src/lib/net.c 1.71
1.71 2009/08/19 03:44:27 galt
add https support for redirect
Index: src/lib/net.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/lib/net.c,v
retrieving revision 1.70
retrieving revision 1.71
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.70 -r1.71
--- src/lib/net.c 10 Mar 2009 00:31:04 -0000 1.70
+++ src/lib/net.c 19 Aug 2009 03:44:27 -0000 1.71
@@ -1,1518 +1,1519 @@
/* net.c some stuff to wrap around net communications.
* This file is copyright 2002 Jim Kent, but license is hereby
* granted for all use - public, private or commercial. */
#include "common.h"
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "internet.h"
#include "errabort.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "linefile.h"
#include "base64.h"
#include "cheapcgi.h"
#include "https.h"
static char const rcsid[] = "$Id$";
/* Brought errno in to get more useful error messages */
extern int errno;
static int netStreamSocket()
/* Create a TCP/IP streaming socket. Complain and return something
* negative if can't */
int sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sd < 0)
warn("Couldn't make AF_INET socket.");
return sd;
int netConnect(char *hostName, int port)
/* Start connection with a server. */
int sd, err;
struct sockaddr_in sai; /* Some system socket info. */
if (hostName == NULL)
warn("NULL hostName in netConnect");
return -1;
if (!internetFillInAddress(hostName, port, &sai))
return -1;
if ((sd = netStreamSocket()) < 0)
return sd;
if ((err = connect(sd, (struct sockaddr*)&sai, sizeof(sai))) < 0)
warn("Couldn't connect to %s %d", hostName, port);
return err;
return sd;
int netMustConnect(char *hostName, int port)
/* Start connection with server or die. */
int sd = netConnect(hostName, port);
if (sd < 0)
return sd;
int netMustConnectTo(char *hostName, char *portName)
/* Start connection with a server and a port that needs to be converted to integer */
if (!isdigit(portName[0]))
errAbort("netConnectTo: ports must be numerical, not %s", portName);
return netMustConnect(hostName, atoi(portName));
int netAcceptingSocketFrom(int port, int queueSize, char *host)
/* Create a socket that can accept connections from a
* IP address on the current machine if the current machine
* has multiple IP addresses. */
struct sockaddr_in sai;
int sd;
int flag = 1;
if ((sd = netStreamSocket()) < 0)
return sd;
if (!internetFillInAddress(host, port, &sai))
return -1;
if (setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &flag, sizeof(int)))
return -1;
if (bind(sd, (struct sockaddr*)&sai, sizeof(sai)) == -1)
warn("Couldn't bind socket to %d: %s", port, strerror(errno));
return -1;
listen(sd, queueSize);
return sd;
int netAcceptingSocket(int port, int queueSize)
/* Create a socket that can accept connections from
* anywhere. */
return netAcceptingSocketFrom(port, queueSize, NULL);
int netAccept(int sd)
/* Accept incoming connection from socket descriptor. */
socklen_t fromLen;
return accept(sd, NULL, &fromLen);
int netAcceptFrom(int acceptor, unsigned char subnet[4])
/* Wait for incoming connection from socket descriptor
* from IP address in subnet. Subnet is something
* returned from netParseSubnet or internetParseDottedQuad.
* Subnet may be NULL. */
struct sockaddr_in sai; /* Some system socket info. */
sai.sin_family = AF_INET;
for (;;)
socklen_t addrSize = sizeof(sai);
int sd = accept(acceptor, (struct sockaddr *)&sai, &addrSize);
if (sd >= 0)
if (subnet == NULL)
return sd;
unsigned char unpacked[4];
internetUnpackIp(ntohl(sai.sin_addr.s_addr), unpacked);
if (internetIpInSubnet(unpacked, subnet))
return sd;
FILE *netFileFromSocket(int socket)
/* Wrap a FILE around socket. This should be fclose'd
* and separately the socket close'd. */
FILE *f;
if ((socket = dup(socket)) < 0)
errnoAbort("Couldn't dupe socket in netFileFromSocket");
f = fdopen(socket, "r+");
if (f == NULL)
errnoAbort("Couldn't fdopen socket in netFileFromSocket");
return f;
static boolean plumberInstalled = FALSE;
void netBlockBrokenPipes()
/* Make it so a broken pipe doesn't kill us. */
if (!plumberInstalled)
signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* Block broken pipe signals. */
plumberInstalled = TRUE;
size_t netReadAll(int sd, void *vBuf, size_t size)
/* Read given number of bytes into buffer.
