src/hg/lib/hvGfx.c 1.5

1.5 2009/08/19 22:28:37 angie
Added option to mgSaveToGif and its call stack, to use GIF's Graphic Control Extension to make memgfx's background color (0) transparent. Also corrected terminology for PNG in .h files: useAlpha -> useTransparency.
Index: src/hg/lib/hvGfx.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/lib/hvGfx.c,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.4 -r1.5
--- src/hg/lib/hvGfx.c	5 Aug 2009 23:34:31 -0000	1.4
+++ src/hg/lib/hvGfx.c	19 Aug 2009 22:28:37 -0000	1.5
@@ -20,19 +20,19 @@
 hvg->clipMaxY = vg->height;
 return hvg;
-struct hvGfx *hvGfxOpenGif(int width, int height, char *fileName)
+struct hvGfx *hvGfxOpenGif(int width, int height, char *fileName, boolean useTransparency)
 /* Open up something that we'll write out as a gif someday. */
-return hvGfxAlloc(vgOpenGif(width, height, fileName));
+return hvGfxAlloc(vgOpenGif(width, height, fileName, useTransparency));
 #ifdef USE_PNG
-struct hvGfx *hvGfxOpenPng(int width, int height, char *fileName, boolean useAlpha)
+struct hvGfx *hvGfxOpenPng(int width, int height, char *fileName, boolean useTransparency)
 /* Open up something that we'll write out as a PNG someday. */
-return hvGfxAlloc(vgOpenPng(width, height, fileName, useAlpha));
+return hvGfxAlloc(vgOpenPng(width, height, fileName, useTransparency));
 #endif//def USE_PNG
 struct hvGfx *hvGfxOpenPostScript(int width, int height, char *fileName)