src/lib/fuzzyShow.c 1.25
1.25 2009/08/21 18:41:34 angie
Factored out the side-by-side part of ffShAliPart into ffShowSideBySide.
Index: src/lib/fuzzyShow.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/lib/fuzzyShow.c,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.24 -r1.25
--- src/lib/fuzzyShow.c 17 Dec 2007 22:59:31 -0000 1.24
+++ src/lib/fuzzyShow.c 21 Aug 2009 18:41:34 -0000 1.25
@@ -1,398 +1,407 @@
/* fuzzyShow - routines to show ffAli alignments in text
* or html.
* This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
* granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
#include "common.h"
#include "dnautil.h"
#include "memgfx.h"
#include "fuzzyFind.h"
#include "htmshell.h"
#include "cda.h"
#include "seqOut.h"
static char const rcsid[] = "$Id$";
static void ffShNeedle(FILE *f, DNA *needle, int needleSize,
int needleNumOffset, char *colorFlags,
struct ffAli *aliList, boolean upcMatch,
int cdsS, int cdsE,
boolean accentRange, int accentStart, int accentEnd)
/* Display the needle sequence with HTML highlighting. */
struct cfm *cfm = cfmNew(10, 50, TRUE, FALSE, f, needleNumOffset);
char *n = cloneMem(needle, needleSize);
char *accentFlags = needMem(needleSize);
struct ffAli *leftAli = aliList;
struct ffAli *ali;
long i;
zeroBytes(colorFlags, needleSize);
zeroBytes(accentFlags, needleSize);
fprintf(f, "<PRE><TT>\n");
if (aliList != NULL)
for (leftAli = aliList; leftAli->left != NULL; leftAli = leftAli->left)
for (ali = leftAli; ali != NULL; ali = ali->right)
boolean utr = FALSE;
int off = ali->nStart-needle;
int count = ali->nEnd - ali->nStart;
if ((cdsE > 0) && ((cdsS-off-1) > 0))
utr = TRUE;
for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
if (!utr && (i > (cdsE-off-1)) && (cdsE > 0))
utr = TRUE;
if (utr && (i == (cdsS-off)))
utr = FALSE;
if (toupper(ali->hStart[i]) == toupper(ali->nStart[i]))
if (utr)
colorFlags[off+i] = ((i == 0 || i == count-1) ? socOrange : socRed);
colorFlags[off+i] = ((i == 0 || i == count-1) ? socBrightBlue : socBlue);
if (upcMatch)
n[off+i] = toupper(n[off+i]);
if (accentRange)
if (off+i >= accentStart && off+i < accentEnd)
accentFlags[off+i] = TRUE;
for (i=0; i<needleSize; ++i)
if (accentRange && i == accentStart)
fprintf(f, "<A NAME=cDNAStart></A>");
cfmOutExt(cfm, n[i], seqOutColorLookup[(int)colorFlags[i]],
accentFlags[i], accentFlags[i], FALSE);
fprintf(f, "</TT></PRE>\n");
+void ffShowSideBySide(FILE *f, struct ffAli *leftAli, DNA *needle, int needleNumOffset,
+ DNA *haystack, int hayNumOffset, int haySize, int hayOffStart, int hayOffEnd,
+ int blockMaxGap, boolean rcHaystack, boolean initialNewline)
+/* Print HTML side-by-side alignment of needle and haystack (no title or labels) to f.
+ * {hay,needle}NumOffset are the coords at which the DNA sequence begins.
