src/inc/memgfx.h 1.25
1.25 2009/08/05 23:34:31 angie
Added conditional use (USE_PNG) of external library libpng (, sourceforge) to write memgfx images in the PNG format instead of GIF. Currently used (conditionally!) only for hgTracks' main image. This is to support Tim's enhancements for horizontal scrolling of the browser track image. Image file size also appears smaller than GIF but should try more test cases.
Index: src/inc/memgfx.h
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/inc/memgfx.h,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.24 -r1.25
--- src/inc/memgfx.h 19 Jun 2009 19:14:42 -0000 1.24
+++ src/inc/memgfx.h 5 Aug 2009 23:34:31 -0000 1.25
@@ -1,275 +1,287 @@
* Copyright (C) 2000 Jim Kent. This source code may be freely used *
* for personal, academic, and non-profit purposes. Commercial use *
* permitted only by explicit agreement with Jim Kent ( *
/* Memgfx - stuff to do graphics in memory buffers.
- * Typically will just write these out as .gif files.
+ * Typically will just write these out as .gif or .png files.
* This stuff is byte-a-pixel for simplicity.
* It can do 256 colors.
#ifndef MEMGFX_H
#define MEMGFX_H
#ifndef GFXPOLY_H
#include "gfxPoly.h"
#define MG_WHITE 0
#define MG_BLACK 1
#define MG_RED 2
#define MG_GREEN 3
#define MG_BLUE 4
#define MG_CYAN 5
#define MG_MAGENTA 6
#define MG_YELLOW 7
#define MG_GRAY 8
typedef unsigned char Color;
struct rgbColor
unsigned char r, g, b;
/* HSV and HSL structs can be used for changing lightness, darkness, or
* color of RGB colors. Convert RGB->HS[LV], modify hue, saturation, or
* value/lightness, then convert back to RGB.
* The datatypes were chosen to be fast but also give accurate conversion
* back to RGB.
* Hue is a float [0,360) degrees 0=red, 120=green, 240=blue
* S/V/L are integers [0,1000]
struct hsvColor
double h;
unsigned short s, v;
struct hslColor
double h;
unsigned short s, l;
extern struct rgbColor mgFixedColors[9]; /* Contains MG_WHITE - MG_GRAY */
struct memGfx
Color *pixels;
int width, height;
struct rgbColor colorMap[256];
int colorsUsed;
int clipMinX, clipMaxX;
int clipMinY, clipMaxY;
struct colHash *colorHash; /* Hash for fast look up of color. */
struct memGfx *mgNew(int width, int height);
/* Get a new thing to draw on in memory. */
void mgFree(struct memGfx **pmg);
/* Free up memory raster. */
void mgClearPixels(struct memGfx *mg);
/* Set all pixels to background. */
void mgSetClip(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, int width, int height);
/* Set clipping rectangle. */
void mgUnclip(struct memGfx *mg);
/* Set clipping rect cover full thing. */
Color mgFindColor(struct memGfx *mg, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b);
/* Returns closest color in color map to rgb values. If it doesn't
* already exist in color map and there's room, it will create
* exact color in map. */
Color mgClosestColor(struct memGfx *mg, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b);
/* Returns closest color in color map to r,g,b */
Color mgAddColor(struct memGfx *mg, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b);
/* Adds color to end of color map if there's room. */
int mgColorsFree(struct memGfx *mg);
/* Returns # of unused colors in color map. */
#define _mgBpr(mg) ((mg)->width)
/* Get what to add to get to next line */
#define _mgPixAdr(mg,x,y) ((mg)->pixels+_mgBpr(mg) * (y) + (x))
/* Get pixel address */
#define _mgPutDot(mg, x, y, color) (*_mgPixAdr(mg,x,y) = (color))
/* Unclipped plot a dot */
#define _mgGetDot(mg, x, y) (*_mgPixAdr(mg,x,y))
/* Unclipped get a dot, you do not want to use this, this is special for
* verticalText only */
#define mgPutDot(mg,x,y,color) if ((x)>=(mg)->clipMinX && (x) < (mg)->clipMaxX && (y)>=(mg)->clipMinY && (y) < (mg)->clipMaxY) _mgPutDot(mg,x,y,color)
/* Clipped put dot */
#define mgGetDot(mg,x,y) ((x)>=(mg)->clipMinX && (x) < (mg)->clipMaxX && (y)>=(mg)->clipMinY && (y) < (mg)->clipMaxY) ? _mgGetDot(mg,x,y) : 0
/* Clipped get dot, you do not want to use this, this is special for
* verticalText only */
void mgPutSeg(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, int width, Color *dots);
/* Put a series of dots starting at x, y and going to right width pixels. */
void mgPutSegZeroClear(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, int width, Color *dots);
/* Put a series of dots starting at x, y and going to right width pixels.
* Don't put zero dots though. */
void mgDrawBox(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, int width, int height, Color color);
/* Draw a (horizontal) box */
void mgDrawLine(struct memGfx *mg, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, Color color);
/* Draw a line from one point to another. */
void mgDrawHorizontalLine(struct memGfx *mg, int y1, Color color);
/*special case of mgDrawLine*/
void mgLineH(struct memGfx *mg, int y, int x1, int x2, Color color);
/* Draw horizizontal line width pixels long starting at x/y in color */
void mgSaveGif(struct memGfx *mg, char *name);
/* Save memory bitmap as a gif. */
boolean mgSaveToGif(FILE *gif_file, struct memGfx *screen);
/* Save GIF to an already open file. */
struct memGfx *mgLoadGif(char *name);
/* Create memory image based on gif file.
