src/hg/js/hgTracks.js 1.36
1.36 2009/08/24 16:55:02 larrym
move map manipulation code into contextMenu block
Index: src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/js/hgTracks.js,v
retrieving revision 1.35
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.35 -r1.36
--- src/hg/js/hgTracks.js 23 Aug 2009 21:35:34 -0000 1.35
+++ src/hg/js/hgTracks.js 24 Aug 2009 16:55:02 -0000 1.36
@@ -1,864 +1,866 @@
// Javascript for use in hgTracks CGI
// $Header$
var debug = false;
var originalPosition;
var originalSize;
var clickClipHeight;
var startDragZoom = null;
var newWinWidth;
var imageV2 = false;
var imgBoxPortal = false;
var blockUseMap = false;
var mapHtml;
var mapItems;
var trackImg; // jQuery element for the track image
var trackImgTbl; // jQuery element used for image table under imageV2
var imgAreaSelect; // jQuery element used for imgAreaSelect
var originalImgTitle;
var autoHideSetting = true; // Current state of imgAreaSelect autoHide setting
var selectedMapItem; // index of currently choosen map item (via context menu).
function commify (str) {
if(typeof(str) == "number")
str = str + "";
var n = str.length;
if (n <= 3) {
return str;
} else {
var pre = str.substring(0, n-3);
var post = str.substring(n-3);
var pre = commify(pre);
return pre + "," + post;
function initVars(img)
// There are various entry points, so we call initVars in several places to make sure this variables get updated.
if(!originalPosition) {
// remember initial position and size so we can restore it if user cancels
originalPosition = $('#positionHidden').val();
originalSize = $('#size').text();
function selectStart(img, selection)
var now = new Date();
startDragZoom = now.getTime();
blockUseMap = true;
// vvvvvvv Should be obsolete since maps items are ignored when startDragZoom is set
// if(imageV2 == false) {
// jQuery.each(jQuery.browser, function(i, val) {
// if(i=="msie" && val) {
// // Very hacky way to solve following probem specif to IE:
// // If the user ends selection with the mouse in a map box item, the map item
// // is choosen instead of the selection; to fix this, we remove map box items
// // during the mouse selection process.
// mapHtml = $('#map').html();
// $('#map').empty();
// }
// });
// }
// ^^^^^^^^ Should be obsolete since maps items are ignored when startDragZoom is set
function setPositionByCoordinates(chrom, start, end)
var newPosition = chrom + ":" + commify(start) + "-" + commify(end);
setPosition(newPosition, commify(end - start + 1));
return newPosition;
function setPosition(position, size)
// Set value of position and size (in hiddens and input elements).
// We assume size has already been commified.
// Either position or size may be null.
if(position) {
// XXXX There are multiple tags with name == "position":^(
var tags = document.getElementsByName("position");
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
var ele = tags[i];
ele.value = position;
if(size) {
function updatePosition(img, selection, singleClick)
// singleClick is true when the mouse hasn't moved (or has only moved a small amount).
var insideX = parseInt(document.getElementById("hgt.insideX").value);
var revCmplDisp = parseInt(document.getElementById("hgt.revCmplDisp").value) == 0 ? false : true;
var chromName = document.getElementById("hgt.chromName").value;
var winStart = parseInt(document.getElementById("hgt.winStart").value);
var winEnd = parseInt(document.getElementById("hgt.winEnd").value);
if(typeof imgBoxPortalStart != "undefined" && imgBoxPortalStart) {
winStart = imgBoxPortalStart;
winEnd = imgBoxPortalEnd;
var imgWidth = jQuery(img).width() - insideX;
var width = winEnd - winStart;
var newPos = null;
var newSize = null;
var mult = width / imgWidth; // mult is bp/pixel multiplier
var startDelta; // startDelta is how many bp's to the right/left
if(revCmplDisp) {
var x1 = Math.min(imgWidth, selection.x1);
startDelta = Math.floor(mult * (imgWidth - x1));
} else {
var x1 = Math.max(insideX, selection.x1);
startDelta = Math.floor(mult * (x1 - insideX));
if(singleClick) {
var newStart = (winStart + 1) + (startDelta - Math.floor(newWinWidth / 2));
if(newStart < 1) {
newStart = 1;
newEnd = newWinWidth;
} else {
// hgTracks gracefully handles overflow past the end of the chrom, so don't worry about that.
