src/hg/pslCDnaGenomeMatch/pslCDnaGenomeMatch.c 1.23
1.23 2009/08/18 22:31:32 baertsch
fix bug with non pass thru mode. alignments are now removed if there are multiple hits that are less than minDiff cutoff.
removed commented code and tweaked logging messages.
Index: src/hg/pslCDnaGenomeMatch/pslCDnaGenomeMatch.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/pslCDnaGenomeMatch/pslCDnaGenomeMatch.c,v
retrieving revision 1.22
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.22 -r1.23
--- src/hg/pslCDnaGenomeMatch/pslCDnaGenomeMatch.c 15 Aug 2009 17:59:49 -0000 1.22
+++ src/hg/pslCDnaGenomeMatch/pslCDnaGenomeMatch.c 18 Aug 2009 22:31:32 -0000 1.23
@@ -1,1558 +1,1546 @@
/* pslCDnaGenomeMatch - check if retroGene aligns better to parent or retroGene */
#include "common.h"
#include "linefile.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "memalloc.h"
#include "psl.h"
#include "hdb.h"
#include "axt.h"
#include "dnautil.h"
#include "dnaseq.h"
#include "nib.h"
#include "fa.h"
#include "dlist.h"
#include "dystring.h"
#include "binRange.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "genePred.h"
#include "genePredReader.h"
#include "dystring.h"
#include "pseudoGeneLink.h"
#include "verbose.h"
//#include "twoBit.h"
#include "nibTwo.h"
#include "bed.h"
#include "snp125.h"
-//#include "chainToAxt.h"
#include "pipeline.h"
#define MINDIFF 3
#define MAXLOCI 2048
#define NOVALUE 10000 /* loci index when there is no genome base for that mrna position */
#include "mrnaMisMatch.h"
//static char const rcsid[] = "$Id$";
static char na[3] = "NA";
struct axtScoreScheme *ss = NULL; /* blastz scoring matrix */
struct hash *snpHash = NULL, *mrnaHash = NULL, *faHash = NULL, *tHash = NULL, *species1Hash = NULL, *species2Hash = NULL;
int maxGap = 100;
int minDiff = MINDIFF;
int aliCount = 0; /* number of alignments read */
int mrnaCount = 0; /* number of mrna read */
int filterCount = 0; /* number of mrna where best hit can be determined */
int outputCount = 0; /* number of alignments written */
int verbosity = 1;
int lociCounter = 0;
bool passthru = FALSE;
bool computeSS = FALSE;
struct dlList *fileCache = NULL;
struct hash *nibHash = NULL;
FILE *outFile = NULL; /* output tab sep file */
FILE *bedFile = NULL; /* output bed file */
FILE *scoreFile = NULL; /* output score file */
struct twoBitFile *twoBitFile = NULL;
char *species1 = NULL;
char *species2 = NULL;
char *nibdir1 = NULL;
char *nibdir2 = NULL;
char *mrna1 = NULL;
char *mrna2 = NULL;
char *bedOut = NULL;
char *scoreOut = NULL;
char *snpFile = NULL; /* snp tab file (browser format)*/
int histogram[256][256]; /* histogram of counts for suff statistics, index is a,c,g,t,-,. */
float histoNorm[256][256]; /* normalized histogram for suff statistics, index is a,c,g,t,-,. */
//static int lociMap[MAXLOCI];
/* command line */
static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] = {
{"species1", OPTION_STRING},
{"species2", OPTION_STRING},
{"nibdir1", OPTION_STRING},
{"nibdir2", OPTION_STRING},
{"mrna1", OPTION_STRING},
{"mrna2", OPTION_STRING},
{"bedOut", OPTION_STRING},
{"score", OPTION_STRING},
{"minDiff", OPTION_INT},
{"passthru", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{"computeSS", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{NULL, 0}
struct loci
struct loci *next;
char *chrom ;
int chromStart;
int chromEnd;
int index ;
struct psl *psl; /* alignment to mrna for this loci */
struct misMatch
/* list of mismatches between genome and mrna */
struct misMatch *next; /* next in list. */
char *name; /* mrna acc */
int mrnaLoc; /* offset in mrna of mismatch */
char *chrom; /* position in genome of misMatch */
int chromStart; /* position in genome of misMatch */
char strand;
int type; /* type of mismatch , 0=normal , 1=snp */
char mrnaBase; /* base in mRNA */
char genomeBase; /* base in genome (strand relative to mrna) */
int loci; /* index number of loci */
int snpCount; /* count of snps overlapping this mismatch */
char **snpObs; /* snp observed bases */
char **snps; /* snp ids */
/* not used */
int retroLoc; /* genomic location of mismatch in retroGene */
int parentLoc; /* genomic location of mismatch in parent Gene */
char retroBase; /* contents of base in retroGene */
char parentBase; /* contents of base in parent gene */
struct alignment
/* alignment with context info */
struct alignment *next;
struct psl *psl; /* alignment of mrna for this species */
char *db; /* name of database of species */
char *nibDir; /* directory containing nib files */
char *mrnaPath; /* path to location of mrna sequence */
struct dnaSeq *tSeq; /* sequence in genome */
struct dnaSeq *qSeq; /* mrna sequence */
char **qSequence; /* query sequence for each block */
char **tSequence; /* target sequence for each block */
struct cachedFile
/* File in cache. */
struct cachedFile *next; /* next in list. */
char *name; /* File name (allocated here) */
FILE *f; /* Open file. */
struct seqFilePos
/* Where a sequence is in a file. */
struct filePos *next; /* Next in list. */
char *name; /* Sequence name. Allocated in hash. */
char *file; /* Sequence file name, allocated in hash. */
long pos; /* Position in fa file/size of nib. */
bool isNib; /* True if a nib file. */
void usage()
/* Print usage instructions and exit. */
"pslCDnaGenomeMatch - check if retroGene aligns better to parent or retroGene \n"
" pslCDnaGenomeMatch input.psl chrom.sizes cdna.2bit nibDir output.psl\n\n"
"where \n"
"input.psl contains input mRNA/EST alignment psl file SORTED by qName\n"
"chrom.sizes is a list of chromosome followed by size\n"
"cdna.2bit contains fasta sequences of all mrnas/EST \n"
"directory containing nibs of genome\n"
"output.psl contains filtered alignments for best matches and cases where no filtering occurred.\n"
" is output containing mismatch info\n"
" -computeSS compute sufficient statistics instead of filtering\n"
" -passthru if best hit cannot be decided, then pass through all alignments\n"
" -minDiff=N minimum difference in score to filter out 2nd best hit (default 5)\n"
" -bedOut=bed output file of mismatches.\n"
