src/hg/featureBits/featureBits.c 1.55
1.55 2009/08/09 07:29:28 markd
add JK's explanation of enrichment
Index: src/hg/featureBits/featureBits.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/featureBits/featureBits.c,v
retrieving revision 1.54
retrieving revision 1.55
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.54 -r1.55
--- src/hg/featureBits/featureBits.c 24 Mar 2009 20:48:34 -0000 1.54
+++ src/hg/featureBits/featureBits.c 9 Aug 2009 07:29:28 -0000 1.55
@@ -1,926 +1,929 @@
/* featureBits - Correlate tables via bitmap projections and booleans. */
#include "common.h"
#include "linefile.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "jksql.h"
#include "hdb.h"
#include "fa.h"
#include "bits.h"
#include "bed.h"
#include "psl.h"
#include "portable.h"
#include "featureBits.h"
#include "agpGap.h"
#include "chain.h"
#include "chromInfo.h"
static char const rcsid[] = "$Id$";
static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] =
/* command line option specifications */
{"faMerge", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{"minSize", OPTION_INT},
{"chrom", OPTION_STRING},
{"countGaps", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{"noRandom", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{"dots", OPTION_INT},
{"minFeatureSize", OPTION_INT},
{"enrichment", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{"where", OPTION_STRING},
{"chromSize", OPTION_STRING},
{"binSize", OPTION_INT},
{"binOverlap", OPTION_INT},
{"bedRegionIn", OPTION_STRING},
{"bedRegionOut", OPTION_STRING},
{NULL, 0}
int minSize = 1; /* Minimum size of feature. */
char *clChrom = "all"; /* Which chromosome. */
boolean orLogic = FALSE; /* Do ors instead of ands? */
boolean notResults = FALSE; /* negate results? */
char *where = NULL; /* Extra selection info. */
char *chromSizes = NULL; /* read chrom sizes from file instead of database . */
boolean countGaps = FALSE; /* Count gaps in denominator? */
boolean noRandom = FALSE; /* Exclude _random chromosomes? */
boolean noHap = FALSE; /* Exclude _hap chromosomes? */
int dots = 0; /* print dots every N chroms (scaffolds) processed */
boolean calcEnrichment = FALSE; /* Calculate coverage/enrichment? */
int binSize = 500000; /* Default bin size. */
int binOverlap = 250000; /* Default bin size. */
/* to process chroms without constantly looking up in chromInfo, create
* this list of them from the chromInfo once.
static struct chromInfo *chromInfoList = NULL;
static struct hash *gapHash = NULL;
void usage()
/* Explain usage and exit. */
"featureBits - Correlate tables via bitmap projections. \n"
" featureBits database table(s)\n"
"This will return the number of bits in all the tables anded together\n"
"Pipe warning: output goes to stderr.\n"
" -bed=output.bed Put intersection into bed format. Can use stdout.\n"
" -fa=output.fa Put sequence in intersection into .fa file\n"
" -faMerge For fa output merge overlapping features.\n"
" -minSize=N Minimum size to output (default 1)\n"
" -chrom=chrN Restrict to one chromosome\n"
" -chromSize=sizefile Read chrom sizes from file instead of database.\n"
" -or Or tables together instead of anding them\n"
" -not Output negation of resulting bit set.\n"
" -countGaps Count gaps in denominator\n"
" -noRandom Don't include _random (or Un) chromosomes\n"
" -noHap Don't include _hap chromosomes\n"
" -dots=N Output dot every N chroms (scaffolds) processed\n"
" -minFeatureSize=n Don't include bits of the track that are smaller than\n"
