src/hg/encode/validateFiles/validateFiles.c 1.22
1.22 2009/08/04 22:43:33 braney
properly deal with the N word
Index: src/hg/encode/validateFiles/validateFiles.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/encode/validateFiles/validateFiles.c,v
retrieving revision 1.21
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.21 -r1.22
--- src/hg/encode/validateFiles/validateFiles.c 30 Jul 2009 19:27:29 -0000 1.21
+++ src/hg/encode/validateFiles/validateFiles.c 4 Aug 2009 22:43:33 -0000 1.22
@@ -1,1062 +1,1062 @@
/* validateFiles - validate format of different track input files. */
#include "common.h"
#include "linefile.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "chromInfo.h"
#include "jksql.h"
#include "twoBit.h"
#include "dnaseq.h"
static char const rcsid[] = "$Id$";
static char *version = "$Revision$";
#define MAX_ERRORS 10
#define PEAK_WORDS 16
#define TAG_WORDS 9
#define QUICK_DEFAULT 1000
int maxErrors;
boolean colorSpace;
boolean zeroSizeOk;
boolean chrMSizeOk;
boolean printOkLines;
boolean printFailLines;
boolean mmPerPair;
int quick;
struct hash *chrHash = NULL;
char dnaChars[256];
char qualChars[256];
char csQualChars[256];
char seqName[256];
char digits[256];
char alpha[256];
char csSeqName[256];
char bedTypeCols[10];
struct twoBitFile *genome = NULL;
int mismatches;
int mmCheckOneInN;
void usage()
/* Explain usage and exit. */
"validateFiles - Validate format of different track input files\n"
" Program exits with non-zero status if any errors detected\n"
" otherwise exits with zero status\n"
" Use filename 'stdin' to read from stdin\n"
" Files can be in .gz, .bz2, .zip, .Z format and are \n"
" automatically decompressed\n"
" Multiple input files of the same type can be listed\n"
" Error messages are written to stderr\n"
" OK or failing file lines can be optionally written to stdout\n"
" validateFiles -type=FILE_TYPE file1 [file2 [...]]\n"
" -type=(a value from the list below)\n"
" tagAlign|pairedTagAlign|broadPeak|narrowPeak|gappedPeak|bedGraph\n"
" : see\n"
" fasta : Fasta files (only one line of sequence, and no quality scores)\n"
" fastq : Fasta with quality scores (see\n"
" csfasta : Colorspace fasta (implies -colorSpace) (see link below)\n"
" csqual : Colorspace quality (see link below)\n"
" (see\n"
" -chromDb=db Specify DB containing chromInfo table to validate chrom names\n"
" and sizes\n"
" -chromInfo=file.txt Specify chromInfo file to validate chrom names and sizes\n"
" -colorSpace Sequences include colorspace values [0-3] (can be used \n"
" with formats such as tagAlign and pairedTagAlign)\n"
" -maxErrors=N Maximum lines with errors to report in one file before \n"
" stopping (default %d)\n"
" -zeroSizeOk For BED-type positional data, allow rows with start==end\n"
" otherwise require strictly start < end\n"
" -genome=path/to/hg18.2bit Validate tagAlign or pairedTagAlign sequences match genome\n"
" in .2bit file\n"
" -mismatches=n Maximum number of mismatches in sequence (or read pair) if \n"
" validating tagAlign or pairedTagAlign files\n"
" -mmPerPair Check either pair dont exceed mismatch count if validating\n"
" pairedTagAlign files (default is the total for the pair)\n"
" -mmCheckOneInN=n Check mismatches in only one in 'n' lines (default=1, all)\n"
" -printOkLines Print lines which pass validation to stdout\n"
