src/hg/instinct/lib/hgHeatmapLib.c 1.61

1.61 2009/08/19 22:08:37 jzhu
fix bug find all overlaping probes not just within probes to draw heatmap, summary view
Index: src/hg/instinct/lib/hgHeatmapLib.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/instinct/lib/hgHeatmapLib.c,v
retrieving revision 1.60
retrieving revision 1.61
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.60 -r1.61
--- src/hg/instinct/lib/hgHeatmapLib.c	4 Jun 2009 03:45:52 -0000	1.60
+++ src/hg/instinct/lib/hgHeatmapLib.c	19 Aug 2009 22:08:37 -0000	1.61
@@ -1,2518 +1,2505 @@
 /* Copyright 2007-2009 -- The Regents of the University of California           */
 /* hgHeatmap is a CGI script that produces a web page containing
  * a graphic with all chromosomes in genome, and a heatmap or two
  * on top of them. This module just contains the main routine,
  * the routine that dispatches to various page handlers, and shared
  * utility functions. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "float.h"
 #include "bed.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "hCommon.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "hui.h"
 #include "hgHeatmapLib.h"
 #include "microarray.h"
 #include "ra.h"
 #include "heatmapUtility.h"
 #include "featuresLib.h"
 #include "sortFeatures.h"
 #include "filterFeatures.c"
 #include "hgStatsLib.h"
 #include "cprob.h"
 #include "json.h"
 static char const rcsid[] = "$Id$";
 enum  blockTestType { pca, fisher,weightedZ }  blockTestType;
 char *blockStatTest[3];
 enum  metaTestType { metaTestFisherMeta,metaTestStoufferMeta,metaTestMudholkarMeta,metaTestSymmUniMeta }  metaTestType;
 char *metaStatTest[4];
 static char *heatMapDbProfile = "localDb";  // database profile to use
 struct microarrayGroups *maGroupings(char *database, char *table)
 /* Get the settings from the microarrayGrouop.ra files and put them in a convenient struct. */
 struct microarrayGroups *ret;
 char groupings[strlen(table)+strlen("Groups")+1];
 safef(groupings, sizeof(groupings), "%s%s", table,"Groups");
 char *s = NULL;
 struct hash *allGroups;
 struct hash *mainGroup;
 struct hash *tmpGroup;
 struct hash *hashList; 
 if (groupings == NULL)
     return NULL;
 hashList =  hgReadRa(hGenome(database), database, "hgCgiData", 
 		     "microarrayGroups.ra", &allGroups);
 if (allGroups == NULL)
     return NULL;
 mainGroup = hashMustFindVal(allGroups, groupings);
 s = hashMustFindVal(mainGroup, "all");
 tmpGroup = hashMustFindVal(allGroups, s);
 ret->allArrays = maHashToMaGrouping(tmpGroup);
 return ret;
 struct genoHeatmap *getCustomHeatmap(struct customTrack *ct)
 if (!ct)
     return NULL;
 if (!ct->tdb)
     return NULL;
 /* Connect to database on local host */
 struct genoHeatmap *gh = AllocVar(gh);
 struct trackDb *tdb = ct->tdb;
 gh->database= "customTrash";
 gh->sampleList =NULL;
 gh->sampleOrder = NULL;
 gh->expIdOrder= NULL;
 gh->tDb = tdb;
 gh->custom = TRUE;
 gh->ct = ct;
 /* Setting on heatmap description from datasets.ra file*/
 gh->name = cloneString(ct->dbTableName);
 gh->shortLabel = cloneString(tdb->shortLabel);
 gh->longLabel = cloneString(tdb->longLabel);
 if (sameString(tdb->type, "array") && (ct->fieldCount == 15))
     gh->dataType = cloneString("bed 15");
     gh->dataType = cloneString(tdb->type);
 gh->accessTable = NULL;
 gh->group = "Custom Tracks";
 gh->private = FALSE;
 /* Settings on patient information from datasets.ra file */
 gh->raFile = NULL;
 gh->patDb = NULL;
 gh->patTable = NULL;
 gh->patField = NULL;
 gh->sampleField = NULL;
 gh->displayNameTable = NULL;
 struct hash *tdbHash = trackDbHashSettings(tdb);
 gh->platform = cloneString("expression"); 
 if(hashFindVal(tdbHash, "platformType"))
 	gh->platform = (char *)(hashFindVal(tdbHash, "platformType"));
 // probe table
 if (hashFindVal(tdbHash, "platform"))
 	struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnProfile(heatMapDbProfile, gh->database);
 	/* Settings on gene sets from datasets.ra file */
 	gh->probeTable =(char *)(hashFindVal(tdbHash, "platform"));
 	if (!sqlTableExists(conn, gh->probeTable))
 		gh->probeTable= NULL;
 	gh->probeTable = NULL;
 gh->expScale = 0;
 gh->gainFull = 1.0;
 gh->gainSet = 1.0;
 gh->height = 0;
 if (tdbHash)
     { /* Settings on graphic information from datasets.ra file */
     if (hashFindVal(tdbHash, "expScale"))
 	gh->expScale = atof(((char *) hashFindVal(tdbHash, "expScale")));
     if (hashFindVal(tdbHash, "gainFull"))
 	gh->gainFull = atof(((char *) hashFindVal(tdbHash, "gainFull")));
     if (hashFindVal(tdbHash, "gainSet"))
 	gh->gainSet = atof(((char *) hashFindVal(tdbHash, "gainSet")));
     if (hashFindVal(tdbHash, "height"))
 	gh->height = atoi(((char *) hashFindVal(tdbHash, "height")));
 /* microarray specific settings*/
 if (sameWord(gh->dataType,"bed 15"))
 //    struct microarrayGroups *maGs = maGroupings(gh->database, tableName);
 //    if (!maGs)
 //	return NULL;
     struct maGrouping *	allA = maGetGroupingFromCt(ct);
     gh->expCount = allA->size;
 gh->anaResult = NULL;
 gh->anaResultHash = NULL;
 return gh;
 /* Get heatmap using database, tableName */
 struct genoHeatmap *getHeatmap(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *database, char *tableName, 
 			       struct hash *raHash)
 if (!sqlTableExists(conn, tableName))
     return NULL;
 /* Connect to database on local host */
 struct genoHeatmap *gh = AllocVar(gh);
 gh->database= database;
 gh->sampleList =NULL;
 gh->sampleOrder = NULL;
 gh->expIdOrder= NULL;
 gh->tDb = hMaybeTrackInfo(conn, tableName);
 gh->custom = FALSE;
 /* Setting on heatmap description from datasets.ra file*/
 gh->name = (char *)(hashMustFindVal(raHash, "name"));
 gh->shortLabel = (char *)(hashMustFindVal(raHash, "shortLabel"));
 gh->longLabel = (char *)(hashMustFindVal(raHash, "longLabel"));
 gh->dataType = (char *)(hashMustFindVal(raHash, "dataType"));
 gh->accessTable = (char *)(hashFindVal(raHash, "accessTable"));
 if (!sqlTableExists(conn, gh->accessTable))
     gh->accessTable= NULL;
 gh->url = (char *)(hashFindVal(raHash, "url"));
 gh->group = (char *)(hashFindVal(raHash, "group"));
 /* Settings on patient information from datasets.ra file */
 gh->raFile = (char *)(hashFindVal(raHash, "raFile"));
 gh->patDb =(char *)(hashFindVal(raHash, "patDb"));
 gh->patTable =(char *)(hashFindVal(raHash, "patTable"));
 gh->patField =(char *)(hashFindVal(raHash, "patField"));
 gh->sampleField =(char *)(hashFindVal(raHash, "sampleField"));
 /* Settings on gene sets from datasets.ra file */
 gh->probeTable =(char *)(hashFindVal(raHash, "aliasTable"));
 if (!sqlTableExists(conn, gh->probeTable))
     gh->probeTable= NULL;
 gh->displayNameTable = (char *)(hashFindVal(raHash, "displayNameTable"));
 if (!sqlTableExists(conn, gh->displayNameTable))
     gh->displayNameTable = NULL;
 /* Platform setting, currently defaults to expression */
 if (hashFindVal(raHash, "platform"))
     gh->platform = (char *)(hashFindVal(raHash, "platform"));
     gh->platform = cloneString("expression"); 
 /* Settings on graphic information from datasets.ra file */
 if (hashFindVal(raHash, "expScale"))
     gh->expScale = atof(((char *) hashFindVal(raHash, "expScale")));
     gh->expScale = 0;
 if (hashFindVal(raHash, "gainFull"))
     gh->gainFull = atof(((char *) hashFindVal(raHash, "gainFull")));
     gh->gainFull = 1.0;
 if (hashFindVal(raHash, "gainSet"))
     gh->gainSet = atof(((char *) hashFindVal(raHash, "gainSet")));
     gh->gainSet = 1.0;
 if (hashFindVal(raHash, "height"))
     gh->height = atoi(((char *) hashFindVal(raHash, "height")));
 else if (sameWord(gh->dataType, "bed 15"))
     gh->height = 0;
     errAbort("not correct heatmap height in datasets.ra file for %s\n", tableName); 
 char *security = (char *)hashFindVal(raHash, "security");
 if (!security)
     gh->private = TRUE;  // default to private tracks.