* Don't give up on first read! */
char *buf = vBuf;
size_t totalRead = 0;
int oneRead;
if (!plumberInstalled)
while (totalRead < size)
oneRead = read(sd, buf + totalRead, size - totalRead);
if (oneRead < 0)
return oneRead;
if (oneRead == 0)
totalRead += oneRead;
return totalRead;
int netMustReadAll(int sd, void *vBuf, size_t size)
/* Read given number of bytes into buffer or die.
* Don't give up if first read is short! */
int ret = netReadAll(sd, vBuf, size);
if (ret < 0)
errnoAbort("Couldn't finish netReadAll");
return ret;
static void notGoodSubnet(char *sns)
/* Complain about subnet format. */
errAbort("'%s' is not a properly formatted subnet. Subnets must consist of\n"
"one to three dot-separated numbers between 0 and 255\n", sns);
void netParseSubnet(char *in, unsigned char out[4])
/* Parse subnet, which is a prefix of a normal dotted quad form.
* Out will contain 255's for the don't care bits. */
out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = out[3] = 255;
if (in != NULL)
char *snsCopy = strdup(in);
char *words[5];
int wordCount, i;
wordCount = chopString(snsCopy, ".", words, ArraySize(words));
if (wordCount > 3 || wordCount < 1)
for (i=0; i<wordCount; ++i)
char *s = words[i];
int x;
if (!isdigit(s[0]))
x = atoi(s);
if (x > 255)
out[i] = x;
void netParseUrl(char *url, struct netParsedUrl *parsed)
/* Parse a URL into components. A full URL is made up as so:
* http://user:password@hostName:port/file;byterange=0-499
* User and password may be cgi-encoded.
* This is set up so that the http:// and the port are optional.
char *s, *t, *u, *v, *w, *x;
char buf[1024];
/* Make local copy of URL. */
if (strlen(url) >= sizeof(buf))
errAbort("Url too long: '%s'", url);
strcpy(buf, url);
url = buf;
/* Find out protocol - default to http. */
s = trimSpaces(url);
s = stringIn("://", url);
if (s == NULL)
strcpy(parsed->protocol, "http");
s = url;
*s = 0;
strncpy(parsed->protocol, url, sizeof(parsed->protocol));
s += 3;
/* Split off file part. */
parsed->byteRangeStart = -1; /* default to no byte range specified */
parsed->byteRangeEnd = -1;
u = strchr(s, '/');
if (u == NULL)
strcpy(parsed->file, "/");
x = strrchr(u, ';');
if (x)
if (startsWith(";byterange=", x))
char *y=strchr(x, '=');
char *z=strchr(y, '-');
if (z)
*x = 0;
// TODO: use something better than atol() ?
parsed->byteRangeStart = atoll(y);
parsed->byteRangeEnd = atoll(z);
/* need to encode spaces, but not ! other characters */
char *t=replaceChars(u," ","%20");
strncpy(parsed->file, t, sizeof(parsed->file));
*u = 0;
/* Split off user part */
v = strchr(s, '@');
if (v == NULL)
if (sameWord(parsed->protocol,"http") ||
strcpy(parsed->user, "");
strcpy(parsed->password, "");
if (sameWord(parsed->protocol,"ftp"))
strcpy(parsed->user, "anonymous");
strcpy(parsed->password, "");
*v = 0;
/* split off password part */
w = strchr(s, ':');
if (w == NULL)
strncpy(parsed->user, s, sizeof(parsed->user));
strcpy(parsed->password, "");
*w = 0;
strncpy(parsed->user, s, sizeof(parsed->user));
strncpy(parsed->password, w+1, sizeof(parsed->password));
s = v+1;
/* Save port if it's there. If not default to 80. */
t = strchr(s, ':');
if (t == NULL)
if (sameWord(parsed->protocol,"http"))
strcpy(parsed->port, "80");
if (sameWord(parsed->protocol,"https"))
strcpy(parsed->port, "443");
if (sameWord(parsed->protocol,"ftp"))
strcpy(parsed->port, "21");
*t++ = 0;
if (!isdigit(t[0]))
errAbort("Non-numeric port name %s", t);
strncpy(parsed->port, t, sizeof(parsed->port));
/* What's left is the host. */
strncpy(parsed->host, s, sizeof(parsed->host));
/* this was cloned from rudp.c - move it later for sharing */
static boolean readReadyWait(int sd, int microseconds)
/* Wait for descriptor to have some data to read, up to
* given number of microseconds. */
struct timeval tv;
fd_set set;
int readyCount;
for (;;)
if (microseconds > 1000000)
tv.tv_sec = microseconds/1000000;
tv.tv_usec = microseconds%1000000;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = microseconds;
FD_SET(sd, &set);
readyCount = select(sd+1, &set, NULL, NULL, &tv);
if (readyCount < 0)
if (errno == EINTR) /* Select interrupted, not timed out. */
warn("select failure in rudp: %s", strerror(errno));
return readyCount > 0; /* Zero readyCount indicates time out */
void sendFtpCommandOnly(int sd, char *cmd)
/* send command to ftp server */
