src/hg/instinct/hgHeatmap/mainPage.c 1.71
1.71 2009/08/19 23:00:17 angie
Added option to mgSaveToGif and its call stack, to use GIF's Graphic Control Extension to make memgfx's background color (0) transparent. Also corrected terminology for PNG in .h files: useAlpha -> useTransparency.
Index: src/hg/instinct/hgHeatmap/mainPage.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/instinct/hgHeatmap/mainPage.c,v
retrieving revision 1.70
retrieving revision 1.71
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.70 -r1.71
--- src/hg/instinct/hgHeatmap/mainPage.c 19 Nov 2008 06:35:59 -0000 1.70
+++ src/hg/instinct/hgHeatmap/mainPage.c 19 Aug 2009 23:00:17 -0000 1.71
@@ -1,3381 +1,3381 @@
/* mainPage - drs the main hgHeatmap page, including some controls
* on the top and the graphic. */
#define COLOR_SCALE 1
#include "common.h"
#include "hgHeatmap.h"
#include "chromGraph.h"
#include "bed.h"
#include "cart.h"
#include "customTrack.h"
#include "errCatch.h"
#include "genoLay.h"
#include "trackLayout.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "hdb.h"
#include "hgColors.h"
#include "hPrint.h"
#include "htmshell.h"
#include "jsHelper.h"
#include "psGfx.h"
#include "trashDir.h"
#include "vGfx.h"
#include "hvGfx.h"
#include "web.h"
#include "cytoBand.h"
#include "hCytoBand.h"
#include "hgHeatmapLib.h"
#include "hgChromGraph.h"
#include "heatmapUtility.h"
#include "featuresLib.h"
#include "hgStats.h"
#include "filterFeatures.h"
#include "hgStatsLib.h"
static char const rcsid[] = "$Id$";
extern enum testType { diffAve, ttestT, wilcoxonT, ecScore,fishersExactT, fishersLinearDiscT, jarqueBeraT, leveneHOV, brownForsytheHOV } testType;
extern char *statTest[];
extern enum blockTestType { pca, fisher,weightedZ } blockTestType;
extern char *blockStatTest[];
extern enum metaTestType { metaTestFisherMeta,metaTestStoufferMeta,metaTestMudholkarMeta,metaTestSymmUniMeta } metaTestType;
extern char *metaStatTest[];
extern struct analysisResult *ghMetaResult; /* meta analysis results in chromosomal view */
extern struct analysisResultHash *ghMetaResultHash; /* meta analysis results in genesets view */
int doClustering()
if (getClusterMethod() == 'x')
return 0;
return 1;
struct hash *getProbeAliases(char *db, char *tableName)
if (tableName == NULL)
return NULL;
char query[512];
safef(query, sizeof(query),
"select * from %s ", tableName);
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
char **row = NULL;
char *name, *alias;
struct hash *probeHash = hashNew(0);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
name = cloneString(row[0]);
alias = cloneString(row[1]);
hashAdd(probeHash, name, alias);
return probeHash;
#define CLIP(p,limit) if (p < 0) p = 0; if (p >= (limit)) p = (limit)-1;
static void verticalTextCentered(struct vGfx *vg, int x, int y,
int width, int height, int colorIx, MgFont *font, char *string)
/* Draw a vertical line of text in middle of the box.
* The string will read from bottom to top
* This is not perfect by any means, but seems to draw the labels fairly nice
* for the pathways.
/* don't let this run wild */
CLIP(width, vg->width);
CLIP(height, vg->height);
if ((width > 0) && (height > 0))
struct vGfx *vgHoriz;
int i, j;
/* reversed meanings of width and height here since this is going
* to rotate 90 degrees
int offset = 0;
int cutoff = height / 7; // TODO, approximately correct.
int lineSpacing = 15;
- vgHoriz = vgOpenGif(height, width, "/dev/null");
+ vgHoriz = vgOpenGif(height, width, "/dev/null", FALSE);
struct slName *sl, *slList = slNameListFromString(string, '_');
struct dyString *dy = newDyString(0), *dyList = NULL;
for (sl = slList; sl; sl = sl->next)
{ /* loop through words in text, separated by underscores */
if ( (dy->stringSize > 0) && (offset < width) &&
(dy->stringSize + strlen(sl->name) > cutoff))
{ /* enough string for a single line is ready to be drawn and can be drawn */
slAddHead(&dyList, dy);
dy = newDyString(0);
offset += lineSpacing;
dyStringAppend(dy, sl->name);
dyStringAppend(dy, " ");
if ( (dy->stringSize > 0) && (offset < width) )
/* Clean up remaining string */
slAddHead(&dyList, dy);
int count = slCount(dyList);
offset = 0;
for (dy = dyList; dy ; dy = dy->next)
{ /* -3 is needed to approximately recenter text */
vgTextCentered(vgHoriz, 0, -3*(count - 1), height, width+offset,
colorIx, font, dy->string);
offset += lineSpacing;
/* now, blit from the horizontal to the vertical, rotate -90 (CCW) */
for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) /* xSrc -> yDest */
int yDest = height - i;
for (j = 0; j < width; ++j) /* ySrc -> xDest */
vgDot(vg, j+x, yDest+y, vgGetDot(vgHoriz, i, j));
void drawGeneSetLabel(struct genoLay *gl, struct geneSet *gs,
struct hvGfx *vg, int color, boolean vertical)
/* Draw single geneset labels in image,
the argument "vertical" defines if the label will be drew vertically, or horizontally */
int height = hghGeneSetLabel;
int yOffset = gl->chromOffsetY + gl->chromHeight;
if (vertical)
verticalTextCentered(vg->vg, gs->x, yOffset, gs->width, height, color, gl->font,
hvGfxTextCentered(vg,gs->x,yOffset,gs->width, height, MG_BLACK,
void drawGeneSetLabels(struct genoLay *gl, struct geneSet *geneSets,
struct hvGfx *vg, int color)
/* Draw all displayed gene set labels in image */
struct geneSet *gs;
int count=0;
for (gs = geneSets; gs; gs = gs->next)
int verThr = 3;
for (gs = geneSets; gs; gs = gs->next)
if (count <= verThr)
drawGeneSetLabel(gl, gs, vg, color, FALSE);
drawGeneSetLabel(gl, gs, vg, color, TRUE);
void drawGeneSetBand(struct genoLay *gl, struct geneSet *gs,
struct hvGfx *vg, int color)
/* Draw box for single gene set in given color */
int height = gl->chromHeight;
int yOffset = gl->chromOffsetY +1;
vgBox(vg->vg, gs->x, gs->y + yOffset, gs->width, height, color);
void drawGeneSetBands(struct genoLay *gl, struct geneSet *geneSets,
struct hvGfx *vg, int color)
/* Draw boxes for all displayed gene sets in given color */
struct geneSet *gs;
for (gs = geneSets; gs; gs = gs->next)
drawGeneSetBand(gl, gs, vg, color);
void geneSetOneRowLayout(struct geneSet *gs, struct hash *geneHash, int numSegment)
/* layout for one pathway per row , numSegment is the number of segment the row is divided
* typically, each segment display one type of data
if (gs == NULL || geneHash == NULL)
int picWidth = cartUsualInt(cart, hghImageWidth, hgHeatmapDefaultPixWidth) / numSegment;
gs->x = picWidth;
gs->y = 0;
gs->width = picWidth;
struct slName *sl;
int numActive = 0;
for (sl = gs->genes; sl ; sl = sl->next)
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(geneHash, sl->name);
while (el)
el = hashLookupNext(el);
gs->numGenesActive = numActive;
gs->pixelsPerGene = (double) gs->width / (double) gs->numGenesActive;
void geneSetsAddPathwayLayout(struct geneSet *geneSets, struct hash *geneHash)
/* lay out of all pathways, add setting the gs->pixelsPerGene gs->activeNum for each gene */
if (geneSets == NULL || geneHash == NULL)
struct geneSet *gs;
for (gs = geneSets; gs; gs = gs->next)
struct slName *sl;
int numActive = 0;
for (sl = gs->genes; sl ; sl = sl->next)
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(geneHash, sl->name);
while (el)
el = hashLookupNext(el);
gs->numGenesActive = numActive;
gs->pixelsPerGene = (double) gs->width / (double) gs->numGenesActive;
void geneSetsChromLayout(struct geneSet *geneSets)
/* lay out of all pathways similar to chromsomes,
without setting the gs->pixelsPerGene gs->activeNum for each gene */
if (geneSets == NULL)
int totalGenes = 0;
struct geneSet *gs;
int numSets = 0;
for (gs = geneSets; gs; gs = gs->next)
totalGenes += gs->numGenes;
if (totalGenes == 0)
int picWidth = cartUsualInt(cart, hghImageWidth, hgHeatmapDefaultPixWidth);
double xOff = 3;
int minWidth = 20;
int totalW = (double) (picWidth - numSets);
for (gs = geneSets; gs; gs = gs->next)
int w = gs->numGenes * (picWidth - numSets) / totalGenes;
if (w < minWidth)
totalGenes -= gs->numGenes;
totalW -= minWidth;
/* 5 is hard-coded , it works well*/
double pixelsPerGene = (totalW - 5 ) / (double) totalGenes;
for (gs = geneSets; gs; gs = gs->next)
gs->x = (int) xOff;
gs->y = 0;
gs->width = (int) (gs->numGenes * pixelsPerGene);
if (gs->width < minWidth)
gs->width = minWidth;
xOff += (double) gs->width + 1.0;
struct chromGraph *getChromGraph (char* database, char* tableName, char* chromName)
/* get chromGraph data for each chromosome */
if (tableName == NULL)
return NULL;
/* get the data from the database */
char **row = NULL;
char query[512];
query[0] = '\0';
if (chromName)
safef(query, sizeof(query),
"select * from %s where chrom = \"%s\" \n",
tableName, chromName);
{ /* No chromosome specified, default to full genome */
safef(query, sizeof(query),
"select * from %s \n",
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
struct chromGraph *tuple = NULL;
struct chromGraph *tupleList = NULL;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
tuple = chromGraphLoad(row);
slAddHead(&tupleList, tuple);
return tupleList;
struct bed *getBedGraph (char* database, char* tableName, char* chromName, int nField)
/* get bedGraph data for each chromosome */
if (tableName == NULL)
return NULL;
/* get the data from the database */
char **row = NULL;
char query[512];
query[0] = '\0';
if (chromName)
safef(query, sizeof(query),
"select * from %s where chrom = \"%s\" \n",
tableName, chromName);
{ /* No chromosome specified, default to full genome */
safef(query, sizeof(query),
"select * from %s \n",
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
struct bed *tuple = NULL;
struct bed *tupleList = NULL;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
tuple = bedLoadN(row+1,nField);
slAddHead(&tupleList, tuple);
return tupleList;
/* return an array for reordering the experiments in a chromosome */
double maxDeviation(char* heatmap)
struct hashEl *e = hashLookup(ghHash, heatmap);
if (!e)
errAbort("Could not found heatmap %s\n", heatmap);
struct genoHeatmap *gh = e->val;
if (gh->expScale >0)
return gh->expScale;
void vgMakeColorGradient(struct vGfx *vg,
struct rgbColor *start, struct rgbColor *end,
int steps, Color *colorIxs)
/* Make a color gradient that goes smoothly from start
* to end colors in given number of steps. Put indicesgl->chromLis
* in color table in colorIxs */
double scale = 0, invScale;
double invStep;
int i; int r,g,b;
steps -= 1; /* Easier to do the calculation in an inclusive way. */
invStep = 1.0/steps;
for (i=0; i<=steps; ++i)
invScale = 1.0 - scale;
r = invScale * start->r + scale * end->r;
g = invScale * start->g + scale * end->g;
b = invScale * start->b + scale * end->b;
colorIxs[i] = vgFindColorIx(vg, r, g, b);
scale += invStep;
void drawGeneLabels(struct vGfx *vg, struct genoLay *gl, char *chromHeatmap,
struct geneSet *allGeneSets, struct hash *geneHash, int yOff)
if (!allGeneSets || !geneHash)
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(ghHash, chromHeatmap);
struct genoHeatmap *gh =NULL;
if (el)
gh = el->val;
errAbort("no heatmap %s\n", chromHeatmap);
struct hash *displayNameHash = getProbeAliases(database, gh->displayNameTable);
struct geneSet *gs;
double height = hghGeneLabelHeight;
int x,y,w,h;
struct slName *sl;
for (gs = allGeneSets; gs; gs = gs->next)
int count=0;
struct slName *geneOrder = NULL;
char method = getClusterMethod();
char metric = getClusterMetric();
geneOrder = clusterGeneSet(geneHash, gs->genes, method, metric); //ordering inside gene set
if (!geneOrder)
geneOrder = gs->genes; // Make sure we display something if clustering failed.
