src/hg/updateStsInfo/updateStsInfo.c 1.10

1.10 2009/08/20 21:53:41 hiram
Take care of faAcc strings being (null)
Index: src/hg/updateStsInfo/updateStsInfo.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/updateStsInfo/updateStsInfo.c,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.9 -r1.10
--- src/hg/updateStsInfo/updateStsInfo.c	31 Mar 2007 19:38:16 -0000	1.9
+++ src/hg/updateStsInfo/updateStsInfo.c	20 Aug 2009 21:53:41 -0000	1.10
@@ -1,882 +1,885 @@
   File: updateStsInfo.c
   Author: Terry Furey
   Date: 7/6/2004
   Description: Update stsInfo file with new information from NCBI
 #include "common.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "memalloc.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "fuzzyFind.h"
 #include "portable.h"
 #include "dnautil.h"
 #include "dnaseq.h"
 #include "psl.h"
 #include "fa.h"
 #include "psl.h"
 #include "options.h"
 #include "hgConfig.h"
 #include "stsInfo2.h"
 /*	over time these listings and numbers are growing. */
 #define MAX_ID_LIST	262144
 #define MAX_STS_ID	9000000
 /* command line option specifications */
 static struct optionSpec optionSpecs[] = {
     {"gb", OPTION_STRING},
     {"verbose", OPTION_STRING},
     {NULL, 0}
 struct sts
   struct sts *next;
   struct stsInfo2 *si;
   struct dnaSeq *fa;
   char *faAcc;
   boolean mapped;
   boolean dbstsIdExists;
 } *sList=NULL;
 struct primer
   struct primer *next;
   unsigned dbStsId;
   char* left;
   char* right;
   char* dist;
   unsigned ucscId;
 struct gb
   struct gb *next;
   char* acc;
   struct sts *s;
   boolean gbSeq;
 struct hash *stsHash;
 struct hash *primerHash;
 struct hash *nameHash;
 struct hash *dbStsIdHash;
 struct hash *gbAccHash;
 struct hash *ucscIdHash;
 struct hash *orgHash;
 struct stsInfo2 *siList = NULL;
 int nextUcscId = 0;
 boolean isMapped(struct stsInfo2 *si)
 /* Determine whether a stsInfo2 record contains mapping information */
   if (differentString(si->genethonName, "\0"))
   if (differentString(si->marshfieldName, "\0"))
   if (differentString(si->decodeName, "\0"))
   if (differentString(si->wiyacName, "\0"))
   if (differentString(si->wirhName, "\0"))
   if (differentString(si->gm99gb4Name, "\0"))
   if (differentString(si->gm99g3Name, "\0"))
   if (differentString(si->tngName, "\0"))
 boolean checkGb(char *name)
 /* Check if this is a genBank accession */
   if (hashLookup(gbAccHash, name))
 boolean checkGdb(char *name)
 /* Check if this is a GDB id */
   return(startsWith("GDB", name));
 boolean inArray(char *el, char **array, int size)
 /* Check if element is in array */
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
     if (sameString(el, array[i]))
 boolean inArrayInt(unsigned el, unsigned *array, int size)
 /* Check if element is in array */
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
     if (el == array[i])
 void addElement(char *el, char ***array, unsigned *count)
 /* Add a new element to a array of elements */
   char *arrayCurr, arrayNew[MAX_ID_LIST];
   int sizeOne, size;
   char **cArray, **rArray=NULL, ***dArray;
   /* Check if already present in array */
   if (!inArray(el, *array, *count))
       size = *count;
       arrayCurr = sqlStringArrayToString(*array, *count);
       safef(arrayNew, ArraySize(arrayNew), "%s%s,", arrayCurr, el);
       dArray = array;
       /* if (*dArray) 
