src/hg/instinct/hgHeatmap2/hgAnnotations.c 1.11
1.11 2009/08/19 23:00:18 angie
Added option to mgSaveToGif and its call stack, to use GIF's Graphic Control Extension to make memgfx's background color (0) transparent. Also corrected terminology for PNG in .h files: useAlpha -> useTransparency.
Index: src/hg/instinct/hgHeatmap2/hgAnnotations.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/instinct/hgHeatmap2/hgAnnotations.c,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.10 -r1.11
--- src/hg/instinct/hgHeatmap2/hgAnnotations.c 4 Jun 2009 03:50:36 -0000 1.10
+++ src/hg/instinct/hgHeatmap2/hgAnnotations.c 19 Aug 2009 23:00:18 -0000 1.11
@@ -1,839 +1,839 @@
/* Copyright 2007-2009 -- The Regents of the University of California */
/* hgAnnotations.c
* Work in progress -- to draw small region to full genome annotation tracks (i.e. RefSeq)
* in concise space.
#define COLOR_SCALE 1
#include <limits.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "cart.h"
#include "vGfx.h"
#include "hvGfx.h"
#include "hCommon.h"
#include "hdb.h"
#include "hgHeatmap2.h"
#include "heatmapUtility.h"
#include "cytoBand.h"
#include "hCytoBand.h"
static char const rcsid[] = "$Id$";
static char *heatMapDbProfile = "localDb"; // database profile to use
struct bed *getTable(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *tableName, char *chromName)
char **row = NULL;
char query[256];
if (chromName)
safef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s where chrom = \"%s\"",
tableName, chromName);
safef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from %s", tableName);
if (!sqlExists(conn, query))
return NULL;
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
struct bed *tuple = NULL;
struct bed *tupleList = NULL;
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
struct genePred *gp = genePredLoad(row+1);
tuple = bedFromGenePred(gp);
slAddHead(&tupleList, tuple);
return tupleList;
int hmPixelCmpCount(const void *va, const void *vb)
/* Compare to sort columns based on priority. */
const struct hmPixel *a = *((struct hmPixel **)va);
const struct hmPixel *b = *((struct hmPixel **)vb);
float dif = a->count - b->count;
if (dif < 0)
return -1;
else if (dif > 0)
return 1;
return 0;
void addHmPixel(struct hmPixel **hmList, struct hash *pixelHash,
char mod, double x1, double x2, int pStart, int y, int h)
/* calculate starting position and width of box to draw */
int x = round(x1) + pStart;
int w = round(x2) - round(x1);
if (w == 0)
w = 1;
char pixelStr[32];
safef(pixelStr, sizeof(pixelStr), "%d,%c", x, mod);
struct hmPixel *hm;
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(pixelHash, pixelStr);
if (!el)
hm = AllocA(struct hmPixel);
hm->x = x;
hm->y = y;
hm->w = w;
hm->h = h;
hm->val = 0.0;
hm->count = 0;
slAddHead(hmList, hm);
hashAdd(pixelHash, pixelStr, hm);
hm = el->val;
if (w > hm->w)
hm->w = w;
hm->count += 1;
void drawTable(struct vGfx *vg, struct heatmapLay *hl,
char *db, char *tableName, int height)
/* Draw chromosome graph on all chromosomes in layout at given
* y offset and height. */
if (!hl)
/* get remote database connection */
