src/hg/encode/encodeDownloadsPage/ 1.26

1.26 2010/02/09 19:04:45 tdreszer
Added file count at end of html page, by QA request.
Index: src/hg/encode/encodeDownloadsPage/
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/encode/encodeDownloadsPage/,v
retrieving revision 1.25
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.25 -r1.26
--- src/hg/encode/encodeDownloadsPage/	27 Jan 2010 22:22:34 -0000	1.25
+++ src/hg/encode/encodeDownloadsPage/	9 Feb 2010 19:04:45 -0000	1.26
@@ -1,537 +1,539 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env perl
 # - generates a webpage for all tgz downloadable files in a directory.
 #                          The first portion of the file name (delimieted by '.') should be the
 #                          corresponding tableName in order to look up the dateReleased in trackDb.
 #                          Called by automated submission pipeline
 # $Header$
 use warnings;
 use strict;
 use File::stat;
 use File::Basename;
 use Getopt::Long;
 use Time::Local;
 use English;
 use Carp qw(cluck);
 use Cwd;
 use IO::File;
 use File::Basename;
 use lib "/cluster/bin/scripts";
 use Encode;
 use HgAutomate;
 use HgDb;
 use vars qw/
 our $checksumFile = "md5sum.txt";
 our $textFile = "files.txt";    # plain text file list with metadata
 sub usage {
     print STDERR <<END;
 usage: {index.html} [downloads-dir]
 Creates an HTML page and README text file listing the downloads in the current directory or optional directory.
     -help               Displays this usage info
     -checksum           Generate checksum file
     -preamble=file      File containing introductory information (written in HTML) that will be included in this file (default preamble.html)
     -db=hg18            Use a database other than the default hg18 (For aquiring releaseDate and metadata from trackDb)
     -fileType=mask	    mask for file types included (default '*.gz')
     -verbose=num        Set verbose level to num (default 1).
 exit 1;
 sub htmlStartPage {
 # prints the opening of the html downloads index.html file
     #local *OUT_FILE = shift;
     local *OUT_FILE = shift;
     my ($filePath,$fileName,$preamble) = @_;
     my ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $filePath, 1 );
     my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir( $directories );
     print OUT_FILE "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\">\n";
     print OUT_FILE "<HTML>\n";
     print OUT_FILE " <HEAD>\n";
     print OUT_FILE "  <TITLE>Index of $dirs[-1]</TITLE>\n";
     print OUT_FILE " </HEAD>\n";
     print OUT_FILE " <BODY>\n";
     print OUT_FILE "<IMG SRC=\"/icons/back.gif\" ALT=\"[DIR]\"> <A HREF=\"../\">Parent Directory</A><BR>\n\n";
 # The following doesn't do any good because we want to sort, not drag and drop!
 #    # my ($second, $minute, $hour, $dayOfMonth, $month, $yearOffset, $dayOfWeek, $dayOfYear, $daylightSavings) = localtime();
 #    my (undef, $minute, $hour, $dayOfMonth, undef, undef, undef, $dayOfYear, undef) = localtime();
 #    print OUT_FILE "<script type='text/javascript' src='../js/jquery.js?v=" . $dayOfYear . $dayOfMonth . $hour . $minute . "'></script>\n";
 #    print OUT_FILE "<noscript><b>Your browser does not support JavaScript so some functionality may be missing!</b></noscript>\n";
 #    print OUT_FILE "<script type='text/javascript' src='../js/jquery.tablednd.js?v=" . $dayOfYear . $dayOfMonth . $hour . $minute . "'></script>\n";
     my $hasPreamble = 0;
     if($preamble && length($preamble) > 0) { # TODO check that prolog exists
         if(open( PREAMBLE, "$filePath/$preamble")) {
             $hasPreamble = 1;
             print OUT_FILE <PREAMBLE>;
     if(!$hasPreamble) {
         print OUT_FILE "<p>This directory contains data files available for download.</p>\n\n";
     print OUT_FILE "<HR>\n\n";
 sub htmlEndPage {