" -quick[=N] Just test the first N lines of each file (default 1000)\n"
" -printFailLines Print lines which fail validation to stdout\n"
" -version Print version\n"
static struct optionSpec options[] = {
{"type", OPTION_STRING},
{"chromDb", OPTION_STRING},
{"chromInfo", OPTION_STRING},
{"maxErrors", OPTION_INT},
{"colorSpace", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{"zeroSizeOk", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{"printOkLines", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{"printFailLines", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{"genome", OPTION_STRING},
{"mismatches", OPTION_INT},
{"mmPerPair", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{"mmCheckOneInN", OPTION_INT},
{"quick", OPTION_INT},
{"version", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{NULL, 0},
void initArrays()
// Set up array of chars
// dnaChars: DNA chars ACGTNacgtn, and optionally include colorspace 0-3
// qualChars: fastq quality scores as ascii [!-~] (ord(!)=33, ord(~)=126)
// csQualChars: csfasta quality scores are decimals separated by spaces
// seqName: fastq sequence name chars [A-Za-z0-9_.:/-]
int i;
// number of columns to expect in bedType files
bedTypeCols[BED_GRAPH] = 4;
bedTypeCols[BROAD_PEAK] = 9;
bedTypeCols[NARROW_PEAK] = 10;
bedTypeCols[GAPPED_PEAK] = 15;
for (i=0 ; i < 256 ; ++i)
dnaChars[i] = qualChars[i] = csQualChars[i] = seqName[i] = csSeqName[i] = digits[i] = alpha[i] = 0;
dnaChars['a'] = dnaChars['c'] = dnaChars['g'] = dnaChars['t'] = dnaChars['n'] = 1;
dnaChars['A'] = dnaChars['C'] = dnaChars['G'] = dnaChars['T'] = dnaChars['N'] = 1;
if (colorSpace)
dnaChars['0'] = dnaChars['1'] = dnaChars['2'] = dnaChars['3'] = 1;
for (i= (int)'A' ; i <= (int)'Z' ; ++i)
seqName[i] = seqName[i+(int)('a'-'A')] = alpha[i] = alpha[i+(int)('a'-'A')] = 1;
for (i= (int)'0' ; i <= (int)'9' ; ++i)
seqName[i] = digits[i] = csSeqName[i] = csQualChars[i] = 1;
seqName['_'] = seqName['.'] = seqName[':'] = seqName['/'] = seqName['-'] = seqName['#'] = 1;
csSeqName[','] = csSeqName['.'] = csSeqName['-'] = csSeqName['#'] = 1;
csQualChars[' '] = 1;
for (i= (int)'!' ; i <= (int)'~' ; ++i)
qualChars[i] = 1;
struct hash *chromHash(struct chromInfo *ci)
// Return a hash table of chrom name to chrom size
unsigned *size;
struct hash *h = newHash(0);
for ( ; ci ; ci = ci->next )
*size = ci->size;
verbose(3,"[%s %3d] hashAdd(%s -> %p = %u)\n", __func__, __LINE__, ci->chrom, size, *size);
hashAdd(h, ci->chrom, size);
return h;
boolean checkUnsigned(char *file, int line, char *row, char *s, unsigned *val, char *name)
/* Convert series of digits to unsigned integer about
* twice as fast as atoi (by not having to skip white
* space or stop except at the null byte.)
* Returns true if conversion possible, and value is returned in 'val'
* Otherwise prints warning and returns false */
unsigned res = 0;
char *p = s;
char c;
while (((c = *(p++)) >= '0') && (c <= '9'))
res *= 10;
res += c - '0';
if (c != '\0')
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: %s field invalid unsigned number (%s) [%s]", file, line, name, s, row);
return FALSE;
*val = res;
return TRUE;
boolean checkSigned(char *file, int line, char *row, char *s, int *val, char *name)
/* Convert string to signed integer. Unlike atol assumes
* all of string is number.
