src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/README 1.85

1.85 2009/07/27 06:53:08 sugnet
Adding a little documentation about the bedFilter flag
Index: src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/README
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/README,v
retrieving revision 1.84
retrieving revision 1.85
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.84 -r1.85
--- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/README	20 Jul 2009 20:42:26 -0000	1.84
+++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/README	27 Jul 2009 06:53:08 -0000	1.85
@@ -1,902 +1,905 @@
 This directory contains the track database for
 the UCSC human genome browser.  The program
 hgTrackDb converts the information here into
 a 'trackDb' table in the hgN MySQL database.
 SEE ALSO: source tree file: src/product/README.trackDb
 	for a general discussion of developing tracks.
 	for instructions on hgFindSpec.
 The bulk of the information about a track is
 contained in the trackDb.ra file.  Tracks are
 separated from each other in this file by
 a blank line.  Each line begins with an
 attribute name and is followed by attribute
 value separated by white space.
 The html text about a track is in separate
 files named xxx.html where xxx is a
 track name.  The contents of the HTML is subject
 to variable substitution as described below.
 Note that the html file in lower-level directories
 can override the html in higher-level directories
 without requiring an entry in trackDb.ra.
 There may be subdirectories for each organism such
 as 'mouse', and underneath these directories for
 each database, such as 'hg7'.  There are a trackDb.ra
 file and xxx.html files in these subdirectories.
 Tracks descriptions in the subdirectory will
 over-ride track descriptions in the parent directory.
 This allows you to customize a track for
 each version of the database.
 After editing a track definition here
 hgTrackDb to bring it into the MySQL database.  To update
 your personal copy (on hgwdev-userName) do
     make update
 to do it on genome-test do
     make alpha
 You can also restrict a track to alpha or beta using
 by using the release field.
 Each entry in trackDb.ra should start with a track
    track trackName [override]
 If override is specified, the entries are used in lower-level
 trackDb.ra file to override fields in higher-level ones.  Fields
 not specified in the track override entry are not changed.
 One of the most important and complicated fields in the
 trackDb.ra file is the type field.  Here's an explanation
 of that field.  Explanations of several other less-than-obvious
 fields follow.
 Currently there are seventeen different track types:
 axt, bed, chain, clonePos, ctgPos, expRatio, genePred,
 maf, netAlign, psl, rmsk, sample, wigMaf, wig, bedGraph,
 chromGraph, bigBed
 	(notation: <angle brackets> indicate required field,
 		[square brackets] indicate optional field)
 The format of the type fields:
 1. type axt <otherDb>
    <otherDb> - other database this organism is aligned to
 2. type bed <fieldCount> <extraInfo>
    <fieldCount> - the number of standard fields
    <extraInfo> - either '.' meaning no non-standard fields
        or '+' if there are additional non-standard fields.
 3. type chain <otherDb>
    Alignment data
    <otherDb> - other database this organism is aligned to
 4. type clonePos
    unique for Clone Coverage track on human assemblies
 5. type ctgPos
    unique for Physical Map Contigs track on human assemblies
 6. type expRatio
     DNA chip expression data
     Nothing follows expRatio, but the following fields
     must be defined elsewhere in the trackDb.ra record:
        expTable - table in hgFixed with names of experiments etc.
        expScale - maximum expression value
        expStep - amount to step in visible expression scale.  Some
            round number close to expScale/8 is best
        expColorDense On - show avg. color in dense mode
        chip - Name of microarray chip.
 7. type genePred [pep_table] [mrna_table]
    Gene prediction data, use '.' when a positional parameter must be skipped
    [pep_table] - optional associated protein sequence table
    [mrna_table] - optional associated representative mRNA table
    [autoTranslate] - if set to 0 then translated protein won't be generated
       in the details page.
    Optional fields to be defined elsewhere in the trackDb.ra record:
 	itemAttrTbl - table used to color individual items in a track,
                       selected by name and locations.
 8. type maf
     A type of multiple alignment track, becoming obsolete,
         to be replaced by wigMaf
 9. type netAlign <otherDb> <otherDbChainTable>
    Also requires an otherDb field to be defined in the trackDb.ra record
 10. type psl <subtype> [otherDb]
    <subtype> - one of: est, mrna, protein, xeno or .
       Where . means regular human mRNA
    [otherDb] - optional xeno subtype, database associated
       with other organism.  If present the display can be colored by
       chromosome and the chromosome and position in kilobases is shown
       as the item label.
    Optional variable here, for psl tracks that also have sequence loaded.
    The presence of this option in the trackDb entry enables its function.
    pslSequence no		# allows user to select the other two
    pslSequence all		# show nucleotide labels on all bases
    pslSequence different	# show nucleotide labes only on different bases
 11. type rmsk
    Unique type for Repeat Masker tracks
 12. type sample [min] [max]
    A continuous value graphing type of track.
    Becoming obsolete, replaced by the 'type wig' tracks.
    [min] - optional minimum limit of data, default 0.  Used just for label.
    [max] - optional maximum limit of data, default 1000. Used just for label.