 	 freeMem(dArray); */
       sqlStringDynamicArray(arrayNew, &cArray, &sizeOne);
       assert(sizeOne == size);
       *count = size;
       AllocArray(rArray, size);
       CopyArray(cArray, rArray, size);
       *array = rArray;
 void removeElement(char *el, char ***array, unsigned *count)
 /* Add a new element to a array of elements */
   char *arrayCurr, *arrayCurrDel, del[128];
   int sizeOne, size;
   char **cArray, **rArray=NULL, ***dArray;
   if (*count > 0)
       size = *count;
       arrayCurr = sqlStringArrayToString(*array, *count);
       safef(del, ArraySize(del), "%s,", el);
       arrayCurrDel = replaceChars(arrayCurr, del, "");
       if (differentString(arrayCurr, arrayCurrDel))
       dArray = array;
       /* if (*dArray) 
 	 freeMem(dArray); */
       sqlStringDynamicArray(arrayCurrDel, &cArray, &sizeOne);
       assert(sizeOne == size);
       *count = size;
       if (size > 0) 
 	  AllocArray(rArray, size);
 	  CopyArray(cArray, rArray, size);
 	  *array = rArray;
 	*array = NULL;
 void addElementInt(unsigned el, unsigned **array, unsigned *count)
 /* Add a new element to a array of elements */
   char *arrayCurr, arrayNew[MAX_ID_LIST];
   int sizeOne, size;
   unsigned *uArray, **dArray;
   if (!inArrayInt(el, *array, *count))
       size = *count;
       arrayCurr = sqlUnsignedArrayToString(*array, *count);
       safef(arrayNew, ArraySize(arrayNew), "%s%d,", arrayCurr, el);
       dArray = array;
       /* if (*count > 0)
 	 freeMem(dArray); */
       sqlUnsignedDynamicArray(arrayNew, &uArray, &sizeOne);
       assert(sizeOne == size);
       *count = size;
       *array = uArray;
 void addName(struct sts *s, char *name)
 /* Add a name to a sts record */
     struct gb *gb;
   /* See if it is a genBank record */
   if (checkGb(name))
       addElement(name, &s->si->genbank, &s->si->gbCount);
       if (hashLookup(gbAccHash, name))
 	  gb = hashMustFindVal(gbAccHash, name);
 	  gb->s = s;
 	  gb->next = NULL;
 	  gb->acc = cloneString(name);
 	  gb->s = s;
   else if (checkGdb(name))
       addElement(name, &s->si->gdb, &s->si->gdbCount);
       addElement(name, &s->si->otherNames, &s->si->nameCount);
 void readStsInfo(struct lineFile *sif)
 /* Read in current stsInfo file */
   struct stsInfo2 *si;
   struct sts *s;
   struct primer *p;
   struct gb *gb;
   char name[16], *words[52];
   int i;
   stsHash = newHash(20);
   dbStsIdHash = newHash(20);
   primerHash = newHash(20);
   nameHash = newHash(24);
   gbAccHash = newHash(20);
   ucscIdHash = newHash(20);
   /* Read in all rows */  
   while (lineFileChopTab(sif, words))
       si = stsInfo2Load(words);
       /* Determine next ucsc id to be used */
       if (si->identNo >= nextUcscId)
 	nextUcscId = si->identNo + 1;
       /* Create sts struct */
       if (sameString(si->organism, "Homo sapiens\0"))
 	  s->next = NULL;
 	  s->si = si;
 	  s->fa = NULL;
 	  s->mapped = isMapped(si);
 	  s->dbstsIdExists = FALSE;
 	  slAddHead(&sList, s);
 	  safef(name, ArraySize(name), "%d", si->identNo);
 	  hashAdd(stsHash, name, s);
 	  /* Add ids to dbStsIdHash */
 	  if (si->dbSTSid)
 	    hashAddInt(dbStsIdHash, name, si->dbSTSid);
 	  /* Add sts records to ucscId hash */
 	  if (si->dbSTSid)
 	      safef(name, ArraySize(name),  "%d", si->dbSTSid);
 	      hashAdd(ucscIdHash, name, s);
