src/hg/js/hui.js 1.30

1.30 2009/08/18 23:22:51 tdreszer
Now composites are automatically made vis=full only when they are vis=hide and a multi-view is made visible.
Index: src/hg/js/hui.js
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/js/hui.js,v
retrieving revision 1.29
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.29 -r1.30
--- src/hg/js/hui.js	2 Jun 2009 19:12:17 -0000	1.29
+++ src/hg/js/hui.js	18 Aug 2009 23:22:51 -0000	1.30
@@ -1,889 +1,888 @@
 // JavaScript Especially for hui.c
 // $Header$
 var debugLevel = 0;
 var viewDDtoSubCB = true;
 var viewDDtoSubCBhide = false;
+var compositeName = "";
 //var viewDDtoMatCB = true; //true;
 //var matCBwithViewDD = true;
 //var subCBtoMatCB = true;
 //var matCBtoSubCB = true; // Always
 //var now = new Date();
 //var start = now.getTime();
 //$(window).load(function () {
 //    if(start != null) {
 //        now = new Date();
 //        alert("Loading took "+(now.getTime() - start)+" msecs.");
 //    }
 // The 'mat*' functions are especially designed to support subtrack configuration by 2D matrix of controls
 function matSelectViewForSubTracks(obj,view)
 // Handle any necessary changes to subtrack checkboxes when the view changes
 // views are "select" drop downs on a subtrack configuration page
     if( obj.selectedIndex == 0) { // hide
         if(viewDDtoSubCBhide) {
             //    $("input.matrixCB").filter(":checked").each( function (i) { matChkBoxNormalize(this); } );
         //enableViewCfgLink(false,view);  // Could "disable" view cfg when hidden!
     } else {
         //enableViewCfgLink(true,view);   // Would need to reeanble view cfg when visible
         // Make main display dropdown show full if currently hide
-        var trackName =,".")); // {trackName}.{view}.vis
-        var compositeDD = $("select[name='"+trackName+"']");
-        if($(compositeDD).attr('selectedIndex') < ($(compositeDD).children('option').length - 1)) { // Composite vis display not already full
-            var list = $(".viewDd");
-            var maxVis = obj.selectedIndex;
-            $(list).each(function (i) {
-                if( maxVis < this.selectedIndex)
-                    maxVis = this.selectedIndex;
-            });
-                 if($(compositeDD).children('option').length - 1 < maxVis)
-                    $(compositeDD).attr('selectedIndex') = $(compositeDD).options.length - 1;
-            else if($(compositeDD).attr('selectedIndex') < maxVis)
-                    $(compositeDD).attr('selectedIndex',maxVis);
-        }
+        compositeName =,".")); // {trackName}.{view}.vis
+        exposeComposite(compositeName);
         // if matrix used then: essentially reclick all 'checked' matrix checkboxes
         if(viewDDtoSubCB) {
             var CBs = $("input.matrixCB").filter(":checked");
             if(CBs.length > 0) {
                 var classSets = new Array();
                 CBs.each( function (i) { classSets.push( $(this).attr("class") ); } );
                 if(classSets.length > 0) {
                     // Now it would be good to create a list of all subtrack CBs that match view,unchecked, and a class set (pair or triplet!)
