src/hg/js/hgTracks.js 1.54
1.54 2010/02/16 01:28:14 larrym
add autocomplete code; add getDna support
Index: src/hg/js/hgTracks.js
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/js/hgTracks.js,v
retrieving revision 1.53
retrieving revision 1.54
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.53 -r1.54
--- src/hg/js/hgTracks.js 13 Feb 2010 00:40:00 -0000 1.53
+++ src/hg/js/hgTracks.js 16 Feb 2010 01:28:14 -0000 1.54
@@ -21,28 +21,14 @@
var autoHideSetting = true; // Current state of imgAreaSelect autoHide setting
var selectedMenuItem; // currently choosen context menu item (via context menu).
var browser; // browser ("msie", "safari" etc.)
-function commify (str) {
- if(typeof(str) == "number")
- str = str + "";
- var n = str.length;
- if (n <= 3) {
- return str;
- } else {
- var pre = str.substring(0, n-3);
- var post = str.substring(n-3);
- var pre = commify(pre);
- return pre + "," + post;
- }
function initVars(img)
// There are various entry points, so we call initVars in several places to make sure this variables get updated.
if(!originalPosition) {
// remember initial position and size so we can restore it if user cancels
- originalPosition = $('#positionHidden').val() || getPosition();
+ originalPosition = getOriginalPosition();
originalSize = $('#size').text();
originalCursor = jQuery('body').css('cursor');
@@ -75,23 +61,38 @@
setPosition(newPosition, commify(end - start + 1));
return newPosition;
-function getPosition()
+function getPositionElement()
-// Return current value of position box
+// Return position box object
var tags = document.getElementsByName("position");
// There are multiple tags with name == "position" (the visible position text input
// and a hidden with id='positionHidden'); we return value of visible element.
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
var ele = tags[i];
if( != "positionHidden") {
- return ele.value;
+ return ele;
return null;
+function getPosition()
+// Return current value of position box
+ var ele = getPositionElement();
+ if(ele != null) {
+ return ele.value;
+ }
+ return null;
+function getOriginalPosition()
+ return originalPosition || getPosition();
function setPosition(position, size)
// Set value of position and size (in hiddens and input elements).
// We assume size has already been commified.
@@ -108,8 +109,13 @@
+function getDb()
+ return document.getElementsByName("db")[0].value;
function checkPosition(img, selection)
// return true if user's selection is still w/n the img (including some slop).
var imgWidth = jQuery(img).width();
@@ -1004,9 +1010,9 @@
-// wait for jStore to prepare the storage engine (this token reload code is currently dead code).
+// wait for jStore to prepare the storage engine (this token reload code is experimental and currently dead).
jQuery.jStore && jQuery.jStore.ready(function(engine) {
// alert(engine.jri);
// wait for the storage engine to be ready.
@@ -1025,10 +1031,30 @@
+ if(jQuery.fn.autocomplete && $('input#suggest')) {
+ var db = getDb();
+ $('input#suggest').autocomplete({
+ delay: 500,
+ minchars: 1,
+ ajax_get: ajaxGet(function () {return db;}, new Object),
+ callback: function (obj) {
+ setPosition(, commify(getSizeFromCoordinates(;
+ // jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
+ // document.TrackHeaderForm.submit();
+ }
+ });
+ // I want to set focus to the suggest element, but unforunately that prevents PgUp/PgDn from
+ // working, which is a major annoyance.
+ // $('input#suggest').focus();
+ }
+ initVars();
if(jQuery.jStore) {
- if(0) {
+ // Experimental (currently dead) code to handle "user hits back button" problem.
+ if(false) {
jQuery.extend(jQuery.jStore.defaults, {
project: 'hgTracks',
engine: 'flash',
flash: '/jStore.Flash.html'
@@ -1234,10 +1260,10 @@
// showWarning("Spinning: menu is still shown");
setTimeout(function() { contextMenuHitFinish(menuItemClicked, menuObject, cmd); }, 10);
- if(cmd == 'selectWholeGene') {
- // bring whole gene into view
+ if(cmd == 'selectWholeGene' || cmd == 'getDna') {
+ // bring whole gene into view or redirect to DNA screen.
var href = selectedMenuItem.href;
var chromStart, chromEnd;
var a = /hgg_chrom=(\w+)&/.exec(href);
// Many links leave out the chrom (b/c it's in the server side cart as "c")
@@ -1266,8 +1292,13 @@
if(chrom == null || chromStart == null || chromEnd == null) {
showWarning("couldn't parse out genomic coordinates");
} else {
+ if(cmd == 'getDna')
+ {
+ // start coordinate seems to be off by one (+1).
+ window.location = "../cgi-bin/hgc?hgsid=" + getHgsid() + "&g=getDna&i=mixed&c=" + chrom + "&l=" + chromStart + "&r=" + chromEnd;
+ } else {
var newPosition = setPositionByCoordinates(chrom, chromStart, chromEnd);
if(browser == "safari" || imageV2) {
// We need to parse out more stuff to support resetting the position under imageV2 via ajax, but it's probably possible.
// See comments below on safari problems.
@@ -1286,8 +1317,9 @@
cache: false
+ }
} else if (cmd == 'hgTrackUi') {
// data: ?
jQuery('body').css('cursor', 'wait');
@@ -1436,18 +1468,22 @@
var o = new Object();
if(isGene || isHgc) {
var title = selectedMenuItem.title || "feature";
o["Zoom to " + title] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "selectWholeGene"); return true; }};
+ o["Get DNA for " + title] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "getDna"); return true; }};
o["Open Link in New Window"] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "openLink"); return true; }};
} else {
o[selectedMenuItem.title] = {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "hgTrackUi"); return true; }};
if(!done) {
- var str = "drag-and-zoom mode";
+ if(false) {
+ // Currently toggling b/n drag-and-zoom mode and hilite mode is disabled b/c we don't know how to keep hilite mode from disabling the
+ // context menus.
var o = new Object();
+ var str = "drag-and-zoom mode";
if(autoHideSetting) {
str += selectedImg;
// menu[str].className = 'context-menu-checked-item';
@@ -1460,8 +1496,9 @@
str += selectedImg;
o[str] = { onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "hilightMode"); return true; }};
+ }
menu.push({"view image": {onclick: function(menuItemClicked, menuObject) { contextMenuHit(menuItemClicked, menuObject, "viewImg"); return true; }}});
return menu;
@@ -1502,29 +1539,12 @@
return mapItems;
-function showWarning(str)
- $("#warningText").text(str);
- $("#warning").show();
-function catchErrorOrDispatch(obj,status)
- if(obj.err)
- {
- showWarning(obj.err);
- jQuery('body').css('cursor', '');
- }
- else
- this.trueSuccess(obj,status);
function handleTrackUi(response, status)
// Take html from hgTrackUi and put it up as a modal dialog.
- $('#hgTrackUiDialog').html(response);
+ $('#hgTrackUiDialog').html("<div style='font-size:80%'>" + response + "</div>");
ajaxOptions: {
// This doesn't work
cache: true
@@ -1664,4 +1684,23 @@
showWarning("Couldn't parse out img src");
+function jumpButtonOnClick()
+// onClick handler for the "jump" button.
+// Handles situation where user types a gene name into the gene box and immediately hits the jump button,
+// expecting the browser to jump to that gene.
+ var gene = $('#suggest').val();
+ if(gene && gene.length > 0 && getOriginalPosition() == getPosition()) {
+ var db = getDb();
+ pos = lookupGene(db, gene);
+ if(pos) {
+ setPosition(pos, null);
+ } else {
+ // turn this into a full text search.
+ setPosition(gene, null);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;