" -species1=psl file with alignment of mrna/EST to other species.\n"
" -species2=psl file with alignment of mrna/EST to other species.\n"
" contains snps with or without bin field in snp125 format\n"
" -nibdir1=sequence of species 1 \n"
" -nibdir2=sequence of species 2 \n"
" -mrna1=fasta file with sequence of mrna/EST used in alignment 1\n"
" -mrna2=fasta file with sequence of mrna/EST used in alignment 2\n"
void alignFree(struct alignment **pEl)
/* Free a single dynamically allocated alignment */
struct alignment *el;
struct psl *p;
struct dnaSeq *tSeq;
struct dnaSeq *qSeq;
if ((el = *pEl) == NULL) return;
p = el->psl;
tSeq = el->tSeq;
qSeq = el->qSeq;
void alignFreeList(struct alignment **pList)
/* Free a list of dynamically allocated alignment's */
struct alignment *el, *next;
for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
next = el->next;
*pList = NULL;
struct dnaSeq *nibInfoLoadSeq(struct nibInfo *nib, int start, int size)
/* Load in a sequence in mixed case from nib file. */
return nibLdPartMasked(NIB_MASK_MIXED, nib->fileName, nib->f, nib->size,
start, size);
bool purine(char a)
if (toupper(a) == 'A' || toupper(a) == 'G')
bool transversion(char a, char b)
if (purine(a) != purine(b))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
bool transition(char a, char b)
if (!transversion(a,b))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
struct dnaSeq *nibInfoLoadStrand(struct nibInfo *nib, char *seqName, int start, int end,
char strand)
/* Load in a mixed case sequence from nib file, from reverse strand if
* strand is '-'. */
struct dnaSeq *seq;
int size = end - start;
assert(size >= 0);
if (strand == '-')
verbose(6,"before start %d end %d size %d %s\n",
start, end, nib->size, seqName);
reverseIntRange(&start, &end, nib->size);
verbose(6,"after start %d end %d size %d %s\n",
start, end, nib->size, seqName);
assert(start >= 0);
seq = nibInfoLoadSeq(nib, start, size);
// seq = nibTwoCacheSeqPart(ntc, seqName,
// start, size, &retFullSeqSize);
reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size);
seq = nibInfoLoadSeq(nib, start, size);
// seq = nibTwoCacheSeqPart(ntc, seqName,
// start, size, &retFullSeqSize);
return seq;
void addLoci(struct loci **lociList, struct psl *psl)
/* add a new loci from psl, if not already in list */
struct loci *loci = NULL;
bool found = FALSE;
//for (loci = *lociList ; loci != NULL ; loci = loci->next)
// {
// if (sameString(psl->tName, loci->chrom) &&
// psl->tStart == loci->chromStart && psl->tEnd == loci->chromEnd)
// errAbort("loci already added %s:%d-%d loci %d-%d\n",
// psl->tName, psl->tStart, psl->tEnd, loci->chromStart, loci->chromEnd);
// if (sameString(psl->tName, loci->chrom) &&
// positiveRangeIntersection(psl->tStart, psl->tEnd, loci->chromStart, loci->chromEnd))
// {
// loci->chromStart = min(loci->chromStart, psl->tStart);
// loci->chromEnd = max(loci->chromEnd, psl->tEnd);
// verbose(4, "already added %s:%d-%d loci %d-%d\n",
// psl->tName, psl->tStart, psl->tEnd, loci->chromStart, loci->chromEnd);
// found = TRUE;
// }
// }
if (!found)
loci->chrom = cloneString(psl->tName);
loci->chromStart = psl->tStart;
loci->chromEnd = psl->tEnd;
loci->index = lociCounter++;
loci->psl = psl;
slAddHead(lociList , loci);
void lociFree(struct loci **pEl)
/* Free a single dynamically allocated lociList */
struct loci *el;
if ((el = *pEl) == NULL) return;
void lociFreeList (struct loci **pList)
/* Free a list of dynamically allocated loci's */
struct loci *el, *next;
for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
next = el->next;
*pList = NULL;
int getLoci(struct loci *lociList, char *chrom, int chromStart)
struct loci *loci = NULL;
for (loci = lociList ; loci != NULL ; loci = loci->next)
if (sameString(chrom, loci->chrom) && chromStart == loci->chromStart )
//&& positiveRangeIntersection(chromStart, chromStart+1, loci->chromStart, loci->chromEnd))
return loci->index;
return -1;
bool getLociPosition(struct loci *lociList, int index , char **chrom, int *chromStart, int *chromEnd, struct psl **psl)
struct loci *loci = NULL;
if (index < 0)
return FALSE;
for (loci = lociList ; loci != NULL ; loci = loci->next)
if (index == loci->index)
*chrom = loci->chrom;
*chromStart = loci->chromStart;
*chromEnd = loci->chromEnd;
*psl = loci->psl;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
struct hash *readSnpToBinKeeper(char *sizeFileName, char *snpFileName)
/* read a list of psls and return results in hash of binKeeper structure for fast query*/
struct binKeeper *bk;
struct snp125 *snp;
struct lineFile *sf = lineFileOpen(sizeFileName, TRUE);
struct lineFile *pf = lineFileOpen(snpFileName , TRUE);
struct hash *hash = newHash(0);
char *chromRow[2];
char *row[SNP125_NUM_COLS+1] ;
int wordCount = 0;
while (lineFileRow(sf, chromRow))
char *name = chromRow[0];
int size = lineFileNeedNum(sf, chromRow, 1);
if (hashLookup(hash, name) != NULL)
warn("Duplicate %s, ignoring all but first\n", name);
bk = binKeeperNew(0, size);
assert(size > 1);
hashAdd(hash, name, bk);
while ((wordCount = lineFileChopNextTab(pf, row, ArraySize(row))))
int offset = wordCount-SNP125_NUM_COLS;
snp = snp125Load(row+offset);
bk = hashMustFindVal(hash, snp->chrom);
binKeeperAdd(bk, snp->chromStart, snp->chromEnd, snp);
return hash;
struct psl *readPslList(char *inName)
/* read in a list of psls from a file */
int lineSize;
char *line;
char *words[32];
int wordCount;
struct lineFile *in = pslFileOpen(inName);
struct psl *psl = NULL, *pslList = NULL;
while (lineFileNext(in, &line, &lineSize))
wordCount = chopTabs(line, words);
if (wordCount == 21)
psl = pslLoad(words);
else if (wordCount == 23)
psl = pslxLoad(words);
errAbort("Bad line %d of %s\n", in->lineIx, in->fileName);
slAddHead(&pslList, psl);
return pslList;
struct hash *readPslQnameToHash(char *pslFileName)
/* read a list of psls and return results in hash for fast query*/
struct psl *psl;
struct lineFile *pf = lineFileOpen(pslFileName , TRUE);
struct hash *hash = newHash(0);
char *row[21] ;
while (lineFileNextRow(pf, row, ArraySize(row)))
psl = pslLoad(row);