newEnd = (winStart + 1) + (startDelta + Math.floor(newWinWidth / 2));
newPos = chromName + ":" + commify(newStart) + "-" + commify(newEnd);
newSize = newEnd - newStart + 1;
} else {
var endDelta;
if(revCmplDisp) {
endDelta = startDelta;
var x2 = Math.min(imgWidth, selection.x2);
startDelta = Math.floor(mult * (imgWidth - x2));
} else {
var x2 = Math.max(insideX, selection.x2);
endDelta = Math.floor(mult * (x2 - insideX));
var newStart = winStart + 1 + startDelta;
var newEnd = winStart + 1 + endDelta;
if(newEnd > winEnd) {
newEnd = winEnd;
newPos = chromName + ":" + commify(newStart) + "-" + commify(newEnd);
newSize = newEnd - newStart + 1;
if(newPos != null) {
setPosition(newPos, commify(newSize));
return true;
function selectChange(img, selection)
updatePosition(img, selection, false);
return true;
function selectEnd(img, selection)
var imgWidth = jQuery(img).width();
var imgHeight = jQuery(img).height();
var imgOfs = jQuery(img).offset();
// ignore releases outside of the image rectangle (allowing a 10 pixel slop)
var slop = 10;
var now = new Date();
var doIt = false;
if(autoHideSetting && (selection.event.pageX >= (imgOfs.left - slop)) && (selection.event.pageX < (imgOfs.left + imgWidth + slop))
&& (selection.event.pageY >= ( - slop)) && (selection.event.pageY < ( + imgHeight + slop))) {
// ignore single clicks that aren't in the top of the image (this happens b/c the clickClipHeight test in selectStart
// doesn't occur when the user single clicks).
doIt = startDragZoom != null || selection.y1 <= clickClipHeight;
if(doIt) {
// startDragZoom is null if mouse has never been moved
if(updatePosition(img, selection, (selection.x2 == selection.x1) || startDragZoom == null || (now.getTime() - startDragZoom) < 100)) {
} else {
setPosition(originalPosition, originalSize);
originalPosition = originalSize = null;
// if(mapHtml) {
// $('#map').append(mapHtml);
// }
// mapHtml = null;
startDragZoom = null;
setTimeout('blockUseMap=false;',50); // Necessary incase the selectEnd was over a map item. select takes precedence.
return true;
$(window).load(function () {
// jQuery load function with stuff to support drag selection in track img
// Don't load contextMenu if jquery.contextmenu.js hasn't been loaded
if(trackImg && jQuery.fn.contextMenu) {
+ if(imageV2) {
+ $("map[name!=ideoMap]").each( function(t) { parseMap($(this, false));});
+ } else {
+ // XXXX still under debate whether we have to remove the map
+ parseMap($('#map'), true);
+ mapHtml = $('#map').html();
+ $('#map').empty();
+ }
originalImgTitle = trackImg.attr("title");
if(imageV2) {
$(".trDraggable,.nodrop").each( function(t) { loadContextMenu($(this)); });
$(".trDraggable,.nodrop").each( function(t) {
function (e) {
function (e) {
} else {
function (e) {
function (e) {
function loadImgAreaSelect(firstTime)
var rulerEle = document.getElementById("hgt.rulerClickHeight");
var dragSelectionEle = document.getElementById("hgt.dragSelection");
// disable if ruler is not visible.
if((dragSelectionEle != null) && (dragSelectionEle.value == '1') && (rulerEle != null)) {
var imgHeight = 0;
trackImg = $('#img_data_ruler');
if(trackImg == undefined || trackImg.length == 0) { // Revert to old imageV1
trackImg = $('#trackMap');
imgHeight = jQuery(trackImg).height();
} else {
imageV2 = true;
trackImgTbl = $('#imgTbl');
imgHeight = trackImg.height();
- if(imageV2) {
- $("map[name!=ideoMap]").each( function(t) { parseMap($(this, false));});
- } else {
- parseMap($('#map'), true);
- mapHtml = $('#map').html();
- $('#map').empty();
- }
clickClipHeight = parseInt(rulerEle.value);
newWinWidth = parseInt(document.getElementById("hgt.newWinWidth").value);
imgAreaSelect = jQuery((trackImgTbl || trackImg).imgAreaSelect({ selectionColor: 'blue', outerColor: '',
minHeight: imgHeight, maxHeight: imgHeight,
onSelectStart: selectStart, onSelectChange: selectChange, onSelectEnd: selectEnd,
autoHide: autoHideSetting, movable: false,
clickClipHeight: clickClipHeight}));
function toggleTrackGroupVisibility(button, prefix)
// toggle visibility of a track group; prefix is the prefix of all the id's of tr's in the
// relevant group. This code also modifies the corresponding hidden fields and the gif of the +/- img tag.