 # prints closing of the html downloads index.html file
     local *OUT_FILE = shift;
     print OUT_FILE "\n<HR>\n";
+    print OUT_FILE @_;
     print OUT_FILE "</BODY></HTML>\n";
 sub cmpRows {
 # Compares the sortable fields of a pair of rows
     my ($aSortables,undef) = split(/\|/,$a,2);
     my ($bSortables,undef) = split(/\|/,$b,2);
     my @As = split(/ /,$aSortables);
     my @Bs = split(/ /,$bSortables);
     my $ret = 0;
     my $ix=0;
     while($ret == 0 && $As[$ix] && $Bs[$ix]) {
         $ret = ( $As[$ix] cmp $Bs[$ix] );
     return $ret;
 sub sortAndPrintHtmlTableRows {
     local *OUT_FILE = shift;
     my @rows = sort cmpRows @_;
     while(my $line = shift @rows) {
         my ( undef,$row ) = split(/\|/, $line,2);
         print OUT_FILE $row;
 # prints a row closing of an html table
 sub sortableHtmlRow {
 # returns a table row ready to print but prepended by sortable columns
     my ($sortablesRef,$file,$size,$date,$releaseDate,$metaData) = @_;
     my @sortables  = @{$sortablesRef};
     my $row =join(" ", @sortables);
     $row .= "|";
     if($releaseDate && length($releaseDate) > 0) {
         $row .= "<TR valign='top'><TD align='left'>&nbsp;&nbsp;$releaseDate";
     } else {
         $row .= "<TR valign='top'><TD align='left'>&nbsp;";
     $row .= "<TD><A type='application/zip' target='_blank' HREF=\"$file\">$file</A>";
     $row .= "<TD align='right'>&nbsp;&nbsp;$size<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;$date&nbsp;&nbsp;";
     if($metaData && length($metaData) > 0) {
         $row .= "<TD nowrap>$metaData";
         # Find cell,dataType,antibody,lab,type,subId
         # Alternative would be to package up all of the javascript sort code and then make individual columns for sortable metadata
     $row .= "</TR>\n";
 sub htmlTableRow {
 # prints a row closing of an html table
     local *OUT_FILE = shift;
     my ($file,$size,$date,$releaseDate,$metaData) = @_;
     if($releaseDate && length($releaseDate) > 0) {
         print OUT_FILE "<TR valign='top'><TD align='left'>&nbsp;&nbsp;$releaseDate\n";
     } else {
         print OUT_FILE "<TR valign='top'><TD align='left'>&nbsp;\n";
     print OUT_FILE "<TD><A type='application/zip' target='_blank' HREF=\"$file\">$file</A>\n";
     print OUT_FILE "<TD align='right'>&nbsp;&nbsp;$size<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;$date&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";
     if($metaData && length($metaData) > 0) {
         print OUT_FILE "<TD nowrap>$metaData\n";
     print OUT_FILE "</TR>\n";
 sub metadataArraysRemoveHash {
 # Removes members of hash from metadata Arrays
     my ($tagsRef,$valsRef,$removeRef) = @_;
     my @tags = @{$tagsRef};
     my @vals = @{$valsRef};
     my %remove = %{$removeRef};
     my @tagsOk;
     my @valsOk;
     my $nix = 0;
     my $oix = 0;
     while($tags[$oix]) {
         if($remove{$tags[$oix]}) {
         } else {
             $tagsOk[$nix  ] = $tags[$oix  ];
             $valsOk[$nix++] = $vals[$oix++];
     return ( \@tagsOk, \@valsOk );
 sub metadataArraysMoveValuesToFront {
 # Removes members of hash from metadata Arrays
     my ($tagsRef,$valsRef,$fieldsRef) = @_;
     my @tags = @{$tagsRef};
     my @vals = @{$valsRef};
     my @fields = @{$fieldsRef};
     my %fldsHash;
     my @labels;
     my @values;
     my $ix=0;
     while($fields[$ix]) {
         my $tix=0;
         while($tags[$tix]) {
             if($tags[$tix] eq $fields[$ix]) {
                 push( @labels, $tags[$tix]);
                 push( @values, $vals[$tix]);
         $fldsHash{$fields[$ix++]} = $ix;
     ( $tagsRef, $valsRef ) = metadataArraysRemoveHash( \@tags,\@vals,\%fldsHash );
     @tags = @{$tagsRef};
     @vals = @{$valsRef};
     return ( \@labels, \@values );
 sub sortablesSet {
 # Joins metadata tags and vals arrays into single array of tag=val
     my ($sortablesRef,$fieldsRef,$tag,$val) = @_;