hashAdd(hash, psl->qName, psl);
return hash;
void printMisMatch(struct misMatch **misMatchList)
int i;
struct misMatch *mm;
for (mm = *misMatchList ; mm != NULL ; mm = mm->next)
for (i = 0 ; i < mm->snpCount; i++)
verbose(4," [%d] print mmlist snp %s %s %s:%d %c mrnaLoc %d t %c loci %u\n",
i, mm->snps[i], mm->name, mm->chrom, mm->chromStart,
mm->strand, mm->mrnaLoc, mm->genomeBase, mm->loci);
void printMrnaMisMatch(struct mrnaMisMatch *mm)
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < mm->misMatchCount; i++)
char *sp = mm->snps[i];
unsigned int loci = mm->loci[i];
verbose(4," [%d] print snp %s %s %s:%u %s mrnaLoc %d t %c loci %u\n",
i, sp, mm->name, mm->chroms[i], mm->tStarts[i],
mm->strands, mm->mrnaLoc, mm->bases[i], loci);
struct snp125 *getSnpList(char *chrom, int chromStart, int chromEnd, char genomeStrand)
/* get list of snps from hash based on genome coordinates */
struct binKeeper *bk;
struct binElement *elist = NULL, *el = NULL;
struct snp125 *snpList = NULL;
if (snpHash == NULL)
return NULL;
bk = hashFindVal(snpHash, chrom);
verbose(6, " filter snps %s %d %d from list \n", chrom, chromStart, chromEnd);
assert(chromEnd != 0);
elist = binKeeperFindSorted(bk, chromStart, chromEnd ) ;
for (el = elist; el != NULL ; el = el->next)
/* retrieve snp and complement to agree with strand of mrna */
struct snp125 *snp = el->val;
char *snpDna = NULL;
- verbose(3, "%s %s:%d \n", snp->name, snp->chrom, snp->chromStart);
+ verbose(4, "%s %s:%d \n", snp->name, snp->chrom, snp->chromStart);
snpDna = replaceChars(snp->observed, "/",".");
if (genomeStrand != snp->strand[0])
reverseComplement(snpDna, strlen(snp->observed));
slAddHead(&snpList, snp);
return snpList;
struct misMatch *newMisMatch(char *name, int offset , char genomeBase, char mrnaBase,
char *chrom, int chromStart, int mrnaLoc, char strand, int index ,
struct loci *lociList, struct snp125 *snpList)
/* add new mismatch to list, figure out which loci we are mapped to */
struct misMatch *misMatch = NULL;
misMatch->name = cloneString(name);
misMatch->genomeBase = genomeBase;
misMatch->mrnaBase = mrnaBase;
misMatch->chromStart = chromStart;
misMatch->chrom = cloneString(chrom);
misMatch->strand = strand;
misMatch->mrnaLoc = mrnaLoc;
misMatch->loci = index ;
if (index > 5000)
assert(index < 5000);
misMatch->snpCount = 0;
if (snpList != NULL)
struct snp125 *snp = NULL;
AllocArray(misMatch->snpObs, slCount(snpList));
AllocArray(misMatch->snps, slCount(snpList));
for (snp = snpList ; snp != NULL ; snp = snp->next)
if (sameString(snp->chrom, chrom) && chromStart == snp->chromStart)
misMatch->snpObs[misMatch->snpCount] = cloneString(snp->observed);
misMatch->snps[misMatch->snpCount] = cloneString(snp->name);
verbose(5," yz mismatch %s %d %c/%c ",
name, offset ,genomeBase, mrnaBase);
verbose(5," t %s:%d q %d %c loci %d index %d",
chrom, chromStart, mrnaLoc, strand, misMatch->loci, index);
verbose(5, " snp %s count %d", snp->name, misMatch->snpCount);
verbose(5, "\n");
assert(misMatch->snpCount <= slCount(snpList));
return misMatch;
void misMatchFree(struct misMatch **pEl)
/* Free a single dynamically allocated misMatch such as created
* with misMatchLoad(). */
struct misMatch *el;
int i;
if ((el = *pEl) == NULL) return;
/* All strings in snps are allocated at once, so only need to free first. */
for (i = 0 ; i < el->snpCount; i++)
if (el->snps[i] != NULL)
/* All strings in snpObs are allocated at once, so only need to free first. */
for (i = 0 ; i < el->snpCount; i++)
if (el->snpObs[i] != NULL)
void misMatchFreeList(struct misMatch **pList)
/* Free a list of dynamically allocated misMatch's */
struct misMatch *el, *next;
for (el = *pList; el != NULL; el = next)
next = el->next;
*pList = NULL;
void newMisMatches(struct misMatch **misMatchList, char *name, int offset , char genomeBase, char mrnaBase,
char *chrom, int chromStart, int mrnaLoc, char strand, struct loci *lociList, struct snp125 *snpList)
/* add new mismatch to list, figure out which loci we are mapped to */
struct loci *l = NULL;
struct misMatch *misMatch = NULL;
for (l = lociList ; l != NULL ; l = l->next)
int index = getLoci(lociList, chrom, chromStart);
if (index == l->index)
misMatch = newMisMatch(name, offset, genomeBase, mrnaBase, chrom, chromStart, mrnaLoc, strand,
l->index, lociList, snpList);
misMatch = newMisMatch(name, offset, '-', mrnaBase, na, -1, mrnaLoc, '.' ,
l->index, lociList, snpList);
slAddHead(misMatchList, misMatch);
struct mrnaMisMatch *tabulateMisMatches(struct misMatch *mm, int seqCount, struct loci *lociList)
/* get all mismatches for an mRNA and group all mismatches by position in mrna */
struct misMatch *mme = NULL;
struct mrnaMisMatch *mrnaMisMatch = NULL, *misMatchList = NULL;
int prevLoc = -99;
if (mm == NULL)
return NULL;
for (mme = mm ; mme != NULL ; mme = mme->next)
int i = mme->loci;
int j = 0;
if (i >= seqCount)
assert (i < seqCount);
if (prevLoc != mme->mrnaLoc)
AllocArray(mrnaMisMatch->bases, seqCount+1);
AllocArray(mrnaMisMatch->strands, seqCount+1);
slAddHead(&misMatchList, mrnaMisMatch);
mrnaMisMatch->tStarts = AllocArray(mrnaMisMatch->tStarts, seqCount);
mrnaMisMatch->name = cloneString(mme->name);
mrnaMisMatch->misMatchCount = seqCount;
mrnaMisMatch->mrnaBase = mme->mrnaBase;
mrnaMisMatch->mrnaLoc = mme->mrnaLoc;
AllocArray(mrnaMisMatch->chroms, seqCount);
AllocArray(mrnaMisMatch->loci, seqCount);
for (j = 0 ; j<seqCount; j++)
/* default to empty alignment */
mrnaMisMatch->bases[j] = '.';
mrnaMisMatch->tStarts[j] = 0;
mrnaMisMatch->chroms[j] = cloneString(na);
mrnaMisMatch->loci[j] = j /* NOVALUE mme->loci*/ ;
mrnaMisMatch->bases[seqCount] = '\0';
mrnaMisMatch->snpCount = 0;
AllocArray(mrnaMisMatch->snps, seqCount);
if (mme->snpCount > 0)
// for (j = 0 ; j<mrnaMisMatch->snpCount; j++)
mrnaMisMatch->snps[i] = cloneString(mme->snps[0]);
verbose(4,"mrnaloc %d mmsnp [%d] loci [%d] %s\n",
mrnaMisMatch->mrnaLoc,i, mme->loci, mrnaMisMatch->snps[i]);
mrnaMisMatch->chroms[i] = cloneString(mme->chrom);
mrnaMisMatch->tStarts[i] = mme->chromStart;
mrnaMisMatch->bases[i] = mme->genomeBase;