var retval = true;
var hidden = $("input[name='hgtgroup_"+prefix+"_close']")
var newVal=1; // we're going - => +
if($(button) != undefined && $(hidden) != undefined && $(hidden).length > 0) {
var oldSrc = $(button).attr("src");
if(arguments.length > 2)
newVal = arguments[2] ? 0 : 1;
newVal = oldSrc.indexOf("/remove") > 0 ? 1 : 0;
var newSrc;
if(newVal == 1) {
newSrc = oldSrc.replace("/remove", "/add");
} else {
newSrc = oldSrc.replace("/add", "/remove");
retval = false;
return retval;
function setAllTrackGroupVisibility(newState)
// Set visibility of all track groups to newState (true means expanded).
// This code also modifies the corresponding hidden fields and the gif's of the +/- img tag.
$("img[id$='_button']").each( function (i) {
if(this.src.indexOf("/remove") > 0 || this.src.indexOf("/add") > 0)
toggleTrackGroupVisibility(this,, - 7),newState); // clip '_button' suffix
return false;
function imgTblSetOrder(table)
// Sets the 'order' value for the image table after a drag reorder
$("input[name$='_imgOrd']").each(function (i) {
var tr = $(this).parents('tr');
if($(this).val() != $(tr).attr('rowIndex')) {
//alert('Reordered '+$(this).val() + " to "+$(tr).attr('rowIndex'));
jQuery.fn.panImages = function(imgOffset,imgBoxLeftOffset){
var pic;
var pan;
if ( $(this).is("img") ) {
pan = $(this).parent("div");
pic = $(this);
else if ( $(this).is("div.scroller") ) {
pan = $(this);
pic = $(this).children("img#panImg"); // Get the real pic
if(pan == undefined || pic == undefined) {
throw "Not a div with a child image! 'panImages' can only be used with divs contain images.";
var leftLimit = imgBoxLeftOffset*-1; // This hides the leftLabel if the image contains it
var prevX = imgOffset*-1;
var newX = 0;
var mouseDownX = 0;
var mouseIsDown = false;
//var ie=( $.browser.msie == true );
function initialize(){
pan.css( 'cursor', 'w-resize');//'move');
if(mouseIsDown == false) {
mouseIsDown = true;
mouseDownX = e.clientX;
//if(ie) { // Doesn't work (yet?)
// pic.ondrag='panner';
// pic.ondragend='panMouseUp';
//} else {
$(document).bind( 'mouseup', panMouseUp); // Will exec only once
return false;
function panner(e) {
//if(!e) e = window.event;
if ( mouseIsDown ) {
var relativeX = (e.clientX - mouseDownX);
if(relativeX != 0) {
blockUseMap = true;
// Remeber that offsetX (prevX) is negative
if ( (prevX + relativeX) >= leftLimit ) { // scrolled all the way to the left
newX = leftLimit;
} else if ( (prevX + relativeX) < (imgBoxPortalWidth - imgBoxWidth + leftLimit) ) { // scrolled all the way to the left
newX = (imgBoxPortalWidth - imgBoxWidth + leftLimit);
} else
newX = prevX + relativeX;
$(".panImg").css( {'left': newX.toString() + "px" });
function panMouseUp(e) { // Must be a separate function instead of pan.mouseup event.
