src/hg/utils/tdbQuery/tdbQuery.c 1.29
1.29 2010/02/06 21:43:03 kent
Changing 'subTrack' to 'parent' internally. A backwards compatability routine will make it so either tag can be used in a trackDb file.
Index: src/hg/utils/tdbQuery/tdbQuery.c
RCS file: /projects/compbio/cvsroot/kent/src/hg/utils/tdbQuery/tdbQuery.c,v
retrieving revision 1.28
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -b -B -U 1000000 -r1.28 -r1.29
--- src/hg/utils/tdbQuery/tdbQuery.c 5 Feb 2010 01:12:39 -0000 1.28
+++ src/hg/utils/tdbQuery/tdbQuery.c 6 Feb 2010 21:43:03 -0000 1.29
@@ -1,1249 +1,1249 @@
/* tdbQuery - Query the trackDb system using SQL syntax.. */
#include "common.h"
#include "linefile.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "localmem.h"
#include "dystring.h"
#include "obscure.h"
#include "portable.h"
#include "errabort.h"
#include "trackDb.h"
#include "tdbRecord.h"
#include "ra.h"
#include "hdb.h" /* Just for strict option. */
#include "rql.h"
static char const rcsid[] = "$Id$";
static char *clRoot = "~/kent/src/hg/makeDb/trackDb"; /* Root dir of trackDb system. */
static boolean clCheck = FALSE; /* If set perform lots of checks on input. */
static boolean clStrict = FALSE; /* If set only return tracks with actual tables. */
static boolean clAlpha = FALSE; /* If set include release alphas, exclude release beta. */
static boolean clNoBlank = FALSE; /* If set suppress blank lines in output. */
static char *clRewrite = NULL; /* Rewrite to given directory. */
static boolean clNoCompSub = FALSE; /* If set don't do subtrack inheritence of fields. */
boolean uglyOne;
void usage()
/* Explain usage and exit. */
"tdbQuery - Query the trackDb system using SQL syntax.\n"
" tdbQuery sqlStatement\n"
"Where the SQL statement is enclosed in quotations to avoid the shell interpreting it.\n"
"Only a very restricted subset of a single SQL statement (select) is supported. Examples:\n"
" tdbQuery \"select count(*) from hg18\"\n"
"counts all of the tracks in hg18 and prints the results to stdout\n"
" tdbQuery \"select count(*) from *\"\n"
"counts all tracks in all databases.\n"
" tdbQuery \"select track,shortLabel from hg18 where type like 'bigWig%%'\"\n"
"prints to stdout a a two field .ra file containing just the track and shortLabels of bigWig \n"
"type tracks in the hg18 version of trackDb.\n"
" tdbQuery \"select * from hg18 where track='knownGene' or track='ensGene'\"\n"
"prints the hg18 knownGene and ensGene track's information to stdout.\n"
" tdbQuery \"select *Label from mm9\"\n"
"prints all fields that end in 'Label' from the mm9 trackDb.\n"
" -root=/path/to/trackDb/root/dir\n"
"Sets the root directory of the trackDb.ra directory hierarchy to be given path. By default\n"
"this is ~/kent/src/hg/makeDb/trackDb.\n"
" -check\n"
"Check that trackDb is internally consistent. Prints diagnostic output to stderr and aborts if \n"
"there's problems.\n"
" -strict\n"
"Mimic -strict option on hgTrackDb. Suppresses tracks where corresponding table does not exist.\n"
" -alpha Do checking on release alpha (and not release beta) tracks\n"
" -noBlank Don't print out blank lines separating records"
" -noCompSub Subtracks don't inherit fields from parents\n"
static struct optionSpec options[] = {
{"root", OPTION_STRING},
{"check", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{"strict", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{"alpha", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{"noBlank", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{"rewrite", OPTION_STRING},
{"noCompSub", OPTION_BOOLEAN},
{NULL, 0},
#define glKeyField "track" /* The field that has the record ID */
struct hash *glTagTypes = NULL; /* Hash of tagTypes file keyed by tag. */
char glTagTypeFile[PATH_LEN]; /* File name of including dir. */
void recordLocationReport(struct tdbRecord *rec, FILE *out)
/* Write out where record ends. */
struct tdbFilePos *pos;
for (pos = rec->posList; pos != NULL; pos = pos->next)
fprintf(out, "in track %s stanza starting line %d of %s\n", rec->key, pos->startLineIx, pos->fileName);
void recordWarn(struct tdbRecord *rec, char *format, ...)
/* Issue a warning message. */
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
vaWarn(format, args);
recordLocationReport(rec, stderr);
void recordAbort(struct tdbRecord *rec, char *format, ...)
