src/hg/blastToPsl/pslChain.c 1.8

1.8 2010/02/08 03:05:26 markd
removed dead programs not being compiled
Index: src/hg/blastToPsl/pslChain.c
RCS file: src/hg/blastToPsl/pslChain.c
diff -N src/hg/blastToPsl/pslChain.c
--- src/hg/blastToPsl/pslChain.c	18 Sep 2007 23:00:58 -0000	1.7
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,1092 +0,0 @@
-/* pslChain - Chain together axt alignments.. */
-#include "common.h"
-#include "linefile.h"
-#include "hash.h"
-#include "options.h"
-#include "dystring.h"
-#include "dnaseq.h"
-#include "nib.h"
-#include "fa.h"
-#include "axt.h"
-#include "psl.h"
-#include "boxClump.h"
-#include "chainBlock.h"
-#include "portable.h"
-#include "psl.h"
-static char const rcsid[] = "$Id$";
-struct score
-    struct score *next;
-    char *tName;
-    char *qName;
-    char  strand;
-    int   tStart, tEnd;
-    int   qStart, qEnd;
-    int   score;
-int minScore = -1000000;
-char *detailsName = NULL;
-char *gapFileName = NULL;
-boolean nohead = FALSE;
-void usage()
-/* Explain usage and exit. */
-  "pslChain - Chain together psl alignments.\n"
-  "usage:\n"
-  "   pslChain in.psl in.score tNibDir qNibDir scoreMatrix out.psl out.score\n"
-  "options:\n"
-  "   -minScore=N  Minimum score for chain, default %d\n"
-  "   -details=fileName Output some additional chain details\n",
-  minScore
-  );
-struct seqPair
-/* Pair of sequences. */
-    {
-    struct seqPair *next;
-    char *name;	                /* Allocated in hash */
-    char *qName;		/* Name of query sequence. */
-    char *tName;		/* Name of target sequence. */
-    char qStrand;		/* Strand of query sequence. */
-    struct cBlock *blockList; /* List of alignments. */
-    int axtCount;		/* Count of axt's that make this up (just for stats) */
-    };
-int seqPairCmp(const void *va, const void *vb)
-/* Compare to sort based on tName,qName. */
-const struct seqPair *a = *((struct seqPair **)va);
-const struct seqPair *b = *((struct seqPair **)vb);
-int dif;
-dif = strcmp(a->tName, b->tName);
-if (dif == 0)
-    dif = strcmp(a->qName, b->qName);
-if (dif == 0)
-    dif = (int)a->qStrand - (int)b->qStrand;
-return dif;
-void loadIfNewSeq(char *nibDir, char *newName, char strand, 
-	char **pName, struct dnaSeq **pSeq, char *pStrand)
-/* Load sequence unless it is already loaded.  Reverse complement
- * if necessary. */
-struct dnaSeq *seq;
-if (sameString(newName, *pName))
-    {
-    if (strand != *pStrand)
-        {
-	seq = *pSeq;
-	reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size);
-	*pStrand = strand;
-	}
-    }
-    {
-    char fileName[512];
-    freeDnaSeq(pSeq);
-    if (optionExists("subdir"))
-    {
-    char *ptr = &newName[strlen(newName)] - 1;
-    assert(isdigit(*ptr));
-    snprintf(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%s/%c/%s.nib", nibDir, *ptr, newName);
-    }
-    else
-    snprintf(fileName, sizeof(fileName), "%s/%s.nib", nibDir, newName);
-    *pName = newName;
-    *pSeq = seq = nibLoadAllMasked(NIB_MASK_MIXED, fileName);
-    *pStrand = strand;
-    if (strand == '-')
-        reverseComplement(seq->dna, seq->size);
-    uglyf("Loaded %d bases in %s\n", seq->size, fileName);
-    }
-void loadFaSeq(struct hash *faHash, char *newName, int size,
-	char **pName, struct dnaSeq **pSeq)
-/* retrieve sequence from hash.  Reverse complement
- * if necessary. */
-struct dnaSeq *seq;
-if (!sameString(newName, *pName))
-    {
-    *pName = newName;
-    *pSeq = seq = hashFindVal(faHash, newName);
-    uglyf("Loaded %d bases from %s fa\n", seq->size, newName);
-    }
-int boxInCmpBoth(const void *va, const void *vb)
-/* Compare to sort based on query, then target. */
-const struct cBlock *a = *((struct cBlock **)va);
-const struct cBlock *b = *((struct cBlock **)vb);
-int dif;
-dif = a->qStart - b->qStart;
-if (dif == 0)
-    dif = a->tStart - b->tStart;
-return dif;
-void removeOverlaps(struct cBlock **pBoxList)
-struct cBlock *newList = NULL, *b, *next, *last = NULL;
-slSort(pBoxList, boxInCmpBoth);
