src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/README 1.101
1.101 2010/02/16 20:23:54 kent
Replacing subTrack with parent
Index: src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/README
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/README,v
retrieving revision 1.100
retrieving revision 1.101
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.100 -r1.101
--- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/README 4 Feb 2010 01:06:13 -0000 1.100
+++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/README 16 Feb 2010 20:23:54 -0000 1.101
@@ -585,9 +585,9 @@
Tracks that are somehow related can be grouped in a single "composite track",
using the "compositeTrack on" setting. The track name for the
composite track is a placeholder, that is referenced in entries for the
-subtracks. The subtracks have a "subTrack" setting that references
+subtracks. The subtracks have a "parent" setting that references
the composite track name. The composite track entry contains all
normal settings for the common track type if there is one.
The subtrack track entries need contain only the short and long labels,
@@ -711,33 +711,33 @@
track sigViewTrack
view Sig
shortLabel Signal Densities
- subTrack compositeParent
+ parent compositeParent
track brainSignalTrack
shortLabel Signals in Brain
- subTrack sigViewTrack
+ parent sigViewTrack
subGroup view=Sig
track liverSignalTrack
shortLabe Signals in Liver
- subTrack sigViewTrack
+ parent sigViewTrack
subGroup view=Sig
track alnViewTrack
view Aln
shortLabel Alignments
- subTrack compositeParent
+ parent compositeParent
track brainAlignmentTrack
shortLabel Signals in Brain
- subTrack alnViewTrack
+ parent alnViewTrack
subGroup view=Aln
track liverAlignmentTrack
shortLabe Signals in Liver
- subTrack alnViewTrack
+ parent alnViewTrack
subGroup view=Aln
Note that the view level track needs to have a view tag. There is some redundancy between
information in the view track and the subGroup tag of the composite parent. Apologies. This
@@ -891,14 +891,14 @@
track broadChromatinChIPSeqViewHmm
shortLabel Sites-HMM
view Hmm
visibility pack
- subTrack broadChromatinChIPSeq
+ parent broadChromatinChIPSeq
track broadStemChipHmmSitesH3K4me3Es
shortLabel H3K4me3-ES HMM
longLabel Broad Stem Cell Chromatin IP Sites by HMM (H3K4me3 ab, Embryonic Stem (ES) cells)
- subTrack broadChromatinChIPSeqViewHmm
+ parent broadChromatinChIPSeqViewHmm
subGroups factor=K04 cellType=ES view=Hmm
type bed 3
color 25,25,150
configurable on
@@ -908,14 +908,14 @@
shortLabel Sites Windowing
view Win
viewUi on
visibility pack
- subTrack broadChromatinChIPSeq
+ parent broadChromatinChIPSeq
track broadStemChipWinSitesH3K4me3Es
shortLabel H3K4me3-ES Win
longLabel Broad Stem Cell Chromatin IP Sites by Windowing (H3K4me3 ab, Embryonic Stem (ES) cells)
- subTrack broadChromatinChIPSeqViewWin
+ parent broadChromatinChIPSeqViewWin
subGroups factor=K04 cellType=ES view=Win
type bed 5 +
useScore 1
color 25,25,150
@@ -925,14 +925,14 @@
track broadChromatinChIPSeqViewSig
shortLabel Signal Densities
view Sig
visibility full
- subTrack broadChromatinChIPSeq
+ parent broadChromatinChIPSeq
track broadStemChipSignalH3K4Es
shortLabel H3K4me3-ES Sig
longLabel Broad Stem Cell Chromatin IP Signal (H3K4me3 ab, Embryonic Stem (ES) cells)
- subTrack broadChromatinChIPSeqViewSig
+ parent broadChromatinChIPSeqViewSig
subGroups factor=K04 cellType=ES view=Sig
type wig 0 35
yLineOnOff On
yLineMark 1.0
@@ -942,14 +942,14 @@
track broadChromatinChIPSeqViewAln
shortLabel Sites Alignments
view Aln
visibility hide
- subTrack broadChromatinChIPSeq
+ parent broadChromatinChIPSeq
track broadStemChipAlignmentsH3K4Me3Es
shortLabel H3K4me3-ES Align
longLabel Broad Stem Cell Chromatin IP Alignments (H3K4me3 ab, Embryonic Stem (ES) cells)
- subTrack broadChromatinChIPSeqViewAln
+ parent broadChromatinChIPSeqViewAln
subGroups factor=K04 cellType=ES view=Aln
type bed 9 +
useScore 1
metadata project=wgEncode grant=Bernstein lab=Broad dataType=ChipSeq cell=M9ES antibody=H3K4me3 softwareVersion="Maq v2.1, unique, mismatch<=2"