int gsX = gs->x, gsY = gs->y;
y = gsY +yOff;
w = ceil(gs->pixelsPerGene);
h= height;
for (sl = geneOrder; sl ; sl = sl->next)
el = hashLookup(geneHash, sl->name);
if (!el)
char *displayName = sl->name;
if (displayNameHash)
struct hashEl *hl = hashLookup(displayNameHash, sl->name);
if (hl)
displayName = hl->val;
int sameGeneCount =0;
boolean probeLevelDraw = FALSE;
while (el) // for >= one probe
if (gs->pixelsPerGene > hghGeneLabelMinSize) // enough space to draw for each probe /////////
x = (int) ( gs->pixelsPerGene * (double) (count) + gsX );
verticalTextCentered(vg, x, y, w, h, MG_BLACK, gl->font, displayName);
probeLevelDraw = TRUE;
el = hashLookupNext(el);
if (!probeLevelDraw) // there is too little space to show gene labels for each probe
x = (int) ( gs->pixelsPerGene * (double) (count - sameGeneCount) + gsX );
w = gs->pixelsPerGene * sameGeneCount;
char printout[128];
if (sameGeneCount >1)
safef(printout, sizeof(printout),"%s(%d)", sl->name, sameGeneCount);
safef(printout, sizeof(printout),"%s", displayName);
verticalTextCentered(vg, x, y, w, h, MG_BLACK, gl->font, printout);
void drawGeneSetBlockStat(struct vGfx *vg, struct hash *statHash, struct geneSet *gs,
int yOff, double gMin, double gMax, float colorCutoff)
if (!statHash | !gs)
Color valCol;
double height = hghBed5Height;
double baseline = (float) height /2.0;
double gScale = height/(gMax-gMin) /2.0;
float val, dirVal;
int x;
int y1,y2;
int w, h;
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(statHash, gs->name);
while (el)
struct hgStats *nb = el->val;
int totalComps = nb->totalComps;
int compIndex = nb->compIndex;
el = hashLookupNext(el);
if (compIndex >= MAX_PCA_COMPONENTS)
int gsX = gs->x, gsY = gs->y;
if (totalComps > MAX_PCA_COMPONENTS)
w = ceil(gs->width / (double) totalComps);
x = gsX + ceil((double) compIndex * gs->width / (double) totalComps);
val = fabs(nb->prob);
dirVal = nb->stats;
if (val > gMax)
val = gMax;
if (val < gMin)
val = gMin;
if (val < colorCutoff)
valCol = MG_GRAY;
else if (dirVal > 0)
valCol = MG_RED;
valCol = MG_GREEN;
if (dirVal > 0)
y1 = baseline - val*gScale + gsY + yOff; //smaller value
y2 = baseline + gsY + yOff; //greater value
h = y2-y1;
/* sometimes if the bed segment is too small, resulting in width=0,
reset to 1 pixel length */
if ((w ==0) && (h != 0))
if (w && h)
vgBox(vg, x, y1, w, h, valCol);
y1 = baseline + val *gScale + gsY + yOff; //greater value
y2 = baseline + gsY + yOff; //smaller value
h = y1-y2;
/* sometimes if the bed segment is too small, resulting in width=0,
reset to 1 pixel length */
if ((w ==0) && (h != 0))
if (w && h)
vgBox(vg, x, y2, w, h, valCol);
void drawGeneSetSingleStat(struct vGfx *vg, struct hash *statHash, struct geneSet *gs,
int yOff, double gMin, double gMax, float colorCutoff,
char *chromHeatmap, struct hash *geneHash)
if (!statHash | !gs)
int gsX = gs->x, gsY = gs->y;
Color valCol;
double height = hghBed5Height;
double baseline = (float) height /2.0;
double gScale = height/(gMax-gMin) /2.0;
float val, dirVal;
int x;
int y1,y2;
int w, h;
double count = 0.0;
struct slName *sl;
struct slName *geneOrder = NULL;
char method = getClusterMethod();
char metric = getClusterMetric();
if (doClustering() && !chromHeatmap && !geneHash )
geneOrder = clusterGeneSet(geneHash, gs->genes, method, metric);
//ordering inside gene set
if (geneOrder == NULL)
geneOrder = gs->genes; // Make sure we display something if clustering failed.
for (sl = geneOrder; sl ; sl = sl->next)
struct hgStats *nb=NULL;
struct hashEl *el;
el = hashLookup(statHash, sl->name);
while (el) // maybe more than one probe?
nb = el->val;
x = (int) ( gs->pixelsPerGene * count + gsX ); // get the X position
w = ceil(gs->pixelsPerGene);
val = fabs(nb->prob);
dirVal = nb->stats;
if (val>gMax)
val = gMax;
if (val <gMin)
val = gMin;
if (val < colorCutoff)
valCol = MG_GRAY;
else if (dirVal >0)
valCol = MG_RED;
valCol = MG_GREEN;
if (dirVal>0)
y1 = baseline - val *gScale + gsY + yOff; //smaller value
y2 = baseline + gsY + yOff; //greater value
h = y2-y1;
/* sometimes if the bed segment is too small, resulting in width=0, reset to 1 pixel length */
if ((w ==0) && (h != 0))
if (w && h)
vgBox(vg,x,y1, w, h,valCol);
y1 = baseline + val *gScale + gsY + yOff; //greater value
y2 = baseline + gsY + yOff; //smaller value
h = y1-y2;
/* sometimes if the bed segment is too small, resulting in width=0, reset to 1 pixel length */
if ((w ==0) && (h != 0))
if (w && h)
el = hashLookupNext(el);
/* Draw hgStats results along gene sets */
void drawGeneSetHgStats(struct vGfx *vg, struct hash *statHash,
struct genoLay *gl, int yOff, struct geneSet *geneSets,
double gMin, double gMax, float colorCutoff, boolean isBlockStat,
char *tableName, struct hash *geneHash)
/* Drawing code */
if (!statHash)
errAbort("no hgStats results \n");
if (!geneSets)
// layout
if (isBlockStat)
geneSetsAddPathwayLayout(geneSets, NULL);
geneSetsAddPathwayLayout(geneSets, statHash);
struct geneSet *gs;
for (gs = geneSets; gs ; gs = gs->next)
if (isBlockStat)
drawGeneSetBlockStat(vg, statHash, gs, yOff, gMin, gMax, colorCutoff);
drawGeneSetSingleStat(vg, statHash, gs, yOff, gMin, gMax, colorCutoff, tableName, geneHash);
/* draw probility score according to chrom position in list of hgStats,
* the display direction (positive/red/above baseline, negative/greeen/below baseline
* is controlled by the stats field */
void drawHgStats (struct vGfx *vg, struct hgStats *bg, struct genoLay *gl,
int yOff, double gMin, double gMax, double colorCutoff)
if (!bg)
/* Chromosome layout hashs */
struct genoLayChrom *chrom=NULL;
struct hash *chromHashX= newHash(0);
struct hash *chromHashY= newHash(0);
for(chrom = gl->chromList; chrom; chrom = chrom->next)
int chromX = chrom->x, chromY = chrom->y;
char *name = chrom->fullName;
hashAddInt(chromHashX, name, chromX);
hashAddInt(chromHashY, name, chromY) ;
double pixelsPerBase = 1.0/gl->basesPerPixel;
Color valCol;
double height = hghBed5Height;
double gScale = height/(gMax-gMin) /2.0 ;
int start,end;
char *chromName;
float val, dirVal;
int x1,x2;
int y1;
int w, h;
double baseline = (float) height /2.0;
char pixelStr[12];
struct hash *pixelHashP = hashNew(0);
struct hash *pixelHashN = hashNew(0);
struct hmPixel *hm=NULL;
struct hgStats *ibg=NULL;
for(ibg = bg; ibg ; ibg = ibg->next)
chromName = ibg->chrom;
start = ibg->chromStart;
end = ibg->chromEnd;
if (!hashLookup(chromHashX, chromName))
int chromX= hashIntVal(chromHashX, chromName);
int chromY= hashIntVal(chromHashY, chromName);
x1 = pixelsPerBase*start + chromX;
x2 = pixelsPerBase*end + chromX;
w = x2-x1;
dirVal = ibg->stats; // statisitcs control drawing above or below baseline and color
val = fabs(ibg->prob); // probability score control the absolute height of the drawing code
if (val>gMax)
val =gMax;
if (val<gMin)
if (dirVal >0)
y1 = baseline - val *gScale + chromY+ yOff; //smaller value
y1 = baseline + chromY + yOff; //smaller value
h= val*gScale;
safef(pixelStr,sizeof (pixelStr),"%d_%d",x1,x2);
struct hash *pixelHash;
if (dirVal>0)
pixelHash = pixelHashP;
pixelHash = pixelHashN;
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(pixelHash, pixelStr);
if (!el)
hm = AllocA(struct hmPixel);
hm->x = x1;
hm->y = y1;
hm->w = w;
hm->h = h;
hashAdd(pixelHash, pixelStr, hm);
hm = el->val;
//TO DOS: the current implementation is taking the most significant value, a more sensible way to do it probably should be taking the average. Implement in the future.