-for (b = *pBoxList; b != NULL; b = next)
-    {
-    next = b->next;
-    if (last != NULL)
-	{
-	if (b->qStart > last->qStart)
-	    {
-	    if (last->qEnd > b->qStart)
-		{
-		if (last->score < b->score)
-		    {
-		    b->next = last->next;
-		    *last = *b;
-		    }
-		freez(&b);
-		}
-	    }
-	else
-	    {
-	    if (b->qEnd > last->qStart)
-		{
-		if (last->score < b->score)
-		    {
-		    b->next = last->next;
-		    *last = *b;
-		    }
-		freez(&b);
-		}
-	    }
-	if (b != NULL)
-	    {
-	    if (b->tStart > last->tStart)
-		{
-		if (last->tEnd > b->tStart)
-		    {
-		    if (last->score < b->score)
-			{
-			b->next = last->next;
-			*last = *b;
-			}
-		    freez(&b);
-		    }
-		}
-	    else
-		{
-		if (b->tEnd > last->tStart)
-		    {
-		    if (last->score < b->score)
-			{
-			b->next = last->next;
-			*last = *b;
-			}
-		    freez(&b);
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    if (b != NULL)
-	{
-	slAddHead(&newList, b);
-	last = b;
-	}
-    }
-*pBoxList = newList;
-double scoreBlock(char *q, char *t, int size, int matrix[256][256], 
-	int *pMisMatches)
-/* Score block through matrix. */
-double score = 0;
-int misMatches = 0;
-int i;
-for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
-    {
-    if (q[i] != t[i])
-	misMatches++;
-    score += matrix[(int)q[i]][(int)t[i]];
-    }
-if (pMisMatches)
-    *pMisMatches = misMatches;
-//score *= size ;
-return score;
-static void findCrossover(struct cBlock *left, struct cBlock *right,
-	struct dnaSeq *qSeq, struct dnaSeq *tSeq,  
-	int overlap, int matrix[256][256], int *retPos, int *retScoreAdjustment)
-/* Find ideal crossover point of overlapping blocks.  That is
- * the point where we should start using the right block rather
- * than the left block.  This point is an offset from the start
- * of the overlapping region (which is the same as the start of the
- * right block). */
-int bestPos = 0;
-char *rqStart = qSeq->dna + right->qStart;
-char *lqStart = qSeq->dna + left->qEnd - overlap;
-char *rtStart = tSeq->dna + right->tStart;
-char *ltStart = tSeq->dna + left->tEnd - overlap;
-int i;
-double score, bestScore, rScore, lScore;
-struct dnaSeq *aaSeq1;
-struct dnaSeq *aaSeq2;
-aaSeq1 = translateSeqN(tSeq,  left->tEnd - overlap * 3 - 3 , 3*overlap + 10, FALSE);
-aaSeq2 = translateSeqN(tSeq,  right->tStart ,  3*overlap + 10, FALSE);
-rtStart = aaSeq2->dna;
-ltStart = aaSeq1->dna;
-score = bestScore = rScore = scoreBlock(rqStart, rtStart, overlap, matrix, NULL);
-lScore = scoreBlock(lqStart, ltStart, overlap, matrix, NULL);
-for (i=0; i<overlap; ++i)
-    {
-    score += matrix[(int)lqStart[i]][(int)ltStart[i]];
-    score -= matrix[(int)rqStart[i]][(int)rtStart[i]];
-    if (score > bestScore)
-	{
-	bestScore = score;
-	bestPos = i+1;
-	}
-    }
-*retPos = bestPos;
-*retScoreAdjustment = rScore + lScore - bestScore;
-struct scoreData
-/* Data needed to score block. */
-    {
-    struct dnaSeq *qSeq;	/* Query sequence. */
-    struct dnaSeq *tSeq;	/* Target sequence. */
-    struct axtScoreScheme *ss;  /* Scoring scheme. */
-    double gapPower;		/* Power to raise gap size to. */
-    };
-struct scoreData scoreData;
-int interpolate(int x, int *s, double *v, int sCount)
-/* Find closest value to x in s, and then lookup corresponding
- * value in v.  Interpolate where necessary. */
-int i, ds, ss;
-double dv;
-for (i=0; i<sCount; ++i)
-    {
-    ss = s[i];
-    if (x == ss)
-        return v[i];
-    else if (x < ss)
-        {
-	ds = ss - s[i-1];
-	dv = v[i] - v[i-1];
-	return v[i-1] + dv * (x - s[i-1]) / ds;
-	}
-    }
-/* If get to here extrapolate from last two values */
-ds = s[sCount-1] - s[sCount-2];
-dv = v[sCount-1] - v[sCount-2];
-return v[sCount-2] + dv * (x - s[sCount-2]) / ds;
-static int *gapInitPos ;  
-static double *gapInitQGap ;  
-static double *gapInitTGap ;  
-static double *gapInitBothGap ;
-static int gapInitPosDefault[] = { 
-   1,   2,   3,   11,  111, 2111, 12111, 32111,  72111, 152111, 252111,