+ * hayOff{Start,End} are the range of coords *relative to hayNumOffset* to which the
+ * alignment display will be clipped -- pass in {0,haySize} for no clipping. */
+fprintf(f, "<PRE><TT>%s", initialNewline ? "\n" : "");
+struct ffAli *ali, *lastAli = NULL;
+struct baf baf;
+/* NOTE: if rcHaystack, hayNumOffset changes here into the end, not start! */
+if (rcHaystack)
+ hayNumOffset += haySize;
+bafInit(&baf, needle, needleNumOffset, FALSE,
+ haystack, hayNumOffset, rcHaystack, f, 50, FALSE);
+for (ali=leftAli; ali!=NULL; ali = ali->right)
+ {
+ int i;
+ boolean doBreak = TRUE;
+ if ((ali->hEnd - haystack) <= hayOffStart ||
+ (ali->hStart - haystack) >= hayOffEnd)
+ continue;
+ /* Decide whether to put in a line break and/or blank characters */
+ if (lastAli != NULL)
+ {
+ int nSkip = ali->nStart - lastAli->nEnd;
+ int hSkip = ali->hStart - lastAli->hEnd;
+ if (nSkip > 0 && nSkip <= blockMaxGap && hSkip == 0)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<nSkip; ++i)
+ bafOut(&baf, lastAli->nEnd[i],'.');
+ doBreak = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (hSkip > 0 && hSkip <= blockMaxGap && nSkip == 0)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<hSkip; ++i)
+ bafOut(&baf, '.', lastAli->hEnd[i]);
+ doBreak = FALSE;
+ }
+ else if (hSkip == nSkip && hSkip <= blockMaxGap)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<hSkip; ++i)
+ bafOut(&baf, lastAli->nEnd[i], lastAli->hEnd[i]);
+ doBreak = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ doBreak = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (doBreak)
+ bafFlushLine(&baf);
+ int offset = max(0, (hayOffStart - (ali->hStart - haystack)));
+ int nStart = offset + ali->nStart - needle;
+ int hStart = offset + ali->hStart - haystack;
+ bafSetPos(&baf, nStart, hStart);
+ if (doBreak || lastAli == NULL)
+ bafStartLine(&baf);
+ int aliLen = ali->nEnd - ali->nStart;
+ for (i=0; i<aliLen; ++i)
+ {
+ int hayOff = i + (ali->hStart - haystack);
+ if (hayOff < hayOffStart)
+ continue;
+ if (hayOff >= hayOffEnd)
+ break;
+ bafOut(&baf, ali->nStart[i], ali->hStart[i]);
+ }
+ lastAli = ali;
+ }
+if (leftAli != NULL)
+ bafFlushLineNoHr(&baf);
+fprintf(f, "</TT></PRE>\n");
int ffShAliPart(FILE *f, struct ffAli *aliList,
char *needleName, DNA *needle, int needleSize, int needleNumOffset,
char *haystackName, DNA *haystack, int haySize, int hayNumOffset,
int blockMaxGap, boolean rcNeedle, boolean rcHaystack,
boolean showJumpTable,
boolean showNeedle, boolean showHaystack,
boolean showSideBySide, boolean upcMatch,
int cdsS, int cdsE, int hayPartS, int hayPartE)
/* Display parts of alignment on html page. If hayPartS..hayPartE is a
* smaller subrange of the alignment, highlight that part of the alignment
* in both needle and haystack with underline & bold, and show only that
* part of the haystack (plus padding). Returns number of blocks (after
* merging blocks separated by blockMaxGap or less). */
long i;
struct ffAli *ali;
struct ffAli *lastAli;
struct ffAli *leftAli = aliList;
struct ffAli *rightAli = aliList;
-int charsInLine;
-struct baf baf;
int maxSize = (needleSize > haySize ? needleSize : haySize);
char *colorFlags = needMem(maxSize);
int anchorCount = 0;
boolean restrictToWindow = FALSE;
int hayOffStart = 0, hayOffEnd = haySize;
int hayPaddedOffStart = 0, hayPaddedOffEnd = haySize;
int hayExtremity = rcHaystack ? (hayNumOffset + haySize) : hayNumOffset;
int nPartS=0, nPartE=0;
if (aliList != NULL)
while (leftAli->left != NULL) leftAli = leftAli->left;
while (rightAli->right != NULL) rightAli = rightAli->right;
/* If we are only showing part of the alignment, translate haystack window
* coords to needle window coords and haystack-offset window coords: */
if (hayPartS > (hayNumOffset + (leftAli->hStart - haystack)) ||
(hayPartE > 0 && hayPartE < (hayNumOffset + (rightAli->hEnd - haystack))))
DNA *haystackPartS;
DNA *haystackPartE;
restrictToWindow = TRUE;
if (rcHaystack)
haystackPartS = haystack + (haySize - (hayPartE - hayNumOffset));
haystackPartE = haystack + (haySize - (hayPartS - hayNumOffset));
haystackPartS = haystack + hayPartS - hayNumOffset;