if (hm->h <h)
hm->y = y1;
hm->w = w;
hm->h = h;
int i;
struct hash *ptHash[2];
ptHash[0]= pixelHashP;
for (i=0; i<2; i++)
struct hashEl *elList = hashElListHash(ptHash[i]);
struct hashEl *el;
for (el = elList; el; el=el->next)
hm = el->val;
w = hm->w;
h= hm->h;
x1= hm->x;
y1= hm->y;
/* sometimes if the bed segment is too small, resulting in width=0, reset to 1 pixel length */
if ((w ==0) && (h != 0))
if (w<1 && h<1)
if ( h <colorCutoff*gScale)
valCol= MG_GRAY;
else if (i==0)
valCol = MG_RED;
valCol = MG_GREEN;
vgBox(vg, x1, y1, w, h, valCol);
/* draw bed 4 hgHeatmap, in which the name field is the height of the heatmap*/
void drawBedGraph4 (struct vGfx *vg, char* database,
struct genoLay *gl, char *tableName, int yOff,
boolean leftLabel, boolean rightLabel, boolean firstInRow)
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(ghHash, tableName);
struct genoHeatmap *gh =NULL;
if (el)
gh = el->val;
errAbort("no heatmap %s\n", tableName);
struct genoLayChrom *chrom=NULL;
struct bed *bg=NULL, *ibg=NULL;
float val;
double pixelsPerBase = 1.0/gl->basesPerPixel;
int x1,x2;
int y1,y2;
int w, h;
int start,end;
double gMin = chromGraphMin(tableName);
double gMax = chromGraphMax(tableName);
double height = heatmapHeight(gh);
double gScale = height/(gMax-gMin);
struct rgbColor color = chromGraphColor(tableName);
struct rgbColor black = {0,0,0} ;
Color shadesOfColor[1];
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &color, 1, shadesOfColor);
Color valCol = shadesOfColor[0];
int nField =4;
/* Draw graphs on each chromosome */
for(chrom = gl->chromList; chrom; chrom = chrom->next)
int chromX = chrom->x, chromY = chrom->y;
bg = getBedGraph (database, tableName, chrom->fullName, nField);
if (bg== NULL)
vgSetClip(vg, chromX, chromY+yOff, chrom->width, height);
/* Draw rest of points, connecting with line to previous point
* if not too far off. */
for(ibg = bg; ibg ; ibg = ibg->next)
start = ibg->chromStart;
end = ibg->chromEnd;
val = sqlFloat(ibg->name);
/* within a boundary */
if( val > gMax)
val = gMax;
else if (val < gMin)
val = gMin;
x1 = pixelsPerBase*start + chromX;
x2 = pixelsPerBase*end + chromX;
w = x2-x1;
if (val>0)
y1 = (height - (val - gMin)*gScale) + chromY+yOff; //smaller value
y2 = (height - (gMin -gMin) *gScale) + chromY+yOff;//greater value
h = y2-y1;
/* sometimes if the bed segment is too small, resulting in width=0, reset to 1 pixel length */
if ((w ==0) && (h != 0))
vgBox(vg,x1,y1, w, h,valCol);
if (val<0)
y1 = (height - (val - gMax - gMin)*gScale) + chromY+yOff; //greater value
y2 = (height - (gMax - gMax - gMin)*gScale) + chromY+yOff; //smaller value
h = y1-y2;
/* sometimes if the bed segment is too small, resulting in width=0, reset to 1 pixel length */
if ((w ==0) && (h != 0))
/* draw bed 5 in hgHeatmap, in which
the 4th (zero-based) field is the height of the segments
the 5th (zero-based) field determines the color of the segments as VAL/10.0 (to give .1 accuracy)
void drawBedGraph5 (struct vGfx *vg, char* database,
struct genoLay *gl, char *tableName, int yOff,
boolean leftLabel, boolean rightLabel, boolean firstInRow)
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(ghHash, tableName);
struct genoHeatmap *gh = NULL;
if (el)
gh = el->val;
errAbort("no heatmap %s\n", tableName);
struct genoLayChrom *chrom=NULL;
struct bed *bg=NULL, *ibg=NULL;
float val, prob;
double pixelsPerBase = 1.0/gl->basesPerPixel;
int x1,x2;
int y1,y2;
int w, h;
int start,end;
double gMin = chromGraphMin(tableName);
double gMax = chromGraphMax(tableName);
double height = heatmapHeight(gh);
double gScale = height/(gMax-gMin);
int nField =5;
Color valCol;
double md=10.0;
double colorScale = COLOR_SCALE / md;
Color shadesOfColor[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
struct rgbColor color = chromGraphColor(tableName);
struct rgbColor black = {0,0,0};
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &color, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfColor);
/* Draw graphs on each chromosome */
for(chrom = gl->chromList; chrom; chrom = chrom->next)
int chromX = chrom->x, chromY = chrom->y;
bg = getBedGraph (database, tableName, chrom->fullName, nField);
if (bg== NULL)
vgSetClip(vg, chromX, chromY+yOff, chrom->width, height);
/* Draw rest of points, connecting with line to previous point
* if not too far off. */
for(ibg = bg; ibg ; ibg = ibg->next)
start = ibg->chromStart;
end = ibg->chromEnd;
val = sqlFloat(ibg->name);
prob = ibg->score/md;
/* within a boundary */
if( val > gMax)
val = gMax;
else if (val < gMin)
val = gMin;
x1 = pixelsPerBase*start + chromX;
x2 = pixelsPerBase*end + chromX;
w = x2-x1;
int colorIndex = abs(prob) * (EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1.0) * colorScale;
if (colorIndex < 0) colorIndex = 0;
if (colorIndex >= EXPR_DATA_SHADES)
colorIndex = EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1;
valCol = shadesOfColor[colorIndex];
if (val>0)
y1 = (height - (val - gMin)*gScale) + chromY+yOff; //smaller value
y2 = (height - (gMin -gMin) *gScale) + chromY+yOff;//greater value
h = y2-y1;
/* sometimes if the bed segment is too small, resulting in width=0, reset to 1 pixel length */
if ((w ==0) && (h != 0))
vgBox(vg,x1,y1, w, h,valCol);
if (val<0)
y1 = (height - (val - gMax - gMin)*gScale) + chromY+yOff; //greater value
y2 = (height - (gMax - gMax - gMin)*gScale) + chromY+yOff; //smaller value
h = y1-y2;
/* sometimes if the bed segment is too small, resulting in width=0, reset to 1 pixel length */
if ((w ==0) && (h != 0))
/* drawChromGraph in hgHeatmap */
void drawChromGraphSimple (struct vGfx *vg, char* database,
struct genoLay *gl, char *tableName, int yOff,
boolean leftLabel, boolean rightLabel, boolean firstInRow)
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(ghHash, tableName);
struct genoHeatmap *gh =NULL;
if (el)
gh = el->val;
errAbort("no heatmap %s\n", tableName);
struct genoLayChrom *chrom=NULL;
struct chromGraph *cg=NULL, *icg=NULL;
double val;
double pixelsPerBase = 1.0/gl->basesPerPixel;
int x,lastX;
int y,lastY;
int start,lastStart;
double gMin = chromGraphMin(tableName);
double gMax = chromGraphMax(tableName);
double height = heatmapHeight(gh);
double gScale = height/(gMax-gMin);
int maxGapToFill = chromGraphMaxGapToFill(tableName);
struct rgbColor color = chromGraphColor(tableName);
Color shadesOfColor[1];
struct rgbColor black = {0,0,0};
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &color, 1, shadesOfColor);
Color valCol = shadesOfColor[0];
/* Draw graphs on each chromosome */
for(chrom = gl->chromList; chrom; chrom = chrom->next)
int chromX = chrom->x, chromY = chrom->y;
cg = getChromGraph (database, tableName, chrom->fullName);
if (cg== NULL)
val = cg->val;
/* within a boundary */
if(val > gMax)
val = gMax;
else if (val < gMin)
val = gMin;
start = lastStart = cg->chromStart;
x = lastX = pixelsPerBase*start + chromX;
y = lastY = (height - (val - gMin)*gScale) + chromY+yOff ;
vgDot(vg, x, y, valCol);
cg= cg->next;
/* Draw rest of points, connecting with line to previous point
* if not too far off. */
for(icg = cg; icg!=NULL ; icg = icg->next)
start = icg->chromStart;
val = icg->val;
if( val > gMax)
val = gMax;
else if (val < gMin)
val = gMin;
x = pixelsPerBase*start + chromX;
y = (height - (val - gMin)*gScale) + chromY+yOff;
if (x != lastX || y != lastY)
if (-(start - lastStart) <= maxGapToFill)
vgLine(vg, lastX, lastY, x, y, valCol);
vgDot(vg, x, y, valCol);
lastX = x;
lastY = y;
lastStart = start;
void drawChromHeatmapsByPixel(struct vGfx *vg, char* database,
struct genoLay *gl, char *chromHeatmap, int yOff,
boolean leftLabel, boolean rightLabel, boolean firstInRow)
/* Draw chromosome graph on all chromosomes in layout at given
* y offset and height. */
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(ghHash, chromHeatmap);
struct genoHeatmap *gh =NULL;
if (el)
gh = el->val;
errAbort("no heatmap %s\n", chromHeatmap);
if (gh->accessTable)
chromHeatmap = gh->accessTable;
int *chromOrder = getBedOrder(gh);
struct genoLayChrom *chrom=NULL;
struct bed *ghBed=NULL, *nb=NULL;
double pixelsPerBase = 1.0/gl->basesPerPixel;
double md = maxDeviation(gh->name);
double colorScale = COLOR_SCALE / md;
double val;
double absVal;
int valId;
Color valCol;
int start, end;
float gain = gh->gainFull;
Color shadesOfUp[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
Color shadesOfDown[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
static struct rgbColor black = {0, 0, 0};
static struct rgbColor red = {255, 0, 0};
static struct rgbColor green = {0, 255, 0};
static struct rgbColor blue = {40, 150, 250};
static struct rgbColor yellow = {220, 220, 0};
if(cartUsualBoolean(cart, "hghDisplayBlueYellow", 0))
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &yellow, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfUp);
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &blue, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfDown);
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &red, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfUp);
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &green, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfDown);
char pixelStr[128];
struct hash *pixelHash = hashNew(0);
struct hmPixel *hm, *hmList = NULL;
for(chrom = gl->chromList; chrom; chrom = chrom->next)
ghBed = getChromHeatmap(gh, chrom->fullName, TRUE);
int chromX = chrom->x, chromY = chrom->y;
vgSetClip(vg, chromX, chromY+yOff, chrom->width, heatmapHeight(gh));
vgBox(vg, chromX, chromY+yOff , chrom->width, heatmapHeight(gh), MG_GRAY);
for(nb = ghBed; nb; nb = nb->next)
start = nb->chromStart;
end = nb->chromEnd;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < nb->expCount; ++i)
val = nb->expScores[i];
valId = nb->expIds[i];
int orderId = chromOrder[valId];
if (orderId == -1)
absVal = fabs(val);
int colorIndex = (int)(absVal * (EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1.0) * colorScale);
/* Clip color index to fit inside of array, since we may have brightened it. */
if (colorIndex < 0) colorIndex = 0;
if (colorIndex >= EXPR_DATA_SHADES)
colorIndex = EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1;
if(val > 0)
valCol = shadesOfUp[colorIndex];
valCol = shadesOfDown[colorIndex];
int w = pixelsPerBase * (end - start) + 1;
int h = experimentHeight();
int x = pixelsPerBase * start + chromX;
int y = chromY + yOff + orderId * h;
safef(pixelStr, sizeof(pixelStr), "%d,%d", x, y);
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(pixelHash, pixelStr);
if (!el)
hm = AllocA(struct hmPixel);
hm->x = x;
hm->y = y;
hm->w = w;
hm->h = h;
hm->val = 0.0;
hm->count = 0;
slAddHead(&hmList, hm);
hashAdd(pixelHash, pixelStr, hm);
hm = el->val;
hm->val += val;
hm->count += 1;
for (hm = hmList; hm ; hm = hm->next)
val = hm->val / hm->count;
absVal = fabs(val) * gain;
int colorIndex = (int)(absVal * (EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1.0) * colorScale);
/* Clip color index to fit inside of array, since we may have brightened it. */
if (colorIndex < 0) colorIndex = 0;
if (colorIndex >= EXPR_DATA_SHADES)
colorIndex = EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1;