-static double gapInitQGapDefault[] = { 
-   350, 425, 450, 600, 900, 2900, 22900, 57900, 117900, 217900, 317900,
-static double gapInitTGapDefault[] = { 
-   350, 425, 450, 600, 900, 2900, 22900, 57900, 117900, 217900, 317900,
-static double gapInitBothGapDefault[] = { 
-   400+350, 400+425, 400+450, 400+600, 400+900, 400+2900, 
-   400+22900, 400+57900, 400+117900, 400+217900, 400+317900,
-struct gapAid
-/* A structure that bundles together stuff to help us
- * calculate gap costs quickly. */
-    {
-    int smallSize; /* Size of tables for doing quick lookup of small gaps. */
-    int *qSmall;   /* Table for small gaps in q; */
-    int *tSmall;   /* Table for small gaps in t. */
-    int *bSmall;   /* Table for small gaps in either. */
-    int *longPos;/* Table of positions to interpolate between for larger gaps. */
-    double *qLong; /* Values to interpolate between for larger gaps in q. */
-    double *tLong; /* Values to interpolate between for larger gaps in t. */
-    double *bLong; /* Values to interpolate between for larger gaps in both. */
-    int longCount;	/* Number of long positions overall in longPos. */
-    int qPosCount;	/* Number of long positions in q. */
-    int tPosCount;	/* Number of long positions in t. */
-    int bPosCount;	/* Number of long positions in b. */
-    int qLastPos;	/* Maximum position we have data on in q. */
-    int tLastPos;	/* Maximum position we have data on in t. */
-    int bLastPos;	/* Maximum position we have data on in b. */
-    double qLastPosVal;	/* Value at max pos. */
-    double tLastPosVal;	/* Value at max pos. */
-    double bLastPosVal;	/* Value at max pos. */
-    double qLastSlope;	/* What to add for each base after last. */
-    double tLastSlope;	/* What to add for each base after last. */
-    double bLastSlope;	/* What to add for each base after last. */
-    } aid;
-double calcSlope(double y2, double y1, double x2, double x1)
-/* Calculate slope of line from x1/y1 to x2/y2 */
-return (y2-y1)/(x2-x1);
-void initGapAid(char *gapFileName)
-/* Initialize gap aid structure for faster gap
- * computations. */
-int i, tableSize, startLong = -1;
-char *sizeDesc[2];
-char *words[128];
-if (gapFileName != NULL)
-    {
-    struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(gapFileName, TRUE);
-    int count;
-    lineFileNextRowTab(lf, sizeDesc, 2);
-    tableSize = atoi(sizeDesc[1]);
-    AllocArray(gapInitPos,tableSize);
-    AllocArray(gapInitQGap,tableSize);
-    AllocArray(gapInitTGap,tableSize);
-    AllocArray(gapInitBothGap,tableSize);
-    while ((count = lineFileChopNext(lf, words, tableSize+1)) != 0)
-        {
-        if (sameString(words[0],"smallSize"))
-            {
-            aid.smallSize = atoi(words[1]);
-            }
-        if (sameString(words[0],"position"))
-            {
-            for (i=0 ; i<count-1 ; i++)
-                gapInitPos[i] = atoi(words[i+1]);
-            }
-        if (sameString(words[0],"qGap"))
-            {
-            for (i=0 ; i<count-1 ; i++)
-                gapInitQGap[i] = atoi(words[i+1]);
-            }
-        if (sameString(words[0],"tGap"))
-            {
-            for (i=0 ; i<count-1 ; i++)
-                gapInitTGap[i] = atoi(words[i+1]);
-            }
-        if (sameString(words[0],"bothGap"))
-            {
-            for (i=0 ; i<count-1 ; i++)
-                gapInitBothGap[i] = atoi(words[i+1]);
-            }
-        }
-    if (aid.smallSize == 0)
-        errAbort("missing smallSize parameter in %s\n",gapFileName);
-    lineFileClose(&lf);
-    }
-    {
-    /* if no gap file, then setup default values */ 
-    /* Set up to handle small values */
-    aid.smallSize = 111;
-    tableSize = 11;
-    AllocArray(gapInitPos,tableSize);
-    AllocArray(gapInitQGap,tableSize);
-    AllocArray(gapInitTGap,tableSize);
-    AllocArray(gapInitBothGap,tableSize);
-    for (i = 0 ; i < tableSize ; i++)
-        {
-        gapInitPos[i] = gapInitPosDefault[i];
-        gapInitTGap[i] = gapInitTGapDefault[i];