haystackPartE = haystack + hayPartE - hayNumOffset;
boolean foundStart = FALSE;
hayOffStart = haystackPartS - haystack;
hayOffEnd = haystackPartE - haystack;
for (ali = leftAli; ali != NULL; ali = ali->right)
if (haystackPartS < ali->hEnd && !foundStart)
int offset = haystackPartS - ali->hStart;
if (offset < 0)
offset = 0;
nPartS = offset + ali->nStart - needle;
hayOffStart = offset + ali->hStart - haystack;
foundStart = TRUE;
if (haystackPartE > ali->hStart)
if (haystackPartE > ali->hEnd)
nPartE = ali->nEnd - needle;
hayOffEnd = ali->hEnd - haystack;
nPartE = haystackPartE - ali->hStart + ali->nStart - needle;
hayOffEnd = haystackPartE - haystack;
hayPaddedOffStart = max(0, (hayOffStart - 100));
hayPaddedOffEnd = min(haySize, (hayOffEnd + 100));
if (rcHaystack)
hayExtremity = hayNumOffset + haySize - hayPaddedOffStart;
hayExtremity = hayNumOffset + hayPaddedOffEnd;
if (showJumpTable)
fputs("<CENTER><P><TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=\"97%\"><TR>", f);
fputs("<TD WIDTH=\"23%\"><P ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=\"#cDNA\">cDNA Sequence</A></TD>", f);
if (restrictToWindow)
fputs("<TD WIDTH=\"23%\"><P ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF=\"#cDNAStart\">cDNA Sequence in window</A></TD>", f);
fputs("<TD WIDTH=\"27%\"><P ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><A HREF=\"#genomic\">Genomic Sequence</A></TD>", f);
fputs("<TD WIDTH=\"29%\"><P ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><A HREF=\"#1\">cDNA in Genomic</A></TD>", f);
fputs("<TD WIDTH=\"21%\"><P ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><A HREF=\"#ali\">Side by Side</A></TD>", f);
fputs("</TR></TABLE>\n", f);
if (cdsE > 0)
fprintf(f, "Matching bases in coding regions of cDNA and genomic sequences are colored blue%s. ",
(upcMatch ? " and capitalized" : ""));
fprintf(f, "Matching bases in UTR regions of cDNA and genomic sequences are colored red%s. ",
(upcMatch ? " and capitalized" : ""));
fputs("Light blue (coding) or orange (UTR) bases mark the boundaries of gaps in either sequence "
"(often splice sites).\n", f);
fprintf(f, "Matching bases in cDNA and genomic sequences are colored blue%s. ",
(upcMatch ? " and capitalized" : ""));
fputs("Light blue bases mark the boundaries of gaps in either sequence "
"(often splice sites).\n", f);
if (showNeedle && restrictToWindow)
fputs("Bases that were in the selected browser region are shown in bold "
"and underlined, "
"and only the alignment for these bases is displayed in the "
"Genomic and Side by Side sections.\n", f);
if (showJumpTable)
fputs("</P></CENTER>\n", f);
fprintf(f, "<H4><A NAME=cDNA></A>cDNA %s%s</H4>\n", needleName, (rcNeedle ? " (reverse complemented)" : ""));
-/* NOTE: if rcHaystack, hayNumOffset changes here into the end, not start! */
-if (rcHaystack)
- hayNumOffset += haySize;
if (rcNeedle)
reverseComplement(needle, needleSize);
if (showNeedle)
ffShNeedle(f, needle, needleSize, needleNumOffset, colorFlags,
aliList, upcMatch, cdsS, cdsE,
restrictToWindow, nPartS, nPartE);
if (showHaystack)
struct cfm *cfm = cfmNew(10, 50, TRUE, rcHaystack, f, hayExtremity);
char *h = cloneMem(haystack, haySize);
char *accentFlags = needMem(haySize);
zeroBytes(accentFlags, haySize);
fprintf(f, "<H4><A NAME=genomic></A>Genomic %s %s:</H4>\n",
(rcHaystack ? "(reverse strand)" : ""));
fprintf(f, "<PRE><TT>\n");
zeroBytes(colorFlags, haySize);
for (ali = leftAli; ali != NULL; ali = ali->right)
boolean utr = FALSE;
int i;
int off = ali->hStart-haystack;
int count = ali->hEnd - ali->hStart;
int offn = ali->nStart-needle;
if ((cdsE > 0) && ((cdsS-offn-1) > 0))
utr = TRUE;
for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
if (!utr && (i > (cdsE-offn-1)) && (cdsE > 0))
utr = TRUE;
if (utr && (i == (cdsS-offn)))
utr = FALSE;
if (toupper(ali->hStart[i]) == toupper(ali->nStart[i]))
if (utr)
colorFlags[off+i] = ((i == 0 || i == count-1) ? socOrange : socRed);
colorFlags[off+i] = ((i == 0 || i == count-1) ? socBrightBlue : socBlue);
if (upcMatch)
h[off+i] = toupper(h[off+i]);
if (restrictToWindow && off+i >= hayOffStart && off+i < hayOffEnd)
