src/hg/utils/gapToLift/gapToLift.c 1.8
1.8 2009/08/10 20:58:59 hiram
Properly output lift and bed lines for chroms that have no gaps
Index: src/hg/utils/gapToLift/gapToLift.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/utils/gapToLift/gapToLift.c,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.7 -r1.8
--- src/hg/utils/gapToLift/gapToLift.c 9 Mar 2009 16:43:40 -0000 1.7
+++ src/hg/utils/gapToLift/gapToLift.c 10 Aug 2009 20:58:59 -0000 1.8
@@ -1,260 +1,277 @@
/* gapToLift - create lift file from gap table(s). */
#include "common.h"
#include "linefile.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "jksql.h"
#include "chromInfo.h"
#include "agpGap.h"
#include "hdb.h"
void usage()
/* Explain usage and exit. */
"gapToLift - create lift file from gap table(s)\n"
" gapToLift [options] db liftFile.lft\n"
" uses gap table(s) from specified db. Writes to liftFile.lft\n"
" generates lift file segements separated by non-bridged gaps.\n"
" -chr=chrN - work only on given chrom\n"
" -insane - do *not* perform coordinate sanity checks on gaps\n"
- " -bedFile=fileName.bed - output segments to fileName.bed"
+ " -bedFile=fileName.bed - output segments to fileName.bed\n"
+ " -verbose=N - N > 1 see more information about procedure"
/* options */
static char *workChr = NULL; /* work only on this given chrom name */
static boolean insane = FALSE; /* TRUE do not perform sanity checks on gaps */
static FILE *bedFile = NULL; /* when requested, output segments to bed file */
static char *bedFileName = NULL; /* output to bedFileName name */
static struct optionSpec options[] = {
{"insane", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{"bedFile", OPTION_STRING},
{NULL, 0},
static struct hash *cInfoHash = NULL;
static struct chromInfo *loadChromInfo(struct sqlConnection *conn)
struct chromInfo *ret = NULL;
char **row;
char query[256];
int chromCount = 0;
cInfoHash = newHash(0);
if (workChr)
safef(query, ArraySize(query), "SELECT * FROM chromInfo WHERE "
"chrom='%s' ORDER BY chrom DESC", workChr);
safef(query, ArraySize(query),
"SELECT * FROM chromInfo ORDER BY chrom DESC");
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
struct chromInfo *el;
struct chromInfo *ci;
el = chromInfoLoad(row);
ci->chrom = cloneString(el->chrom);
ci->size = el->size;
slAddHead(&ret, ci);
hashAddInt(cInfoHash, el->chrom, el->size);
verbose(2,"#\tchrom count: %d\n", chromCount);
return (ret);
static void gapSanityCheck(struct agpGap *gapList)
int prevEnd = 0;
int prevStart = 0;
char *prevChr = NULL;
char *prevType = NULL;
struct agpGap *gap;
for (gap = gapList; gap; gap = gap->next)
int chrSize = hashIntVal(cInfoHash, gap->chrom);
if (gap->chromStart < 0)
verbose(1, "WARNING: gap chromStart < 0 at %s:%d-%d\n",
gap->chrom, gap->chromStart, gap->chromEnd);
if (gap->chromEnd > chrSize)
verbose(1, "WARNING: gap chromEnd > chromSize(%d) "
"at %s:%d-%d\n", chrSize, gap->chrom,
gap->chromStart, gap->chromEnd);
if (gap->chromEnd == chrSize && differentString(gap->type, "telomere"))
verbose(1, "WARNING: gap at end of chromosome not telomere "
"at %s:%d-%d, type: %s\n", gap->chrom,
gap->chromStart, gap->chromEnd, gap->type);
if (gap->chromStart >= gap->chromEnd)
verbose(1, "WARNING: gap chromStart >= chromEnd at %s:%d-%d\n",
gap->chrom, gap->chromStart, gap->chromEnd);
if (prevEnd > 0)
if (sameWord(prevChr, gap->chrom) &&
(prevEnd >= gap->chromStart))
verbose(1,"WARNING: overlapping gap at "
"%s:%d-%d(%s) and %s:%d-%d(%s)\n",
gap->chrom, prevStart, prevEnd, prevType, gap->chrom,
gap->chromStart, gap->chromEnd, gap->type);
prevStart = gap->chromStart;
prevEnd = gap->chromEnd;
prevType = gap->type;
if (isNotEmpty(prevChr))
if (differentWord(prevChr, gap->chrom))
prevChr = cloneString(gap->chrom);
prevChr = cloneString(gap->chrom);
prevStart = gap->chromStart;