" minFeatureSize, useful for differentiating between\n"
" alignment gaps and introns.\n"
" -bin=output.bin Put bin counts in output file\n"
" -binSize=N Bin size for generating counts in bin file (default 500000)\n"
" -binOverlap=N Bin overlap for generating counts in bin file (default 250000)\n"
" -bedRegionIn=input.bed Read in a bed file for bin counts in specific regions \n"
" and write to bedRegionsOut\n"
" -bedRegionOut=output.bed Write a bed file of bin counts in specific regions \n"
" from bedRegionIn\n"
" -enrichment Calculates coverage and enrichment assuming first table\n"
" is reference gene track and second track something else\n"
+ " Enrichment is the amount of table1 that covers table2 vs. the\n"
+ " amount of table1 that covers the genome. It's how much denser\n"
+ " table1 is in table2 than it is genome-wide.\n"
" '-where=some sql pattern' Restrict to features matching some sql pattern\n"
"You can include a '!' before a table name to negate it.\n"
"Some table names can be followed by modifiers such as:\n"
" :exon:N Break into exons and add N to each end of each exon\n"
" :cds Break into coding exons\n"
" :intron:N Break into introns, remove N from each end\n"
" :utr5, :utr3 Break into 5' or 3' UTRs\n"
" :upstream:N Consider the region of N bases before region\n"
" :end:N Consider the region of N bases after region\n"
" :score:N Consider records with score >= N \n"
" :upstreamAll:N Like upstream, but doesn't filter out genes that \n"
" have txStart==cdsStart or txEnd==cdsEnd\n"
" :endAll:N Like end, but doesn't filter out genes that \n"
" have txStart==cdsStart or txEnd==cdsEnd\n"
"The tables can be bed, psl, or chain files, or a directory full of\n"
"such files as well as actual database tables. To count the bits\n"
"used in dir/chrN_something*.bed you'd do:\n"
" featureBits database dir/_something.bed\n"
static struct chromInfo *fbCreateChromInfoList(char *name, char *database)
/* Load up all chromosome infos. */
struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(database);
struct sqlResult *sr = NULL;
char **row;
int loaded=0;
struct chromInfo *ret = NULL;
unsigned totalSize = 0;
if (sameWord(name, "all"))
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, "select * from chromInfo");
char select[256];
safef(select, ArraySize(select), "select * from chromInfo where chrom='%s'",
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, select);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
struct chromInfo *el;
struct chromInfo *ci;
el = chromInfoLoad(row);
ci->chrom = cloneString(el->chrom);
ci->size = el->size;
totalSize += el->size;
slAddHead(&ret, ci);
if (loaded < 1)
errAbort("ERROR: can not find chrom name: '%s'\n", name);
if (sameWord(name, "all"))
verbose(2, "#\tloaded size info for %d chroms, total size: %u\n",
loaded, totalSize);
return ret;
static boolean hasSuffixCompress(char *file, char *suffix, char *compSuffix)
/* determine if file ends with .suffix.compSuffix */
char sbuf[64];
safef(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), "%s.%s", suffix, compSuffix);
return endsWith(file, sbuf);
boolean isFileType(char *file, char *suffix)
/* determine if file ends with .suffix, or .suffix.{gz,Z,bz2} */
char cleaned[PATH_LEN], *p;
/* remove any : qualifiers */
strcpy(cleaned, file);
p = strrchr (cleaned, '/');
if (p == NULL)
p = cleaned;
p = strchr(p, ':');
if (p != NULL)
*p = '\0';
if (endsWith(cleaned, suffix))
return TRUE;
else if (hasSuffixCompress(cleaned, suffix, "gz"))
return TRUE;
else if (hasSuffixCompress(cleaned, suffix, "Z"))
