src/hg/js/jquery.autocomplete.js 1.1
1.1 2010/02/04 22:47:57 larrym
version 1.4.2 downloaded from
Index: src/hg/js/jquery.autocomplete.js
RCS file: src/hg/js/jquery.autocomplete.js
diff -N src/hg/js/jquery.autocomplete.js
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ src/hg/js/jquery.autocomplete.js 4 Feb 2010 22:47:57 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+ * Extending jQuery with autocomplete
+ * Version: 1.4.2
+ * Author: Yanik Gleyzer (clonyara)
+ */
+(function($) {
+// some key codes
+ var RETURN = 13;
+ var TAB = 9;
+ var ESC = 27;
+ var ARRLEFT = 37;
+ var ARRUP = 38;
+ var ARRRIGHT = 39;
+ var ARRDOWN = 40;
+ var BACKSPACE = 8;
+ var DELETE = 46;
+function debug(s){
+ $('#info').append(htmlspecialchars(s)+'<br>');
+// getting caret position obj: {start,end}
+function getCaretPosition(obj){
+ var start = -1;
+ var end = -1;
+ if(typeof obj.selectionStart != "undefined"){
+ start = obj.selectionStart;
+ end = obj.selectionEnd;
+ }
+ else if(document.selection&&document.selection.createRange){
+ var M=document.selection.createRange();
+ var Lp;
+ try{
+ Lp = M.duplicate();
+ Lp.moveToElementText(obj);
+ }catch(e){
+ Lp=obj.createTextRange();
+ }
+ Lp.setEndPoint("EndToStart",M);
+ start=Lp.text.length;
+ if(start>obj.value.length)
+ start = -1;
+ Lp.setEndPoint("EndToStart",M);
+ end=Lp.text.length;
+ if(end>obj.value.length)
+ end = -1;
+ }
+ return {'start':start,'end':end};
+// set caret to
+function setCaret(obj,l){
+ obj.focus();
+ if (obj.setSelectionRange){
+ obj.setSelectionRange(l,l);
+ }
+ else if(obj.createTextRange){
+ m = obj.createTextRange();
+ m.moveStart('character',l);
+ m.collapse();
+ }
+// prepare array with velued objects
+// required properties are id and value
+// rest of properties remaines
+function prepareArray(jsondata){
+ var new_arr = [];
+ for(var i=0;i<jsondata.length;i++){
+ if(jsondata[i].id != undefined && jsondata[i].value != undefined){
+ jsondata[i].id = jsondata[i].id+"";
+ jsondata[i].value = jsondata[i].value+"";
+ if(jsondata[i].info != undefined)
+ jsondata[i].info = jsondata[i].info+"";
+ new_arr.push(jsondata[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return new_arr;
+// php analogs
+function escapearg(s){
+ if(s == undefined || !s) return '';
+ return s.replace('\\','\\\\').
+ replace('*','\\*').
+ replace('.','\\.').
+ replace('/','\\/');
+function htmlspecialchars(s){
+ if(s == undefined || !s) return '';
+ return s.replace('&','&').
+ replace('<','<').
+ replace('>','>');
+function ltrim(s){
+ if(s == undefined || !s) return '';
+ return s.replace(/^\s+/g,'');
+// extending jQuery
+$.fn.autocomplete = function(options){ return this.each(function(){
+ // take me
+ var me = $(this);
+ var me_this = $(this).get(0);
+ // test for supported text elements
+ if(!'input:text,input:password,textarea'))
+ return;
+ // get or ajax_get required!
+ if(!options && (!$.isFunction(options.get) || !options.ajax_get)){
+ return;
+ }
+ // check plugin enabled
+ if(me.attr('jqac') == 'on') return;
+ // plugin on!
+ me.attr('jqac','on');
+ // no browser's autocomplete!