 13. type wigMaf <minVal> <maxVal>
    A composite type of track to graph multiple and pairwise alignments.
    track name is table name of the multiple alignment maf table,
         with associated maf file in /gbdb (loaded with hgLoadMaf)
    type line includes data value range for conservation wiggle,
          as for wig track
    standard wig track settings may be included (e.g.
         maxHeightPixels, yLineOnOff, autoScaleDefault).  These
         apply to both conservation and pairwise wiggles
    Settings in the trackDb.ra record:
       wiggle - contains table names of conservation wiggles
                           (loaded with hgLoadWiggle)
         in the format:
     "wiggle <table1> <leftLabel1> <uiLabel1>... <tableN> <leftLabelN> <uiLabelN>"
            where the first table is the default. The left label is used
            to prefix the label 'Cons' in the left label area of the
            conservation wiggle display.  The UI label is displayed on
            the trackUI page.  If only one table is listed, and no label
            is present, the default label "Conservation" will be displayed.
            The labels cannot contain spaces -- underscores in the labels
            are translated to spaces in the display.
       speciesOrder - specifies the order of each pairwise items in the display
         Each species is specified as in the MAF file
         Organism names with embedded dots and/or spaces,
         these are stripped and replaced with underscore.
         E.g. (C. elegans -> c_elegans).
       speciesGroup - list of "clades" to group the species
         This option is an alternative to speciesOrder, used when
         there are many species.  Each speciesGroup in the list must have it's
         own setting (sGroup_<group>), followed by a list of species,
         specified as for speciesOrder.
       speciesTree - the phylogenetic tree for the species represented
         in the maf. This will be used for the "show shortest path" display
 	mode if "speciesTarget" is defined.
       speciesTarget - the default species target for the "show shortest path"
         mode of maf display. If this setting is present, then the default
 	maf display is "show shortest path".
       treeImage - path from web server htdocs dir (normally /images)
             to a file containing a picture of the phylogenetic tree for
             this track
       pairwise - contains suffix of the pairwise maf tables.
             The prefix is generated from the species name, as specified above.
             An underscore is used to separate (e.g. chimp_hmrg if
             setting is "hmrg").  If there is a wig table named
             <species>_<suffix>_wig, this is used for pairwise display.
             In this case, the wiggle height for the pairwise can
             be specified as the last word on this line.
             (e.g. pairwise CFTR 20, will have 20 pixel height of
             pairwise wiggle from tables named <species>_CFTR_wig).
       pairwiseHeight N - sets pixel height of pairwise in full mode
       summary - contains table name of maf summary table (used as
             replacement for "pairwise" tables, above.  A summary
             table is created from a multiple alignment maf file
             using the utility hgLoadMafSummary.
       speciesDefaultOff - contains a list of species that are
             not displayed in the track display unless explicitly
             configured in from the track config page.
       itemFirstCharCase - this controls if species names in the multiple alignment
             should be capitalized in the pairwise display.
       mafFile - optional path to MAF file.  If specified, this is used to
             find a single MAF file for the track instead of looking up the
             file in the extFile tables.  Use hgLoadMaf -custom when
             when using this setting.
 14. type wig [lower] [upper]
    Continuous value graphing track.
    [lower] - overall lower limit of the data, default 0.0
    [upper] - overall upper limit of the data, default 127.0
    trackDb record options:
       autoScale         on|off               # default is off
       gridDefault       on|off               # default is off (draw y=0.0 line)
       maxHeightPixels   max:default:min      # default is 128:128:11
       graphType         bar|points           # default is bar
       viewLimits        lower:upper    # default is from the type line limits
       yLineMark         real-value     # default is 0.0
       yLineOnOff        on|off         # default is off (draw y=yLineMark line)
       windowingFunction maximum|mean|minimum # default is mean
       smoothingWindow   off|[2-16]           # default is off
       wigColorBy        <bed table>          # use colors in bed for wiggle
                                              #   in overlapping regions
       spanList          s1,s2,s3...          # list of spans in the loaded table
 		#	you can find the spans by doing:
 		#	"select span from <table> group by span"
 		#	typically spanList is only one:
 		#	spanList 1
 		#	rarely it may be more:
 		#	spanList 1,1000
 		#	special efforts must be made to load extra spans
 		#	into the table for special purposes.
 15. type bedGraph [column]
    Same type of graphing function as #14 above 'type wig'
    In this case, the data table is a bed type of table loaded
    with hgLoadBed.  The [column] specified is a numeric column of data
    in the table to be used for the graphing value.  The default column
    to graph would be column five, the 'score'.  All graphing options as
    described above in 'type wig' apply to this type of track.
    Two extra options are used here to specify maximum graphing bounds:
       minLimit <value>   # default is 0
       maxLimit <value>   # default is 1000
 16. type chromGraph
    This draws lines connecting sparse, variably spaced data points.
    Use wiggle for regularly spaced or dense data.  When using chromGraph
    the following other settings may be used:
        maxGapToFill <value> # default is 25000.  No line will be drawn between
                             # data points further apart than this
        maxHeightPixels <max:val:min>  # default 100:32:8
                             # Specifies allowed and actual height in full mode.
        minMax <min,max> # default is calculated from data in track
                             # Specifies displayed data range
        linesAt <val1,val2,...> # Default is none
                             # If present labeled horizontal lines will be drawn
 			    # at the given values in full mode.
 17. type bigBed
    Need description here
 If something lacks a type field it needs to have custom
 display routines.   You can remove a track from the
 browser by removing it from the .ra file and doing
 a make update.
