src/hg/visiGene/microscope.sql 1.2

1.2 2010/02/12 18:02:33 angie
Removing - Chris says they are not needed here.
Index: src/hg/visiGene/microscope.sql
RCS file: src/hg/visiGene/microscope.sql
diff -N src/hg/visiGene/microscope.sql
--- src/hg/visiGene/microscope.sql	10 Feb 2010 19:26:40 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#This was created by copying the pertinent parts from visigene.sql file in ~/kent/src/hg/visiGene/
-#Location of image, typically a file directory
-CREATE TABLE fileLocation (
-    id int auto_increment not null,     # ID of location
-    name longblob not null,     # Directory path usually
-    PRIMARY KEY(id)
-# Source of data - an external database, a contributor, etc.
-CREATE TABLE submissionSource (
-    id int auto_increment not null,
-    name varchar(255) not null, 
-              #Indices
-    PRIMARY KEY(id),
-    UNIQUE(name(32))
-#Info on a batch of images submitted at once
-CREATE TABLE submissionSet (
-    id int auto_increment not null,     # ID of submission set
-    name varchar(255) not null,  # Name of submission set
-    contributors longblob not null,     # Comma separated list of contributors in format Kent W.J., Wu F.Y.
-    submissionSource int not null, # Source of this submission
-    privateUser int not null,   # ID of user allowed to view. If 0 all can see.
-    copyright int not null,     # Copyright notice
-              #Indices
-    PRIMARY KEY(id),
-    UNIQUE(name(32))
-#Copyright information
-CREATE TABLE copyright (
-    id int auto_increment not null,     # ID of copyright
-    notice longblob not null,   # Text of copyright notice
-              #Indices
-    PRIMARY KEY(id),
-    INDEX(notice(26))
-#Association between contributors and submissionSets
-CREATE TABLE submissionContributor (
-    submissionSet int not null, # ID in submissionSet table
-    contributor int not null,   # ID in contributor table
-              #Indices
-    INDEX(submissionSet),
-    INDEX(contributor)
-#Info on contributor
-CREATE TABLE contributor (
-    id int auto_increment not null,     # ID of contributor
-    name varchar(255) not null, # Name in format like Kent W.J.
-              #Indices
-    PRIMARY KEY(id),
-    INDEX(name(8))
-#A biological image file
-CREATE TABLE imageFile (
-    id int auto_increment not null,     # ID of imageFile
-    fileName varchar(255) not null,     # Image file name not including directory
-    priority float not null,    # Lower priorities are displayed first
-    imageWidth int not null,    # width of image in pixels
-    imageHeight int not null,   # height of image in pixels
-    fullLocation int not null,  # Location of full-size image
-    thumbLocation int not null, # Location of thumbnail-sized image
-    submissionSet int not null, # Submission set this is part of
-    submitId varchar(255) not null,     # ID within submission set
-    PRIMARY KEY(id),
-    INDEX(fullLocation,fileName(12)),
-    INDEX(submissionSet),
-    INDEX(submitId(12))
-#An image.  There may be multiple images within an imageFile
-    id int auto_increment not null,     # ID of image
-    submissionSet int not null, # Submission set this is part of
-    imageFile int not null,     # ID of image file
-    imagePos int not null,      # Position in image file, starting with 0
-    PRIMARY KEY(id),
-    INDEX(imageFile),
-    INDEX(submissionSet)