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn(db);
struct bed *nb, *ghBed = NULL;
double pixPerBase = 1.0/hl->basesPerPixel;
Color upShades[EXPR_DATA_SHADES];
static struct rgbColor zeroColor = {0, 0, 0}; // black
static struct rgbColor highColor = {255, 0, 0}; // red
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &zeroColor, &highColor, EXPR_DATA_SHADES, upShades);
struct hash *pixelHash = hashNew(0);
struct hmPixel *hm, *hmList = NULL;
struct hmElement *hEl;
for(hEl = hl->elements; hEl; hEl = hEl->next)
ghBed = getTable(conn, tableName, hEl->name);
if (!ghBed)
struct bed *filterList =
bedFilterListInRange(ghBed, NULL, hEl->name, hEl->baseStart, hEl->baseEnd);
int pStart = hEl->pixelStart;
int baseStart = hEl->baseStart;
for(nb = filterList; nb; nb = nb->next)
int cStart = nb->chromStart;
int cEnd = nb->chromEnd;
double x1, x2;
int baseline = cStart - baseStart;
x1 = pixPerBase * (double) (cStart - baseStart);
x2 = pixPerBase * (double) (cEnd - baseStart);
if ( (x2 - x1) > 2.0)
{ /* width > two pixels, attempt to draw exon/utr structure
* similar to genome browser */
addHmPixel(&hmList, pixelHash, 'i', x1, x2, pStart, 4, 1);
int tStart = nb->thickStart - nb->chromStart;
int tEnd = nb->thickEnd - nb->chromStart;
int i, bStart, bEnd;
for (i = 0; i < nb->blockCount; i++)
bStart = nb->chromStarts[i];
bEnd = bStart + nb->blockSizes[i];
if (bStart < tStart)
{ /* 5' utr region */
x1 = pixPerBase * (double) (bStart + baseline);
if (bEnd < tStart)
x2 = pixPerBase * (double) (bEnd + baseline);
x2 = pixPerBase * (double) (tStart + baseline);
addHmPixel(&hmList, pixelHash, 'u', x1, x2, pStart, 2, 5);
if (bEnd > tEnd)
{ /* coding region inside single block */
x1 = pixPerBase * (double) (tStart + baseline);
x2 = pixPerBase * (double) (tEnd + baseline);
addHmPixel(&hmList, pixelHash, 'c', x1, x2, pStart, 0, 9);
x1 = pixPerBase * (double) (tEnd + baseline);
x2 = pixPerBase * (double) (bEnd + baseline);
addHmPixel(&hmList, pixelHash, 'u', x1, x2, pStart, 2, 5);
else if (bEnd > tStart)
{ /* coding region downstream of 5' utr */
x1 = pixPerBase * (double) (tStart + baseline);
x2 = pixPerBase * (double) (bEnd + baseline);
addHmPixel(&hmList, pixelHash, 'c', x1, x2, pStart, 0, 9);
else if (bEnd > tEnd)
{ /* 3' utr region */
if (bStart > tEnd)
x1 = pixPerBase * (double) (bStart + baseline);
x1 = pixPerBase * (double) (tEnd + baseline);
x2 = pixPerBase * (double) (bEnd + baseline);
addHmPixel(&hmList, pixelHash, 'u', x1, x2, pStart, 2, 5);
if (bStart < tEnd)
{ /* coding region upstream of 3' utr */
x1 = pixPerBase * (double) (bStart + baseline);
x2 = pixPerBase * (double) (tEnd + baseline);
addHmPixel(&hmList, pixelHash, 'c', x1, x2, pStart, 0, 9);
{ /* block is all coding region, no utr */
x1 = pixPerBase * (double) (bStart + baseline);
x2 = pixPerBase * (double) (bEnd + baseline);
addHmPixel(&hmList, pixelHash, 'c', x1, x2, pStart, 0, 9);
{ /* width < 2 pixels -- gene too dense, so just draw one large block */
x1 = pixPerBase * (double) (cStart - baseStart);
x2 = pixPerBase * (double) (cEnd - baseStart);
addHmPixel(&hmList, pixelHash, 'f', x1, x2, pStart, 0, 9);
if (!hmList) // nothing to draw.