                     CBs = $("input.subtrackCB").filter("."+view).not(":checked");
                     if(CBs.length > 0) {
                         while(classSets.length > 0) {
                             var OneOrMoreClasses = classSets.pop();
                             var JustTheseCBs = CBs;
                             if(OneOrMoreClasses.length > 0) {
                                 OneOrMoreClasses = OneOrMoreClasses.replace("matrixCB ",""); // "matrixCB K562 CTCF" to "K562 CTCF"
                                 var classes = OneOrMoreClasses.split(" ");
                                 while(classes.length > 0) {
                                     JustTheseCBs = JustTheseCBs.filter("."+classes.pop());
                                 JustTheseCBs.each( function (i) {
                                     this.checked = true;
         } else {
         //    matChkBoxesNormalized();
         //    //$("input.matrixCB").not(":checked").each( function (i) { matChkBoxNormalize(this); } );
+function exposeComposite(compositeName)
+    // Make main display dropdown show full if currently hide
+    var compositeDD = $("select[name='"+compositeName+"']");
+    if($(compositeDD).attr('selectedIndex') < 1) { // Composite vis display is HIDE
+        var maxVis = ($(compositeDD).children('option').length - 1);
+        $(compositeDD).attr('selectedIndex',maxVis);
+    }
 // Obsolete because matCBwithViewDD is not true
 //function getViewNamesSelected(on)
 //// Returns an array of all views that are on or off (hide)
 //// views are "select" drop downs containing 'hide','dense',...
 //// To be clear, an array of strings with the view name is returned.
 //    var views = new Array();
 //    var list = $(".viewDd");
 //    if(on)
 //        list = $(list).filter("[selectedIndex!=0]")
 //    else
 //        list = $(list).filter("[selectedIndex=0]")
 //    $(list).each( function (i) {
 //        views.push('.') + 1,'.')));
 //    });
 //   return( views );
 function checkBoxSet(CB,state)
     CB.checked = state;
 function matSetMatrixCheckBoxes(state)
 // Set all Matrix checkboxes to state.  If additional arguments are passed in, the list of CBs will be narrowed by the classes
     var CBs;
         CBs = $("input.matrixCB").not(":checked");
         CBs = $("input.matrixCB").filter(":checked");
     for(var vIx=1;vIx<arguments.length;vIx++) {
         CBs = CBs.filter("."+arguments[vIx]);  // Successively limit list by additional classes.
     CBs.each( function (i) { this.checked = state;} )
     //CBs.each( function (i) { if(this.checked != state);} )
         CBs = $("input.subtrackCB").not(":checked");
         CBs = $("input.subtrackCB").filter(":checked");
     for(var vIx=1;vIx<arguments.length;vIx++) {
         CBs = CBs.filter("."+arguments[vIx]);  // Successively limit list by additional classes.
     CBs.each( function (i) { checkBoxSet(this,state); });
     return true;
 function subtrackCBsSetAll(state)
 // Set all subtrack checkboxes to state.  If additional arguments are passed in, the list of CBs will be narrowed by the classes
     var CBs;
         CBs = $("input.subtrackCB").not(":checked");
         CBs = $("input.subtrackCB").filter(":checked");
     for(var vIx=1;vIx<arguments.length;vIx++) {
         CBs = CBs.filter("."+arguments[vIx]);  // Successively limit list by additional classes.
     CBs.each( function (i) { checkBoxSet(this,state); });
     return true;
 function matSetSubtrackCheckBoxes(state)
 // Set all subtrack checkboxes to state.  If additional arguments are passed in, the list of CBs will be narrowed by the classes
     var CBs = $("input.subtrackCB");
     for(var vIx=1;vIx<arguments.length;vIx++) {
         CBs = CBs.filter("."+arguments[vIx]);  // Successively limit list by additional classes.
     // This next block of code is needed to make dimZ work with dimsX&Y
     if(state) {
         var dimZ = $("input.matrixCB.dimZ");
         if(dimZ.length > 0) {
             if(arguments.length == 3) { // Requested dimX&Y
                 dimZ = dimZ.filter(":checked");
                 for(var dIx=0;dIx<dimZ.length;dIx++) {
                     var classes = $(dimZ[dIx]).attr("class");
                     classes = classes.replace("matrixCB ","");
                     classes = classes.replace("dimZ","");
                     classes = classes.replace(/ /g,".");
                     CBs.filter(classes).each( function (i) { checkBoxSet(this,state); });
             // Okay, that works for including dimZ when dimX&Y is clicked.  What about including dimX&Y when dimZ is clicked?