 There are a number of generic attributes that can be used with any track type:
 Attribute    -    Possible values             - controls
 =========         ===============               ========
 visibility   -    hide dense squish pack full - default visibility
 onlyVisibility -  dense squish pack full      - only this visibility and hide
                                               - are possible for this track
 group        - any "name" from the grp table  - used to specify which group
                e.g.: map, genes, rna, x       - of track controls to place
                regulation, compGeno, varRep   - this track into
 useScore     -    1                           - use score to shade color items
 spectrum     -    on                          - same effect as useScore
 thickDrawItem  -  on                          - keep width of bed item at least
                                               - 3 pixels wide even at great
                                               - zoom levels
 color        -    r,g,b integer triplet       - specifies primary color
                                               - for items.
                                               - red,green,blue values 0 to 255
 altColor     -    r,g,b integer triplet       - specifies secondary color
                                               - for items
 colorByStrand -   r,g,b r,g,b                 - specifies plus and minus strand color as above
                                               - first rgb is plus strand
                                               - second rgb is minus strand
                                               - this has no effect for elements w/out strand
 priority     -    a decimal number            - used to order this track
                                               - within this track group
 chromosomes  -    comma separated list        - only these chroms have data
                                               - for this track, this track is
                                               - not shown on other chroms
 metadata     - space delimited name=val pairs - Purely informational.  Gives additional information
                                               - about a track which will be displayed in hgTrackUi
                                               - and hgc. Especially useful for subtracks (see below)
 boxedCfg     - on                             - puts a box around setting controls, much like
                                               - multi-view controls have.
 scoreFilter        - integer                  - default score filter value for a track
 scoreFilterLimits  - integer:integer          - min:max range that score can take.
                                               - (default 0:1000.  Single value N implies N:1000)
 scoreFilterByRange - on                       - Filter using both upper and lower bounds.
                                               - (when used, set default bounds by 'scoreFilter N:M')
 scoreFilterMax     - integer                  - deprecated.  Use scoreFilterLimits.
 noScoreFilter . - to turn off Ui options for bed 5+ tracks, I don't know
 		- what the . is for, but it always appears to be used.
 The shortLabel and longLabel fields and the associated HTML files
 may have the following variables, which will be substituted:
      $ORGANISM - all upper case organism, like 'MOUSE'
      $Organism - initial capped organism, like 'Mouse'
      $organism - all lower case organism, like 'mouse'
      $db - database (like mm3, hg15, etc.)
      $date - freeze date of underlying assembly
      $blurb - If there is a blurb field in the .ra file this echos it.
      $matrix - content of the matrix and optional matrixHeader trackDb setting
                which will be converted to an HTML table. If there is no matrix
                setting, an empty string is substituted.
      $downloadsServer - the value of the hg.conf downloads.server variable, or
                 if not set.
 In addition, if there is an $otherDb field set in the .ra file, these
 variables are available:
      $o_ORGANISM - all upper case other organism, like 'MOUSE'
      $o_Organism - initial capped other organism, like 'Mouse'
      $o_organism - all lower case other organism, like 'mouse'
      $o_db - other database (like mm3, hg15, etc.)
      $o_date - freeze date of underlying other assembly
 Any other ra fields maybe referenced as a variable.
 The reference can be in to form $name or ${name}.  Without
 the braces, name is terminated by a charter other than
 [0-9A-Za-Z_].  A literal $ is represented as $$.
 If there is a colorChromDefault field (values "on" or "off"), it
 is used to set the default value for chromosome coloring
 in affected tracks (type psl xeno <db>).  Without the field,
 the default is "on".
 All ra attributes that are not explictly handled in
 	trackDbCustom.c:trackDbAddInfo are added to the
 	trackDb->settingsHash table.
 Some settings used by various tracks:
     o exonArrows - if specified to draw strand arrows on exons.
     o itemAttrTbl - table used to color individual items in a track, selected
       by name and locations.  Currently works for genePred tracks.
     o url - If present puts up a link to an external URL on the details
       page.  The url includes everything else on the line after the first word.
       The string $$ will be replaced by the name of an item.   Examples:
       Additional replacement item strings can be:
 	$T - database table name
 	$S - chromomosome name (scaffold name on scaffold assemblies)
 	$[ - chromStart location (zero relative)
 	$] - chromEnd location
 	$s - chromomosome name without chr prefix
 			(or without scaffold_/Scaffold_ on scaffold assemblies)
 	$D - database name
 	$P - item name portion before first : in name
 	$p - item name portion after first : in name up to next colon
     o urlLabel - Works with url attribute.  Replaces generic "outside link:" label
       with the given label.
     o idInUrlSql - Works with url attribute.  A snippet of SQL with a %s in it somewhere.