     gh->private = !sameString(security, "public");
 /* microarray specific settings*/
 if (sameWord(gh->dataType,"bed 15"))
     struct microarrayGroups *maGs = maGroupings(gh->database, tableName);
     if (!maGs)
 	return NULL;
     struct maGrouping *allA= maGs->allArrays;
     gh->expCount = allA->size;
 gh->anaResult = NULL;
 gh->anaResultHash = NULL;
 return gh;
 /* Deep copy of gh, clean up memory after return pointer */
 struct genoHeatmap *cloneHeatmap(struct genoHeatmap *gh)
 if (!gh)
     return NULL;
 struct genoHeatmap *newGh = AllocVar(newGh);
 newGh->next = NULL;
 newGh->name = gh->name;
 newGh->shortLabel = gh->shortLabel;
 newGh->longLabel = gh->longLabel;
 newGh->url = gh->url;
 newGh->accessTable= gh->accessTable;
 newGh->database= gh->database;
 newGh->dataType = gh->dataType;
 newGh->patDb= gh->patDb;
 newGh->patTable= gh->patTable;
 newGh->sampleField = gh->sampleField;
 newGh->height = gh->height;
 newGh->gainFull = gh->gainFull;
 newGh->gainSet = gh->gainSet;
 newGh->expCount = gh->expCount;
 newGh->sampleList = slNameCloneList(gh->sampleList);
 newGh->sampleOrder= newHash(0);
 struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(gh->sampleOrder);
 struct hashEl *el = hashNext(&cookie);
 while (el)
     char *name =cloneString(el->name);
     int val = hashIntVal(gh->sampleOrder,name);
     hashAddInt(newGh->sampleOrder,name, val);
     el = hashNext(&cookie);
 newGh->expIdOrder = AllocArray(newGh->expIdOrder, gh->expCount);
 int i;
 for (i=0; i<gh->expCount; i++)
     newGh->expIdOrder[i] = gh->expIdOrder[i];
 newGh->tDb= gh->tDb;
 return newGh;
 void setPersonOrder (struct genoHeatmap* gh, struct slName *personList)
 /* Set the sampleOrder and sampleList of a specific heatmap to patientList; 
  * patientList is a list of patient names
  * if patientList is null, set to default */
 if (!personList || !gh->patDb)
 struct slName *slPerson = personList;
 if (gh->sampleOrder)
 gh->sampleOrder = hashNew(0);
 if (gh->sampleList)
 gh->sampleList = NULL;
 if (gh->expIdOrder)
 /* set expIdOrder to default , i.e. an array of -1s, -1 indicates to the drawing code that the sample will not be drawn in heatmap */
 AllocArray(gh->expIdOrder, gh->expCount);
 int i;
 for (i=0; i< gh->expCount; i++)
     gh->expIdOrder[i]= -1;
 /* get the sampleIds of each person from database */ 
 char *labTable = gh->patTable; 
 char *key = gh->patField;
 char *db = gh->patDb;
 char *val = gh->sampleField;
 if ((labTable == NULL) || (key == NULL) || (db==NULL)) 
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnProfile(heatMapDbProfile, db);
 if (!conn) // FIXME: why can this fail??
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 char *sample;
 char *patStr = sqlStrFromSlNameList(slPerson);
 struct dyString *query=newDyString(2000);
 	       "select %s from %s where %s in (%s) order by FIELD(%s, %s)", 
 	       val, labTable, key, patStr, key, patStr);
 struct slName *slSample=NULL;
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     sample = row[0];
 struct slName *sl, *allSamples = getAllSamples(gh);
 if (slCount(allSamples) != slCount(slSample))
     for (sl = allSamples; sl; sl = sl->next)
 	if (!slNameInList(slSample, sl->name))
 	    slNameAddTail(&slSample, sl->name);
 setSampleOrder (gh, slSample);
 void setSampleOrder (struct genoHeatmap* gh, struct slName *sampleList)
 /* Set the sampleOrder and sampleList of a specific heatmap to sampleList; 
  * sampleList is a list of sample ids 
  * if sampleList is null, set to default */
 if (!sampleList)
 if (gh->sampleOrder)
 gh->sampleOrder = hashNew(0);
 if (gh->sampleList)
 gh->sampleList = NULL;
 if (gh->expIdOrder)
 /* set expIdOrder to default , i.e. an array of -1s, -1 indicates to the drawing code that the sample will not be drawn in heatmap */
 AllocArray(gh->expIdOrder, gh->expCount);
 int i;
 for (i=0; i< gh->expCount; i++)
     gh->expIdOrder[i]= -1;
 /*microarray specific settings*/
 struct maGrouping *allA= NULL;
 	allA = maGetGroupingFromCt(gh->ct);
 struct microarrayGroups *maGs = maGroupings(gh->database, gh->name);
 if (!maGs)
 //struct maGrouping *allA= maGs->allArrays;
 allA= maGs->allArrays;
 int counter = 0;    
 int expId; // bed15 format expId 
 char *sample;
 struct slName *sl;
 for(sl=sampleList; sl; sl=sl->next)
     sample = sl->name;
     expId = -1;
     for (i=0; i< allA->size; i++)
 	if (sameString(allA->names[i],sample))
 	    expId = allA->expIds[i];
     if (expId == -1)
     if ( hashLookup(gh->sampleOrder, sample) == NULL )
 	hashAddInt(gh->sampleOrder, sample, counter);
 /* reset the default order of samples to be displayed */ 
 void defaultOrder(struct genoHeatmap* gh)
 if (gh->sampleOrder)
 gh->sampleOrder = hashNew(0);
 if (gh->sampleList)
 gh->sampleList = NULL;
 if (gh->expIdOrder)
 AllocArray(gh->expIdOrder, gh->expCount);
 /* set expIdOrder to default , i.e. an array of -1s, -1 indicates to the drawing code that the sample will not be drawn in heatmap */
 int i;
 for (i=0; i< gh->expCount; i++)
     gh->expIdOrder[i]= -1;
 int expId;
 char *sample;
 //struct microarrayGroups *maGs = NULL;
 struct maGrouping *allA= NULL;
 	allA = maGetGroupingFromCt(gh->ct);
 	struct microarrayGroups *maGs = maGroupings(gh->database, gh->name);
 	if (!maGs)
 	allA= maGs->allArrays;
 //struct maGrouping *allA= maGs->allArrays;
 for (i=0; i< allA->size; i++)
     sample = allA->names[i];
     expId = allA->expIds[i];
     slNameAddHead(&gh->sampleList, sample);
     hashAddInt(gh->sampleOrder, sample, i); 
 /* Return all the samples belong to a heatmap.
  * free return list after use   
 struct slName *getAllSamples(struct genoHeatmap *gh)
 char *sample;
 struct maGrouping *allA= NULL;
 	allA = maGetGroupingFromCt(gh->ct);
 struct microarrayGroups *maGs = maGroupings(gh->database, gh->name);
 if (!maGs)
     return NULL;
 //struct maGrouping *allA= maGs->allArrays;
 allA= maGs->allArrays;
 struct slName *list = newSlName(NULL);
 int i;
 for (i=0; i< allA->size; i++)
     sample = allA->names[i];
     slNameAddHead(&list, sample);
 return list;
 /* Return all the samples in list belong to a heatmap.
