src/hg/utils/automation/ 1.23
1.23 2010/02/11 23:48:34 hiram
now adding dateReference to the trackVersion table entry
Index: src/hg/utils/automation/
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/utils/automation/,v
retrieving revision 1.22
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.22 -r1.23
--- src/hg/utils/automation/ 15 Jan 2010 23:47:36 -0000 1.22
+++ src/hg/utils/automation/ 11 Feb 2010 23:48:34 -0000 1.23
@@ -204,12 +204,13 @@
if ($identicalToPrevious ) {
hgsql -e 'INSERT INTO trackVersion \\
- (db, name, who, version, updateTime, comment, source) \\
+ (db, name, who, version, updateTime, comment, source, dateReference) \\
VALUES("$db", "ensGene", "$ENV{'USER'}", "$ensVersion", now(), \\
"identical to previous version $previousEnsVersion", \\
- "identical to previous version $previousEnsVersion" );' hgFixed
+ "identical to previous version $previousEnsVersion", \\
+ $ensVersionDateReference );' hgFixed
} else {
my $skipInv = "";
@@ -302,21 +303,23 @@
if ($opt_vegaGene) {
hgsql -e 'INSERT INTO trackVersion \\
- (db, name, who, version, updateTime, comment, source) \\
+ (db, name, who, version, updateTime, comment, source, dateReference) \\
VALUES("$db", "vegaGene", "$ENV{'USER'}", "$ensVersion", now(), \\
"with peptides $ensPepFile", \\
- "$ensGtfUrl" );' hgFixed
+ "$ensGtfUrl", \\
+ $ensVersionDateReference );' hgFixed
} else {
hgsql -e 'INSERT INTO trackVersion \\
- (db, name, who, version, updateTime, comment, source) \\
+ (db, name, who, version, updateTime, comment, source, dateReference) \\
VALUES("$db", "ensGene", "$ENV{'USER'}", "$ensVersion", now(), \\
"with peptides $ensPepFile", \\
- "$ensGtfUrl" );' hgFixed
+ "$ensGtfUrl", \\
+ $ensVersionDateReference );' hgFixed