write(sd, cmd, strlen(cmd));
struct dyString *receiveFtpReply(int sd, char *cmd, boolean seeResult)
/* send command to ftp server and check resulting reply code,
give error if not desired reply */
struct dyString *rs = NULL;
int reply = 0;
char buf[4*1024];
int readSize;
char *startLastLine = NULL;
long timeOut = 1000000; /* wait in microsec */
rs = newDyString(4*1024);
while (1)
while (1)
if (!readReadyWait(sd, timeOut))
errAbort("ftp server response timed out > %ld microsec",timeOut);
if ((readSize = read(sd, buf, sizeof(buf))) == 0)
dyStringAppendN(rs, buf, readSize);
if (endsWith(rs->string,"\n"))
/* find the start of the last line in the buffer */
startLastLine = rs->string+strlen(rs->string)-1;
if (startLastLine >= rs->string)
if (*startLastLine == '\n')
while ((startLastLine >= rs->string) && (*startLastLine != '\n'))
if (strlen(startLastLine)>4)
if (
isdigit(startLastLine[0]) &&
isdigit(startLastLine[1]) &&
isdigit(startLastLine[2]) &&
startLastLine[3]==' ')
/* must be some text info we can't use, ignore it till we get status code */
reply = atoi(startLastLine);
if ((reply < 200) || (reply > 399))
errAbort("ftp server error on cmd=[%s] response=[%s]\n",cmd,rs->string);
if (!seeResult) dyStringFree(&rs);
return rs;
struct dyString *sendFtpCommand(int sd, char *cmd, boolean seeResult)
/* send command to ftp server and check resulting reply code,
give error if not desired reply */
sendFtpCommandOnly(sd, cmd);
return receiveFtpReply(sd, cmd, seeResult);
int parsePasvPort(char *rs)
/* parse PASV reply to get the port and return it */
char *words[7];
int wordCount;
char *rsStart = strchr(rs,'(');
char *rsEnd = strchr(rs,')');
int result = 0;
wordCount = chopString(rsStart, ",", words, ArraySize(words));
if (wordCount != 6)
errAbort("PASV reply does not parse correctly");
result = atoi(words[4])*256+atoi(words[5]);
return result;
long long parseFtpSIZE(char *rs)
/* parse reply to SIZE and return it */
char *words[3];
int wordCount;
char *rsStart = rs;
long long result = 0;
wordCount = chopString(rsStart, " ", words, ArraySize(words));
if (wordCount != 2)
errAbort("SIZE reply does not parse correctly");
result = atoll(words[1]);
return result;
time_t parseFtpMDTM(char *rs)
/* parse reply to MDTM and return it
* 200 YYYYMMDDhhmmss */
char spread[] = "YYYY MM DD hh mm ss";
char *to = spread;
char *from = NULL;
char *words[3];
int wordCount;
char *rsStart = rs;
int len = strlen(rs);
if (len == 0)
return FALSE;
char *rsLast = rs + len - 1;
if (*rsLast == '\n')
*rsLast = 0;
if (len == 0)
return FALSE;
if (*rsLast == '\r')
*rsLast = 0;
if (len == 0)
return FALSE;
wordCount = chopString(rsStart, " ", words, ArraySize(words));
if (wordCount != 2)
errAbort("MDTM reply does not parse correctly");
//printf("MDTM parse string [%s], length=%lld\n", words[1], (long long) strlen(words[1]));
from = words[1];
*to++ = *from++;
*to++ = *from++;
*to++ = *from++;
*to++ = *from++;
*to++ = '-';
*to++ = *from++;
*to++ = *from++;
*to++ = '-';
*to++ = *from++;
*to++ = *from++;
*to++ = ' ';
*to++ = *from++;
*to++ = *from++;
*to++ = ':';
*to++ = *from++;
*to++ = *from++;
*to++ = ':';
*to++ = *from++;
*to++ = *from++;
*to++ = 0;
// printf("MDTM to [%s], length=%lld\n", spread, (long long) strlen(spread));
struct tm tm;
time_t t;
if (strptime(spread, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm) == NULL)
{ /* Handle error */;
errAbort("unable to parse MDTM string [%s]", spread);
//printf("year: %d; month: %d; day: %d;\n",
// tm.tm_year, tm.tm_mon, tm.tm_mday);
//printf("hour: %d; minute: %d; second: %d\n",
// tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec);
//printf("week day: %d; year day: %d\n", tm.tm_wday, tm.tm_yday);
tm.tm_isdst = -1; /* Not set by strptime(); tells mktime()
to determine whether daylight saving time
is in effect */
t = mktime(&tm);
if (t == -1)
{ /* Handle error */;
errAbort("mktime failed while parsing last-modified string [%s]", words[1]);
//printf("seconds since the Epoch: %lld\n", (long long) t);"
return t;
boolean netGetFtpInfo(char *url, long long *retSize, time_t *retTime)
/* Return date and size of ftp url file */
struct netParsedUrl npu;
struct dyString *rs = NULL;
int sd;
long timeOut = 1000000; /* wait in microsec */
char cmd[256];
// TODO maybe remove this workaround where udc cache wants info on URL "/" ?
