src/hg/encode/encodePatchTdb/encodePatchTdb.c 1.8
1.8 2010/01/05 20:25:37 kent
Removing some unused code.
Index: src/hg/encode/encodePatchTdb/encodePatchTdb.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/encode/encodePatchTdb/encodePatchTdb.c,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.7 -r1.8
--- src/hg/encode/encodePatchTdb/encodePatchTdb.c 5 Jan 2010 20:15:44 -0000 1.7
+++ src/hg/encode/encodePatchTdb/encodePatchTdb.c 5 Jan 2010 20:25:37 -0000 1.8
@@ -1,704 +1,680 @@
/* encodePatchTdb - Lay a trackDb.ra file from the pipeline gently on top of the trackDb system. */
#include "common.h"
#include "linefile.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "localmem.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "obscure.h"
#include "errabort.h"
#include "dystring.h"
#include "portable.h"
#include "ra.h"
static char const rcsid[] = "$Id$";
char *clMode = "add";
char *clTest = NULL;
boolean clNoComment = FALSE;
void usage()
/* Explain usage and exit. */
"encodePatchTdb - Lay a trackDb.ra file from the pipeline gently on top of the trackDb system\n"
" encodePatchTdb patchFile.ra fileToChange.ra\n"
" encodePatchTdb 849/out/trackDb.ra ~/kent/src/makeDb/trackDb/human/hg18/trackDb.wgEncode.ra\n"
" -mode=mode (default %s). Operate in one of the following modes\n"
" replace - replace existing records rather than doing field by field update.\n"
" Leaves existing record commented out.\n"
" add - add new records at end of parent's subtrack list. Complain if record isn't new\n"
" warn if it's a new track rather than just new subtracks\n"
" -noComment - If set will not leave old record commented out\n"
" -test=patchFile - rather than doing patches in place, write patched output to this file\n"
, clMode
static struct optionSpec options[] = {
{"mode", OPTION_STRING},
{"test", OPTION_STRING},
{"noComment", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{"root", OPTION_STRING},
{NULL, 0},
boolean glReplace; // If TRUE then do a replacement operation.
-struct loadInfo
-/* Information from a stanza of a load.ra file. */
- {
- struct loadInfo *next;
- char *name; /* from tablename. */
- char *db; /* from assembly. */
- char *view; /* form view. */
- char *downloadOnly; /* downloadOnly 0 or 1 */
- };
struct raTag
/* A tag in a .ra file. */
struct raTag *next;
char *name; /* Name of tag. */
char *val; /* Value of tag. */
char *text; /* Text - including white space and comments before tag. */
struct raRecord
/* A record in a .ra file. */
struct raRecord *next; /* Next in list. */
struct raRecord *parent; /* Parent if any. */
struct raRecord *children; /* Children - youngest to oldest. */
struct raRecord *olderSibling; /* Parent to older sibling if any. */
char *key; /* First word in track line if any. */
struct raTag *tagList; /* List of tags that make us up. */
int startLineIx, endLineIx; /* Start and end in file for error reporting. */
struct raFile *file; /* Pointer to file we are in. */
char *endComments; /* Some comments that may follow record. */
struct raRecord *subtracks; /* Subtracks of this track. */
boolean isRemoved; /* If set, suppresses output. */
struct raFile
/* A file full of ra's. */
struct raFile *next; /* Next (in include list) */
char *name; /* Name of file */
struct raRecord *recordList; /* List of all records in file */
char *endSpace; /* Text after last record. */
struct hash *trackHash; /* Hash of records that have keys */
void recordLocationReport(struct raRecord *rec, FILE *out)
/* Write out where record ends. */
fprintf(out, "in stanza from lines %d-%d of %s\n",
rec->startLineIx, rec->endLineIx, rec->file->name);
void recordWarn(struct raRecord *rec, char *format, ...)
/* Issue a warning message. */
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
vaWarn(format, args);
recordLocationReport(rec, stderr);
void recordAbort(struct raRecord *rec, char *format, ...)