 	  for (i = 0; i < si->otherDbstsCount; i++)
 	      safef(name, ArraySize(name), "%d", si->otherDbSTS[i]);
 	      if (!hashLookup(ucscIdHash, name))
 		hashAdd(ucscIdHash, name, s);
 	  /* Add names to name hash and genbank hash */
 	  hashAdd(nameHash, si->name, s);
       	  for (i = 0; i < si->gbCount; i++) 
 	      hashAdd(nameHash, si->genbank[i], s);
 	      gb->next = NULL;
 	      gb->acc = cloneString(si->genbank[i]);
 	      gb->s = s;
 	      gb->gbSeq = FALSE;
 	      hashAdd(gbAccHash, gb->acc, gb);
 	  for (i = 0; i < si->gdbCount; i++) 
 	    hashAdd(nameHash, si->gdb[i], s);
 	  for (i = 0; i < si->nameCount; i++) 
 	    hashAdd(nameHash, si->otherNames[i], s);
 	  /* Create primer info if available and add to hash */
 	  if (differentString(si->leftPrimer, "\0"))
 	      p->next = NULL;
 	      p->dbStsId = si->dbSTSid;
 	      p->left = cloneString(si->leftPrimer);
 	      p->right = cloneString(si->rightPrimer);
 	      p->dist = cloneString(si->distance);
 	      p->ucscId = si->identNo;
 	      safef(name, ArraySize(name), "%d", p->dbStsId);
 	      hashAdd(primerHash, name, p);
 void readGbAcc(struct lineFile *gaf)
 /* Read in and record all genbank accessions that have sequences */
   struct gb *gb;
   char *acc[1];
   struct sts *s;
   while (lineFileNextRow(gaf, acc, 1))
       if (!hashLookup(gbAccHash, acc[0]))
 	  gb->next = NULL;
 	  gb->acc = cloneString(acc[0]);
 	  gb->s = NULL;
 	  gb->gbSeq = TRUE;
 	  hashAdd(gbAccHash, acc[0], gb);
 	  if (hashLookup(nameHash, acc[0]))
 	      s = hashMustFindVal(nameHash, acc[0]);
 	      addElement(acc[0], &s->si->genbank, &s->si->gbCount);
 	      removeElement(acc[0], &s->si->otherNames, &s->si->nameCount);
 	  gb = hashMustFindVal(gbAccHash, acc[0]);
 	  gb->gbSeq = TRUE;
 void updatePrimerInfo(struct primer *p, struct sts *s)
 /* Update primer information for an STS marker from a primer record */
   s->si->dbSTSid = p->dbStsId;
   s->si->leftPrimer = cloneString(p->left);
   s->si->rightPrimer = cloneString(p->right);
   s->si->distance = cloneString(p->dist);
   s->dbstsIdExists = TRUE;
   p->ucscId = s->si->identNo;
 void readDbstsPrimers(struct lineFile *dsf)
 /* Read in primer and organism info from dbSTS.sts */
   struct primer *p;
   struct sts *s;
   char *words[8], *name, *org;
   int dbStsId, newId;
   orgHash = newHash(20);
   while (lineFileChopNextTab(dsf, words, 8))
       /* Check that the organism is human, or at least that a human record 
 	 has not already been read in for this dbSTS id */
       org = cloneString(words[7]);
       if (!hashLookup(orgHash, words[0]) || (sameString(org, "Homo sapiens\0")))
 	hashAdd(orgHash, words[0], org);
       /* If not human, then don't process any further */
       if (differentString(org, "Homo sapiens\0"))
       /* See if this dbSTS id is currently in use by a STS marker */
       dbStsId = sqlUnsigned(words[0]);
       if (hashLookup(ucscIdHash, words[0]))
 	s = hashMustFindVal(ucscIdHash, words[0]);
 	s = NULL;
       /* See if primers already recorded for this dbSTS id from STS Info file */
       if (hashLookup(primerHash, words[0]))
 	  p = hashMustFindVal(primerHash, words[0]);
 	  /* If STS marker not mapped, update primer information */
 	  if (s == NULL && !s->mapped)
 	      p->left = cloneString(words[1]);
 	      p->left = cloneString(words[2]);
