src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/trackDb.ra 1.603

1.603 2010/02/05 00:14:55 kuhn
moved all oryLat2 chains and nets to composite and dropped individual tracks
Index: src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/trackDb.ra
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/trackDb.ra,v
retrieving revision 1.602
retrieving revision 1.603
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.602 -r1.603
--- src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/trackDb.ra	4 Feb 2010 22:07:27 -0000	1.602
+++ src/hg/makeDb/trackDb/trackDb.ra	5 Feb 2010 00:14:55 -0000	1.603
@@ -2093,33 +2093,8 @@
 spectrum on
 type netAlign fr2 chainFr2
 otherDb fr2
-# release beta until composite chainNetTetNig1 track becomes the default
-track chainTetNig1
-release beta
-shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
-longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date/$o_db) Chained Alignments
-group compGeno
-priority 150
-visibility hide
-color 100,50,0
-altColor 255,240,200
-spectrum on
-type chain tetNig1
-otherDb tetNig1
-track netTetNig1
-release beta
-shortLabel $o_Organism Net
-longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date/$o_db) Alignment Net
-group compGeno
-priority 150.1
-visibility hide
-spectrum on
-type netAlign tetNig1 chainTetNig1
-otherDb tetNig1
 # release beta until composite danRer5 tracks become the default
 track chainDanRer5
 release beta
 shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
@@ -2267,64 +2242,8 @@
 spectrum on
 type netAlign petMar1 chainPetMar1
 otherDb petMar1
-# release beta until composite oryLat2 tracks become the default
-track chainOryLat2
-release beta
-shortLabel $o_Organism Chain
-longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date/$o_db) Chained Alignments
-group compGeno
-priority 165.49
-visibility hide
-color 100,50,0
-altColor 255,240,200
-matrix 16 91,-90,-25,-100,-90,100,-100,-25,-25,-100,100,-90,-100,-25,-90,91
-matrixHeader A, C, G, T
-spectrum on
-type chain oryLat2
-otherDb oryLat2
-# release beta until composite oryLat2 tracks become the default
-track netOryLat2
-release beta
-shortLabel $o_Organism Net
-longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date/$o_db) Alignment Net
-group compGeno
-priority 165.50
-visibility hide
-spectrum on
-type netAlign oryLat2 chainOryLat2
-otherDb oryLat2
-# release beta until composite oryLat1 tracks become the default
-#	at which point all this should be removed
-track chainOryLat1
-release beta
-shortLabel $o_Organism Chain 
-longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date/$o_db) Chained Alignments
-group compGeno
-priority 165.49
-visibility hide
-color 100,50,0
-altColor 255,240,200
-matrix 16 91,-90,-25,-100,-90,100,-100,-25,-25,-100,100,-90,-100,-25,-90,91
-matrixHeader A, C, G, T
-spectrum on
-type chain oryLat1
-otherDb oryLat1
-track netOryLat1
-release beta
-shortLabel $o_Organism Net
-longLabel $o_Organism ($o_date/$o_db) Alignment Net
-group compGeno
-priority 165.50
-visibility hide
-spectrum on
-type netAlign oryLat1 chainOryLat1
-otherDb oryLat1
 # release beta until composite anoCar1 tracks become the default
 track chainAnoCar1
 release beta
 shortLabel $o_Organism Chain