/* Issue a warning message. */
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
vaWarn(format, args);
recordLocationReport(rec, stderr);
struct hash *readTagTypeHash(char *fileName)
/* Set up tagTypeHash and other stuff needed for checking. */
struct hash *hash = hashNew(0);
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
char *line;
while (lineFileNextReal(lf, &line))
struct slName *typeList = NULL;
char *tag = nextWord(&line);
char *word;
while ((word = nextWord(&line)) != NULL)
slNameAddHead(&typeList, word);
hashAdd(hash, tag, typeList);
return hash;
static boolean matchAnyWild(struct slName *wildList, char *s)
/* Return TRUE if s matches any wildcard in list. */
struct slName *wild;
for (wild = wildList; wild != NULL; wild = wild->next)
if (wildMatch(wild->name, s))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static void doRqlChecks(struct rqlStatement *rql)
/* Do additional checks on rql statement. */
/* Do checks that tags are all legitimate and with correct types. */
struct slName *field;
for (field = rql->fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
if (!anyWild(field->name))
if (!hashLookup(glTagTypes, field->name))
errAbort("Field %s in query doesn't exist in %s.", field->name, glTagTypeFile);
struct slName *var;
for (var = rql->whereVarList; var != NULL; var = var->next)
if (!hashLookup(glTagTypes, var->name))
"Tag %s doesn't exist. Maybe you mispelled a variable or forgot to put quotes around\n"
"a word? Maybe %s is hosed?.",
var->name, glTagTypeFile);
struct dbPath
/* A database directory and path. */
struct dbPath *next;
char *db;
char *dir;
static struct dbPath *getDbPathList(char *root)
/* Get list of all "database" directories with any trackDb.ra files two under us. */
struct dbPath *pathList = NULL, *path;
struct fileInfo *org, *orgList = listDirX(root, "*", TRUE);
/* If in strict mode avoid looking up databases that aren't in mysql. */
struct hash *dbStrictHash = NULL;
if (clStrict)
struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect("mysql");
struct slName *db, *dbList = sqlGetAllDatabase(conn);
dbStrictHash = hashNew(0);
for (db = dbList; db != NULL; db = db->next)
hashAdd(dbStrictHash, db->name, NULL);
for (org = orgList; org != NULL; org = org->next)
if (org->isDir)
struct fileInfo *db, *dbList = listDirX(org->name, "*", TRUE);
for (db = dbList; db != NULL; db = db->next)
if (db->isDir)
char trackDbPath[PATH_LEN];
safef(trackDbPath, sizeof(trackDbPath), "%s/trackDb.ra", db->name);
if (fileExists(trackDbPath))
char *s = strrchr(db->name, '/');
assert(s != NULL);
char *fileOnly = s+1;
if (dbStrictHash == NULL || hashLookup(dbStrictHash, fileOnly) != NULL)
path->db = cloneString(fileOnly);
path->dir = cloneString(db->name);
slAddHead(&pathList, path);
return pathList;
static struct slName *dbPathToFiles(struct dbPath *p)
/* Convert dbPath to a list of files. */
struct slName *pathList = NULL;
char *dbDir = p->dir;
char *relPaths = "../../trackDb.ra ../trackDb.ra trackDb.ra";
char *buf = cloneString(relPaths);
char *line = buf, *word;
while ((word = nextWord(&line)) != NULL)
char relDir[PATH_LEN], relFile[PATH_LEN], relSuffix[PATH_LEN];
splitPath(word, relDir, relFile, relSuffix);
char dir[PATH_LEN];
safef(dir, sizeof(dir), "%s/%s", dbDir, relDir);
char *path = simplifyPathToDir(dir);
char pattern[PATH_LEN];
safef(pattern, sizeof(pattern), "%s%s", relFile, relSuffix);
struct fileInfo *fi, *fiList = listDirX(path, pattern, TRUE);
for (fi = fiList; fi != NULL; fi = fi->next)
slNameAddHead(&pathList, fi->name);
return pathList;
struct dbPath *dbPathFind(struct dbPath *list, char *db)
/* Return element on list corresponding to db, or NULL if it doesn't exist. */
struct dbPath *p;
for (p=list; p != NULL; p = p->next)
if (sameString(p->db, db))
return p;
boolean recordMatchesRelease(struct tdbRecord *record, boolean alpha)
/* Return TRUE if record is compatible with release. Pass alpha TRUE for
* alpha release, else will do beta release. Records with no release
* tag are compatible with either release. */
struct tdbField *releaseField = tdbRecordField(record, "release");
if (releaseField == NULL)
return TRUE;
char *release = releaseField->val;
if (sameString(release, "alpha"))
return alpha;
else if (sameString(release, "beta"))
return !alpha;
recordAbort(record, "Unrecognized release value %s", release);
return FALSE;
struct tdbRecord *filterOnRelease(struct tdbRecord *list, boolean alpha)
/* Return release-filtered version of list. */
struct tdbRecord *newList = NULL;