             } if(arguments.length == 2) { // Requested dimZ
                 var dimsXY = $("input.matrixCB").not(".dimZ");
                 dimsXY = dimsXY.filter(":checked");
                 for(var dIx=0;dIx<dimsXY.length;dIx++) {
                     var classes = $(dimsXY[dIx]).attr("class");
                     classes = classes.replace("matrixCB","");
                     classes = classes.replace(/ /g,".");
                     CBs.filter(classes).each( function (i) { checkBoxSet(this,state); });
             return true;  // Notice if dimZ exists (regardless of checked state) then need to return
     // state uncheck or dimZ doesn't exist
     CBs.each( function (i) { checkBoxSet(this,state); });
     return true;
 function setCheckBoxShadow(CB)
 // Since CBs only get into cart when enabled/checked, the shadow control enables cart to know other states
     var shadowState = 0;
         shadowState = 1;
         shadowState -= 2;
 function matEnableSubtrackCheckBoxes(state)
 // Enables/Disables subtracks checkboxes.  If additional arguments are passed in, the list of CBs will be narrowed by the classes
     var CBs = $("input.subtrackCB");
     for(var vIx=1;vIx<arguments.length;vIx++) {
         CBs = CBs.filter("."+arguments[vIx]);  // Successively limit list by additional classes.
     //if(matCBwithViewDD) {
     //    if(state) { // further filter by view
     //        views = getViewNamesSelected(false); // get views (strings) that are off
     //        for(var vIx=0;vIx<views.length;vIx++) {
     //            CBs = CBs.filter(":not(."+views[vIx]+")");  // Successively limit list by additional classes.
     //        }
     //    }
     CBs.each( function (i) {
         this.disabled = !state;
     return true;
 function matSubtrackCbClick(subCb)
 // When a subrtrack checkbox is clicked, it may result in
 // Clicking/unclicking the corresponding matrix CB.  Also the
 // subtrack may be hidden as a result.
     //    matChkBoxNormalizeMatching(subCb);
 function compositeCfgUpdateSubtrackCfgs(inp)
 // Updates all subtrack configuration values when the composite cfg is changed
     var count=0;
     var suffix ="."));
     var list = inputArrayThatMatches(inp.type,"name","",suffix);
     for (var ix=0;ix<list.length;ix++) {
         list[ix].value = inp.value;
     if(list.length==0) {
         var list = document.getElementsByTagName('select');
         for (var ix=0;ix<list.length;ix++) {
             if(list[ix].name.lastIndexOf(suffix) == list[ix].name.length - suffix.length ) {
                 list[ix].selectedIndex = inp.selectedIndex;
     return true;
 function compositeCfgRegisterOnchangeAction(prefix)
 // After composite level cfg settings written to HTML it is necessary to go back and
 // make sure that each time they change, any matching subtrack level cfg setting are changed.
     var list = $("input[name^='"+prefix+"']").not("[name$='.vis']");
     var list = $("select[name^='"+prefix+"']").not("[name$='.vis']");
 function subtrackCfgHideAll(table)
 // hide all the subtrack configuration stuff
     $("div[id $= '_cfg']").each( function (i) {
         $( this ).css('display','none');
         $( this ).children("input[name$='.childShowCfg']").val("off");
 function subtrackCfgShow(tableName)
 // Will show subtrack specific configuration controls
 // Config controls not matching name will be hidden
     var divit = $("#div_"+tableName+"_cfg");
     if($(divit).css('display') == 'none')
     // Could have all inputs commented out, then uncommented when clicked:
     // But would need to:
     // 1) be able to find composite view level input
     // 2) know if subtrack input is non-default (if so then subtrack value overrides composite view level value)
     // 3) know whether so composite view level value has changed since hgTrackUi displayed (if so composite view level value overrides)
     return false;
 function enableViewCfgLink(enable,view)
 // Enables or disables a single configuration link.