     my @sortables  = @{$sortablesRef};
     my @sortFields = @{$fieldsRef};
     my $six = 0; # keep order
     while($sortFields[$six]) {
         if($tag eq $sortFields[$six]) {
             if($val && $val ne "") {
                 $sortables[$six] = $val;
             } else {
                 $sortables[$six] = "~";  # must maintain field order during split on " "
     return @sortables;
 sub sortablesSetFromMetadataArrays {
 # Joins metadata tags and vals arrays into single array of tag=val
     my ($sortablesRef,$fieldsRef,$tagsRef,$valsRef) = @_;
     my @sortables  = @{$sortablesRef};
     #my @sortFields = @{$fieldsRef};
     my @tags = @{$tagsRef};
     my @vals = @{$valsRef};
     my $tix = 0;
     while($tags[$tix]) {
         @sortables = sortablesSet( \@sortables,$fieldsRef,$tags[$tix],$vals[$tix]);
     return @sortables;
 sub metadataArraysJoin {
 # Joins metadata tags and vals arrays into single array of tag=val
     my ($tagsRef,$valsRef) = @_;
     my @tags = @{$tagsRef};
     my @vals = @{$valsRef};
     my @meta;
     my $tix = 0;
     while($tags[$tix]) {
         $meta[$tix] = join("=",($tags[$tix],$vals[$tix]));
     return @meta;
 # Main
 # Get ls -hog of directory ( working dir or -dir )
   #ls -hog --time-style=long-iso *.gz
   #-rw-rw-r--  1 101M 2008-10-27 14:34 wgEncodeYaleChIPseqSignalK562Pol2.wig.gz
 my $now = time();
 my $ok = GetOptions("fileType=s",
 usage() if (!$ok);
 $opt_verbose = 1 if (!defined $opt_verbose);
 my $fileMask = "*.gz";
    $fileMask = $opt_fileType if(defined $opt_fileType);
 my $preamble = "preamble.html";
    $preamble = $opt_preamble if(defined $opt_preamble);
 usage() if (scalar(@ARGV) < 1);
 # Get command-line args
 my $indexHtml = $ARGV[0];
 my $downloadsDir = cwd();
 $downloadsDir = $ARGV[1] if (scalar(@ARGV) > 1);
 # Now find some files
 my @fileList = `ls -hogL  --time-style=long-iso $downloadsDir/$fileMask 2> /dev/null`;
 # -rw-rw-r--  1 101M 2008-10-27 14:34 /usr/local/apache/htdocs/goldenPath/hg18/wgEncodeYaleChIPseq/wgEncodeYaleChIPseqSignalK562Pol2.wig.gz
 if(length(@fileList) == 0) {
     die ("ERROR; No files were found in \'$downloadsDir\' that match \'$fileMask\'.\n");
 my @files;      # Stripped down to filenames, for checksumming
 # TODO determine whether we should even look this up
 $opt_db = "hg18" if(!defined $opt_db);
 my $db = HgDb->new(DB => $opt_db);
 open( OUT_FILE, "> $downloadsDir/$indexHtml") || die "SYS ERROR: Can't write to \'$downloadsDir/$indexHtml\' file; error: $!\n";
 open( TEXT_FILE, "> $downloadsDir/$textFile") || die "SYS ERROR: Can't write to \'$downloadsDir/$textFile\' file; error: $!\n";
 #print OUT_FILE @fileList;
 my @readme;
 if(open(README, "$downloadsDir/README.txt")) {
     @readme = <README>;
 # Start the page
 # NOTE: these two arrays should be collapsed, and HTML derived from plain text
 my @rows; #  Gather rows to be printed here
 my @textRows; #  Gather rows to be printed here (plain-text)
 print OUT_FILE "<TABLE cellspacing=0>\n";
 print OUT_FILE "<TR valign='bottom'><TH>RESTRICTED<BR>until<TH align='left'>&nbsp;&nbsp;File<TH align='right'>Size<TH>Submitted<TH align='left'>&nbsp;&nbsp;Details</TR>\n";
 for my $line (@fileList) {
     chomp $line;
     my @file = split(/\s+/, $line);      # White space
 #print OUT_FILE join ' ', @file,"\n";
     my @path = split('/', $file[5]);    # split on /
     my $fileName = $path[$#path]; # Last element
     push @files, $fileName;
     my $tableName = "";
     my $dataType  = "";
     ### Special case for Elnitski BiPs !!!
     my $database = "hg18"; # default
     if ( ($fileName =~ tr/\.//) == 3 ) {  # tableName.db.dataType.gz
         ($tableName,$database,$dataType) = split('\.', $fileName);   # tableName I hope
         if($database ne "panTro2" && $database ne "mm9" && $database ne "canFam2"