//if(!e) e = window.event;
if(mouseIsDown) {
prevX = newX;
//if(ie) {
// pic.ondrag='';
// pic.ondragend='';
//} else {
mouseIsDown = false;
setTimeout('blockUseMap=false;',50); // Necessary incase the selectEnd was over a map item. select takes precedence.
function panUpdatePosition(newOffsetX)
// Updates the 'position/search" display with change due to panning
var portalWidthBases = imgBoxPortalEnd - imgBoxPortalStart;
var portalScrolledX = (imgBoxPortalOffsetX+imgBoxLeftLabel) + newOffsetX;
var newPortalStart = imgBoxPortalStart - Math.round(portalScrolledX*imgBoxBasesPerPixel); // As offset goes down, bases seen goes up!
if( newPortalStart < imgBoxChromStart) // Stay within bounds
newPortalStart = imgBoxChromStart;
var newPortalEnd = newPortalStart + portalWidthBases;
if( newPortalEnd > imgBoxChromEnd) {
newPortalEnd = imgBoxChromEnd;
newPortalStart = newPortalEnd - portalWidthBases;
if(newPortalStart > 0) {
// XXXX ? imgBoxPortalStart = newPortalStart;
// XXXX ? imgBoxPortalEnd = newPortalEnd;
var newPos = document.getElementById("hgt.chromName").value + ":" + commify(newPortalStart) + "-" + commify(newPortalEnd);
setPosition(newPos, (newPortalEnd - newPortalStart + 1));
return true;
function blockTheMap(e)
// Convert map AREA gets to post the form, ensuring that cart variables are kept up to date
if($("FORM").length > 0) {
$('a,area').not("[href*='#']").not("[target]").click(function(i) {
if(blockUseMap==true) {
return false;
var thisForm=$(this).parents('form');
if(thisForm == undefined || $(thisForm).length == 0)
if($(thisForm).length > 1)
if(thisForm != undefined && $(thisForm).length == 1) {
//alert("posting form:"+$(thisForm).attr('name'));
return postTheForm($(thisForm).attr('name'),this.href);
return true;
if($('#imgTbl').length == 1) {
imageV2 = true;
// Make imgTbl allow draw reorder of imgTrack rows
if($(".tableWithDragAndDrop").length > 0) {
onDragClass: "trDrag",
dragHandle: "dragHandle",
onDragStart: function(table, row) {
onDrop: function(table, row) {
if(imgTblSetOrder) { imgTblSetOrder(table); }
setTimeout('blockUseMap=false;',50); // Necessary incase the selectEnd was over a map item. select takes precedence.
if(imgBoxPortal) {
//alert("imgBox("+imgBoxChromStart+"-"+imgBoxChromEnd+","+imgBoxWidth+") bases/pix:"+imgBoxBasesPerPixel+"\nportal("+imgBoxPortalStart+"-"+imgBoxPortalEnd+","+imgBoxPortalWidth+") offset:"+imgBoxPortalOffsetX);
// Turn on drag scrolling.
// Temporary warning while new imageV2 code is being worked through
if($('#map').children("AREA").length > 0) {
alert('Using imageV2, but old map is not empty!');
function rulerModeToggle (ele)
autoHideSetting = !ele.checked;
var obj ='imgAreaSelect');
obj.setOptions({autoHide : autoHideSetting});
function findMapItem(e)
// Find mapItem for given event
var x,y;
if(imageV2) {
// It IS appropriate to use coordinates relative to the img WHEN we have a hit in the right-hand side, but NOT
// when we have a hit in the left hand elements (which do not have relative coordinates).
// XXXX still trying to figure this out.
var pos = $(;
if( == "IMG") {
// alert("img: x: " + x + ", y:" + y);
// alert("pageX: " + e.pageX + "; offsetLeft: " + pos.left);
x = e.pageX - pos.left;
y = e.pageY -;
// alert("x: " + x + "; y: " + y);
} else {
x = e.pageX - trackImg.attr("offsetLeft");
y = e.pageY - trackImg.attr("offsetTop");
// console.log(trackImg.attr("offsetLeft"), trackImg.attr("offsetTop"));
// console.log("findMapItem:", x, y);
// console.dir(mapItems);
} else {
x = e.pageX -;
y = e.pageY -;
var retval = -1;
for(var i=0;i<mapItems.length;i++)
if(mapItems[i].obj && === mapItems[i].obj) {
// console.log("Found match by objects comparison");
retval = i;
} else {
// XXXX !imageV2???
if(mapItems[i].r.contains(x, y)) {
retval = i;
// console.log("findMapItem:", e.clientX, e.clientY, x, y, pos.left,, retval, mapItems.length,;
// console.log(e.clientX, pos);
return retval;
function mapEvent(e)
var i = findMapItem(e);
if(i >= 0)
{ = mapItems[i].title;
} else {
// XXXX this doesn't work.