/* Parse the URL and connect. */
netParseUrl(url, &npu);
if (!sameString(npu.protocol, "ftp"))
errAbort("Sorry, can only netOpen ftp's currently");
if (sameString(npu.file,"/"))
*retSize = 0;
*retTime = time(NULL);
return TRUE;
sd = netMustConnect(, atoi(npu.port));
/* Ask remote ftp server for file info. */
/* don't send a command, just read the welcome msg */
if (readReadyWait(sd, timeOut))
sendFtpCommand(sd, "", FALSE);
safef(cmd,sizeof(cmd),"USER %s\r\n", npu.user);
sendFtpCommand(sd, cmd, FALSE);
safef(cmd,sizeof(cmd),"PASS %s\r\n", npu.password);
sendFtpCommand(sd, cmd, FALSE);
sendFtpCommand(sd, "TYPE I\r\n", FALSE); // Not sure this is required for just size/date
/* 200 Type set to I */
/* (send the data as binary, so can support compressed files) */
safef(cmd,sizeof(cmd),"SIZE %s\r\n", npu.file);
rs = sendFtpCommand(sd, cmd, TRUE);
*retSize = parseFtpSIZE(rs->string);
/* 200 12345 */
/* Clean up and return handle. */
safef(cmd,sizeof(cmd),"MDTM %s\r\n", npu.file);
rs = sendFtpCommand(sd, cmd, TRUE);
*retTime = parseFtpMDTM(rs->string);
/* 200 YYYYMMDDhhmmss */
/* Clean up and return handle. */
return TRUE;
int netGetOpenFtp(char *url)
/* Return a file handle that will read the url. */
struct netParsedUrl npu;
struct dyString *rs = NULL;
int sd, sdata;
long timeOut = 1000000; /* wait in microsec */
char cmd[256];
/* Parse the URL and connect. */
netParseUrl(url, &npu);
if (!sameString(npu.protocol, "ftp"))
errAbort("Sorry, can only netOpen ftp's currently");
sd = netMustConnect(, atoi(npu.port));
/* Ask remote ftp server for a file. */
/* don't send a command, just read the welcome msg */
if (readReadyWait(sd, timeOut))
sendFtpCommand(sd, "", FALSE);
safef(cmd,sizeof(cmd),"USER %s\r\n",npu.user);
sendFtpCommand(sd, cmd, FALSE);
safef(cmd,sizeof(cmd),"PASS %s\r\n",npu.password);
sendFtpCommand(sd, cmd, FALSE);
sendFtpCommand(sd, "TYPE I\r\n", FALSE);
/* 200 Type set to I */
/* (send the data as binary, so can support compressed files) */
rs = sendFtpCommand(sd, "PASV\r\n", TRUE);
/* 227 Entering Passive Mode (128,231,210,81,222,250) */
if ((npu.byteRangeStart != -1) && (npu.byteRangeEnd != -1))
safef(cmd,sizeof(cmd),"REST %lld\r\n", (long long) npu.byteRangeStart);
sendFtpCommand(sd, cmd, FALSE);
safef(cmd,sizeof(cmd),"RETR %s\r\n", npu.file);
sendFtpCommandOnly(sd, cmd);
sdata = netMustConnect(, parsePasvPort(rs->string));
/* Because some FTP servers will kill the data connection
* as soon as the control connection closes,
* we have to develop a workaround using a partner process. */
/* see which comes first, an error message on the control conn
* or data on the data conn */
int secondsWaited = 0;
while (TRUE)
if (secondsWaited >= 10)
errAbort("ftp server error on cmd=[%s] timed-out waiting for data or error\n",cmd);
timeOut = 1000000; /* wait in microsec */
if (readReadyWait(sdata, timeOut))
break; // we have some data
if (readReadyWait(sd, 0)) /* wait in microsec */
receiveFtpReply(sd, cmd, FALSE); // this can see an error like bad filename
/* Clean up and return handle. */
int pipefd[2];
pipe(pipefd); /* make a pipe (fds go in pipefd[0] and pipefd[1]) */
int pid = fork();
if (pid < 0)
errnoAbort("can't fork in netGetOpenFtp");
if (pid == 0)
/* child */
close(pipefd[0]); /* close unused half of pipe */
char buf[32768];
int rd = 0;
long long dataPos = 0;
if ((npu.byteRangeStart != -1) && (npu.byteRangeEnd != -1))
dataPos = npu.byteRangeStart;
while((rd = read(sdata, buf, 32768)) > 0)
if ((npu.byteRangeStart != -1) && (npu.byteRangeEnd != -1))
if ((dataPos + rd) > npu.byteRangeEnd)