* Returns true if conversion possible, and value is returned in 'val'
* Otherwise prints warning and returns false */
int res = 0;
char *p, *p0 = s;
if (*p0 == '-')
p = p0;
while ((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9'))
res *= 10;
res += *p - '0';
/* test for invalid character, empty, or just a minus */
if ((*p != '\0') || (p == p0))
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: %s field invalid signed number (%s) [%s]", file, line, name, s, row);
return FALSE;
if (*s == '-')
*val = -res;
*val = res;
return TRUE;
boolean checkString(char *file, int line, char *row, char *s, char *name)
// Return TRUE if string has non-zero length
// Othewise print warning that name column is empty and return FALSE
verbose(3,"[%s %3d] %s(%s)\n", __func__, __LINE__, name, s);
if (strlen(s) > 0)
return TRUE;
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: %s column empty [%s]", file, line, name, row);
return FALSE;
boolean checkChrom(char *file, int line, char *row, char *s, unsigned *chromSize)
// Return TRUE if string has non-zero length
// Othewise print warning that name column is empty and return FALSE
unsigned *size;
*chromSize = 0;
if (strlen(s) > 0)
if (chrHash)
if ( (size = hashFindVal(chrHash, s)) != NULL)
*chromSize = *size;
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] hashFindVal(%s -> %p = %u)\n", __func__, __LINE__, s, size, *size);
return TRUE; // found chrom
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: chrom %s not found [%s]", file, line, s, row);
return FALSE; // chrom not found
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] chrom(%s) \n", __func__, __LINE__, s);
return TRUE; // chrom name not blank, and not validating against chromInfo
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: chrom column empty [%s]", file, line, row);
return FALSE;
boolean checkSeq(char *file, int line, char *row, char *s, char *name)
// Return TRUE if string has non-zero length and contains only chars [ACGTNacgtn0-3]
// Othewise print warning that name column is empty and return FALSE
verbose(3,"[%s %3d] inputLine=%d %s seq(%s) [%s]\n", __func__, __LINE__, line, name, s, row);
int i;
for ( i = 0; s[i] ; ++i)
if (!dnaChars[(int)s[i]])
if (s==row)
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: invalid DNA chars in %s(%s)", file, line, name, s);
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: invalid DNA chars in %s(%s) [%s]", file, line, name, s, row);
return FALSE;
if (i == 0)
if (s==row)
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: %s empty", file, line, name);
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: %s empty in line [%s]", file, line, name, row);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
boolean checkSeqName(char *file, int line, char *s, char firstChar, char *name)
// Return TRUE if string has non-zero length and contains only seqName[] chars
// Othewise print warning that seqName is empty and return FALSE
int i;
if (s[0] == 0)
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: %s empty [%s]", file, line, name, s);
return FALSE;
else if (s[0] != firstChar)
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: %s first char invalid (got '%c', wanted '%c') [%s]",
file, line, name, s[0], firstChar, s);
return FALSE;
for ( i = 1; s[i] ; ++i)
if (!seqName[(int)s[i]])
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: invalid %s chars in [%s]", file, line, name, s);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
char *getDigits(char *s)
// Consume 1 or more digits from s, return pointer to next non-digit
// Return NULL if no digits consumed
char *s0 = s;
while (digits[(int) *s])
if (s > s0)
return s;
return NULL;
boolean checkTrailingCsSeqName(char *s)
// Return true if all chars in s (if any) are csSeqName chars
// Return false otherwise
while (csSeqName[(int) *s])
if (*s == 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// >461_19_209_F3
// T022213002230311203200200322000
// >920_22_656_F3,1.-152654094.,19.43558664.
// T01301010111200210102321210100112312
boolean checkCsSeqName(char *file, int line, char *s)
// Return TRUE if string has non-zero length, matches CS name pattern contains only csSeqName[] chars
// Othewise print warning that seqName is empty and return FALSE
char *s0;
if (s[0] == 0)
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: sequence name empty [%s]", file, line, s);
return FALSE;
else if (s[0] != '>')
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: sequence name first char invalid (got '%c', wanted '>') [%s]",
file, line, s[0], s);
return FALSE;
if ( (s0 = getDigits(s+1))
&& (*(s0++) == '_')
&& (s0 = getDigits(s0)) && (*(s0++) == '_')
&& (s0 = getDigits(s0)) && (*(s0++) == '_')
&& alpha[(int) *(s0++)] && digits[(int) *(s0++)]
&& checkTrailingCsSeqName(s0) )
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] OK [%s] file(%s) line=%d\n", __func__, __LINE__, s, file, line);