if(val > 0)
valCol = shadesOfUp[colorIndex];
valCol = shadesOfDown[colorIndex];
vgBox(vg, hm->x, hm->y, hm->w, hm->h, valCol);
pixelHash = hashNew(0);
hmList = NULL;
/*support funcion to build refGene common gene name identifier hash */
struct hash *refGeneHash()
char query[128];
safef(query, sizeof(query),"select name2 from refGene\n");
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
struct hash *refHash = hashNew(0);
char **row=NULL;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
char *name = *(row);
hashAdd(refHash, name, "");
return refHash;
struct hash *geneSetHash()
char query[128];
safef(query, sizeof(query),"select name from genesets\n");
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn("pathway");
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
struct hash *refHash = hashNew(0);
char **row=NULL;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
char *name = *(row);
hashAdd(refHash, name, "");
return refHash;
/* Get the geneset that is defined by user */
struct geneSet* getUserGeneSet()
struct geneSet *userGeneSet=NULL;
char *varText = cartUsualString(cart, hghUserGeneList, "");
struct slName *slList=NULL, *lineList=NULL, *fList =NULL;
struct slName *sl, *sl1;
if (isNotEmpty(varText) )
fList = slNameListFromStringTrimWhiteSpaces(varText,'\n');
for (sl=fList; sl; sl=sl->next)
lineList = slNameListFromStringTrimWhiteSpaces(sl->name,',');
for (sl1 = lineList; sl1; sl1=sl1->next)
slNameAddHead(&slList, sl1->name);
return NULL;
struct slName *list;
list = slList;
if (list)
userGeneSet = AllocA(struct geneSet);
userGeneSet->genes = list;
userGeneSet->name = "User Defined";
userGeneSet->displayName = "User Defined";
userGeneSet->numGenes = slCount(list);
userGeneSet->numGenesActive = 0;
userGeneSet->x = 0;
userGeneSet->y = 0;
userGeneSet->width = 0;
userGeneSet->pixelsPerGene = 0;
/* report genes in user defined set that does not match refGene identifier */
struct hash *refHash = refGeneHash();
if (userGeneSet)
for (sl=userGeneSet->genes; sl ; sl=sl->next)
if (!hashFindVal(refHash,sl->name))
hPrintf("%s: unrecognized gene name \n", sl->name);
return userGeneSet;
/* Get the pathways that is defined by user */
struct geneSet* getUserGeneSetList()
char *varText = cartUsualString(cart, hghUserGeneSetList, "");
struct slName *slList=NULL, *lineList=NULL, *fList =NULL;
struct slName *sl, *sl1;
struct hash *gSetHash = geneSetHash();
if (isNotEmpty(varText) )
fList = slNameListFromStringTrimWhiteSpaces(varText,'\n');
for (sl=fList; sl; sl=sl->next)
lineList = slNameListFromStringTrimWhiteSpaces(sl->name,',');
for (sl1 = lineList; sl1; sl1=sl1->next)
if (!hashFindVal(gSetHash, sl->name))
hPrintf("%s: unrecognized gene set name\n",sl->name);
slNameAddHead(&slList, sl1->name);
return NULL;
//slList is a list of pathway names
struct geneSet *userGeneSet=NULL;
struct geneSet *userGeneSetList=NULL;
struct sqlConnection *conn = getPathwayDbConn();
struct sqlResult *sr =NULL;
for (sl=slList; sl; sl=sl->next)
//for each pathway, check db to see if we have the pathway, otherwise output error message
char query[1024];
safef(query, sizeof(query),"select members, displayName from genesets, pathwayname where\"%s\" and;", sl->name);
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
char **row = NULL;
char *members =NULL;
if ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
members = cloneString(row[0]);
hPrintf("%s: unrecognized pathway name \n", sl->name);
struct slName *list =slNameListFromComma(members);
//build the geneset
userGeneSet = AllocA(struct geneSet);
userGeneSet->genes = list;
userGeneSet->name = sl->name;
userGeneSet->displayName = cloneString(row[1]);
userGeneSet->numGenes = slCount(list);
userGeneSet->numGenesActive = 0;
userGeneSet->x = 0;
userGeneSet->y = 0;
userGeneSet->width = 0;
userGeneSet->pixelsPerGene = 0;
//add to list
return userGeneSetList;
struct geneSet* getAllGeneSets()
/* get all gene sets including user defined and the ones selected from the browser interface */
struct geneSet *userGeneSet = NULL;
struct geneSet *userGeneSetList = NULL;
struct geneSet *allGeneSets = NULL;
/* user specific gene sets */
userGeneSet = getUserGeneSet();
userGeneSetList = getUserGeneSetList();
if (userGeneSetList && userGeneSet)
else if (userGeneSetList)
userGeneSet = userGeneSetList;
/* get system genesets */
char *pathwayNames = getGeneSetMembers();
if (pathwayNames)
allGeneSets = getPathways(getPathwayDb(), pathwayNames);
/* add user defined genesets */
if (allGeneSets)
struct geneSet *start=allGeneSets;
if (userGeneSet)
while (allGeneSets->next!= NULL)
allGeneSets = allGeneSets->next;
allGeneSets = start;
allGeneSets= userGeneSet;
/* test to see if selectedPathway is in user defined set or the selected gene set group */
char *selectedPathway = cartUsualString(cart, hghSelectedPathway, NULL);
if (selectedPathway)
struct geneSet* gs;
for (gs=allGeneSets; gs; gs=gs->next)
if (sameWord(gs->name, selectedPathway))
gs->next=NULL; // Todo: write a cloneGeneset function to duplicate gs and free memory of userGeneSet
return gs;
return allGeneSets;
void drawGeneSetHeatmapsByPixel(struct vGfx *vg, char* database, struct genoLay *gl, char *chromHeatmap,
int yOff, struct geneSet *geneSets, struct hash *geneHash,
boolean leftLabel, boolean rightLabel, boolean firstInRow)
/* Draw chromosome graph on all chromosomes in layout at given
* y offset and height. */
if (!geneSets || !geneHash)
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(ghHash, chromHeatmap);
struct genoHeatmap *gh =NULL;
if (el)
gh = el->val;
errAbort("no heatmap %s\n", chromHeatmap);
int *chromOrder = getBedOrder(gh);
struct bed *nb=NULL;
float gain = gh->gainSet;
double md = maxDeviation(chromHeatmap);
double colorScale = COLOR_SCALE / md;
double val;
double absVal;
int valId;
Color valCol;
Color shadesOfUp[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
Color shadesOfDown[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
static struct rgbColor black = {0, 0, 0};
static struct rgbColor red = {255, 0, 0};
static struct rgbColor green = {0, 255, 0};
static struct rgbColor blue = {40, 150, 250};
static struct rgbColor yellow = {220, 220, 0};
if(cartUsualBoolean(cart, "hghDisplayBlueYellow", 0))
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &yellow, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfUp);
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &blue, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfDown);
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &red, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfUp);
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &green, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfDown);
/* add geneHash specific layout */
geneSetsAddPathwayLayout(geneSets, geneHash);
char pixelStr[128];
struct hash *pixelHash = hashNew(0);
struct hmPixel *hm, *hmList = NULL;
struct geneSet *gs;
for (gs = geneSets; gs ; gs = gs->next)
struct slName *sl;
int gsX = gs->x, gsY = gs->y;
int width = gs->width;
vgSetClip(vg, gsX, gsY+yOff, width, heatmapHeight(gh));
vgBox(vg, gsX, gsY+yOff , width, heatmapHeight(gh), MG_GRAY);
double count = 0.0;
struct slName *geneOrder = NULL;
char method = getClusterMethod();
char metric = getClusterMetric();
if (doClustering())
geneOrder = clusterGeneSet(geneHash, gs->genes, method, metric); //ordering inside gene set
if (geneOrder == NULL)
geneOrder = gs->genes; // Make sure we display something if clustering failed.
for (sl = geneOrder; sl ; sl = sl->next)
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(geneHash, sl->name); //get the information from genesets
while (el)
nb = el->val;
int x = (int) ( gs->pixelsPerGene * count + gsX );
int w = ceil(gs->pixelsPerGene);
int h = experimentHeight();
int i;
for(i = 0; i < nb->expCount; ++i)
val = nb->expScores[i];
valId = nb->expIds[i];
int orderId = chromOrder[valId];
if (orderId == -1)
int y = gsY + yOff + orderId * h;
safef(pixelStr, sizeof(pixelStr), "%d,%d", x, y);
struct hashEl *pixelEl = hashLookup(pixelHash, pixelStr);
if (!pixelEl)
hm = AllocA(struct hmPixel);
hm->x = x;
hm->y = y;
hm->w = w;
hm->h = h;
hm->val = 0.0;
hm->count = 0;
slAddHead(&hmList, hm);
hashAdd(pixelHash, pixelStr, hm);
hm = pixelEl->val;
hm->val += val;
hm->count += 1;
el = hashLookupNext(el);
for (hm = hmList; hm ; hm = hm->next)
val = hm->val / (double) hm->count;
if(val > 0)
absVal = val;
absVal = -val;
absVal = absVal *gain;
int colorIndex = (int)(absVal * (EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1.0) * colorScale);
/* Clip color index to fit inside of array, since we may have brightened it. */
if (colorIndex < 0) colorIndex = 0;
if (colorIndex >= EXPR_DATA_SHADES)
colorIndex = EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1;
if(val > 0)
valCol = shadesOfUp[colorIndex];
valCol = shadesOfDown[colorIndex];
vgBox(vg, hm->x, hm->y, hm->w, hm->h, valCol);
hmList = NULL;
pixelHash = hashNew(0);
void drawGeneSetHeatmapsByPixelSNP(struct vGfx *vg, char* database, struct genoLay *gl, char *chromHeatmap,
int yOff, struct geneSet *geneSets, struct hash *geneHash,
boolean leftLabel, boolean rightLabel, boolean firstInRow)
/* Draw chromosome graph on all chromosomes in layout at given
* y offset and height. */
if (!geneSets || !geneHash)
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(ghHash, chromHeatmap);
struct genoHeatmap *gh =NULL;
if (el)
gh = el->val;
errAbort("no heatmap %s\n", chromHeatmap);
int *chromOrder = getBedOrder(gh);
struct bed *nb=NULL;
float gain = gh->gainSet;
double md = maxDeviation(chromHeatmap);
double colorScale = COLOR_SCALE / md;
double val;
double absVal;
int valId;
Color valCol;
Color white = vgFindColorIx(vg, 255, 255, 255);
Color shadesOfRed[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
Color shadesOfGreen[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
static struct rgbColor black = {0, 0, 0};
static struct rgbColor red = {255, 0, 0};
static struct rgbColor green = {0, 255, 0};
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &red, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfRed);
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &green, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfGreen);
/* add geneHash specific layout */
geneSetsAddPathwayLayout(geneSets, geneHash);
//vgBox(vg, gsX, gsY+yOff , width, heatmapHeight(gh), MG_GRAY);
char pixelStr[128];
struct hash *pixelHash = hashNew(0);
struct hmPixel *hm, *hmList = NULL;
struct geneSet *gs;
for (gs = geneSets; gs ; gs = gs->next)
struct slName *sl;
int gsX = gs->x, gsY = gs->y;
int width = gs->width;
// vgSetClip(vg, gsX, gsY+yOff, width + 1, heatmapHeight(gh));
vgBox(vg, gsX-1, gsY+yOff-1 , width + 2, heatmapHeight(gh)+2, MG_GRAY);
vgSetClip(vg, gsX, gsY+yOff, width, heatmapHeight(gh));
double count = 0.0;
struct slName *geneOrder = NULL;
char method = getClusterMethod();
char metric = getClusterMetric();
if (doClustering())
geneOrder = clusterGeneSet(geneHash, gs->genes, method, metric); //ordering inside gene set
if (geneOrder == NULL)
geneOrder = gs->genes; // Make sure we display something if clustering failed.