struct tdbRecord *record, *next;
for (record = list; record != NULL; record = next)
next = record->next;
if (recordMatchesRelease(record, alpha))
slAddHead(&newList, record);
return newList;
static void checkDupeFields(struct tdbRecord *record, struct lineFile *lf)
/* Make sure that each field in record is unique. */
struct hash *uniqHash = hashNew(0);
struct tdbField *field;
for (field = record->fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
if (hashLookup(uniqHash, field->name))
errAbort("Duplicate tag %s in record starting line %d of %s", field->name,
tdbRecordLineIx(record), lf->fileName);
hashAdd(uniqHash, field->name, NULL);
static struct tdbField *findFieldInSelfOrParents(struct tdbRecord *record, char *fieldName)
/* Find field if it exists in self or ancestors. */
struct tdbRecord *p;
for (p = record; p != NULL; p = p->parent)
struct tdbField *field = tdbRecordField(p, fieldName);
if (field != NULL)
return field;
return NULL;
static char *findFieldValInSelfOrParents(struct tdbRecord *record, char *fieldName)
/* Find value of given field if it exists in self or ancestors. Return NULL if
* field does not exist. */
struct tdbField *field = findFieldInSelfOrParents(record, fieldName);
return (field != NULL ? field->val : NULL);
static void checkDupeKeys(struct tdbRecord *recordList, boolean checkRelease)
/* Make sure that there are no duplicate records (with keys) */
struct tdbRecord *record;
struct hash *uniqHash = hashNew(0);
for (record = recordList; record != NULL; record = record->next)
char *key = record->key;
if (key != NULL)
struct hashEl *hel;
for (hel = hashLookup(uniqHash, key); hel != NULL; hel = hashLookupNext(hel))
struct tdbRecord *oldRecord = hel->val;
struct tdbFilePos *oldPos = oldRecord->posList;
struct tdbFilePos *newPos = record->posList;
boolean doAbort = TRUE;
if (checkRelease)
doAbort = FALSE;
char *oldRelease = findFieldValInSelfOrParents(oldRecord, "release");
char *newRelease = findFieldValInSelfOrParents(record, "release");
if (oldRelease == NULL || newRelease == NULL)
doAbort = TRUE;
if (sameString(oldRelease, newRelease))
doAbort = TRUE;
if (doAbort)
char *oldRelease = NULL;
struct tdbField *oldField = tdbRecordField(oldRecord, "release");
if (oldField) oldRelease = oldField->val;
char *newRelease = NULL;
struct tdbField *newField = tdbRecordField(record, "release");
if (newField) newRelease = newField->val;
if (newRelease == NULL && oldRelease != NULL)
errAbort("Have release tag for track %s at line %d of %s, but not "
"at line %d of %s",
key, oldPos->startLineIx, oldPos->fileName,
newPos->startLineIx, newPos->fileName);
else if (oldRelease == NULL && newRelease != NULL)
errAbort("Have release tag for track %s at line %d of %s, but not "
"at line %d of %s",
key, newPos->startLineIx, newPos->fileName,
oldPos->startLineIx, oldPos->fileName);
if (sameString(oldPos->fileName, newPos->fileName))
errAbort("Duplicate tracks %s starting lines %d and %d of %s",
key, oldPos->startLineIx, newPos->startLineIx, oldPos->fileName);
errAbort("Duplicate tracks %s starting lines %d of %s and %d of %s",
key, oldPos->startLineIx, oldPos->fileName,
newPos->startLineIx, newPos->fileName);
hashAdd(uniqHash, key, record);
static void recurseThroughIncludes(char *fileName, struct lm *lm,
struct hash *circularHash, struct tdbRecord **pRecordList)
/* Recurse through include files. */
struct tdbRecord *record;
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(fileName, TRUE);
while ((record = tdbRecordReadOne(lf, glKeyField, lm)) != NULL)
struct tdbField *firstField = record->fieldList;
if (sameString(firstField->name, "include"))
struct tdbField *field;
for (field = firstField; field != NULL; field = field->next)
if (!sameString(field->name, "include"))
errAbort("Non-include tag %s in an include stanza starting line %d of %s",
field->name, tdbRecordLineIx(record), lf->fileName);
char *relPath = field->val;
char dir[PATH_LEN];
splitPath(lf->fileName, dir, NULL, NULL);
char includeName[PATH_LEN];
safef(includeName, sizeof(includeName), "%s%s", dir, relPath);
if (hashLookup(circularHash, includeName))
errAbort("Including file %s in an infinite loop line %d of %s",
includeName, tdbRecordLineIx(record), lf->fileName);
recurseThroughIncludes(includeName, lm, circularHash, pRecordList);
checkDupeFields(record, lf);
if (record->key != NULL)
slAddHead(pRecordList, record);
struct tdbRecord *readStartingFromFile(char *fileName, struct lm *lm)
/* Read in records from file and any files included from it. */