  * free return list after use   
 struct slName *getAllSamplesInDb(struct genoHeatmap *gh, struct slName *list)
 struct slName *sl;
 struct slName *sampleInDb = getAllSamples(gh);
 struct slName *retList =NULL;
 for (sl = list; sl; sl=sl->next)
     if (slNameInList(sampleInDb, sl->name))
 	slNameAddHead(&retList, sl->name);
 return retList;
 /* Return all only the patients with data in gh 
  * Free returned list after use 
 struct slName *getAllPatients (struct genoHeatmap *gh)
 if (!gh->patDb)
     return NULL;
 struct slName *sampleList = getAllSamples(gh);
 char *sampleStr= sqlStrFromSlNameList(sampleList);
 char *db = gh->patDb;
 char *labTable = gh->patTable; 
 char *key = gh->patField;
 char *val =gh->sampleField;
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnProfile(heatMapDbProfile, db);
 char **row;
 char *person;
 struct slName *patList=NULL;
 char query[strlen(sampleStr)+512];
 safef ( query, sizeof(query), "select %s from %s where %s in (%s)", 
 	key, labTable, val, sampleStr );
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     person = row[0];
 return patList;
 /* Return all the patients, including those without data in gh*/ 
 struct slName *getAllPatientsInDb (struct genoHeatmap *gh)
 /* get all patient ids */
 char *db = gh->patDb;
 char *labTable = gh->patTable; 
 char *key = gh->patField;
 if ((labTable == NULL) || (key == NULL) || (db==NULL))
     return NULL;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnProfile(heatMapDbProfile, db);
 if (!conn)
     return NULL;
 char query[512];
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 char *person;
 struct slName *patientList=NULL;
 safef(query, sizeof(query),"select %s from %s ", key, labTable );
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     person = row[0];
 return patientList;
 /* Return samples belong to patients in patList, and also have data in the heatmap 
 struct slName *getSamplesInPatList (struct genoHeatmap *gh, struct slName *patList)
 if (!patList)
     return NULL;
 char *db = gh->patDb;
 char *labTable = gh->patTable; 
 char *key = gh->patField;
 char *valField = gh->sampleField;
 if (!labTable || !key || !db)
     return NULL;
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnProfile(heatMapDbProfile, db); 
 if (!conn)
     return NULL;
 char *patStr = sqlStrFromSlNameList(patList);
 struct dyString *query=newDyString(2048);
 struct sqlResult *sr;
 char **row;
 char *patient;
 dyStringPrintf(query, "select %s from %s where %s in (%s) order by FIELD(%s,%s)", 
 	       valField, labTable, key, patStr, key, patStr);
 struct slName *slSample =newSlName(NULL);
 sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     patient = row[0];
 return slSample;
 struct slSample {
     struct slSample *next;
     char *name;
     int index;
     double val;
     double count;
 int slSampleCmpVal(const void *va, const void *vb)
 const struct slSample *a = *((struct slSample **)va);
 const struct slSample *b = *((struct slSample **)vb);
 float dif = a->val/a->count - b->val/b->count;
 if (dif < 0)
     return -1;
 else if (dif > 0)
     return 1;
     return 0;
 struct slName *samplesSortedByChromPos(struct genoHeatmap *gh, char *chrom,
                                        int start, int stop, int sortDir)
 if (!gh)
     return NULL;
 struct bed *nb, *ghBed = getChromHeatmapRange(gh, chrom, start, stop, FALSE);
 if (!ghBed)
     return NULL;
 defaultOrder(gh);   // needed to populate gh->sampleList;
 struct slName *sl;
 struct slSample *ss, *ssList = NULL;
 int i = 0;
 for (sl = gh->sampleList; sl; sl = sl->next)
     ss->name = cloneString(sl->name);
     ss->index = i;
     ss->val = 0.0;
     ss->count = 0.0;
     slAddHead(&ssList, ss);
 for (nb = ghBed; nb; nb = nb->next)
     for(ss = ssList; ss; ss = ss->next)
         double val = nb->expScores[ss->index];
         ss->val += val;
         ss->count += 1.0;
 slSort(&ssList, slSampleCmpVal);
 if (sortDir > 0)
 struct slName *sampleList = NULL;
 for (ss = ssList; ss; ss = ss->next)
     sl = slNameNew(ss->name);
     slAddHead(&sampleList, sl);
 return sampleList;
 struct slName *samplesSortedByGene(struct genoHeatmap *gh, char *gene, int sortDir)
 if (!gh || !gene)
     return NULL;
 defaultOrder(gh);   // needed to populate gh->sampleList;
 struct slName *sl;
 struct slSample *ss, *ssList = NULL;
 int i = 0;
 for (sl = gh->sampleList; sl; sl = sl->next)
     ss->name = cloneString(sl->name);
     ss->index = i; 
     ss->val = 0.0;
     ss->count = 0.0;
     slAddHead(&ssList, ss);
 // To use getChromHeatmapHash, need to use geneSet structure.
 struct geneSet *gs = AllocA(struct geneSet);
 gs->name = NULL;
 gs->genes = slNameNew(gene);
 struct hash *geneHash = NULL;
 getChromHeatmapHash(&geneHash, gh->database, gh->probeTable,
                     gh->name, NULL, gs);
 struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(geneHash, gene);
 if (!el)
     return NULL;
 while (el)
     struct bed *nb = el->val;
     for(ss = ssList; ss; ss = ss->next)
         double val = nb->expScores[ss->index];
         ss->val += val;
         ss->count += 1.0;
     el = el->next;
 slSort(&ssList, slSampleCmpVal);
 if (sortDir > 0)
 struct slName *sampleList = NULL;
 for (ss = ssList; ss; ss = ss->next)
     sl = slNameNew(ss->name);
     slAddHead(&sampleList, sl);
 return sampleList;
 /* Return an array for reordering the experiments
    If the order has not been set, then use function setBedOrder to set 
 int *getBedOrder(struct genoHeatmap *gh)
 if (gh->expIdOrder == NULL)
 return gh->expIdOrder;
 /* Sort and set the sample orders according to feature configuration 
 void sortPersonOrder(struct genoHeatmap *gh)
 if (!sameWord(gh->dataType, "bed 15"))
 /* Get all patients */
 struct slName *patientList =  getAllPatients(gh);
 if (!patientList)
 /* get colList */
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnProfile(heatMapDbProfile, gh->patDb);
 char *raName = gh->raFile;
 struct column *colList = getColumns(conn, raName, gh->patDb);
 /* sort patients */
 struct slName *sortList = sortPatients(conn, colList, patientList);
 /* set ordering in gh */
 setPersonOrder(gh, sortList);
 /* Get gene sets from database name is the gene set group name */
 struct geneSet *getPathways(char *db, char *pathwayNames)
 char **row = NULL;
 struct dyString *query = newDyString(20000);
 if (pathwayNames == NULL)
     dyStringPrintf(query, "select, members,displayName from genesets, pathwayname where"); 
     struct slName *slList = slNameListFromComma(pathwayNames);
     char *setNamesStr = sqlStrFromSlNameList(slList);
     dyStringPrintf(query, "select DISTINCT, members, displayName from genesets, pathwayname where and in (%s) order by FIELD(, %s) ", setNamesStr, setNamesStr);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnProfile(heatMapDbProfile, db); 
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);         
 struct geneSet *geneSets = NULL;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     char *members = cloneString(row[1]);
     struct slName *slList = slNameListFromComma(members);
     struct geneSet *gs = AllocA(struct geneSet);
     gs->genes = slList;
     gs->name = cloneString(row[0]);
     gs->displayName = cloneString(row[2]);
     gs->numGenes = slCount(slList);
     gs->numGenesActive = 0;
     gs->x = 0;
     gs->y = 0;
     gs->width = 0;
     gs->pixelsPerGene = 0;
     slAddHead(&geneSets, gs);
 return geneSets;
 /* Get genes from database */
 struct slName *getAllGenes (char *db, char *tableName)
 if (tableName == NULL)
     return NULL;
 char **row = NULL;
 struct dyString *query = newDyString(20000);
 dyStringPrintf(query, "select distinct alias from %s", tableName); 
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnProfile(heatMapDbProfile, db); 
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query->string);         
 struct slName *genes = NULL;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     char *gene = row[0];
     slNameAddHead(&genes, gene);
 return genes;
 struct bed *getBedGraph(struct genoHeatmap *gh, char* chrom, int nField)
 /* get bedGraph data for each chromosome */
 if (!gh)