         && $database ne "rheMac2" && $database ne "rn4" && $database ne "bosTau4") {
             $database = "hg18"; # default
     } else
     ### Special case for Elnitski BiPs !!!
         ($tableName,$dataType) = split('\.', $fileName);   # tableName I hope
 #print OUT_FILE "Path:$file[5]  File:$fileName  Table:$tableName\n";
     my $releaseDate = "";
     my $submitDate = "";
     my %metaData;
     ### TODO: Developer: set sort order here; sortables must have same number of strings and '~' is lowest val printable
-    my @sortFields = ("cell","dataType","rnaExtract","localization","fragSize","mapAlgorithm","ripAntibody","ripTgtProtein","treatment","antibody","protocol","input","lab","type","view","level","annotation","replicate","subId");
+    my @sortFields = ("cell","dataType","rnaExtract","localization","fragSize","mapAlgorithm","ripAntibody","ripTgtProtein","treatment","antibody","protocol","input","lab","type","view","level","annotation","rank","replicate","subId");
     my @sortables = map( "~", (1..scalar(@sortFields))); # just has to have a tilde for each field
     my $typePrefix = "";
     my $results = $db->quickQuery("select type from $database.trackDb where tableName = '$tableName'");
     if($results) {
         my ($type) = split(/\s+/, $results);    # White space
         $metaData{type} = $type;
     if(!$metaData{type}) {
         $metaData{type} = $dataType;
     $results = $db->quickQuery("select settings from $database.trackDb where tableName = '$tableName'");
     if(!$results) {
         ### TODO: This needs to be replaced with a select from a fileDb table
         if(stat("fileDb.ra")) {
             $results = `grep metadata fileDb.ra | grep '$fileName' | tail -1`;  # Always prefer the last line found
             chomp $results;
             $results =~ s/^ +//;
             $results =~ s/ +$//;
         if(!$results) {
             my $associatedTable = $tableName;
             $associatedTable =~ s/RawData/RawSignal/    if $tableName =~ /RawData/;
             $associatedTable =~ s/Alignments/RawSignal/ if $tableName =~ /Alignments/;
             if($tableName ne $associatedTable) {
                 $results = $db->quickQuery("select settings from trackDb where tableName = '$associatedTable'");
                 if($results) {
                     $metaData{parent} = "RawData&rarr;RawSignal" if $tableName =~ /RawData/;
                     $metaData{parent} = "Alignments&rarr;RawSignal" if $tableName =~ /Alignments/;
         ### TODO: This needs to be replaced with a select from a fileDb table
     if( $results ) {
         my @settings = split(/\n/, $results); # New Line
         while (@settings) {
             my @pair = split(/\s+/, (shift @settings),2);
             if($pair[0] eq "releaseDate" && length($releaseDate) == 0) {       # metadata has priority
                 $releaseDate = $pair[1];
             } elsif($pair[0] eq "dateSubmitted" && length($submitDate) == 0) { # metadata has priority
                 $submitDate = $pair[1];
             } elsif($pair[0] eq "cell" || $pair[0] eq "antibody" || $pair[0] eq "promoter") {
                 $metaData{$pair[0]} = $pair[1];
                 @sortables = sortablesSet( \@sortables,\@sortFields,$pair[0],$pair[1] );
             } elsif($pair[0] eq "metadata") {
                 # Use metadata setting with priority
                 my ( $tagRef, $valRef ) = Encode::metadataLineToArrays($pair[1]);
                 my @tags = @{$tagRef};
                 my @vals = @{$valRef};
                 my $tix = 0;
                 my $input = "";
                 while($tags[$tix]) {
                     if($tags[$tix] eq "dateUnrestricted") {
                         $releaseDate = $vals[$tix];
                     } elsif($tags[$tix] eq "dateSubmitted") {
                         $submitDate = $vals[$tix];
                     } elsif($tags[$tix] eq "antibody" || $tags[$tix] eq "input") {
                         if($input eq "") {
                             $input = $vals[$tix];
                         } elsif($input eq $vals[$tix]) {