mrnaMisMatch->strands[i] = mme->strand;
mrnaMisMatch->loci[i] = mme->loci;
assert(mrnaMisMatch->loci[i] != NOVALUE);
prevLoc = mme->mrnaLoc;
if (slCount(mm) == seqCount)
if (slCount(mm) < seqCount)
return misMatchList;
int misMatchCmpMrnaLoc(const void *va, const void *vb)
/* Compare to sort based on mrnaLoc. */
const struct misMatch *a = *((struct misMatch **)va);
const struct misMatch *b = *((struct misMatch **)vb);
return a->mrnaLoc - b->mrnaLoc;
bool compileOutput(char *name, struct misMatch *misMatchList, int seqCount, struct loci *lociList)
struct mrnaMisMatch *mrnaMm = NULL;
struct mrnaMisMatch *mrnaMisMatch = NULL;
struct bed *bed = NULL;
struct loci *l = NULL;
struct psl *psl = NULL;
int *missCount; /* count of dings for each aligment of mrna to genome */
int *goodCount; /* count of cases where alignment is better than others */
int *neither; /* count of cases where the loci all have the same base */
int *gapCount; /* count of cases where the loci are gaps*/
int *snpCount; /* count of cases where the loci are snps*/
int indel = 0; /* count of gaps in mrna alignment */
int maxScore = -100; /* max scoring alignment for this mrna */
int nextBestScore = -100; /* 2nd best scoring alignment for this mrna */
-int maxCount = 0; /* number of alignments with max score */
+int maxHits = 0; /* number of alignments with max score */
int maxIndex = -1; /* index in loci list of best aligment */
int qNameCount = 0; /* count of filtered psls for this qName */
char *chrom; /* best alignment */
int chromStart;
int chromEnd;
//int i = 0;
//int prevLoc = misMatchList->mrnaLoc;
if (misMatchList == NULL)
return FALSE;
mrnaMm = tabulateMisMatches(misMatchList, seqCount, lociList);
//if (sameString(name, "AB032253") || sameString(name, "AB001451"))
// printf("seq count = %d\n",seqCount);
for (mrnaMisMatch = mrnaMm ; mrnaMisMatch != NULL ;
mrnaMisMatch = mrnaMisMatch->next)
int i = 0;
char b = toupper(mrnaMisMatch->bases[0]);
bool lociDifferent = FALSE;
bool atLeastOneMatch = FALSE;
if (scoreFile != NULL)
mrnaMisMatchTabOut(mrnaMisMatch,scoreFile) ;
for (i = 0 ; i < seqCount; i++)
if (b == 'N')
b = toupper(mrnaMisMatch->bases[i]);
/* check for mismatches between genomic loci */
for (i = 0 ; i < mrnaMisMatch->misMatchCount ; i++)
char genomeBase = toupper(mrnaMisMatch->bases[i]) ;
if (genomeBase != b && genomeBase != 'N' && b != 'N')
lociDifferent = TRUE;
if (mrnaMisMatch->bases[i] == mrnaMisMatch->mrnaBase)
atLeastOneMatch = TRUE;
for (i = 0 ; i < mrnaMisMatch->misMatchCount ; i++)
char chrom[80];
char name[80];
unsigned index = mrnaMisMatch->loci[i];
if (index == NOVALUE )
if (mrnaMisMatch->snpCount > 0 && mrnaMisMatch->snps[index] != NULL)
- verbose(3,"found snp %s count[%d] %d %s\n", mrnaMisMatch->snps[index], index, snpCount[index], mrnaMisMatch->chroms[index]);
+ verbose(4,"found snp %s count[%d] %d %s\n", mrnaMisMatch->snps[index], index, snpCount[index], mrnaMisMatch->chroms[index]);
if (mrnaMisMatch->bases[i] == '-' && atLeastOneMatch)
if (!lociDifferent || !atLeastOneMatch)
if (lociDifferent && mrnaMisMatch->bases[index] == mrnaMisMatch->mrnaBase)
/* don't count indels as mismatches */
if (atLeastOneMatch && lociDifferent &&
mrnaMisMatch->bases[index] != mrnaMisMatch->mrnaBase && mrnaMisMatch->bases[i] != '-')
if (toupper(mrnaMisMatch->bases[index]) != 'N')
if (mrnaMisMatch->chroms[i] != NULL && differentString(mrnaMisMatch->chroms[i], "NA") &&
(lociDifferent && mrnaMisMatch->bases[index] != mrnaMisMatch->mrnaBase))
safef(chrom, sizeof(chrom), "%s", mrnaMisMatch->chroms[i]);
bed->chrom = chrom;
bed->chromStart = mrnaMisMatch->tStarts[i];
bed->chromEnd = (bed->chromStart)+1;
bed->strand[0] = mrnaMisMatch->strands[i];
bed->strand[1] = (char)'\0';
safef(name ,sizeof(name), "%s.%d.%c/%c", mrnaMisMatch->name,
mrnaMisMatch->mrnaLoc, mrnaMisMatch->mrnaBase, mrnaMisMatch->bases[i]);
bed->name = name;
if (bedFile != NULL)
bedTabOutN(bed, 6, bedFile);
if (index != NOVALUE)
verbose(6,"snp index %d loc %d ", index, mrnaMisMatch->mrnaLoc);
verbose(6, " %s count[%d] %d %s\n",
mrnaMisMatch->snps[index], index, snpCount[index], mrnaMisMatch->chroms[index]);
verbose(6,"snp index %d loc %d \n", index, mrnaMisMatch->mrnaLoc);
/* now grap the highest scoring alignment and output it if there are no others that score within minDiff points */
for (l = lociList ; l != NULL; l=l->next)
int z = l->index;
int score = goodCount[z]-missCount[z];
- verbose(5, "score %d nextBest %d max %d\n",
- score, nextBestScore, maxScore);
+ verbose(3, "%s score %d next %d max %d\n",
+ name, score, nextBestScore, maxScore);
if (maxScore == score)
- maxCount ++;
- //nextBestScore = score;
- verbose(5,"score == maxScore %s score %d nextBestScore %d maxScore %d\n",
- name, score, nextBestScore, maxScore);
+ maxHits ++;
+ verbose(3,"%s score %d == maxScore %d next %d \n",
+ name, score, maxScore, nextBestScore);
if (score > maxScore)
- maxCount = 1;
+ maxHits = 1;
maxIndex = z;
- if ((score - maxScore ) > minDiff)
nextBestScore = maxScore;
- verbose(5,"score > maxScore %s score %d nextBestScore %d maxScore %d\n",
- name, score, nextBestScore, maxScore);
+ verbose(3,"%s score %d > maxScore %d nextBestScore %d \n",
+ name, score, maxScore, nextBestScore);
else if (score > nextBestScore && (maxScore - score) > minDiff)
nextBestScore = score;
- verbose(5,"score > nextBestScore %s score %d nextBestScore %d maxScore %d\n",
- name, score, nextBestScore, maxScore);
+ verbose(3,"%s score %d > nextBestScore %d (maxScore %d -score %d) > minDiff %d\n",
+ name, score, nextBestScore, maxScore, score, minDiff);
maxScore = max(maxScore, score);
for (l = lociList ; l != NULL; l=l->next)
int z = l->index;
int score = goodCount[z]-missCount[z];
int diff = score - nextBestScore;
int spread = maxScore - nextBestScore;
bool posOk = getLociPosition(lociList, l->index, &chrom, &chromStart, &chromEnd, &psl);
assert(psl != NULL);
if (scoreFile != NULL)
fprintf(scoreFile, "## %s score %d %s:%d [%d] mismatch %d good %d neither %d indel %d \
- gaps %d snpCount[%d] %d total %d nextBestScore %d diff %d index %d maxCnt %d \n",