+ me.attr('autocomplete','off');
+ // default options
+ options = $.extend({
+ delay : 500 ,
+ timeout : 5000 ,
+ minchars : 3 ,
+ multi : false ,
+ cache : true ,
+ height : 150 ,
+ autowidth : false ,
+ noresults : 'No results'
+ },
+ options);
+ // bind key events
+ // handle special keys here
+ me.keydown(function(ev){
+ switch(ev.which){
+ // return choose highlighted item or default propogate
+ case RETURN:
+ if(!suggestions_menu) return true;
+ else setHighlightedValue();
+ return false;
+ // escape clears menu
+ case ESC:
+ clearSuggestions();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ me.keypress(function(ev){
+ // ev.which doesn't work here - it always returns 0
+ switch(ev.keyCode){
+ case RETURN: case ESC:
+ return false;
+ // up changes highlight
+ case ARRUP:
+ changeHighlight(ev.keyCode);
+ return false;
+ // down changes highlight or open new menu
+ case ARRDOWN:
+ if(!suggestions_menu) getSuggestions(getUserInput());
+ else changeHighlight(ev.keyCode);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ // handle normal characters here
+ me.keyup(function(ev) {
+ switch(ev.which) {
+ case RETURN: case ESC: case ARRLEFT: case ARRRIGHT: case ARRUP: case ARRDOWN:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ getSuggestions(getUserInput());
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ // init variables
+ var user_input = "";
+ var input_chars_size = 0;
+ var suggestions = [];
+ var current_highlight = 0;
+ var suggestions_menu = false;
+ var suggestions_list = false;
+ var loading_indicator = false;
+ var clearSuggestionsTimer = false;
+ var getSuggestionsTimer = false;
+ var showLoadingTimer = false;
+ var zIndex = me.css('z-index');
+ // get user input
+ function getUserInput(){
+ var val = me.val();
+ if(options.multi){
+ var pos = getCaretPosition(me_this);
+ var start = pos.start;
+ for(;start>0 && val.charAt(start-1) != ',';start--){}
+ var end = pos.start;
+ for(;end<val.length && val.charAt(end) != ',';end++){}
+ var val = val.substr(start,end-start);
+ }
+ return ltrim(val);
+ }
+ // set suggestion
+ function setSuggestion(val){
+ user_input = val;
+ if(options.multi){
+ var orig = me.val();
+ var pos = getCaretPosition(me_this);
+ var start = pos.start;
+ for(;start>0 && orig.charAt(start-1) != ',';start--){}
+ var end = pos.start;
+ for(;end<orig.length && orig.charAt(end) != ',';end++){}
+ var new_val = orig.substr(0,start) + (start>0?' ':'') + val + orig.substr(end);
+ me.val(new_val);
+ setCaret(me_this,start + val.length + (start>0?1:0));
+ }
+ else{
+ me_this.focus();
+ me.val(val);
+ }
+ }
+ // get suggestions
+ function getSuggestions(val){
+ // input length is less than the min required to trigger a request
+ // reset input string
+ // do nothing
+ if (val.length < options.minchars){
+ clearSuggestions();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // if caching enabled, and user is typing (ie. length of input is increasing)
+ // filter results out of suggestions from last request
+ if (options.cache && val.length > input_chars_size && suggestions.length){
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i=0;i<suggestions.length;i++){
+ var re = new RegExp("("+escapearg(val)+")",'ig');
+ if(re.exec(suggestions[i].value))
+ arr.push( suggestions[i] );
+ }
+ user_input = val;
+ input_chars_size = val.length;
+ suggestions = arr;
+ createList(suggestions);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else{// do new request
+ clearTimeout(getSuggestionsTimer);