slSort(&hmList, hmPixelCmpCount);
struct hmPixel *last = slLastEl(hmList);
int maxVal = last->count;
Color valCol;
for (hm = hmList; hm ; hm = hm->next)
double val = (double) hm->count / (double) maxVal;
int colorIndex = (int)(val * (EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1.0) );
/* Clip color index to fit inside of array, since we may have brightened it. */
if (colorIndex < 0) colorIndex = 0;
if (colorIndex >= EXPR_DATA_SHADES)
colorIndex = EXPR_DATA_SHADES-1;
valCol = upShades[colorIndex];
vgBox(vg, hm->x, hm->y, hm->w, hm->h, valCol);
char *annotationGif(struct heatmapLay *hl, char *tableName)
/* Create genome GIF file and HT that includes it. */
if (!hl || !tableName)
return NULL;
struct hvGfx *vg;
char *db = "hg18";
int totalW = hgHeatmapDefaultPixWidth;
int totalH = 10;
if (totalW * totalH == 0)
return NULL;
struct tempName md5Tn;
char *strToHash = cartSettingsString(hgh2Prefix, "annotationGif");
trashDirMD5File(&md5Tn, "hgh", ".gif", strToHash);
off_t size = fileSize(md5Tn.forCgi);
if (!fileExists(md5Tn.forCgi) || (size == 0) || DEBUG_IMG)
- vg = hvGfxOpenGif(totalW, totalH, md5Tn.forCgi);
+ vg = hvGfxOpenGif(totalW, totalH, md5Tn.forCgi, FALSE);
drawTable(vg->vg, hl, db, tableName, totalH);
char *filename = replaceChars(md5Tn.forHtml, "..", "");
return filename;
double basesInScale(double numBases)
double exp = floor(log(numBases)/log(10.0));
if (exp < 0.0)
exp = 0.0;
double divisor = pow(10.0, exp);
double rescaledBases = numBases / divisor;
double maxBases = rescaledBases / 2.0;
double bases = 0.0;
if (maxBases >= 5.0)
bases = 5.0 * divisor;
else if (maxBases >= 2.0)
bases = 2.0 * divisor;
else if (maxBases >= 1.0)
bases = 1.0 * divisor;
else if (maxBases >= 0.5)
bases = 0.5 * divisor;
else if (maxBases >= 0.2)
bases = 0.2 * divisor;
else if (maxBases >= 0.1)
bases = 0.1 * divisor;
bases = floor(bases);
return bases;
struct hash *getCytoBandHash(struct sqlConnection *conn)
if (!sqlTableExists(conn, "cytoBand"))
return NULL;
char **row;
char query[128];
safef(query, sizeof(query), "select * from cytoBand");
struct hash *cbHash = hashNew(0);
struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
struct cytoBand *cb = cytoBandLoad(row);
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(cbHash, cb->chrom);
struct cytoBand *cbList = NULL;
if (el)
cbList = el->val;
slAddTail(&cbList, cb);
if (!el) // add first member of list to hash
hashAdd(cbHash, cb->chrom, cbList);
return cbHash;
void drawIdeogram(struct hvGfx *hvg, struct heatmapLay *hl, int yOff)
if (!hl)
struct vGfx *vg = hvg->vg;
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnProfile(heatMapDbProfile, "hg18");
struct hash *cbHash = getCytoBandHash(conn);
if (!cbHash)
/* Make grayscale for bands */
int maxShade = 9;
Color shadesOfGray[10+1];
static struct rgbColor black = {0, 0, 0};
static struct rgbColor white = {255, 255, 255};
vgMakeColorGradient(vg, &white, &black, 10, shadesOfGray);
shadesOfGray[10] = MG_RED; // to check for overflow, should never see red.
int width = hgHeatmapDefaultPixWidth;
int cytoHeight = 11;
struct hmElement *hEl;
vgSetClip(vg, 0, yOff, width, cytoHeight);
for (hEl = hl->elements; hEl; hEl = hEl->next)
struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(cbHash, hEl->name);
if (!el)
struct cytoBand *cb, *cbList = el->val;
int pixStart = hEl->pixelStart;
int pixEnd = hEl->pixelEnd;
int pixSize = pixEnd - pixStart;
unsigned bStart = hEl->baseStart;
unsigned bEnd = hEl->baseEnd;
unsigned bSize = bEnd - bStart;
double basesPerPixel = (double) bSize / (double) pixSize;
int xBuffer = 0; //Start = pixStart;
if (pixStart == 0)
xBuffer = 1;
/* Draw box around cytoband */
vgBox(vg, pixStart+xBuffer+1, yOff,
pixEnd - (pixStart + xBuffer)-2, 1, MG_BLACK);
vgBox(vg, pixStart+xBuffer+1, yOff + cytoHeight-1,
pixEnd - (pixStart + xBuffer)-2, 1, MG_BLACK);
unsigned minBand = INT_MAX;
unsigned maxBand = 0;
for (cb = cbList; cb; cb = cb->next)
unsigned start = cb->chromStart; // our bases start at 1 TODO: FIX!