       The item name gets substituted in for the %s, and the SQL gets used in the current
       database returning a single string, which is substituted into the url in place of $$.
     o maxItems - Maximum number of items to be displayed individually in full
       mode.  If there are more items than this they will be drawn on top of
       each other on the last line.  In packed mode this refers to the number
       of lines rather than number of items.
     o directUrl - If present this will replace the "hgc" details page with
       whats in the url.  The URL is formatted as a printf line including
       the following fields in this order:
          %s - item name
 	 %s - chromosome name
 	 %d - chromosome start position
 	 %d - chromosome end position
 	 %s - track name
 	 %s - database name
       An example is:
 	directUrl /cgi-bin/hgGene?hgg_gene=%s&hgg_chrom=%s&hgg_start=%d&hgg_end=%d&hgg_type=%s&db=%s
       Note that it is possible to only include the first field or first few
       fields.  The fields must be in the given order if present though.
     o hgsid - if present the hgsid=XXXXXX CGI variable will be appended to the
       end of the directUrl string.
     o dataVersion - prints out as the Data version on the details page
         (used chiefly by ENCODE)
     o origAssembly - prints out a message on the details page, indicating
         that the data was lifted from this assembly (used chiefly by ENCODE)
     o release <alpha | beta> - restricts inclusion of a trackDb entry
         in the database.  TrackDb entries marked 'release beta' are
         included in the trackDb database when 'make beta'
         (or 'make strict') are used to create it.  Those marked
         'release alpha' are included when 'make alpha' (or 'make')
         is used.  This setting is used to avoid inadvertently changing
         the configuration of an existing public track when it is
         undergoing further development.  It provides a temporary
         development-only version of the trackDb.  In this situation,
         the developer should mark the existing trackDb entry (as on
         the public server) 'release beta', and then add a parallel
         entry marked 'release alpha' (the development version).
         The existence of two entries should be noted in the pushQ.
         Q/A will retire the duplicate entry and remove the release
         labels when the track is published.
     o html - specifies alternate filename for track description. Should only
         be used when updating an existing track (used chiefly by ENCODE).
         in conjunction with the 'release alpha' setting.
     o scoreMin, scoreMax - sets the range used to color the track if
         colored by score.  Allows use of the whole color range when data
         has scores with a smaller range than 0-1000.
     o minGrayLevel - sets a minimum color shade to display for a scored BED.
         Range is 1-9 (indicates 11% - 99%).
     o baseColorUseCds {genbank,given,table,none} - For genePred or psl+cds
       (such as genbank mRNA, EST etc) tracks.  Specifies where CDS coordinates
       can be found (if any) so that codons can be drawn when viewing a
       sufficiently small region.  If `table' is specified, an additional
       parameter of a table name, in cdsSpec format, is required.
     o baseColorUseSequence
       - For genePred or psl tracks, or bed/bigBed tracks.
       Specifies where item sequence can be found (if any) so that
       item sequence, or differences from genomic sequence, can be drawn when
       viewing a sufficiently small region.
       If `extFile' is specified, two additional parameters are required,
       the name of the seq table followed by the name of the extFile
       table to use in looking up the sequence.
       These tables are loaded by hgLoadSeq.
       If 'nameIsSequence' is specified then the 4th column ('name' or
       'sequence') contains the sequence. (see hg/lib/encode/
       If 'seq1Seq2' is specified then the 7th & 8th columns ('seq1' and
       'seq2') contain the left and right pairs of the sequence.
       (see hg/lib/encode/
     o baseColorDefault {genomicCodons,itemBases,itemCodons,diffBases,
       diffCodons,none} - For tracks with CDS and/or sequence information.
       (See baseColorUseSequence above)
       Specifies the default drawing mode.  itemBases, itemCodons, diffBases
       and diffCodons are applicable only if the track has sequence
       (baseColorUseSequence).  genomicCodons, itemCodons and diffCodons
       are applicable only if the track has CDS info (baseColorUseCds).
     o baseColorTickColor {contrastingColor,lighterShade}
       Choose a contrasting color (this is often white) or lighter shade
       of color (should be the same color as would be chosen for the base
       text if we were zoomed in to base level.
       Only applies if baseColorDefault is set. Defaults to 'red'
       (the CDS_STOP color) if this option is not  supplied.
     o indelDoubleInsert {on,off} - For psl tracks.  If on, then highlight
       alignment gaps in both target and query using double lines (like
       chain tracks).
     o indelPolyA {on,off} - For psl tracks that have sequence
       (baseColorUseSequence).  If on, then highlight an apparent valid
       poly-a tail (a block of aaa's at the end of the item sequence, or
       ttt's at the start, that are not aligned to the genome) by drawing
       a vertical green line.
     o indelQueryInsert {on,off} - For psl tracks that have sequence
       (baseColorUseSequence).  If on, then highlight an insert in the
       query only (alignment gap in the target only) by drawing an
       orange vertical line.
     o showDiffBasesAllScales . - show bases differences for PSL tracks at all
       zoom levels.
     o showDiffBasesMaxZoom basesPerPixel - only show bases or codon zoomed
       difference annotations for PSL tracks at if currently zoomed at no more
       than basesPerPixel (a float). showDiffBasesAllScales should also be
       set to make this useful.
     o showIndelMaxZoom basesPerPixel - only show PSL annotations if currently
       zoomed at no more than basesPerPixel (a float).  Setting to 0.0 disables
       showing indels.
     o showCdsAllScales . - show CDS for PSL tracks at all zoom levels.
     o showCdsMaxZoom basesPerPixel - only CDS for PSL tracks at if currently
       zoomed at no more than basesPerPixel (a float). showCdsAllScales should
       be set and showDiffBasesMaxZoom should be set to a value not more
       than showCdsMaxZoom  to make this useful.
     o nextItemButton off - For tracks that have next-item buttons that
       shouldn't, turn the buttons off until whatever else is fixed.
     o defaultLinkedTables table1,table2,... - in hgTables, when selecting
       output fields, display these all.joiner-linked tables by default.