+ gaps %d snpCount[%d] %d total %d nextBestScore %d diff %d index %d maxHITS %d \n",
name, score , l->chrom, l->chromStart, z, missCount[z], goodCount[z], neither[z], indel,
missCount[z]+ goodCount[z]+ neither[z]+ indel, gapCount[z], z, snpCount[z],
- nextBestScore, diff ,l->index, maxCount);
+ nextBestScore, diff ,l->index, maxHits);
verbose(3, "%s %s:%d [%d] mismatch %d good %d neither %d indel %d \
- gaps %d snpCount[%d] %d total %d score %d nextBestScore %d diff %d index %d maxCnt %d\n",
+ gaps %d snpCount[%d] %d total %d score %d nextBestScore %d diff %d index %d maxHITS %d\n",
name, l->chrom, l->chromStart, z, missCount[z], goodCount[z], neither[z], indel,
missCount[z]+ goodCount[z]+ neither[z]+ indel, gapCount[z], z, snpCount[z],
- score, nextBestScore, diff, l->index, maxCount);
- if (posOk && diff >= minDiff && spread >= minDiff /* z >= 0 *&& maxCount == 1 && */)
+ score, nextBestScore, diff, l->index, maxHits);
+ if (posOk && diff >= minDiff && spread >= minDiff /* z >= 0 *&& maxHits == 1 && */)
- verbose(2, "%s bestHit score %d %s:%d-%d [%d] mismatch %d good %d neither %d indel %d sum %d\
- gaps %d snps %d seqCnt-loci %d maxScore %d maxCount %d 2nd best %d diff %d\n",
- name, score, psl->tName , chromStart, chromEnd, z,
+ verbose(2, "%s bestHit score %d. diff %d and spread %d >= %d. %s:%d-%d [%d] mismatch %d good %d neither %d indel %d sum %d\
+ gaps %d snps %d seqCnt-loci %d maxScore %d maxHITS %d 2nd best %d diff %d\n",
+ name, score, diff , spread, minDiff , psl->tName , chromStart, chromEnd, z,
missCount[z], goodCount[z], neither[z], indel,
missCount[z]+ goodCount[z]+ neither[z]+ indel,
gapCount[z], snpCount[z],
- seqCount - slCount(lociList), maxScore, maxCount, nextBestScore, diff);
+ seqCount - slCount(lociList), maxScore, maxHits, nextBestScore, diff);
if (scoreFile)
fprintf(scoreFile, "##>> %s score %d %s:%d-%d [%d] mismatch %d good %d neither %d indel %d \
- gaps %d snps %d total %d diff %d maxScore %d maxCount %d 2nd best %d diff %d\n",
+ gaps %d snps %d total %d diff %d maxScore %d maxHITS %d 2nd best %d diff %d\n",
name, score, psl->tName , chromStart, chromEnd, z,
missCount[z], goodCount[z], neither[z], indel,
missCount[z]+ goodCount[z]+ neither[z]+ indel,
gapCount[z], snpCount[z],
- seqCount - slCount(lociList), maxScore, maxCount, nextBestScore, diff);
+ seqCount - slCount(lociList), maxScore, maxHits, nextBestScore, diff);
if (psl->strand[0] == '+' && psl->strand[1] == '-')
pslTabOut(psl, outFile);
return TRUE;
- verbose(2, "%s NO score %d maxScore %d nextBestScore %d maxCount %d index %d pos %s:%d-%d diff %d < %d\n",
- name, score , maxScore, nextBestScore, maxCount, z,
+ verbose(2, "%s NO score %d diff %d spread %d maxScore %d nextBestScore %d maxHits %d index %d posok %d pos %s:%d-%d diff %d < %d\n",
+ name, score , diff, spread, maxScore, nextBestScore, maxHits, z, posOk,
psl->tName , psl->tStart, chromEnd, diff, minDiff);
-// verbose(2, "%s noLoci bestScore %d nextBestScore %d maxCount %d index %d no loci\n",
-// name, maxScore, nextBestScore, maxCount, maxIndex);
if (qNameCount > 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
bool isPureDna(char a)
/* return true of the base is a valid dna nt */
char b = tolower(a);
if (b == 'a' || b == 'c' || b == 'g' || b == 't')
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void updateCount(char x1, char x2)
int a = tolower(x1);
int b = tolower(x2);
if (x1 == -1 )
a = '.';
if (x2 == -1)
b = '.';
if (isPureDna(a) && isPureDna(b))
/* handle mismatches */
void normalizeSS()
unsigned int i, j;
int sum = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++)
for (j = 0 ; j < 256 ; j++)
sum += histogram[i][j] ;
for (i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++)
for (j = 0 ; j < 256 ; j++)
histoNorm[i][j] = (float)histogram[i][j] / (float)sum ;
int getHistogram(char a, char b)
//if (a == 'N')
// return(histogram[(unsigned int)'a'][(unsigned int)b] + histogram[(unsigned int)'c'][(unsigned int)b] + histogram[(unsigned int)'g'][(unsigned int)b] + histogram[(unsigned int)'t'][(unsigned int)b] );
return(histogram[(unsigned int)a][(unsigned int)b]);
float getHistoNorm(char a, char b)
return(histoNorm[(unsigned int)a][(unsigned int)b]);
void initSS()
unsigned int i, j;
for (i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++)
for (j = 0 ; j < 256 ; j++)
histogram[i][j] = 0;
histoNorm[i][j] = 0.0;
void computeSuffStats(struct misMatch **misMatchList, struct alignment *align, struct loci *lociList)
/* compute sufficient statistics from each alignment */
int blockIx = 0;
//int i, j, sum = 0;
struct psl *psl = align->psl;
struct nibInfo *tNib = nibInfoFromCache(nibHash, align->nibDir, psl->tName);
static struct dnaSeq *tSeq = NULL;
int tStart = psl->tStart;
int tEnd = psl->tEnd;
//int misMatchCount = 0;
char genomeStrand = psl->strand[1] == '-' ? '-' : '+';
if (genomeStrand == '-')
reverseIntRange(&tStart, &tEnd, psl->tSize);
for (blockIx=0; blockIx < psl->blockCount; ++blockIx)
/* for each alignment block get sequence for both strands */
struct snp125 *snp = NULL, *snpList = NULL;
if (hashFindVal(twoBitFile->hash, psl->qName) == NULL)
printf("skipping %s not found \n",psl->qName);
int size = twoBitSeqSize(twoBitFile, psl->qName);
int i = 0;
int ts = psl->tStarts[blockIx];
int te = psl->tStarts[blockIx]+(psl->blockSizes[blockIx]);
int qe = psl->qStarts[blockIx]+(psl->blockSizes[blockIx]);
struct dnaSeq *qSeq = NULL;
if (qe > size)
printf("skipping %s %d > %d \n",psl->qName, qe, size );
qSeq = twoBitReadSeqFrag(twoBitFile, psl->qName, psl->qStarts[blockIx],
if (genomeStrand == '-')
reverseIntRange(&ts, &te, psl->tSize);
verbose(5," xyz %s t %s:%d-%d q %d-%d %s strand %c\n",
psl->qName, psl->tName, ts, te, psl->qStarts[blockIx],
psl->qStarts[blockIx]+psl->blockSizes[blockIx], psl->strand, genomeStrand);
tSeq = nibInfoLoadStrand(tNib, psl->tName, psl->tStarts[blockIx],
psl->tStarts[blockIx]+(psl->blockSizes[blockIx]), genomeStrand);
verbose(6,"tSeq %s len %d %d\n",tSeq->dna, tSeq->size, (int)strlen(tSeq->dna));
verbose(6,"qSeq %s\n",qSeq->dna);
assert(psl->strand[0] == '+');