     var link = $('#a_cfg_'+view);
 function enableAllViewCfgLinks()
     $( ".viewDd").each( function (i) {
         var view =".") + 1,lastIndexOf(".vis"));
         enableViewCfgLink((this.selectedIndex > 0),view);
 function hideConfigControls(view)
 // Will hide the configuration controls associated with one name
     $("input[name$='"+view+".showCfg']").val("off");      // Set cart variable
     $("tr[id^='tr_cfg_"+view+"']").css('display','none'); // Hide controls
 function showConfigControls(name)
 // Will show configuration controls for name= {tableName}.{view}
 // Config controls not matching name will be hidden
     //if($( ".viewDd[name$='" + name + ".vis']").attr("selectedIndex") == 0) {
     //    $("input[name$='.showCfg']").val("off");
     //    $("tr[id^='tr_cfg_']").css('display','none');  // hide cfg controls when view is hide
     //    return true;
     var trs  = $("tr[id^='tr_cfg_']")
     $("input[name$='.showCfg']").val("off"); // Turn all off
     $( trs ).each( function (i) {
         if( == 'tr_cfg_'+name && == 'none') {
             $( this ).css('display','');
         else if( == '') {
             $( this ).css('display','none');
     $("table[id^='subtracks.']").each( function (i) { subtrackCfgHideAll(this);} ); // Close the cfg controls in the subtracks
     return true;
 function trAlternateColors(table,cellIx)
 // Will alternate colors each time the contents of the column(s) change
     var lastContent = "not";
     var bgColor1 = "#FFFEE8";
     var bgColor2 = "#FFF9D2";
     var curColor = bgColor1;
     var lastContent = "start";
     var cIxs = new Array();
     for(var aIx=1;aIx<arguments.length;aIx++) {   // multiple columns
         cIxs[aIx-1] = arguments[aIx];
     if (document.getElementsByTagName)
         for (var trIx=0;trIx<table.rows.length;trIx++) {
             var curContent = "";
             if(table.rows[trIx].style.display == 'none')
             for(var ix=0;ix<cIxs.length;ix++) {
                 if(table.rows[trIx].cells[cIxs[ix]]) {
                     curContent = (table.rows[trIx].cells[cIxs[ix]].abbr != "" ?
                                   table.rows[trIx].cells[cIxs[ix]].abbr       :
                                   table.rows[trIx].cells[cIxs[ix]].innerHTML  );
             if( lastContent != curContent ) {
                 lastContent  = curContent;
                 if( curColor == bgColor1)
                     curColor =  bgColor2;
                     curColor =  bgColor1;
             table.rows[trIx].bgColor = curColor;
     } else if(debugLevel>2) {
         alert("trAlternateColors is unimplemented for this browser)");
 //////////// Sorting ////////////
 function tableSort(table,fnCompare)
 // Sorts table based upon rules passed in by function reference
     //alert("tableSort("") is beginning.");
     var trs=0,moves=0;
     var colOrder = new Array();
     var cIx=0;
     var trTopIx,trCurIx,trBottomIx=table.rows.length - 1;
     for(trTopIx=0;trTopIx < trBottomIx;trTopIx++) {
         var topRow = table.rows[trTopIx];
         for(trCurIx = trTopIx + 1; trCurIx <= trBottomIx; trCurIx++) {
             var curRow = table.rows[trCurIx];
             var compared = fnCompare(topRow,curRow,arguments[2]);
             if(compared < 0) {
                 table.insertBefore(table.removeChild(curRow), topRow);
                 topRow = curRow; // New top!
