src/hg/blastToPsl/blast0To8.c 1.3

1.3 2010/02/08 03:05:25 markd
removed dead programs not being compiled
Index: src/hg/blastToPsl/blast0To8.c
RCS file: src/hg/blastToPsl/blast0To8.c
diff -N src/hg/blastToPsl/blast0To8.c
--- src/hg/blastToPsl/blast0To8.c	22 Oct 2003 20:18:30 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-/* blast0To8 - convert blast 0 output to tabbed format. */
-#include "common.h"
-#include "linefile.h"
-#include "hash.h"
-#include "options.h"
-#include "blastTab.h"
-int lineCount = 0;
-void usage()
-/* Explain usage and exit. */
-  "blast0To8 - convert blast 0 output to tabbed format without gaps\n"
-  "usage:\n"
-  "   blast0To8 XXX\n"
-  "options:\n"
-  "   -xxx=XXX\n"
-  );
-static struct optionSpec options[] = {
-   {NULL, 0},
-void myblastTabTabOut(struct blastTab *bt, FILE *out)
-static double lastScore = 0.0;
-static char *lastName = NULL;
-static int count = 0;
-char *saveString;
-char buffer[200];
-    if ((lastScore != bt->bitScore ) || ((lastName != NULL) && !sameString(bt->query, lastName)  ))
-	count = 0;
-    lastName = bt->query;
-    lastScore = bt->bitScore;
-    if (count) 
-    sprintf(buffer, "%s*", lastName);
-    else
-    sprintf(buffer, "%s", lastName);
-    bt->query = buffer;
-    blastTabTabOut(bt, out);
-    bt->query = lastName;
-    count++;
-myErr(char *string)
-    char buffer[1000];
-    sprintf(buffer,  "%s at %d",string,lineCount);
-    errAbort(buffer);
-void blast0To8(char *inFile, char *outTab)
-/* blast0To8 - convert blast 0 output to tabbed format. */
-struct lineFile *in = lineFileOpen(inFile, TRUE);
-FILE *out = mustOpen(outTab, "w");
-char *words[50];
-int wordCount;
-char *lastPtr, *ptr;
-int qStart, qEnd, qPos;
-int qGaps;
-int tIncr;
-int tStart, tEnd, tPos;
-struct blastTab bt;
-char *qString,*qPtr, *tPtr;
-#define SAFE_OUT	1
-#define NEED_QUERY	2
-#define GOT_QUERY	3
-#define GOT_SCORE	4
-#define GOT_TARGET	5
-#define GOT_IDENT	6
-#define NEED_TARGET	7
-int state = SAFE_OUT;
-boolean pending = FALSE;
-lineCount = 0;
-while(wordCount = lineFileChopNext(in, words, 50))
-    {
-	lineCount++;
-	if (sameString(words[0], "Reference:"))
-	{
-	    if (state != SAFE_OUT)
-		myErr("boop");
-	    state = NEED_QUERY;
-	}
-	else if ((wordCount == 5) && sameString(words[0], "*****"))
-	{
-	    state = SAFE_OUT;
-	}
-	else if ((wordCount == 8) && sameString(words[0], "Score"))
-	{
-	    if (!((state == SAFE_OUT) || (state == GOT_TARGET)))
-		myErr("need target or safeout before score");
-	    if (pending)
-	    {
-			bt.qEnd = qStart - 1;
-			bt.tEnd = tStart;// - tIncr;
-			bt.aliLength = bt.qEnd - bt.qStart + 1;
-		myblastTabTabOut(&bt, out);
-	    }
-	    state = GOT_SCORE;
-	    bt.bitScore = atof(words[2]);
-	    bt.eValue = atof(words[7]);
-	//    printf("bitscore %g eValue %g\n",bt.bitScore, bt.eValue);
-	}
-	else if (((wordCount == 12) || (wordCount == 8)) && sameString(words[0], "Identities"))
-	{
-	    int top, bottom;
-	    if (state != GOT_SCORE)
-		myErr("Ident without score");
-	    top = atoi(words[2]);
-	    if ((ptr = strchr(words[2], '/')) != NULL)
-		bottom = atoi(ptr+1);
-	    else 
-		myErr("beep");
-	    state = GOT_IDENT;
-	    bt.identity = (100.0 * top) / bottom;
-	    bt.gapOpen = 0;
-	    qGaps = 0;
-	    if (wordCount == 12)
-		qGaps = atoi(words[10]);
-	    bt.mismatch = bottom - top - qGaps;
-	 //   printf("identity %g \n",bt.identity);
-	}
-	else if ((wordCount == 3) && sameString(words[0], "Frame"))
-	{