/* Issue a warning message. */
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
vaWarn(format, args);
recordLocationReport(rec, stderr);
struct raTag *raRecordFindTag(struct raRecord *r, char *name)
/* Find tag of given name. Return NULL if not found. */
struct raTag *tag;
for (tag = r->tagList; tag != NULL; tag = tag->next)
if (sameString(tag->name, name))
return tag;
char *raRecordFindTagVal(struct raRecord *r, char *name)
/* Return value of tag of given name, or NULL if not found. */
struct raTag *tag = raRecordFindTag(r, name);
return (tag == NULL ? NULL : tag->val);
struct raTag *raRecordMustFindTag(struct raRecord *r, char *name)
/* Find given tag, abort with message if not found. */
struct raTag *tag = raRecordFindTag(r, name);
if (tag == NULL)
recordAbort(r, "missing required tag %s", name);
return tag;
char *raRecordMustFindTagVal(struct raRecord *r, char *name)
/* Find value of given tag. Abort if it doesn't exist. */
struct raTag *tag = raRecordMustFindTag(r, name);
return tag->val;
static struct raRecord *readRecordsFromFile(struct raFile *file, struct dyString *dy)
/* Read all the records in a file and return as a list. The dy parameter returns the
* last bits of the file (after the last record). */
char *fileName = file->name;
struct raRecord *r, *rList = NULL;
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
while (raSkipLeadingEmptyLines(lf, dy))
/* Create a tag structure in local memory. */
r->startLineIx = lf->lineIx;
char *name, *val;
while (raNextTagVal(lf, &name, &val, dy))
struct raTag *tag;
tag->name = cloneString( name);
tag->val = cloneString( val);
tag->text = cloneString( dy->string);
if (sameString(name, "track"))
r->key = cloneFirstWord(tag->val);
slAddHead(&r->tagList, tag);
if (dy->stringSize > 0)
r->endComments = cloneString( dy->string);
r->endLineIx = lf->lineIx;
r->file = file;
slAddHead(&rList, r);
return rList;
struct raFile *raFileRead(char *fileName)
/* Read in file */
struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
struct raFile *raFile;
raFile->name = cloneString( fileName);
raFile->recordList = readRecordsFromFile(raFile, dy);
raFile->endSpace = cloneString( dy->string);
/* Hash up tracks. */
struct hash *hash = raFile->trackHash = newHash(0);
struct raRecord *r;
for (r = raFile->recordList; r != NULL; r = r->next)
if (r->key != NULL)
hashAdd(hash, r->key, r);
/* Clean up and go home. */
return raFile;
-char *findDb(struct loadInfo *loadList, char *loadRa)
-/* Find the db common to the list. Abort if mixing dbs. */
-struct loadInfo *loadInfo;
-char *db = loadList->db;
-for (loadInfo = loadList->next; loadInfo != NULL; loadInfo = loadInfo->next)
- {
- if (!sameString(db, loadInfo->db))
- errAbort("Multiple databases in %s: %s and %s, can't handle this.",
- loadRa, db, loadInfo->db);
- }
-return db;
boolean compositeFirst(struct raRecord *raList)
/* Return first record if it's composite. Insure there are no other composites.
* return NULL if first record is not composite. */
struct raRecord *r;
struct raTag *compositeTag = raRecordFindTag(raList, "compositeTrack");
if (compositeTag != NULL)
if (!sameString(compositeTag->val, "on"))
recordAbort(raList, "Expecting 'on' for compositeTrack value, got '%s'", compositeTag->val);
for (r = raList->next; r != NULL; r = r->next)
struct raTag *tag = raRecordFindTag(r, "compositeTrack");
if (tag != NULL)
recordAbort(r, "The compositeTrack tag is only allowed on the first stanza\n");
return compositeTag != NULL;
static void checkSubsAreForParent(char *parentName, struct raRecord *subList)
/* Check that all subtracks in list have parent as subtrack. */
struct raRecord *sub;
for (sub = subList; sub != NULL; sub = sub->next)
char *subParent = cloneFirstWord(raRecordMustFindTagVal(sub, "subTrack"));
if (!sameString(parentName, subParent))
recordAbort(sub, "%s has subTrack %s, expecting subtrack %s",
sub->key, subParent, parentName);
boolean hasViewSubtracks(struct raRecord *parent)