-        gapInitQGap[i] = gapInitQGapDefault[i];
-        gapInitBothGap[i] = gapInitBothGapDefault[i];
-        }
-    }
-    AllocArray(aid.qSmall, aid.smallSize);
-    AllocArray(aid.tSmall, aid.smallSize);
-    AllocArray(aid.bSmall, aid.smallSize);
-    for (i=1; i<aid.smallSize; ++i)
-        {
-        aid.qSmall[i] = 
-            interpolate(i, gapInitPos, gapInitQGap, tableSize);
-        aid.tSmall[i] = 
-            interpolate(i, gapInitPos, gapInitTGap, tableSize);
-        aid.bSmall[i] = interpolate(i, gapInitPos, 
-            gapInitBothGap, tableSize);
-        }
-    /* Set up to handle intermediate values. */
-    for (i=0; i<tableSize; ++i)
-        {
-        if (aid.smallSize == gapInitPos[i])
-            {
-            startLong = i;
-            break;
-            }
-        }
-    if (startLong < 0)
-        errAbort("No position %d in initGapAid()\n", aid.smallSize);
-    aid.longCount = tableSize - startLong;
-    aid.qPosCount = tableSize - startLong;
-    aid.tPosCount = tableSize - startLong;
-    aid.bPosCount = tableSize - startLong;
-    aid.longPos = cloneMem(gapInitPos + startLong, aid.longCount * sizeof(int));
-    aid.qLong = cloneMem(gapInitQGap + startLong, aid.qPosCount * sizeof(double));
-    aid.tLong = cloneMem(gapInitTGap + startLong, aid.tPosCount * sizeof(double));
-    aid.bLong = cloneMem(gapInitBothGap + startLong, aid.bPosCount * sizeof(double));
-    /* Set up to handle huge values. */
-    aid.qLastPos = aid.longPos[aid.qPosCount-1];
-    aid.tLastPos = aid.longPos[aid.tPosCount-1];
-    aid.bLastPos = aid.longPos[aid.bPosCount-1];
-    aid.qLastPosVal = aid.qLong[aid.qPosCount-1];
-    aid.tLastPosVal = aid.tLong[aid.tPosCount-1];
-    aid.bLastPosVal = aid.bLong[aid.bPosCount-1];
-    aid.qLastSlope = calcSlope(aid.qLastPosVal, aid.qLong[aid.qPosCount-2],
-                               aid.qLastPos, aid.longPos[aid.qPosCount-2]);
-    aid.tLastSlope = calcSlope(aid.tLastPosVal, aid.tLong[aid.tPosCount-2],
-                               aid.tLastPos, aid.longPos[aid.tPosCount-2]);
-    aid.bLastSlope = calcSlope(aid.bLastPosVal, aid.bLong[aid.bPosCount-2],
-                               aid.bLastPos, aid.longPos[aid.bPosCount-2]);
-    // uglyf("qLastPos %d, qlastPosVal %f, qLastSlope %f\n", aid.qLastPos, aid.qLastPosVal, aid.qLastSlope);
-    // uglyf("tLastPos %d, tlastPosVal %f, tLastSlope %f\n", aid.tLastPos, aid.tLastPosVal, aid.tLastSlope);
-    // uglyf("bLastPos %d, blastPosVal %f, bLastSlope %f\n", aid.bLastPos, aid.bLastPosVal, aid.bLastSlope);
-int gapCost(int dq, int dt, void *gapData)
-/* Figure out gap costs. */
-    if (abs(dt) > 20500)
-	return 10000000;
-return 0;
-if (dt < 0) dt = 0;
-if (dq < 0) dq = 0;
-return 82 + dt/250 ;
-    //return 20 *(95 + (dt - 95)/350);
-    return 20 *(82 + (dt - 82)/350);
-    //if (abs(dt) > 125000)
-//	return 10000000;
-    //return 0;
-if (dt == 0)
-    { 
-    if (dq < aid.smallSize)
-        return aid.qSmall[dq];
-    else if (dq >= aid.qLastPos)
-        return aid.qLastPosVal + aid.qLastSlope * (dq-aid.qLastPos);
-    else
-        return interpolate(dq, aid.longPos, aid.qLong, aid.qPosCount);
-    }
-else if (dq == 0)
-    {
-    if (dt < aid.smallSize)
-        return aid.tSmall[dt];
-    else if (dt >= aid.tLastPos)
-        return aid.tLastPosVal + aid.tLastSlope * (dt-aid.tLastPos);
-    else
-        return interpolate(dt, aid.longPos, aid.tLong, aid.tPosCount);
-    }
-    {
-    int both = dq + dt;
-    if (both < aid.smallSize)
-        return aid.bSmall[both];
-    else if (both >= aid.bLastPos)
-        return aid.bLastPosVal + aid.bLastSlope * (both-aid.bLastPos);
-    else
-        return interpolate(both, aid.longPos, aid.bLong, aid.bPosCount);
-    }
-static int connCount = 0;
-static int overlapCount = 0;
-int connectCost(struct cBlock *a, struct cBlock *b, void *gapData)
-/* Calculate connection cost - including gap score
- * and overlap adjustments if any. */
-int dq = b->qStart - a->qEnd;