     return NULL;
 /* get the data from the database */
 char *database = gh->database;
 char *tableName = gh->name;
 /* get the data from the database */
 char **row = NULL;
 char query[512];
 query[0] = '\0';
 if (chrom)
     safef(query, sizeof(query),
 	  "select * from %s where chrom = \"%s\" \n",
 	  tableName, chrom);
     { /* No chromosome specified, default to full genome */
     safef(query, sizeof(query),
 	  "select * from %s \n",
 struct sqlConnection *conn;
 conn = hAllocConnProfile(heatMapDbProfile, database);
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 struct bed *tuple = NULL;
 struct bed *tupleList = NULL;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     tuple = bedLoadN(row+1,nField);
     slAddHead(&tupleList, tuple);
 return tupleList;
 struct bed *getBedGraphRange(struct genoHeatmap *gh, char* chrom, 
 			     int start, int stop, int nField)
 /* get bedGraph data for each chromosome */
 if (!gh)
     return NULL;
 /* get the data from the database */
 char *database = gh->database;
 char *tableName = gh->name;
 /* get the data from the database */
 char **row = NULL;
 char query[512];
 query[0] = '\0';
 safef(query, sizeof(query),
-      "select * from %s where chrom = '%s' and chromStart>%d and chromEnd<%d",
-      tableName, chrom, start, stop); 
+      "select * from %s where chrom = '%s' and chromStart<%d and chromEnd>%d",
+      tableName, chrom, stop,start);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnProfile(heatMapDbProfile, database);
-if (!sqlExists(conn, query))
-    {  /* found nothing, now check to see if you're inside of a probe. */
-    safef(query, sizeof(query), 
-	  "select * from %s where chrom = '%s' and chromStart<%d and chromEnd>%d",
-	  tableName, chrom, stop, start);
-    }
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 struct bed *tuple = NULL;
 struct bed *tupleList = NULL;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     tuple = bedLoadN(row+1,nField);
     slAddHead(&tupleList, tuple);
 return tupleList;
 /* Get the bed 15 data from database for heatmap gh 
  * if useAccessTable, only retrive data from the down sampled table*/
 struct bed *getChromHeatmap(struct genoHeatmap *gh, char *chromName, boolean useAccessTable)
 if (gh == NULL)
     return NULL;
 /* get the data from the database */
 char *database =gh->database;
 char *tableName;
 if (gh->accessTable && useAccessTable)
     tableName = gh->accessTable;
     tableName = gh->name;
 char **row = NULL;
 char query[512];
 query[0] = '\0';
 if (chromName)
     safef(query, sizeof(query),
           "select * from %s where chrom = \"%s\" \n",
           tableName, chromName);
     {  /* No chromosome specified, default to full genome */
     safef(query, sizeof(query),
           "select * from %s \n",
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnProfile(heatMapDbProfile, database);
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 struct bed *tuple = NULL;
 struct bed *tupleList = NULL;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     tuple = bedLoadN(row+1, 15);
     slAddHead(&tupleList, tuple);
 return tupleList;
 /* Get the bed 15 data from database for heatmap gh 
  * if useAccessTable, only retrive data from the down sampled table*/
 struct bed *getChromHeatmapRange(struct genoHeatmap *gh, char *chrom, 
 				 int start, int stop, boolean useAccessTable)
 if (!gh)
     return NULL;
 /* get the data from the database */
 char *database =gh->database;
 char *tableName;
 if (gh->accessTable && useAccessTable)
     tableName = gh->accessTable;
     tableName = gh->name;
 char **row = NULL;
 char query[256];
 safef(query, sizeof(query), 
-      "select * from %s where chrom = '%s' and chromStart>%d and chromEnd<%d",
-      tableName, chrom, start, stop);
+      "select * from %s where chrom = '%s' and chromStart<%d and chromEnd>%d",
+      tableName, chrom, stop,start);
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnProfile(heatMapDbProfile, database);
-if (!sqlExists(conn, query))
-    {  /* found nothing, now check to see if you're inside of a probe. */
-    safef(query, sizeof(query), 
-	  "select * from %s where chrom = '%s' and chromStart<%d and chromEnd>%d",
-	  tableName, chrom, stop, start);
-    }
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 struct bed *tuple = NULL;
 struct bed *tupleList = NULL;
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     tuple = bedLoadN(row+1, 15);
     slAddHead(&tupleList, tuple);
 return tupleList;
 void getChromHeatmapHash(struct hash **geneHash, char *geneDb, char *probeTable, 
 			 char *tableName, char *chromName, struct geneSet *geneSets)
 /* Get the bed15 data of gneneSets 
    You can add probe hash information to geneHash accumulatively */ 
 if (geneDb == NULL || tableName == NULL || probeTable == NULL || geneSets == NULL)
 struct geneSet *gs;
 struct slName *nameList=NULL, *name=NULL;
 struct slName *sl;
 for (gs = geneSets; gs ; gs = gs->next)
     for (sl = gs->genes; sl; sl = sl->next)
 	name = newSlName(sl->name);
 	slAddHead(&nameList, name);
 char *geneList = sqlStrFromSlNameList(nameList);
 /* get the data from the database */
 char **row = NULL;
 char query[strlen(geneList)+1000];
 query[0] = '\0';
 if (chromName)
     /* the following is an out of date query */
     safef(query, sizeof(query),
           "select DISTINCT * from %s, %s where and %s.alias in (%s) and chrom = \"%s\" \n",
           tableName, probeTable, tableName, probeTable, 
 	  probeTable, geneList, chromName);
     /* No chromosome specified, default to full genome */
     safef(query, sizeof(query),
 	  "select DISTINCT * from %s, %s where and %s.alias in (%s)\n",
           tableName, probeTable, tableName, probeTable, 
 	  probeTable, geneList); 
 struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConnProfile(heatMapDbProfile, geneDb);
 struct sqlResult *sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
 struct bed *tuple = NULL;
 if (!(*geneHash))
     *geneHash = hashNew(0);
 while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
     tuple = bedLoadN(row+1, 15);
     char *name = *(row+17);
     hashAdd(*geneHash, name, tuple);
 /* Get the subset smaple lists as an array of list of samples 
  * Returned array is created on the heap, clean up memory after use 
 struct slName **getSubsets(struct genoHeatmap *gh, int subsetNum, char *raName )
 if (!gh || !subsetNum) 
     return NULL;
 //get basic info of gh 
 char *labTable = gh->patTable;
 char *value = gh->sampleField;
 char *key = gh->patField;
 char *patDb = gh->patDb;
 if ((labTable == NULL) || (key == NULL) || (value == NULL) || (patDb==NULL) )
     return NULL;
 struct sqlConnection *featureDbConn = hAllocConnProfile(heatMapDbProfile, patDb);
 if (!featureDbConn)
     return NULL;
 struct column *colList = getColumns(featureDbConn,raName,gh->patDb);
 struct slName *patList = getAllPatients(gh);
 //allocate return array of list of sample names 
 struct slName **ptArray;
 AllocArray(ptArray, subsetNum);
 int subset;
 for (subset = 0; subset < subsetNum; subset++)
     struct slName *subPatList = 
 	advFilterResults (colList, featureDbConn, patList, gh->patDb, subset);
     struct slName *subSampleList  = getSamplesInPatList (gh, subPatList);
     struct slName *sl;
     struct slName *retList =NULL;
     for (sl=subSampleList; sl; sl=sl->next)
 	if (slNameInList(gh->sampleList,sl->name))
 	    slNameAddHead(&retList, sl->name);
     ptArray[subset] = retList;
     if (subSampleList)
     if (subPatList)
 if (patList)
 return ptArray;
 int getSubsetsIfAny(struct genoHeatmap *gh, int subsetNum, char *raName, struct slName ***subsets)
 struct slName **ptSubsets = getSubsets(gh, subsetNum, raName);
 if (!ptSubsets)
     return 0;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i < subsetNum; i++)
     if (!ptSubsets[i])
         return 0;   
 *subsets = ptSubsets;
 return 1;
 /* Get the subset of bed 15 data from database for heatmap gh 
  * Clean up return pointer after use */
 struct bed **getSubgroupChromHeatmap(struct genoHeatmap *gh, int subsetNum, 
 				     char *raName, char *chromName, boolean useAccess)
 // get all the data