return TRUE;
else if (hasSuffixCompress(cleaned, suffix, "bz2"))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
bool inclChrom(char *name)
/* check if a chromosome should be included */
return !((noRandom && (endsWith(name, "_random")
|| startsWith("chrUn", name)
|| sameWord("chrNA", name) /* danRer */
|| sameWord("chrU", name))) /* dm */
|| (noHap && stringIn( "_hap", name)));
void bitsToBins(Bits *bits, char *chrom, int chromSize, FILE *binFile, int binSize, int binOverlap)
/* Write out binned counts of bits. */
int bin, count;
if (!binFile)
for (bin=0; bin+binSize<chromSize; bin=bin+binOverlap)
count = bitCountRange(bits, bin, binSize);
fprintf(binFile, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s.%d\n", chrom, bin, bin+binSize, count, chrom, bin/binOverlap+1);
count = bitCountRange(bits, bin, chromSize-bin);
fprintf(binFile, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s.%d\n", chrom, bin, chromSize, count, chrom, bin/binOverlap+1);
void bitsToRegions(Bits *bits, char *chrom, int chromSize, struct bed *bedList,
FILE *bedOutFile)
/* Write out counts of bits in regions defined by bed elements. */
struct bed *bl=NULL;
int count, i=0;
if (!bedOutFile)
for (bl=bedList; bl!=NULL; bl=bl->next)
count = bitCountRange(bits, bl->chromStart, bl->chromEnd-bl->chromStart);
fprintf(bedOutFile, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s.%d\n", chrom, bl->chromStart, bl->chromEnd, count, chrom, ++i);
void check(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table)
/* Check it's as planned. */
char query[256], **row;
struct sqlResult *sr;
int lastEnd = -1, lastStart = -1, start, end;
sprintf(query, "select chromStart,chromEnd from %s", table);
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
start = atoi(row[0]);
end = atoi(row[1]);
if (start < lastStart)
fprintf(stderr,"Out of order: %d,%d\n", lastStart, start);
if (rangeIntersection(lastStart, lastEnd, start-1, end) > 0)
fprintf(stderr,"Overlapping: (%d %d) (%d %d)\n", lastStart, lastEnd, start, end);
lastStart = start;
lastEnd = end;
errAbort("All for now");
char *chromFileName(char *track, char *chrom, char fileName[512])
/* Return chromosome specific version of file if it exists. */
if (fileExists(track))
strncpy(fileName, track, 512);
char dir[256], root[128], ext[65];
int len;
splitPath(track, dir, root, ext);
/* Chop trailing / off of dir. */
len = strlen(dir);
if (len > 0 && dir[len-1] == '/')
dir[len-1] = 0;
safef(fileName, 512, "%s/%s%s%s", dir, chrom, root, ext);
if (!fileExists(fileName))
warn("Couldn't find %s or %s", track, fileName);
strncpy(fileName, track, 512);
return fileName;
void outOfRange(struct lineFile *lf, char *chrom, int chromSize)
/* Complain that coordinate is out of range. */
errAbort("Coordinate out of allowed range [%d,%d) for %s near line %d of %s",
0, chromSize, chrom, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
void setPslBits(struct lineFile *lf,
Bits *bits, struct psl *psl, int winStart, int winEnd)
/* Set bits that are in psl. */
int i, s, e, w, blockCount = psl->blockCount;
boolean isRev = (psl->strand[1] == '-');
for (i=0; i<blockCount; ++i)
s = psl->tStarts[i];
e = s + psl->blockSizes[i];
if (isRev)
/* Use w as a temp variable to reverse coordinates s&e. */
w = psl->tSize - e;
e = psl->tSize - s;
s = w;
/* Clip, and if anything left set it. */
if (s < winStart) outOfRange(lf, psl->tName, psl->tSize);
if (e > winEnd) outOfRange(lf, psl->tName, psl->tSize);
w = e - s;
if (w > 0)
bitSetRange(bits, s, w);