-int dt = b->tStart - a->tEnd;
-int overlapAdjustment = 0;
-return 0;
-if (dq < 0 || dt < 0)
-   {
-   int bSize = b->qEnd - b->qStart;
-   int overlap = -min(dq, dt);
-   int crossover;
-   if (overlap > bSize) 
-       {
-       /* B is enclosed in A.  Discourage this overlap. */
-       overlapAdjustment = scoreBlock(scoreData.qSeq->dna + a->qStart, 
-       	scoreData.tSeq->dna + a->tStart, a->tEnd - a->tStart,>matrix, NULL);
-       }
-   else
-       {
-       findCrossover(a, b, scoreData.qSeq, scoreData.tSeq, overlap, 
-	    &crossover, &overlapAdjustment);
-       dq += overlap;
-       dt += overlap;
-       ++overlapCount;
-       }
-   }
-return overlapAdjustment + gapCost(dq, dt, gapData);
-// return 400 * pow(dt+dq, scoreData.gapPower) + overlapAdjustment;
-void calcChainBounds(struct chain *chain)
-/* Recalculate chain boundaries. */
-struct cBlock *b = chain->blockList;
-if (b == NULL)
-    return;
-chain->qStart = b->qStart;
-chain->tStart = b->tStart;
-b = slLastEl(chain->blockList);
-chain->qEnd = b->qEnd;
-chain->tEnd = b->tEnd;
-boolean removeNegativeBlocks(struct chain *chain)
-/* Removing the partial overlaps occassional results
- * in all of a block being removed.  This routine
- * removes the dried up husks of these blocks 
- * and returns TRUE if it finds any. */
-struct cBlock *newList = NULL, *b, *next;
-boolean gotNeg = FALSE;
-for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = next)
-    {
-    next = b->next;
-    if (b->qStart >= b->qEnd || b->tStart >= b->tEnd)
-	{
-        gotNeg = TRUE;
-	freeMem(b);
-	}
-    else
-        {
-	slAddHead(&newList, b);
-	}
-    }
-chain->blockList = newList;
-if (gotNeg)
-    calcChainBounds(chain);
-return gotNeg;
-void mergeAbutting(struct chain *chain)
-/* Merge together blocks in a chain that abut each
- * other exactly. */
-struct cBlock *newList = NULL, *b, *last = NULL, *next;
-for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = next)
-    {
-    next = b->next;
-    if (last == NULL || last->qEnd != b->qStart || last->tEnd != b->tStart)
-	{
-	slAddHead(&newList, b);
-	last = b;
-	}
-    else
-        {
-	last->qEnd = b->qEnd;
-	last->tEnd = b->tEnd;
-	freeMem(b);
-	}
-    }
-chain->blockList = newList;
-void removePartialOverlaps(struct chain *chain, 
-	struct dnaSeq *qSeq, struct dnaSeq *tSeq, int matrix[256][256])
-/* If adjacent blocks overlap then find crossover points between them. */
-struct cBlock *b, *nextB;
-    {
-    for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = nextB)
-	{
-	nextB = b->next;
-	if (nextB != NULL)
-	    {
-	    int dq = nextB->qStart - b->qEnd;
-	    int dt = nextB->tStart - b->tEnd;
-	    if (dq < 0 || dt < 0)
-	       {
-	       int overlap = -min(dq, dt);
-	       int crossover, invCross, overlapAdjustment;
-	       findCrossover(b, nextB, qSeq, tSeq, overlap, 
-		    &crossover, &overlapAdjustment);
-               nextB->qStart += crossover;
-	       nextB->tStart += crossover*3;
-	       invCross = overlap - crossover;
-	       b->qEnd -= invCross;
-	       b->tEnd -= invCross * 3;
-	       }
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-while (removeNegativeBlocks(chain));
-#ifdef TESTONLY
-void abortChain(struct chain *chain, char *message)
-/* Report chain problem and abort. */
-errAbort("%s tName %s, tStart %d, tEnd %d, qStrand %c, qName %s, qStart %d, qEnd %d", message, chain->tName, chain->tStart, chain->tEnd, chain->qStrand, chain->qName, chain->qStart, chain->qEnd);
-void checkChainScore(struct chain *chain, struct dnaSeq *qSeq, struct dnaSeq *tSeq)
-/* Check that chain score is reasonable. */
-struct cBlock *b;
-int totalBases = 0;
-double maxPerBase = 100, maxScore;
-int gapCount = 0;
-for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = b->next)
-    {
-    int size = b->qEnd - b->qStart;
-    if (size != b->tEnd - b->tStart)
-        abortChain(chain, "q/t size mismatch");
-    totalBases += b->qEnd - b->qStart;
-    ++gapCount;
-    }
-maxScore = totalBases * maxPerBase;