 struct bed *allBed = getChromHeatmap(gh, chromName, useAccess);
 // get the subsets
 struct slName **ptSubsets = getSubsets(gh, subsetNum, raName);
 if (!ptSubsets)
     return NULL;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i< subsetNum; i++)
     if (!ptSubsets[i])
 	jsonWarnAbort("Cannot compute statistics: Subgroup %d not fully defined", i+1);
 /* Deep copy of gh, clean up memory after return pointer */
 struct genoHeatmap *newGh = cloneHeatmap(gh);
 struct bed **ptArray;
 AllocArray(ptArray, subsetNum);
 int subset;
 for (subset =0; subset < subsetNum; subset++)
     struct slName *sampleSubset = ptSubsets[subset];
     //filter the data for each subset    
     setSampleOrder(newGh, sampleSubset);
     int N = slCount(newGh->sampleList);
     struct bed *newTupleList = NULL;
     struct bed *newTuple =NULL;
     struct bed *tuple = allBed;
     while (tuple)
 	/* set up the new data */
 	int counter =0;
 	int i, id, order;
 	float score;
 	int *newIds = AllocArray(newIds,N); 
 	float *newScores = AllocArray(newScores,N); 
 	for (i=0; i< tuple->expCount; i++)
 	    id = tuple->expIds[i];
 	    order = newGh->expIdOrder[id];
 	    if (order == -1)
 	    score  = tuple->expScores[i];
 	    newIds[counter]= counter;
 	newTuple = cloneBed(tuple);
 	assert(counter == N);
 	newTuple->expCount = N;
 	newTuple->expIds = newIds;
 	newTuple->expScores=  newScores;
 	slAddHead(&newTupleList, newTuple);
 	tuple = tuple->next;
     ptArray[subset] = newTupleList;
 //clean memory
 if (allBed)
 return ptArray;
 /* Get the subset of bed 15 data from database for heatmap gh 
  * Clean up return pointer after use */
 struct hash **getSubgroupChromHeatmapHash(struct genoHeatmap *gh, int subsetNum, 
 					  char *raName, 
 					  struct geneSet *geneSets)
 // get all the data as allHash
 char *database = gh->database;
 char *probeAliases = gh->probeTable;
 char *tableName = gh->name; // no access table at gene set level
 struct hash *allHash = NULL;
 getChromHeatmapHash(&allHash, database, probeAliases,tableName, NULL, geneSets);  
 if (!allHash)
     return NULL;
 // get the subsets
 struct slName **ptSubsets = getSubsets(gh, subsetNum, raName);
 if (!ptSubsets)
     return NULL;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i< subsetNum; i++)
     if (!ptSubsets[i])
 	jsonWarnAbort("Cannot compute statistics: Subgroup %d not fully defined", i+1);
 /* Deep copy of gh, clean up memory after return pointer */
 struct genoHeatmap *newGh = cloneHeatmap(gh);
 struct hash **ptArray;
 AllocArray(ptArray, subsetNum);
 int subset;
 struct hashEl *hashList = hashElListHash(allHash);
 /* Return a list of all elements of hash.   Free return with hashElFreeList. */
 for (subset =0; subset < subsetNum; subset++)
     struct slName *sampleSubset = ptSubsets[subset];
     //filter the data for each subset    
     setSampleOrder(newGh, sampleSubset);
     int N = slCount(newGh->sampleList);
     struct hash *newH = newHash(0);
     struct bed *newTuple =NULL;
     struct hashEl *hl;
     struct bed *tuple;
     char *name;
     for (hl = hashList; hl; hl=hl->next)
 	tuple = hl->val;
 	name = hl->name;
         /* set up the new data */
 	int counter =0;
 	int i, id, order;
 	float score;
 	int *newIds = AllocArray(newIds,N); 
 	float *newScores = AllocArray(newScores,N); 
 	for (i=0; i< tuple->expCount; i++)
 	    id = tuple->expIds[i];
 	    order = newGh->expIdOrder[id];
 	    if (order == -1)
 	    score  = tuple->expScores[i];
 	    newIds[counter]= counter;
 	newTuple = cloneBed(tuple);
 	assert(counter == N);
 	newTuple->expCount = N;
 	newTuple->expIds = newIds;
 	newTuple->expScores=  newScores;
 	hashAdd(newH, name, newTuple);
     ptArray[subset] = newH;
 //clean memory
 if (allHash)
 if (hashList)
 return ptArray;
 void hgStatsAdjust(struct hgStats *hsList, double corr)
 if (!hsList)
 struct hgStats *hs;
 for (hs = hsList; hs; hs = hs->next)
     hs->prob += corr;
     if (hs->prob < 0)
 	hs->prob = 0;
     if (hs->outputVal >= 0)
 	hs->outputVal += corr;
 	if (hs->outputVal < 0)
 	    hs->outputVal = 0.0;
 	hs->outputVal -= corr;
 	if (hs->outputVal > 0)
 	    hs->outputVal = 0.0;
 void listAdjustBonferroni(struct analysisResult *arList)
 if (!arList)
 struct analysisResult *ar = arList;  // I don't think this is ever a list.
 struct hgStats *hsList = ar->stats; 
 double count = (double) slCount(hsList);
 /* correction in -log10, since all p-values are in -log10 */
 double corr = -log(count)/log(10.0); 
 hgStatsAdjust(hsList, corr);
 void hashAdjustBonferroni(struct analysisResultHash *arHash)
 if (!arHash)
 struct hash *hash = arHash->hash;
 if (!hash)
 double count = (double) hashNumEntries(hash);
 /* correction in -log10, since all p-values are in -log10 */
 double corr = -log(count)/log(10.0);
 struct hashEl *el;
 struct hashCookie hc = hashFirst(hash);
 while ((el = hashNext(&hc)) != NULL)
     struct hgStats *hs = el->val;
     hgStatsAdjust(hs, corr);
 void adjustBonferroni(struct genoHeatmap *gh)
 if (gh->anaResult)
 else if (gh->anaResultHash)
 /* Calculate the differnce of means between two subsets 
  * Clean memory of returned pointer after use */
 struct analysisResult *diffAveSubgroup (struct genoHeatmap *gh, 
 					int subsetNum, char *raName, 
 					boolean (*func)(float data1[], unsigned long n1, 
 							float data2[], unsigned long n2, 
 							float *r, float *prob),
 					char *chromName,
 					boolean useAccess)
 if (!gh || !func || !subsetNum || (subsetNum !=2) )
     return NULL;
 struct bed **subBed = getSubgroupChromHeatmap(gh, subsetNum, raName, chromName, useAccess);
 if (!subBed)
     return NULL;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i< subsetNum; i++)
     if (!subBed[i])
 	jsonWarnAbort("Cannot compute statistics: Subgroup %d not fully defined", i+1);
 struct bed **pt=NULL;
 AllocArray(pt, subsetNum);
 for (i=0; i< subsetNum; i++)
     pt[i] = subBed[i];
 struct hgStats *statsList =NULL;
 struct hgStats *stats=NULL;
 double min = DBL_MAX, max = -DBL_MAX;
 char *name;
 struct bed *bed = NULL;
 struct bed *bed0 = NULL, *bed1 =NULL;
 while (pt[0])
     name = pt[0]->name;
     bed = (struct bed*) pt[0];
     bed0 = (struct bed*) pt[0];
     bed1 = (struct bed*) pt[1];
     float r,p;
     if (func(bed0->expScores, bed0->expCount, bed1->expScores, bed1->expCount, &r, &p))
 	if (fabs(p) > max)
 	    max = fabs(p);
 	if (fabs(p) < min)
 	    min = fabs(p);
 	stats->chrom = cloneString(bed->chrom);
 	stats->chromStart = bed->chromStart;
 	stats->chromEnd = bed->chromEnd; 
 	stats->name = bed->name;
 	stats->stats = r;
 	stats->prob = p ;
 	if (stats->stats < 0)
 	    stats->outputVal = -p;
 	    stats->outputVal = p;
     for (i=0; i< subsetNum; i++)
 	pt[i]= pt[i]->next;       
 //free memory
 for (i=0; i<subsetNum; i++)
 if (min == DBL_MAX || max == -DBL_MAX) // no data
     return NULL;
 struct analysisResult *result = AllocVar(result);
 result->stats = statsList;
 result->min = min;
 result->max = max;
 return result;
 /* Calculate the differnce of means between two subsets 
  * Clean memory of returned pointer after use */
 struct analysisResultHash *diffAveSubgroupHash (struct genoHeatmap *gh, 
 						int subsetNum, char *raName, 
 						struct geneSet *geneSets, 
 						boolean (*func)(float data1[], unsigned long n1, 
 								float data2[], unsigned long n2, 
 								float *r, float *prob) )
 if (!gh || !func || !subsetNum || (subsetNum !=2) )
     return NULL;
 struct hash **subHash = getSubgroupChromHeatmapHash(gh, subsetNum,raName, geneSets);
 if (!subHash)
     jsonWarnAbort("Cannot compute statistics");
 int i;
 for (i=0; i< subsetNum; i++)
     if (!subHash[i])
 	jsonWarnAbort("Cannot compute statistics: Subgroup %d not fully defined", i+1);
 struct hashEl **ptHashStart=NULL;
 AllocArray(ptHashStart, subsetNum);
 struct hashEl **ptHashEl=NULL;
 AllocArray(ptHashEl, subsetNum);
 for (i=0; i< subsetNum; i++)
     ptHashEl[i] = hashElListHash(subHash[i]);
     ptHashStart[i] = ptHashEl[i];
 struct hash *newBed5Hash =newHash(0);
 struct hgStats *stats=NULL;
 double min = DBL_MAX, max = -DBL_MAX;
 char *name;
 struct bed *bed = NULL;
 struct bed *bed0 = NULL, *bed1 =NULL;