 	      p->left = cloneString(words[3]);
       /* If no record of this primer, create one */
 	  p->next = NULL;
 	  p->dbStsId = dbStsId;
 	  p->left = cloneString(words[1]);
 	  p->right = cloneString(words[2]);
 	  p->dist = cloneString(words[3]);
 	  if (s != NULL)
 	    p->ucscId = s->si->identNo;
 	    p->ucscId = 0;
 	  name = cloneString(words[0]);
 	  hashAdd(primerHash, name, p);
       /* If dbSTS id linked to a STS marker already */
       if (s != NULL)
 	  /* If linked to ucsc record and record not mapped or doesn't have primer information,
 	     update primer info */
 	  if (((!s->mapped) || (sameString(s->si->leftPrimer, "\0"))) && (s->si->dbSTSid == dbStsId))
 	    updatePrimerInfo(p, s);
       /* If not linked to a ucsc record and human, check if the name is already in use */
       else if ((sameString(org, "Homo sapiens\0")) && (hashLookup(nameHash, words[4])))
 	      s = hashMustFindVal(nameHash, words[4]);
 	      /* Update the marker record with the dbSTS id and primer info if none exists */
 	      if ((s->si->dbSTSid == 0) || (s->si->dbSTSid >= MAX_STS_ID) || 
 		  (sameString(s->si->leftPrimer, "\0")))
 		updatePrimerInfo(p, s);
 	      /* If the record is already linked to another dbSTS id, add this to other list */
 		  newId = sqlUnsigned(words[0]);
 		  addElementInt(newId, &s->si->otherDbSTS, &s->si->otherDbstsCount);
 	      hashAdd(ucscIdHash, words[0], s);
 }	/*	void readDbstsPrimers(struct lineFile *dsf)	*/
 void readDbstsNames(struct lineFile *daf)
 /* Read in dbSTS names and create new stsInfo record, if necessary */
   struct sts *s;
   struct stsInfo2 *si;
   struct primer *p;
   char *words[4], *names[64], name[64], *org;
   int dbstsId, nameCount, i;
   while (lineFileChopNext(daf, words, 2))
       /* Make sure this is a human marker */
       org = hashFindVal(orgHash, words[0]);
       if (hashLookup(orgHash, words[0]) && !sameString(org, "Homo sapiens\0") && !sameString(org, "\0"))
       dbstsId = sqlUnsigned(words[0]);
       /* Find the primers for this dbSTS id */
       if (hashLookup(primerHash, words[0])) 
 	p = hashMustFindVal(primerHash, words[0]);
       /* Determine if this id is already being used */
       if (hashLookup(ucscIdHash, words[0]))
 	s = hashMustFindVal(ucscIdHash, words[0]);
 	s = NULL;
       /* If the id has not been assigned, see any of the names are being used */
       if (s == NULL) 
 	  nameCount = chopByChar(words[1], ';', names, ArraySize(names));
 	  for (i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) 
 	      /* See if this name associated with a ucsc record already */
 	      if (hashLookup(nameHash, names[i]))
 		  s = hashMustFindVal(nameHash, names[i]);
 		  /* See if this record needs an dbSTS id */
 		  if ((s->si->dbSTSid == 0) || (s->si->dbSTSid >= MAX_STS_ID) ||  
 		      (sameString(s->si->leftPrimer, "\0")))
 		      s->si->dbSTSid = dbstsId;
 		      /* If no primer info recorded, add it if possible */
 		      if (((!s->mapped) || (sameString(s->si->leftPrimer, "\0")))
 			  && (hashLookup(primerHash, words[0])))
 			  p = hashMustFindVal(primerHash, words[0]);
 			  s->si->leftPrimer = cloneString(p->left);
 			  s->si->rightPrimer = cloneString(p->right);
 			  s->si->distance = cloneString(p->dist);
 		      i = nameCount;
 	    addElementInt(dbstsId, &s->si->otherDbSTS, &s->si->otherDbstsCount);
