src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c 1.1591
1.1591 2009/08/19 22:28:37 angie
Added option to mgSaveToGif and its call stack, to use GIF's Graphic Control Extension to make memgfx's background color (0) transparent. Also corrected terminology for PNG in .h files: useAlpha -> useTransparency.
Index: src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1590
retrieving revision 1.1591
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.1590 -r1.1591
--- src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c 18 Aug 2009 20:31:01 -0000 1.1590
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/hgTracks.c 19 Aug 2009 22:28:37 -0000 1.1591
@@ -564,9 +564,9 @@
trashDirFile(ideoTn, "hgtIdeo", "hgtIdeo", ".gif");
- hvg = hvGfxOpenGif(ideoWidth, ideoHeight, ideoTn->forCgi);
+ hvg = hvGfxOpenGif(ideoWidth, ideoHeight, ideoTn->forCgi, FALSE);
hvg->rc = revCmplDisp;
ideoTrack->ixColor = hvGfxFindRgb(hvg, &ideoTrack->color);
@@ -1716,9 +1716,9 @@
trashDirFile(&gifTn, "hgt", "hgt", ".png");
hvg = hvGfxOpenPng(pixWidth, pixHeight, gifTn.forCgi, FALSE);
trashDirFile(&gifTn, "hgt", "hgt", ".gif");
- hvg = hvGfxOpenGif(pixWidth, pixHeight, gifTn.forCgi);
+ hvg = hvGfxOpenGif(pixWidth, pixHeight, gifTn.forCgi, FALSE);
#endif // USE_PNG
#ifdef IMAGEv2_UI
// Adds one single image for all tracks (TODO: build the track by track images)
theOneImg = imgBoxImageAdd(theImgBox,gifTn.forHtml,NULL,pixWidth, pixHeight,FALSE);