// $('#myMenu').html("<ul id='myMenu' class='contextMenu'><li class='edit'><a href='#img'>Get Image</a></li></ul>"); = originalImgTitle;
function mapMouseDown(e)
// XXXX Is rightclick logic necessary?
var rightclick = e.which ? (e.which == 3) : (e.button == 2);
return false;
} else {
var i = findMapItem(e);
if(i >= 0)
// XXXX Why does href get changed to "about://" on IE?
window.location = mapItems[i].href;
return true;
function contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, cmd)
setTimeout(function() { contextMenuHitFinish(menuItemClicked, menuObject, cmd); }, 10);
function contextMenuHitFinish(menuItemClicked, menuObject, cmd)
// dispatcher for context menu hits
if(menuObject.shown) {
// XXXX This doesn't work; i.e. I still occassionally get a menu that doesn't get hidden.
// console.log("Spinning: menu is still shown");
setTimeout(function() { contextMenuHitFinish(menuItemClicked, menuObject, cmd); }, 50);
if(cmd == 'selectWholeGene') {
// bring whole gene into view
var href = mapItems[selectedMapItem].href;
var chrom, chromStart, chromEnd;
var a = /hgg_chrom=(\w+)&/.exec(href);
if(a) {
chrom = a[1];
a = /hgg_start=(\d+)/.exec(href);
// XXXX does chromStart have to be incremented by 1?
chromStart = a[1];
a = /hgg_end=(\d+)/.exec(href);
chromEnd = a[1];
} else {
// a = /hgc.*\W+c=(\w+)/.exec(href);
a = /hgc.*\W+c=(\w+)/.exec(href);
chrom = a[1];
a = /o=(\d+)/.exec(href);
chromStart = parseInt(a[1]) + 1;
a = /t=(\d+)/.exec(href);
chromEnd = parseInt(a[1]);
var newPosition = setPositionByCoordinates(chrom, chromStart, chromEnd);
if(imageV2) {
// XXXX I don't know how to collapse down to just this portion of the display (is that possible?)
} else {
jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
type: "GET",
url: "../cgi-bin/hgTracks",
data: "hgt.trackImgOnly=1&hgt.ideogramToo=1&position=" + newPosition + "&hgsid=" + getHgsid(),
dataType: "html",
trueSuccess: handleUpdateTrackMap,
success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
cache: false
} else if (cmd == 'hgTrackUi') {
// data: ?
jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
type: "POST",
url: "../cgi-bin/hgTrackUi?ajax=1&g=" + mapItems[selectedMapItem].id + "&hgsid=" + getHgsid(),
dataType: "html",
trueSuccess: handleTrackUi,
success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
cache: true
} else if (cmd == 'dragZoomMode') {
autoHideSetting = true;
var obj ='imgAreaSelect');
obj.setOptions({autoHide : true, movable: false});
} else if (cmd == 'hilightMode') {
autoHideSetting = false;
var obj ='imgAreaSelect');
obj.setOptions({autoHide : false, movable: true});
} else if (cmd == 'viewImg') {'src'));
} else if (cmd == 'openLink') {[selectedMapItem].href);
} else {
$("select[name=" + mapItems[selectedMapItem].id + "]").each(function(t) {
if(imageV2 && cmd == 'hide')
$('#tr_' + mapItems[selectedMapItem].id).remove();
} else {
if(imageV2) {
} else {
jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
type: "GET",
url: "../cgi-bin/hgTracks",
data: "hgt.trackImgOnly=1&" + mapItems[selectedMapItem].id + "=" + cmd + "&hgsid=" + getHgsid(),
dataType: "html",
trueSuccess: handleUpdateTrackMap,
success: catchErrorOrDispatch,
cache: false
function loadContextMenu(img)
var menu = img.contextMenu(
function() {
var menu = [];
var selectedImg = " <img src='../images/Green_check.png' height='10' width='10' />";
var done = false;
if(selectedMapItem >= 0)
var href = mapItems[selectedMapItem].href;
var isGene = href.match("hgGene");
var isHgc = href.match("hgc");
// XXXX what if select is not available (b/c trackControlsOnMain is off)?