for (sl = geneOrder; sl ; sl = sl->next)
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(geneHash, sl->name); //get the information from genesets
while (el)
nb = el->val;
int x = (int) ( gs->pixelsPerGene * count + gsX );
int w = ceil(gs->pixelsPerGene);
int h = experimentHeight();
int i;
for(i = 0; i < nb->expCount; ++i)
val = nb->expScores[i];
valId = nb->expIds[i];
int orderId = chromOrder[valId];
if (orderId == -1)
int y = gsY + yOff + orderId * h;
safef(pixelStr, sizeof(pixelStr), "%d,%d", x, y);
struct hashEl *pixelEl = hashLookup(pixelHash, pixelStr);
if (!pixelEl)
hm = AllocA(struct hmPixel);
hm->x = x;
hm->y = y;
hm->w = w;
hm->h = h;
hm->val = 0.0;
hm->count = 0;
slAddHead(&hmList, hm);
hashAdd(pixelHash, pixelStr, hm);
hm = pixelEl->val;
hm->val += val;
hm->count += 1;
el = hashLookupNext(el);
for (hm = hmList; hm ; hm = hm->next)
val = hm->val; // / (double) hm->count;
val = round(val);
if(val > 0)
absVal = val;
absVal = -val;
absVal = absVal *gain;
int colorIndex = (int)(absVal * (EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1.0) * colorScale);
/* Clip color index to fit inside of array, since we may have brightened it. */
if (colorIndex < 0) colorIndex = 0;
if (colorIndex >= EXPR_DATA_SHADES)
colorIndex = EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1;
if (val == 0.0)
valCol = white;
else if (val > 0.0)
valCol = shadesOfRed[colorIndex];
valCol = shadesOfGreen[colorIndex];
vgBox(vg, hm->x, hm->y, hm->w, hm->h, valCol);
hmList = NULL;
pixelHash = hashNew(0);
void drawGeneSetHeatmapByPixel(struct hvGfx *vg, char* database, struct genoLay *gl,
struct geneSet *gs, struct hash *geneHash,
char *chromHeatmap, int yOff,
boolean leftLabel, boolean rightLabel, boolean firstInRow)
/* Draw chromosome graph on all chromosomes in layout at given
* y offset and height. */
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(ghHash, chromHeatmap);
struct genoHeatmap *gh =NULL;
if (el)
gh = el->val;
errAbort("no heatmap %s\n", chromHeatmap);
int *chromOrder = getBedOrder(gh);
struct genoLayChrom *chrom=NULL;
struct bed *nb=NULL;
float gain = gh->gainSet;
double md = maxDeviation(chromHeatmap);
double colorScale = COLOR_SCALE / md;
double val;
double absVal;
int valId;
Color valCol;
Color shadesOfUp[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
Color shadesOfDown[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
static struct rgbColor black = {0, 0, 0};
static struct rgbColor red = {255, 0, 0};
static struct rgbColor green = {0, 255, 0};
static struct rgbColor blue = {40, 150, 250};
static struct rgbColor yellow = {220, 220, 0};
if(cartUsualBoolean(cart, "hghDisplayBlueYellow", 0))
vgMakeColorGradient(vg->vg, &black, &yellow, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfUp);
vgMakeColorGradient(vg->vg, &black, &blue, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfDown);
vgMakeColorGradient(vg->vg, &black, &red, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfUp);
vgMakeColorGradient(vg->vg, &black, &green, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfDown);
chrom = gl->chromList;
char pixelStr[128];
struct hash *pixelHash = hashNew(0);
struct hmPixel *hm, *hmList = NULL;
struct slName *sl;
int gsX = gs->x, gsY = gs->y;
int width = gs->width;
vgSetClip(vg->vg, gsX, gsY+yOff, width, heatmapHeight(gh));
vgBox(vg->vg, gsX, gsY+yOff , width, heatmapHeight(gh), MG_GRAY);
double count = 0.0;
struct slName *geneOrder = NULL;
char method = getClusterMethod();
char metric = getClusterMetric();
if (doClustering())
geneOrder = clusterGeneSet(geneHash, gs->genes, method, metric);
if (geneOrder == NULL)
geneOrder = gs->genes; // Make sure we display something if clustering failed.
for (sl = geneOrder; sl ; sl = sl->next)
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(geneHash, sl->name);
while (el)
nb = el->val;
int x = (int) ( gs->pixelsPerGene * count + gsX );
int i;
for(i = 0; i < nb->expCount; ++i)
val = nb->expScores[i];
valId = nb->expIds[i];
int orderId = chromOrder[valId];
if (orderId == -1)
int w = ceil(gs->pixelsPerGene);
int h = experimentHeight();
int y = gsY + yOff + orderId * h;
safef(pixelStr, sizeof(pixelStr), "%d,%d", x, y);
struct hashEl *pixelEl = hashLookup(pixelHash, pixelStr);
if (!pixelEl)
hm = AllocA(struct hmPixel);
hm->x = x;
hm->y = y;
hm->w = w;
hm->h = h;
hm->val = 0.0;
hm->count = 0;
slAddHead(&hmList, hm);
hashAdd(pixelHash, pixelStr, hm);
hm = pixelEl->val;
hm->val += val;
hm->count += 1;
el = hashLookupNext(el);
for (hm = hmList; hm ; hm = hm->next)
val = hm->val / (double) hm->count;
absVal = fabs(val) *gain;
int colorIndex = (int)(absVal * (EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1.0) * colorScale);
/* Clip color index to fit inside of array, since we may have brightened it. */
if (colorIndex < 0) colorIndex = 0;
if (colorIndex >= EXPR_DATA_SHADES)
colorIndex = EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1;
if(val > 0)
valCol = shadesOfUp[colorIndex];
valCol = shadesOfDown[colorIndex];
vgBox(vg->vg, hm->x, hm->y, hm->w, hm->h, valCol);
drawGeneSetLabel(gl, gs, vg, MG_BLACK,FALSE);
drawGeneSetBand(gl, gs, vg, MG_BLACK);
void drawGeneSetHeatmapByPixelSNP(struct hvGfx *vg, char* database, struct genoLay *gl,
struct geneSet *gs, struct hash *geneHash,
char *chromHeatmap, int yOff,
boolean leftLabel, boolean rightLabel, boolean firstInRow)
/* Draw chromosome graph on all chromosomes in layout at given
* y offset and height. */
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(ghHash, chromHeatmap);
struct genoHeatmap *gh =NULL;
if (el)
gh = el->val;
errAbort("no heatmap %s\n", chromHeatmap);
int *chromOrder = getBedOrder(gh);
struct genoLayChrom *chrom=NULL;
struct bed *nb=NULL;
float gain = gh->gainSet;
double md = maxDeviation(chromHeatmap);
double colorScale = COLOR_SCALE / md;
double val;
double absVal;
int valId;
Color valCol;
Color white = vgFindColorIx(vg->vg, 255, 255, 255);
Color shadesOfRed[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
Color shadesOfGreen[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
static struct rgbColor black = {0, 0, 0};
static struct rgbColor red = {255, 0, 0};
static struct rgbColor green = {0, 255, 0};
vgMakeColorGradient(vg->vg, &black, &red, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfRed);
vgMakeColorGradient(vg->vg, &black, &green, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfGreen);
chrom = gl->chromList;
char pixelStr[128];
struct hash *pixelHash = hashNew(0);
struct hmPixel *hm, *hmList = NULL;
struct slName *sl;
int gsX = gs->x, gsY = gs->y;
int width = gs->width;
vgSetClip(vg->vg, gsX, gsY+yOff, width, heatmapHeight(gh));
//vgBox(vg->vg, gsX, gsY+yOff , width, heatmapHeight(gh), MG_GRAY);
double count = 0.0;
struct slName *geneOrder = NULL;
char method = getClusterMethod();
char metric = getClusterMetric();
if (doClustering())
geneOrder = clusterGeneSet(geneHash, gs->genes, method, metric);
if (geneOrder == NULL)
geneOrder = gs->genes; // Make sure we display something if clustering failed.