unsigned stop = cb->chromEnd;
if ((stop < bStart) || (start > bEnd)) // out of scope
int pStart = round(((double) start - (double) bStart) / basesPerPixel) + pixStart;
if (pStart < pixStart)
pStart = pixStart;
if (pStart <= 0)
pStart = 1;
int pEnd = round(((double) stop - (double) bStart) / basesPerPixel) + pixStart;
if (pEnd >= pixEnd)
pEnd = pixEnd;
Color col = hCytoBandColor(cb, hvg, FALSE, MG_BLACK, MG_WHITE,
shadesOfGray, maxShade);
vgBox(vg, pStart, yOff+1, (pEnd - pStart), cytoHeight-2, col);
Color textCol = hvGfxContrastingColor(hvg, col);
char *pt = cb->name;
int fullWidth = mgFontStringWidth(hl->font, pt);
int shortWidth = mgFontStringWidth(hl->font, pt+1);
if (fullWidth < (pEnd - pStart))
vgTextCentered(vg, pStart, yOff+1, (pEnd - pStart), cytoHeight-2,
textCol, hl->font, pt);
else if (shortWidth < (pEnd - pStart))
vgTextCentered(vg, pStart, yOff+1, (pEnd - pStart), cytoHeight-2,
textCol, hl->font, pt+1);
if (start < minBand)
minBand = start;
if (stop > maxBand)
maxBand = stop;
/* Draw left/right edges, if we see the chromosome edge */
if (minBand == bStart)
vgBox(vg, pixStart+xBuffer, yOff+1, 1, cytoHeight-2, MG_BLACK);
if (maxBand == bEnd)
vgBox(vg, pixEnd-1, yOff+1, 1, cytoHeight-2, MG_BLACK);
for (cb = cbList; cb; cb = cb->next)
/* If centromere do some drawing. */
if(!sameString(cb->gieStain, "acen"))
int cenLeft, cenRight, cenTop, cenBottom;
/* Get the coordinates of the edges of the centromere. */
cenLeft = round(((double) cb->chromStart - (double) bStart) / basesPerPixel) + pixStart;
cenRight = round(((double) cb->next->chromEnd - (double) bStart)/basesPerPixel) + pixStart;
cenTop = yOff+cytoHeight;
cenBottom = yOff;
if (cenLeft < 0 && cenRight < 0)
if (cenLeft > pixEnd || cenRight < pixStart)
/* Draw centromere itself. */
hCytoBandDrawCentromere(hvg, cenLeft, yOff, cenRight - cenLeft,
cytoHeight, MG_WHITE, hCytoBandCentromereColor(hvg));
void drawChromLabels(struct vGfx *vg, struct heatmapLay *hl)
if (!hl)
int width = hl->width;
int labelHeight = hgHeatmapDefaultLabelHeight;
struct hmElement *hEl;
vgSetClip(vg, 0, 0, width, labelHeight);
boolean singleChrom = FALSE;
if (slCount(hl->elements) == 1)
singleChrom = TRUE;
for(hEl = hl->elements; hEl; hEl = hEl->next)
int chromWidth = hEl->pixelEnd - hEl->pixelStart;
int leftX = hEl->pixelStart - 1;
if (leftX < 0)
leftX = 0;
int rightX = hEl->pixelEnd;
if (rightX > width - 1)
rightX = width - 1;
vgBox(vg, leftX, 0, 1, labelHeight, MG_GRAY);
vgBox(vg, rightX, 0, 1, labelHeight, MG_GRAY);
int strWidth;
if (!singleChrom)
char *pt = hEl->name;
strWidth = mgFontStringWidth(hl->font, pt);
if (strWidth < chromWidth)
vgTextCentered(vg, hEl->pixelStart, 0, chromWidth, labelHeight,
MG_BLACK, hl->font, pt);
pt = hEl->name + 3;
strWidth = mgFontStringWidth(hl->font, pt);
if (strWidth < chromWidth)
vgTextCentered(vg, hEl->pixelStart, 0, chromWidth, labelHeight,
MG_BLACK, hl->font, pt);
char str[128];
unsigned long x;
int y = labelHeight/2 - hl->fontHeight/4;
vgText(vg, hEl->pixelStart + 3, y, MG_BLACK, hl->font, hEl->name);
int minX = hEl->pixelStart + mgFontStringWidth(hl->font, hEl->name);
double numBases = hEl->baseEnd - hEl->baseStart;
if (numBases == 1)
safef(str, sizeof(str), "%lu", hEl->baseStart);
strWidth = mgFontStringWidth(hl->font, str);