// Move functionality to a hidden variable?
var select = $("select[name=" + mapItems[selectedMapItem].id + "]");
var cur = select.val();
if(cur) {
select.children().each(function(index, o) {
var title = $(this).val();
var str = title;
if(title == cur) {
str += selectedImg;
var o = new Object();
o[str] = {onclick: function (menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, title); return true;}};
var o = new Object();
if(isGene || isHgc) {
var title = mapItems[selectedMapItem].title || "feature";
o["Zoom to " + title] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "selectWholeGene"); return true; }};
o["Open Link in New Window"] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "openLink"); return true; }};
} else {
o[mapItems[selectedMapItem].title] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "hgTrackUi"); return true; }};
done = true;
if(!done) {
var str = "drag-and-zoom mode";
var o = new Object();
if(autoHideSetting) {
str += selectedImg;
// menu[str].className = 'context-menu-checked-item';
o[str] = { onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "dragZoomMode"); return true; }};
o = new Object();
str = "hilight mode";
if(!autoHideSetting) {
str += selectedImg;
o[str] = { onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "hilightMode"); return true; }};
menu.push({"view image": {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "viewImg"); return true; }}});
return menu;
beforeShow: function(e) {
// console.log(mapItems[selectedMapItem]);
selectedMapItem = findMapItem(e);
hideCallback: function() {
// this doesn't work
function parseMap(map, reset)
// Parse the jQuery map object into returned mapItems array (map needn't be the element attached to current document).
if(reset || !mapItems) {
mapItems = new Array();
var i = mapItems.length;
map.children().each(function() {
mapItems[i++] = {
r : new Rectangle(this.coords),
href : this.href,
title : this.title,
id :,
obj : this
return mapItems;
function showWarning(str)
function catchErrorOrDispatch(obj,status)
jQuery('body').css('cursor', '');
function handleTrackUi(response, status)
// Take html from hgTrackUi and put it up as a modal dialog.
ajaxOptions: {
// This doesn't work
cache: true
resizable: true,
bgiframe: true,
height: 450,
width: 600,
modal: true,
closeOnEscape: true,
autoOpen: false,
title: "Track Settings",
close: function(){
// clear out html after close to prevent problems caused by duplicate html elements
jQuery('body').css('cursor', '');
function handleUpdateTrackMap(response, status)
// Handle ajax response with an updated trackMap image (gif or png) and map.
// var a= /(<IMG SRC\s*=\s*([^"]+)"[^>]+id='trackMap'\s*>/.exec(response);
// <IMG SRC = "../trash/hgtIdeo/hgtIdeo_hgwdev_larrym_61d1_8b4a80.gif" BORDER=1 WIDTH=1039 HEIGHT=21 USEMAP=#ideoMap id='chrom'>
// Parse out new ideoGram url (if available)
var a = /<IMG([^>]+SRC[^>]+id='chrom'[^>]*)>/.exec(response);
if(a && a[1]) {
b = /SRC\s*=\s*"([^")]+)"/.exec(a[1]);
if(b[1]) {
$('#chrom').attr('src', b[1]);
a= /<IMG([^>]+SRC[^>]+id='trackMap[^>]*)>/.exec(response);
// Deal with a is null
if(a[1]) {
var b = /WIDTH\s*=\s*['"]?(\d+)['"]?/.exec(a[1]);
var width = b[1];
b = /HEIGHT\s*=\s*['"]?(\d+)['"]?/.exec(a[1]);
var height = b[1];
b = /SRC\s*=\s*"([^")]+)"/.exec(a[1]);
var src = b[1];
$('#trackMap').attr('src', src);
var obj ='imgAreaSelect');
if(width) {
trackImg.attr('width', width);
if(height) {
trackImg.attr('height', height);
// obj.setOptions({minHeight : height, maxHeight: height});
// obj.getOptions().minHeight = height;
// obj.getOptions().maxHeight = height;
// XXX doesn't work obj.options.maxHeight = height;
// This doesn't work: obj.windowResize();
// This works, but causes weird error IF we also change minHeight and maxHeight.
// jQuery(window).triggerHandler("resize");
// After much debugging, I found the best way to have imgAreaSelect continue to work
// was to reload it:
} else {
showWarning("Couldn't parse out new image");
// now pull out and parse the map.
a = /<MAP id='map' Name=map>([\s\S]+)<\/MAP>/.exec(response);
if(a[1]) {
var $map = $('<map>' + a[1] + '</map>');
parseMap($map, true);
} else {
showWarning("Couldn't parse out map");
jQuery('body').css('cursor', '');