for (sl = geneOrder; sl ; sl = sl->next)
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(geneHash, sl->name);
while (el)
nb = el->val;
int x = (int) ( gs->pixelsPerGene * count + gsX );
int i;
for(i = 0; i < nb->expCount; ++i)
val = nb->expScores[i];
valId = nb->expIds[i];
int orderId = chromOrder[valId];
if (orderId == -1)
int w = ceil(gs->pixelsPerGene);
int h = experimentHeight();
int y = gsY + yOff + orderId * h;
safef(pixelStr, sizeof(pixelStr), "%d,%d", x, y);
struct hashEl *pixelEl = hashLookup(pixelHash, pixelStr);
if (!pixelEl)
hm = AllocA(struct hmPixel);
hm->x = x;
hm->y = y;
hm->w = w;
hm->h = h;
hm->val = 0.0;
hm->count = 0;
slAddHead(&hmList, hm);
hashAdd(pixelHash, pixelStr, hm);
hm = pixelEl->val;
hm->val += val;
hm->count += 1;
el = hashLookupNext(el);
for (hm = hmList; hm ; hm = hm->next)
val = hm->val; // / (double) hm->count;
absVal = fabs(val) *gain;
int colorIndex = (int)(absVal * (EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1.0) * colorScale);
/* Clip color index to fit inside of array, since we may have brightened it. */
if (colorIndex < 0) colorIndex = 0;
if (colorIndex >= EXPR_DATA_SHADES)
colorIndex = EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1;
if (val == 0.0)
valCol = white;
else if (val > 0.0)
valCol = shadesOfRed[colorIndex];
valCol = shadesOfGreen[colorIndex];
vgBox(vg->vg, hm->x, hm->y, hm->w, hm->h, valCol);
drawGeneSetLabel(gl, gs, vg, MG_BLACK,FALSE);
drawGeneSetBand(gl, gs, vg, MG_BLACK);
char *getId(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, char *key, char *sample, char *value)
/* get patient ID from sample (or experiment) Id */
char query[512];
safef(query, sizeof(query), "select %s from %s where %s = '%s' ", key, table, value, sample);
return sqlQuickString(conn, query);
struct featureColor* getFeatureColorInCol(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct vGfx *vg,
struct genoHeatmap *gh, struct column *col)
if (gh == NULL || conn == NULL || col == NULL)
return NULL;
char *labTable = gh->patTable;
char *value = gh->sampleField;
char *key = gh->patField;
double colorScale = 0.0;
double val;
double absVal, minVal, maxVal;
char *minCutVal, *maxCutVal;
Color valCol;
Color shadesOfRed[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
Color shadesOfGreen[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
Color shadesOfYellow[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
static struct rgbColor black = {0, 0, 0};
static struct rgbColor red = {255, 0, 0};
static struct rgbColor green = {0, 255, 0};
static struct rgbColor yellow = {255, 255, 0};
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &red, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfRed);
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &green, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfGreen);
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &yellow, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfYellow);
minVal = atof(col->cellMinVal(col, conn)) ;
maxVal = atof(col->cellMaxVal(col, conn)) ;
minCutVal = col->cellMinCutVal(col, conn);
maxCutVal = col->cellMaxCutVal(col, conn);
/* double color: consistant with the scale of microarray data display */
if ((minVal<0) && (maxVal>0))
double md = max(abs(minVal), maxVal);
colorScale = COLOR_SCALE / md;
/* single color */
colorScale = COLOR_SCALE / (maxVal - minVal);
int i;
struct slName *sl = NULL;
struct featureColor *fcList = NULL;
for (sl = gh->sampleList; sl; sl = sl->next)
int orderId = hashIntValDefault(gh->sampleOrder, sl->name, -1);
if (orderId == -1)
int index = -1;
for (i = 0; i < gh->expCount; i++)
if (gh->expIdOrder[i] == orderId)
index = i;
struct slName *id = slNameNew(getId(conn, labTable, key, sl->name, value));
char *cellVal = col->cellVal(col, id, conn);
valCol = MG_GRAY;
if (cellVal)
val = atof(cellVal);
if (minCutVal)
if (val < atof(minCutVal))
if (maxCutVal)
if (val > atof(maxCutVal))
absVal = fabs(val);
int colorIndex = (int)(absVal * (EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1.0) * colorScale);
/* Clip color index to fit inside of array, since we may have brightened it. */
if (colorIndex < 0) colorIndex = 0;
if (colorIndex >= EXPR_DATA_SHADES)
colorIndex = EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1;
if(val < 0.0)
valCol = shadesOfYellow[colorIndex];
valCol = shadesOfGreen[colorIndex];
struct featureColor *fc = AllocA(struct featureColor);
fc->name = cloneString(fc->name);
fc->id = cloneString(id->name);
fc->index = index;
fc->order = orderId;
fc->color = valCol;
slAddHead(&fcList, fc);
return fcList;
void drawPCAPlot(struct vGfx *vg, char *database, struct geneSet *gs,
struct hash *geneHash, char *chromHeatmap, int yOff)
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(ghHash, chromHeatmap);
struct genoHeatmap *gh =NULL;
if (el)
gh = el->val;
errAbort("no heatmap %s\n", chromHeatmap);
char *raName = gh->raFile;
struct sqlConnection *conn = getFeatureDbConn(gh);
struct column *col, *colList = getColumns(conn, raName,gh->patDb);
struct featureColor *fcList = NULL;
for (col = colList; col != NULL; col = col->next)
if (col->on)
fcList = getFeatureColorInCol(conn, vg, gh, col);
performPCAandPlot(vg, gs->width, heatmapHeight(gh), 0, yOff,
geneHash, gs->genes, fcList);
void drawFeatureLabel(char *chromHeatmap, struct genoLay *fs, struct vGfx *vg, int color)
/* Draw feature labels in image */
if (!fs)
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(ghHash, chromHeatmap);
struct genoHeatmap *gh =NULL;
if (el)
gh = el->val;
errAbort("no heatmap %s\n", chromHeatmap);
char *raName = gh->raFile;
struct sqlConnection *conn = getFeatureDbConn(gh);
struct column *col, *colList = getColumns(conn, raName,gh->patDb);
double pixelsPerBase = fs->pixelsPerBase;
struct genoLayChrom *chrom= fs->chromList;
int chromX = chrom->x, chromY = chrom->y;
int start = 0;
for (col = colList; col != NULL; col = col->next)
if (col->on)
int x = pixelsPerBase * start + chromX;
int w = pixelsPerBase;
int y = chromY;
verticalTextCentered(vg, x, y, w, hghFeatureLabel, color, fs->font, col->shortLabel);
void drawFeatures(struct vGfx *vg, char *chromHeatmap, struct genoLay *fs, int yOff, boolean reverse)
/* Draw features to right of chromosomes in layout at given
* y offset and height. */
if (!fs)
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(ghHash, chromHeatmap);
struct genoHeatmap *gh =NULL;
if (el)
gh = el->val;
errAbort("no heatmap %s\n", chromHeatmap);
/* set up connection to table with both patient and sample information */
char *labTable = gh->patTable;
char *value = gh->sampleField;
char *key = gh->patField;
char *db = gh->patDb;
if ((labTable == NULL) || (key == NULL) || (value == NULL) || (db==NULL))
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
if (!conn)
struct genoLayChrom *chrom=NULL;
double pixelsPerBase = fs->pixelsPerBase;
double colorScale = 0.0;
double val;
double absVal, minVal, maxVal;
char *minCutVal, *maxCutVal;
double offset;
int reverseColor;
int start = 0;
Color valCol;
Color shadesOfRed[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
Color shadesOfGreen[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
Color shadesOfYellow[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
static struct rgbColor black = {0, 0, 0};
static struct rgbColor red = {255, 0, 0};
static struct rgbColor green = {0, 255, 0};
static struct rgbColor yellow = {255, 255, 0};
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &red, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfRed);
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &green, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfGreen);
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &black, &yellow, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, shadesOfYellow);
struct slName *id = NULL;
char *raName = gh->raFile;
struct column *col, *colList = getColumns(conn, raName, gh->patDb);
for(chrom = fs->chromList; chrom; chrom = chrom->next)
int chromX = chrom->x, chromY = chrom->y;
vgSetClip(vg, chromX, chromY+yOff, chrom->width, chrom->height);
vgBox(vg, chromX, chromY+yOff , chrom->width, chrom->height, MG_WHITE);
start = 0;
for (col = colList; col != NULL; col = col->next)
if (col->on)
offset = atof(col->cellOffsetVal(col));
reverseColor = atoi(col->cellColorReverseVal(col));
if (reverseColor == -1)
maxVal = reverseColor*(atof(col->cellMinVal(col, conn)) + offset);
minVal = reverseColor*(atof(col->cellMaxVal(col, conn)) + offset);
minVal = atof(col->cellMinVal(col, conn)) + offset;
maxVal = atof(col->cellMaxVal(col, conn)) + offset;
minCutVal = col->cellMinCutVal(col, conn);
maxCutVal = col->cellMaxCutVal(col, conn);
/* double color: consistant with the scale of microarray data display */
if ((minVal<0) && (maxVal>0))
double md = max(fabs(minVal), maxVal) ;
colorScale = COLOR_SCALE / md;
/* single color */
colorScale = COLOR_SCALE / (maxVal - minVal);
struct slName *sl = NULL;
for (sl = gh->sampleList; sl ; sl = sl->next)
int orderId = hashIntValDefault(gh->sampleOrder, sl->name, -1);
if (orderId == -1)
id = slNameNew(getId(conn, labTable, key, sl->name, value));
char *cellVal = col->cellVal(col, id, conn);
valCol = MG_GRAY;
if (cellVal)
val = atof(cellVal) ;
if (minCutVal)
if (val < atof(minCutVal))
if (maxCutVal)
if (val> atof(maxCutVal))
absVal = fabs(val);
absVal = reverseColor *( absVal +offset);
/* double color: consistant with the scale of microarray data display */
int colorIndex ;
if ((minVal<0) && (maxVal>0))
colorIndex = (int)((absVal) * (EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1.0) * colorScale);
colorIndex = (int)((absVal-minVal) * (EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1.0) * colorScale);
/* Clip color index to fit inside of array, since we may have brightened it. */
if (colorIndex < 0) colorIndex = 0;
if (colorIndex >= EXPR_DATA_SHADES)
colorIndex = EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1;
if (!reverse)
if(val >= 0.0)
valCol = shadesOfYellow[colorIndex];
valCol = shadesOfGreen[colorIndex];
if(val <= 0.0)
valCol = shadesOfYellow[colorIndex];
valCol = shadesOfGreen[colorIndex];
int w = pixelsPerBase;
int h = experimentHeight();
int x = pixelsPerBase * start + chromX;
int y = chromY + yOff + orderId * h;
vgBox(vg, x, y, w, h, valCol);
void drawSubgroups(struct vGfx *vg, char *chromHeatmap,
struct genoLay *fs, int yOff)
/* Draw features to right of chromosomes in layout at given
* y offset and height. */
if (!fs)
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(ghHash, chromHeatmap);
struct genoHeatmap *gh =NULL;
if (el)
gh = el->val;
errAbort("no heatmap %s\n", chromHeatmap);
char *raName = gh->raFile;