vgText(vg, hEl->pixelEnd - strWidth, y, MG_BLACK, hl->font, str);
unsigned long tickBases = (unsigned long) ceil(0.5 * basesInScale(numBases));
int tickPixels = round(tickBases/numBases * (double) chromWidth);
if (tickBases == 0)
int buffer = 10;
unsigned long firstX = floor(hEl->baseStart / tickBases) * tickBases;
for (x = firstX; x <= hEl->baseEnd; x += tickBases)
int tickX = round((x - hEl->baseStart + 1) / numBases * (double) chromWidth)
+ hEl->pixelStart;
if (tickX <= minX || tickX > hEl->pixelEnd)
int tickY = labelHeight/2 - hl->fontHeight/2 - 1;
vgBox(vg, tickX, tickY, 1, hl->fontHeight+1, MG_BLACK);
safef(str, sizeof(str), "%lu", x);
strWidth = mgFontStringWidth(hl->font, str);
if ((strWidth < tickPixels - buffer) && (tickX - strWidth > minX + buffer))
vgText(vg, tickX - strWidth - 1, y, MG_BLACK, hl->font, str);
char *genomeLabelsGif(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct heatmapLay *hl)
/* Create genome label GIF file and HT that includes it. */
if (!hl)
return NULL;
struct hvGfx *vg;
int totalW = hgHeatmapDefaultPixWidth;
hl->height = hgHeatmapDefaultLabelHeight * 2;
int totalH = hl->height;
if (totalW * totalH == 0)
return NULL;
struct tempName md5Tn;
char *strToHash = cartSettingsString(hgh2Prefix, "genomeLabelsGif");
trashDirMD5File(&md5Tn, "hgh", ".gif", strToHash);
off_t size = fileSize(md5Tn.forCgi);
if (!fileExists(md5Tn.forCgi) || (size == 0) || DEBUG_IMG)
- vg = hvGfxOpenGif(totalW, totalH, md5Tn.forCgi);
+ vg = hvGfxOpenGif(totalW, totalH, md5Tn.forCgi, FALSE);
drawChromLabels(vg->vg, hl);
drawIdeogram(vg, hl, hgHeatmapDefaultLabelHeight);
char *filename = replaceChars(md5Tn.forHtml, "..", "");
return filename;
int getGenesetLabelHeight(struct heatmapLay *hlList)
int height = hgHeatmapDefaultLabelHeight;
if (!hlList)
return height;
return height;
struct heatmapLay *hl;
for (hl = hlList; hl ; hl = hl->next)
int gsWidth = hl->pixelEnd - hl->pixelStart;
int strWidth = mgFontStringWidth(hl->font, hl->name);
if (strWidth < gsWidth)
/* need to go vertical */
if (height < strWidth + 5)
height = strWidth + 5;
return height;
void drawGenesetLabels(struct vGfx *vg, struct heatmapLay *hlList)
if (!hlList)
int width = hgHeatmapDefaultPixWidth;
int labelHeight = hlList->height;
vgSetClip(vg, 0, 0, width, labelHeight);
struct heatmapLay *hl;
for (hl = hlList; hl ; hl = hl->next)
int gsWidth = hl->pixelEnd - hl->pixelStart;
int leftX = hl->pixelStart - 1;
if (leftX < 0)
leftX = 0;
int rightX = hl->pixelEnd;
if (rightX > width - 1)
rightX = width - 1;
vgBox(vg, leftX, 0, 1, labelHeight, MG_GRAY);
vgBox(vg, rightX, 0, 1, labelHeight, MG_GRAY);
/* Draw geneset label, currently only horizontally, with name cut-off
* if there's not enough room */
vgSetClip(vg, leftX, 0, gsWidth, labelHeight);
int strWidth = mgFontStringWidth(hl->font, hl->name);
if (strWidth < gsWidth)
vgTextCentered(vg, leftX, 0, gsWidth,
labelHeight, MG_BLACK, hlList->font, hl->name);
vgTextCentered(vg, leftX, 0, strWidth,
labelHeight, MG_BLACK, hlList->font, hl->name);
// vgText(vg, hEl->pixelStart + 3, y, MG_BLACK, hl->font, hEl->name);
/* If we decide on going vertical, replace above text with the following:
* int strWidth = mgFontStringWidth(hl->font, hl->name);
* if (strWidth < gsWidth)
* vgTextCentered(vg, leftX, 0, gsWidth,