accentFlags[off+i] = TRUE;
ali = leftAli;
lastAli = NULL;
while (ali && (ali->hEnd - haystack) <= hayPaddedOffStart)
ali = ali->right;
for (i = hayPaddedOffStart; i < hayPaddedOffEnd; ++i)
/* Put down "anchor" on first match position in haystack
* so user can hop here with a click on the needle. */
if (ali != NULL && i == ali->hStart - haystack)
if (lastAli == NULL || ali->hStart - lastAli->hEnd > blockMaxGap)
fprintf(f, "<A NAME=%d></A>", ++anchorCount);
lastAli = ali;
ali = ali->right;
cfmOutExt(cfm, h[i], seqOutColorLookup[(int)colorFlags[i]],
accentFlags[i], accentFlags[i], FALSE);
fprintf(f, "</TT></PRE>\n");
if (showSideBySide)
fprintf(f, "<H4><A NAME=ali></A>Side by Side Alignment</H4>\n");
- fprintf(f, "<PRE><TT>\n");
- lastAli = NULL;
- charsInLine = 0;
- bafInit(&baf, needle, needleNumOffset, FALSE,
- haystack, hayNumOffset, rcHaystack, f, 50, FALSE);
- for (ali=leftAli; ali!=NULL; ali = ali->right)
- {
- boolean doBreak = TRUE;
- int aliLen;
- int i;
- if ((ali->hEnd - haystack) <= hayOffStart ||
- (ali->hStart - haystack) >= hayOffEnd)
- continue;
- /* Decide whether to put in a line break and/or blank characters */
- if (lastAli != NULL)
- {
- int nSkip = ali->nStart - lastAli->nEnd;
- int hSkip = ali->hStart - lastAli->hEnd;
- if (nSkip > 0 && nSkip <= blockMaxGap && hSkip == 0)
- {
- for (i=0; i<nSkip; ++i)
- bafOut(&baf, lastAli->nEnd[i],'.');
- doBreak = FALSE;
- }
- else if (hSkip > 0 && hSkip <= blockMaxGap && nSkip == 0)
- {
- for (i=0; i<hSkip; ++i)
- bafOut(&baf, '.', lastAli->hEnd[i]);
- doBreak = FALSE;
- }
- else if (hSkip == nSkip && hSkip <= blockMaxGap)
- {
- for (i=0; i<hSkip; ++i)
- bafOut(&baf, lastAli->nEnd[i], lastAli->hEnd[i]);
- doBreak = FALSE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- doBreak = FALSE;
- }
- if (doBreak)
- bafFlushLine(&baf);
- int offset = max(0, (hayOffStart - (ali->hStart - haystack)));
- int nStart = offset + ali->nStart - needle;
- int hStart = offset + ali->hStart - haystack;
- bafSetPos(&baf, nStart, hStart);
- if (doBreak || lastAli == NULL)
- bafStartLine(&baf);
- aliLen = ali->nEnd - ali->nStart;
- for (i=0; i<aliLen; ++i)
- {
- int hayOff = i + (ali->hStart - haystack);
- if (hayOff < hayOffStart)
- continue;
- if (hayOff >= hayOffEnd)
- break;
- bafOut(&baf, ali->nStart[i], ali->hStart[i]);
- }
- lastAli = ali;
- }
- if (leftAli != NULL)
- bafFlushLine(&baf);
- fprintf(f, "</TT></PRE>\n");
+ ffShowSideBySide(f, leftAli, needle, needleNumOffset, haystack, hayNumOffset, haySize,
+ hayOffStart, hayOffEnd, blockMaxGap, rcHaystack, TRUE);
+ fprintf(f, "<HR ALIGN=\"CENTER\">");
fprintf(f, "<EM>*Aligned Blocks with gaps <= %d bases are merged for "
"this display when only one sequence has a gap, or when gaps in "
"both sequences are of the same size.</EM>\n", blockMaxGap);
if (rcNeedle)
reverseComplement(needle, needleSize);
return anchorCount;
int ffShAli(FILE *f, struct ffAli *aliList,
char *needleName, DNA *needle, int needleSize, int needleNumOffset,
char *haystackName, DNA *haystack, int haySize, int hayNumOffset,
int blockMaxGap, boolean rcNeedle)
/* Display allignment on html page. Returns number of blocks (after
* merging blocks separated by blockMaxGap or less). */
return ffShAliPart(f, aliList, needleName, needle, needleSize, needleNumOffset,
haystackName, haystack, haySize, hayNumOffset, blockMaxGap, rcNeedle, FALSE,
TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
void ffShowAli(struct ffAli *aliList, char *needleName, DNA *needle, int needleNumOffset,
char *haystackName, DNA *haystack, int hayNumOffset, boolean rcNeedle)
/* Display allignment on html page. */
ffShAli(stdout, aliList, needleName, needle, strlen(needle), needleNumOffset,
haystackName, haystack, strlen(haystack), hayNumOffset, 8, rcNeedle);
#if 0 /* not used */
static struct cdaAli *makeBlocks(struct ffAli *aliList,
DNA *needle, int needleSize, DNA *hay, int haySize, boolean isRc)
/* Merge together blocks separated only by noise, and evaluate
* left, right, and middle of block for alignment strength. */
struct cdaAli *ca = cdaAliFromFfAli(aliList,
needle, needleSize, hay, haySize, isRc);
return ca;