src/hg/inc/knetUdc.h 1.1

1.1 2010/02/24 01:10:24 angie
I have added some hooks into knetfile.c in our local copy of samtools, so that knetfile can serve as a wrapper on udc (or any other suitable code). If KNETFILE_HOOKS=1 (in addition to USE_BAM=1) this will bring the benefits of udc to bam tracks.
Index: src/hg/inc/knetUdc.h
RCS file: src/hg/inc/knetUdc.h
diff -N src/hg/inc/knetUdc.h
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ src/hg/inc/knetUdc.h	24 Feb 2010 01:10:24 -0000	1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+/* knetUdc -- install udc i/o functions in knetfile interface in Heng Li's samtools lib. */
+/* As of 2/23/10, the KNETFILE_HOOKS extension is a UCSC-local modification of samtools. */
+#ifndef KNETUDC_H
+#define KNETUDC_H
+void knetUdcInstall();
+/* install udc i/o functions in knetfile interface in Heng Li's samtools lib. */
+#endif//ndef KNETUDC_H