src/hg/featureBits/featureBits.c 1.55
1.55 2009/08/09 07:29:28 markd
add JK's explanation of enrichment
Index: src/hg/featureBits/featureBits.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/featureBits/featureBits.c,v
retrieving revision 1.54
retrieving revision 1.55
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.54 -r1.55
--- src/hg/featureBits/featureBits.c 24 Mar 2009 20:48:34 -0000 1.54
+++ src/hg/featureBits/featureBits.c 9 Aug 2009 07:29:28 -0000 1.55
@@ -96,8 +96,11 @@
" -bedRegionOut=output.bed Write a bed file of bin counts in specific regions \n"
" from bedRegionIn\n"
" -enrichment Calculates coverage and enrichment assuming first table\n"
" is reference gene track and second track something else\n"
+ " Enrichment is the amount of table1 that covers table2 vs. the\n"
+ " amount of table1 that covers the genome. It's how much denser\n"
+ " table1 is in table2 than it is genome-wide.\n"
" '-where=some sql pattern' Restrict to features matching some sql pattern\n"
"You can include a '!' before a table name to negate it.\n"
"Some table names can be followed by modifiers such as:\n"
" :exon:N Break into exons and add N to each end of each exon\n"