src/hg/js/hui.js 1.40
1.40 2009/10/21 19:14:52 tdreszer
Made vis changes work on 3-way matCBs
Index: src/hg/js/hui.js
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/js/hui.js,v
retrieving revision 1.39
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.39 -r1.40
--- src/hg/js/hui.js 21 Oct 2009 15:48:50 -0000 1.39
+++ src/hg/js/hui.js 21 Oct 2009 19:14:52 -0000 1.40
@@ -20,8 +20,20 @@
// views are "select" drop downs on a subtrack configuration page
if( obj.selectedIndex == 0) { // hide
+ // fix 3-way matCBs if necessary
+ var matCBs = matCBsWhichAreComplete(false);
+ if(matCBs.length > 0) {
+ if($("select.viewDD[selectedIndex]").length == 0) {// No views visible so nothing is inconsistent
+ $( matCBs ).each( function (i) { matCbComplete( this, true ); });
+ } else {
+ var classes = matViewClasses('hidden');
+ classes = classes.concat( matZeeCBclasses('unchecked') );
+ $( matCBs ).each( function (i) { matChkBoxNormalize( this, classes ); });
+ }
+ }
} else {
// Make main display dropdown show full if currently hide
compositeName =,".")); // {trackName}.{view}.vis
@@ -105,19 +117,18 @@
classList = classes.split(" ");
if(classList.length == 0 )
else if(classList.length == 1 )
- matSubCBsCheck(matCB.checked,classList[0]);
+ matSubCBsCheck(matCB.checked,classList[0]); // dimX or dimY or dimZ
else if(classList.length == 2 )
- matSubCBsCheck(matCB.checked,classList[0],classList[1]);
- else if(classList.length == 3 )
- matSubCBsCheck(matCB.checked,classList[0],classList[1],classList[2]); // I don't think it will ever go beyond 4
+ matSubCBsCheck(matCB.checked,classList[0],classList[1]); // dimX and dimY
- matSubCBsCheck(matCB.checked,classList[0],classList[1],classList[2],classList[3]);
+ alert("ASSERT in matCbClick(): There should be no more than 2 entries in list:"+classList)
if(isZee) { // if dimZ then we may have just made indeterminate X and Ys determinate
if(matCB.checked == false) { // checking new dimZs cannot change indeterminate state.
var matCBs = matCBsWhichAreComplete(false);
+ if(matCBs.length > 0) {
if($("input.matCB.dimZ:checked").length == 0)
$( matCBs ).each( function (i) { matCbComplete( this, true ); });
else {
var classes = matViewClasses('hidden');
@@ -125,8 +136,9 @@
$( matCBs ).each( function (i) { matChkBoxNormalize( this, classes ); });
+ }
function matSetMatrixCheckBoxes(state)
@@ -301,12 +313,12 @@
} );
$(matCBs).each( function (i) { matChkBoxNormalize(this,classes); } );
- // For each viewDD not selected, disable associated subtracks
- $('select.viewDD').not("[selectedIndex]").each( function (i) {
+ // For each viewDD, enable/disable associated subtracks
+ $('select.viewDD').each( function (i) {
var viewClass =".") + 1,"."));
- matSubCBsEnable(false,viewClass);
+ matSubCBsEnable((this.selectedIndex > 0),viewClass);
function matCbComplete(matCB,complete)