       if (s != NULL)
 	  /* Determine if all of the names are recorded */
 	  if (s->si->dbSTSid == dbstsId)
 	    s->dbstsIdExists = TRUE;
 	  nameCount = chopByChar(words[1], ';', names, ArraySize(names));
 	  for (i = 0; i < nameCount; i++) 
 	      if (!hashLookup(nameHash, names[i]))
 		  addName(s, names[i]);
 		  hashAdd(nameHash, names[i], s);
 	  /* If valid primers exist, then add record */
 	  if (hashLookup(primerHash, words[0]))
 	    p = hashMustFindVal(primerHash, words[0]);
 	    p = NULL;
 	  if (p != NULL)
 	      nameCount = chopByChar(words[1], ';', names, ArraySize(names));
 	      si->next = NULL;
 	      s->si = si;
 	      s->mapped = FALSE;
 	      s->dbstsIdExists = TRUE;
 	      s->fa = NULL;
 	      si->next = NULL;
 	      si->identNo = nextUcscId;
 	      si->name = cloneString(names[0]);
 	      si->gbCount = 0;
 	      si->genbank = NULL;
 	      si->gdbCount = 0;
 	      si->gdb = NULL;
 	      si->nameCount = 0;
 	      si->otherNames = NULL;
 	      if (checkGb(names[0]) || checkGdb(names[0]))
 		addName(s, names[0]);
 	      hashAdd(nameHash, names[0], s);
 	      for (i = 1; i < nameCount; i++) 
 		  subChar(names[i], ',', ':');
 		  addName(s, names[i]);
 		  hashAdd(nameHash, names[i], s);
 	      si->dbSTSid = dbstsId;
 	      si->otherDbstsCount = 0;
 	      si->otherDbSTS = NULL;
 	      si->leftPrimer = cloneString(p->left);
 	      si->rightPrimer = cloneString(p->right);
 	      si->distance = cloneString(p->dist);
 	      si->organism = cloneString("Homo sapiens");
 	      si->sequence = 0;
 	      si->otherUCSCcount = 0;
 	      si->otherUCSC = NULL;
 	      si->mergeUCSCcount = 0;
 	      si->mergeUCSC = NULL;
 	      si->genethonName = cloneString("");
 	      si->genethonChr = cloneString("");
 	      si->marshfieldName = cloneString("");
 	      si->marshfieldChr = cloneString("");
 	      si->wiyacName = cloneString("");
 	      si->wiyacChr = cloneString("");
 	      si->wirhName = cloneString("");
 	      si->wirhChr = cloneString("");
 	      si->gm99gb4Name = cloneString("");
 	      si->gm99gb4Chr = cloneString("");
 	      si->gm99g3Name = cloneString("");
 	      si->gm99g3Chr = cloneString("");
 	      si->tngName = cloneString("");
 	      si->tngChr = cloneString("");
 	      si->decodeName = cloneString("");
 	      si->decodeChr = cloneString("");
 	      slAddHead(&sList, s);
 	      hashAdd(ucscIdHash, words[0], s);
 	      safef(name, ArraySize(name), "%d", s->si->identNo);
 	      hashAdd(stsHash, name, s);
 	      hashAddInt(dbStsIdHash, name, dbstsId); 
 	      p->ucscId = s->si->identNo;
 void readAllSts(FILE *asf) 
 /* Read in current sequences for sts markers */
   struct dnaSeq *ds;
   struct sts *s;
   char *words[8], *acc=NULL, *line;
   int wordCount;
   while (faReadMixedNext(asf, 0, "default", TRUE, &line, &ds))
       /* Determine the UCSC id */
       wordCount = chopByWhite(line, words, ArraySize(words));
       stripString(words[0], ">");
       if (wordCount == 3)
 	acc = cloneString(words[2]);
 	acc = NULL;
       /* Find the record and attach */
       if (hashLookup(stsHash, ds->name))
 	  s = hashMustFindVal(stsHash, ds->name);
 	  s->fa = ds;
 	  s->faAcc = acc;
 	  s->si->sequence = 1;
 	  if (acc != NULL)
 void readDbstsFa(FILE *dff)