return TRUE;
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: invalid sequence name [%s]", file, line, s);
return FALSE;
boolean checkQual(char *file, int line, char *s)
// Return TRUE if string has non-zero length and contains only qualChars[] chars
// Othewise print warning that quality is empty and return FALSE
int i;
for ( i = 0; s[i] ; ++i)
if (!qualChars[(int)s[i]])
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: invalid quality chars in [%s]", file, line, s);
return FALSE;
if (i == 0)
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: quality empty [%s]", file, line, s);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
boolean checkCsQual(char *file, int line, char *s)
// Return TRUE if string has non-zero length and contains quality scores
// Othewise print warning that quality is empty and return FALSE
int i;
for ( i = 0; s[i] ; ++i)
if (!csQualChars[(int)s[i]])
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: invalid colorspace quality chars in [%s]", file, line, s);
return FALSE;
if (i == 0)
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: colorspace quality empty [%s]", file, line, s);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
boolean checkStartEnd(char *file, int line, char *row, char *start, char *end, char *chrom, unsigned chromSize, unsigned *sVal, unsigned *eVal)
// Return TRUE if start and end are both >= 0,
// and if zeroSizeOk then start <= end
// otherwise then start < end
// Also check end <= chromSize (as a special case, ignore chrM end if chrMSizeOk)
// start and end values are returned in sVal and eVal
// Othewise print warning and return FALSE
verbose(3,"[%s %3d] inputLine=%d [%s..%s] (chrom=%s,size=%u) [%s]\n", __func__, __LINE__, line, start, end, chrom, chromSize, row);
unsigned s, e;
if ( !checkUnsigned(file, line, row, start, &s, "chromStart")
|| !checkUnsigned(file, line, row, end, &e, "chromEnd"))
return FALSE;
*sVal = s;
*eVal = e;
if (chromSize > 0)
if (e > chromSize && !(chrMSizeOk && sameString(chrom, "chrM")))
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: end(%u) > chromSize(%s=%u) [%s]", file, line, e, chrom, chromSize, row);
return FALSE;
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] end <= chromSize (%u <= %u)\n", __func__, __LINE__, e, chromSize);
if (zeroSizeOk)
if (s <= e)
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] start <= end (%u <= %u)\n", __func__, __LINE__, s, e);
return TRUE;
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: start(%u) > end(%u) [%s]", file, line, s, e, row);
if (s < e)
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] start < end (%u < %u)\n", __func__, __LINE__, s, e);
return TRUE;
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: start(%u) >= end(%u) [%s]", file, line, s, e, row);
return FALSE;
boolean checkPeak(char *file, int line, char *row, char *peak, char *start, char *end)
// Return TRUE if peak is >= 0 and <= (end-start)
// Othewise print warning and return FALSE
verbose(3,"[%s %3d] inputLine=%d peak(%s) (%s,%s) [%s]\n", __func__, __LINE__, line, peak, start, end, row);
unsigned p, s, e;
if ( !checkUnsigned(file, line, row, peak, &p, "peak")
|| !checkUnsigned(file, line, row, start, &s, "chromStart")
|| !checkUnsigned(file, line, row, end, &e, "chromEnd"))
return FALSE;
if (p > e - s)
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: peak(%u) past block length (%u) [%s]", file, line, p, e - s, row);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
boolean checkIntBetween(char *file, int line, char *row, char *val, char *name, int min, int max)
// Return TRUE if val is integer between min and max
// Othewise print warning and return FALSE
int i;
if (!checkSigned(file, line, row, val, &i, name))
return FALSE;
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] inputLine=%d [%s] -> [%d] [%s,%d..%d]\n", __func__, __LINE__, line, val, i, name, min, max);
if (i >= min && i <= max)
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] min <= value <= max (%d <= %d <= %d)\n", __func__, __LINE__, min, i, max);
return TRUE;
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: %s %d outside bounds (%d, %d) [%s]", file, line, name, i, min, max, row);
return FALSE;
boolean checkFloat(char *file, int line, char *row, char *val, char *name)
// Return TRUE if val is floating point number
// Othewise print warning and return FALSE
// taken from sqlNum.c
char* end;
strtod(val, &end);
if ((end == val) || (*end != '\0'))
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: invalid %s '%s' [%s]", file, line, name, val, row);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
boolean checkStrand(char *file, int line, char *row, char *strand)
// Return TRUE if strand == '+' or '-' or '.',
// Othewise print warning and return FALSE
if (strlen(strand) == 1 && (*strand == '+' || *strand == '-' || *strand == '.'))