/* Return TRUE if parent has view subtracks. */
struct raRecord *sub;
for (sub = parent->children; sub != NULL; sub = sub->next)
if (raRecordFindTag(sub, "view"))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
struct raRecord *rFindView(struct raRecord *r, char *view)
/* Find view of given name at r or under. */
char *thisView = raRecordFindTagVal(r, "view");
if (thisView != NULL && sameString(thisView, view))
return r;
struct raRecord *sub;
for (sub = r->subtracks; sub != NULL; sub = sub->next)
struct raRecord *viewRecord = rFindView(sub, view);
if (viewRecord != NULL)
return viewRecord;
return NULL;
char *getOneOutOfThisEqualsThat(char *thisEqThat, char *name)
/* Get value on right side of name= in a name=value list. */
/* Not an efficient implementation, should be ok though. */
struct hash *hash = hashThisEqThatLine(thisEqThat, 0, FALSE);
char *val = cloneString(hashFindVal(hash, name));
return val;
char *findViewOfSub(struct raRecord *sub)
/* Find view that subtrack belongs to - parsing it out of subTrack. */
char *subGroups = raRecordFindTagVal(sub, "subGroups");
if (subGroups == NULL)
return NULL;
char *viewName = getOneOutOfThisEqualsThat(subGroups, "view");
return viewName;
struct raRecord *findRecordCompatibleWithRelease(struct raFile *file, char *release, char *key)
/* Look in file for record with given key that is compatible with release. Compatible means
* that either the releases are the same, or one or the other is NULL. */
struct hashEl *hel;
for (hel = hashLookup(file->trackHash, key); hel != NULL; hel = hashLookupNext(hel))
struct raRecord *r = hel->val;
struct raTag *tag = raRecordFindTag(r, "release");
if (tag == NULL || release == NULL || sameString(tag->val, release))
return r;
return NULL;
static void linkUpParents(struct raFile *file)
/* Link up records according to parent/child relationships. */
struct raRecord *list = file->recordList;
/* Zero out children, parent, and older sibling fields, since going to recalculate
* them and need lists to start out empty. */
struct raRecord *rec;
for (rec = list; rec != NULL; rec = rec->next)
rec->parent = rec->olderSibling = rec->children = NULL;
/* Scan through linking up parents. */
for (rec = list; rec != NULL; rec = rec->next)
char *subTrack = raRecordFindTagVal(rec, "subTrack");
if (subTrack != NULL)
char *release = raRecordFindTagVal(rec, "release");
char *parentName = cloneFirstWord(subTrack);
struct raRecord *parent = findRecordCompatibleWithRelease(file, release, parentName);
if (parent == NULL)
recordAbort(rec, "Can't find parent record %s release %s", parentName, release);
rec->parent = parent;
rec->olderSibling = parent->children;
parent->children = rec;
char *nonNullRelease(char *release1, char *release2)
/* Return whichever of the two releases is non-null. */
if (release1 != NULL)
return release1;
return release2;
struct hash *hashOfHashSubGroupNs(struct raRecord *r)
/* Return a hash keyed by subGroup names (view, cellType, etc). The hash value is
* itself a hash, one that contains the name=val pairs on the subGroupN line. */
struct hash *hashOfHashes = hashNew(0);
int groupIx;
for (groupIx=1; ; groupIx++)
char tagName[16];
safef(tagName, sizeof(tagName), "subGroup%d", groupIx);
struct raTag *tag = raRecordFindTag(r, tagName);
if (tag == NULL)
char *dupe = cloneString(tag->val);
char *line = dupe;
char *groupName = nextWord(&line);
char *groupLabel = nextWord(&line);
if (groupLabel == NULL)
recordAbort(r, "malformed %s %s", tag->name, tag->val);
struct hash *hash = hashThisEqThatLine(line, r->startLineIx, FALSE);
if (hash->elCount < 1)
recordAbort(r, "%s with no this=that", tag->name);
hashAdd(hashOfHashes, groupName, hash);
return hashOfHashes;
void validateParentSub(struct raRecord *parent, struct raRecord *sub)
/* Make sure that it is kosher that sub belongs to parent. Mostly check
* that subGroup1, subGroup2, etc in parent work with subGroups of sub. */