/* count match and mismatches in each alignment block */
for (i = 0 ; i < tSeq->size; i++)
char t = toupper(tSeq->dna[i]);
char q = toupper(qSeq->dna[i]);
int genomeStart = ts+i;
//int mrnaLoc = psl->qStarts[blockIx]+i;
if (q == 'n' || q == 'N')
printf("N in sequence %s\n",psl->qName);
if (genomeStrand == '-')
genomeStart = te-i-1;
/* get overlapping snps */
snpList = getSnpList(psl->tName, genomeStart, genomeStart+1, genomeStrand) ;
for (snp = snpList ; snp != NULL ; snp = snp->next)
int offset = (snp->chromStart)-ts;
char snpBase = ' ';
assert(sameString(psl->tName, snp->chrom));
if (genomeStrand == '-')
offset = (tSeq->size - offset)-1;
snpBase = toupper(tSeq->dna[offset]);
if (snpBase != t)
- verbose(3,"snp mismatch genome %c snpbase %c mrna %c ts %d snp %d valid %s\n",
+ verbose(4,"snp mismatch genome %c snpbase %c mrna %c ts %d snp %d valid %s\n",
t, snpBase, q, ts, snp->chromStart, snp->valid);
// assert(snpBase == t);
- verbose(3," [%d] snp match %s %s %s:%d %s %s offset %d gs %c ts %d genomic%c %c valid %s\n",
+ verbose(4," [%d] snp match %s %s %s:%d %s %s offset %d gs %c ts %d genomic%c %c valid %s\n",
getLoci(lociList, psl->tName, psl->tStart), snp->name, psl->qName, snp->chrom, snp->chromStart, snp->observed,
snp->strand, offset, genomeStrand, ts, genomeStrand, t, snp->valid);
/* add indel for portions of mrna that do not align at all */
// for (i = 0 ; i < psl->qStarts[0] ; i++)
// {
// char q = toupper(qSeq->dna[i]);
// }
for (i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i++)
for (j = 0 ; j < 256 ; j++)
sum += histogram[i][j] ;
fprintf(outFile, "%5.4f %5.4f %5.4f %5.4f %5.4f %5.4f %5.4f %5.4f %5.4f %5.4f %5.4f %5.4f %5.4f %5.4f %5.4f %5.4f %s ",
getHistogram('a','a')/sum, getHistogram('a','c')/sum, getHistogram('a','g')/sum, getHistogram('a','t')/sum,
getHistogram('c','a')/sum, getHistogram('c','c')/sum, getHistogram('c','g')/sum, getHistogram('c','t')/sum,
getHistogram('g','a')/sum, getHistogram('g','c')/sum, getHistogram('g','g')/sum, getHistogram('g','t')/sum,
getHistogram('t','a')/sum, getHistogram('t','c')/sum, getHistogram('t','g')/sum, getHistogram('t','t')/sum , psl->qName
fprintf(outFile,"Transitions %5.4f Transversions %5.4f Matches %5.4f\n",
(getHistogram('a','g')+ getHistogram('g','a')+ getHistogram('c','t')+ getHistogram('t','c'))/sum,
(getHistogram('a','c')+ getHistogram('a','t')+ getHistogram('c','a')+ getHistogram('c','g')+
getHistogram('g','c')+ getHistogram('g','t')+ getHistogram('t','a')+ getHistogram('t','g'))/sum,
(getHistogram('a','a')+ getHistogram('c','c')+ getHistogram('g','g')+ getHistogram('t','t'))/sum
void addOtherAlignments( struct alignment *alignList, struct hash *speciesHash, char *name, char *nibDir, char *mrnaPath)
/* add alignemnts from other species to the list */
struct hashEl *speciesList = NULL , *el = NULL;
struct alignment *align = NULL;
if (speciesHash != NULL)
speciesList = hashLookup(speciesHash,name);
for (el = speciesList ; el != NULL ; el = el->next)
struct psl *psl = el->val;
align->psl = psl;
align->nibDir = nibDir;
align->mrnaPath = mrnaPath;
slAddHead(&alignList, align);
void fillinMatches(struct misMatch **misMatchList, struct alignment *align, struct loci *lociList)
/* for each mismatch , lookup bases in other loci */
int blockIx = 0;
static struct dnaSeq *tSeq = NULL;
struct psl *psl = align->psl;
struct nibInfo *tNib = nibInfoFromCache(nibHash, align->nibDir, psl->tName);
int tStart = psl->tStart;
int tEnd = psl->tEnd;
//int misMatchCount = 0;
char genomeStrand = psl->strand[1] == '-' ? '-' : '+';
int index = getLoci(lociList, psl->tName, psl->tStart);
if (genomeStrand == '-')
reverseIntRange(&tStart, &tEnd, psl->tSize);
for (blockIx=0; blockIx < psl->blockCount; ++blockIx)
/* for each alignment block get sequence for both strands */
struct dnaSeq *qSeq = twoBitReadSeqFrag(twoBitFile, psl->qName, psl->qStarts[blockIx],
int ts = psl->tStarts[blockIx];
int te = psl->tStarts[blockIx]+(psl->blockSizes[blockIx]);
int qs = psl->qStarts[blockIx];
int qe = psl->qStarts[blockIx]+(psl->blockSizes[blockIx]);
struct misMatch *mm = NULL;
if (genomeStrand == '-')
reverseIntRange(&ts, &te, psl->tSize);
tSeq = nibInfoLoadStrand(tNib, psl->tName, psl->tStarts[blockIx],
psl->tStarts[blockIx]+(psl->blockSizes[blockIx]), genomeStrand);
for (mm = *misMatchList ; mm != NULL ; mm = mm->next)
/* i = offset within the block */
int i = mm->mrnaLoc - qs;
int genomeStart = ts+i;
if (genomeStrand == '-')
genomeStart = te-i-1;
if (sameString(mm->chrom , na) && index == mm->loci &&
mm->mrnaLoc >= qs && mm->mrnaLoc < qe && i >= 0)
char t = toupper(tSeq->dna[i]);
char q = toupper(qSeq->dna[i]);
if (q=='\0') q='-';
if (t=='\0') t='-';
if (i > 0 || i <= qe-qs)
verbose(6," i %d qs %d qe %d\n",i,qs,qe);
assert (i > 0 || i <= qe-qs) ;
mm->chrom = cloneString(psl->tName);
mm->chromStart = genomeStart;
mm->genomeBase = t;
mm->strand = genomeStrand;
if (q!=(mm->mrnaBase) && q!='-')
verbose(2, "mismatch %s %s q %c != mmBase %c offset %d\n",psl->qName, psl->tName,q,(mm->mrnaBase), i );
verbose(5," fillinMatches() %s %c/%c t %s:%d q %d i %d qs %d qe %d %s %c loci %d block %d\n",
psl->qName, t, q, psl->tName,
genomeStart, mm->mrnaLoc, i, qs, qe ,psl->strand, genomeStrand, mm->loci, blockIx);
/* else if (i < 0)
mm->chrom = cloneString(psl->tName);
mm->chromStart = -1;
mm->genomeBase = '-';
mm->strand = genomeStrand;
verbose(2, "negative index %s %s mrnaLoc %d qs %d \n",psl->qName, psl->tName, mm->mrnaLoc , qs);
else if (sameString(mm->chrom , na) && index == mm->loci )
mm->genomeBase = '-';
verbose(5," fillinMatches() skipped mismatch %s t %s:%d mrnaLoc %d qs %d %s loci %d i=mrnLoc-qs %d blk %d\n",
psl->qName, psl->tName,
psl->tStart, mm->mrnaLoc, qs , psl->strand, mm->loci, i, blockIx);
verbose(5," fillinMatches() fallthru mismatch %s mmchrom %s t %s:%d mrnaLoc %d qs %d %s loci %d <> index %d i=mrnLoc-qs %d\n",
psl->qName, mm->chrom, psl->tName,
psl->tStart, mm->mrnaLoc, qs , psl->strand, mm->loci, index, i);
snpList = getSnpList(psl->tName, ts, te, genomeStrand) ;
for (snp = snpList ; snp != NULL ; snp = snp->next)