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] strand(%s)\n", __func__, __LINE__, strand);
return TRUE;
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: invalid strand '%s' (want '+','-','.') [%s]", file, line, strand, row);
return FALSE;
boolean wantNewLine(struct lineFile *lf, char *file, int line, char **row, char *msg)
boolean res = lineFileNext(lf, row, NULL);
if (!res)
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: %s not found", file, line, msg);
return res;
boolean checkColumns(char *file, int line, char *row, char *buf, char *words[], int wordSize, int expected)
// Split buf into wordSize columns in words[] array
// Return TRUE if number of columns == expected, otherwise FALSE
int n = chopByWhite(buf, words, wordSize);
if ( n != expected)
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: found %d columns, expected %d [%s]", file, line, n, expected, row);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
boolean checkMismatchesSeq(char *file, int line, char *chrom, unsigned chromStart, unsigned chromEnd, char strand, char *seq)
int i, mm = 0;
struct dnaSeq *g;
if (!genome)
return TRUE; // only check if 2bit file specified
if (line % mmCheckOneInN != 0)
return TRUE; // dont check if this is not one in N
g = twoBitReadSeqFragLower(genome, chrom, chromStart, chromEnd);
if (strand == '-')
reverseComplement(g->dna, g->size);
if (g->size != strlen(seq) || g->size != chromEnd-chromStart)
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: sequence length (%d) does not match genomic coords (%d / %d)",
file, line, (int)strlen(seq), chromEnd-chromStart, g->size);
return FALSE;
for (i=0 ; i < g->size ; ++i)
char c = tolower(seq[i]);
- if (c == 'n' || c != g->dna[i])
+ if (c != 'n' && c != g->dna[i])
if (mm > mismatches)
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: too many mismatches (found %d/%d, maximum is %d) (%s %d %d %c)\nseq=[%s]\ngen=[%s]\n",
file, line, mm, g->size, mismatches, chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, strand, seq, g->dna);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
boolean checkMismatchesSeq1Seq2(char *file, int line, char *chrom, unsigned chromStart, unsigned chromEnd, char strand, char *seq1, char *seq2)
int i, mm1, mm2, len1, len2;
struct dnaSeq *g1, *g2;
if (!genome)
return TRUE; // dont check unless 2bit file specified
if (line % mmCheckOneInN != 0)
return TRUE; // dont check if this is not one in N
len1 = strlen(seq1);
len2 = strlen(seq2);
if (strand == '-')
g1 = twoBitReadSeqFragLower(genome, chrom, chromEnd-len1, chromEnd);
g2 = twoBitReadSeqFragLower(genome, chrom, chromStart, chromStart+len2);
reverseComplement(g1->dna, g1->size);
reverseComplement(g2->dna, g2->size);
g1 = twoBitReadSeqFragLower(genome, chrom, chromStart, chromStart+len1);
g2 = twoBitReadSeqFragLower(genome, chrom, chromEnd-len2, chromEnd);
if (g1->size != len1 || g2->size != len2)
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: sequence lengths (%d, %d) do not match genomic ones (%d, %d)",
file, line, len1, len2, g1->size, g2->size);
return FALSE;
mm1 = 0;
for (i=0 ; i < g1->size ; ++i)
char c = tolower(seq1[i]);
- if (c == 'n' || c != g1->dna[i])
+ if (c != 'n' && c != g1->dna[i])
mm2 = 0;
for (i=0 ; i < g2->size ; ++i)
char c = tolower(seq2[i]);
- if (c == 'n' || c != g2->dna[i])
+ if (c != 'n' && c != g2->dna[i])
if (mmPerPair)
if (mm1 > mismatches || mm2 > mismatches)
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: too many mismatches in one or both (seq1=%d/%d, seq2=%d/%d, maximum is %d) (%s %d %d %c)\nseq1=[%s] seq2=[%s]\ngen1=[%s] gen2=[%s]\n",
file, line, mm1, len1, mm2, len2, mismatches, chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, strand, seq1, seq2, g1->dna, g2->dna);
return FALSE;
if (mm1+mm2 > mismatches)
warn("Error [file=%s, line=%d]: too many mismatches in pair (seq1=%d/%d, seq2=%d/%d, maximum is %d) (%s %d %d %c)\nseq1=[%s] seq2=[%s]\ngen1=[%s] gen2=[%s]\n",
file, line, mm1, len1, mm2, len2, mismatches, chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, strand, seq1, seq2, g1->dna, g2->dna);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int validateTagOrPairedTagAlign(struct lineFile *lf, char *file, boolean paired)
char *row;
char buf[1024];
char *words[TAG_WORDS];
int line = 0;
int errs = 0;
unsigned chromSize;
int size;
// Dot in place of N for tagaligns from Larry's group. Maybe remove this later.