rd = npu.byteRangeEnd - dataPos + 1;
int wt = write(pipefd[1], buf, rd);
if (wt == -1)
errnoAbort("error writing ftp data to pipe");
dataPos += rd;
if ((npu.byteRangeStart != -1) && (npu.byteRangeEnd != -1))
if (dataPos >= npu.byteRangeEnd)
if (rd == -1)
errnoAbort("error reading ftp socket");
close(pipefd[1]); /* being safe */
/* child will never get to here */
/* parent */
close(pipefd[1]); /* close unused unput half of pipe */
/* although the parent closes these, the child has them open still */
return pipefd[0];
int netHttpConnect(char *url, char *method, char *protocol, char *agent)
/* Parse URL, connect to associated server on port,
* and send most of the request to the server. If
* specified in the url send user name and password
* too. This does not send the final \r\n to finish
* off the request, so that you can send cookies.
* Typically the "method" will be "GET" or "POST"
* and the agent will be the name of your program or
* library. */
struct netParsedUrl npu;
struct dyString *dy = newDyString(512);
int sd;
/* Parse the URL and connect. */
netParseUrl(url, &npu);
if (sameString(npu.protocol, "http"))
sd = netMustConnect(, atoi(npu.port));
else if (sameString(npu.protocol, "https"))
sd = netMustConnectHttps(, atoi(npu.port));
errAbort("Sorry, can only netOpen http's currently");
return -1; /* never gets here, fixes compiler complaint */
/* Ask remote server for a file. */
dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s %s %s\r\n", method, npu.file, protocol);
dyStringPrintf(dy, "User-Agent: %s\r\n", agent);
/* do not need the 80 since it is the default */
if (sameString("80",npu.port))
dyStringPrintf(dy, "Host: %s\r\n",;
dyStringPrintf(dy, "Host: %s:%s\r\n",, npu.port);
if (!sameString(npu.user,""))
char up[256];
char *b64up = NULL;
safef(up, sizeof(up), "%s:%s", npu.user, npu.password);
b64up = base64Encode(up, strlen(up));
dyStringPrintf(dy, "Authorization: Basic %s\r\n", b64up);
dyStringAppend(dy, "Accept: */*\r\n");
if ((npu.byteRangeStart != -1) && (npu.byteRangeEnd != -1))
dyStringPrintf(dy, "Range: bytes=%lld-%lld\r\n"
, (long long) npu.byteRangeStart
, (long long) npu.byteRangeEnd);
write(sd, dy->string, dy->stringSize);
/* Clean up and return handle. */
return sd;
int netOpenHttpExt(char *url, char *method, boolean end)
/* Return a file handle that will read the url. If end is not
* set then can send cookies and other info to returned file
* handle before reading. */
int sd = netHttpConnect(url, method, "HTTP/1.0", "");
if (end)
write(sd, "\r\n", 2);
return sd;
static int netGetOpenHttp(char *url)
/* Return a file handle that will read the url. */
return netOpenHttpExt(url, "GET", TRUE);
int netUrlHead(char *url, struct hash *hash)
/* Go get head and return status. Return negative number if
* can't get head. If hash is non-null, fill it with header
* lines, including hopefully Content-Type: */
int sd = netOpenHttpExt(url, "HEAD", TRUE);
int status = EIO;
if (sd >= 0)
char *line, *word;
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileAttach(url, TRUE, sd);
if (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
if (startsWith("HTTP/", line))
word = nextWord(&line);
word = nextWord(&line);
if (word != NULL && isdigit(word[0]))
status = atoi(word);
if (hash != NULL)
while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
word = nextWord(&line);
if (word == NULL)
hashAdd(hash, word, cloneString(skipLeadingSpaces(line)));
status = errno;
return status;
int netUrlOpen(char *url)
/* Return unix low-level file handle for url.