struct tdbRecord *recordList = NULL;
struct hash *circularHash = hashNew(0);
recurseThroughIncludes(fileName, lm, circularHash, &recordList);
hashAdd(circularHash, fileName, NULL);
return recordList;
static void mergeRecords(struct tdbRecord *old, struct tdbRecord *record, char *key, struct lm *lm)
/* Merge record into old, updating any old fields with new record values. */
struct tdbField *field;
for (field = record->fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
if (!sameString(field->name, key))
struct tdbField *oldField = tdbRecordField(old, field->name);
if (oldField != NULL)
oldField->val = field->val;
lmAllocVar(lm, oldField);
oldField->name = field->name;
oldField->val = field->val;
slAddTail(&old->fieldList, oldField);
old->posList = slCat(old->posList, record->posList);
static void overrideFieldFromFile(struct tdbRecord *recordList,
char *raFile, char *fieldName, struct lm *lm)
/* Look for raFile in assembly and organism directories in that order. Use the first
* file that you find to override the given field inside of recordList. */
/* Build up hash of recordList. */
struct hash *hash = hashNew(0);
struct tdbRecord *record;
for (record = recordList; record != NULL; record = record->next)
hashAdd(hash, record->key, record);
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(raFile, TRUE);
while ((record = tdbRecordReadOne(lf, glKeyField, lm)) != NULL)
struct tdbRecord *oldRecord = hashFindVal(hash, record->key);
if (oldRecord == NULL)
if (slCount(record->fieldList) != 2)
errAbort("Expecting just two fields, track and %s, got %d in record starting line %d of %s",
fieldName, slCount(record->fieldList), tdbRecordLineIx(record), lf->fileName);
struct tdbField *field = tdbRecordField(record, fieldName);
if (field == NULL)
errAbort("Missing %s tag in record starting line %d of %s", fieldName,
tdbRecordLineIx(record), lf->fileName);
mergeRecords(oldRecord, record, glKeyField, lm);
static void overrideFieldFromFileOnPath(struct tdbRecord *recordList, struct dbPath *p,
char *raFile, char *field, struct lm *lm)
/* Look for raFile in assembly and organism directories in that order. Use the first
* file that you find to override the given field inside of recordList. */
/* Find raFile. */
char path[PATH_LEN];
safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", p->dir, raFile);
if (!fileExists(path))
char orgDir[PATH_LEN];
splitPath(p->dir, orgDir, NULL, NULL);
safef(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", orgDir, raFile);
if (!fileExists(path))
return; /* Nothing to do. */
overrideFieldFromFile(recordList, path, field, lm);
static void overridePrioritiesAndVisibilities(struct tdbRecord *recordList, struct dbPath *p,
struct lm *lm)
/* Look for visibility.ra and priority.ra files and layer them onto recordList. */
overrideFieldFromFileOnPath(recordList, p, "visibility.ra", "visibility", lm);
overrideFieldFromFileOnPath(recordList, p, "priority.ra", "priority", lm);
static int parentChildFileDistance(struct tdbRecord *parent, struct tdbRecord *child)
/* Return distance of two records. If they're in different files the
* distance gets pretty big. Would be flaky on records split across
* different files, hence the ad-hoc in the name. Not worth implementing
* something that handles this though with the hope that the parent/child
* relationship will become indentation rather than ID based. */
struct tdbFilePos *parentFp = parent->posList, *childFp = child->posList;
if (!sameString(parentFp->fileName, childFp->fileName))
return BIGNUM/2;
int distance = childFp->startLineIx - parentFp->startLineIx;
if (distance < 0)
return BIGNUM/4 - distance;
return distance;
static struct tdbRecord *findParent(struct tdbRecord *rec,
char *parentFieldName, struct hash *hash, boolean alpha)
/* Find parent record if possible. This is a bit complicated by wanting to
* match parents and children from the same release if possible. Our
* strategy is to just ignore records from the wrond release. */
if (clNoCompSub)
return NULL;
struct tdbField *parentField = tdbRecordField(rec, parentFieldName);
if (parentField == NULL)
return NULL;
char *parentLine = parentField->val;
int len = strlen(parentLine);
char buf[len+1];
strcpy(buf, parentLine);
char *parentName = firstWordInLine(buf);
struct hashEl *hel;
boolean gotParentSomeRelease = FALSE;
struct tdbRecord *closestParent = NULL;
int closestDistance = BIGNUM;
for (hel = hashLookup(hash, parentName); hel != NULL; hel = hashLookupNext(hel))
gotParentSomeRelease = TRUE;
struct tdbRecord *parent = hel->val;
