src/lib/bbiRead.c 1.11
1.11 2009/08/05 23:06:27 kent
Fixed integer overflow that was causing right half of display to be empty at some zoom values. Added back a comment that got deleted as well.
Index: src/lib/bbiRead.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/lib/bbiRead.c,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.10 -r1.11
--- src/lib/bbiRead.c 15 Mar 2009 00:17:52 -0000 1.10
+++ src/lib/bbiRead.c 5 Aug 2009 23:06:27 -0000 1.11
@@ -1,569 +1,574 @@
/* bbiRead - Big Binary Indexed file. Stuff that's common between bigWig and bigBed on the
* read side. */
#include "common.h"
#include "linefile.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "obscure.h"
#include "localmem.h"
#include "bPlusTree.h"
#include "cirTree.h"
#include "udc.h"
#include "bbiFile.h"
struct bbiZoomLevel *bbiBestZoom(struct bbiZoomLevel *levelList, int desiredReduction)
/* Return zoom level that is the closest one that is less than or equal to
* desiredReduction. */
if (desiredReduction < 0)
errAbort("bad value %d for desiredReduction in bbiBestZoom", desiredReduction);
if (desiredReduction <= 1)
return NULL;
int closestDiff = BIGNUM;
struct bbiZoomLevel *closestLevel = NULL;
struct bbiZoomLevel *level;
for (level = levelList; level != NULL; level = level->next)
int diff = desiredReduction - level->reductionLevel;
if (diff >= 0 && diff < closestDiff)
closestDiff = diff;
closestLevel = level;
return closestLevel;
struct bbiFile *bbiFileOpen(char *fileName, bits32 sig, char *typeName)
/* Open up big wig or big bed file. */
/* This code needs to agree with code in two other places currently - bigBedFileCreate,
* and bigWigFileCreate. I'm thinking of refactoring to share at least between
* bigBedFileCreate and bigWigFileCreate. It'd be great so it could be structured
* so that it could send the input in one chromosome at a time, and send in the zoom
* stuff only after all the chromosomes are done. This'd potentially reduce the memory
* footprint by a factor of 2 or 4. Still, for now it works. -JK */
struct bbiFile *bbi;
bbi->fileName = cloneString(fileName);
struct udcFile *udc = bbi->udc = udcFileOpen(fileName, udcDefaultDir());
/* Read magic number at head of file and use it to see if we are proper file type, and
* see if we are byte-swapped. */
bits32 magic;
boolean isSwapped = FALSE;
udcMustRead(udc, &magic, sizeof(magic));
if (magic != sig)
magic = byteSwap32(magic);
isSwapped = TRUE;
if (magic != sig)
errAbort("%s is not a %s file", fileName, typeName);
bbi->typeSig = sig;
bbi->isSwapped = isSwapped;
/* Read rest of defined bits of header, byte swapping as needed. */
bbi->version = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped);
bbi->zoomLevels = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped);
bbi->chromTreeOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped);
bbi->unzoomedDataOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped);
bbi->unzoomedIndexOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped);
bbi->fieldCount = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped);
bbi->definedFieldCount = udcReadBits16(udc, isSwapped);
bbi->asOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped);
/* Skip over reserved area. */
udcSeek(udc, udcTell(udc) + 20);
/* Read zoom headers. */
int i;
struct bbiZoomLevel *level, *levelList = NULL;
for (i=0; i<bbi->zoomLevels; ++i)
level->reductionLevel = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped);
level->reserved = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped);
level->dataOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped);
level->indexOffset = udcReadBits64(udc, isSwapped);
slAddHead(&levelList, level);
bbi->levelList = levelList;
/* Attach B+ tree of chromosome names and ids. */
udcSeek(udc, bbi->chromTreeOffset);
bbi->chromBpt = bptFileAttach(fileName, udc);
return bbi;
void bbiFileClose(struct bbiFile **pBwf)
/* Close down a big wig/big bed file. */
struct bbiFile *bwf = *pBwf;
if (bwf != NULL)
struct fileOffsetSize *bbiOverlappingBlocks(struct bbiFile *bbi, struct cirTreeFile *ctf,