+ user_input = val;
+ input_chars_size = val.length;
+ getSuggestionsTimer = setTimeout(
+ function(){
+ suggestions = [];
+ // call pre callback, if exists
+ if($.isFunction(options.pre_callback))
+ options.pre_callback();
+ // call get
+ if($.isFunction(options.get)){
+ suggestions = prepareArray(options.get(val));
+ createList(suggestions);
+ }
+ // call AJAX get
+ else if($.isFunction(options.ajax_get)){
+ clearSuggestions();
+ showLoadingTimer = setTimeout(show_loading,options.delay);
+ options.ajax_get(val,ajax_continuation);
+ }
+ },
+ options.delay );
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ // AJAX continuation
+ function ajax_continuation(jsondata){
+ hide_loading();
+ suggestions = prepareArray(jsondata);
+ createList(suggestions);
+ }
+ // shows loading indicator
+ function show_loading(){
+ if(!loading_indicator){
+ loading_indicator = $('<div class="jqac-menu"><div class="jqac-loading">Loading</div></div>').get(0);
+ $(loading_indicator).css('position','absolute');
+ var pos = me.offset();
+ $(loading_indicator).css('left', pos.left + "px");
+ $(loading_indicator).css('top', ( + me.height() + 2 ) + "px");
+ if(!options.autowidth)
+ $(loading_indicator).width(me.width());
+ $('body').append(loading_indicator);
+ }
+ $(loading_indicator).show();
+ setTimeout(hide_loading,10000);
+ }
+ // hides loading indicator
+ function hide_loading(){
+ if(loading_indicator)
+ $(loading_indicator).hide();
+ clearTimeout(showLoadingTimer);
+ }
+ // create suggestions list
+ function createList(arr){
+ if(suggestions_menu)
+ $(suggestions_menu).remove();
+ hide_loading();
+ killTimeout();
+ // create holding div
+ suggestions_menu = $('<div class="jqac-menu"></div>').get(0);
+ // ovveride some necessary CSS properties
+ $(suggestions_menu).css({'position':'absolute',
+ 'z-index':zIndex,
+ 'max-height':options.height+'px',
+ 'overflow-y':'auto'});
+ // create and populate ul
+ suggestions_list = $('<ul></ul>').get(0);
+ // set some CSS's
+ $(suggestions_list).
+ css('list-style','none').
+ css('margin','0px').
+ css('padding','2px').
+ css('overflow','hidden');
+ // regexp for replace
+ var re = new RegExp("("+escapearg(htmlspecialchars(user_input))+")",'ig');
+ // loop throught arr of suggestions creating an LI element for each suggestion
+ for (var i=0;i<arr.length;i++){
+ var val = new String(arr[i].value);
+ // using RE
+ var output = htmlspecialchars(val).replace(re,'<em>$1</em>');
+ // using substr
+ //var st = val.toLowerCase().indexOf( user_input.toLowerCase() );
+ //var len = user_input.length;
+ //var output = val.substring(0,st)+"<em>"+val.substring(st,st+len)+"</em>"+val.substring(st+len);
+ var span = $('<span class="jqac-link">'+output+'</span>').get(0);
+ if (arr[i].info != undefined && arr[i].info != ""){
+ $(span).append($('<div class="jqac-info">'+arr[i].info+'</div>'));
+ }
+ $(span).attr('name',i+1);
+ $(span).click(function () { setHighlightedValue(); });
+ $(span).mouseover(function () { setHighlight($(this).attr('name'),true); });
+ var li = $('<li></li>').get(0);
+ $(li).append(span);
+ $(suggestions_list).append(li);
+ }
+ // no results
+ if (arr.length == 0){
+ $(suggestions_list).append('<li class="jqac-warning">'+options.noresults+'</li>');
+ }
+ $(suggestions_menu).append(suggestions_list);
+ // get position of target textfield
+ // position holding div below it
+ // set width of holding div to width of field
+ var pos = me.offset();
+ $(suggestions_menu).css('left', pos.left + "px");