void fbOrPsl(Bits *acc, char *track, char *chrom, int chromSize)
/* Or in bits of psl file that correspond to chrom. */
struct lineFile *lf;
char fileName[512];
struct psl *psl;
chromFileName(track, chrom, fileName);
if (!fileExists(fileName))
lf = pslFileOpen(fileName);
while ((psl = pslNext(lf)) != NULL)
if (sameString(psl->tName, chrom))
setPslBits(lf, acc, psl, 0, chromSize);
void fbOrBed(Bits *acc, char *track, char *chrom, int chromSize)
/* Or in bits of psl file that correspond to chrom. */
struct lineFile *lf;
char fileName[512];
char *row[3];
int s, e, w;
chromFileName(track, chrom, fileName);
if (!fileExists(fileName))
lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
if (sameString(row[0], chrom))
s = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 1);
if (s < 0) outOfRange(lf, chrom, chromSize);
e = lineFileNeedNum(lf, row, 2);
if (e > chromSize) outOfRange(lf, chrom, chromSize);
w = e - s;
if (w > 0)
bitSetRange(acc, s, w);
void fbOrChain(Bits *acc, char *track, char *chrom, int chromSize)
/* Or in a chain file. */
struct lineFile *lf;
char fileName[512];
struct chain *chain;
struct cBlock *b;
chromFileName(track, chrom, fileName);
if (!fileExists(fileName))
lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
while ((chain = chainRead(lf)) != NULL)
for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = b->next)
int s = b->tStart, e = b->tEnd;
if (s < 0) outOfRange(lf, chrom, chromSize);
if (e > chromSize) outOfRange(lf, chrom, chromSize);
bitSetRange(acc, b->tStart, b->tEnd - b->tStart);
void isolateTrackPartOfSpec(char *spec, char track[512])
/* Convert something like track:exon to just track */
char *s;
strncpy(track, spec, 512);
s = strchr(track, ':');
if (s != NULL) *s = 0;
void orFile(Bits *acc, char *track, char *chrom, int chromSize)
/* Or some sort of file into bits. */
if (isFileType(track, "psl"))
fbOrPsl(acc, track, chrom, chromSize);
else if (isFileType(track, "bed"))
fbOrBed(acc, track, chrom, chromSize);
else if (isFileType(track, "chain"))
fbOrChain(acc, track, chrom, chromSize);
errAbort("can't determine file type of: %s", track);
void orTable(char *database, Bits *acc, char *track, char *chrom,
int chromSize, struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Or in table if it exists. Else do nothing. */
char t[512], *s;
isolateTrackPartOfSpec(track, t);
s = strrchr(t, '.');
if (s != NULL)
orFile(acc, track, chrom, chromSize);
boolean hasBin;
int minFeatureSize = optionInt("minFeatureSize", 0);
boolean isSplit = hFindSplitTable(database, chrom, t, table, &hasBin);
boolean isFound = hTableExists(database, table);
verbose(3,"orTable: db: %s isFound: %s isSplit: %s %s %s %s\n", database,
isFound ? "TRUE" : "FALSE",
isSplit ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", chrom, t, table );
if (isFound)
fbOrTableBitsQueryMinSize(database, acc, track, chrom, chromSize, conn, where,
TRUE, TRUE, minFeatureSize);
void chromFeatureBits(struct sqlConnection *conn,char *database,
char *chrom, int tableCount, char *tables[],
FILE *bedFile, FILE *faFile, FILE *binFile,
struct bed *bedRegionList, FILE *bedOutFile,
int chromSize, int *retChromBits,
int *retFirstTableBits, int *retSecondTableBits)
/* featureBits - Correlate tables via bitmap projections and booleans
* on one chromosome. */
int i;
Bits *acc = NULL;
Bits *bits = NULL;
char *table;
acc = bitAlloc(chromSize);
bits = bitAlloc(chromSize);
for (i=0; i<tableCount; ++i)
boolean not = FALSE;
table = tables[i];
if (table[0] == '!')