int offset = (snp->chromStart)-ts;
if (genomeStrand == '-')
offset = (tSeq->size - offset)-1;
verbose(4," snp %s %s %s:%d offset %d %s %s gs %c ts %d genomic%c valid %s\n",
snp->name, psl->qName, snp->chrom, snp->chromStart, offset, snp->observed,
snp->strand, genomeStrand, ts, genomeStrand, snp->valid);
void buildMisMatches(struct misMatch **misMatchList, struct alignment *align, struct loci *lociList)
/* build list of mismatches for each alignment (loci) */
int blockIx = 0;
struct psl *psl = align->psl;
struct nibInfo *tNib = nibInfoFromCache(nibHash, align->nibDir, psl->tName);
static struct dnaSeq *tSeq = NULL;
int tStart = psl->tStart;
int tEnd = psl->tEnd;
int misMatchCount = 0;
int transitionCount = 0;
int transversionCount = 0;
char genomeStrand = psl->strand[1] == '-' ? '-' : '+';
//if (genomeStrand == '-')
// reverseIntRange(&tStart, &tEnd, psl->tSize);
for (blockIx=0; blockIx < psl->blockCount; ++blockIx)
/* for each alignment block get sequence for both strands */
struct snp125 *snp = NULL, *snpList = NULL;
struct dnaSeq *qSeq = twoBitReadSeqFrag(twoBitFile, psl->qName, psl->qStarts[blockIx],
int i = 0;
int ts = psl->tStarts[blockIx];
int te = psl->tStarts[blockIx]+(psl->blockSizes[blockIx]);
if (genomeStrand == '-')
reverseIntRange(&ts, &te, psl->tSize);
tSeq = nibInfoLoadStrand(tNib, psl->tName, psl->tStarts[blockIx],
psl->tStarts[blockIx]+(psl->blockSizes[blockIx]), genomeStrand);
verbose(5," buildMisMatches for blk %s t %s:%d-%d q %d-%d %s strand %c\n",
psl->qName, psl->tName, ts, te, psl->qStarts[blockIx],
psl->qStarts[blockIx]+psl->blockSizes[blockIx], psl->strand, genomeStrand);
verbose(6,"tSeq %s len %d %d\n",tSeq->dna, tSeq->size, (int)strlen(tSeq->dna));
verbose(6,"qSeq %s\n",qSeq->dna);
assert(psl->strand[0] == '+');
/* check for mismatches in exon (alignment block)*/
for (i = 0 ; i < tSeq->size; i++)
char t = toupper(tSeq->dna[i]);
char q = toupper(qSeq->dna[i]);
-// if (sameString(psl->qName, "AB063721"))
-// {
-// verbose(5,"te %d i %d\n",te,i);
-// verbose(5,"hit\n");
-// }
if (t != q)
/* add mismatch to list found between mRNA and genome */
int genomeStart = ts+i;
int mrnaLoc = psl->qStarts[blockIx]+i;
if (transition(t,q))
if (transversion(t,q))
if (genomeStrand == '-')
genomeStart = te-i-1;
/* get overlapping snps */
snpList = getSnpList(psl->tName, genomeStart, genomeStart+1, genomeStrand) ;
for (snp = snpList ; snp != NULL ; snp = snp->next)
int offset = (snp->chromStart)-ts;
char snpBase = ' ';
assert(sameString(psl->tName, snp->chrom));
if (genomeStrand == '-')
offset = (tSeq->size - offset)-1;
snpBase = toupper(tSeq->dna[offset]);
if (snpBase != t)
verbose(4,"snp mismatch genome %c snpbase %c mrna %c ts %d snp %d valid %s\n",
t, snpBase, q, ts, snp->chromStart, snp->valid);
// assert(snpBase == t);
verbose(4," [%d] snp match %s %s %s:%d %s %s offset %d gs %c ts %d genomic%c %c valid %s\n",
getLoci(lociList, psl->tName, psl->tStart), snp->name, psl->qName, snp->chrom, snp->chromStart, snp->observed,
snp->strand, offset, genomeStrand, ts, genomeStrand, t, snp->valid);
verbose(5," add mismatch genome %c mrna %c ts %d gn %d offset %d mrnaLoc %d\n",
t, q, ts, genomeStart, i, mrnaLoc);
newMisMatches(misMatchList, psl->qName, i ,t, q, psl->tName,
genomeStart, mrnaLoc, genomeStrand, lociList, snpList);
/* add indel for portions of mrna that do not align at all */
// for (i = 0 ; i < psl->qStarts[0] ; i++)
// {
// char q = toupper(qSeq->dna[i]);
// verbose(4, "mismatch gap %c offset %d \n",
// q, i);
// newMisMatches(misMatchList, psl->qName, i ,'-', q, psl->tName,
// -1, i, genomeStrand, lociList, snpList);
// }
// if (misMatchCount == 0)
// newMisMatches(misMatchList, psl->qName, -1 ,'.', '.', psl->tName,
// 0, -1, genomeStrand, lociList, snpList);
snpList = getSnpList(psl->tName, ts, te, genomeStrand) ;
for (snp = snpList ; snp != NULL ; snp = snp->next)
int offset = (snp->chromStart)-ts;
if (genomeStrand == '-')
offset = (tSeq->size - offset)-1;
verbose(4," snp %s %s %s:%d offset %d %s %s gs %c ts %d genomic%c valid %s\n",
snp->name, psl->qName, snp->chrom, snp->chromStart, offset, snp->observed,
snp->strand, genomeStrand, ts, genomeStrand, snp->valid);
verbose(4,"final score %s:%d-%d %s %s misMatch %d \n",
psl->tName, tStart, tEnd, psl->strand,
psl->qName, misMatchCount);
// fprintf(scoreFile,"%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%d\n",
// psl->tName, psl->tStart, psl->tEnd, psl->qName,
// misMatchCount);
void doOneMrna(char *name, struct alignment *alignList)
/* build list of mismatches based on all alignments (defined by locilist)
of mrna to genome */
struct misMatch *misMatchList = NULL;
struct alignment *align = NULL;
int seqCount = slCount(alignList);
struct loci *lociList = NULL;
lociCounter = 0;
if (seqCount == 1)
struct psl *psl = alignList->psl;
if (psl == NULL)
if (psl->strand[0] == '+' && psl->strand[1] == '-')
pslTabOut(psl, outFile);
/* one loci for each place the mrna alignments to the genome */
for (align = alignList ; align != NULL ; align= align->next)
struct psl *psl = align->psl;
addLoci(&lociList, psl);
verbose(5,"add loci for %s:%d-%d\n",
psl->tName, psl->tStart, psl->tEnd);
verbose(5, "name %s alignList %d loci %d \n",
name, slCount(alignList), slCount(lociList));
//addOtherAlignments(&alignList, species1Hash, name, nibDir1, mrna1);
//addOtherAlignments(&alignList, species2Hash, name, nibDir2, mrna2);
if (alignList != NULL)
verbose(3,"buildMisMatch %s aList count %d \n",name, slCount(alignList));
for (align = alignList; align != NULL ; align = align->next)
/* for each alignment, build mismatch list */
verbose(3,"buildMisMatch %s tName %s:%d-%d\n",
name, align->psl->tName, align->psl->tStart, align->psl->tEnd);
if (computeSS)
computeSuffStats(&misMatchList, align, lociList);
buildMisMatches(&misMatchList, align, lociList);
if (!computeSS )
if (misMatchList != NULL)
/* sort list by mrna position */
slSort(&misMatchList, misMatchCmpMrnaLoc);
+ verbose(2, "sort on mrna loc compile %s mismatchList %d lociList %d of %d alist %d\n",
+ name, slCount(misMatchList), seqCount, slCount(lociList), slCount(alignList));