int distance = parentChildFileDistance(parent, rec);
if (distance < closestDistance)
closestParent = parent;
closestDistance = distance;
if (closestParent != NULL)
return closestParent;
/* If we haven't matched so far, it could be that the release tag is set in the parent
* but not in us, and the parent is not our release parent. In this case we go ahead
* and return the out-of-release parent, so we can inherit the out-of-release release
* tag, so we get filtered out! */
struct tdbField *releaseField = tdbRecordField(rec, "release");
if (gotParentSomeRelease && releaseField == NULL)
struct tdbRecord *parent = hashFindVal(hash, parentName);
assert(parent != NULL);
return parent;
recordWarn(rec, "parent %s of %s doesn't exist", parentName, rec->key);
return NULL;
static void linkUpParents(struct tdbRecord *list, char *parentField, boolean alpha)
/* Link up records according to parent/child relationships. */
/* Zero out children, parent, and older sibling fields, since going to recalculate
* them and need lists to start out empty. */
struct tdbRecord *rec;
for (rec = list; rec != NULL; rec = rec->next)
rec->parent = rec->olderSibling = rec->children = NULL;
/* Build up hash of records indexed by key field. */
struct hash *hash = hashNew(0);
for (rec = list; rec != NULL; rec = rec->next)
if (rec->key != NULL)
hashAdd(hash, rec->key, rec);
/* Scan through linking up parents. */
for (rec = list; rec != NULL; rec = rec->next)
struct tdbRecord *parent = findParent(rec, parentField, hash, alpha);
if (parent != NULL)
rec->parent = parent;
rec->olderSibling = parent->children;
parent->children = rec;
struct tdbRecord *tdbsForDbPath(struct dbPath *p, struct lm *lm,
char *parentField, boolean alpha)
/* Assemble recordList for given database. This looks at the root/organism/assembly
* levels. It returns a list of records. */
struct hash *recordHash = hashNew(0);
struct slName *fileLevelList = dbPathToFiles(p), *fileLevel;
struct tdbRecord *recordList = NULL;
for (fileLevel = fileLevelList; fileLevel != NULL; fileLevel = fileLevel->next)
char *fileName = fileLevel->name;
struct tdbRecord *fileRecords = readStartingFromFile(fileName, lm);
verbose(2, "Read %d records starting from %s\n", slCount(fileRecords), fileName);
linkUpParents(fileRecords, parentField, alpha);
checkDupeKeys(fileRecords, TRUE);
struct tdbRecord *record, *nextRecord;
for (record = fileRecords; record != NULL; record = nextRecord)
nextRecord = record->next;
char *key = record->key;
struct tdbRecord *oldRecord = hashFindVal(recordHash, key);
if (oldRecord != NULL)
if (!record->override)
oldRecord->fieldList = record->fieldList;
oldRecord->posList = record->posList;
mergeRecords(oldRecord, record, glKeyField, lm);
hashAdd(recordHash, record->key, record);
slAddHead(&recordList, record);
return recordList;
static void mergeParentRecord(struct tdbRecord *record, struct tdbRecord *parent,
struct lm *lm)
/* Merge in parent record. This only updates fields that are in parent but not record. */
struct tdbField *parentField;
for (parentField= parent->fieldList; parentField!= NULL; parentField= parentField->next)
struct tdbField *oldField = tdbRecordField(record, parentField->name);
if (oldField == NULL)
struct tdbField *newField;
lmAllocVar(lm, newField);
newField->name = parentField->name;
newField->val = parentField->val;
slAddTail(&record->fieldList, newField);
static void inheritFromParents(struct tdbRecord *list, char *parentField, char *noInheritField,
boolean alpha, struct lm *lm)
/* Go through list. If an element has a parent field, then fill in non-existent fields from
* parent. */
linkUpParents(list, parentField, alpha);
/* Scan through doing inheritance. */
struct tdbRecord *rec;
for (rec = list; rec != NULL; rec = rec->next)
struct tdbRecord *parent;
for (parent = rec->parent; parent != NULL; parent = parent->parent)
if (!clNoCompSub)
mergeParentRecord(rec, parent, lm);
static char *lookupField(void *record, char *key)
/* Lookup a field in a tdbRecord. */
struct tdbRecord *tdb = record;
struct tdbField *field = tdbRecordField(tdb, key);
if (field == NULL)
return NULL;
return field->val;
static boolean rqlStatementMatch(struct rqlStatement *rql, struct tdbRecord *tdb,
struct lm *lm)
/* Return TRUE if where clause and tableList in statement evaluates true for tdb. */
struct rqlParse *whereClause = rql->whereClause;
if (whereClause == NULL)
return TRUE;
struct rqlEval res = rqlEvalOnRecord(whereClause, tdb, lookupField, lm);
res = rqlEvalCoerceToBoolean(res);