     if(fnCompare != trComparePriority)
     //alert("tableSort("") examined "+trs+" rows and made "+moves+" moves.");
 // Sorting a table by columns relies upon the sortColumns structure
 // The sortColumns structure looks like:
 //    char *  tags[];     // a list of trackDb.subGroupN tags in sort order
 //    boolean reverse[];  // the sort direction for that subGroup
 //    int     cellIxs[];  // The indexes of the columns in the table to be sorted
 ///// Following functions are for Sorting by columns:
 function trCompareColumnAbbr(tr1,tr2,sortColumns)
 // Compares a set of columns based upon the contents of their abbr
     for(var ix=0;ix < sortColumns.cellIxs.length;ix++) {
         //if(tr1.cells[sortColumns.cellIxs[ix]].abbr == undefined) {
         //    if(tr1.cells[sortColumns.cellIxs[ix]].value < tr2.cells[sortColumns.cellIxs[ix]].value)
         //        return (sortColumns.reverse[ix] ? -1: 1);
         //    else if(tr1.cells[sortColumns.cellIxs[ix]].value > tr2.cells[sortColumns.cellIxs[ix]].value)
         //        return (sortColumns.reverse[ix] ? 1: -1);
         //} else {
             if(tr1.cells[sortColumns.cellIxs[ix]].abbr < tr2.cells[sortColumns.cellIxs[ix]].abbr)
                 return (sortColumns.reverse[ix] ? -1: 1);
             else if(tr1.cells[sortColumns.cellIxs[ix]].abbr > tr2.cells[sortColumns.cellIxs[ix]].abbr)
                 return (sortColumns.reverse[ix] ? 1: -1);
     return 0;
 function tableSortByColumns(table,sortColumns)
 // Will sort the table based on the abbr values on a et of <TH> colIds
     if (document.getElementsByTagName)
                         var columns = new sortColumnsGetFromTable(table);
     } else if(debugLevel>2) {
         alert("tableSortByColumns is unimplemented for this browser)");
 function sortOrderFromColumns(sortColumns)
 {// Creates the trackDB setting entry sortOrder subGroup1=+ ... from a sortColumns structure
     var sortOrder ="";
     for(ix=0;ix<sortColumns.tags.length;ix++) {
         sortOrder += sortColumns.tags[ix] + "=" + (sortColumns.reverse[ix] ? "-":"+") + " ";
     if(sortOrder.length > 0)
         sortOrder = sortOrder.substr(0,sortOrder.length-1);
     return sortOrder;
 function sortOrderFromTr(tr)
 {// Looks up the sortOrder input value from a *.sortTr header row of a sortable table
     var inp = tr.getElementsByTagName('input');
     for(var ix=0;ix<inp.length;ix++) {
         var offset = inp[ix].id.lastIndexOf(".sortOrder");
         if(offset > 0 && offset == inp[ix].id.length - 10)
             return inp[ix].value;
     return "";
 function sortColumnsGetFromSortOrder(sortOrder)
 {// Creates sortColumns struct (without cellIxs[]) from a trackDB.sortOrder setting string
     this.tags = new Array();
     this.reverse = new Array();
     var order = sortOrder;
     for(var ix=0;ix<12;ix++) {
         if(order.indexOf("=") <= 0)
         this.tags[ix]    = order.substring(0,order.indexOf("="));
         this.reverse[ix] = (order.substr(this.tags[ix].length+1,1) != '+');
         if(order.length < (this.tags[ix].length+2))
         order = order.substring(this.tags[ix].length+3);
 function sortColumnsGetFromTr(tr)
 {// Creates a sortColumns struct from the entries in the '*.sortTr' heading row of a sortable table
     this.inheritFrom = sortColumnsGetFromSortOrder;
     var inp = tr.getElementsByTagName('input');
     var ix;
     for(ix=0;ix<inp.length;ix++) {
         var offset = inp[ix].id.lastIndexOf(".sortOrder");
         if(offset > 0 && offset == inp[ix].id.length - 10) {
     if(ix == inp.length)
     // Add an additional array
     this.cellIxs = new Array();
     var cols = tr.getElementsByTagName('th');
     for(var tIx=0;tIx<this.tags.length;tIx++) {
         var colIdTag = this.tags[tIx] + ".sortTh";
         for(ix=0; ix<cols.length; ix++) {
             var offset = cols[ix].id.lastIndexOf(colIdTag);