+    o bedFilter - If the hgTrackUi call is using bedUi to support it and bedFilter
+      is set then the bed names will be filtered based on the settings entered by
+      the user on the hgTrackUi page.	
 Specific, optional settings used only by snp125, snp126, and so on:
     o chimpMacaqueOrthoTable table - table contains orthologous
       alleles from the reference assemblies of chimp and macaque.
     o chimpOrangMacOrthoTable table - same as above, plus orangutan.
     o {chimpDb,orangDb,macaqueDb} db - database used for the
       respective species' alignments when generating the OrthoTable.
     o codingAnnotations table1,table2,... - each table describes
       changes in a particular gene set's coding sequence caused by SNPs.
     o codingAnnoLabel_<tableN> - proper name of geneSet for tableN in
       codingAnnotations' table list
     o defaultGeneTracks table1,table2,... - hgc shows functional annotations
       of SNPs relative to these genePred tracks by default.
     o hapmapPhase {II,III} - older tracks used HapMap Phase II data
       collected in a table "hapmapAllelesSummary".  Newer tracks use
       hapmapSnps* tables directly.
 Note: We have a restriction on table names: Track names (i.e. table
 names, but omitting any chr*_ prefix) should not contain any
 underscores.  We use underscores in track table names to find sequence
 name prefixes.
 Filter by
 There are currently 4 different numerical filters for bed tables with the named fields:
    score, signalValue, pValue and qValue
 The field 'score' is an integer but the other three are floating point.
 All should be declared with the field name followed by these 3 suffixes:
    {fieldName}Filter        n[:m]
    {fieldName}FilterLimit   N:M
    {fieldName}FilterByRange on
 To filter a track by qValue you might set
    qValueFilter        0.5
    qValueFilterLimit   0:300
 which sets up the limits of the filter as between 0 and 300 but offers the user a default value of 0.5.
    scoreFilter        500:700
    scoreFilterLimit   200:1000
    scoreFilterByRange on
 sets up a filter on score with limits of from 200 to 1000, but offers from 500 to 700 as default.
 NOTE: Filtering by range has so far only been tested in the 'score' filter.
 Using the 'filterBy' setting you can set up a filter by 1 or more categories.
 Categories are simply a list of values that appear in a drop down list box ("DD").  One or more
 of these categories may be selected, to set up the filter.  The setting format:
    filterBy {field1}:{Title1}=[+]category1a,category1b,...  [{field2}:{Title2}=[+]category2a,category2b,...]...
 Here {field1} must be the name of a field in the table,
      {title1} is what the user will see as the title of the drop-down list box
      [+] can be added to say that the table has numerical values (1,2,3...), while words are seen in the DD.
      category1a,... a comma separated list of values that appear in the DD.
                     These values are found in the table unless the '+' is used.
      filterBy level:Level=+Validated,Manual,Automatic class:Class=coding,snRNA,...
 This sets up 2 filter by category drop downs.  The first is on the table field 'level'.  If the user selects
 both 'Validated' and 'Manual', then an item must have a 1 or 2 in the level field in order to be seen.
 And if the user also selects 'coding' in the second filter, an item would have to have level 1 or 2 and
 Tracks that are somehow related can be grouped in a single "composite track",
 using the "compositeTrack on" setting.  The track name for the
 composite track is a placeholder, that is referenced in entries for the
 subtracks.  The subtracks have a "subTrack" setting that references
 the composite track name.  The composite track entry contains all
 normal settings for the common track type if there is one.
 The subtrack track entries need contain only the short and long labels,
 they may optionally have a color setting and a priority within the
 composite track.
 If the subtracks lack color settings, and if color is set on the composite
 track, the subtracks will be displayed with different colors in
 a gradient from color to altColor.
 To hide a subtrack initially, append "off" to the end of the
 subtrack setting.
 To include a subtrack of a different type, specify
 the complete settings for the subtrack type, and use the "noInherit on"
 trackDb setting.  NOTE: This is required for "Multi-View" (see below).
 Also see "ClosestToHome" methods below.
 For readability, please indent the subtrack entries in trackDb.ra by 4 spaces.
 Subtrack Groups
 To allow flexibility in user configuration of subtrack
 visibility, subtracks can be grouped.  A subtrack group
 (composite track subgroup) is defined with a trackDb setting,
 in the format:
    subGroup# name label tag1=title1 tag2=title2 ...
 where # is assigned 1-N based on the number of groups.
 The "name" and "tag" are identifiers used to tie subgroups together
 in C and javascript code.  They should have no special characters.
 The "label" and "title" appear in the UI and are human readable.
 Any "_" chars in a label or title will be replaced by " " on the
 generated html page.
 Subgroups for a subtrack are set as so:
     subGroups name1=tag1 name2=tag2 ...
 with the subgroup "name" associated with the one "tag" in that subgroup
 that the subtrack actually belongs to.  All subtracks should belong to
 one tag in each of all the subgroups.
 1) Select the check boxes for individual subtracks - no special settings needed
 2) Add All [+][-] buttons - To the composte track add the setting below.
    allButtonPair on
    Not compatible with either of the next two methods
 3) Matrix selection of subgroups.  A 2 or 3 "dimension" grid of subgroups.
    See MATRIX below.