for (align = alignList; align != NULL ; align = align->next)
int index = getLoci(lociList, align->psl->tName, align->psl->tStart);
/* check for matches or indels in other loci */
verbose(4, "CALL FILLINMATCHES() %s:%d index %d\n",
align->psl->tName, align->psl->tStart, index);
fillinMatches(&misMatchList, align, lociList);
- verbose(4, "compile %s mismatchList %d lociList %d of %d alist %d\n",
- name, slCount(misMatchList), seqCount, slCount(lociList), slCount(alignList));
/* compute mismatches and dump input alignments if nothing found */
if (!compileOutput(name, misMatchList, seqCount, lociList) && passthru)
for (align = alignList; align != NULL ; align = align->next)
pslTabOut(align->psl, outFile);
else if (computeSS)
void pslCDnaGenomeMatch(char *inName, char *tNibDir)
struct psl *psl = NULL, *pslList = NULL ;
struct alignment *subList = NULL;
char lastName[512];
unsigned int i , j;
pslList = readPslList(inName);
/* rev compl alignments so mrna is always on + strand */
/* Note: this should flip the loci also */
safef(lastName,sizeof(lastName), "%s", pslList->qName);
psl = pslList;
while (psl != NULL )
bool rm = FALSE;
struct psl *newPsl = NULL;
struct alignment *align = NULL;
if (psl->strand[0] == '-')
verbose(5, "REVERSE %s %s \n",psl->qName, psl->tName);
if (differentString(lastName, psl->qName) && subList != NULL && lastName != NULL)
-// slReverse(&subList);
slSort(&subList, pslCmpMatch);
- verbose(5, "2 pslList %d subList %d last %s\n",slCount(pslList), slCount(subList), lastName);
+ verbose(2, "sort on match pslList %d subList %d last %s\n",slCount(pslList), slCount(subList), lastName);
doOneMrna(lastName, subList);
verbose(5, "3 pslList %d\n",slCount(pslList));
safef(lastName, sizeof(lastName), "%s", psl->qName);
newPsl = psl;
psl = psl->next;
align->psl = newPsl;
align->db = "db";
align->nibDir = tNibDir;
align->mrnaPath = NULL;
rm = slRemoveEl(&pslList, newPsl);
if (rm)
slAddHead(&subList, align);
verbose(5, "add %s %s\n",align->psl->qName, align->psl->tName);
verbose(5,"last doOneMrna\n");
+slSort(&subList, pslCmpMatch);
doOneMrna(lastName, subList);
verbose(1,"Wrote %d alignments out of %d \n", outputCount, aliCount);
verbose(1,"Filtered %d out of %d mRNAs \n", filterCount, mrnaCount);
if (computeSS)
fprintf(outFile, "%8d %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d \n",
getHistogram('a','a'), getHistogram('a','c'), getHistogram('a','g'), getHistogram('a','t'),
getHistogram('c','a'), getHistogram('c','c'), getHistogram('c','g'), getHistogram('c','t'),
getHistogram('g','a'), getHistogram('g','c'), getHistogram('g','g'), getHistogram('g','t'),
getHistogram('t','a'), getHistogram('t','c'), getHistogram('t','g'), getHistogram('t','t')
for (i = 0 ; i < 128 ; i++)
for (j = 0 ; j < 128 ; j++)
if (getHistogram(i,j) > 0)
fprintf(outFile, "%d %d %c %c = %d \n",i, j, (char)i, (char)j, getHistogram(i,j)) ;
fprintf(outFile, "%5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f \n",
getHistoNorm('a','a'), getHistoNorm('a','c'), getHistoNorm('a','g'), getHistoNorm('a','t'),
getHistoNorm('c','a'), getHistoNorm('c','c'), getHistoNorm('c','g'), getHistoNorm('c','t'),
getHistoNorm('g','a'), getHistoNorm('g','c'), getHistoNorm('g','g'), getHistoNorm('g','t'),
getHistoNorm('t','a'), getHistoNorm('t','c'), getHistoNorm('t','g'), getHistoNorm('t','t')
fprintf(outFile, " A C G T\nA %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f\nC %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f\nG %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f\nT %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f %5.5f\n",
getHistoNorm('a','a'), getHistoNorm('a','c'), getHistoNorm('a','g'), getHistoNorm('a','t'),
getHistoNorm('c','a'), getHistoNorm('c','c'), getHistoNorm('c','g'), getHistoNorm('c','t'),
getHistoNorm('g','a'), getHistoNorm('g','c'), getHistoNorm('g','g'), getHistoNorm('g','t'),
getHistoNorm('t','a'), getHistoNorm('t','c'), getHistoNorm('t','g'), getHistoNorm('t','t')
fprintf(outFile,"Transitions %5.5f Transversions %5.5f Matches %5.5f\n",
getHistoNorm('a','g')+ getHistoNorm('g','a')+ getHistoNorm('c','t')+ getHistoNorm('t','c'),
getHistoNorm('a','c')+ getHistoNorm('a','t')+ getHistoNorm('c','a')+ getHistoNorm('c','g')+
getHistoNorm('g','c')+ getHistoNorm('g','t')+ getHistoNorm('t','a')+ getHistoNorm('t','g'),
getHistoNorm('a','a')+ getHistoNorm('c','c')+ getHistoNorm('g','g')+ getHistoNorm('t','t')
fprintf(outFile,"acgt N %f \n",
getHistoNorm('a','n')+ getHistoNorm('c','n')+ getHistoNorm('g','n')+ getHistoNorm('t','n') );
fprintf(outFile,"N acgt %f \n",
getHistoNorm('n','a')+ getHistoNorm('n','c')+ getHistoNorm('n','g')+ getHistoNorm('n','t') );
for (i = 0 ; i < 128 ; i++)
for (j = 0 ; j < 128 ; j++)
if (getHistogram(i,j) > 0)
fprintf(outFile, "%c %c = %f \n",(char)i, (char)j, getHistoNorm(i,j)) ;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
if (argc != 6)
if (nibHash == NULL)
nibHash = hashNew(0);
lociCounter = 0;
fileCache = newDlList();
verbosity = optionInt("verbose", verbosity);
ss = axtScoreSchemeDefault();
//mrnaHash = readPslToBinKeeper(argv[2], argv[1]);
twoBitFile = twoBitOpen(argv[3]);
outFile = fopen(argv[5],"w");
minDiff = optionInt("minDiff", MINDIFF);
snpFile = optionVal("snp", NULL);
if (snpFile != NULL)
verbose(1,"Reading snps from %s\n",snpFile);
snpHash = readSnpToBinKeeper(argv[2],snpFile);
scoreOut = optionVal("score", NULL);
if (scoreOut != NULL)
scoreFile = fopen(scoreOut,"w");
bedOut = optionVal("bedOut", NULL);
if (bedOut != NULL)
bedFile = fopen(bedOut,"w");
species1 = optionVal("species1", NULL);
if (species1 != NULL)
species1Hash = readPslQnameToHash(species1);
species2 = optionVal("species2", NULL);
if (species2 != NULL)
species2Hash = readPslQnameToHash(species2);
nibdir1 = optionVal("nibdir1", NULL);
nibdir2 = optionVal("nibdir2", NULL);
mrna1 = optionVal("mrna1", NULL);
mrna2 = optionVal("mrna2", NULL);
passthru = optionExists("passthru");
verbose(1,"Reading alignments from %s\n",argv[1]);
pslCDnaGenomeMatch(argv[1], argv[4]);
if (bedOut != NULL)
if (scoreOut != NULL)