not = TRUE;
if (i == 0)
orTable(database, acc, table, chrom, chromSize, conn);
if (not)
bitNot(acc, chromSize);
if (retFirstTableBits != NULL)
*retFirstTableBits = bitCountRange(acc, 0, chromSize);
bitClear(bits, chromSize);
orTable(database, bits, table, chrom, chromSize, conn);
if (not)
bitNot(bits, chromSize);
if (i == 1 && retSecondTableBits != NULL)
*retSecondTableBits = bitCountRange(bits, 0, chromSize);
/* feature/bug - the above does not respect minSize */
if (orLogic)
bitOr(acc, bits, chromSize);
bitAnd(acc, bits, chromSize);
if (notResults)
bitNot(acc, chromSize);
*retChromBits = bitCountRange(acc, 0, chromSize);
if (bedFile != NULL || faFile != NULL)
minSize = optionInt("minSize", minSize);
bitsToBed(database, acc, chrom, chromSize, bedFile, faFile, minSize);
if (binFile != NULL)
binSize = optionInt("binSize", binSize);
binOverlap = optionInt("binOverlap", binOverlap);
bitsToBins(acc, chrom, chromSize, binFile, binSize, binOverlap);
if (bedOutFile != NULL)
bitsToRegions(acc, chrom, chromSize, bedRegionList, bedOutFile);
void chromFeatureSeq(struct sqlConnection *conn,
char *database, char *chrom, char *trackSpec,
FILE *bedFile, FILE *faFile,
int *retItemCount, int *retBaseCount)
/* Write out sequence file for features from one chromosome.
* This separate routine handles the non-merged case. It's
* reason for being is so that the feature names get preserved. */
boolean hasBin;
char t[512], *s = NULL;
boolean isSplit;
struct featureBits *fbList = NULL, *fb;
if (trackSpec[0] == '!')
errAbort("Sorry, '!' not available with fa output unless you use faMerge");
isolateTrackPartOfSpec(trackSpec, t);
s = strchr(t, '.');
if (s != NULL)
errAbort("Sorry, only database (not file) tracks allowed with "
"fa output unless you use faMerge");
isSplit = hFindSplitTable(database, chrom, t, table, &hasBin);
fbList = fbGetRangeQuery(database, trackSpec, chrom, 0, hChromSize(database, chrom),
where, TRUE, TRUE);
for (fb = fbList; fb != NULL; fb = fb->next)
int s = fb->start, e = fb->end;
if (bedFile != NULL)
fprintf(bedFile, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s",
fb->chrom, fb->start, fb->end, fb->name);
if (fb->strand != '?')
fprintf(bedFile, "\t0\t%c", fb->strand);
fprintf(bedFile, "\n");
if (faFile != NULL)
struct dnaSeq *seq = hDnaFromSeq(database, chrom, s, e, dnaLower);
if (fb->strand == '-')
reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size);
faWriteNext(faFile, fb->name, seq->dna, seq->size);
static struct hash *loadAllGaps(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *db)
/* working on all chroms, fetch all per-chrom gap counts at once
* returns hash by chrom name to gap counts for that chrom
struct chromInfo *cInfo;
struct sqlResult *sr;
char **row;
struct hash *ret;
int totalGapSize = 0;
int gapCount = 0;
ret = newHash(0);
/* If not split, read in whole gulp, create per-chrom hash of sizes */
if (hTableExists(db, "gap"))
char *prevChrom = NULL;
int totalGapsThisChrom = 0;
sr = sqlGetResult(conn,
"select chrom,chromStart,chromEnd from gap order by chrom");
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
int gapSize = sqlUnsigned(row[2]) - sqlUnsigned(row[1]);
if (prevChrom && sameWord(prevChrom,row[0]))
totalGapsThisChrom += gapSize;
totalGapSize += gapSize;
if (prevChrom)
hashAddInt(ret, prevChrom, totalGapsThisChrom);
prevChrom = cloneString(row[0]);
totalGapsThisChrom = gapSize;
totalGapSize += gapSize;
prevChrom = cloneString(row[0]);
