src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/README 1.100

1.100 2010/02/04 01:06:13 kent
Tweaking MATRIX section a bit as per Angie's suggestions.
Index: src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/README
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/README,v
retrieving revision 1.99
retrieving revision 1.100
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.99 -r1.100
--- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/README	3 Feb 2010 23:25:31 -0000	1.99
+++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/README	4 Feb 2010 01:06:13 -0000	1.100
@@ -666,11 +666,12 @@
 Composite Tracks can be organized into a matrix of X and Y Dimensions of
-subtracks.  This method of organization also may include a "view" subGroup.
-The organization is achieved with a dimensions setting which refers to
-subgroups already defined. Example:
+subtracks.  This method of organization also may include a "view" subGroup,
+described in the VIEW section below. The matrix organization is achieved with
+a demension setting which refers to subgroups already defined. Example:
+    subGroup1 view View tags=Tags depth=Coverage_Depth
     subGroup2 cellType Cell_Type ES=ES MEF=MEF NP=NP EShyb=ES-hybrid
     subGroup3 factor Factor K4=H3K4me3 K9=H3K9me3 K20=H4K20me3 K27=H3K27me3 K36=H3K36me3 PAN=pan-H3 WCE=WCE RPOL=RPol-II
     dimensions dimensionX=cellType dimensionY=factor
 This will result in a composite track configuration page with a matrix of
@@ -689,9 +690,9 @@
     dimensionBchecked protA,protB
 This setting says that replicate 1 and protocols A and B are checked by default but
 all other replicates and protocols are unchecked by default.
 A composite track may have subtracks with similar data subtracks which have
 different types or views. For instance, ChIP-seq tracks may cover raw aligns,
 a signal track and called peaks.  The aligns may be 'bed 3', peaks 'bed 5 +'
@@ -744,9 +745,8 @@
 particular the value of the view tag needs to be the same as the right hand in the var=value pair
 of the subGroup, and the same as the left hand side of the var=val pair in the subGroup1.
 Each view (Sig, Aln) will be controlled by a separate drop down
-where each view (Hmm,Win,Sig,Aln) will be controlled by a separate drop down
 (hide,dense,...) and auxilary controls.  All subtracks for a given view must
 be of the same track type.  Each subtrack of a multi-view should have all the proper settings 
 for the subtrack type.