src/utils/qa/weeklybld/doNewBranch.csh 1.34

1.34 2010/02/10 19:55:21 galt
re-arranging to run utils early
Index: src/utils/qa/weeklybld/doNewBranch.csh
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/utils/qa/weeklybld/doNewBranch.csh,v
retrieving revision 1.33
retrieving revision 1.34
diff -b -B -U 4 -r1.33 -r1.34
--- src/utils/qa/weeklybld/doNewBranch.csh	10 Nov 2009 06:29:19 -0000	1.33
+++ src/utils/qa/weeklybld/doNewBranch.csh	10 Feb 2010 19:55:21 -0000	1.34
@@ -87,8 +87,16 @@
 #echo debug: disabled buildCvsReports
 ssh -n hgwdev $WEEKLYBLD/buildCvsReports.csh branch real >& doNewCvs.log &
 # note - we are now running it in the background on hgwdev
+echo  "NOW STARTING 32-BIT BUILD ON $BOX32 IN PARALLEL [${0}: `date`]"
+rm -f doNew32.log
+#echo debug: disabled parallel build 32bit utils on dev
+ssh -n $BOX32 "$WEEKLYBLD/doNewBranch32.csh opensesame" >& doNew32.log &
 echo "Unpack the new branch on BUILDDIR for beta [${0}: `date`]"
 #unpack the new branch on BUILDDIR for beta
@@ -100,8 +108,20 @@
     exit 1
+# make the utils earlier in case it affects the other make steps
+echo "Build utils on beta [${0}: `date`]"
+#echo debug: disabled build utils on beta
+if ( $status ) then
+    echo "Build utils on beta FAILED [${0}: `date`]"
+    echo "Waiting for any other processes to finish"
+    wait
+    exit 1
 echo "Build branch sandbox on beta [${0}: `date`]"
 # build branch sandbox on beta
 #echo debug: disabled build branch sandbox on beta
@@ -118,8 +138,9 @@
 echo "v$BRANCHNN built successfully on beta (day 9)." | mail -s "'v$BRANCHNN Build complete on beta (day 9).'" $USER galt kent browser-qa
 echo "Waiting for the background beta:cvs-reports to finish [${0}: `date`]"
+echo "Waiting for the background ${BOX32}:doNewBranch32.csh to finish [${0}: `date`]"
 echo "Wait complete, checking results. [${0}: `date`]"
 if ( -e CvsReports.ok ) then
     echo "CVS Reports finished ok. [${0}: `date`]"
@@ -127,34 +148,9 @@
     echo "Ready for pairings, day 9, CVS reports completed for v${BRANCHNN} review (history at" | mail -s "Ready for pairings (day 9, v${BRANCHNN} review)." $USER donnak kuhn
     echo "CVS Reports had some error, no ok file found. [${0}: `date`]"
-echo  "NOW STARTING 32-BIT BUILD ON $BOX32 IN PARALLEL [${0}: `date`]"
-rm -f doNew32.log
-#echo debug: disabled parallel build 32bit utils on dev
-ssh -n $BOX32 "$WEEKLYBLD/doNewBranch32.csh opensesame" >& doNew32.log &
-echo "Build utils on beta [${0}: `date`]"
-#echo debug: disabled build utils on beta
-if ( $status ) then
-    echo "Build utils on beta FAILED [${0}: `date`]"
-    echo "Waiting for any other processes to finish"
-    wait
-    exit 1
-echo "Waiting for the background ${BOX32}:doNewBranch32.csh to finish [${0}: `date`]"
-echo "Wait complete, checking results. [${0}: `date`]"
 if (-e 32bitUtils.ok) then
     echo "32-bit utils build finished ok. [${0}: `date`]"
     echo "32-bit utils build had some error, no ok file found. [${0}: `date`]"