 /* Read in sequences from dbSTS.fa and add, if possible */
   struct dnaSeq *ds;
   struct sts *s;
   struct gb *gb;
   char name[256], *line;
   while (faReadMixedNext(dff, 0, "default", TRUE, &line, &ds))
       /* Determine the UCSC id */
       if (hashLookup(gbAccHash, ds->name)) 
 	  /* Determine if this is linked to a marker */
 	  gb = hashMustFindVal(gbAccHash, ds->name);
 	  if (gb->s != NULL) 
 	      /* If no recorded sequence, then add */ 
 	      s = gb->s;
 	      if (s->fa == NULL) 
 		  s->faAcc = cloneString(ds->name);
 		  safef(name, ArraySize(name), "%d", s->si->identNo);
 		  ds->name = cloneString(name);
 		  s->fa = ds;
 		  s->si->sequence = 1;
 	      /* If no accession recorded, see if sequences are the same */
 	      else if (s->faAcc == NULL) 
 		  if (sameString(s->fa->dna, ds->dna))
 		      s->faAcc = cloneString(ds->name);
 		      s->si->sequence = 1;		  
 	      /* If same accession as recorded, the update sequence */
 	      else if (sameString(s->faAcc, ds->name))
 		  ds->name = cloneString(s->fa->name);
 		  s->fa = ds;
 		  s->si->sequence = 1;
 void writeOut(FILE *of, FILE *opf, FILE *oaf, FILE *off)
 /* Write out update files for info, primers, and sequences */
   struct sts *s;
   struct stsInfo2 *si;
   char name[256];
   int i;
   for (s = sList; s != NULL; s = s->next)
       if (s->fa != NULL)
 	s->si->sequence = 1;
 	s->si->sequence = 0;	
       si = s->si;
       if ((s->dbstsIdExists)||(si->dbSTSid == 0)||(si->dbSTSid >= MAX_STS_ID))
 	  fprintf(of, "%d\t%s\t%d\t", si->identNo, si->name, si->gbCount);
 	  for (i = 0; i < si->gbCount; i++) 
 	    fprintf(of, "%s,", si->genbank[i]);
 	  fprintf(of, "\t%d\t", si->gdbCount);
 	  for (i = 0; i < si->gdbCount; i++) 
 	    fprintf(of, "%s,", si->gdb[i]);
 	  fprintf(of, "\t%d\t", si->nameCount);
 	  for (i = 0; i < si->nameCount; i++) 
 	    fprintf(of, "%s,", si->otherNames[i]);
 	  fprintf(of, "\t%d\t%d\t", si->dbSTSid, si->otherDbstsCount);
 	  for (i = 0; i < si->otherDbstsCount; i++) 
 	    fprintf(of, "%d,", si->otherDbSTS[i]);
 	  fprintf(of, "\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t", si->leftPrimer, si->rightPrimer,
 		  si->distance, si->organism, si->sequence, si->otherUCSCcount);
 	  for (i = 0; i < si->otherUCSCcount; i++) 
 	    fprintf(of, "%d,", si->otherUCSC[i]);
 	  fprintf(of, "\t%d\t", si->mergeUCSCcount);
 	  for (i = 0; i < si->mergeUCSCcount; i++) 
 	    fprintf(of, "%d,", si->mergeUCSC[i]);
 	  fprintf(of, "\t%s\t%s\t%.2f\t%.2f", si->genethonName, si->genethonChr,
 		  si->genethonPos, si->genethonLOD);
 	  fprintf(of, "\t%s\t%s\t%.2f\t%.2f", si->marshfieldName, si->marshfieldChr,
 		  si->marshfieldPos, si->marshfieldLOD);
 	  fprintf(of, "\t%s\t%s\t%.2f\t%.2f", si->wiyacName, si->wiyacChr,
 		  si->wiyacPos, si->wiyacLOD);
 	  fprintf(of, "\t%s\t%s\t%.2f\t%.2f", si->wirhName, si->wirhChr,
 		  si->wirhPos, si->wirhLOD);
 	  fprintf(of, "\t%s\t%s\t%.2f\t%.2f", si->gm99gb4Name, si->gm99gb4Chr,
 		  si->gm99gb4Pos, si->gm99gb4LOD);
 	  fprintf(of, "\t%s\t%s\t%.2f\t%.2f", si->gm99g3Name, si->gm99g3Chr,
 		  si->gm99g3Pos, si->gm99g3LOD);
 	  fprintf(of, "\t%s\t%s\t%.2f\t%.2f", si->tngName, si->tngChr,
 		  si->tngPos, si->tngLOD);
 	  fprintf(of, "\t%s\t%s\t%.2f\t%.2f\n", si->decodeName, si->decodeChr,
 		  si->decodePos, si->decodeLOD);
 	  /* Write out to primers file */