 while (ptHashEl[0])
     name = ptHashEl[0]->name;
     bed = (struct bed*) ptHashEl[0]->val;
     bed0 = (struct bed*) ptHashEl[0]->val;
     bed1 = (struct bed*) ptHashEl[1]->val;
     float r,p ; 
     if (func(bed0->expScores, bed0->expCount , bed1->expScores, bed1->expCount, &r, &p))
 	if (fabs(p) > max)
 	    max =fabs(p);
 	if (fabs(p) < min)
 	    min =fabs(p);
 	stats->chrom = cloneString(bed->chrom);
 	stats->chromStart = bed->chromStart;
 	stats->chromEnd = bed->chromEnd; 
 	stats->name = bed->name;
 	stats->stats = r;
 	stats->prob = p ;
 	if (stats->stats<0)
 	    stats->outputVal = -p;
 	    stats->outputVal =p;
 	hashAdd(newBed5Hash, name, stats);
     for (i=0; i<subsetNum; i++)
 	ptHashEl[i]= ptHashEl[i]->next;
 //free memory
 for (i=0; i<subsetNum; i++)
 if (min == DBL_MAX || max == -DBL_MAX) //no data
     return NULL;
 struct analysisResultHash *result = AllocVar(result);
 result->hash = newBed5Hash;
 result->min = min;
 result->max = max;
 return result;
 struct analysisResult *runMetaAnalysisChrom (int binSize, struct slRef **resultList, 
 					     boolean (*func)(struct slDouble *data, 
 							     float *r, float *prob))
 struct hgStats *statsList =NULL;
 double min = DBL_MAX, max = -DBL_MAX;
 // binSize used to be basesPerPixel; need to figure out a better way to do that
 struct slRef *iter=NULL;
 struct hash *statBins = hashNew(0);
 for(iter = *resultList; iter; iter= iter->next)
     //refAdd(statResultList,((struct analysisResult *)(iter->val))->stats);
     struct hgStats *statspt = ((struct analysisResult *)(iter->val))->stats;
 	char key[100];
 	safef(key,100,"%s_%d",statspt->chrom,(int)(statspt->chromEnd / binSize));
 	statspt = statspt->next;
 struct hashCookie statBinCookie = hashFirst(statBins);
 struct hashEl *currEl = NULL;
 struct hgStats *stats =NULL;
 while((currEl = hashNext(&statBinCookie)) != NULL)
     struct slDouble *pVals = NULL;
     char *hashKey = currEl->name;
     char *chrom = strtok(hashKey,"_");
     int bin = atoi(strtok(NULL,"_"));
     float statSum = 0;
     int statCount=0;
 	struct slDouble *pVal = AllocVar(pVal);
 	struct hgStats *statStruct = ((struct hgStats *)(currEl->val));
 	pVal->val = statStruct->prob;
 	statSum += statStruct->stats;
 	} while((currEl = hashLookupNext(currEl)) != NULL);
     float r,p;
     //fprintf(stderr,"statsum: %f    ",statSum);
     if (func(pVals, &r, &p))
 	stats->chrom = cloneString(chrom);
 	stats->chromStart = bin*binSize;
 	stats->chromEnd = (bin+1)*binSize; 
 	stats->name = cloneString(hashKey);
 	stats->stats = statSum / statCount;
 	stats->prob = p;
 	if(stats->stats < 0)
 	    stats->outputVal = -p;
 	    stats->outputVal = p;
 	//fprintf(stderr,"output val = %f       ",stats->outputVal);
 	if(stats->prob < min)
 	    min = stats->prob;
 	if(stats->prob > max)
 	    max = stats->prob;
 	//fprintf(stderr,"Min = %f  Max = %f      ",min, max);
 struct analysisResult *result= AllocVar(result);
 result->stats = statsList;
 result->min = min;
 result->max = max;
 return result;	
 struct analysisResultHash *runMetaAnalysisGS (struct geneSet *geneSets, struct slRef **resultList, 
 					      boolean (*func)(struct slDouble *data, 
 							      float *r, float *prob))
 struct hash *newBed5Hash = newHash(0);
 double min = DBL_MAX, max = -DBL_MAX;
 // binSize used to be basesPerPixel; need to figure out a better way to do that
 struct slRef *iter=NULL;
 //struct hash *statBins = hashNew(0);
 struct hgStats *stats =NULL;
 struct geneSet *gs;
 for (gs = geneSets; gs ; gs = gs->next)
     struct slName *sl;
     for (sl = gs->genes; sl ; sl = sl->next)
 	char *geneName = cloneString(sl->name);
 	struct slDouble *pVals = NULL;
 	float statSum=0;
 	int statCount=0;
 	for(iter = *resultList; iter; iter= iter->next)
 	    struct hash *statspt = ((struct analysisResultHash *)(iter->val))->hash;
 	    struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(statspt, geneName);  //get the information from genesets
 		struct hgStats *statStruct = el->val;
 		struct slDouble *pVal = AllocVar(pVal);
 		pVal->val = statStruct->prob;
 		statSum += statStruct->stats;
 		el = hashLookupNext(el);
 	float r,p;
 	if (func(pVals, &r, &p))
 	    int chromStart=0,chromEnd=0;
 	    char *chrom = "unk";
 	    stats->chrom = cloneString(chrom);
 	    stats->chromStart = chromStart;
 	    stats->chromEnd = chromEnd; 
 	    stats->name = cloneString(geneName);
 	    stats->stats = statSum / statCount;
 	    stats->prob = p;
 	    if(stats->stats < 0)
 		stats->outputVal = -p;
 		stats->outputVal = p;
 	    //fprintf(stderr,"output val = %f       ",stats->outputVal);
 	    hashAdd(newBed5Hash, geneName, stats);
 	    if(stats->prob < min)
 					min = stats->prob;
 	    if(stats->prob > max)
 		max = stats->prob;
 	    //fprintf(stderr,"Min = %f  Max = %f      ",min, max);
 struct analysisResultHash *result= AllocVar(result);
 result->hash = newBed5Hash;
 result->min = min;
 result->max = max;
 return result;	
 /* Calculate the differnce of means between two subsets
  * Clean memory of returned pointer after use */
 struct analysisResultHash *diffMetaSubgroupHash (struct genoHeatmap *gh,
                                                 int subsetNum, char *raName,
                                                 struct geneSet *geneSets, char *tableName,
                                                 boolean (*func)(float data1[], unsigned long n1,
                                                                 float data2[], unsigned long n2,
                                                                 float *r, float *prob),char *blockStatFunc )
 if (!gh || !func || !subsetNum || (subsetNum !=2) )
     return NULL;
 int useFisher = sameWord(blockStatFunc,blockStatTest[fisher]);
 //int useFisher = 1;
 struct hash **subHash = getSubgroupChromHeatmapHash(gh, subsetNum, raName, geneSets);
 if (!subHash)
     return NULL;
 int i;
 for (i=0; i< subsetNum; i++)
     if (!subHash[i])
 	return NULL;
 struct hashEl **ptHashStart=NULL;
 AllocArray(ptHashStart, subsetNum);
 struct hashEl **ptHashEl=NULL;
 AllocArray(ptHashEl, subsetNum);
 for (i=0; i< subsetNum; i++)
     ptHashEl[i] = hashElListHash(subHash[i]);
     ptHashStart[i] = ptHashEl[i];
 struct hash *newBed5Hash =newHash(0);
 struct hgStats *stats=NULL;
 double min = DBL_MAX, max = -DBL_MAX;
 char *name;
 struct bed *bed = NULL;
 struct bed *bed0 = NULL, *bed1 =NULL;
 while (ptHashEl[0])
     name = ptHashEl[0]->name;
     bed = (struct bed*) ptHashEl[0]->val;
     bed0 = (struct bed*) ptHashEl[0]->val;
     bed1 = (struct bed*) ptHashEl[1]->val;
     float r,p ; 
     if (func(bed0->expScores, bed0->expCount , bed1->expScores, bed1->expCount, &r, &p))
 	if (fabs(p) > max)
 	    max =fabs(p);
 	if (fabs(p) < min)
 	    min =fabs(p);
 	stats->chrom = cloneString(bed->chrom);
 	stats->chromStart = bed->chromStart;
 	stats->chromEnd = bed->chromEnd; 
 	stats->name = bed->name;
 	stats->stats = r;
 	stats->prob = p ;
 	if (stats->stats<0)
 	    stats->outputVal = -p;
 	    stats->outputVal =p;
 	hashAdd(newBed5Hash, name, stats);
     for (i=0; i<subsetNum; i++)
 	ptHashEl[i]= ptHashEl[i]->next;
 for (i=0; i<subsetNum; i++)
 if (min == DBL_MAX || max == -DBL_MAX) //no data
     return NULL;
 struct analysisResultHash *result = AllocVar(result);
 result->hash = newBed5Hash;
 result->min = min;
 result->max = max;
 	min =DBL_MAX;
 	max =-DBL_MAX;
 	struct hgStats *combStats=NULL;
 	struct hash *combNewBed5Hash =newHash(0);
 	struct geneSet *gs;
 	for (gs = geneSets; gs ; gs = gs->next)
 		struct slName *sl;
 		double statsCount = 0;
 		double statsSum = 0;
 		double probLogSum = 0;
 		for (sl = gs->genes; sl ; sl = sl->next)
 			struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(result->hash, sl->name);  //get the information from genesets
 			while (el)
 				struct hgStats *val = el->val;
 				statsSum += val->stats;
 				double pVal = pow(10,-1*val->prob);
 				if(pVal < 0)
 					pVal = pow(10,-290);
 				else if(pVal > 1)
 					pVal = 1-pow(10,-290);
 					probLogSum += -2*log(pVal);
 					probLogSum += zScore(pVal);
 				el = hashLookupNext(el);
 		// to prevent underflow...