             if(offset > 0 && offset == cols[ix].id.length - colIdTag.length) {
                 this.cellIxs[tIx] = cols[ix].cellIndex;
 function sortColumnsGetFromTable(table)
 {// Creates a sortColumns struct from the contents of a '*.sortable' table
     this.inheritNow = sortColumnsGetFromTr;
     var ix;
     for(ix=0;ix<table.rows.length;ix++) {
         var offset = table.rows[ix].id.lastIndexOf(".sortTr");
         if(offset > 0 && offset == table.rows[ix].id.length - 7) {
 function tableSortUsingSortColumns(table)
 {// Sorts a table body based upon the marked columns
     var columns = new sortColumnsGetFromTable(table);
     tbody = table.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
 function hintOverSortableColumnHeader(th)
 {// Upodates the sortColumns struct and sorts the table when a column headder has been pressed
     if(debugLevel>0) {
         var tr=th.parentNode;
         th.title = "Current Sort Order: " + sortOrderFromTr(tr);
         var sortColumns = new sortColumnsGetFromTr(tr);
 function tableSortAtButtonPress(anchor,tagId)
 {// Updates the sortColumns struct and sorts the table when a column header has been pressed
  // If the current primary sort column is pressed, its direction is toggled then the table is sorted
  // If a secondary sort column is pressed, it is moved to the primary spot and sorted in fwd direction
     var th=anchor.parentNode;
     var sup=th.getElementsByTagName("sup")[0];
     var tr=th.parentNode;
     var inp = tr.getElementsByTagName('input');
     var iIx;
     for(iIx=0;iIx<inp.length;iIx++) {
         var offset = inp[iIx].id.lastIndexOf(".sortOrder");
         if(offset > 0 && offset == inp[iIx].id.length - 10)
     var theOrder = new sortColumnsGetFromTr(tr);
     var oIx;
     for(oIx=0;oIx<theOrder.tags.length;oIx++) {
         if(theOrder.tags[oIx] == tagId)
     if(oIx > 0) { // Need to reorder
         var newOrder = new sortColumnsGetFromTr(tr);
         var nIx=0;
         newOrder.tags[nIx] = theOrder.tags[oIx];
         newOrder.reverse[nIx] = false;  // When moving to the first position sort forward
         newOrder.cellIxs[nIx] = theOrder.cellIxs[ oIx];
         sups = tr.getElementsByTagName("sup");
         sups[newOrder.cellIxs[nIx]-1].innerHTML = "&darr;1";
         for(var ix=0;ix<theOrder.tags.length;ix++) {
             if(ix != oIx) {
                 newOrder.tags[nIx]    = theOrder.tags[ix];
                 newOrder.reverse[nIx] = theOrder.reverse[ix];
                 newOrder.cellIxs[nIx] = theOrder.cellIxs[ix];
                 var dir = sups[newOrder.cellIxs[nIx]-1].innerHTML.substring(0,1);
                 sups[newOrder.cellIxs[nIx]-1].innerHTML = dir + (nIx+1);
         theOrder = newOrder;
     } else { // need to reverse directions
         theOrder.reverse[oIx] = (theOrder.reverse[oIx] == false);
         var ord = sup.innerHTML.substring(1);
         sup.innerHTML = (theOrder.reverse[oIx] == false ? "&darr;":"&uarr;");
             sup.innerHTML += ord;
     //alert("tableSortAtButtonPress(): count:"+theOrder.tags.length+" tag:"+theOrder.tags[0]+"="+(theOrder.reverse[0]?"-":"+"));
     var newSortOrder = sortOrderFromColumns(theOrder);
     inp[iIx].value = newSortOrder;
     var thead=tr.parentNode;
     var table=thead.parentNode;
     tbody = table.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];
 function tableSortAtStartup()
     //alert("tableSortAtStartup() called");
     var list = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
     for(var ix=0;ix<list.length;ix++) {
         var offset = list[ix].id.lastIndexOf(".sortable");  // TODO: replace with class and jQuery
         if(offset > 0 && offset == list[ix].id.length - 9) {
 ///// Following functions are for Sorting by priority
 function tableSetPositions(table)
 // Sets the value for the *.priority input element of a table row
