src/product/README.building.source 1.16

1.16 2009/08/05 19:40:15 galt
adding alternate path for minimal utilities
Index: src/product/README.building.source
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/product/README.building.source,v
retrieving revision 1.15
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.15 -r1.16
--- src/product/README.building.source	26 Aug 2008 16:20:01 -0000	1.15
+++ src/product/README.building.source	5 Aug 2009 19:40:15 -0000	1.16
@@ -29,8 +29,26 @@
 2.  Create a directory where binaries will be moved to during
 	the build of the source tree:
 	$ mkdir -p ~/bin/${MACHTYPE}
+        If you are going to do a full build anyway, skip this and proceed straight to step 3 below.
+        Otherwise, to make a minimal utility build without mysql:
+	There are some utilities that depend only on jkweb.a and not jkhgap.a
+	which means they can be compiled without needing mysql client installed.
+	To make a utility like pslCDnaFilter without installing mysql client:
+        # create jkweb.a
+          cd kent/src/lib
+          make
+        # create stringify utility required by some makefiles
+          cd kent/src/utils/stringify
+          make
+        # create pslCDnaFilter utility program
+          cd kent/src/hg/pslCDnaFilter
+          make
+        Proceed similarly for any other such utilities.
+        You are done and can stop here.
 3.  Create the following shell environment variables:
 	MYSQLLIBS="/usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a -lz"