src/utils/qa/findLevel.csh 1.20

1.20 2010/02/04 22:26:21 ann
cheap fix to find more-or-less only the track you're looking for. the better way to fix this would be to figure out the quotes, and include the tableName in the tdbQuery statement.
Index: src/utils/qa/findLevel.csh
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/utils/qa/findLevel.csh,v
retrieving revision 1.19
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.19 -r1.20
--- src/utils/qa/findLevel.csh	2 Feb 2010 00:29:51 -0000	1.19
+++ src/utils/qa/findLevel.csh	4 Feb 2010 22:26:21 -0000	1.20
@@ -98,27 +98,27 @@
 # find the trackDb.ra entry (using tdbQuery)
 echo " * trackDb:"
 set all=`tdbQuery "select track,priority,visibility,release,filePos from $db" \
- | grep -w -A4 "$tableName"`
+ | grep -w -A4 "track $tableName"`
 # print this output
 tdbQuery "select track,priority,visibility,release,filePos from $db" \
- | grep -w -A4 "$tableName"
+ | grep -w -A4 "track $tableName"
 set strict=`tdbQuery -strict "select track,priority,visibility,release,filePos from $db" \
- | grep -w -A4 "$tableName"`
+ | grep -w -A4 "track $tableName"`
 set alpha=`tdbQuery -alpha "select track,priority,visibility,release,filePos from $db" \
- | grep -w -A4 "$tableName"`
+ | grep -w -A4 "track $tableName"`
 if ( "$all" != "$strict" ) then
  # print strict
  tdbQuery -strict "select track,priority,visibility,release,filePos from $db" \
- | grep -w -A4 "$tableName"
+ | grep -w -A4 "track $tableName"
 if ( "$alpha" != "$all" && "$alpha" != "$strict" ) then
  # print alpha
  tdbQuery -alpha "select track,priority,visibility,release,filePos from $db" \
- | grep -w -A4 "$tableName"
+ | grep -w -A4 "track $tableName"
 exit 0