char *subGroups = raRecordMustFindTagVal(sub, "subGroups");
struct hash *myGroups = hashThisEqThatLine(subGroups, sub->startLineIx, FALSE);
struct hash *parentGroups = hashOfHashSubGroupNs(parent);
struct hashEl *myGroupList = hashElListHash(myGroups);
struct hashEl *myGroupEl;
for (myGroupEl = myGroupList; myGroupEl != NULL; myGroupEl = myGroupEl->next)
char *myName = myGroupEl->name;
char *myVal = myGroupEl->val;
struct hash *parentGroup = hashFindVal(parentGroups, myName);
if (parentGroup == NULL)
recordAbort(sub, "Parent %s doesn't have a subGroup %s", parent->key, myName);
char *groupName = hashFindVal(parentGroup, myVal);
if (groupName == NULL)
recordAbort(sub, "Parent %s doesn't have a %s %s", parent->key, myName, myVal);
verbose(2, "%s %s %s found in %s\n", sub->key, myName, myVal, parent->key);
void validateParentViewSub(struct raRecord *parent, struct raRecord *view, struct raRecord *sub)
/* Make sure that it is kosher that sub belongs to parent and view. */
validateParentSub(parent, sub);
void patchIntoEndOfView(struct raRecord *sub, struct raRecord *view)
/* Assuming view is in a file, chase down later records in file until come to
* first one that does not have view as a parent. Insert sub right before that. */
struct raRecord *viewChild = NULL;
struct raRecord *r;
for (r = view->next; r != NULL; r = r->next)
if (r->parent == view)
viewChild = r;
struct raRecord *recordBefore = (viewChild != NULL ? viewChild : view);
sub->parent = view;
sub->next = recordBefore->next;
recordBefore->next = sub;
char *firstTagInText(char *text)
/* Return the location of tag in text - skipping blank and comment lines and white-space */
char *s = text;
for (;;)
s = skipLeadingSpaces(s);
if (s[0] == '#')
s = strchr(s, '\n');
return s;
void substituteParentText(struct raRecord *parent, struct raRecord *view,
struct raRecord *sub)
/* Convert subtrack parent with subtrack view. */
struct raTag *t = raRecordMustFindTag(sub, "subTrack");
struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
char *s = firstTagInText(t->text);
dyStringAppendN(dy, t->text, s - t->text);
dyStringPrintf(dy, "subTrack %s", view->key);
/* Skip over subTrack and name in original text. */
int i;
for (i=0; i<2; ++i)
s = skipLeadingSpaces(s);
s = skipToSpaces(s);
if (s != NULL)
dyStringAppend(dy, s);
dyStringAppendC(dy, '\n');
t->text = dyStringCannibalize(&dy);
boolean hasBlankLine(char *text)
/* Return TRUE if there is an empty line in text. */
char *s, *e;
for (s = text; !isEmpty(s); s = e)
e = strchr(s, '\n');
if (e == s)
return TRUE;
e += 1;
return FALSE;
void makeSureBlankLineBefore(struct raRecord *r)
/* Make sure there is a blank line before record. */
struct raTag *first = r->tagList;
char *firstText = first->text;
if (!hasBlankLine(firstText))
int len = strlen(firstText);
char *newText = needMem(len+2);
newText[0] = '\n';
strcpy(newText+1, firstText);
first->text = newText;
void addToStartOfTextLines(struct raRecord *r, char c, int charCount)
/* Add char to start of all text in r. */
struct raTag *t;
struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
for (t = r->tagList; t != NULL; t = t->next)
char *s, *e;
for (s = t->text; !isEmpty(s); s = e)
int i;
e = strchr(s, '\n');
if (e == s) // empty line, keep empty
dyStringAppendC(dy, '\n');
e += 1;
// Indent some extra.
for (i=0; i<charCount; ++i)
dyStringAppendC(dy, c);
if (e == NULL)
dyStringAppend(dy, s);
dyStringAppendN(dy, s, e-s+1);
e += 1;
t->text = cloneString(dy->string);
void indentTdbText(struct raRecord *r, int indentCount)
/* Add spaces to start of all text in r. */
addToStartOfTextLines(r, ' ', indentCount);
void commentOutStanza(struct raRecord *r)
/* Add # to start of all test in r. */
addToStartOfTextLines(r, '#', 1);
void substituteIntoView(struct raRecord *sub, struct raRecord *oldSub, struct raRecord *view)
/* Substitute sub for oldSub as a child of view. Assumes oldSub is in same file and after view.
