, "'", "", "", name, "add_sm.gif");
+printf(PM_BUTTON_UC, name, name, "false", ",'", class, "'", "", "", name, "remove_sm.gif");
+static void matrixXheadingsRow1(struct trackDb *parentTdb, members_t *dimensionX,members_t *dimensionY,struct trackDb **tdbsX,boolean top)
+/* prints the top row of a matrix: 'All' buttons; X titles; buttons 'All' */
+printf("<TR ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR='%s' valign=%s>\n",COLOR_BG_ALTDEFAULT,top?"BOTTOM":"TOP");
+if(dimensionX && dimensionY)
+ {
+ printf("<TH ALIGN=LEFT valign=%s>",top?"TOP":"BOTTOM");
+ buttonsForAll();
+ puts(" All</TH>");
+ }
+// If there is an X dimension, then titles go across the top
+ {
+ int ixX;
+ if(dimensionY)
+ printf("<TH align=RIGHT><EM><B>%s</EM></B>:</TH>", dimensionX->title);
+ else
+ printf("<TH ALIGN=RIGHT valign=%s> <EM><B>%s</EM></B></TH>",top?"TOP":"BOTTOM", dimensionX->title);
+ for (ixX = 0; ixX < dimensionX->count; ixX++)
+ {
+ if(tdbsX[ixX] != NULL || dimensionX == NULL)
+ {
+ char *label = replaceChars(dimensionX->values[ixX]," (","<BR>(");//
+ printf("<TH WIDTH='60'> %s </TH>",labelWithVocabLink(parentTdb,tdbsX[ixX],dimensionX->tag,label));
+ freeMem(label);
+ }
+ }
+ // If dimension is big enough, then add Y buttons to righ as well
+ if(dimensionX->count>MATRIX_RIGHT_BUTTONS_AFTER)
+ {
+ if(dimensionY)
+ {
+ printf("<TH align=LEFT>:<EM><B>%s</EM></B></TH>", dimensionX->title);
+ printf("<TH ALIGN=RIGHT valign=%s>All ",top?"TOP":"BOTTOM");
+ buttonsForAll();
+ puts("</TH>");
+ }
+ else
+ printf("<TH ALIGN=LEFT valign=%s><EM><B>%s</EM></B> </TH>",top?"TOP":"BOTTOM", dimensionX->title);
+ }
+ }
+else if(dimensionY)
+ {
+ printf("<TH ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH=100 nowrap>");
+ printf("<EM><B>%s</EM></B>", dimensionY->title);
+ printf("</TH><TH ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=60>");
+ buttonsForAll();
+ puts("</TH>");
+ }
+static void matrixXheadingsRow2(struct trackDb *parentTdb, members_t *dimensionX,members_t *dimensionY,struct trackDb **tdbsX)
+/* prints the 2nd row of a matrix: Y title; X buttons; title Y */
+// If there are both X and Y dimensions, then there is a row of buttons in X
+if(dimensionX && dimensionY)
+ {
+ int ixX;
+ printf("<TR ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=\"%s\"><TH ALIGN=CENTER colspan=2><EM><B>%s</EM></B></TH>",COLOR_BG_ALTDEFAULT, dimensionY->title);
+ for (ixX = 0; ixX < dimensionX->count; ixX++) // Special row of +- +- +-
+ {
+ if(tdbsX[ixX] != NULL || dimensionX == NULL)
+ {
+ char objName[SMALLBUF];
+ puts("<TD>");
+ safef(objName, sizeof(objName), "plus_%s_all", dimensionX->names[ixX]);
+ buttonsForOne( objName, dimensionX->names[ixX] );
+ puts("</TD>");
+ }
+ }
+ // If dimension is big enough, then add Y buttons to righ as well
+ if(dimensionX->count>MATRIX_RIGHT_BUTTONS_AFTER)
+ printf("<TH ALIGN=CENTER colspan=2><EM><B>%s</EM></B></TH>", dimensionY->title);
+ puts("</TR>\n");
+ }
+static void matrixXheadings(struct trackDb *parentTdb, members_t *dimensionX,members_t *dimensionY,struct trackDb **tdbsX,boolean top)
+/* UI for X headings in matrix */
+ matrixXheadingsRow1(parentTdb,dimensionX,dimensionY,tdbsX,top);
+ matrixXheadingsRow2(parentTdb,dimensionX,dimensionY,tdbsX);
+ matrixXheadingsRow1(parentTdb,dimensionX,dimensionY,tdbsX,top);
+static void matrixYheadings(struct trackDb *parentTdb, members_t *dimensionX,members_t *dimensionY,int ixY,struct trackDb *childTdb,boolean left)
+/* prints the top row of a matrix: 'All' buttons; X titles; buttons 'All' */