* Just close(result) when done. */
if (startsWith("http://",url) || startsWith("https://",url) || (stringIn("://", url) == NULL))
return netGetOpenHttp(url);
else if (startsWith("ftp://",url))
return netGetOpenFtp(url);
errAbort("Sorry, can only netOpen http and ftp currently");
return -1;
struct dyString *netSlurpFile(int sd)
/* Slurp file into dynamic string and return. */
char buf[4*1024];
int readSize;
struct dyString *dy = newDyString(4*1024);
/* Slurp file into dy and return. */
while ((readSize = read(sd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0)
dyStringAppendN(dy, buf, readSize);
return dy;
struct dyString *netSlurpUrl(char *url)
/* Go grab all of URL and return it as dynamic string. */
int sd = netUrlOpen(url);
struct dyString *dy = netSlurpFile(sd);
return dy;
boolean netSkipHttpHeaderLinesWithRedirect(int sd, char *url, char **redirectedUrl)
/* Skip http header lines. Return FALSE if there's a problem.
* The input is a standard sd or fd descriptor.
* This is meant to be able work even with a re-passable stream handle,
* e.g. can pass it to the pipes routines, which means we can't
* attach a linefile since filling its buffer reads in more than just the http header.
* Handles 300, 301, 302, 303, 307 http redirects by setting *redirectedUrl to
* the new location. */
char buf[2000];
char *line = buf;
int maxbuf = sizeof(buf);
int i=0;
char c = ' ';
int nread = 0;
char *sep = NULL;
char *headerName = NULL;
char *headerVal = NULL;
boolean redirect = FALSE;
i = 0;
while (TRUE)
nread = read(sd, &c, 1); /* one char at a time, but http headers are small */
if (nread < 0)
return FALSE; /* err reading descriptor */
if (c == 10)
if (c != 13)
buf[i++] = c;
if (i >= maxbuf)
warn("http header line too long > %d chars.",maxbuf);
return FALSE;
buf[i] = 0; /* add string terminator */
if (sameString(line,""))
break; /* End of Header found */
if (startsWith("HTTP/", line))
char *version, *code;
version = nextWord(&line);
code = nextWord(&line);
if (code == NULL)
warn("Strange http header on %s\n", url);
return FALSE;
if (startsWith("30", code) && isdigit(code[2])
&& ((code[2] >= '0' && code[2] <= '3') || code[2] == '7') && code[3] == 0)
redirect = TRUE;
else if (!(sameString(code, "200") || sameString(code, "206")))
warn("%s: %s %s\n", url, code, line);
return FALSE;
line = buf; /* restore it */
headerName = line;
sep = strchr(line,':');
if (sep)
*sep = 0;
headerVal = skipLeadingSpaces(++sep);
headerVal = NULL;
if (sameWord(headerName,"Location"))
if (redirect)
*redirectedUrl = cloneString(headerVal);
return TRUE;
boolean netSkipHttpHeaderLinesHandlingRedirect(int sd, char *url, int *redirectedSd, char **redirectedUrl)
/* Skip http headers lines, returning FALSE if there is a problem. Generally called as
* netSkipHttpHeaderLine(sd, url, &sd, &url);
* where sd is a socket (file) opened with netUrlOpen(url), and url is in dynamic memory.
* If the http header indicates that the file has moved, then it will update the *redirectedSd and
* *redirectedUrl with the new socket and URL, first closing sd.
* If for some reason you want to detect whether the forwarding has occurred you could
* call this as:
* char *newUrl = NULL;
* int newSd = 0;
* netSkipHttpHeaderLine(sd, url, &newSd, &newUrl);
* if (newUrl != NULL)
* // Update sd with newSd, free url if appropriate and replace it with newUrl, etc.
* // free newUrl when finished.
* This routine handles up to 5 steps of redirection.
* The logic to this routine is also complicated a little to make it work in a pipe, which means we
* can't attach a lineFile since filling the lineFile buffer reads in more than just the http header. */
int redirectCount = 0;
while (TRUE)
/* url needed for err msgs, and to return redirect location */
char *newUrl = NULL;
boolean success = netSkipHttpHeaderLinesWithRedirect(sd, url, &newUrl);
if (success && !newUrl) /* success after 0 to 5 redirects */
if (redirectCount > 0)
*redirectedSd = sd;
*redirectedUrl = url;
return TRUE;
if (redirectCount > 0)
if (success)
/* we have a new url to try */
if (redirectCount > 5)
warn("code 30x redirects: exceeded limit of 5 redirects, %s", newUrl);
success = FALSE;
- else if (!startsWith("http://",newUrl))
+ else if (!startsWith("http://",newUrl)
+ && !startsWith("https://",newUrl))
- warn("redirected to non-http: %s", newUrl);
+ warn("redirected to non-http(s): %s", newUrl);
success = FALSE;
sd = netUrlOpen(newUrl);
if (sd < 0)
warn("Couldn't open %s", newUrl);
success = FALSE;
if (!success)
{ /* failure after 0 to 5 redirects */
if (redirectCount > 0)
return FALSE;
url = newUrl;
return FALSE;
struct lineFile *netLineFileMayOpen(char *url)
/* Return a lineFile attached to url. http skips header.