int subsetNum = cartUsualInt(cart, hghSubgroupNum, hghSubgroupDefaultNum);
/* This is the key function to call for subgrouping */
struct slName **ptSubsets = getSubsets(gh, subsetNum, raName );
if (!ptSubsets)
int i;
for (i=0; i< subsetNum; i++)
if (!ptSubsets[i])
int subset =0;
Color valCol;
struct genoLayChrom *chrom;
char *sample;
for(chrom = fs->chromList; chrom ; chrom = chrom->next,subset++)
struct slName *subSampleList = ptSubsets[subset];
int chromX = chrom->x, chromY = chrom->y;
vgSetClip(vg, chromX, chromY+yOff, chrom->width, chrom->height);
vgBox(vg, chromX, chromY+yOff , chrom->width, chrom->height, MG_WHITE);
struct slName *sl = NULL;
for (sl = gh->sampleList; sl ; sl = sl->next)
sample = sl->name;
int orderId = hashIntValDefault(gh->sampleOrder, sample, -1);
if (orderId == -1)
if (slNameInList( subSampleList, sample))
valCol = advFilterColor (subset);
int w = chrom->width;
int h = experimentHeight();
int x = chromX;
int y = chromY + yOff + orderId * h;
vgBox(vg, x, y, w, h, valCol);
for (subset=0; subset < subsetNum; subset++)
void genomeGif(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct genoLay *gl,
char *psOutput)
/* Create genome GIF file and HT that includes it. */
struct hvGfx *vg;
struct tempName gifTn;
Color shadesOfGray[10];
int maxShade = ArraySize(shadesOfGray)-1;
int drawChroms = sameString(displayType(), "chromosome");
/*TODO: change code to use a better genoLay strategy */
int totalW = selectedHeatmapWidth();
int totalH = selectedHeatmapHeight(gl);
if (psOutput)
vg = hvGfxOpenPostScript(totalW, totalH, psOutput);
/* Create gif file and make reference to it in html. */
trashDirFile(&gifTn, "hgh", "ideo", ".gif");
- vg = hvGfxOpenGif(totalW, totalH, gifTn.forCgi);
+ vg = hvGfxOpenGif(totalW, totalH, gifTn.forCgi, FALSE);
hPrintf("<INPUT TYPE=IMAGE SRC=\"%s\" BORDER=1 WIDTH=%d HEIGHT=%d NAME=\"%s\">",
gifTn.forHtml, totalW, totalH, hghClick);
struct genoHeatmap *gh= NULL;
struct slRef *ref= NULL;
char *db, *tableName=NULL;
float colorCutoff = hghProbCutoff;
geneSetsChromLayout (allGeneSets); // consider rewriting to reset gl ,and remove layout info from genesets
int totalYOff = 0;
int offset=0;
for (ref = ghList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
boolean notDraw = FALSE;
gh= ref->val;
db = gh->database;
tableName = gh->name;
if (!drawChroms && differentWord(gh->dataType,"bed 15"))
/* Draw dataset label */
totalYOff += hghBetweenRowPad;
struct trackLayout tl; /* Dimensions of things, fonts, etc. */
trackLayoutInit(&tl, cart);
int labelPad =tl.fontHeight+10;
hvGfxTextCentered(vg,0,totalYOff,gl->picWidth, labelPad, MG_BLACK,gl->font,gh->shortLabel);
totalYOff += labelPad;
/* draw heatmap */
if (drawChroms)
offset = totalYOff;
if (sameWord(gh->dataType,"bed 15"))
drawChromHeatmapsByPixel(vg->vg, db, gl, tableName,
offset , TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
else if (sameWord(gh->dataType,"bed 4"))
drawBedGraph4 (vg->vg, db, gl, tableName,
offset, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
else if (sameWord(gh->dataType,"bed 5"))
drawBedGraph5 (vg->vg, db, gl, tableName,
offset, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
else if (sameWord(gh->dataType,"chromGraph"))
drawChromGraphSimple (vg->vg, db, gl, tableName,
offset, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
notDraw = TRUE;
/* draw the analysis results */
if (gh->anaResult)
offset += heatmapHeight(gh)+hghBetweenRowPad;
drawHgStats (vg->vg, gh->anaResult->stats, gl, offset,
0, gh->anaResult->max, colorCutoff);
struct hash *geneHash = NULL;
getChromHeatmapHash(&geneHash, db, gh->probeTable,
tableName, NULL, allGeneSets);
offset = totalYOff;
if (sameWord(gh->platform, "SNP"))
drawGeneSetHeatmapsByPixelSNP(vg->vg, db, gl, tableName, offset,
allGeneSets, geneHash, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
drawGeneSetHeatmapsByPixel(vg->vg, db, gl, tableName, offset,
allGeneSets, geneHash, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
/* draw gene labels if there is enough horizontal space*/
if (sameWord(gh->dataType,"bed 15"))
offset += heatmapHeight(gh);
if (ifDrawGeneLabels())
drawGeneLabels(vg->vg, gl, tableName,allGeneSets, geneHash, offset);
offset += hghGeneLabelHeight;
/* draw analysis results */
int isBlockStat = cartUsualBoolean(cart, hghPerformBlockStats, 0);
if (gh->anaResultHash)
offset += hghBetweenRowPad;
drawGeneSetHgStats(vg->vg, gh->anaResultHash->hash, gl, offset,
allGeneSets, 0, 3, colorCutoff, isBlockStat, tableName, geneHash);
/* generate a new gl that is only for the panel of the heatmap */
struct genoLay *newGl=AllocA(struct genoLay);
newGl->picWidth = gl->picWidth;
newGl->picHeight = heatmapHeight(gh);
newGl->font = gl->font;
struct genoLayChrom *newChrom = AllocA(struct genoLayChrom);
struct genoLayChrom *chrom = gl->chromList;
newChrom->next = NULL;
newChrom->y = totalYOff;
newChrom->x = chrom->x;
newChrom->width = gl->picWidth;
newChrom->height = heatmapHeight(gh);
newGl->chromList = newChrom;
/* GenoLay area for subgroup labeling */
struct genoLay *subGl = subgroupLayout (gh,newGl);
if (!subGl)
subGl = defaultLayoutH (newGl, 0, 0);
/* draw subgroup color lable */
if (gotAdvFilter(gh->patDb))
drawSubgroups(vg->vg, tableName, subGl, 0);
/* GenoLay area for feature sorter */
struct genoLay *fs = featureLayout(gh, subGl);
if (!fs)
fs = defaultLayoutH (subGl, 0, 0);
/* draw feature sorter */
if (sameWord(gh->dataType,"bed 15"))
drawFeatures(vg->vg, tableName, fs, 0, FALSE);
/* GenoLay area for track control */
if (sameWord(gh->dataType,"bed 15"))
struct genoLay *pad = defaultLayoutH (fs, hghBetweenVPad,heatmapHeight(gh));
struct genoLay *tc = defaultLayoutH (pad, hghTrackContrlBar,heatmapHeight(gh));
/* draw track control bar */
if (tc && tc->chromList)
int x = tc->chromList->x;
int y = tc->chromList->y;
vgBox(vg->vg,x,y,tc->picWidth, tc->picHeight,MG_GRAY);
/* Draw Feature label */
if (ifDrawFeatureLabel(ref,ref->next))
struct genoLay *fsL = defaultLayoutV(fs, fs->picWidth, hghFeatureLabel);
drawFeatureLabel(tableName, fsL ,vg->vg, MG_BLACK);
/* Set totalYOff */
if (ifDrawFeatureLabel(ref,ref->next))
totalYOff += heatmapFullHeightWithLabels(gh);
totalYOff += heatmapFullHeight(gh);
/* Draw meta analysis result */
if (drawChroms)
if (ghMetaResult)
totalYOff += hghBetweenRowPad;
offset = totalYOff;
drawHgStats (vg->vg, ghMetaResult->stats, gl, offset,
0, ghMetaResult->max, colorCutoff);
totalYOff += hghBed5Height;
if (ghMetaResultHash)
totalYOff += hghBetweenRowPad;
offset = totalYOff;
int isBlockStat = cartUsualBoolean(cart, hghPerformBlockStats, 0);
drawGeneSetHgStats(vg->vg, ghMetaResultHash->hash, gl, offset,
allGeneSets, 0, 3, colorCutoff, isBlockStat,
/* gene lables for meta analysis */
offset += hghBed5Height;
if (ifDrawGeneLabels())
drawGeneLabels(vg->vg, gl, tableName, allGeneSets, ghMetaResultHash->hash, offset);
totalYOff += hghBed5Height;
/* Finally, draw the labels and then the chromosomes below gl */
if (drawChroms)
/* Get our grayscale. */
hMakeGrayShades(vg, shadesOfGray, maxShade);
genoLayDrawChromLabels(gl, vg, MG_BLACK);
genoLayDrawBandedChroms(gl, vg, database, conn,
shadesOfGray, maxShade, MG_BLACK);
drawGeneSetBands(gl, allGeneSets, vg, MG_BLACK);
drawGeneSetLabels(gl, allGeneSets, vg, MG_BLACK);
void geneSetDetailGif(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct genoLay *gl,
char *psOutput)
/* Create geneset heatmap, PCA, and feature display GIF file and HT that includes it. */
struct hvGfx *vg;
struct tempName gifTn;
Color shadesOfGray[10];
int maxShade = ArraySize(shadesOfGray)-1;
int yOffset = 2*SMALL_SPACING;
int totalYOff = 0;
struct genoHeatmap *gh= NULL;
struct slRef *ref= NULL;
char *db, *tableName;
ref = ghList;
if (ref == NULL)
gh = ref->val;
/* Get geneSets info */
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(gsHash, geneSetGroup());
if (!el)
struct genoLay *gsl = gsDetailLayout(conn, gl);
struct sqlConnection *pathwayDbConn = getPathwayDbConn();
struct geneSet *gs;
/* Draw geneset heatmaps. */
for (gs = allGeneSets; gs; gs = gs->next)
trashDirFile(&gifTn, "hgh", "ideo", ".gif");
int totalH=gsl->picHeight;
int totalW=gsl->picWidth;
totalW = totalW + cartUsualInt(cart, hghFeatureWidth, hgFeatureDefaultPixWidth);
totalW = totalW + hghBetweenVPad + hghSubgroupDefaultPixWidth;
totalW = totalW + hghBetweenVPad + hghTrackContrlBar + hghBetweenVPad;
- vg = hvGfxOpenGif(totalW, totalH, gifTn.forCgi);
+ vg = hvGfxOpenGif(totalW, totalH, gifTn.forCgi, FALSE);
/* Get our grayscale. */
hMakeGrayShades(vg, shadesOfGray, maxShade);
hPrintf("<INPUT TYPE=IMAGE SRC=\"%s\" BORDER=1 WIDTH=%d HEIGHT=%d NAME=\"%s\">",
gifTn.forHtml, totalW, totalH, hghClick);
gsl->pixelsPerBase = (double) gsl->picWidth / (double) gs->numGenes;
totalYOff = 0;
for (ref = ghList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
gh = ref->val;
if (differentWord(gh->dataType,"bed 15"))
//draw dataset label
totalYOff += hghBetweenRowPad ;
struct trackLayout tl; /* Dimensions of things, fonts, etc. */
trackLayoutInit(&tl, cart);
int labelPad =tl.fontHeight+10;
hvGfxTextCentered(vg,0,totalYOff,gl->picWidth, labelPad, MG_BLACK,gl->font,gh->shortLabel);
totalYOff += labelPad;
db = gh->database;
tableName = gh->name;
char *probeAliases = gh->probeTable;
struct hash *geneHash = NULL;
getChromHeatmapHash(&geneHash, db, probeAliases,tableName, NULL, gs);
geneSetOneRowLayout(gs, geneHash, 2);
if (sameWord(gh->platform, "SNP"))
drawGeneSetHeatmapByPixel(vg, db, gsl, gs, geneHash, tableName,
totalYOff + yOffset, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
drawGeneSetHeatmapByPixel(vg, db, gsl, gs, geneHash, tableName,
totalYOff + yOffset, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
drawPCAPlot(vg->vg, db, gs, geneHash, tableName, totalYOff + yOffset);
/* generate a new gl that is only for the specific panel of the heatmap gh */
/* TODO */
struct genoLay *newGl=AllocA(struct genoLay);
newGl->picWidth = gsl->picWidth;
newGl->picHeight = heatmapHeight(gh);
newGl->font = gsl->font;
struct genoLayChrom *newChrom = AllocA(struct genoLayChrom);
struct genoLayChrom *chrom = gsl->chromList;
newChrom->next = NULL;
newChrom->y = totalYOff;
newChrom->x = chrom->x;
newChrom->width = gsl->picWidth;
newChrom->height = heatmapHeight(gh);
newGl->chromList = newChrom;
/* GenoLay area for subgroup labeling */
struct genoLay *subGl = subgroupLayout (gh,newGl);
if (!subGl)
subGl = defaultLayoutH (newGl, 0, 0);
/* draw subgroup color lable */
// if (gotAdvFilter(theDataset,gh->patDb))
// drawSubgroups(vg->vg, tableName, subGl, 0);
/* GenoLay area for feature sorter */
struct genoLay *fs = featureLayout(gh, subGl);
if (!fs)
fs = defaultLayoutH (subGl, 0, 0);
/* draw feature sorter */