char *chrom, bits32 start, bits32 end, bits32 *retChromId)
/* Fetch list of file blocks that contain items overlapping chromosome range. */
struct bbiChromIdSize idSize;
if (!bptFileFind(bbi->chromBpt, chrom, strlen(chrom), &idSize, sizeof(idSize)))
return NULL;
if (bbi->isSwapped)
idSize.chromId = byteSwap32(idSize.chromId);
if (retChromId != NULL)
*retChromId = idSize.chromId;
return cirTreeFindOverlappingBlocks(ctf, idSize.chromId, start, end);
struct chromNameCallbackContext
/* Some stuff that the bPlusTree traverser needs for context. */
struct bbiChromInfo *list; /* The list we are building. */
boolean isSwapped; /* Need to byte-swap things? */
static void chromNameCallback(void *context, void *key, int keySize, void *val, int valSize)
/* Callback that captures chromInfo from bPlusTree. */
struct chromNameCallbackContext *c = context;
struct bbiChromInfo *info;
struct bbiChromIdSize *idSize = val;
assert(valSize == sizeof(*idSize));
info->name = cloneStringZ(key, keySize);
info->id = idSize->chromId;
info->size = idSize->chromSize;
if (c->isSwapped)
info->id = byteSwap32(info->id);
info->size = byteSwap32(info->size);
slAddHead(&c->list, info);
struct bbiChromInfo *bbiChromList(struct bbiFile *bbi)
/* Return list of chromosomes. */
struct chromNameCallbackContext context;
context.list = NULL;
context.isSwapped = bbi->isSwapped;
bptFileTraverse(bbi->chromBpt, &context, chromNameCallback);
return context.list;
bits32 bbiChromSize(struct bbiFile *bbi, char *chrom)
/* Return chromosome size, or 0 if no such chromosome in file. */
struct bbiChromIdSize idSize;
if (!bptFileFind(bbi->chromBpt, chrom, strlen(chrom), &idSize, sizeof(idSize)))
return 0;
return idSize.chromSize;
void bbiChromInfoFree(struct bbiChromInfo **pInfo)
/* Free up one chromInfo */
struct bbiChromInfo *info = *pInfo;
if (info != NULL)
void bbiChromInfoFreeList(struct bbiChromInfo **pList)
/* Free a list of dynamically allocated bbiChromInfo's */
struct bbiChromInfo *el, *next;
for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
next = el->next;
*pList = NULL;
void bbiAttachUnzoomedCir(struct bbiFile *bbi)
/* Make sure unzoomed cir is attached. */
if (bbi->unzoomedCir == NULL)
udcSeek(bbi->udc, bbi->unzoomedIndexOffset);
bbi->unzoomedCir = cirTreeFileAttach(bbi->fileName, bbi->udc);
enum bbiSummaryType bbiSummaryTypeFromString(char *string)
/* Return summary type given a descriptive string. */
if (sameWord(string, "mean") || sameWord(string, "average"))
return bbiSumMean;
else if (sameWord(string, "max") || sameWord(string, "maximum"))
return bbiSumMax;
else if (sameWord(string, "min") || sameWord(string, "minimum"))
return bbiSumMin;
else if (sameWord(string, "coverage") || sameWord(string, "dataCoverage"))
return bbiSumCoverage;
errAbort("Unknown bbiSummaryType %s", string);
return bbiSumMean; /* Keep compiler quiet. */
char *bbiSummaryTypeToString(enum bbiSummaryType type)
/* Convert summary type from enum to string representation. */
switch (type)
case bbiSumMean:
return "mean";
case bbiSumMax:
return "max";
case bbiSumMin:
return "min";
case bbiSumCoverage:
return "coverage";
errAbort("Unknown bbiSummaryType %d", (int)type);
return NULL;
#ifdef UNUSED
static void bbiSummaryOnDiskRead(struct bbiFile *bbi, struct bbiSummaryOnDisk *sum)
/* Read in summary from file. */
struct udcFile *udc = bbi->udc;
boolean isSwapped = bbi->isSwapped;
sum->chromId = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped);
sum->start = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped);
sum->end = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped);
sum->validCount = udcReadBits32(udc, isSwapped);
udcMustReadOne(udc, sum->minVal);
udcMustReadOne(udc, sum->maxVal);
udcMustReadOne(udc, sum->sumData);
udcMustReadOne(udc, sum->sumSquares);
#endif /* UNUSED */
static struct bbiSummary *bbiSummaryFromOnDisk(struct bbiSummaryOnDisk *in)
/* Create a bbiSummary unlinked to anything from input in onDisk format. */
struct bbiSummary *out;
out->chromId = in->chromId;
out->start = in->start;
out->end = in->end;
out->validCount = in->validCount;