* Supports some compression formats.
* Return NULL if there's a problem. */
int sd = netUrlOpen(url);
if (sd < 0)
warn("Couldn't open %s", url);
return NULL;
struct lineFile *lf = NULL;
char *newUrl = NULL;
int newSd = 0;
if (startsWith("http://",url))
if (!netSkipHttpHeaderLinesHandlingRedirect(sd, url, &newSd, &newUrl))
return NULL;
if (newUrl != NULL)
/* Update sd with newSd, replace it with newUrl, etc. */
sd = newSd;
url = newUrl;
if (endsWith(url, ".gz") ||
endsWith(url, ".Z") ||
endsWith(url, ".bz2"))
lf = lineFileDecompressFd(url, TRUE, sd);
/* url needed only for compress type determination */
lf = lineFileAttach(url, TRUE, sd);
if (newUrl)
return lf;
struct lineFile *netLineFileOpen(char *url)
/* Return a lineFile attached to url. This one
* will skip any headers. Free this with
* lineFileClose(). */
struct lineFile *lf = netLineFileMayOpen(url);
if (lf == NULL)
return lf;
boolean netSendString(int sd, char *s)
/* Send a string down a socket - length byte first. */
int length = strlen(s);
UBYTE len;
if (length > 255)
errAbort("Trying to send a string longer than 255 bytes (%d bytes)", length);
len = length;
if (write(sd, &len, 1)<0)
warn("Couldn't send string to socket");
return FALSE;
if (write(sd, s, length)<0)
warn("Couldn't send string to socket");
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
boolean netSendLongString(int sd, char *s)
/* Send a long string down socket: two bytes for length. */
unsigned length = strlen(s);
UBYTE b[2];
if (length >= 64*1024)
warn("Trying to send a string longer than 64k bytes (%d bytes)", length);
return FALSE;
b[0] = (length>>8);
b[1] = (length&0xff);
if (write(sd, b, 2) < 0)
warn("Couldn't send long string to socket");
return FALSE;
if (write(sd, s, length)<0)
warn("Couldn't send long string to socket");
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
boolean netSendHugeString(int sd, char *s)
/* Send a long string down socket: four bytes for length. */
unsigned long length = strlen(s);
unsigned long l = length;
UBYTE b[4];
int i;
for (i=3; i>=0; --i)
b[i] = l & 0xff;
l >>= 8;
if (write(sd, b, 4) < 0)
warn("Couldn't send huge string to socket");
return FALSE;
if (write(sd, s, length) < 0)
warn("Couldn't send huge string to socket");
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
char *netGetString(int sd, char buf[256])
/* Read string into buf and return it. If buf is NULL
* an internal buffer will be used. Print warning message
* and return NULL if any problem. */
static char sbuf[256];
UBYTE len = 0;
int length;
int sz;
if (buf == NULL) buf = sbuf;
sz = netReadAll(sd, &len, 1);
if (sz == 0)
return NULL;
if (sz < 0)
warn("Couldn't read string length");
return NULL;
length = len;
if (length > 0)
if (netReadAll(sd, buf, length) < 0)
warn("Couldn't read string body");
return NULL;
buf[length] = 0;
return buf;
char *netGetLongString(int sd)
/* Read string and return it. freeMem
* the result when done. */
UBYTE b[2];
char *s = NULL;
int length = 0;
int sz;
b[0] = b[1] = 0;
sz = netReadAll(sd, b, 2);
if (sz == 0)
return NULL;
if (sz < 0)
warn("Couldn't read long string length");
return NULL;
length = (b[0]<<8) + b[1];
s = needMem(length+1);
if (length > 0)
if (netReadAll(sd, s, length) < 0)
warn("Couldn't read long string body");
return NULL;
s[length] = 0;
return s;
char *netGetHugeString(int sd)
/* Read string and return it. freeMem
* the result when done. */
UBYTE b[4];
char *s = NULL;
unsigned long length = 0;
int sz, i;
sz = netReadAll(sd, b, 4);
if (sz == 0)
return NULL;
if (sz < 4)
warn("Couldn't read huge string length");
return NULL;
for (i=0; i<4; ++i)
length <<= 8;
length += b[i];
s = needMem(length+1);
if (length > 0)
if (netReadAll(sd, s, length) < 0)
warn("Couldn't read huge string body");
return NULL;
s[length] = 0;
return s;
char *netRecieveString(int sd, char buf[256])
/* Read string into buf and return it. If buf is NULL
* an internal buffer will be used. Abort if any problem. */