+ $(suggestions_menu).css('top', ( + me.height() + 2 ) + "px");
+ if(!options.autowidth)
+ $(suggestions_menu).width(me.width());
+ // set mouseover functions for div
+ // when mouse pointer leaves div, set a timeout to remove the list after an interval
+ // when mouse enters div, kill the timeout so the list won't be removed
+ $(suggestions_menu).mouseover(function(){ killTimeout() });
+ $(suggestions_menu).mouseout(function(){ resetTimeout() });
+ // add DIV to document
+ $('body').append(suggestions_menu);
+ // bgIFRAME support
+ if($.fn.bgiframe)
+ $(suggestions_menu).bgiframe({height: suggestions_menu.scrollHeight});
+ // adjust height: add +20 for scrollbar
+ if(suggestions_menu.scrollHeight > options.height){
+ $(suggestions_menu).height(options.height);
+ $(suggestions_menu).width($(suggestions_menu).width()+20);
+ }
+ // currently no item is highlighted
+ current_highlight = 0;
+ // remove list after an interval
+ clearSuggestionsTimer = setTimeout(function () { clearSuggestions() }, options.timeout);
+ };
+ // set highlighted value
+ function setHighlightedValue(){
+ if(current_highlight && suggestions[current_highlight-1]){
+ var sugg = suggestions[ current_highlight-1 ];
+ if(sugg.affected_value != undefined && sugg.affected_value != '')
+ setSuggestion(sugg.affected_value);
+ else
+ setSuggestion(sugg.value);
+ // pass selected object to callback function, if exists
+ if ($.isFunction(options.callback))
+ options.callback( suggestions[current_highlight-1] );
+ clearSuggestions();
+ }
+ };
+ // change highlight according to key
+ function changeHighlight(key){
+ if(!suggestions_list || suggestions.length == 0) return false;
+ var n;
+ if (key == ARRDOWN)
+ n = current_highlight + 1;
+ else if (key == ARRUP)
+ n = current_highlight - 1;
+ if (n > $(suggestions_list).children().size())
+ n = 1;
+ if (n < 1)
+ n = $(suggestions_list).children().size();
+ setHighlight(n);
+ };
+ // change highlight
+ function setHighlight(n,mouse_mode){
+ if (!suggestions_list) return false;
+ if (current_highlight > 0) clearHighlight();
+ current_highlight = Number(n);
+ var li = $(suggestions_list).children().get(current_highlight-1);
+ li.className = 'jqac-highlight';
+ // for mouse mode don't adjust scroll! prevent scrolling jumps
+ if(!mouse_mode) adjustScroll(li);
+ killTimeout();
+ };
+ // clear highlight
+ function clearHighlight(){
+ if (!suggestions_list)return false;
+ if (current_highlight > 0){
+ $(suggestions_list).children().get(current_highlight-1).className = '';
+ current_highlight = 0;
+ }
+ };
+ // clear suggestions list
+ function clearSuggestions(){
+ killTimeout();
+ if(suggestions_menu){
+ $(suggestions_menu).remove();
+ suggestions_menu = false;
+ suggestions_list = false;
+ current_highlight = 0;
+ }
+ };
+ // set scroll
+ function adjustScroll(el){
+ if(!suggestions_menu) return false;
+ var viewportHeight = suggestions_menu.clientHeight;
+ var wholeHeight = suggestions_menu.scrollHeight;
+ var scrolled = suggestions_menu.scrollTop;
+ var elTop = el.offsetTop;
+ var elBottom = elTop + el.offsetHeight;
+ if(elBottom > scrolled + viewportHeight){
+ suggestions_menu.scrollTop = elBottom - viewportHeight;
+ }
+ else if(elTop < scrolled){
+ suggestions_menu.scrollTop = elTop;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // timeout funcs
+ function killTimeout(){
+ clearTimeout(clearSuggestionsTimer);
+ };
+ function resetTimeout(){
+ clearTimeout(clearSuggestionsTimer);
+ clearSuggestionsTimer = setTimeout(function () { clearSuggestions() }, 1000);
+ };