 		if(statsCount > 0 && useFisher)
 		while((statsCount * log(probLogSum/2) - probLogSum/2 - lgam(statsCount)) < -500)
 			probLogSum -= 1;
 		if(statsCount > 0)
 			combStats->chrom = cloneString("chrXXX"); // put dummy chromosomes, never used
 			combStats->chromStart = 0;
 			combStats->chromEnd = 0; 
 			combStats->name = gs->name;
 			combStats->stats = (statsSum) / statsCount;
 				combStats->prob = log(chdtrc(statsCount*2,probLogSum))/log(10)*-1;
 				combStats->prob = log(ndtr(probLogSum/sqrt(statsCount)))/log(10)*-1;
 			// truncate the p vals here so we prevent underflow and to prevent
 			// a single gene from pulling an entire geneset significant
 			if(combStats->prob > 3)
 				combStats->prob = 3;
 			combStats->compIndex = 0;
 			combStats->totalComps = 1;
 			if(combStats->prob < min)
 				min = combStats->prob;
 			if(combStats->prob > max)
 				max = combStats->prob;
 			if (combStats->stats<0)
 				combStats->outputVal = -combStats->prob;
 				combStats->outputVal =combStats->prob;
 			hashAdd(combNewBed5Hash, gs->name, combStats);
 	if (min == DBL_MAX || max == -DBL_MAX) //no data
 	    return NULL;
 	struct analysisResultHash *fResult = AllocVar(fResult);
 	fResult->hash = combNewBed5Hash;
 	fResult->min = min;
 	fResult->max = max;
 	return fResult;
 /* Calculate the differnce of means between two subsets
  * Clean memory of returned pointer after use */
 struct analysisResultHash *diffSubgroupHash (struct genoHeatmap *gh,
 					     int subsetNum, char *raName,
 					     struct geneSet *geneSets, char *blockStatFunc,
 					     boolean (*func)(float data1[], unsigned long n1,
 							     float data2[], unsigned long n2,
 							     float *r, float *prob) )
 if (blockStatFunc && 
      || sameWord(blockStatFunc,blockStatTest[weightedZ])))
     return diffMetaSubgroupHash(gh, subsetNum, raName, geneSets, gh->name, func,blockStatFunc);
     return diffAveSubgroupHash(gh, subsetNum, raName, geneSets, func);
 struct geneSet *rankDiffAvePathways ( struct genoHeatmap *gh, int subsetNum, char *raName, char *chromHeatmap, 
 				      struct geneSet *geneSets, FILE *output,
 				      boolean (*func)(float data1[], unsigned long n1, float data2[], 
 						      unsigned long n2, float *r, float *prob),char *funcName,
 				      boolean useAccess)
 if (!gh || !func || !subsetNum || (subsetNum !=2) )
     return NULL;
 struct analysisResult *ar =
     diffAveSubgroup(gh, subsetNum, raName, func, NULL, useAccess);
 if (!ar)
     return NULL;
 char *probeAliases =gh->probeTable;
 struct hash *geneHash = NULL;
 getChromHeatmapHash(&geneHash,database, probeAliases, chromHeatmap, NULL, geneSets); 
 if (!geneHash)
     return NULL;
 struct hgStats *bd, *bedList = ar->stats;
 struct hash *bdHash = hashNew(0);
 for (bd = bedList; bd; bd = bd->next)
     hashAdd(bdHash, bd->name, bd);
 struct slName *sl;
 struct geneSet *gs;
 int totalCount;
 double totalScore;
 struct hgStats *setList = NULL;
 for (gs = geneSets; gs; gs = gs->next)
     totalScore = 0.0;
     totalCount = 0;
     for (sl = gs->genes; sl; sl = sl->next)
 	struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(geneHash, sl->name);
 	while (el)
 	    struct bed *nb = el->val;
 	    char *name = nb->name;
 	    struct hashEl *bEl = hashLookup(bdHash, name);
 	    if (bEl)
 		bd = bEl->val;
                 // you can also use outputval, stats (t value), or use prob (-log10(probability))
 		/* perturbation , does not care about direction */
 		//totalScore += (double) fabs(bd->stats); 
 		/* directional change */
 		totalScore += (double) (bd->stats); 
 	    el = hashLookupNext(el);
     double aveScore = totalScore / (double) totalCount;
     if (totalCount == 0)
 	aveScore = 0.0;
     struct hgStats *newHgStats = AllocA(struct hgStats);
     newHgStats->name = cloneString(gs->name);
     newHgStats->outputVal = aveScore;
     slAddHead(&setList, newHgStats);
 slSort(&setList, hgStatsCmpScore);
 int rank=0;
 struct geneSet *newGeneSets = NULL;
 if (output)
     fprintf(output, "table= %s\t%s\trank\tnumber of genes in pathway\n", gh->name, funcName);
 for (bd = setList; bd; bd = bd->next)
 	fprintf(output,"%s\t%f\t%d\t", bd->name, bd->outputVal, rank);
     for (gs = geneSets; gs; gs = gs->next)
 	if (sameString(gs->name, bd->name))
 	    if (output)
 		fprintf(output,"%d\n", slCount(gs->genes));
 	    struct geneSet *ng = AllocA(struct geneSet);
 	    ng->name = cloneString(gs->name);
 	    slAddHead(&newGeneSets, ng);
 return newGeneSets;
 /*Rank genes based on the differnce of between two subsets */
 void rankDiffAveGenes ( struct genoHeatmap *gh,int subsetNum, char *raName, char *chromHeatmap, 
 			struct slName *genes, FILE *output,
 			boolean (*func)(float data1[], unsigned long n1, float data2[], 
 					unsigned long n2, float *r, float *prob), char *funcName,
 			boolean useAccess)
 if (!gh || !func || !subsetNum || (subsetNum !=2) )
 struct analysisResult *ar = diffAveSubgroup(gh, subsetNum, raName, func, NULL, useAccess);
 if (!ar)
 char *probeAliases = gh->probeTable;
 struct geneSet *geneSets =AllocA(struct geneSet);
 geneSets->genes = genes;
 struct hash *geneHash = NULL;
 getChromHeatmapHash(&geneHash, database, probeAliases, chromHeatmap, NULL, geneSets);
 if (!geneHash)
 struct hgStats *bd, *bedList = ar->stats;
 struct hash *bdHash = hashNew(0);
 for (bd = bedList; bd; bd = bd->next)
     hashAdd(bdHash, bd->name, bd);
 struct slName *sl;
 struct hgStats *setList = NULL;
 for (sl = genes; sl; sl = sl->next)
     double totalScore =0.0;
     int totalCount =0;
     struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(geneHash, sl->name);
     if (el)
 	struct bed *nb;
 	while (el)
 	    nb = el->val;
 	    char *name = nb->name;
 	    struct hashEl *bEl = hashLookup(bdHash, name);
 	    if (bEl)
 		bd = bEl->val;
 		// you can also use outputval, stats (t value), or use prob (-log10(probability))
 		//totalScore += (double) bd->outputVal; 
 		totalScore += (double) bd->stats; 
 	    el = hashLookupNext(el);
 	double aveScore = totalScore / (double) totalCount;
 	if (totalCount == 0)
 	    aveScore = 0.0;
 	struct hgStats *newHgStats = AllocA(struct hgStats);
 	newHgStats->name = cloneString(sl->name);
 	newHgStats->chrom = nb->chrom;
 	newHgStats->chromStart = nb->chromStart;
 	newHgStats->chromEnd = nb->chromEnd;