                             $input = "removeAntiBodyDup";
                 if($metaData{type}) {
                     unshift @tags, "type"; # push values onto the front
                     unshift @vals, $metaData{type};
                 my %remove; # Don't display these metadata values
                 $remove{project} = $remove{composite} = $remove{fileName} = $remove{dateSubmitted} = $remove{dateUnrestricted} = $remove{parentTable} = 1;
                 $remove{antibody} = 1 if($input eq "removeAntiBodyDup");  # remove antibody if input=antibody
                 ( $tagRef, $valRef ) = metadataArraysRemoveHash( \@tags,\@vals,\%remove );
                 ( $tagRef, $valRef ) = metadataArraysMoveValuesToFront($tagRef, $valRef,\@sortFields);
                 @tags = @{$tagRef};
                 @vals = @{$valRef};
                 @sortables = sortablesSetFromMetadataArrays( \@sortables,\@sortFields,\@tags,\@vals );
                 my @metas = metadataArraysJoin( \@tags,\@vals );
                 $metaData{metadata} = join("; ", @metas);
     } else { ### Obsoleted by metadata setting
         if($dataType eq "fastq" || $dataType eq "tagAlign" || $dataType eq "csfasta" || $dataType eq "csqual") {
             $metaData{type} = $dataType;
         ### Obsoleted by metadata setting
         ### # pull metadata out of README.txt (if any is available).
         ### my $active = 0;
         ### for my $line (@readme) {
         ###     chomp $line;
         ###     if($line =~ /file: $fileName/) {
         ###         $active = 1;
         ###     } elsif($active) {
         ###         if($line =~ /(.*):(.*)/) {
         ###             my ($name, $var) = ($1, $2);
         ###             $metaData{$name} = $var if($name !~ /restricted/i);
         ###         } else {
         ###             last;
         ###         }
         ###     }
         ### }
     if(length($submitDate) == 0) {
         $submitDate = $file[3];
     if(length($releaseDate) == 0) {
         my ($YYYY,$MM,$DD) = split('-',$submitDate);
         $MM = $MM - 1;
         my (undef, undef, undef, $rMDay, $rMon, $rYear) = Encode::restrictionDate(timelocal(0,0,0,$DD,$MM,$YYYY));
         $rMon = $rMon + 1;
         $releaseDate = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", (1900 + $rYear),$rMon,$rMDay);
     my @tmp;
     if($metaData{metadata}) {
         if($metaData{parent}) {
             push(@tmp, $metaData{parent});
             delete $metaData{parent};
         push(@tmp, $metaData{metadata});
     } else {
         if(my $type = $metaData{type}) {
             push(@tmp, "type=$type");
             delete $metaData{type};
         if(my $cell = $metaData{cell}) {
             push(@tmp, "cell=$cell");
             delete $metaData{cell};
         if($metaData{parent}) {
             push(@tmp, $metaData{parent});
             delete $metaData{parent};
         push(@tmp, "$_=" . $metaData{$_}) for (sort keys %metaData);
     my $details = join("; ", @tmp);
     # If releaseDate is in the past then don't bother showing it.
 # QA wants dates all the time
 #    if(length($releaseDate) > 0) {
 #        my ($YYYY,$MM,$DD) = split('-',$releaseDate);
 #        my $then = timegm(0,0,0,$DD,$MM-1,$YYYY);
 #        my $now = time();
 #        my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($now);
 #        if($then -$now < 0) {
 #            $releaseDate = "";
 #        }
 #    }
     push @rows, sortableHtmlRow(\@sortables,$fileName,$file[2],$submitDate,$releaseDate,$details);
     printf TEXT_FILE "%s\tsize=%s; dateSubmitted=%s; %s\n", $fileName, $file[2], $submitDate, $details;
 print OUT_FILE "</TABLE>\n";
+my $conclusion = "<i>" . scalar(@rows) . " files</i>\n";
 close TEXT_FILE;
 # create file of checksums
 if (defined $opt_checksum) {
     open STDOUT, ">$checksumFile" or die "Cannot open $checksumFile file";
     foreach my $file (@files) {
         system("md5sum", $file);
     close STDOUT;
 chdir $downloadsDir;
 chmod 0664, $indexHtml;
 chmod 0664, $checksumFile;
 chmod 0664, $textFile;
 exit 0;