 4) Subgroup buttons.  This happens if you have subgroups but no 'allButtonPair"
    or "dimensions" defined.
 1) All subtracks have the same type.
    trackDb cfg settings can be at composite level (noInherit off - default)
    Optionally use 'boxedCfg" to put a box around setting controls.
 2) Subtrack settings have different types.  "Multi-view" required (see below).
    "noInherit on" is most likely required.
    Cfg settings in "settingsByView" or in all related subtracks.
 3) Individual subtracks configurable - used in combination with 1 or 2.
    "configurable on" at composite level makes all subtracks configurable.
    settingsByView {view}:configurable=on,... all subtracks per view are configurable
    "configurable on" in subtrack settings makes that one subtrack configurable.
 Composite Track "ClosestToHome" paradigm
 With a composite track with or without multi-view, there are many settings that
 could be at the subtrack, view or composite level.  In order to establish rules
 of which setting should take precedence, the ClosestToHome paradign and API was
 inveneted.  This appies both to trackDb settings and cart settings (which are the
 choices made by a user).  The ClosestToHome paradigm is that subtracks settings
 supercede view level setting which supercede composite level settings.  For
 instance, if the setting is "useScore" (to color items), this could be set at the
 subtrack level for only one subtrack, or at the view level (in settingsByView)
 for all subtracks belonging to that view, or at the composite level so that all
 subtracks are affected.  Thus, putting "noInherit on" at the composite level says
 that all subtracks will have their 'type' specified at the subtrack level.  And
 "configurable on" at the composite level means all subtracks will be individually
 configurable by the user.
 NOTE: The "ClosestToHome" APIs must be specifically called in the code, so not
 all  settings are yet supported.  In some cases (such as visibility), it is
 desirable to have separate functionality depending upon the level (composite
 visibility limits view visibility, rather than being superceded by it).  You
 should always examine the effects of putting a setting at composite, view or
 subtrack level, rather than assume it works as you intend.
 Composite Tracks can be organized into a matrix of X and Y Dimensions of
 subtracks.  This method of organization also may include a "view" subGroup.
 The organization is achieved with a dimensions setting which refers to
 subgroups already defined. Example:
     subGroup2 cellType Cell_Type ES=ES MEF=MEF NP=NP EShyb=ES-hybrid
     subGroup3 factor Factor K4=H3K4me3 K9=H3K9me3 K20=H4K20me3 K27=H3K27me3 K36=H3K36me3 PAN=pan-H3 WCE=WCE RPOL=RPol-II
     dimensions dimensionX=cellType dimensionY=factor
 This will result in a composite track configuration page with a matrix of
 check boxes with 'Cell Types' along the X axis and 'Factors' along the Y.  All
 individual subtracks will be displayed below, but the matix of check boxes will
 allow easy selection by subgrouping.
 A composite track may have subtracks with similar data subtracks which have
 different types or views. For instance, ChIP-seq tracks may cover raw aligns,
 a signal track and called peaks.  The aligns may be 'bed 3', peaks 'bed 5 +'
 and signal 'wig'.  These views need different controls, though all signal
 subtracks may share the same controls (based upon subgroups).  This organization
 is achieved with the specialized subgroup "views". Example:
     subGroup1 view Views HMM=Sites-HMM WIN=Sites-Windowing SIG=Signal_Densities ALN=Alignments
 where each view (HMM,WIN,SIG,ALN) will be controlled by a separate drop down
 (hide,dense,...) and auxilary controls.  All subtracks for a given view must
 be of the same track type.  Each subtrack of a multi-view should have the
 "noInherit on" setting, and all the proper settings for the subtrack type.
 This can be accomplished using the ClosestToHome paradigm.
     Because using multi-view represents two levels of drop-downs controlling whether a
     subtrack will be displayed, and because the "visibility' setting on the composite
     (parent) track controls the default setting (eg 'dense'), it is necessary to
     have an additional setting for the multi-view defaults:
         visibilityViewDefaults HMM=pack WIN=pack+ SIG=full ALN=hide
     By adding a '+' at the end of a default visibility, the view's configuration
     settings (if any) will be displayed by default.
     While in many cases all subtracks for a given view type should share the same
     configuration settings (eg "Track height:"), in some cases it is desirable to
     allow configuration of individual subtracks.  To achieve this, add the following
     setting to the subtrack (not to the composite track):
         configurable on
     It should be understood how individually configured settings work.  Whenever
     settings are configured by the user at the view level, that value will be set
     for all subtracks.  If a subtrack is then individually configured, the setting
     will apply only to that subtrack.  If the setting is then changed at the view
     level again, the individual setting is lost.