char *s = netGetString(sd, buf);
if (s == NULL)
return s;
char *netRecieveLongString(int sd)
/* Read string and return it. freeMem
* the result when done. Abort if any problem*/
char *s = netGetLongString(sd);
if (s == NULL)
return s;
char *netRecieveHugeString(int sd)
/* Read string and return it. freeMem
* the result when done. Abort if any problem*/
char *s = netGetHugeString(sd);
if (s == NULL)
return s;
struct lineFile *netHttpLineFileMayOpen(char *url, struct netParsedUrl **npu)
/* Parse URL and open an HTTP socket for it but don't send a request yet. */
int sd;
struct lineFile *lf;
/* Parse the URL and try to connect. */
netParseUrl(url, *npu);
if (!sameString((*npu)->protocol, "http"))
errAbort("Sorry, can only netOpen http's currently");
sd = netConnect((*npu)->host, atoi((*npu)->port));
if (sd < 0)
return NULL;
/* Return handle. */
lf = lineFileAttach(url, TRUE, sd);
return lf;
} /* netHttpLineFileMayOpen */
void netHttpGet(struct lineFile *lf, struct netParsedUrl *npu,
boolean keepAlive)
/* Send a GET request, possibly with Keep-Alive. */
struct dyString *dy = newDyString(512);
/* Ask remote server for the file/query. */
dyStringPrintf(dy, "GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\n", npu->file);
dyStringPrintf(dy, "User-Agent:\r\n");
dyStringPrintf(dy, "Host: %s:%s\r\n", npu->host, npu->port);
if (!sameString(npu->user,""))
char up[256];
char *b64up = NULL;
safef(up,sizeof(up), "%s:%s", npu->user, npu->password);
b64up = base64Encode(up, strlen(up));
dyStringPrintf(dy, "Authorization: Basic %s\r\n", b64up);
dyStringAppend(dy, "Accept: */*\r\n");
if (keepAlive)
dyStringAppend(dy, "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n");
dyStringAppend(dy, "Connection: Persist\r\n");
dyStringAppend(dy, "Connection: close\r\n");
dyStringAppend(dy, "\r\n");
write(lf->fd, dy->string, dy->stringSize);
/* Clean up. */
} /* netHttpGet */
int netHttpGetMultiple(char *url, struct slName *queries, void *userData,
void (*responseCB)(void *userData, char *req,
char *hdr, struct dyString *body))
/* Given an URL which is the base of all requests to be made, and a
* linked list of queries to be appended to that base and sent in as
* requests, send the requests as a batch and read the HTTP response
* headers and bodies. If not all the requests get responses (i.e. if
* the server is ignoring Keep-Alive or is imposing a limit), try again
* until we can't connect or until all requests have been served.
* For each HTTP response, do a callback. */
struct slName *qStart;
struct slName *qPtr;
struct lineFile *lf;
struct netParsedUrl *npu;
struct dyString *dyQ = newDyString(512);
struct dyString *body;
char *base;
char *hdr;
int qCount;
int qTotal;
int numParseFailures;
int contentLength;
boolean chunked;
boolean done;
boolean keepAlive;
/* Find out how many queries we'll need to do so we know how many times
* it's OK to run into end of file in case server ignores Keep-Alive. */
qTotal = 0;
for (qPtr = queries; qPtr != NULL; qPtr = qPtr->next)
done = FALSE;
qCount = 0;
numParseFailures = 0;
qStart = queries;
while ((! done) && (qStart != NULL))
lf = netHttpLineFileMayOpen(url, &npu);
if (lf == NULL)
done = TRUE;
base = cloneString(npu->file);
/* Send all remaining requests with keep-alive. */
for (qPtr = qStart; qPtr != NULL; qPtr = qPtr->next)
dyStringAppend(dyQ, base);
dyStringAppend(dyQ, qPtr->name);
strcpy(npu->file, dyQ->string);
keepAlive = (qPtr->next == NULL) ? FALSE : TRUE;
netHttpGet(lf, npu, keepAlive);
/* Get as many responses as we can; call responseCB() and
* advance qStart for each. */
for (qPtr = qStart; qPtr != NULL; qPtr = qPtr->next)
if (lineFileParseHttpHeader(lf, &hdr, &chunked, &contentLength))
body = lineFileSlurpHttpBody(lf, chunked, contentLength);
dyStringAppend(dyQ, base);
dyStringAppend(dyQ, qPtr->name);
responseCB(userData, dyQ->string, hdr, body);
qStart = qStart->next;
if (numParseFailures++ > qTotal) {
done = TRUE;
return qCount;
} /* netHttpMultipleQueries */