return res.val.b;
static void rqlStatementOutput(struct rqlStatement *rql, struct tdbRecord *tdb,
char *addFileField, FILE *out)
/* Output fields from tdb to file. If addFileField is non-null add a new
* field with this name at end of output. */
struct slName *fieldList = rql->fieldList, *field;
for (field = fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
struct tdbField *r;
boolean doWild = anyWild(field->name);
for (r = tdb->fieldList; r != NULL; r = r->next)
boolean match;
if (doWild)
match = wildMatch(field->name, r->name);
match = (strcmp(field->name, r->name) == 0);
if (match)
fprintf(out, "%s %s\n", r->name, r->val);
if (!clNoBlank)
fprintf(out, "\n");
static boolean tableExistsInSelfOrOffspring(char *db, struct tdbRecord *record,
int level, struct slRef *parent)
/* Return TRUE if table corresponding to track exists in database db. If a parent
* track look for tables in kids too. */
if ( hTableOrSplitExists(db, record->key))
return TRUE;
struct tdbRecord *child;
if (level > 5)
struct slRef *ancestor;
struct dyString *err = dyStringNew(0);
dyStringPrintf(err, "Heirarchy too deep from %s", record->key);
for (ancestor=parent; ancestor != NULL; ancestor = ancestor->next)
struct tdbRecord *a = ancestor->val;
dyStringPrintf(err, " to %s", a->key);
recordAbort(record, "%s", err->string);
struct slRef me; = parent;
me.val = record;
for (child = record->children; child != NULL; child = child->olderSibling)
if (tableExistsInSelfOrOffspring(db, child, level+1, &me))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
static int countAncestors(struct tdbRecord *r)
/* Return 0 if has no parent, 1 if has a parent, 2 if it has a grandparent, etc. */
int count = 0;
struct tdbRecord *p;
for (p = r->parent; p != NULL; p = p->parent)
count += 1;
return count;
static struct tdbRecord *closestTdbAboveLevel(struct tdbRecord *tdbList,
struct tdbFilePos *childPos, int parentDepth)
/* Find parent at given depth that comes closest to (but before) childPos. */
struct tdbRecord *parent, *closestParent = NULL;
int closestDistance = BIGNUM;
for (parent = tdbList; parent != NULL; parent = parent->next)
if (countAncestors(parent) <= parentDepth)
struct tdbFilePos *pos;
for (pos = parent->posList; pos != NULL; pos = pos->next)
if (sameString(pos->fileName, childPos->fileName))
int distance = childPos->startLineIx - pos->startLineIx;
if (distance > 0)
if (distance < closestDistance)
closestDistance = distance;
closestParent = parent;
return closestParent;
static void checkChildUnderNearestParent(struct tdbRecord *recordList, struct tdbRecord *child)
/* Make sure that parent record occurs before child, and that indeed it is the
* closest parent before the child. */
struct tdbRecord *parent = child->parent;
int parentDepth = countAncestors(parent);
/* We do the check for each file the child is in */
struct tdbFilePos *childFp, *parentFp;
for (childFp = child->posList; childFp != NULL; childFp = childFp->next)
/* Find parentFp that is in this file if any. */
for (parentFp = parent->posList; parentFp != NULL; parentFp = parentFp->next)
if (sameString(parentFp->fileName, childFp->fileName))
if (parentFp->startLineIx > childFp->startLineIx)
errAbort("Child before parent in %s\n"
"Child (%s) at line %d, parent (%s) at line %d",
childFp->fileName, child->key, childFp->startLineIx,
parent->key, parentFp->startLineIx);
struct tdbRecord *closestParent = closestTdbAboveLevel(recordList, childFp,
assert(closestParent != NULL);
if (closestParent != parent)
errAbort("%s comes between parent (%s) and child (%s) in %s\n"
"Parent at line %d, child at line %d.",
closestParent->key, parent->key, child->key, childFp->fileName,
parentFp->startLineIx, childFp->startLineIx);
static void doRecordChecks(struct tdbRecord *recordList, struct lm *lm)
/* Do additional checks on records. */
/* Check fields against tagType.tag. */
struct tdbRecord *record;
for (record = recordList; record != NULL; record = record->next)
struct tdbField *typeField = tdbRecordField(record, "type");
char *fullType = (typeField != NULL ? typeField->val : record->key);
char *type = lmCloneFirstWord(lm, fullType);
struct tdbField *field;
for (field = record->fieldList; field != NULL; field = field->next)
struct slName *typeList = hashFindVal(glTagTypes, field->name);
if (typeList == NULL)
"Tag '%s' not found in %s.\nIf it's not a typo please add %s to that file. "
"The tag is",
field->name, glTagTypeFile, field->name);
if (!matchAnyWild(typeList, type))
"Tag '%s' not allowed for tracks of type '%s'. Please add it to supported types\n"