     The default settings for a view come from a random subtrack that belongs to that view
     Since some defaults must be different for individual subtracks, the view's defaults
     must be explicitly set.  To do this use the following setting
         settingsByView Signal:viewLimits=0:2,viewLimitsMax=0:40
     Here the view "Signal" is a wig with data range of 0 to 40 and a default view range of
     0 to 2. Currently only two parameters are supported and these are both for wig:
         viewLimits=lower:upper    # default is from the type line limits
         viewLimitsMax=lower:upper # The max range (type wig lower upper)
 The order of subtracks within a composite track are originally defined by the
 "priority" setting.  But the subtrack order can be made sortable with the
 "sortOrder" setting.  It defines the original sort order, but results in the
 UI allowing the resorting of the subtracks which will effect both the hgTrackUi
 display and the hgTracks display of the track data.  The sortOrder relies
 upon subGroups:
     subGroup1 view Views HMM=Sites-HMM WIN=Sites-Windowing SIG=Signal_Densities ALN=Alignments
     subGroup2 cellType Cell_Type ES=ES MEF=MEF NP=NP EShyb=ES-hybrid
     subGroup3 factor Factor K04=H3K4me3 K09=H3K9me3 K20=H4K20me3 K27=H3K27me3 K36=H3K36me3
     sortOrder cellType=+ factor=+ view=-
 These settings result in an original order by cellType,factor,view, but view is
 in reverse order. [why reverse order??]  NOTE: the value sorted will be the subGroup Ids, NOT the values.
 In the example, subGroup3 refers to factors with values displayed in the UI such as
 "H4K20me3" and "H4K20me3".  An alphabetic sort of these values would place H4K20me3
 before H4K20me3.  However the actual sort will be of the Ids K09 and K20, which will
 result in a more desirable order.  NOTE: At some time, sortOrder may be extended to
 allow sorting by shortLabel and longLabel, but currently only subgroups are sortable.
 NOTE: This setting is incompatible with dividers and hierarchy and supercedes those
 Subtracks of a composite track may be reordered by dragAndDrop as well.  To enable
 this functionality add the "dragAndDrop subTracks" setting to the composite (parent)
 In order to more easily recognize the organization of a large list of subtracks
 in a composite configuration page, dividers can be places between different
 groups of subtracks. Example:
     subGroup2 cellType Cell_Type ES=ES MEF=MEF NP=NP EShyb=ES-hybrid
     subGroup3 factor Factor K4=H3K4me3 K9=H3K9me3 K20=H4K20me3 K27=H3K27me3 K36=H3K36me3 PAN=pan-H3 WCE=WCE RPOL=RPol-II
     dividers cellType factor
 This will place a simple dividing line anytime the cellType or factor changes
 when listing the subtracks on the subtrack configuration page.  In addition,
 alternate groups will be displayed with slightly different background color.
 NOTE: This setting is incompatible with and overridden by sortOrder.
 This setting allows one more means of visually organizing many subtracks on
 the composite track configuration page.  It is especially useful in easily
 distinguishing views which are likely to be different within a single group
 of subtracks.  Example:
     hierarchy view HMM=0 WIN=0 SIG=1 ALN=2
 While a particular cell type and factor combination may be set off with dividers,
 between the dividers the HMM and WIN type subtracks have no indentation, while
 the signal track is indented by one and the alignment subtrack by two.
 NOTE: This setting is incompatible with and overridden by sortOrder.
 With many subtracks it can be important to give further distinguishing details.
 In the subtracks list in hgTrackUi the long label can be followed by a "..."
 which, when clicked will open a list of name=value pairs which have few requirements.
     metadata name1=value1 name2="value 2" ...
 Certain specific terms may carry special meanings in code:
   (see controlledVvocabulary below)
   dateSubmitted,dateUnrestricted used by ENCODE
   fileName is converted into a link to the downloads directory in wgEncode
   dataVersion is shown separately from metadata
 which is seen below.
 A special feature of the whole-genome ENCODE consortium effort is that there
 are standardized cellTypes, antibodies and other known entities that are
 defined in a "controlled vocabulary".  The definitions of the vocabulary will
 be reachable from the hgTrackUi page but this special case must be defined in
 the trackDb.ra file.  To do this, use the controlledVocabulary setting.  Its
 contents will first refer to the cv.ra file to be referenced, then the
 subGroups that are controlled vocabulary:
     controlledVocabulary encode/cv.ra cellType factor
 The term that is sought in the controlled vocabulary is defined in the metadata.
 That is the following composite/subtrack settings
 subGroup2 cellTreat Cell_Treatment ES=Estrogen_alone ESP=Estrogen_and_Progesterone
 controlledVocabulary encode/cv.ra cellTreat=treatment cell=cell factor=antibody
     track yaleChipseqTreatmentsA43567
     subGroups factor=CTCF cellType=K562 view=PK cellTreat=ESP
     metadata cell=K562 antibody=CTCF treatment=estro-134/Pro-93a
 will show "Estrogen and Progesterone" in the UI, but tie that to the specific treatment
 term "estro-134/Pro-93a" in the controlled vocabulary file.  A more complete definition
 of what that term means, including a protocol, may be provided when the controlled
 vocab term is looked up and presented to the user.