-if (maxScore < chain->score)
-    {
-    int gaplessScore = 0;
-    int oneScore = 0;
-    uglyf("maxScore %f, chainScore %f\n", maxScore, chain->score);
-    for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = b->next)
-        {
-	int size = b->qEnd - b->qStart;
-	oneScore = scoreBlock(qSeq->dna + b->qStart, tSeq->dna + b->tStart, size,>matrix);
-        uglyf(" q %d, t %d, size %d, score %d\n",
-             b->qStart, b->tStart, size, oneScore);
-	gaplessScore += oneScore;
-	}
-    uglyf("gaplessScore %d\n", gaplessScore);
-    abortChain(chain, "score too big");
-    }
-#endif /* TESTONLY */
-double chainScore(struct chain *chain, struct dnaSeq *qSeq, struct dnaSeq *tSeq,
-    int matrix[256][256], int (*gapCost)(int dt, int dq), int *pTotalMisMatch)
-/* Calculate score of chain from scratch looking at blocks. */
-int totalMisMatch = 0;
-int misMatch = 0;
-struct cBlock *b, *a = NULL;
-double score = 0;
-for (b = chain->blockList; b != NULL; b = b->next)
-    {
-    struct dnaSeq *aaSeq;
-    int size = b->qEnd - b->qStart;
-    //score += b->score;
-    //if (a != NULL)
-//	score += a->score;
-//    if (chain->qStrand == '-')
-//	aaSeq = translateSeq(tSeq,  tSeq->size - b->tEnd , FALSE);
- //   else
-	aaSeq = translateSeqN(tSeq,  b->tStart , size * 3, FALSE);
-    score += scoreBlock(qSeq->dna + b->qStart , aaSeq->dna, 
-    	size, matrix, &misMatch);
-    totalMisMatch += misMatch;
-    freeDnaSeq(&aaSeq);
-    if (a != NULL)
-	score -= gapCost(b->tStart - a->tEnd, b->qStart - a->qEnd);
-    a = b;
-    }
-if (pTotalMisMatch)
-    *pTotalMisMatch = totalMisMatch;
-return score;
-void chainPair(struct seqPair *sp,
-	struct dnaSeq *qSeq, struct dnaSeq *tSeq, struct chain **pChainList,
-	FILE *details , struct axtScoreScheme *ss)
-/* Chain up blocks and output. */
-struct chain *chainList, *chain, *next;
-long startTime, dt;
-uglyf("chainPair %s\n", sp->name);
-/* Set up info for connect function. */
-scoreData.qSeq = qSeq;
-scoreData.tSeq = tSeq; = ss;
-// = axtScoreSchemeFromProteinText(blosumText, "blosum62");
-// = axtScoreSchemeProteinDefault();
-// = axtScoreSchemeDefault();
-scoreData.gapPower = 1.0/2.5;
-#if 0 
-/* Score blocks. */
-for (b = sp->blockList; b != NULL; b = b->next)
-    {
-    struct dnaSeq *aaSeq;
-    int size = b->qEnd - b->qStart;
-//    if (sp->qStrand == '-')
-//	aaSeq = translateSeq(tSeq,  tSeq->size - b->tEnd , FALSE);
- //   else
-	aaSeq = translateSeqN(tSeq,  b->tStart , size * 3, FALSE);
-    b->score =  size * axtScoreUngapped(, 
-    	qSeq->dna + b->qStart , aaSeq->dna, size);
-    freeDnaSeq(&aaSeq);
-    }
-/* Get chain list and clean it up a little. */
-startTime = clock1000();
-chainList = chainBlocks(sp->qName, qSeq->size, sp->qStrand, 
-                        sp->tName, tSeq->size, &sp->blockList,
-                        connectCost, gapCost, NULL, details);
-dt = clock1000() - startTime;
-for (chain = chainList; chain != NULL; chain = chain->next)
-    {
-//    removePartialOverlaps(chain, qSeq, tSeq,>matrix);
-//    mergeAbutting(chain);
-//    chain->score = chainScore(chain, qSeq, tSeq,>matrix, gapCost, &misMatch);
- //   chain->id = misMatch;
-    }
-/* Move chains scoring over threshold to master list. */
-for (chain = chainList; chain != NULL; chain = next)
-    {
-    next = chain->next;
-    if (chain->score >= minScore)
-        {
-	slAddHead(pChainList, chain);
-	}
-    else 
-        {
-	chainFree(&chain);
-	}
-    }
-struct hash *createScoreHash(char *scoreName)
-struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(scoreName, TRUE);
-struct hash *scoreHash = newHash(8);
-struct score *score;
-struct dyString *ds = newDyString(1024);
-char *words[8];
-while (lineFileRow(lf, words))
-    {
-    AllocVar(score);
-    dyStringClear(ds);
-    score->tName = cloneString(words[4]);
-    score->strand = words[0][1];
-    score->tStart = atoi(words[5]);
-    score->tEnd = atoi(words[6]);
-    score->qName = cloneString(words[1]);