totalGapsThisChrom = gapSize;
totalGapSize += gapSize;
/* and the last one */
if (prevChrom && (totalGapsThisChrom > 0))
hashAddInt(ret, prevChrom, totalGapsThisChrom);
/* for each chrom name, fetch the gap count */
for (cInfo = chromInfoList; cInfo != NULL; cInfo = cInfo->next)
int rowOffset;
int totalGapsThisChrom = 0;
sr = hChromQuery(conn, "gap", cInfo->chrom, NULL, &rowOffset);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
int gapSize;
struct agpGap gap;
agpGapStaticLoad(row+rowOffset, &gap);
gapSize = gap.chromEnd - gap.chromStart;
totalGapsThisChrom += gapSize;
totalGapSize += gapSize;
hashAddInt(ret, cInfo->chrom, totalGapsThisChrom);
verbose(2,"#\tloaded %d gaps covering %d bases\n", gapCount, totalGapSize);
return ret;
int countBases(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *chrom, int chromSize,
char *database)
/* Count bases, generally not including gaps, in chromosome. */
static boolean gapsLoaded = FALSE;
struct sqlResult *sr;
int totalGaps = 0;
char **row;
int rowOffset;
if (countGaps)
return chromSize;
/* If doing all chroms, then load up all the gaps and be done with
* it instead of re-reading the gap table for every chrom
if (sameWord(clChrom,"all"))
if (!gapsLoaded)
gapHash = loadAllGaps(conn, database);
gapsLoaded = TRUE;
totalGaps = hashIntValDefault(gapHash, chrom, 0);
sr = hChromQuery(conn, "gap", chrom, NULL, &rowOffset);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
int gapSize;
struct agpGap gap;
agpGapStaticLoad(row+rowOffset, &gap);
gapSize = gap.chromEnd - gap.chromStart;
totalGaps += gapSize;
return chromSize - totalGaps;
void checkInputExists(struct sqlConnection *conn,char *database,
struct chromInfo *chromInfoList, int tableCount, char *tables[])
/* check input tables/files exist, especially to handle split tables */
char *track=NULL;
int i = 0, missing=0;
char t[512], *s=NULL;
char fileName[512];
boolean found = FALSE;
for (i=0; i<tableCount; ++i)
struct chromInfo *cInfo;
track = tables[i];
if (track[0] == '!')
isolateTrackPartOfSpec(track, t);
s = strrchr(t, '.');
if (s)
if (fileExists(t))
if (sqlTableExists(conn, t))
found = FALSE;
for (cInfo = chromInfoList; cInfo != NULL; cInfo = cInfo->next)
if (inclChrom(cInfo->chrom))
if (s)
chromFileName(t, cInfo->chrom, fileName);
if (fileExists(fileName))
found = TRUE;
boolean hasBin;
if (hFindSplitTable(database, cInfo->chrom, t, table, &hasBin))
found = TRUE;
if (!found)
if (s)
warn("file %s not found for any chroms", t);
warn("table %s not found for any chroms", t);
if (missing>0)
errAbort("Error: %d input table(s)/file(s) do not exist for any of the chroms specified",missing);
void featureBits(char *database, int tableCount, char *tables[])
/* featureBits - Correlate tables via bitmap projections and booleans. */
struct sqlConnection *conn = NULL;
char *bedName = optionVal("bed", NULL), *faName = optionVal("fa", NULL);
char *binName = optionVal("bin", NULL);
char *bedRegionInName = optionVal("bedRegionIn", NULL);
char *bedRegionOutName = optionVal("bedRegionOut", NULL);
FILE *bedFile = NULL, *faFile = NULL, *binFile = NULL;
FILE *bedRegionOutFile = NULL;
struct bed *bedRegionList = NULL;
boolean faIndependent = FALSE;
struct chromInfo *cInfo;
if (bedName)
bedFile = mustOpen(bedName, "w");
if (binName)
binFile = mustOpen(binName, "w");
if ((bedRegionInName && !bedRegionOutName) || (!bedRegionInName && bedRegionOutName))
