src/hg/hgCustom/hgCustom.c 1.131
1.131 2009/08/19 18:58:13 angie
Added errCatch around customTracksParseCartDetailed (similar to that around customTrackUpdateFromConfig) because bad URL in doc input was causing abort.
Index: src/hg/hgCustom/hgCustom.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/hgCustom/hgCustom.c,v
retrieving revision 1.130
retrieving revision 1.131
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.130 -r1.131
--- src/hg/hgCustom/hgCustom.c 5 Aug 2009 18:44:46 -0000 1.130
+++ src/hg/hgCustom/hgCustom.c 19 Aug 2009 18:58:13 -0000 1.131
@@ -1073,10 +1073,21 @@
cartRemove(cart, hgCtDataFile);
cartRemove(cart, hgCtDataFileName);
+ boolean ctParseError = FALSE;
+ struct errCatch *catch = errCatchNew();
+ if (errCatchStart(catch))
ctList = customTracksParseCartDetailed(database, cart, &browserLines, &ctFileName,
&replacedCts, NULL, &err);
+ errCatchEnd(catch);
+ if (catch->gotError)
+ {
+ addWarning(dsWarn, err);
+ addWarning(dsWarn, catch->message->string);
+ ctParseError = TRUE;
+ }
+ errCatchFree(&catch);
/* exclude special setting used by table browser to indicate
* db assembly for error-handling purposes only */
char *db = NULL;
@@ -1146,8 +1157,10 @@
customTracksSaveCart(database, cart, ctList);
warn = dyStringCannibalize(&dsWarn);
if (!initialDb || ctList || cartVarExists(cart, hgCtDoDelete))
+ else if (ctParseError)
+ doAddCustom(warn);
cartRemovePrefix(cart, hgCt);