-    score->qStart = atoi(words[2]);
-    score->qEnd = atoi(words[3]);
-    score->score = atoi(words[7]);
-    dyStringPrintf(ds, "%s%c%s-%d-%d-%d-%d",score->tName, score->strand,
-	    score->qName, score->tStart, score->tEnd, score->qStart, score->qEnd);
-    hashAdd(scoreHash, ds->string, score);
-    // hashAddUnique(scoreHash, ds->string, score);
-    }
-return scoreHash;
-struct seqPair *readPslBlocks(char *pslName, struct hash *scoreHash, struct hash *pairHash)
-/* Read in blast tab file and parse blocks into pairHash */
-struct seqPair *spList = NULL, *sp;
-struct lineFile *lf = pslFileOpen(pslName);
-struct dyString *dy = newDyString(512);
-struct psl *psl;
-struct score *score;
-char strand;
-struct cBlock *b;
-while ((psl = pslNext(lf)) != NULL)
-    {
-    strand = psl->strand[1];
-    dyStringClear(dy);
-    dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s%c%s", psl->qName, strand, psl->tName);
-    sp = hashFindVal(pairHash, dy->string);
-    if (sp == NULL)
-        {
-	AllocVar(sp);
-	slAddHead(&spList, sp);
-	hashAddSaveName(pairHash, dy->string, sp, &sp->name);
-	sp->qName = cloneString(psl->qName);
-	sp->tName = cloneString(psl->tName);
-	sp->qStrand = strand;
-	}
-    AllocVar(b);
-    dyStringClear(dy);
-    dyStringPrintf(dy, "%s%c%s-%d-%d-%d-%d",psl->tName, psl->strand[1],
-	    psl->qName, psl->tStart, psl->tEnd, psl->qStart, psl->qEnd);
-    score = hashFindVal(scoreHash, dy->string);
-    if (score == NULL)
-    {
-	printf("%s not found\n", dy->string);
-	continue;
-	}
-    b->score = score->score;
-    b->qStart = psl->qStart;
-    b->qEnd = psl->qEnd;
-    if (psl->strand[1] == '-')
-	{
-	b->tStart = psl->tSize - psl->tStart;
-	b->tEnd = psl->tSize - psl->tEnd;
-	}
-    else
-	{
-	b->tStart = psl->tStart;
-	b->tEnd = psl->tEnd;
-	}
-    b->data = psl;
-    slAddHead(&sp->blockList, b);
-    sp->axtCount += 1;
-    //pslFree(&psl);
-    }
-slSort(&spList, seqPairCmp);
-return spList;
-unsigned blockSizes[20000];
-unsigned qStarts[20000];
-unsigned tStarts[20000];
-void chainToPsl( struct chain *chainList, FILE *f, FILE *scores)
-struct chain *chain;
-if (!nohead)
-    pslxWriteHead( f, gftProt, gftDnaX);
-for (chain = chainList; chain != NULL; chain = chain->next)
-    {
-    struct psl psl;
-    struct cBlock *b, *a = NULL;
-    int count = 0;
-    int totalSize = 0;
-    if (chain->blockList == NULL)
-	continue;
-    assert(chain->qStart == chain->blockList->qStart 
-	&& chain->tStart == chain->blockList->tStart);
-    memset(&psl, 0, sizeof(psl));
-    psl.misMatch = chain->id;	/* Number of bases that don't match */
-    psl.repMatch =  0;//chain->score;	/* Number of bases that match but are part of repeats */
-    psl.nCount = 0;	/* Number of 'N' bases */
-    psl.qNumInsert = 0;	/* Number of inserts in query */
-    psl.qBaseInsert = 0;	/* Number of bases inserted in query */
-    psl.tNumInsert = 0;	/* Number of inserts in target */
-    psl.tBaseInsert = 0;	/* Number of bases inserted in target */
-    psl.strand[0] = '+';
-    psl.strand[1] = chain->qStrand;	/* + or - for strand */
-    psl.qName =  chain->qName;	/* Query sequence name */
-    psl.qSize = chain->qSize;	/* Query sequence size */
-    psl.qStart = chain->qStart;	/* Alignment start position in query */
-    psl.qEnd = chain->qEnd;	/* Alignment end position in query */
-    psl.tName = chain->tName;	/* Target sequence name */
-    psl.tSize = chain->tSize;	/* Target sequence size */
-    if (chain->qStrand == '-')
-	{
-	psl.tStart = chain->tSize - chain->tEnd;	/* Alignment end position in target */
-	psl.tEnd = chain->tSize - chain->tStart;	/* Alignment start position in target */
-	}
-    else
-	{
-	psl.tStart = chain->tStart;	/* Alignment start position in target */
-	psl.tEnd = chain->tEnd;	/* Alignment end position in target */
-	}
-    psl.blockSizes=blockSizes;	/* Size of each block */
-    psl.qStarts=qStarts;	/* Start of each block in query. */
-    psl.tStarts=tStarts;	/* Start of each block in target. */
-    a = NULL;