 // This gets called by sort or dradgndrop in order to allow the new order to affect hgTracks display
     if (table.getElementsByTagName)
         for(var trIx=0;trIx<table.rows.length;trIx++) {
             if(table.rows[trIx].id.indexOf("tr_cb_") == 0) {
                 var inp = table.rows[trIx].getElementsByTagName('input');
                 for(var ix=0;ix<inp.length;ix++) {
                     var offset = inp[ix].name.lastIndexOf(".priority");
                     if( offset > 0 && offset == (inp[ix].name.length - 9)) {
                         inp[ix].value = table.rows[trIx].rowIndex;
 function trFindPosition(tr)
 // returns the position (*.priority) of a sortable table row
     var inp = tr.getElementsByTagName('input');
     for(var ix=0;ix<inp.length;ix++) {
         var offset = inp[ix].name.indexOf(".priority");
         if(offset > 0 && offset == (inp[ix].name.length - 9)) {
             return inp[ix].value;
     return "unknown";
 function hintForDraggableRow(tr)
     if(debugLevel>0) {
 function trComparePriority(tr1,tr2)
 // Compare routine for sorting by *.priority
     var priority1 = 999999;
     var priority2 = 999999;
     var inp1 = tr1.getElementsByTagName('input');
     var inp2 = tr2.getElementsByTagName('input');
     for(var ix=0;ix<inp1.length;ix++) { // should be same length
         if(inp1[ix].name.indexOf(".priority") == (inp1[ix].name.length - 9))
             priority1 = inp1[ix].value;
         if(inp2[ix].name.indexOf(".priority") == (inp2[ix].name.length - 9))
             priority2 = inp2[ix].value;
         if(priority1 < 999999 && priority2 < 999999)
     return priority2 - priority1;
 ///// Following functions support column reorganization
 function trReOrderCells(tr,cellIxFrom,cellIxTo)
 // Reorders cells in a table row: removes cell from one spot and inserts it before another
     //alert("tableSort("") is beginning.");
     if(cellIxFrom == cellIxTo)
     var tdFrom = tr.cells[cellIxFrom];
     var tdTo   = tr.cells[cellIxTo];
     if((cellIxTo - cellIxFrom) == 1) {
         tdFrom = tr.cells[cellIxTo];
         tdTo   = tr.cells[cellIxFrom];
     } else if((cellIxTo - cellIxFrom) > 1)
         tdTo   = tr.cells[cellIxTo + 1];
     tr.insertBefore(tr.removeChild(tdFrom), tdTo);
 function tableReOrderColumns(table,cellIxFrom,cellIxTo)
 // Reorders cells in all the rows of a table row, thus reordering columns
     if (table.getElementsByTagName) {
         for(var ix=0;ix<table.rows.length;ix++) {
             var offset = table.rows[ix].id.lastIndexOf(".sortTr");
             if(offset > 0 && offset == table.rows[ix].id.length - 7) {
         tbody = table.getElementsByTagName('tbody');
         for(var ix=0;ix<tbody[0].rows.length;ix++) {
 function matChkBoxNormalize(matCb)
     var classes =  $( matCb ).attr("class");
     classes = classes.replace("dimZ ","");
     classes = classes.replace("matrixCB "," ");
     classes = classes.replace(/ /g,".");
     var CBs = $("input.subtrackCB").filter(classes); // All subtrack CBs that match matrix CB
     // Problem: dimZ creates implied class membership. However, this is a close enough approximation
     if(CBs.length > 0) {
         var CBsChecked = CBs.filter(":checked");
         if(CBsChecked.length == CBs.length)
         else if(CBsChecked.length == 0)
 // Obsolete because viewDDtoMatCB=false and subCBtoMatCB=false
 //function matChkBoxNormalizeMatching(subCb)
 //// check/unchecks a matrix checkbox based upon subtrack checkboxes
 //// the matrix cb is the one that matches the subtrack cb provided
 //    var classes =  $( subCb ).attr("class").split(" ");
 //    var CBs = $("input.matrixCB");
 //    for (var ix=1;ix<classes.length - 1;ix++) {// 1st one should be "subtrackCB"; one should be view
 //        if(ix < 3)
 //            CBs = CBs.filter("."+classes[ix]);  // If there is a non-view 3rd class then it is the Z dimension
 //    }
 //    // There should be only one!