if (sameWord(gh->dataType,"bed 15"))
drawFeatures(vg->vg, tableName, fs, 0, FALSE);
/* GenoLay area for track control */
struct genoLay *pad = defaultLayoutH (fs, hghBetweenVPad,heatmapHeight(gh));
struct genoLay *tc = defaultLayoutH (pad, hghTrackContrlBar,heatmapHeight(gh));
/* draw track control bar */
if (tc && tc->chromList)
int x = tc->chromList->x;
int y = tc->chromList->y;
vgBox(vg->vg,x,y,tc->picWidth, tc->picHeight,MG_GRAY);
/*draw Feature label */
if (ifDrawFeatureLabel(ref,ref->next))
totalYOff +=heatmapFullHeightWithLabels(gh);
totalYOff += heatmapFullHeight(gh);
void setupDataAfterMainInterface()
/* set up gene sets, only apply to gene set display mode */
if (sameWord(displayType(),"gene set"))
if (cartVarExists(cart,hghGeneSetZoomOut))
cartRemove(cart, hghSelectedPathway);
char *pathwayNames = getGeneSetMembers();
char *previousPathways = cartUsualString(cart, "previous pathways", "");
if (pathwayNames && differentWord(pathwayNames,previousPathways))
cartRemove(cart, hghSelectedPathway);
cartSetString(cart, "previous pathways", pathwayNames);
allGeneSets = getAllGeneSets();
void graphDropdown(char *varName, char *curVal, char *js)
//void graphDropdown(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *varName, char *curVal, char *js)
/* Make a drop-down with available chrom graphs */
char **menu, **values;
int totalCount;
if ( sameWord(varName,hghDataSet))
/* build set hash */
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(database);
struct hash *hash = newHash(0);
char *datasetRaName = dataSetRaName();
struct hash *raList = readRa(datasetRaName), *raHash = NULL;
struct hashEl *el = NULL;
for (raHash = raList; raHash != NULL; raHash = raHash->next)
el = hashLookup(raHash,"group");
if (el)
struct slName *groups = slNameListFromComma(el->val);
struct slName *group;
for (group = groups; group; group= group->next)
if (hashLookup(hash, group->name))
if (hashLookup(raHash,"hide"))
el = hashLookup(raHash,"name");
if (sqlTableExists(conn, (char *) el->val))
hashAdd(hash, group->name, NULL);
/* use group hash to build menu */
totalCount = hash->elCount+1;
AllocArray(menu, totalCount);
AllocArray(values, totalCount);
menu[0]=values[0]="select from the drop down list";
struct hashEl *elList = hashElListHash(hash);
int i =1;
for (el= elList; el; el= el->next)
menu[i]=values[i] = el->name;
/* free memory */
else if ( sameWord(varName, hghDisplayType))
totalCount = 2;
AllocArray(menu, totalCount);
AllocArray(values, totalCount);
menu[0]=values[0] = "chromosome";
menu[1]=values[1] = "gene set";
else if ( sameWord(varName, hghGeneSetGroup))
int realCount =0;
if (sameString(displayType(),"gene set"))
realCount = slCount(gsList);
if (realCount==0)
totalCount =1;
totalCount = realCount +1;
AllocArray(menu, totalCount);
AllocArray(values, totalCount);
if (realCount ==0)
menu[0]="no pathways in chromosome mode";
struct geneSetGroup *gs;
int i = 0;
for (gs = gsList; gs != NULL; gs = gs->next)
menu[i] = gs->shortLabel;
values[i] = gs->name;
menu[i]=values[i]="User Defined";
if (sameString(curVal, ""))
{ /* Hack to set a default gene set when userswitches from
* 'chromosome' to 'gene set' -- Without this hack, switching leaves
* hghGeneSetGroup set to "" and a blank heatmap drawn */
curVal = cloneString(values[0]);
cartSetString(cart, hghGeneSetGroup, curVal);
cgiMakeDropListFull(varName, menu, values, totalCount, curVal, js);
static void addThresholdHeatmapCarries(struct dyString *dy)
/* Add javascript that carries over threshold and graph vars
* to new form. */
jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, hghDataSet);
static void addDisplayTypeCarry(struct dyString *dy)
/* Add javascript that carriers over display type to new form */
jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, hghDisplayType);
static void addGeneSetGroupCarry(struct dyString *dy)
/* Add javascript that carriers over display type to new form */
jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, hghGeneSetGroup);
static struct dyString *onChangeStart()
/* Return common prefix to onChange javascript string */
struct dyString *dy = jsOnChangeStart();
return dy;
/* static char *onChangeClade() */
/* Return javascript executed when they change clade. */
struct dyString *dy = onChangeStart();
jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, "clade");
dyStringAppend(dy, ";");
dyStringAppend(dy, " document.hiddenForm.db.value=0;");
return jsOnChangeEnd(&dy);
/* Return javascript executed when they change organism. */
static char *onChangeOrg()
struct dyString *dy = onChangeStart();
jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, "clade");
jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, "org");
dyStringAppend(dy, " document.hiddenForm.db.value=0;");
return jsOnChangeEnd(&dy);
static char *onChangeSelection()
struct dyString *dy = onChangeStart();
return jsOnChangeEnd(&dy);
static void saveOnChangeOtherFunction()
/* Write out Javascript function to save vars in hidden
* form and submit. */
struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, "clade");
jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, "org");
jsDropDownCarryOver(dy, "db");
char *js = jsOnChangeEnd(&dy);
chopSuffixAt(js, '"');
hPrintf("function changeOther()\n");
hPrintf("if (!submitted)\n");
hPrintf("%s\n", js);
// static char *onChangeOther()
/* Return javascript executed when they change database. */
/* {
return "onChange=\"changeOther();\"";
boolean renderGraphic(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *psOutput)
/* draw just the graphic */
struct genoLay *gl;
boolean result = FALSE;
if (ghList != NULL)
/* Get genome layout. This can fail so it is wrapped in an error
* catcher. */
struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
gl = ggLayout(conn);
/* Draw picture. Enclose in table to add a couple of pixels between
* it and controls on IE. */
// TODO: come up with details page and perform, uncomment below line to draw PCA plots
// geneSetDetailGif(conn, gl, psOutput);
genomeGif(conn, gl, psOutput);
result = TRUE;
if (errCatch->gotError)
hPrintf("<BR>No graph data is available. Use the drop down list or the configuration buttom to select a data set.");
return result;
void handlePostscript(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Deal with Postscript output. */
struct tempName psTn;
char *pdfFile = NULL;
trashDirFile(&psTn, "hgh", "hgh", ".eps");
cartWebStart(cart, database, "%s Genome Heatmaps", genome);
printf("<H1>PostScript/PDF Output</H1>\n");
printf("PostScript images can be printed at high resolution "
"and edited by many drawing programs such as Adobe "
boolean result = renderGraphic(conn, psTn.forCgi);
if (result)
printf("<A HREF=\"%s\">Click here</A> "
"to download the current browser graphic in PostScript. ", psTn.forCgi);
pdfFile = convertEpsToPdf(psTn.forCgi);
if(pdfFile != NULL)
printf("<BR><BR>PDF can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader.<BR>\n");
printf("<A TARGET=_blank HREF=\"%s\">Click here</A> "
"to download the current browser graphic in PDF.", pdfFile);
printf("<BR><BR>PDF format not available");
void mainPage(struct sqlConnection *conn)
/* Do main page of application: hotlinks bar, controls, graphic. */
char *scriptName = "/cgi-bin/hgHeatmap";
cartWebStart(cart, database, "UCSC Cancer Genome Heatmaps");
/* Start form and save session var. */
hPrintf("<FORM ACTION=\"..%s\" NAME=\"mainForm\" METHOD=POST>\n", scriptName);
/* Write some javascript functions */
/* Print clade, genome and assembly line. */
//boolean gotClade = hGotClade();
//char *jsOther = onChangeOther();
if (gotClade)
printCladeListHtml(hGenome(database), onChangeClade());
printGenomeListForCladeHtml(database, onChangeOrg());
printGenomeListHtml(database, onChangeOrg());
database ="hg18";
//printAssemblyListHtml(database, onChangeSelection());
hPrintf("<B>Genome:</B> Hg18");
/* Show data set selector. */
char *curVal = dataSetName();
graphDropdown (hghDataSet, curVal, onChangeSelection()); //jsOnChangeEnd(&dy)); //jsOther);
/* Display mode. */
hPrintf("<B>display by:</B>\n");
curVal = displayType();
graphDropdown(hghDisplayType, curVal, onChangeSelection()) ;//jsOther);
/* Show display mode specific data */
curVal = geneSetGroup();
graphDropdown(hghGeneSetGroup, curVal, onChangeSelection());//jsOther);
cgiMakeButton(hghConfigure, "configure");
if (sameWord(displayType(),"gene set") && cartUsualString(cart, hghSelectedPathway, NULL))
cgiMakeButton(hghGeneSetZoomOut, "zoom out");
if (DEBUG)
//draw check box
char varName[128];
safef(varName, sizeof(varName), "%s.vis", hghScoreOutput);
boolean isOutput = cartUsualBoolean(cart, varName, FALSE);
hPrintf("Score all, Output");
cgiMakeCheckBox(varName, isOutput);
//gene or pathway
safef(varName, sizeof(varName), "%s", hghScoreTypeOutput);
char *menu[3];
char *type= cartUsualString(cart, varName, "");
cgiMakeDropList(varName, menu, 3, type);
hPrintf("<TABLE CELLPADDING=2><TR><TD>\n");
boolean result = renderGraphic(conn, NULL);
if (result)
/* Write a little click-on-help */
if (sameWord(displayType(), "chromosome"))
hPrintf("<i>Click on a chromosome to open Genome Browser at that position.</i><BR>");
if (sameWord(displayType(), "gene set"))
hPrintf("<B>A user defined gene set / pathway.</B> \
Enter comma separated gene identifiers. Example: ERBB2,ESR1,AKT1");
char *varText = cartUsualString(cart, hghUserGeneList, "");
cgiMakeTextArea(hghUserGeneList, varText, 1, 80);
if (sameWord(displayType(), "gene set"))
hPrintf("<B>Enter specific pathway names.</B> Example: BRCA_ER_POS,h_her2Pathway");
char *varText = cartUsualString(cart, hghUserGeneSetList, "");
cgiMakeTextArea(hghUserGeneSetList, varText, 1, 80);
if (DEBUG)
hPrintf("<B>only be used for DEBUGGING purpose</B> Display only these patients in the following order, format is comma-seperated patient list.\
Example: 1001,1002");
char *varText = cartUsualString(cart, hghDebugUserPatList , "");
cgiMakeTextArea(hghDebugUserPatList, varText, 1, 80);
if (DEBUG)
hPrintf("<B>only be used for DBUGGING purpose</B> Display only these samples in the following order</B>, format is comma-seperated sample list.\
Example: 209389,209515");
char *varText = cartUsualString(cart, hghDebugUserSpList , "");
cgiMakeTextArea(hghDebugUserSpList, varText, 2, 80);
/* Hidden form - fo the benefit of javascript. */
/* Copy over both the regular, non-changing variables, and
* also all the source/color pairs that depend on the
* configuration. */
static char *regularVars[] = {
"clade", "org", "db", hghHeatmap, hghDataSet, hghDisplayType, hghGeneSetGroup
int regularCount = ArraySize(regularVars);
jsCreateHiddenForm(cart, scriptName, regularVars, regularCount);