 EXAMPLE of Composite Track with ADITIONAL OPTIONS
 track broadChromatinChIPSeq
 compositeTrack on
 shortLabel Broad Chromatin ChIP-Seq
 longLabel Broad Institute Chromatin State Mapping using ChIP-Seq
 group regulation
 subGroup1 view Views HMM=Sites-HMM WIN=Sites-Windowing SIG=Signal_Densities ALN=Alignments
 subGroup2 cellType Cell_Type ES=ES MEF=MEF NP=NP EShyb=ES-hybrid
 subGroup3 factor Factor K04=H3K4me3 K09=H3K9me3 K20=H4K20me3 K27=H3K27me3 K36=H3K36me3
 dimensions dimensionX=cellType dimensionY=factor
 sortOrder cellType=+ factor=+ view=-
 dragAndDrop subTracks
 #dividers cellType factor
 #hierarchy view HMM=0 WIN=0 SIG=1 ALN=2
 noInherit on
 visibility hide
 visibilityViewDefaults HMM=pack WIN=pack+ SIG=full ALN=hide
 settingsByView SIG:viewLimits=0:2,viewLimitsMax=0:40,maxHeightPixels=100:32:8,configurable=on ALN:configurable=off
 controlledVocabulary encode/cv.ra cellType=cell factor=antibody
 priority 130
 type bed 3
     track broadStemChipHmmSitesH3K4me3Es
     shortLabel H3K4me3-ES HMM
     longLabel Broad Stem Cell Chromatin IP Sites by HMM (H3K4me3 ab, Embryonic Stem (ES) cells)
     subTrack broadChromatinChIPSeq
     subGroups factor=K04 cellType=ES view=HMM
     type bed 3
     color 25,25,150
     configurable on
     metadata project=wgEncode grant=Bernstein lab=Broad dataType=ChipSeq cell=M9ES antibody=H3K4me3 softwareVersion="PeakSeq v2.1"
     track broadStemChipWinSitesH3K4me3Es
     shortLabel H3K4me3-ES Win
     longLabel Broad Stem Cell Chromatin IP Sites by Windowing (H3K4me3 ab, Embryonic Stem (ES) cells)
     subTrack broadChromatinChIPSeq
     subGroups factor=K04 cellType=ES view=WIN
     type bed 5 +
     useScore 1
     color 25,25,150
     configurable on
     metadata project=wgEncode grant=Bernstein lab=Broad dataType=ChipSeq cell=M9ES antibody=H3K4me3 softwareVersion="Maq v2.1"
     track broadStemChipSignalH3K4Es
     shortLabel H3K4me3-ES Sig
     longLabel Broad Stem Cell Chromatin IP Signal (H3K4me3 ab, Embryonic Stem (ES) cells)
     subTrack broadChromatinChIPSeq
     subGroups factor=K04 cellType=ES view=SIG
     type wig 0 35
     yLineOnOff On
     yLineMark 1.0
     color 25,150,25
     metadata project=wgEncode grant=Bernstein lab=Broad dataType=ChipSeq cell=M9ES antibody=H3K4me3 softwareVersion="Maq v2.1"
     track broadStemChipAlignmentsH3K4Me3Es
     shortLabel H3K4me3-ES Align
     longLabel Broad Stem Cell Chromatin IP Alignments (H3K4me3 ab, Embryonic Stem (ES) cells)
     subTrack broadChromatinChIPSeq
     subGroups factor=K04 cellType=ES view=ALN
     type bed 9 +
     useScore 1
     metadata project=wgEncode grant=Bernstein lab=Broad dataType=ChipSeq cell=M9ES antibody=H3K4me3 softwareVersion="Maq v2.1, unique, mismatch<=2"
      . . .
 This example set up a composite track configuration page with an X and Y
 dimension matrix of check boxes for Cell Types by Factors, and a multi-view.
 The subtracks will be sortable on either of the 2 dimensions and the view type.
 Additionally, the subtracks can be dragged and dropped into a preferred order
 by the user.  Notice that dividers and hierarchy are commented out, since they
 are incompatible and ignored when sort is enabled.  Also notice that the
 entire composite track defaults to 'hide' when the user first visits the
 browser.  However, if the user then sets this to 'full' then 2 of 4 types
 of subtracks will be displayed as packed, the signal will be displayed as
 full and the alignments subtracks will still be hidden.  Also, the configurable
 settings for "Sites-Windowing" will be displayed by default.  Additionally all
 of the subtracks are individually configurable except alignments.  Notice this is
 accomplised using "ClosestToHome" methods for 2 of the views (HMM and WIN), but
 directly for the other 2 (SIG and ALN). The wigs have many default settings but
 only the one wig shown has yLine. Notice this example defines a controlled
 vocabulary for both cellTypes and factors with definitions found in the
 encode/cv.ra directory (off apache/cgi-bin/). (Don't be confused though, this
 example mm8 composite track doesn't really have controlled vocabulary.)
 Finally, metadata settings were added to provide further subtrack details.
 Tracks can be organized in configuration groupings called 'super tracks'.
 A 'super track' is just a container for a group of related tracks that
 can be made visible or hidden as a unit.  There is an overall
 description page displayed for the super track, and the super track
 has a track control with special visibilities (hide/show) on the
 hgTracks main page.  The tracks which are contained in the super track
 (super track members) do not have track controls on the hgTracks
 main page.  To define super tracks and their members, use the
 'superTrack' setting as follows:
  * Super track:   'superTrack on [show]'
  * Member tracks: 'superTrack <super> [vis]
 The Super track entry is very limited -- just the
 track name, labels, group, priority, and the superTrack setting.
 The optional 'show' field indicates that the default visibility
 for the super track is not hidden.
 The Member track entry is a full trackDb entry -- either for a regular
 track or a composite.  The <super> field gives the track name of
 the super track for this member.   The optional 'vis' field
 indicates the default visibility for this track _only_ when it's a
 member of a supertrack.  The normal visibility field applies
 when the track is not in a super track.  (Note that a track can be
 configured to be viewable as a supertrack member or not -- it will
 only be part of a super track if the super track to which it refers
 is configured in the assembly trackDb).