 //    for (var ix=0;ix<CBs.length;ix++) {
 //        matChkBoxNormalize(CBs[ix]);
 //    }
 //    if(classes.length > 4) { // Must have a Z dimension
 //        CBs = $("input.matrixCB").filter("."+classes[3]);
 //        // There should be only one!
 //        for (var ix=0;ix<CBs.length;ix++) {
 //            matChkBoxNormalize(CBs[ix]);
 //        }
 //    }
 function matChkBoxesNormalized()
 // check/unchecks matrix checkboxes based upon subtrack checkboxes
     $("input.matrixCB").each( function (i) { matChkBoxNormalize(this); } );
     // For each viewDD not selected, disable associated subtracks
     $('select.viewDd').not("[selectedIndex]").each( function (i) {
         var viewClass =".") + 1,"."));
 function showOrHideSelectedSubtracks(inp)
 // Show or Hide subtracks based upon radio toggle
     var showHide;
     if(arguments.length > 0)
     else {
         var onlySelected = $("input[name='displaySubtracks']");
         if(onlySelected.length > 0)
             showHide = onlySelected[0].checked;
     var list = $("table.tableSortable")
     for(var ix=0;ix<list.length;ix++) {
         var columns = new sortColumnsGetFromTable(list[ix]);
         var tbody = list[ix].getElementsByTagName('tbody');
         if(columns.tags.length>1) {
             else if(columns.tags.length==3)
 ///// Following functions called on page load
 function matInitializeMatrix()
 // Called at Onload to coordinate all subtracks with the matrix of check boxes
     if (document.getElementsByTagName) {
         matChkBoxesNormalized();  // Note that this needs to be done when the page is first displayed.  But ideally only on clean cart!
     else if(debugLevel>2) {
         alert("matInitializeMatrix is unimplemented for this browser)");
    // alert("Time stamped ");
 function multiSelectLoad(div,sizeWhenOpen)
     //var div = $(obj);//.parent("div.multiSelectContainer");
     var sel = $(div).children("select:first");
     if(div != undefined && sel != undefined && sizeWhenOpen <= $(sel).length) {
         $(div).css('width', ( $(sel).clientWidth ) +"px");
         $(div).css('borderRight',"2px inset");
 function multiSelectBlur(obj)
     if(obj.value == undefined || obj.value == "") {
         obj.value = "All";
         obj.selectedIndex = 0;
     //if(obj.value == "All") // Close if selected index is 1
     if(obj.selectedIndex == 0) // Close if selected index is 1
     /*else if($.browser.msie == false && $(obj).children('option[selected]').length==1) {
         var ix;
         for(ix=0;ix<obj.options.length;ix++) {
             if(obj.options[ix].value == obj.value) {
                 //obj.options[ix].selected = true;
                 obj.selectedIndex = ix;
 function multiSelectClick(obj,sizeWhenOpen)
     if(obj.size == 1)
     else if(obj.selectedIndex == 0)
 // The following js depends upon the jQuery library
     //$("div.multiSelectContainer").each( function (i) {
     //    var sel = $(this).children("select:first");
     //    multiSelectLoad(this,sel.openSize);
     // Allows rows to have their positions updated after a drag event
     if($(".tableWithDragAndDrop").length > 0) {
             onDragClass: "trDrag",
             onDrop: function(table, row) {
                     if(tableSetPositions) {
             function(){if($(this).hasClass('trDrag') == false) $(this).addClass('pale');},