-	    if (words[2][0]== '+')
-		tIncr = 3;
-	    else
-		tIncr = -3;
-	}
-	else if ((wordCount == 2) && sameString(words[0], "Query="))
-	{
-	    if (state != NEED_QUERY)
-		myErr("got Query= and not ready");
-	    bt.query = cloneString(words[1]);
-	  //  printf("query %s\n",bt.query);
-	    state = GOT_QUERY;
-	    pending = FALSE;
-	}
-	else if ((wordCount == 1) && startsWith(">",words[0] ))
-	{
-	    if (!((state == GOT_QUERY) || (state == SAFE_OUT)))
-		myErr("no query at '>'");
-	    if ((state == SAFE_OUT) && pending)
-		pending=FALSE,myblastTabTabOut(&bt, out);
- = cloneString(&words[0][1]);
-	   // printf("target %s\n",;
-	   state = GOT_TARGET;
-	}
-	else if ((wordCount ==4) && sameString(words[0], "Query:"))
-	{
-	    if (!((state == GOT_IDENT) || (state == SAFE_OUT)))
-	    {printf("state %d\n",state);
-		myErr("got second query");}
-	    qStart = atoi(words[1]);
-	    if (state == SAFE_OUT)
-	    {
-		//prinf("%d %d\n",qEnd, qStart);
-		if (qStart != 1 + qEnd)
-		    myErr("query continue");
-		state = NEED_TARGET_CONT;
-	    }
-	    else
-		state = NEED_TARGET;
-	    qString = cloneString(words[2]);
-	    qEnd = atoi(words[3]);
-	}
-	else if (((wordCount ==4)|| (wordCount ==3)) && sameString(words[0], "Sbjct:"))
-	{
-	    char *seq, *end; 
-	    end = words[3];
-	    seq = words[2];
-	    if (wordCount == 3)
-	    {
-		end = words[2];
-		seq = words[1];
-		while(isdigit(*seq))
-		    seq++;
-	    }
-	    if (!((state == NEED_TARGET) || (state == NEED_TARGET_CONT)))
-		myErr("don't need target");
-	    if (state == NEED_TARGET_CONT)
-	    {
-		//if (tStart != 1 + tEnd)
-		 //   myErr("target continue");
-		bt.qEnd = qEnd;
-		bt.tEnd = tEnd;
-		if (tStart != atoi(words[1]))
-		{printf("%d %d\n",tStart,atoi(words[1]));
-		    myErr("cont target not right");
-		}
-		tEnd = atoi(end);
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-	    tStart = atoi(words[1]);
-	    tEnd = atoi(end);
-		bt.qStart = qStart;
-		bt.qEnd = qEnd;
-		bt.tStart = tStart;
-		bt.tEnd = tEnd;
-	    }
-	    qPtr = qString;
-	    tPtr = seq;
-	    if (strlen(qString) != strlen(seq))
-		myErr("q and t string not same length");
-	    while(*qPtr)
-	    {
-		if ((*qPtr == '-') || (*tPtr == '-'))
-		{
-		    if (pending)
-		    {
-			bt.qEnd = qStart - 1;
-			bt.tEnd = tStart;// - tIncr;
-			bt.aliLength = bt.qEnd - bt.qStart+1;
-			myblastTabTabOut(&bt, out);
-		    //bt.qStart = qStart;
-		    //bt.tStart = tStart;
-		    }
-		    pending = FALSE;
-		}
-		else if (!pending && ((*qPtr != '-') && (*tPtr != '-')))
-		{
-		    pending = TRUE;
-		    bt.qStart = qStart;
-		    bt.tStart = tStart;
-		}
-		if (*qPtr != '-')
-		    qStart++;
-		if (*tPtr != '-')
-		    tStart += tIncr;
-		qPtr++;
-		tPtr++;
-	    }
-	    state = SAFE_OUT;
-//	    printf("query: %d %s\n",qStart, qString);
-//	    printf("sbjct: %d %s\n",tStart, tString);
-	}
-    }
-if (pending)
-		myblastTabTabOut(&bt, out);
-	/*
-	    {
-	    qPos = queryStart;
-	    for (lastPtr=ptr= words[2]; ptr =strchr(ptr, '-');lastPtr = ptr)
-	    {
-		*ptr++ = 0;
-		if ((ptr - lastPtr) > 1)
-		{
-		    printf("chop %d %s\n",qPos, lastPtr);
-		    qPos += ptr - lastPtr - 1;
-		}
-	    }
-	    if(lastPtr != ptr)
-		    printf("chop %d %s\n",qPos, lastPtr);
-	    }
-	    */
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-/* Process command line. */
-optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
-if (argc != 3)
-    usage();
-blast0To8(argv[1], argv[2]);
-return 0;