* Note this is based on a very old gif reader
* that only handles the GIF87a version.
* This is the same that mgSaveGif creates at
* least. This version of gif was always
* color mapped. */
+void mgSavePng(struct memGfx *mg, char *filename, boolean useAlpha);
+/* Save memory bitmap to filename as a PNG.
+ * If useAlpha, then the first color in memgfx's colormap/palette is
+ * assumed to be the image background color, and pixels of that color
+ * are made transparent. */
+boolean mgSaveToPng(FILE *png_file, struct memGfx *mg, boolean useAlpha);
+/* Save PNG to an already open file.
+ * If useAlpha, then the first color in memgfx's colormap/palette is
+ * assumed to be the image background color, and pixels of that color
+ * are made transparent. */
typedef void (*TextBlit)(int bitWidth, int bitHeight, int bitX, int bitY,
unsigned char *bitData, int bitDataRowBytes,
struct memGfx *dest, int destX, int destY,
Color color, Color backgroundColor);
/* This defines the type of a function that takes a rectangular
* area of a bitplane and expands it into a rectangular area
* of a full color screen. */
void mgTextBlit(int bitWidth, int bitHeight, int bitX, int bitY,
unsigned char *bitData, int bitDataRowBytes,
struct memGfx *dest, int destX, int destY,
Color color, Color backgroundColor);
/* This function leaves the background as it was. */
void mgTextBlitSolid(int bitWidth, int bitHeight, int bitX, int bitY,
unsigned char *bitData, int bitDataRowBytes,
struct memGfx *dest, int destX, int destY,
Color color, Color backgroundColor);
/* This function sets the background to the background color. */
typedef struct font_hdr MgFont;
/* Type of our font. */
MgFont *mgTinyFont();
MgFont *mgSmallFont();
MgFont *mgMediumFont();
MgFont *mgLargeFont();
MgFont *mgHugeFont();
MgFont *mgTinyBoldFont();
MgFont *mgSmallBoldFont();
MgFont *mgMediumBoldFont();
MgFont *mgLargeBoldFont();
MgFont *mgHugeBoldFont();
MgFont *mgTinyFixedFont();
MgFont *mgSmallFixedFont();
MgFont *mgMediumFixedFont();
MgFont *mgLargeFixedFont();
MgFont *mgHugeFixedFont();
void mgText(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, Color color,
MgFont *font, char *text);
/* Draw a line of text with upper left corner x,y. */
void mgTextCentered(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, int width, int height,
Color color, MgFont *font, char *text);
/* Draw a line of text centered in box defined by x/y/width/height */
void mgTextRight(struct memGfx *mg, int x, int y, int width, int height,
Color color, MgFont *font, char *text);
/* Draw a line of text right justified in box defined by x/y/width/height */
int mgFontPixelHeight(MgFont *font);
/* How high in pixels is font? */
int mgFontLineHeight(MgFont *font);
/* How many pixels to next line ideally? */
int mgFontWidth(MgFont *font, char *chars, int charCount);
/* How wide are a couple of letters? */
int mgFontStringWidth(MgFont *font, char *string);
/* How wide is a string? */
int mgFontCharWidth(MgFont *font, char c);
/* How wide is a character? */
void mgFillUnder(struct memGfx *mg, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int bottom, Color color);
/* Draw a 4 sided filled figure that has line x1/y1 to x2/y2 at
* it's top, a horizontal line at bottom at it's bottom, and
* vertical lines from the bottom to y1 on the left and bottom to
* y2 on the right. */
struct memGfx *mgRotate90(struct memGfx *in);
/* Create a copy of input that is rotated 90 degrees clockwise. */
void mgCircle(struct memGfx *mg, int xCen, int yCen, int rad,
Color color, boolean filled);
/* Draw a circle using a stepping algorithm. Doesn't correct
* for non-square pixels. */
void mgDrawPoly(struct memGfx *mg, struct gfxPoly *poly, Color color,
boolean filled);
/* Draw polygon, possibly filled in color. */
struct hslColor mgRgbToHsl(struct rgbColor rgb);
/* Convert RGB to HSL colorspace (see
* In HSL, Hue is the color in the range [0,360) with 0=red 120=green 240=blue,
* Saturation goes from a shade of grey (0) to fully saturated color (1000), and
* Lightness goes from black (0) through the hue (500) to white (1000). */
struct hsvColor mgRgbToHsv(struct rgbColor rgb);
/* Convert RGB to HSV colorspace (see
* In HSV, Hue is the color in the range [0,360) with 0=red 120=green 240=blue,
* Saturation goes from white (0) to fully saturated color (1000), and
* Value goes from black (0) through to the hue (1000). */
struct rgbColor mgHslToRgb(struct hslColor hsl);
/* Convert HSL to RGB colorspace (see */
struct rgbColor mgHsvToRgb(struct hsvColor hsv);
/* Convert HSV to RGB colorspace (see */
struct rgbColor mgRgbTransformHsl(struct rgbColor in, double h, double s, double l);
/* Transform rgb 'in' value using
* hue shift 'h' (0..360 degrees),
* saturation scale 's', and
* lightness scale 'l'
* Returns the transformed rgb value
* Use H=0, S=L=1 for identity transformation
struct rgbColor mgRgbTransformHsv(struct rgbColor in, double h, double s, double v);
/* Transform rgb 'in' value using
* hue shift 'h' (0..360 degrees),
* saturation scale 's', and
* value scale 'v'
* Returns the transformed rgb value
* Use H=0, S=V=1 for identity transformation
#endif /* MEMGFX_H */