out->minVal = in->minVal;
out->maxVal = in->maxVal;
out->sumData = in->sumData;
out->sumSquares = in->sumSquares;
return out;
static struct bbiSummary *bbiSummariesInRegion(struct bbiZoomLevel *zoom, struct bbiFile *bbi,
int chromId, bits32 start, bits32 end)
/* Return list of all summaries in region at given zoom level of bbiFile. */
struct bbiSummary *sumList = NULL, *sum;
struct udcFile *udc = bbi->udc;
udcSeek(udc, zoom->indexOffset);
struct cirTreeFile *ctf = cirTreeFileAttach(bbi->fileName, bbi->udc);
struct fileOffsetSize *fragList = cirTreeFindOverlappingBlocks(ctf, chromId, start, end);
struct fileOffsetSize *block, *blockList = fileOffsetSizeMerge(fragList);
for (block = blockList; block != NULL; block = block->next)
/* Read info we need into memory. */
udcSeek(udc, block->offset);
char *blockBuf = needLargeMem(block->size);
udcRead(udc, blockBuf, block->size);
char *blockPt = blockBuf;
struct bbiSummaryOnDisk *dSum;
int itemSize = sizeof(*dSum);
assert(block->size % itemSize == 0);
int itemCount = block->size / itemSize;
int i;
for (i=0; i<itemCount; ++i)
dSum = (void *)blockPt;
blockPt += sizeof(*dSum);
if (dSum->chromId == chromId)
int s = max(dSum->start, start);
int e = min(dSum->end, end);
if (s < e)
sum = bbiSummaryFromOnDisk(dSum);
slAddHead(&sumList, sum);
return sumList;
static bits32 bbiSummarySlice(struct bbiFile *bbi, bits32 baseStart, bits32 baseEnd,
struct bbiSummary *sumList, struct bbiSummaryElement *el)
/* Update retVal with the average value if there is any data in interval. Return number
* of valid data bases in interval. */
bits32 validCount = 0;
if (sumList != NULL)
double minVal = sumList->minVal;
double maxVal = sumList->maxVal;
double sumData = 0, sumSquares = 0;
struct bbiSummary *sum;
for (sum = sumList; sum != NULL && sum->start < baseEnd; sum = sum->next)
int overlap = rangeIntersection(baseStart, baseEnd, sum->start, sum->end);
if (overlap > 0)
double overlapFactor = (double)overlap / (sum->end - sum->start);
validCount += sum->validCount * overlapFactor;
sumData += sum->sumData * overlapFactor;
sumSquares += sum->sumSquares * overlapFactor;
if (maxVal < sum->maxVal)
maxVal = sum->maxVal;
if (minVal > sum->minVal)
minVal = sum->minVal;
if (validCount > 0)
el->validCount = validCount;
el->minVal = minVal;
el->maxVal = maxVal;
el->sumData = sumData;
el->sumSquares = sumSquares;
return validCount;
static int bbiChromId(struct bbiFile *bbi, char *chrom)
/* Return chromosome size */
struct bbiChromIdSize idSize;
if (!bptFileFind(bbi->chromBpt, chrom, strlen(chrom), &idSize, sizeof(idSize)))
return -1;
return idSize.chromId;
static boolean bbiSummaryArrayFromZoom(struct bbiZoomLevel *zoom, struct bbiFile *bbi,
char *chrom, bits32 start, bits32 end,
int summarySize, struct bbiSummaryElement *summary)
/* Look up region in index and get data at given zoom level. Summarize this data
* in the summary array. */
boolean result = FALSE;
int chromId = bbiChromId(bbi, chrom);
if (chromId < 0)
return FALSE;
struct bbiSummary *sum, *sumList = bbiSummariesInRegion(zoom, bbi, chromId, start, end);
if (sumList != NULL)
int i;
bits32 baseStart = start, baseEnd;
bits32 baseCount = end - start;
sum = sumList;
for (i=0; i<summarySize; ++i)
/* Calculate end of this part of summary */
baseEnd = start + (bits64)baseCount*(i+1)/summarySize;
/* Advance sum to skip over parts we are no longer interested in. */
while (sum != NULL && sum->end <= baseStart)
sum = sum->next;
if (bbiSummarySlice(bbi, baseStart, baseEnd, sum, &summary[i]))
result = TRUE;
/* Next time round start where we left off. */
baseStart = baseEnd;
return result;
static bits32 bbiIntervalSlice(struct bbiFile *bbi, bits32 baseStart, bits32 baseEnd,
struct bbiInterval *intervalList, struct bbiSummaryElement *el)
/* Update retVal with the average value if there is any data in interval. Return number
* of valid data bases in interval. */
bits32 validCount = 0;
if (intervalList != NULL)
struct bbiInterval *interval;
double sumData = 0, sumSquares = 0;
double minVal = intervalList->val;
double maxVal = intervalList->val;