"in %s if this is not a mistake. The tag is",
field->name, type, glTagTypeFile);
/* Additional child/parent checks. */
for (record = recordList; record != NULL; record = record->next)
if (record->parent != NULL)
checkChildUnderNearestParent(recordList, record);
void tdbQuery(char *sql)
/* tdbQuery - Query the trackDb system using SQL syntax.. */
/* Load in hash of legitimate tags. */
safef(glTagTypeFile, sizeof(glTagTypeFile), "%s/%s", clRoot, "");
glTagTypes = readTagTypeHash(glTagTypeFile);
/* Parse out sql statement. */
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOnString("query", TRUE, cloneString(sql));
struct rqlStatement *rql = rqlStatementParse(lf);
/* Figure out list of databases to work on. */
struct slRef *dbOrderList = NULL, *dbOrder;
struct dbPath *db, *dbList = getDbPathList(clRoot);
struct slName *t;
for (t = rql->tableList; t != NULL; t = t->next)
for (db = dbList; db!= NULL; db = db->next)
if (wildMatch(t->name, db->db))
refAdd(&dbOrderList, db);
verbose(2, "%d databases in from clause\n", slCount(dbOrderList));
/* Loop through each database. */
int matchCount = 0;
struct dyString *fileString = dyStringNew(0); /* Buffer for file field. */
for (dbOrder = dbOrderList; dbOrder != NULL; dbOrder = dbOrder->next)
struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
struct dbPath *p = dbOrder->val;
char *db = p->db;
- struct tdbRecord *recordList = tdbsForDbPath(p, lm, "subTrack", clAlpha);
+ struct tdbRecord *recordList = tdbsForDbPath(p, lm, "parent", clAlpha);
verbose(2, "Composed %d records from %s\n", slCount(recordList), db);
- inheritFromParents(recordList, "subTrack", "noInherit", clAlpha, lm);
+ inheritFromParents(recordList, "parent", "noInherit", clAlpha, lm);
recordList = filterOnRelease(recordList, clAlpha);
verbose(2, "After filterOnRelease %d records\n", slCount(recordList));
- linkUpParents(recordList, "subTrack", clAlpha);
+ linkUpParents(recordList, "parent", clAlpha);
checkDupeKeys(recordList, FALSE);
overridePrioritiesAndVisibilities(recordList, p, lm);
if (clCheck)
doRecordChecks(recordList, lm);
struct tdbRecord *record;
boolean doSelect = sameString(rql->command, "select");
for (record = recordList; record != NULL; record = record->next)
/* Add "db" field, making sure it doesn't already exist. */
struct tdbField *dbField = tdbRecordField(record, "db");
if (dbField != NULL)
recordAbort(record, "using reserved field 'db'");
dbField = tdbFieldNew("db", db, lm);
slAddHead(&record->fieldList, dbField);
/* Add "filePos" field, making sure it doesn't already exist. */
struct tdbField *fileField = tdbRecordField(record, "filePos");
if (fileField != NULL)
recordAbort(record, "using reserved field 'filePos'");
struct tdbFilePos *fp;
for (fp = record->posList; fp != NULL; fp = fp->next)
dyStringPrintf(fileString, " %s %d", fp->fileName, fp->startLineIx);
fileField = tdbFieldNew("filePos", fileString->string, lm);
slAddTail(&record->fieldList, fileField);
if (rqlStatementMatch(rql, record, lm))
if (!clStrict || tableExistsInSelfOrOffspring(p->db, record, 1, NULL))
matchCount += 1;
if (doSelect)
rqlStatementOutput(rql, record, "file", stdout);
if (rql->limit >= 0 && matchCount >= rql->limit)
if (sameString(rql->command, "count"))
printf("%d\n", matchCount);
struct slName *hashPair(char *raFile, char *keyField, char *valField, struct hash **retValHash,
struct hash **retCommentHash)
/* Read two fields out of a ra file. For records that have both fields put them into
* a hash with the logical keys and values, which is returned. Return list of keys in order. */
struct slName *list = NULL;
struct hash *hash = hashNew(0), *commentHash = hashNew(0);
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileMayOpen(raFile, TRUE);
struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
if (lf != NULL)
while (raSkipLeadingEmptyLines(lf, dy))
char *theKey = NULL, *theVal = NULL;
char *name, *val;
while (raNextTagVal(lf, &name, &val, NULL))
if (sameString(name, keyField))
theKey = lmCloneString(hash->lm, val);
else if (sameString(name, valField))
theVal = lmCloneString(hash->lm, val);
if (theKey && theVal)
hashAdd(hash, theKey, theVal);
hashAdd(commentHash, theKey, lmCloneString(hash->lm, dy->string));
slNameAddHead(&list, theKey);
*retValHash = hash;
*retCommentHash = commentHash;
return list;
void overrideOrWriteSelf(char *orig, char *name, char *val,
char *tagName, char *keyVal, struct hash *hash, struct lineFile *lf, FILE *f)
/* Write out name/val pair. */