prevEnd = gap->chromEnd;
static struct agpGap *loadAllGaps(struct sqlConnection *conn,
char *db, struct chromInfo *cInfoList)
/* fetch all gaps, returns list of gaps */
struct agpGap *gapList = NULL;
struct chromInfo *cInfo;
int gapCount = 0;
for (cInfo = cInfoList; cInfo; cInfo = cInfo->next)
char **row;
int rowOffset;
struct sqlResult *sr = hRangeQuery(conn, "gap", cInfo->chrom, 0,
cInfo->size, NULL, &rowOffset);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
struct agpGap *gap = agpGapLoad(row+rowOffset);
slAddHead(&gapList, gap);
slSort(&gapList, bedCmp);
if (! insane)
verbose(2,"#\tfound %d gaps\n", gapCount);
return (gapList);
static int liftOutLine(FILE *out, char *chr, int start, int end,
int count, int chrSize)
if ((end-start) > 0)
fprintf(out, "%d\t%s.%02d\t%d\t%s\t%d\n", start, chr,
count, end-start, chr, chrSize);
if (bedFile)
fprintf(bedFile, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s.%02d\n", chr, start, end, chr, count);
count += 1;
return count;
static void gapToLift(char *db, char *outFile)
/* gapToLift - create lift file from gap table(s). */
FILE *out = mustOpen(outFile, "w");
struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(db);
struct chromInfo *cInfoList = loadChromInfo(conn);
struct agpGap *gapList = loadAllGaps(conn, db, cInfoList);
struct agpGap *gap;
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
char *prevChr = NULL;
int liftCount = 0;
int chrSize = 0;
+static struct hash *chrDone = NULL;
+chrDone = newHash(0);
if (isNotEmpty(bedFileName))
bedFile = mustOpen(bedFileName, "w");
verbose(2,"#\tbed output requested to %s\n", bedFileName);
for (gap = gapList; gap; gap = gap->next)
verbose(3,"#\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\n", gap->chrom, gap->chromStart,
gap->chromEnd, gap->bridge);
if (prevChr && sameWord(prevChr, gap->chrom))
{ /* continuing same segment, check for gap break,
* or gap at end of chrom */
if (sameWord("no",gap->bridge) || (gap->chromEnd == chrSize))
end = gap->chromStart;
liftCount = liftOutLine(out, gap->chrom, start, end, liftCount, chrSize);
start = gap->chromEnd;
end = start;
end = gap->chromEnd;
else /* new chrom encountered */
{ /* output last segment of previous chrom when necessary */
if (prevChr && differentWord(prevChr, gap->chrom))
if (end < chrSize)
liftCount = liftOutLine(out, prevChr, start, chrSize, liftCount, chrSize);
liftCount = 0;
chrSize = hashIntVal(cInfoHash, gap->chrom);
+ hashAddInt(chrDone, gap->chrom, 1);
if (gap->chromStart > 0)
{ /* starting first segment at position 0 */
start = 0;
end = gap->chromStart;
/* does the first gap break it ? Or gap goes to end of chrom. */
if (sameWord("no",gap->bridge) || (gap->chromEnd == chrSize))
liftCount = liftOutLine(out, gap->chrom, start, end, liftCount, chrSize);
start = gap->chromEnd;
end = start;
else /* first gap is actually the beginning of the chrom */
{ /* thus, first segment starts after this first gap */
start = gap->chromEnd;
end = start;
prevChr = gap->chrom; /* remember prev chrom to detect next chrom */
/* potentially a last one */
if (end < chrSize)
liftCount = liftOutLine(out, prevChr, start, chrSize, liftCount, chrSize);
+/* check that all chroms have been used */
+struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(cInfoHash);
+struct hashEl *hel;
+while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
+ {
+ if (NULL == hashLookup(chrDone, hel->name))
+ {
+ chrSize = hashIntVal(cInfoHash, hel->name);
+ verbose(2, "#\tno gaps on chrom: %s, size: %d\n", hel->name, chrSize);
+ liftCount = liftOutLine(out, hel->name, 0, chrSize, 0, chrSize);
+ }
+ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
if (argc != 3)
workChr = optionVal("chr", NULL);
bedFileName = optionVal("bedFile", NULL);
insane = optionExists("insane");
gapToLift(argv[1], argv[2]);
return 0;