* labelHeight, MG_BLACK, hlList->font, hl->name);
* else
* verticalTextRight(vg, leftX+1, 0, gsWidth - 2,
* hlList->genesetLabelHeight, MG_BLACK,
* hlList->font, hl->name);
char *genesetLabelsGif(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct heatmapLay *hl)
/* Create genome GIF file and HT that includes it. */
if (!hl)
return NULL;
struct hvGfx *vg;
int totalW = hgHeatmapDefaultPixWidth;
hl->genesetLabelHeight = getGenesetLabelHeight(hl);
hl->height = hl->genesetLabelHeight;
int totalH = hl->height;
if (totalW * totalH == 0)
return NULL;
struct tempName md5Tn;
char *strToHash = cartSettingsString(hgh2Prefix, "genesetLabelsGif");
trashDirMD5File(&md5Tn, "hgh", ".gif", strToHash);
off_t size = fileSize(md5Tn.forCgi);
if (!fileExists(md5Tn.forCgi) || (size == 0) || DEBUG_IMG)
- vg = hvGfxOpenGif(totalW, totalH, md5Tn.forCgi);
+ vg = hvGfxOpenGif(totalW, totalH, md5Tn.forCgi, FALSE);
drawLayoutLines(vg->vg, hl, totalW);
drawGenesetLabels(vg->vg, hl);
char *filename = replaceChars(md5Tn.forHtml, "..", "");
return filename;
double basesInScaleAndString(double numBases, char **scaleStr)
double bases = basesInScale(numBases);
double divisor = 1.0;
char *suffix = NULL;
if (bases == 1.0)
divisor = 1.0;
suffix = "base";
else if (bases < 10.0)
divisor = 1.0;
suffix = "bases";
else if (bases < 1000.0)
divisor = 1.0;
suffix = "bp";
else if (bases < 1000000.0)
divisor = 1000.0;
suffix = "Kb";
else if (bases < 1000000000.0)
divisor = 1000000.0;
suffix = "Mb";
else if (bases < 1000000000000.0)
divisor = 1000000000.0;
suffix = "Gb";
char str[128];
safef(str, sizeof(str), "%d %s", (int) floor(bases/divisor), suffix);
*scaleStr = cloneString(str);
return bases;
void drawGenomeScale(struct vGfx *vg, struct heatmapLay *hl,
int width, int height, double numBases)
char *scaleStr;
double scaleBases = basesInScaleAndString(numBases, &scaleStr);
if (!scaleStr)
vgSetClip(vg, 0, 0, width, height);
vgBox(vg, 0, 0, width, height, MG_WHITE);
int midY = height / 2;
int buffer = 3;
int scaleWidth = round(((double) width) * scaleBases / numBases);
int startX = round((double)width / 2.0) - scaleWidth / 2;
int dashTop = (height - hl->fontHeight)/2;
/* draw line on left/right side */
vgBox(vg, startX, dashTop, 1, hl->fontHeight, MG_BLACK);
vgBox(vg, startX+scaleWidth, dashTop, 1, hl->fontHeight, MG_BLACK);
/* draw line connecting */
vgBox(vg, startX, midY, scaleWidth, 1, MG_BLACK);
int textY = midY - hl->fontHeight/2;
vgTextRight(vg, 0, textY, startX - buffer, hl->fontHeight,
MG_BLACK, hl->font, scaleStr);
char *genomeScaleGif(struct heatmapLay *hl, double numBases)
/* Create genome GIF file and HT that includes it. */
if (!hl || numBases < 1)
return NULL;
int totalW = hgHeatmapDefaultPixWidth;
int totalH = hgDefaultGenomeScalePixHeight;
struct tempName md5Tn;
char *strToHash = cartSettingsString(hgh2Prefix, "genomeScaleGif");
trashDirMD5File(&md5Tn, "hgh", ".gif", strToHash);
off_t size = fileSize(md5Tn.forCgi);
if (!fileExists(md5Tn.forCgi) || (size == 0) || DEBUG_IMG)
- struct hvGfx *vg = hvGfxOpenGif(totalW, totalH, md5Tn.forCgi);
+ struct hvGfx *vg = hvGfxOpenGif(totalW, totalH, md5Tn.forCgi, FALSE);
drawGenomeScale(vg->vg, hl, totalW, totalH, numBases);
char *filename = replaceChars(md5Tn.forHtml, "..", "");
return filename;