for (interval = intervalList; interval != NULL && interval->start < baseEnd;
interval = interval->next)
int overlap = rangeIntersection(baseStart, baseEnd, interval->start, interval->end);
if (overlap > 0)
int intervalSize = interval->end - interval->start;
double overlapFactor = (double)overlap / intervalSize;
double intervalWeight = intervalSize * overlapFactor;
validCount += intervalWeight;
sumData += interval->val * intervalWeight;
sumSquares += interval->val * interval->val * intervalWeight;
if (maxVal < interval->val)
maxVal = interval->val;
if (minVal > interval->val)
minVal = interval->val;
el->validCount = validCount;
el->minVal = minVal;
el->maxVal = maxVal;
el->sumData = sumData;
el->sumSquares = sumSquares;
return validCount;
static boolean bbiSummaryArrayFromFull(struct bbiFile *bbi,
char *chrom, bits32 start, bits32 end, BbiFetchIntervals fetchIntervals,
int summarySize, struct bbiSummaryElement *summary)
/* Summarize data, not using zoom. */
struct bbiInterval *intervalList = NULL, *interval;
struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
intervalList = (*fetchIntervals)(bbi, chrom, start, end, lm);
boolean result = FALSE;
if (intervalList != NULL);
int i;
bits32 baseStart = start, baseEnd;
bits32 baseCount = end - start;
interval = intervalList;
for (i=0; i<summarySize; ++i)
/* Calculate end of this part of summary */
- baseEnd = start + baseCount*(i+1)/summarySize;
+ baseEnd = start + (bits64)baseCount*(i+1)/summarySize;
int end1 = baseEnd;
if (end1 == baseStart)
end1 = baseStart+1;
/* Advance interval to skip over parts we are no longer interested in. */
while (interval != NULL && interval->end <= baseStart)
interval = interval->next;
if (bbiIntervalSlice(bbi, baseStart, end1, interval, &summary[i]))
result = TRUE;
/* Next time round start where we left off. */
baseStart = baseEnd;
return result;
boolean bbiSummaryArrayExtended(struct bbiFile *bbi, char *chrom, bits32 start, bits32 end,
BbiFetchIntervals fetchIntervals,
int summarySize, struct bbiSummaryElement *summary)
/* Fill in summary with data from indicated chromosome range in bigWig file.
* Returns FALSE if no data at that position. */
boolean result = FALSE;
/* Protect from bad input. */
if (start >= end)
return result;
bzero(summary, summarySize * sizeof(summary[0]));
/* Figure out what size of data we want. We actually want to get 4 data points per summary
* value if possible to minimize the effect of a data point being split between summary pixels. */
bits32 baseSize = end - start;
int fullReduction = (baseSize/summarySize);
int zoomLevel = fullReduction/4;
if (zoomLevel < 0)
zoomLevel = 0;
/* Get the closest zoom level less than what we're looking for. */
struct bbiZoomLevel *zoom = bbiBestZoom(bbi->levelList, zoomLevel);
if (zoom != NULL)
result = bbiSummaryArrayFromZoom(zoom, bbi, chrom, start, end, summarySize, summary);
result = bbiSummaryArrayFromFull(bbi, chrom, start, end, fetchIntervals, summarySize, summary);
return result;
boolean bbiSummaryArray(struct bbiFile *bbi, char *chrom, bits32 start, bits32 end,
BbiFetchIntervals fetchIntervals,
enum bbiSummaryType summaryType, int summarySize, double *summaryValues)
+/* Fill in summaryValues with data from indicated chromosome range in bigWig file.
+ * Be sure to initialize summaryValues to a default value, which will not be touched
+ * for regions without data in file. (Generally you want the default value to either
+ * be 0.0 or nan("") depending on the application.) Returns FALSE if no data
+ * at that position. */
struct bbiSummaryElement *elements;
AllocArray(elements, summarySize);
boolean ret = bbiSummaryArrayExtended(bbi, chrom, start, end,
fetchIntervals, summarySize, elements);
if (ret)
int i;
for (i=0; i<summarySize; ++i)
struct bbiSummaryElement *el = &elements[i];
if (el->validCount > 0)
double val;
switch (summaryType)
case bbiSumMean:
val = el->sumData/el->validCount;
case bbiSumMax:
val = el->maxVal;
case bbiSumMin:
val = el->minVal;
case bbiSumCoverage:
val = (double)el->validCount/(end-start);
val = 0.0;
summaryValues[i] = val;
return ret;