* Leaves in oldSub, but "commented out" */
sub->parent = view;
sub->next = oldSub->next;
oldSub->next = sub;
if (clNoComment)
oldSub->isRemoved = TRUE;
void patchInSubtrack(struct raRecord *parent, struct raRecord *sub)
/* Patch sub into the correct view of parent */
if (hasViewSubtracks(parent))
char *viewOfSub = findViewOfSub(sub);
if (viewOfSub == NULL)
recordAbort(sub, "Can only handle subtracks with view in subGroups");
char viewTrackName[PATH_LEN];
safef(viewTrackName, sizeof(viewTrackName), "%sView%s", parent->key, viewOfSub);
char *parentRelease = raRecordFindTagVal(parent, "release");
char *subRelease = raRecordFindTagVal(sub, "release");
char *release = nonNullRelease(parentRelease, subRelease);
struct raRecord *view = findRecordCompatibleWithRelease(parent->file, release, viewTrackName);
validateParentViewSub(parent, view, sub);
substituteParentText(parent, view, sub);
indentTdbText(sub, 4);
struct raRecord *oldSub = findRecordCompatibleWithRelease(parent->file, release, sub->key);
if (glReplace)
if (oldSub == NULL)
recordAbort(sub, "%s doesn't exist but using mode=replace\n", sub->key);
substituteIntoView(sub, oldSub, view);
if (oldSub != NULL)
recordAbort(sub, "record %s already exists - use mode=replace", sub->key);
patchIntoEndOfView(sub, view);
recordAbort(parent, "Can only handle parents with views for now.");
void patchInSubtracks(struct raRecord *tdbParent, struct raRecord *patchList)
/* Move records in patchList to correct position in tdbParent. */
struct raRecord *patch, *nextPatch;
for (patch = patchList; patch != NULL; patch = nextPatch)
nextPatch = patch->next; /* Since patchInSubtrack will alter this. */
patchInSubtrack(tdbParent, patch);
void encodePatchTdb(char *patchFileName, char *tdbFileName)
/* encodePatchTdb - Lay a trackDb.ra file from the pipeline gently on top of the trackDb system. */
struct raFile *patchFile = raFileRead(patchFileName);
struct raRecord *patchList = patchFile->recordList;
int trackCount = slCount(patchList);
if (trackCount < 1)
errAbort("No tracks in %s", patchFileName);
boolean hasTrack = compositeFirst(patchList);
/* Find parent track name. */
char *parentName;
struct raRecord *subList;
if (hasTrack)
parentName = patchList->key;
subList = patchList->next;
parentName = cloneFirstWord(raRecordMustFindTagVal(patchList, "subTrack"));
subList = patchList;
checkSubsAreForParent(parentName, subList);
/* Load file to patch. */
struct raFile *tdbFile = raFileRead(tdbFileName);
int oldTdbCount = slCount(tdbFile->recordList);
if (oldTdbCount < 50)
warn("%s only has %d records, I hope you meant to hit a new file\n", tdbFileName,
struct raRecord *tdbParent = findRecordCompatibleWithRelease(tdbFile, "alpha", parentName);
if (!tdbParent)
errAbort("Can't find composite track %s compatible with alpha mode in %s",
parentName, tdbFileName);
patchInSubtracks(tdbParent, subList);
char *outName = tdbFileName;
if (clTest != NULL)
outName = clTest;
FILE *f = mustOpen(outName, "w");
struct raRecord *r;
for (r = tdbFile->recordList; r != NULL; r = r->next)
if (!r->isRemoved)
struct raTag *tag;
for (tag = r->tagList; tag != NULL; tag = tag->next)
fputs(tag->text, f);
if (r->endComments != NULL)
fputs(r->endComments, f);
fputs(tdbFile->endSpace, f);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
if (argc != 3)
clMode = optionVal("mode", clMode);
clTest = optionVal("test", clTest);
clNoComment = optionExists("noComment");
if (sameString(clMode, "add"))
glReplace = FALSE;
else if (sameString(clMode, "replace"))
glReplace = TRUE;
errAbort("unrecognized mode %s", clMode);
encodePatchTdb(argv[1], argv[2]);
return 0;