+if(dimensionX && dimensionY && childTdb != NULL) // Both X and Y, then column of buttons
+ {
+ char objName[SMALLBUF];
+ printf("<TH ALIGN=%s nowrap colspan=2>",left?"RIGHT":"LEFT");
+ if(left)
+ printf("%s ",labelWithVocabLink(parentTdb,childTdb,dimensionY->tag,dimensionY->values[ixY]));
+ safef(objName, sizeof(objName), "plus_all_%s", dimensionY->names[ixY]);
+ buttonsForOne( objName, dimensionY->names[ixY] );
+ if(!left)
+ printf(" %s",labelWithVocabLink(parentTdb,childTdb,dimensionY->tag,dimensionY->values[ixY]));
+ puts("</TH>");
+ }
+else if (dimensionX)
+ {
+ printf("<TH ALIGN=%s>",left?"RIGHT":"LEFT");
+ buttonsForAll();
+ puts("</TH>");
+ }
+else if (left && dimensionY && childTdb != NULL)
+ printf("<TH ALIGN=RIGHT nowrap>%s</TH>\n",labelWithVocabLink(parentTdb,childTdb,dimensionY->tag,dimensionY->values[ixY]));
static boolean hCompositeUiByMatrix(char *db, struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *parentTdb, char *formName)
/* UI for composite tracks: matrix of checkboxes. */
//int ix;
@@ -4723,112 +4854,34 @@
if(ixZ > -1)
- // Regardless of whether there is a dimension X or Y, there will be 'all' buttons
- //puts("<B>Select subtracks by characterization:</B><BR>");
- printf("<B>Select subtracks by ");
- if(dimensionX && !dimensionY)
+//puts("<B>Select subtracks by characterization:</B><BR>");
+printf("<B>Select subtracks by ");
+if(dimensionX && !dimensionY)
safef(javascript, sizeof(javascript), "%s:</B><BR>",dimensionX->title);
- else if(!dimensionX && dimensionY)
+else if(!dimensionX && dimensionY)
safef(javascript, sizeof(javascript), "%s:</B><BR>",dimensionY->title);
- else if(dimensionX && dimensionY && !dimensionZ)
+else if(dimensionX && dimensionY && !dimensionZ)
safef(javascript, sizeof(javascript), "%s and %s:</B><BR>",dimensionX->title,dimensionY->title);
- else //if(dimensionX && dimensionY && dimensionZ)
+else //if(dimensionX && dimensionY && dimensionZ)
safef(javascript, sizeof(javascript), "%s, %s and %s:</B><BR>",dimensionX->title,dimensionY->title,dimensionZ->title);
- puts(strLower(javascript));
- printf("<TABLE class='greenBox' bgcolor='%s' borderColor='%s'}>\n",COLOR_BG_DEFAULT,COLOR_BG_DEFAULT);
- if(dimensionX && dimensionY)
- {
- printf("<TH ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH='100'>All ");
-#define PM_BUTTON_UC "<A NAME='%s'></A><A HREF='#%s'><IMG height=18 width=18 onclick=\"return (matSetMatrixCheckBoxes(%s%s%s%s%s%s) == false);\" id='btn_%s' src='../images/%s'></A>"
-#define BUTTON_PLUS_ALL() printf(PM_BUTTON_UC, "plus_all", "plus_all", "true", "", "", "", "", "", "plus_all", "add_sm.gif")
-#define BUTTON_MINUS_ALL() printf(PM_BUTTON_UC,"minus_all","minus_all","false", "", "", "", "", "","minus_all","remove_sm.gif")
-#define BUTTON_PLUS_ONE( name,class) printf(PM_BUTTON_UC, (name), (name), "true",",'",(class), "'", "", "", (name), "add_sm.gif")
-#define BUTTON_MINUS_ONE(name,class) printf(PM_BUTTON_UC, (name), (name),"false",",'",(class), "'", "", "", (name),"remove_sm.gif")
-//#define BUTTON_PLUS_TWO( name,class,class2) printf(PM_BUTTON_UC, (name), (name), "true",",'",(class),"','",(class2),"'", (name), "add_sm.gif")
-//#define BUTTON_MINUS_TWO(name,class,class2) printf(PM_BUTTON_UC, (name), (name),"false",",'",(class),"','",(class2),"'", (name),"remove_sm.gif")
- puts("</TH>");
- }
- else if(dimensionX)
- printf("<TH WIDTH=\"100\"><EM><B>%s</EM></B></TH>", dimensionX->title);
- else if(dimensionY)
- printf("<TH ALIGN=RIGHT WIDTH=\"100\"><EM><B>%s</EM></B></TH>", dimensionY->title);
- // If there is an X dimension, then titles go across the top