 	newHgStats->outputVal = aveScore;
 	newHgStats->stats = totalCount; // hack to record the number of probes
 	slAddHead(&setList, newHgStats);
 slSort(&setList, hgStatsCmpScore);
 if (output)
     fprintf(output, "table= %s\t%s\trank\tmultipleProbe\n", gh->name, funcName);
 int rank=0;
 for (bd = setList; bd; bd = bd->next)
 		bd->name, bd->outputVal, rank, bd->stats, bd->chrom, bd->chromStart,bd->chromEnd);
 void hgStatsFree(struct hgStats *pEl)
 /* Free a list of dynamically allocated hgStats */
 struct hgStats *el;
 if ((el = pEl) == NULL) return;
 void hgStatsFreeList(struct hgStats *pList)
 /* Free a list of dynamically allocated hgStats's */
 struct hgStats *el, *next;
 for (el = pList; el != NULL; el = next)
     next = el->next;
 int hgStatsCmpScore(const void *va, const void *vb)
 /* Compare to sort based on score - lowest first. */
 const struct hgStats *a = *((struct hgStats **)va);
 const struct hgStats *b = *((struct hgStats **)vb);
 float r = a->outputVal - b->outputVal;
 if (r<0)
     return -1;
 else if (r==0)
     return 0;
     return 1;
 void analysisResultFree(struct analysisResult *pt)
 /* Free analysisResult */
 void analysisResultHashFree(struct analysisResultHash *pt)
 /* Free analysisResultHash */
 struct geneSet *getCompGeneSet(int subsetNum, int numberOfGenes,
 			       boolean (*func)(float data1[], unsigned long n1, float data2[], 
 					       unsigned long n2, float *r, float *prob), char *metaMethod)
 if(!ghList || subsetNum != 2 || !func)
     return NULL;
 struct slRef *ref= NULL;
 struct genoHeatmap *gh= NULL;
 struct slName *fullGenes = NULL;
 struct analysisResultHash *fullResult = AllocA(struct analysisResultHash);
 int useFisher = sameWord(metaMethod,metaStatTest[fisherMeta]);
 fullResult->hash = hashNew(0);
 for (ref = ghList; ref != NULL; ref = ref->next)
     gh= ref->val;
     if (sameWord(gh->dataType,"bed 15") &&
 	gotAdvFilter(gh->patDb) && func)
         // we only care about bed15s for the comp gene list
 	char *raName= gh->raFile;
 	struct slName *allGenes = getAllGenes(gh->database,gh->probeTable);
 	struct geneSet *gs = AllocA(struct geneSet);
 	gs->genes = allGenes;
 	gs->name = "allGenes";
 	gs->displayName = "All Genes";
 	gs->numGenes = slCount(allGenes);
 	gs->numGenesActive = 0;
 	gs->x = 0;
 	gs->y = 0;
 	gs->width = 0;
 	gs->pixelsPerGene = 0;
 	gs->next = NULL;
 	struct analysisResultHash *result = 
 	    diffAveSubgroupHash(gh, subsetNum, raName,gs, func);
 	struct slName *gene;
 	    struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(result->hash, gene->name);
 	    while (el)
 		el = hashLookupNext(el);
 struct hgStats *stats=NULL;
 struct hgStats *allStats=NULL;
 struct slName *singleGene;
 for(singleGene = fullGenes;singleGene;singleGene = singleGene->next)
     struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(fullResult->hash, singleGene->name);  //get the information from genesets
     double statsCount = 0;
     double statsSum = 0;
     double probLogSum = 0;
     while (el)
 	struct hgStats *val = el->val;
 	statsSum += val->stats;
 	double pVal = pow(10,-1*val->prob);
 	if(pVal < 0)
 	    pVal = pow(10,-290);
 	else if(pVal > 1)
 	    pVal = 1-pow(10,-290);
 	    probLogSum += -2*log(pVal);
 	    probLogSum += zScore(pVal);
 	el = hashLookupNext(el);
     if(statsCount > 0)
 	    stats->prob = log(chdtrc(statsCount*2,probLogSum))/log(10)*-1;
 	    stats->prob = log(ndtr(probLogSum/sqrt(statsCount)))/log(10)*-1;
 	stats->outputVal = stats->prob; // used by the sorter
 	stats->name = singleGene->name;
 	slAddHead(&allStats, stats);
 slSort(&allStats, hgStatsCmpScore);
 struct hgStats *singleStats = allStats;
 struct slName *sl, *topGenes = NULL;
 int i;
     sl = slNameNew(cloneString(singleStats->name)); 
     slAddHead(&topGenes, sl);
     singleStats = singleStats->next;
 struct geneSet *gs = AllocA(struct geneSet);
 gs->genes = topGenes;
 gs->name = "topGenes";
 gs->displayName = "Top Genes";
 gs->numGenes = slCount(topGenes);
 gs->numGenesActive = 0;
 gs->x = 0;
 gs->y = 0;
 gs->width = 0;
 gs->pixelsPerGene = 0;
 gs->next = NULL;
 return gs;
 struct analysisResultHash *makePathwayStatsHash(struct geneSet *geneSets,struct hash *geneHash, struct analysisResultHash *stats, char *metaMethod)
 	int useFisher = sameWord(metaMethod,metaStatTest[fisherMeta]);
 	//int useFisher = 1;
 	double min =DBL_MAX;
 	double max =-DBL_MAX;
 	struct hgStats *combStats=NULL;
 	struct hash *combNewBed5Hash =newHash(0);
 	struct geneSet *gs;
 	for (gs = geneSets; gs ; gs = gs->next)
 		struct slName *sl;
 		double statsCount = 0;
 		double statsSum = 0;
 		double probLogSum = 0;
 		for (sl = gs->genes; sl ; sl = sl->next)
 			struct hashEl *el = hashLookup(stats->hash, sl->name);  //get the information from genesets
 			while (el)
 				struct hgStats *val = el->val;
 				statsSum += val->stats;
 				double pVal = pow(10,-1.0*val->prob);
 				if(pVal < 0)
 					pVal = pow(10,-290);
 				else if(pVal > 1)
 					pVal = 1-pow(10,-290);
 					probLogSum += -2.0*log(pVal);
 					probLogSum += zScore(pVal);
 				el = hashLookupNext(el);
 		// to prevent underflow...
 		//printf("debug %f \n",(statsCount * log(probLogSum/2) - probLogSum/2 - lgam(statsCount)));
 		if(statsCount > 0 && useFisher)
 		while((statsCount * log(probLogSum/2) - probLogSum/2 - lgam(statsCount)) < -500)
 			probLogSum -= 1;
 		if(statsCount > 0)
 			combStats->chrom = cloneString("chrXXX"); // put dummy chromosomes, never used
 			combStats->chromStart = 0;
 			combStats->chromEnd = 0; 
 			combStats->name = gs->name;
 			combStats->stats = (statsSum) / statsCount;
 				combStats->prob = log(chdtrc(statsCount*2,probLogSum))/log(10)*-1;
 				combStats->prob = log(ndtr(probLogSum/sqrt(statsCount)))/log(10)*-1;
 			combStats->compIndex = 0;
 			combStats->totalComps = 1;
 			if(combStats->prob < min)
 				min = combStats->prob;
 			if(combStats->prob > max)
 				max = combStats->prob;
 			if (combStats->stats<0)
 				combStats->outputVal = -combStats->prob;
 				combStats->outputVal =combStats->prob;
 			hashAdd(combNewBed5Hash, gs->name, combStats);
 	if (min == DBL_MAX || max == -DBL_MAX) //no data
 	    return NULL;
 	struct analysisResultHash *fResult = AllocVar(fResult);
 	fResult->hash = combNewBed5Hash;
 	fResult->min = min;
 	fResult->max = max;
 	return fResult;