errAbort("bedRegionIn and bedRegionOut must both be specified");
if (faName)
boolean faMerge = optionExists("faMerge");
faFile = mustOpen(faName, "w");
if (tableCount > 1)
if (!faMerge)
errAbort("For fa output of multiple tables you must use the "
"faMerge option");
faIndependent = (!faMerge);
if (chromSizes != NULL)
chromInfoList = chromInfoLoadAll(chromSizes);
chromInfoList = fbCreateChromInfoList(clChrom, database);
conn = hAllocConn(database);
checkInputExists(conn, database, chromInfoList, tableCount, tables);
if (!faIndependent)
double totalBases = 0, totalBits = 0;
int firstTableBits = 0, secondTableBits = 0;
int *pFirstTableBits = NULL, *pSecondTableBits = NULL;
double totalFirstBits = 0, totalSecondBits = 0;
static int dotClock = 1;
if (calcEnrichment)
pFirstTableBits = &firstTableBits;
pSecondTableBits = &secondTableBits;
if (bedRegionInName)
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(bedRegionInName, TRUE);
struct bed *bed;
char *row[3];
bedRegionOutFile = mustOpen(bedRegionOutName, "w");
while (lineFileRow(lf, row))
if (startsWith(row[0],"#")||startsWith(row[0],"chrom"))
bed = bedLoad3(row);
slAddHead(&bedRegionList, bed);
for (cInfo = chromInfoList; cInfo != NULL; cInfo = cInfo->next)
if (inclChrom(cInfo->chrom))
int chromBitSize;
int chromSize = cInfo->size;
verbose(3,"chromFeatureBits(%s)\n", cInfo->chrom);
chromFeatureBits(conn, database, cInfo->chrom, tableCount, tables,
bedFile, faFile, binFile, bedRegionList, bedRegionOutFile,
chromSize, &chromBitSize, pFirstTableBits, pSecondTableBits
totalBases += countBases(conn, cInfo->chrom, chromSize, database);
totalBits += chromBitSize;
totalFirstBits += firstTableBits;
totalSecondBits += secondTableBits;
if (dots > 0)
if (--dotClock <= 0)
fputc('.', stdout);
dotClock = dots;
if (dots > 0)
fputc('\n', stdout);
if (calcEnrichment)
fprintf(stderr,"%s %5.3f%%, %s %5.3f%%, both %5.3f%%, cover %4.2f%%, enrich %4.2fx\n",
100.0 * totalFirstBits/totalBases,
100.0 * totalSecondBits/totalBases,
100.0 * totalBits/totalBases,
100.0 * totalBits / totalFirstBits,
(totalBits/totalSecondBits) / (totalFirstBits/totalBases) );
fprintf(stderr,"%1.0f bases of %1.0f (%4.3f%%) in intersection\n",
totalBits, totalBases, 100.0*totalBits/totalBases);
int totalItems = 0;
double totalBases = 0;
int itemCount, baseCount;
for (cInfo = chromInfoList; cInfo != NULL; cInfo = cInfo->next)
if (inclChrom(cInfo->chrom))
chromFeatureSeq(conn, database, cInfo->chrom, tables[0],
bedFile, faFile, &itemCount, &baseCount);
totalBases += countBases(conn, cInfo->chrom, baseCount, database);
totalItems += itemCount;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
if (argc < 3)
clChrom = optionVal("chrom", clChrom);
chromSizes = optionVal("chromSize", NULL);
orLogic = optionExists("or");
notResults = optionExists("not");
countGaps = optionExists("countGaps");
noRandom = optionExists("noRandom");
noHap = optionExists("noHap");
dots = optionInt("dots", dots);
where = optionVal("where", NULL);
calcEnrichment = optionExists("enrichment");
if (calcEnrichment && argc != 4)
errAbort("You must specify two tables with -enrichment");
if (calcEnrichment && orLogic)
errAbort("You can't use -or with -enrichment");
if (calcEnrichment && notResults)
errAbort("You can't use -not with -enrichment");
if (notResults && optionExists("fa") && !optionExists("faMerge"))
errAbort("Must specify -faMerge if using -not with -fa");
featureBits(argv[1], argc-2, argv+2);
return 0;