 	  if (differentString(si->leftPrimer, "\0"))
 	    fprintf(opf, "%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\n", si->dbSTSid, si->leftPrimer,
 		    si->rightPrimer, si->distance, si->identNo);
 	  /* Write out to alias file */
 	  fprintf(oaf, "%s\t%d\t%s\n", si->name, si->identNo, si->name);
 	  for (i = 0; i < si->gbCount; i++) 
 	    if (differentString(si->genbank[i], si->name))
 	      fprintf(oaf, "%s\t%d\t%s\n", si->genbank[i], si->identNo, si->name);
 	  for (i = 0; i < si->gdbCount; i++) 
 	    if (differentString(si->gdb[i], si->name))
 	      fprintf(oaf, "%s\t%d\t%s\n", si->gdb[i], si->identNo, si->name);
 	  for (i = 0; i < si->nameCount; i++) 
 	    if (differentString(si->otherNames[i], si->name))
 	      fprintf(oaf, "%s\t%d\t%s\n", si->otherNames[i], si->identNo, si->name);
 	  /* Write out to fa file */
 	  if (s->fa != NULL)
 	      /* gb = sqlStringArrayToString(si->genbank, si->gbCount); */
+		if (s->faAcc && differentWord(s->faAcc,"(null)"))
 	      safef(name, ArraySize(name), "%s %s %s", s->fa->name, si->name, s->faAcc);
+		else
+	      safef(name, ArraySize(name), "%s %s %s", s->fa->name, si->name, s->si->name);
 	      faWriteNext(off, name, s->fa->dna, s->fa->size);
 	verbose(1, "%d\t%s\t%d\t(%d) not in dbSTS anymore\n", si->identNo, si->name, si->dbSTSid, s->dbstsIdExists);
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   struct lineFile *sif, *dsf, *daf, *gbf;
   FILE *of, *opf, *oaf, *off, *asf, *dff;
   char filename[256], *gbName;
   int verb = 0;
 optionInit(&argc, argv, optionSpecs);
 if (argc < 3)
       fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: updateStsInfo [-verbose=<level> -gb=<file>] <stsInfo file> <all.STS.fa> <dbSTS.sts> <dbSTS.aliases> <dbSTS.convert.fa> <outfile prefix>\n");
     return 1;
 verb = optionInt("verbose", 0);
  gbName = optionVal("gb", NULL);
  if (gbName) 
    gbf = lineFileOpen(gbName, TRUE);
  sif = lineFileOpen(argv[1], TRUE);
  asf = mustOpen(argv[2], "r");
  dsf = lineFileOpen(argv[3], TRUE);
  daf = lineFileOpen(argv[4], TRUE);
  dff = mustOpen(argv[5], "r");
  safef(filename, ArraySize(filename), "", argv[6]);
  of = mustOpen(filename, "w");
  safef(filename, ArraySize(filename), "%s.primers", argv[6]);
  opf = mustOpen(filename, "w");
  safef(filename, ArraySize(filename), "%s.alias", argv[6]);
  oaf = mustOpen(filename, "w");
  safef(filename, ArraySize(filename), "%s.fa", argv[6]);
  off = mustOpen(filename, "w");
  /* Read in current stsInfo file */
  verbose(1, "Reading current stsInfo file: %s\n", argv[1]);
  /* Read in genbank accessions that have sequences */ 
  if (gbName)
      verbose(1, "Reading genbank accession file: %s\n", gbName);
  /* Read in primer and organism information from dbSTS.sts */
  verbose(1, "Reading current dbSTS.sts file: %s\n", argv[3]);
  /* Read in names from dbSTS.alias and create new stsInfo records if needed */
  verbose(1, "Reading current dbSTS.aliases file: %s\n", argv[4]);
  /* Read in current sequences for sts markers */
  verbose(1, "Reading current all.STS file: %s\n", argv[2]);
  /* Read in new sequences from dbSTS.fa */
  verbose(1, "Reading dbSTS.fa file: %s\n", argv[5]);
  /* Print out the new files */
  verbose(1, "Creating output files: %s .info .primers .alias .fa\n", argv[6]);
  writeOut(of, opf, oaf, off);
  if (gbName)