- if(dimensionX)
- {
- if(dimensionY)
- printf("<TH align='right' WIDTH=\"100\"><EM><B>%s</EM></B>:</TH>", dimensionX->title);
- for (ixX = 0; ixX < dimensionX->count; ixX++)
- {
- if(tdbsX[ixX] != NULL || dimensionX == NULL)
- {
- char *label = replaceChars(dimensionX->values[ixX]," (","<BR>(");//
- printf("<TH WIDTH=\"100\">%s</TH>",labelWithVocabLink(parentTdb,tdbsX[ixX],dimensionX->tag,label));
- freeMem(label);
- }
- }
- }
- else if(dimensionY)
- {
- printf("<TH ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=\"100\">");
- puts("</TH>");
- }
- puts("</TR>\n");
+printf("<TABLE class='greenBox' bgcolor='%s' borderColor='%s'}>\n",COLOR_BG_DEFAULT,COLOR_BG_DEFAULT);
- // If there are both X and Y dimensions, then there is a row of buttons in X
- if(dimensionX && dimensionY)
- {
- printf("<TR ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=\"%s\"><TH ALIGN=RIGHT><EM><B>%s</EM></B></TH><TD> </TD>",COLOR_BG_ALTDEFAULT, dimensionY->title);
- for (ixX = 0; ixX < dimensionX->count; ixX++) // Special row of +- +- +-
- {
- if(tdbsX[ixX] != NULL || dimensionX == NULL)
- {
- puts("<TD>");
- safef(objName, sizeof(objName), "plus_%s_all", dimensionX->names[ixX]);
- BUTTON_PLUS_ONE( objName,dimensionX->names[ixX]);
- BUTTON_MINUS_ONE(objName,dimensionX->names[ixX]);
- puts("</TD>");
- }
- }
- puts("</TR>\n");
- }
- // Now the Y by X matrix
- for (ixY = 0; ixY < sizeOfY; ixY++)
+// Now the Y by X matrix
+for (ixY = 0; ixY < sizeOfY; ixY++)
if(tdbsY[ixY] != NULL || dimensionY == NULL)
assert(!dimensionY || ixY < dimensionY->count);
printf("<TR ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=\"#FFF9D2\">");
- if(dimensionY == NULL) // 'All' buttons go here if no Y dimension
- {
- printf("<TH ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=\"100\">");
- puts("</TH>");
- }
- else if(ixY < dimensionY->count)
- printf("<TH ALIGN=RIGHT nowrap>%s</TH>\n",labelWithVocabLink(parentTdb,tdbsY[ixY],dimensionY->tag,dimensionY->values[ixY]));
- else
- break;
- if(dimensionX && dimensionY) // Both X and Y, then column of buttons
- {
- puts("<TD>");
- safef(objName, sizeof(objName), "plus_all_%s", dimensionY->names[ixY]);
- BUTTON_PLUS_ONE( objName,dimensionY->names[ixY]);
- BUTTON_MINUS_ONE(objName,dimensionY->names[ixY]);
- puts("</TD>");
- }
+ matrixYheadings(parentTdb, dimensionX,dimensionY,ixY,tdbsY[ixY],TRUE);
for (ixX = 0; ixX < sizeOfX; ixX++)
if(tdbsX[ixX] != NULL || dimensionX == NULL)
@@ -4865,12 +4918,17 @@
puts("<TD> </TD>");
+ if(dimensionX && dimensionX->count>MATRIX_RIGHT_BUTTONS_AFTER)
+ matrixYheadings(parentTdb, dimensionX,dimensionY,ixY,tdbsY[ixY],FALSE);
- if(dimensionZ)
+if(dimensionY && dimensionY->count>MATRIX_BOTTOM_BUTTONS_AFTER)
+ matrixXheadings(parentTdb,dimensionX,dimensionY,tdbsX,FALSE);
printf("<TR align='center' valign='bottom' BGCOLOR='%s''>",COLOR_BG_ALTDEFAULT);
printf("<TH class='greenRoof' STYLE='font-size: 2' colspan=50> </TH>");
printf("<TR BGCOLOR='%s'><TH valign=top align=left colspan=2 rowspan=20><B><EM>%s</EM></B>:",
@@ -4897,15 +4955,16 @@
if((cntZ % sizeOfX) > 0)
printf("<TH colspan=%d> </TH>",sizeOfX);
- puts("</TD></TR></TABLE>");
- subgroupMembersFree(&dimensionX);
- subgroupMembersFree(&dimensionY);
- subgroupMembersFree(&dimensionZ);
- puts("<BR>\n");
- return TRUE;
+return TRUE;
static boolean hCompositeUiAllButtons(char *db, struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *parentTdb, char *formName)
/* UI for composite tracks: all/none buttons only (as opposed to matrix or lots of buttons */