int savedot = dnaChars[(int)'.'];
dnaChars[(int)'.'] = 1;
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] paired=%d file(%s)\n", __func__, __LINE__, paired, file);
while (lineFileNext(lf, &row, &size))
unsigned start, end;
if (quick && line > quick)
safecpy(buf, sizeof(buf), row);
if ( checkColumns(file, line, row, buf, words, TAG_WORDS, (paired ? 8 : 6))
&& checkChrom(file, line, row, words[0], &chromSize)
&& checkStartEnd(file, line, row, words[1], words[2], words[0], chromSize, &start, &end)
&& checkIntBetween(file, line, row, words[4], "score", 0, 1000)
&& checkStrand(file, line, row, words[5])
&& (paired ?
(checkString(file, line, row, words[3], "name")
&& checkSeq(file, line, row, words[6], "seq1")
&& checkSeq(file, line, row, words[7], "seq2")
&& checkMismatchesSeq1Seq2(file, line, words[0], start, end, *words[5], words[6], words[7]))
(checkSeq(file, line, row, words[3], "sequence")
&& checkMismatchesSeq(file, line, words[0], start, end, *words[5], words[3]))
) )
if (printOkLines)
printf("%s\n", row);
if (printFailLines)
printf("%s\n", row);
if (++errs >= maxErrors)
errAbort("Aborting .. found %d errors\n", errs);
dnaChars[(int)'.'] = savedot;
return errs;
// tagAlign
int validateTagAlign(struct lineFile *lf, char *file)
return validateTagOrPairedTagAlign(lf, file, FALSE);
// pairedTagAlign
int validatePairedTagAlign(struct lineFile *lf, char *file)
return validateTagOrPairedTagAlign(lf, file, TRUE);
int validateBedVariant(struct lineFile *lf, char *file, enum bedType type)
char *row;
char buf[1024];
char *words[PEAK_WORDS];
int line = 0;
int errs = 0;
unsigned chromSize;
int gappedOffset = (type == GAPPED_PEAK ? 6 : 0);
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] file(%s)\n", __func__, __LINE__, file);
while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &row))
unsigned start, end;
if (quick && line > quick)
safecpy(buf, sizeof(buf), row);
if ( checkColumns(file, line, row, buf, words, PEAK_WORDS, bedTypeCols[type])
&& checkChrom(file, line, row, words[0], &chromSize)
&& checkStartEnd(file, line, row, words[1], words[2], words[0], chromSize, &start, &end)
&& ( type == BED_GRAPH ?