if (keyVal == NULL)
errAbort("%s tag before track tag line %d of %s", tagName, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
char *newVal = hashFindVal(hash, keyVal);
if (newVal != NULL)
int leadingSpaces = skipLeadingSpaces(orig) - orig;
if (orig[0] == '#')
errAbort("Rats, internal comments, can't deal with it.");
mustWrite(f, orig, leadingSpaces);
fprintf(f, "%s %s\n", name, newVal);
hashRemove(hash, keyVal);
fprintf(f, "%s", orig);
void rewriteWithVisAndPriUpdates(char *tIn, char *pIn, char *vIn, char *tOut)
/* Write tIn to tOut applying modifications in pIn and pOut */
struct hash *pHash, *pTextHash;
struct slName *pList = hashPair(pIn, "track", "priority", &pHash, &pTextHash);
struct hash *vHash, *vTextHash;
struct slName *vList = hashPair(vIn, "track", "visibility", &vHash, &vTextHash);
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(tIn, TRUE);
FILE *f = mustOpen(tOut, "w");
struct dyString *dy = dyStringNew(0);
while (raSkipLeadingEmptyLines(lf, dy))
fprintf(f, "%s", dy->string);
char *keyVal = NULL;
char *name, *val;
while (raNextTagVal(lf, &name, &val, dy))
if (sameString(glKeyField, name))
fprintf(f, "%s", dy->string);
keyVal = cloneString(val);
else if (sameString("priority", name))
overrideOrWriteSelf(dy->string, name, val, "priority", keyVal, pHash, lf, f);
else if (sameString("visibility", name))
overrideOrWriteSelf(dy->string, name, val, "visibility", keyVal, vHash, lf, f);
fprintf(f, "%s", dy->string);
fprintf(f, "%s", dy->string);
struct slName *p, *v;
boolean pWroteHead = FALSE;
for (p = pList; p != NULL; p = p->next)
char *key = p->name;
char *pri = hashFindVal(pHash, key);
if (pri != NULL)
if (!pWroteHead)
fprintf(f, "\n#Overrides from priority.ra\n\n");
pWroteHead = TRUE;
char *text = hashFindVal(pTextHash, key);
fprintf(f, "%s", text);
char *vis = hashFindVal(vHash, key);
if (vis != NULL)
char *vText = hashFindVal(vTextHash, key);
fprintf(f, "%s", vText);
fprintf(f, "track %s override\n", key);
fprintf(f, "priority %s\n", pri);
if (vis != NULL)
fprintf(f, "visibility %s\n", vis);
fprintf(f, "\n");
boolean vWroteHead = FALSE;
for (v = vList; v != NULL; v = v->next)
char *key = v->name;
char *vis = hashFindVal(vHash, key);
if (vis != NULL)
char *pri = hashFindVal(pHash, key);
if (pri == NULL) /* Already wrote this above if has both. */
char *text = hashFindVal(vTextHash, key);
if (!vWroteHead)
fprintf(f, "\n#Overrides from visibility.ra\n\n");
vWroteHead = TRUE;
fprintf(f, "%s", text);
fprintf(f, "track %s override\n", key);
fprintf(f, "visibility %s\n", vis);
fprintf(f, "\n");
static void rewriteInsideSubdir(char *outDir, char *inDir, char *subDir,
char *trackFile, char *visFile, char *priFile)
/* Do some sort of rewrite on one subdirectory. */
char tIn[PATH_LEN], vIn[PATH_LEN], pIn[PATH_LEN];
safef(tIn, sizeof(tIn), "%s/%s", inDir, trackFile);
safef(vIn, sizeof(vIn), "%s/%s", inDir, visFile);
safef(pIn, sizeof(pIn), "%s/%s", inDir, priFile);
if (fileExists(tIn))
if (fileExists(pIn) || fileExists(vIn))
char tOut[PATH_LEN];
safef(tOut, sizeof(tOut), "%s/%s", outDir, trackFile);
rewriteWithVisAndPriUpdates(tIn, pIn, vIn, tOut);
void doRewrite(char *outDir, char *inDir, char *trackFile, char *visFile, char *priFile)
/* Do some sort of rewrite on entire system. */
struct fileInfo *org, *orgList = listDirX(inDir, "*", FALSE);
for (org = orgList; org != NULL; org = org->next)
if (org->isDir)
char inOrgDir[PATH_LEN], outOrgDir[PATH_LEN];
safef(inOrgDir, sizeof(inOrgDir), "%s/%s", inDir, org->name);
safef(outOrgDir, sizeof(outOrgDir), "%s/%s", outDir, org->name);
rewriteInsideSubdir(outOrgDir, inOrgDir, org->name, trackFile, visFile, priFile);
struct fileInfo *db, *dbList = listDirX(inOrgDir, "*", FALSE);
for (db = dbList; db != NULL; db = db->next)
if (db->isDir)
char inDbDir[PATH_LEN], outDbDir[PATH_LEN];
safef(inDbDir, sizeof(inDbDir), "%s/%s", inOrgDir, db->name);
safef(outDbDir, sizeof(outDbDir), "%s/%s", outOrgDir, db->name);
rewriteInsideSubdir(outDbDir, inDbDir, db->name, trackFile, visFile, priFile);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
/* Process command line. */
optionInit(&argc, argv, options);
clRoot = simplifyPathToDir(optionVal("root", clRoot));
clCheck = optionExists("check");
clStrict = optionExists("strict");
clAlpha = optionExists("alpha");
clNoBlank = optionExists("noBlank");
clRewrite = optionVal("rewrite", clRewrite);
clNoCompSub = optionExists("noCompSub");
if (clRewrite)
doRewrite(clRewrite, clRoot, "trackDb.ra", "visibility.ra", "priority.ra");
if (argc != 2)
return 0;