src/hg/encode/encodeDownloadsPage/ 1.26
1.26 2010/02/09 19:04:45 tdreszer
Added file count at end of html page, by QA request.
Index: src/hg/encode/encodeDownloadsPage/
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/encode/encodeDownloadsPage/,v
retrieving revision 1.25
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.25 -r1.26
--- src/hg/encode/encodeDownloadsPage/ 27 Jan 2010 22:22:34 -0000 1.25
+++ src/hg/encode/encodeDownloadsPage/ 9 Feb 2010 19:04:45 -0000 1.26
@@ -96,8 +96,9 @@
local *OUT_FILE = shift;
print OUT_FILE "\n<HR>\n";
+ print OUT_FILE @_;
print OUT_FILE "</BODY></HTML>\n";
sub cmpRows {
@@ -357,9 +358,9 @@
my $submitDate = "";
my %metaData;
### TODO: Developer: set sort order here; sortables must have same number of strings and '~' is lowest val printable
- my @sortFields = ("cell","dataType","rnaExtract","localization","fragSize","mapAlgorithm","ripAntibody","ripTgtProtein","treatment","antibody","protocol","input","lab","type","view","level","annotation","replicate","subId");
+ my @sortFields = ("cell","dataType","rnaExtract","localization","fragSize","mapAlgorithm","ripAntibody","ripTgtProtein","treatment","antibody","protocol","input","lab","type","view","level","annotation","rank","replicate","subId");
my @sortables = map( "~", (1..scalar(@sortFields))); # just has to have a tilde for each field
my $typePrefix = "";
my $results = $db->quickQuery("select type from $database.trackDb where tableName = '$tableName'");
if($results) {
@@ -515,10 +516,11 @@
printf TEXT_FILE "%s\tsize=%s; dateSubmitted=%s; %s\n", $fileName, $file[2], $submitDate, $details;
print OUT_FILE "</TABLE>\n";
+my $conclusion = "<i>" . scalar(@rows) . " files</i>\n";
close TEXT_FILE;
# create file of checksums
if (defined $opt_checksum) {