(checkFloat(file, line, row, words[3], "value")) // canonical bedGraph has float in 4th column
: // otherwise BROAD_, NARROW_, or GAPPED_PEAK
(checkString(file, line, row, words[3], "name")
&& checkIntBetween(file, line, row, words[4], "score", 0, 1000)
&& checkStrand(file, line, row, words[5])
// && ((type != GAPPED_PEAK) || ()) // for now dont check all the BED 12 gapped fields
&& checkFloat(file, line, row, words[6 + gappedOffset], "signalValue")
&& checkFloat(file, line, row, words[7 + gappedOffset], "pValue")
&& checkFloat(file, line, row, words[8 + gappedOffset], "qValue")
&& ((type != NARROW_PEAK) || (checkPeak(file, line, row, words[4], words[1], words[2])))
if (printOkLines)
printf("%s\n", row);
if (printFailLines)
printf("%s\n", row);
if (++errs >= maxErrors)
errAbort("Aborting .. found %d errors\n", errs);
return errs;
int validateBroadPeak(struct lineFile *lf, char *file)
return validateBedVariant(lf, file, BROAD_PEAK);
int validateNarrowPeak(struct lineFile *lf, char *file)
return validateBedVariant(lf, file, NARROW_PEAK);
int validateGappedPeak(struct lineFile *lf, char *file)
return validateBedVariant(lf, file, GAPPED_PEAK);
int validateBedGraph(struct lineFile *lf, char *file)
return validateBedVariant(lf, file, BED_GRAPH);
// fasta:
// >VHE-245683051005-13-1-2-1704
// >VHE-245683051005-13-1-2-1704
int validateFasta(struct lineFile *lf, char *file)
char *seqName, *seq;
int line = 0;
int errs = 0;
boolean startOfFile = TRUE;
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] file(%s)\n", __func__, __LINE__, file);
while ( lineFileNext(lf, &seqName, NULL))
if (quick && line > quick)
if (startOfFile)
if (*seqName == '#')
startOfFile = FALSE;
if (checkSeqName(file, line, seqName, '>', "sequence name")
&& (wantNewLine(lf, file, ++line, &seq, "fastq sequence line"))
&& checkSeq(file, line, seq, seq, "sequence") )
if (printOkLines)
printf("%s\n%s\n", seqName, seq);
if (printFailLines)
printf("%s\n%s\n", seqName, seq);
if (++errs >= maxErrors)
errAbort("Aborting .. found %d errors\n", errs);
return errs;
// fastq:
// @NINA_1_FC30G3VAAXX:5:1:110:908
// +NINA_1_FC30G3VAAXX:5:1:110:908
// aa`]`a`XQ^VQQ^`aaaaaaa^[[ZG[aXUX[[[X
int validateFastq(struct lineFile *lf, char *file)
char *seqName, *seq, *qName, *qual;
int line = 0;
int errs = 0;
boolean startOfFile = TRUE;
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] file(%s)\n", __func__, __LINE__, file);
while ( lineFileNext(lf, &seqName, NULL))
if (quick && line > quick)
if (startOfFile)
if (*seqName == '#')
startOfFile = FALSE;
if (checkSeqName(file, line, seqName, '@', "sequence name")
&& (wantNewLine(lf, file, ++line, &seq, "fastq sequence line"))
&& checkSeq(file, line, seq, seq, "sequence")
&& (wantNewLine(lf, file, ++line, &qName, "fastq sequence name (quality line)"))
&& checkSeqName(file, line, qName, '+', "quality name")
&& (wantNewLine(lf, file, ++line, &qual, "quality line"))
&& checkQual(file, line, qual) )
if (printOkLines)
printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", seqName, seq, qName, qual);
if (printFailLines)
printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", seqName, seq, qName, qual);
if (++errs >= maxErrors)
errAbort("Aborting .. found %d errors\n", errs);
return errs;
/* Syntax per
CS Fasta:
int validateCsfasta(struct lineFile *lf, char *file)
// Validate Colorspace fasta files
char *seqName = NULL;
char *seq = NULL;
int line = 0;
int errs = 0;
boolean startOfFile = TRUE;
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] file(%s)\n", __func__, __LINE__, file);
while (lineFileNext(lf, &seqName, NULL))
if (quick && line > quick)
if (startOfFile)
if (*seqName == '#')
startOfFile = FALSE;
if (checkCsSeqName(file, line, seqName)
&& (wantNewLine(lf, file, ++line, &seq, "colorspace sequence name"))
&& checkSeq(file, line, seq, seq, "colorspace sequence") )
if (printOkLines)
printf("%s\n%s\n", seqName, seq);
if (printFailLines)
printf("%s\n%s\n", seqName, seq);
if (++errs >= maxErrors)