-    for (b = chain->blockList, count = 0; b != NULL; b = b->next)
-	{
-	struct psl *ipsl;
-	int ii;
-	ipsl = (struct psl *)b->data;
-	/*
-	if (chain->qStrand == '-')
-	{
-	printf("ipsl %d %d block %d %d\n",ipsl->tSize - ipsl->tStart, ipsl->tSize - ipsl->tEnd,b->tStart,b->tEnd);
-	    tStarts[count]=  b->tEnd;
-	    }
-	else
-	{
-	printf("ipsl %d %d block %d %d\n",ipsl->tStart, ipsl->tEnd,b->tStart,b->tEnd);
-	    tStarts[count]=  b->tStart;
-	    }
-	    */
-	for(ii=0; ii < ipsl->blockCount; count++, ii++)
-	{
-	    tStarts[count]=  ipsl->tStarts[ii];
-	    qStarts[count]=   ipsl->qStarts[ii];
-	    blockSizes[count]= ipsl->blockSizes[ii];
-	    totalSize += blockSizes[count];
-	}
-	/*
-	if (a != NULL)
-	    {
-	    if (b->qStart > a->qEnd + 1)
-		{
-		psl.qNumInsert++;
-		psl.qBaseInsert += b->qStart - a->qEnd;
-		}
-	    if (b->tStart > a->tEnd + 1)
-		{
-		psl.tNumInsert++;
-		psl.tBaseInsert += b->tStart - a->tEnd;
-		}
-	    }
-	    */
-	a = b;
-	}
-    psl.blockCount = count;	/* Number of blocks in alignment */
-    psl.match = totalSize - psl.misMatch;	/* Number of bases that match that aren't repeats */
-    if (chain->qStrand == '-')
-	{
-	psl.tEnd = psl.tSize - psl.tStarts[0];	/* Alignment end position in target */
-	psl.tStart = psl.tSize - (psl.tStarts[psl.blockCount - 1] + 3 * psl.blockSizes[psl.blockCount - 1]);
-	}
-    pslTabOut(&psl, f);
-    fprintf(scores, "%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%g\t%g\n", 
-	    psl.strand, psl.qName, psl.qStart, psl.qEnd,
-	    psl.tName,psl.tStart, psl.tEnd, chain->score , 0.0);
-    }
-void pslChain(char *pslIn, char *scoreIn, char *tNibDir, char *qNibDir, char *matrixName, char *chainOut, char *scoreOut)
-/* pslChain - Chain together axt alignments.. */
-struct hash *pairHash = newHash(0);  /* Hash keyed by qSeq<strand>tSeq */
-struct seqPair *spList = NULL, *sp;
-FILE *f = mustOpen(chainOut, "w");
-FILE *scoreFile = mustOpen(scoreOut, "w");
-char *qName = "",  *tName = "";
-struct dnaSeq *qSeq = NULL, *tSeq = NULL;
-char tStrand = 0;
-struct chain *chainList = NULL;
-FILE *details = NULL;
-struct dnaSeq *seq, *seqList = NULL;
-struct hash *faHash = newHash(0);
-struct lineFile *faF;
-struct axtScoreScheme *ss;  /* Scoring scheme. */
-int size;
-char *name;
-DNA *dna;
-struct hash *scoreHash;
-if (detailsName != NULL)
-    details = mustOpen(detailsName, "w");
-/* Read input file and divide alignments into various parts. */
-scoreHash = createScoreHash(scoreIn);
-spList = readPslBlocks(pslIn, scoreHash, pairHash);
-faF = lineFileOpen(qNibDir, 0);
-while ( faMixedSpeedReadNext(faF, &dna, &size, &name))
-    {
-    seq = newDnaSeq(cloneString(dna), size, name);
-    hashAdd(faHash, seq->name, seq);
-    slAddHead(&seqList, seq);
-    }
-ss = axtScoreSchemeProteinRead(matrixName);
-for (sp = spList; sp != NULL; sp = sp->next)
-    {
-    slReverse(&sp->blockList);
-    removeOverlaps(&sp->blockList);
-    uglyf("%d blocks after duplicate removal\n", slCount(sp->blockList));
-    assert (faHash != NULL);
-    loadIfNewSeq(tNibDir, sp->tName, sp->qStrand, &tName, &tSeq, &tStrand);
-    loadFaSeq(faHash, sp->qName, tSeq->size, &qName, &qSeq);
-    /* since we don't have the target segment size at read in */
-    /*
-    if (sp->qStrand == '-')
-	{
-	struct cBlock *b;
-	for (b = sp->blockList; b != NULL; b = b->next)
-	    {
-		b->tStart = tSeq->size - b->tStart - 1;
-		b->tEnd = tSeq->size - b->tEnd - 1;
-	    }
-	}
-	*/
-    chainPair(sp, qSeq, tSeq, &chainList, details, ss);
-    }
-slSort(&chainList, chainCmpScore);
-chainToPsl( chainList, f, scoreFile);
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-/* Process command line. */
-optionHash(&argc, argv);
-minScore = optionInt("minScore", minScore);
-detailsName = optionVal("details", NULL);
-gapFileName = optionVal("linearGap", NULL);
-nohead = optionExists("nohead");
-// testGaps();
-if (argc != 8)
-    usage();
-pslChain(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6], argv[7]);
-return 0;