errAbort("Aborting .. found %d errors\n", errs);
return errs;
/* Syntax per
# Cwd: /home/pipeline
# Title: S0033_20080723_2_I22_EA_
20 10 8 13 8 10 20 7 7 24 15 22 21 14 14 8 11 15 5 20 6 5 8 22 6 24 3 16 7 11
16 8 5 12 20 24 19 8 13 17 11 23 8 24 8 7 17 4 20 8 29 7 3 16 3 4 8 20 17 9
int validateCsqual(struct lineFile *lf, char *file)
// Validate Colorspace quality files
char *seqName = NULL;
char *qual = NULL;
int line = 0;
int errs = 0;
boolean startOfFile = TRUE;
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] file(%s)\n", __func__, __LINE__, file);
while (lineFileNext(lf, &seqName, NULL))
if (quick && line > quick)
if (startOfFile)
if (*seqName == '#')
startOfFile = FALSE;
if (checkCsSeqName(file, line, seqName)
&& (wantNewLine(lf, file, ++line, &qual, "colorspace quality line"))
&& checkCsQual(file, line, qual) )
if (printOkLines)
printf("%s\n%s\n", seqName, qual);
if (printFailLines)
printf("%s\n%s\n", seqName, qual);
if (++errs >= maxErrors)
errAbort("Aborting .. found %d errors\n", errs);
return errs;
void validateFiles(int (*validate)(struct lineFile *lf, char *file), int numFiles, char *files[])
/* validateFile - validate format of different track input files. */
int i;
int errs = 0;
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] numFiles=%d \n", __func__, __LINE__, numFiles);
for (i = 0; i < numFiles ; ++i)
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(files[i], TRUE);
errs += validate(lf, files[i]);
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] done loop\n", __func__, __LINE__);
if (errs > 0)
errAbort("Aborting ... found %d errors in total\n", errs);
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] done\n", __func__, __LINE__);
int testFunc(char *f)
char *row;
int size;
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(f, TRUE);
while (lineFileNext(lf, &row, &size))
printf("size=%d [%s]\n", size, row);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
char *type;
void *func;
struct chromInfo *ci = NULL;
struct hash *funcs = newHash(0);
char *chromDb, *chromInfo;
optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
if (optionExists("version"))
if (argc==0)
type = optionVal("type", "");
if (strlen(type) == 0)
errAbort("please specify type");
maxErrors = optionInt("maxErrors", MAX_ERRORS);
zeroSizeOk = optionExists("zeroSizeOk");
chrMSizeOk = optionExists("chrMSizeOk");
printOkLines = optionExists("printOkLines");
printFailLines = optionExists("printFailLines");
genome = optionExists("genome") ? twoBitOpen(optionVal("genome",NULL)) : NULL;
mismatches = optionInt("mismatches",0);
mmPerPair = optionExists("mmPerPair");
mmCheckOneInN = optionInt("mmCheckOneInN", 1);
quick = optionExists("quick") ? optionInt("quick",QUICK_DEFAULT) : 0;
colorSpace = optionExists("colorSpace") || sameString(type, "csfasta");
// Get chromInfo from DB or file
if ( (chromDb = optionVal("chromDb", NULL)) != NULL)
if (!(ci = createChromInfoList(NULL, chromDb)))
errAbort("could not load chromInfo from DB %s\n", chromDb);
chrHash = chromHash(ci);
else if ( (chromInfo=optionVal("chromInfo", NULL)) != NULL)
if (!(ci = chromInfoLoadAll(chromInfo)))
errAbort("could not load chromInfo file %s\n", chromInfo);
chrHash = chromHash(ci);
verbose(2,"[%s %3d] type=%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, type);
// Setup the function hash keyed by type
hashAdd(funcs, "tagAlign", &validateTagAlign);
hashAdd(funcs, "pairedTagAlign", &validatePairedTagAlign);
hashAdd(funcs, "fasta", &validateFasta);
hashAdd(funcs, "fastq", &validateFastq);
hashAdd(funcs, "csfasta", &validateCsfasta);
hashAdd(funcs, "csqual", &validateCsqual);
hashAdd(funcs, "broadPeak", &validateBroadPeak);
hashAdd(funcs, "narrowPeak", &validateNarrowPeak);
hashAdd(funcs, "gappedPeak", &validateGappedPeak);
hashAdd(funcs, "bedGraph", &validateBedGraph);
//hashAdd(funcs, "test", &testFunc);
if (!(func = hashFindVal(funcs, type)))
errAbort("Cannot validate %s type files\n", type);
validateFiles(func, argc, argv);
return 0;